xt7k3j39162t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j39162t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1950-03-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1950 1950 1950-03-10 2013 true xt7k3j39162t section xt7k3j39162t The Kentucky Kernel

Congrats, Cats
On To

New York


Not So Cold
High 39






Vocational Conference
Begins Here Tuesday

Cats Seeded
No. 2 In NIT
Racketeers Draw
Bv Earl L. Conn,
Assistant Sports Editor


17 UK


Sing Entry
Deadline Is


First-Roun- d

Increasing Cloudiness

Kentucky's Wildcats may have
been snubbed by the NCAA selection committee, but they certainly
received a narm reception by the
Wednesday Is the last day groups
National Invitation Tournament.
The Wildcats were seeded second may enter the fourteenth annual
in the NIT tourney which starts to- All Campus Sing.
No changes may be made in ac- morrow with only the Bradley
Braves from Peoria, 111, ranking companists, leaders, or songs alter
above them. The Duauense Iron Wednesday, according to Martha
Dukes were seeded third and St. Shindlebower, Phi Beta president.
Only two or three songs may be
John's was fourth.
Coach Adolph Rupp will lead his chosen by each group because of the
Eight minutes is
Wildcats Into their fifth NIT Tues- - .time limitation.
day night at 9 pm. when they meet allotted each chorus to get on and
Fran- - 0ff stage and to sing the selections.
the winners of the CC
cisco first lound games. A.'l four of
in the last thirteen campus sings.
the seeded teams were riven byes Delta Tau Delta fraternity has won
into the quarterfinal round.
the men s contest eleven times.
First game in the tourney will pit Aipna Xi Delta won the women's
western tt.em.ucny against Kiagara competition last year and Jewell
Saturday at 1 p.m. (all times are Hall won in 1948.
Central standard Time.) ccny win
usuai ,aDaCitv crowds are ex
tangle with San Francisco, last pected in Memorial Hall for the con
year's winners, at 2:45 p.m. Satur- test March 29. 30, and 31, Miss
day night's twin billing will find
Shindlebower said. The sing will
meeting Arizona at 7:15 p.m. be
attended by 50 Omicron Delta
and LIU playing Syracuse at 9 p.m. Kappa delegates who will be on
In the upper bracket quarterfinals campus for a regional ODK conBradley will meet the winner of the
game at 7:15 p.m. vention.
local Judges
with St. John's scheduled to play will be used, and anddifferent set
the winner of the Western-Niagar- a
Judge each night.
game at 9 p.m.
Twelve women's organizations will
Kentucky Plays Tuesday
Play in the lower bracket quarter- compete Wednesday night, March
30, and eight men's groups will sing
finals will be held Tuesday.
the next night. Four choruses from
plays the winner of the
game at 7:15 pm. each division will compete for men's
with Kentucky scheduled against and women's winner and runner-u- p
trophies on Friday, March 31.
Francisco winner at
the CCNY-Sa- n
Sing Is sponsored
9 p.m.
The semifinal round will be held by Phi Beta. Phi Mu Alpha, ODK,
Thursday with the first game set and Mortar Board.
for 7:15 p.m. between the two upper
bracket winners and the second at
9 pjn. between the two lower bracket winners. The final game will be
played at 9 p.m. Saturday with
the two semifinal losers playing for
third place in the first game at
7:15 p.m.
The tournament field in the InNineteen students of the College
vitational tourpey this year is loaded with powerful clubs which repre- of Agriculture and Home Economics
sent the cream of the crop for the who have received 'Sears Roebuck
1949-5- 0
season. Nine of the 12 teams scholarships were honored at a banwere in the top 20 in the final AP quet last night In the Football Room
poll while CCNY, Niagara, and of the SUB by the Sears Foundation.
Syracuse received honorable men- The chief speaker was R. C.
of the Foundation.
Students who have received schol
Six of the teams finished in- the
top 10 for the year. Bradley was arships are Lawrence E. DeMum-bruMarlin W. Crowe, Gordon
rated first: Kentucky third; Du-quesne, sixth; Western Kentucky, Rupard, Kenneth D. Stahl, Warren
K. Dublin, Larry N. DeJarnette.
eighth; St. John's, ninth; and
A. Parker, William B. Wash,
Tony B. Cocanougher,
James P.
Kentucky will be trying for its
second NIT win since the tourna- Fehr, William B. Baumstark. Oeorge
E. Burton, Robert V. Moyers, John
ment was started In 1938. The Cats
won the title in 1946 when they de- E. Allgeier, Charles E. Broaddus,
John C. Robertson, Edgar W.
feated Rhode Island State
That year the Cats stopped Arizona Knight, Claude E. Hensley, and Glen
on H. McCauley.
and West Virginia
All of the students are freshmen
their road to the title.
Of course, everyone remembers with the exception of DeMumbrum
that the Cats also participated In who is a sophomore.
Guests from Sears Roebuck were
the NIT last season in their attempt
to annex both the NIT and NCAA Charles L. Hagan. Robert Howard,
were defeated in a great and O. B. Fowler. All were from
titles, but
upset by Loyola of Chicago in their the local branch of the company.
Faculty members present from the
first game, going on to win the
College of Agriculture and Home
NCAA crown later.
Economics were Drs. Thomas P.
12 Mm W ill Go
Kentucky will be allowed to carry Cooper, L. J. Horlacher, W. B.
Lee H. Townsend,
team into the tourney and
W. D.
plans call for the Wildcats to leave Nicholls, Martin E. Weeks, and
Lexington Sunday. They will stay Profs. L. A. Bradford and D. G
at the Paramount Hotel in New Steele.
York City during the tournament.
Of the teams appearing in the
tourney this year, St. John's has
Students Desiring Jobs
made the most appearances in the
Should Give Info To Y
The Redmen have played in eight
Students who have applied at
previous InvitationaLs while Long
part-tim- e
Island University wil be making its the YMCA forrequested towork or
seventh appearance in this year's
event. Kentucky owns one of the or send in their schedule of
better tournament records with a classes and phone number for
total to date of four invitations for this semester.
(Continued on Page 5;




La-Sal- le




Ag Students
Are Honored!









To Re Represented



t rfWV

By Kathryn Whitmer
The program for the Vocational
Information Conference, which will
begin on campus Tuesday, has been
It will consist of 17
speakers, representing as many University departments, outlining career
opportunities for women in specific
Each speaker will describe the
current Job outlook in his particular
field and give detailed information
on professional training needed by
Job applicants.
The three-da- y
open with a campus-wid- e
at Memorial Hall at 4 o'clock Tuesday. Guest speaker will be Virgil
L. Couch, a University alumnus now
serving as personnel director for the
Juuiiuiuii; VUupri clLluil nuiuuuiibia-- I
Freshman Attendance Required
All freshmen and sophomore women are required to attend the convocation in Memorial Hall, Dean
Sarah B. Holmes said. Only 4 o'clock
classes will be considered an auto- matic excuse.
A vocational dinner in honor of
the guest speakers and committee
members will be given Tuesday evening in the Student Union Building
by members of the staff of the Dean
of Women and the House President's Council. Miss Rilma Buck-mainstructor in vocational guidance at Purdue University, will
speak on "Women and Women's
Vocational information will be
available in the following subjects
at 4 p.m. Wednesday:
Elementary education. Music
Room, SUB; speaker. Mrs. May K.
Duncan, head of the Department of
Elementary Education.
Medical technology, room 124.
Funkhouser Biological Science
Building; speaker. Dr. Morris Scher-aghead of the Department of Bacteriology.
Music, room 17, Fine Arts Building; speaker. Dr. Edwin E. Stein,
head of the Music Department.
Home Economics, room 203. Home
(Continued on Page 6)'


Miss Wilma Buckman

Chooses New Leaders


The Henry Clay chapter of Phi
Alpha Delta, national lfgal frater
nity, announces the election of their
officers for this year.
The ofiicers elected were Robert
G. Lentz, justice; James V. Marcum,
Charles Gray, secretary; Boyd Taylor, marshall; Letcher White, treasurer; and Sam Cooper Kill, reporter.
Formal pledging was held March
6 by the chapter in the Law School.
The men pledged will be eligible to
be initiated in May when the chapter will have its ceremonies in the
chambers of the Court of Appeals.
Pledges of Phi Alpha Delta are
Fred Coplin, Joseph T. Currence,
James A. Dixon, Guy Duerson, John
Duncan, William V. Fishback, Ben
Forman, W. H. Getty, Robert L.
Gullette, Godloe McDowell, Andrew
J.j Palmer, Jr.. Shelly T.'Riherd,
Joseph L. Schoopf, David B. White,
Jr, and Donald L. Woods, Jr.



National Conference Is Held
Here By Ta u Kappa Alpha

Named Tomorrow


Dr. Gifford B'.yton, director of forensic. gies last minute instructions to the students representing
CX at the Tau Kappa Alpha speech convention bein held here." The meeting started yesterday, and will
last until tomorrow.

Seniors To Be Officials Are Main Speakers
Alum's Guests At State Highway Conference


SGA has announced that one outstanding graduating senior from each
college of the University has been
chosen to be dinner guests of the
Alumni Association Executive Board
during their April meeting.
Seniors named were: Clyde Watts,
Commerce; Dale' Barnstable, Education; Chester Travelstead, Graduate
School; Kathy Barnett, Arts and
Sciences; Ryburn Weakly, Agri- culture; Robert Hubbard, Law; and
Harry Washburn, Engineering.

Tuesday Is Deadline

For Mortar Board Entries
Applications for Mortar Board,
senior women's honorary, must be
submitted to the Dean of Women's
office by Tuesday.
Women with a 2.0 overall standing and classified so that they will
graduate before August, J.951 are
Students are asked to leave their
names, addresses, and a list of activities in the Office of the Dean.

Headlines And Sidelines


















Party Formed

To Oppose Constitutionalists
By Joe Coyle



party, to be known
5. The SGA will have control and
Party was oras the
ganized this week. It is composed approval of student loans from the
student loan fund. They will also
of Greeks and Independents.
Don Rogers, spokesman for the reduce the interest rate from these
Broup. said Thursday that the party loans from its present four percent.
6. Lights are to be installed on
was lormed to create interest in
campus government, and to provide the intramural athletic field.
an active opposition to the Constitu- - 7. A cooperative food store will be
tionalist Party."
set up to supply food for all student
Rogers presented the platform of resident units.
the new party to the Kernel for 8. The candidates of this party, if
publication, and commented, "We elected, are to vote as the majority
challenge the Constitutionalists to of the students wish, on issues con
formulate a platform that has as fronting SGA, not according to the
many student interests in mind as individual candidates preferences.
ours has."
9. Student control of the conces
The platform for the
sions at the new fieldhouse.
Party is as follows:
10. Continued
1. The Student Government Assoand a thorough and completely orciation is to have full and complete ganized system by which students
control over its own funds.
may rate professors (the professors
2. The seating arrangements for to be advised by each department
the student section of the football head as to their student ratings).
stadium are to be revised.
11. Students are to be informed of
3. The class and holiday calendar issues presented to the administra
for the coming year will be sub- tion by SGA and the answers there
mitted to SGA for suggestions and from, in timely announcements in
recommendations prior to approval the Kentucky
Kernel, or other
by the faculty.
media of information.
4. A program is to be set up
According to Rogers, the slate for
whereby Kentucky students are paid the new group is being made up now
to sell the merits of the University and will be announced in the near
to their local high schools.





A new campus















The I'niversity of Kentucky Wildcats walked off the Louisville Armory
floor last Saturday with their seventh straight Southeastern Conference
Stuchampionship after whipping Tennessee to a pulp in the finals
dents, faculty, and friends of the I niversity poured into Louisville to watch
the Cats roinn over three foes in little more than 24 hours. Ravine photographer Ben Williams causht many interesting scenes which headlined and
sidelined the tournament.
Shown in the upper left hand corner are Mrs. Adolph Rupp and son
Herkimer (seated, with Jim Line's mother Islanding). Mrs. Line had much
of which to be proud as Jim was named to the first team of the
At the top right. Fred Luigart and Betty Elliott (right) stand up to
cheer the Cats on to victory. Fred and Betty, along with a few thousand
other students, found the game and Louisville weekends very much to their
At left center. Coach Adolph Rupp is congratulated by Gov. Earle C.
Clements for the great team victory as the governor presents Coach Kupp
the championship trophy.
It seems to be a tense situation for the basketeers as the cheerleaders
are taught in one of their quieter moments at the lower right.
"THAT'S MY BOY", seems to be the words on the lips of Coach Rupp
as he congratulates long Bill Spivey for eriia!in- - the tournament
for individual points in a 'single game. Big Bill poured through 37 points
to tie the mark net in last yr.ir's tournament by former Wildcat renter Alex
All-SE- C





Mickey Compton, Betty Hammock,
Mary Arrowwood. Betsy Bilir.er.
Barbara Burkhardt. Dorothy
Ellen Drake. Hal GrUfin. and
George Creedle are participating in
the discussion groups.
The program this morning will
(Continued on Page Four)


Malone Talks
On Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was characfi

mitic man


Glee Club, Pianist To Open
University iMusicale Series


95-5- 8.


ill .!, UUllllI MiU tttiab .MtUUL&J w
day has 46.773 miles Of roads and
highways that must be classed as
deficient in terms of their ability to
accommodate safely present and expected future traffic.
Commissioner Keck, in outlining
the responsibilities of Highway Department personnel, asked field employees to help the department's
public relations program through
courtesy and helpfulness to the traveling public and by always remembering "that the motorist pays the
freight as far as roads are concerned."
Dr. Webb Speaks
Featured speakers on the open- ing day s program were Robert B.
Brook. St. Louis transportation spe- ciaUst. and Emerson Beauchamp.
State Commissioner of Rural High- -


by r Du:na.s Makne
address on -- Jefferson Then and
Now., at tne Fine ArtJ Building Fri.
day nighL M. MaloRe Fr,)lessnr
ways- of history at Columbia University. Li
Dr. William S. Webb, heao of the the author of a muiti-voluBio- University uepariment oi
of Jefferson."
- graphy present issues, such as
discussed "Aspects of Atomic Enerthe
gy at a luncheon meeting of the formation of the Dixiecrat Party.
conference Thursday.
Malone said he believed Jefferson
would favor human rights over
state's rights. He said Jefrersoa
would regard communism as a forStudents Mav Gaze
eign idealogy not in keeping wuh
At 'Crystal Ball Today
his values of integrity of persoi.tt
"Crystal Ball," starring Paulette freedom among powerful poUt.cal
Ooddard, Virginia Field, and Ray structures.
Mr. Malone's address was or.e in
Milland. will be shown today in
Memorial Hail at 3 p.m., 7 p.m., a series of social science loctirc
and 9 p.m. Admission is 30 cents. sponsored annually at theG.UniverEiaaer
sity by Mr. and Mrs. Paul
of Ashland.


All-Stude- nt



?feitw Vr,.



Hampden-Sidne- y.

College. Ball State. Lincoln Mem- wi:iwii.y oi ixmvmr.
cer. and the University of Mi&us- vv
Murray Included
UK is also host to Mt. Union,
Murray. Muskingum. University of
New Mexico. Notre Dame. Purdue.
Randolph-MacoUniversity of
Richmond. Roanoke. Rutgers. University of South Dakota, Southern
T Methodist. University of Tennessee.
of Vermont. Wabash,
' University
and clogged drainage facilities.
Waynesburg. Western, Michigan, Vir- '".
roiywcnnic institute. Loyola,
TridaVs Sneakers-!.- .
OtPr':JfeHtnre'a-Deakerori Fr. Wnchburg. and Matiiister. in
UK students participating
days Jiroam.Kere Highway Com.
activities .Te Bob Smith
?putHnd Klen Drake, for extempore a.:d
M4lncuSi sidr--y ,: Neal. Bob

46-4- 5.


include Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Alma. University of Arkansas,
Berea. Bridgewater. Brothers. Capital. University of Cincinnati. Cornell. University of Denver, Emory
and Henry. University of Florida.




The schools visiting this campus

examinations of drivers
already been granted
operators' licenses and adoption of
driver training courses in all Kentucky high schools were proposed
Friday by State Traffic Director
W. P. Ringo in an address at the
closing session of the State Highway
meet was
The twn-da- v
sponsored jointly by the UK College
of Engineering and the Kentucky
Department of Highways.
The audience of approximately
500 city, county, and state officials
at the conference's final session also
heard an address on roadside im
provement by N. R. Ellio.t. professor of landscape architecture at the
Elliott recom- me.mcu
Follow-u- p

who have

Peb-wor- th






By Betty Compton
Representatives of 41 colleges and
universities are attending the tenth
annual conference of Tau Kappa
Alpha, national forensics society, at
UK this week.
Dr. Gifford Blyton. director of
TKA here, said that this is the largest speech event ever held in the
United States.
The five outstanding "speakers for
the year 1949" will be named Satur- day at 2 o'clock. Since each speaker
will receive an award, the AP and
UP news services will carry the story
over their wires datehned Lexington,
These national orators, selected on
the basis of their contribution of
speaking to society, will be named
tfrom the fields of religion, educa-- !
tion, politics, business, and labor.
Student Cangress Featured
The TKA meeting is featuring dis- cussion, debating, extempore, and a
student congress. All UK students
and faculty members are invited to
attend the 140 debates and the five
rounds of discussion held in the
practice rooms of the Fine Arts
The debate question for the group
is "Should the United States Na
tionalize Their Basic
Industries?" The dLscussion
problem is "What Should the United
States Foreign Policy be Toward the



SEC Tournament


1949 Top

By Bob Fain
The UK musicale series will be
resumed at 4 p.m. Sunday in Memorial Hall after a lapse of nearly
two months necessitated by Founders Week preparations. Featured
in the program will be a joint recital by Ford Montgomery, pianist,
and the University Women's Glee
Club under the direction of Miss
Mildred S. Lewis, associate professor of music.
Miss Annette Siler and Mrs.
Adelle G. Dailey. pianists, will accompany the
Glee Club in
numbers ranging from sacred to
contemporary American compositions.
Classical Selections Included
Mr. Montgomery, instructor in applied music at the University, has
selected for his recital compositions
representing the classical, romantic,
and contemporary periods. These
include Beethoven's ' Sonata in C
minor." Brahms' "Intermezzo No. 1
and No. 2," and Dohnanyi's "Rhap-- I
sotly in C major."
Special guests at the recital will be
members of Phi Mu Alpha fra- -

gram will begin with Richter's "The
Creation" played on the organ by
Arnold Blackburn of the UK faculty.
Following will be Brahms' "May
Night" and "I Hear a Harp." The
latter will feature a French horn
solo by Miss Virginia Rohde. mathematics instructor. This will be
by Strauss's "Devision."

Part Two Listed
the second part is
Beethoven's "Sonata in C Minor"
which is the only sonata known to
have been named by Beethoven. The
following compositions are "Intermezzo. Opus 118. No. 1" by Brahms:
"Intermezzo. Opus 119. No. 2." also
by Brahms: and "Rhapsody in C
Major" by Dohnanyi.
The final part of the recital consists of "Clouds" by Bircsak: "Cap
Yo' H;inris. 'O Kay" by Gershwin:
and "Children of the Moon" by
The next musicale scheduled will
be March 13. and will feature Air.io
Kiviniemi, tenor, and Ann English.
contralto, of the University.
Part one of the three part pro- - musicales are open to the public.
semi-popul- ar

� rare





Friday, March 10, 1930

Founding Of New Party
iMay Renew Competition
The founding of tlie

Letters To The Editor

"Jimmy Bowers has been named as the
winner of the weekly ' Letters to the
Frtitor" contest. If he will tno by th
Several radio stations were carryKernel sports office. Tom Diskin will ing the game to every part of the
present him with the prize, a carton of
state. I can t help but wonder what
Che5terfild cigarettes.
Letters are judged by The Kernel fans at home thought as they heard
editors on the basis of how interesting every Vanderbilt action booed- and
they are. Any UK student is eligible to
enter. At least two letters in an issue then booed again.
must be run before a prize can be awardBut the attitude toward Kelley
ed. All winning letters must be signed.

party, and with it the
a step toward more effective student government on the
two-part- y

system, is
UK campus.

The Kernel, as in the past, will continue its policy of strict
neutrality as concerns the merits of the Constitutionalist and
candidates. Our onlv interest as a newspaper is in the
promotion of increased student interest in SGA in order that the
organization may
a stronger voice for the student.

Regardless of which prulv is victorious, we believe that compethem will tend to bring lcfore all students some of
the important issues facing them and will relieve the Kernel as the
soli- - champion (or scapegoat) of the student l)ody.

We do not Ix lieve that representation on SGA as it now stands
cither fair or r fleet ive. The current size of a college would not
coldetermine its number of representatives, even if a loosely-kni- t
lege were suitable as a basis for representation.

Tin's is a problem for Student Government Association, and a
verv difficult one. but with more pressure brought to bear through
competition, one or both of the parties may successfully determine
a wjv in which everv student on this campus is fully represented
on his governing Ixxlv.

Longer Basketball Season
Advocated For I-- Players

Basketball is undoubtedly the fav- orite sport of the majority of ath- lrtically inclined students at this
university. Perhaps, this is attri- butabl? to the outstanding record
compiled each year bf the varsity
team; perhaps, to a love of the game
through years of competi- in high school and other lea- pucs. Regardless cf the reasons, it
is" an undeniable fact that a lot of
UK students like to engage in the
Rtnht now the intramural basket- ball tournament is underway with
Allowing an
54 teams competing.
eferage of eight men to a squad, this
means that over 400 men are ac- titely participating. The University
iniramural staff is to be commended
setting . up fucfi( ,3 .program
thereby so many are privilegedto

use of the gymnasium floors,
This season the first intramural
games were played February 16, a
"Regardless of what Mr. Mundor says, it's obvious State's record is best!"
date which marked the final phase
cf the recognized basketball season,
preceding that date, several minor
sports formed the intramural
gram. While there will be found
dividual rabid devotees of each of
In all probability, there is more to the NCAA s snubbing Ken- Kentucky with 2o wins and four losses, had a better season
these minor sports, we believe that tucky tor North Carolina State m the forthcoming
record than North Carolina State (24-o- ).
curtailment of the season length of tournament .
than meets the eye.
these sports would be advocated by
On top or that, the Big Blue defeated two of the best teams in
competi- the majority of intramural
Last March, the Wildcats accepted bids to both the NCAA the nation on Sl,ccessive nights at the Sugar Bowl, besting Villa- tors. Thus, the basketball season and the National Invitation tournaments. Immediately the chair- n0va alK Bradley to prove their class.
could begin immediately after the
man of the NCAA committee, Arthur Lonborg, let it be known
tQ vnlanova on its own floor.
holidays, or possibly dur- weeU
that his organization frowned on this action by UK.
ing the first semester,
Kentucky beat Georgia Tech by 35 points here, while the
jn regard to- the use of the gym
When the Cats lost in the first round of the Invitation and came Wolfpack trimmed the same team at Raleigh by 23. In their first
floors by organizations other than back to win the NCAA championship for the second straight year, meeting with the University of North Carolina, State eked out a
(thos af filiate, wijh the University,
61-5- 7
perhaps it Tried the powers that be ail the more.
U. of
win.' That was several days after
kve have special reference to the


ighscnool feaskbaTl, teams'






titjntd article and columns are to be
the opiviuvt of the writers Kentucky Intercollegiate Prea Association
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association

I'tn'srhes, and do vnt vcessari!j reflect
tht opinion of The Kernel.


Act of March

Office at Lexington,


class matter under

CtUf MUrt fcnnmiN



N. Y.

3, 1379.


RATES 11.00

George Reynolds ..
Managing Editor
Eex Cox
News Editor
Niil Blair
Sports Editor
Tom Diskin
Kf.rold Fleenor
Business Manager
Brtty Bopgess...- Society Editor
Hoilon Mastin....Head Feature Writer
Advertising Manager
W.lfred Lott
r,i, v
Copy Desk
J dun Cook, Bruce D.mlo p....
JVuvertising Staff
nsemary Hillinp and Bi".l Mansfield
Asji-.taNews Editor
Earl Conn, Kent Ilollincswoi th, Bob
As;:t. Sports Editors


iThis might Explain why the higher officials of the NCAA took North Carolina
The Cats were rated in practically e'ry jOtftiqrijd oll
no action whatsoever when Ous lebell, 'athletic director at the
Uv of Virginia and chairman ofuthe. .NCAA's Third District, cast N 'CI State! As Coach Rupp said? this
newspaper and
the deciding1 vote" for 'N. G. 'State despite everything favoring do to pick the right team was to buy
learn' whiph was the better team.
Kentucky,!'; ,
Perhaps the worst feature was Tebell's attending the Southern
Tebell, whose school formerly belonged to the Southern CbriV
ference in which N. C- St ate. is a member, stated that he cast
the vote against Kentucky ' because it had refused to play the
f 4.
rWoTTmcR' ih'"a nlaypit
to cleeTniihe the district's reprcsen- 83-4-



Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips
Bob Fain, Katheryn Whitmer and
.News Desk
Janet Anderson
Ben Williams
Dorothy Allen.
Circulation Mgr.
Jrwin Higgs
Bob Fain,
Shirley Porter, W. J. Boughey,
Joe Coyle, Julie Blumenthal, Lewis
DonoheWi janet Anderson, Kath- eryn Whitmer, Jacqualine Day,
wres Bird, Jack Suttles, Shirley
Leathers, and Betty Compton







,. Wt


ateUcIiajsjeeerm 'tffi.
let Coach Hupp vigorously claims that he had not been asked
paVal pV5ajeA"iittfltJiet the (parolina Cxigers to decide the bid,
he" Wolves 'came' as
Tebell's balloting"
great' shock to

The Kentucky Kernel
intrred at th Po.-- t
K!tuckv, as second







Coach Rupp, the Wildcat players, the UK students, in fact everyone here at the University.
The Cats definitely wanted to win the NCAA crown for the
third straight season. As defending champion, they should have
been given special consideration.
That is only right.


Free Engraving

ij.f ;,f


Will mxr iTOOT






Science Makes a Better TJop




Cleaning tasks lightened by new
Du Pont cellulose sponge yarn

Of All

Daily, 7 a.m.

8 a.m. Till 10 p.m.

Kings Hour

Former Missionary
to Palestine
who will speak
on Foreign Missions

With A
Cleaner's Look!

Friday, March 10
7:30 p.m.

You'll hove an unmistakable Freshness in appearance
when your clothes ore well cleaned and pressed. Let
us assure yoj cf the finest cleaning service.




This announcement sponsored by Lexington's
Student Minded Churches

Kentucky Cleaners
921 South Lime

Across from Kroger Store



Immanuel Baptist Church
East High at Woodland
Grace Baptist Church
811 Bryan Avenue


Calvary Baptist Church
East High

at Rhodes

Porter Memorial

730 S. Lime

offer mop manufacturers
in commercial quantities.

the yam

how business firms of all sizes depend

An ordinary mop has a bad habit of
unraveling. It often leaves a trail of
lint. And it wears out fast. A man
who sold yarn to mop manufacturers
decided to do something about these
nuisances. Perhaps some reinforcing
material might be combined with the
yarn. He did some experimental work
of hia own but more and more he
wondered if it might be possible to
use a cellulose sponge coating.

371 South Limestone


tponge material.

on each other. The Du Pont Company had facilities for specialized research on cellulose sponge. Because
Du Pont could supply sponge yarn

Dr. Leo Eddleman



CIOSS'SICTION of the new mop yarn. Each
cotton fiber ttrand u Jacketed miA ceUuiote


545 S. Lime




Mops made with cellulose sponge
yarn pick up and retain so much
water they need wringing less often.
You can mop a floor with them in
far less time than it formerly took.
They dry quickly, leave no lint. They
outwear other mops three to five
times. Best of all, perhaps, they stay
longer than ordinary mops.
Here is something women will appreciate a dean mop!
The introduction of these new
cleaning tools is another example of

Conveniently Located








Come Over To The . . .

10 p.m

Jewelry Sold

111 S. Upper St.


Serving 3 Times


Wolf Jewelers





lighter Repair





All Work





(Continued on Page 5





Of Displeasure Voiced In '49

NCAA Snub May Be Result

This occurred when an Indiana
high school team was losing mast
of its games. The fans started by
booing the opposition but before the
season was over they were booing
their own players when they entered

Conference tournament and neglecting the SEC. The least he
could have done was send a representative to Louisville to see UK
wallop the devil out of Tennessee in the finals.
What did UK have to do to gt-- t the hid? Beat the Vols 195-5S- ?
Mr. Tebell said late last week that he would wait until after the
two tournaments to select the team. Then after both won easily
he suddenly deckled that Kentucky should be eliminated for
allegedly not wanting to meet the Carolina quintet.
The Kernel sent Mr. Tebell a telegram this Monday asking
for an explanation.
He did not answer. Perhaps he is now lost
somewhere fn the Blue Ridge Mountains until after the tournaments.
At any rate, every Kentuckian will be watching to see what
N. C. State does in the NCAA tourney.


ItWdis- ,
ilowever, a large pnrhcipilSoB. also jtrfct apd: regional iournamenU. .Few
its dravtoacl?,t,a!j. these,
Wher regions in the state have such
iniramural staff sc'eins 'to have
(facilities- ion cdnductlng ithelr tou.
ritmient--:Thendred. Obviously. 'Mace there
local region' should
but three gy