xt7k3j391617 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j391617/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-10-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1944 1944 1944-10-27 2013 true xt7k3j391617 section xt7k3j391617 dc5i oopy Mvanaoie

The SCentucky Kernel

War Chest Drive

Tops Goal Of $750

Dcnman Introduces
New Style Column





Wildcat Machine Starts Rolling Tonight
When Kentucky Tackles Alabama's Tide
Sororities Donate
SEC Contest At Montgomery
Of Total, In Major

Ely Culbertson Addresses
Beth Caddy
Second Convocation Monday Chosen As
Bridge Expert
'Junior 3Iiss'
Will Discuss
Complete Cast
Of First Play

"The Plan for World Settlement-wi- ll
be the subject of the lecture
discussion given by By Culbertson
at the second convocation of the
quarter at 11 a.m. Monday in Memorial hall.
All fourth boar classes, 11 to 11:54
ajn. will be dismissed for the occasion, K has been announced by the
office of the dean.



Mr. Culbertson,
widely known
bridge expert, is both a psychologist
and author. For over 20 years he I
has been studying how men behave
as crowds and nations, and trying
to find out how they can be made
to behave more Intelligently than i


Lived In Russia
Mri Culbertson spent his early
years in Russia and wlille still in
his teens he was thrown into a
prison of the Crar with a group of
his fellow revolutionaries. He has
attended six great universities and
read widely in philosophy, history,
economics, and also stood in breadlines, picked fruit, planted corn,
panhandled, and gambled scientifically for a living.
It is said of Mr. Culbertson that
he is the only expert on international politics who has worked out a
detailed and comprehensive plan for
the peace treaty and the organization of a post-wworld.
Dean Leo M. Chamberlain will
preside at the convocation and Dr.
Henry N. Sherwood mill give the
Invocation and benediction.


IS-5- )





j viuva kWii

Meets Today
Kentucky Educators
Convene On Campus

Approximately 1.000 educators
from all parts of Kentucky are on
the campus today attending the
21st annual Educational Conference and the 10th annual meeting
of the Kentucky Association of Colleges and Secondary schools.
Among the nationally known educators who are appearing on the
programs are Dr. Fred J. Kelley,
Washington, D.
chief of the division of higher education for the
United States Office of Education;
Dr. Francis J. Brown. Washington,
D. C. consultant for the American
Council ; on Education; and Dr.
Stephen M. Corey, Chicago, 111.,
A benefit bridge party, proceeds professor of educational psychology
from which will aid in the World at the University of Chicago.
Preliminary Meetings
Student Service fund's annual I
Preliminarv mept.ines mpro l.eM
drive, will be given by Mortar Board
on Thursday, November IS from 3 last night at the Lafayette hotel
with the executive committee of
to 6 pjn. in the Union building.
Tickets may be purchased from the Kentucky Associaion of ColMortar Board members for 25 cents. leges and Secondary Schools holdWSSP is the international student ing a session, and the commission
organization with which Dr. J. on colleges and universities and
Huntley Dupre, former University the commission on secondary
history professor, now holds an exe- schools also convening. This morning the convention program will get
cutive position In New York.
under way.
First Session
The first general session will open


Party Planned

To Benefit WSSF


Dr. E. F. Farquhar


P. Farquhar," of the University English department, is seriously ill at the Good Samaritan
hospital following a cerebral hemorrhage early Wednesday.
Doctors reported on Thursday
morning that his condition was fair.



Football room.


. . . will hold open house from 3 to
6 pjn. Sunday in the Union building.
. . . will have a supper meeting at
6:30 pjn. Thursday at the Temple


Adath Israel
t'pperclaM T group . . .
. . . will meet at 6:30 pjn. Tuesday.
A leading Democrat and a leading
Republican will view the political

. . . will have group pictures made
for the Kentuckian immediately
after the regular meeting Tuesday
Kappa Delta Pi . . .
. . will have a general business
meeting of all members at 4 p.m.
Monday in Room 131 of the Educa-tio- n

this morning in Me'

Kyian Sales High;
Queen Nominations
Approximately 50

. . . mill be given from 9 to 12 Saturday night In the Blue Grass room
of the Union building.
Dutch Lnnch club . . .
. . . will meet at noon today in the
Battalion Retreat parade . . .
. . . will be held at 4 p.m. today on
the parade grounds of the Univer
sity campus.

10 o'clock,

mortal hall with Dr. Corey, Dr.
Kelley and Dr. Brown as the speakers. President H. L. Donovan will
preside at this session. The theme
of the session will be education and
the post war world.
This afternoon beginning at 2:30
and tonight at 7:30 a series of round
table discussions will be held.
The opening general session for
the College Section of the Kentucky
Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools will be held at 2
pjn. In Room 111 of McVey hall,
while the opening session for the
(Continued on Page Four)

Halloween Dance

Drive Tops
Goal Of $750
By 50.45

Briggs Announces

Peace Plan


fifty candidates
will be nominated for beauty uqeen
in the Kentuckian beauty contest,
June Baker, editor of the yearbook,
announced yesterday.
For every ten Kentuckian deposits the sorority or housing unit
which sold the books is entitled to
enter one candidate. Advance sales
totaled 519 deposits.
The contest will be held in Memorial hall at a date to be announced later. The Beauty Queen
and her court will be presented at
a winter dance soon after the con-


Dr. C. C. Garr Speaks
To Pre-Me- d


With a total student contribution
University War Chest
Gulg- - of $80155 the
The leading role of the first
drive had topped its goal of $750
sea when the drive ended on Friday,
nol production of the 1944-4- 5
son, "Junior Miss, will be played October 20. Since the goal was
by Beth Caddy.
reached on that day, it was not necThe cast of the play, which will essary to extend the drive into this
open Monday, November 27, and week as had been previously ancontinue through Saturday, Decem- nounced.
Sorority Contributions
ber 2, was announced by Wallace
The eight sororities on the camiBriggs, director, on Tuesday.-- They
of the
are the following University stu- pus contributed over 65
total amount, according to Bill
Government association, which
Miss Caddy as Judy Qraves; Jean sponsored the drive. Embry said
Collier as Lois Graves; Ivolou Ross
that without the donations of the
Fuffy Adams;
Hugh Collett
sororities the drive would have been
Western Union boy; Carolyn Schof-fl- less successful than last year's
Ellen Curtis; Jennings Kerr-be- y when $250 was given by the soldiers
Barlow Adams; Johnny Ren-fr- o then on the campus.
Merrill Feurback; W. B.
The money given by students of
Wrench Sterling Brown; Conrad the University will be used to proRichardson Albert Kenody; Rob- vide essential wartime services to
ert Ogden Tommy Arbuckle. The our armed forces, merchant marine,
only faculty member of the Univerand prisoners of war, and to supply
sity on the cast is English Instrucrelief to refugees from occupied
tor Don Irvine as Willis Raynalds. countries.
Other players include Eli Popa as
Campus Organisations
Harry Graves; Sarah McLe.i WiContributions of campus organ
lsonGrace Graves; Opal Palmer
Hilda; Edmund Mills J. B. Curtiss; izations are as follows: Kappa Kap
and Jimmy Glenn as Hascal Cum- pa Gamma, $129.03; Delta Delta
Delta, $92.00; Alpha Xi Delta,
"Junior Miss" was written by $69.00; Chi Omega, $66.02; men's
Jerome Chodorov and Joseph Fields dormitories, $63.10; Alpha Gamma
and was first produced by Moss Delta, $62.04; Patterson hall. $59.79;
Hart on Broadway in New York Kappa Delta, $45.05; Boyd hall,
where it ran for almost two years. $31.31; Alpha Delta Pi, $35.35;
It concerns adolescent scrapes of Jewell haU, $22.55; Phi Delta Theta,
Judy Graves, $1655; Sigma Nu house, $16.50;
Independents, $15.16; SuKy, $15.00;
sister, Lois.
and her
The box office will open Novem Shelby house, $10.00; Zeta Tau Alpha, $6.92; Phalanx, $650; Mcber 20.



Philosophy Club
Meets Monday Night


Dr. Quill was born In Carson City,
Nev. He came to the University
on September 1. ' 1942 from Ohio
State. He received his B. S. degree
in 1923. and his M. S. degree in 1925
from Nevada university, and his
Ph. D. in 1928 from the University
of Illinois.
Approves Contract
The executive committee approved
a contract for the Department of
Art of the University to exhibit examples of modern painting. The exhibit, organized by the Museum of
Modern Art, will be open to the
public without charge from January
4 through the 25 In the art gallery
in the Biological Sciences building.
Committee Approves
The executive committee also
new appointments Including
Bennet Harrison Wall, instructor in
history; Murrell Salutsky and Val-v- a
Midkiff, graduate assistant in
chemistry; Marshall Hahn, student
assistant in Physics; W. E. Buckler,
in English;
Evelyn Green and Charles K. Jones,

365 Women

he-thi- rd



Halloween Dance
Tomorrow Night

Interviews Given
By Eastman Agent





Start Runnin'
Lil' Abner!!

Some of our fellow students are
a bit dubious about the rumor, and
can only remark that they will
never believe it until they see the
new bunch of engineers and
in the flesh.
One kid with "a Virginia O'Brien"
expression on her face could only
utter "whee." We only hope she
puts forth some more enthusiasm
when and if the boys do come.
After all, where is all of our "southern hospitality?"
Our older gals are not so excited
about this new crop. It is said there
will be some in this new enrollment,
who are over 18 years old, but just
how many will be of draft age, no
one knows. The gals are afraid
there won't be enough of these
"older men" to go around.
It will be wonderrul to nave more
pre-me- ds

men here at the University. It may
even be more like
days. The boys are just playing
soldiers, that's all.
The girls over In Patt hall have
one steadfast rule to apply to these
newcomers, and that Is, that they
date freshmen women exclusively.
How about that? All of these girls
seem to be doing all right with the
Several gals are all out for the
Navy and would like to raise the
morale of some sailors. In othef
words, they say, let's have some
oror some other Navy-blu- e
ganization. After all, we must be
loyal to both the khaki and the blue.
And there are those women who
are still being true. These gals'
men are in the Army, sure, but they

By A dele Denman
es Any fool kin planely sea. there
aiR a goto' to bee a big SaDle haw-kiweek a comln up beginnln
Monday, Novembr 6, an a big danCe
Saturday, novembr 11. sponsored
bUy SUKY, a vEre blQ organisation
with Rite smart memBers.
These here FuncTlons Is to give
youen's of the DAlsy Mae clan a
chanct to HoOk a feLler, so all yo
tall, dark complected, an hansom
LIL' Abners had better git ouT yore
MUles er start rUnnln quick like a
gRass hopper or theyl git yo.
monday air the first dAy and aa.
yo Daisys gtt on the teUlphone .call.
them felleRs, and ask thEm ter
dates. DonT forgit to buy them a
nlse vegi table corsage, fer It air
flTtln to do things the rite waY.
to top the hole week off of. a
blQ social dance will be given off
following the weak of chasin. Tikets
air On sale in The union, are yo kin
buy them From aNy member of
SUCky. The corn will be played by
the "kamPus Knights." a vere biO
banD with right smaRt members.
The givers of tHe function saw fit-tto see that the gAls dont tear
into the FeLLerS two much, so all
of the Daisys will be pennEd In by
roPes on one side of the DaNce floor

Dr. L. L. Quill

39 AST Men
To Graduate
At a battalion retreat-parathe parade ground of the University
men in the Army
today, thirty-nin- e
Specialized Training Program's
Company A will be awarded their
medals and will be graduated.
There will be no formal graduation
exercises other than this, the Military department announced this

Those graduating are as follows:
Paul E. Bowen. Robert E. Brad-shaJohn S. Brown, Thomas J.
Calcerano, John P. Daust, Domonlc
P. Digricoll. Martin J. Dudek, Walter J. Flesch, Henry Glelxner, Roland Harrison, Conrad Hauerstock,
Kenneth Hoffman, Glendene Huf-for- d,
Em 11 W. Kempa.
Kenneth V. Knudsen, Robert H.
Lentz, James L. Long, Arthur A.
Nlerenberg, James S. Relsher, Howard W. Schoenduve, Paul Schwab,
Austin L. Shelley, Walter T. Bow,
Jr., Donald M. Blauvelt, James C.
Bunnlng, Charles M. Cameron, Jr.,
Richard A. Campbell, Robert A.
Cantor, Milton P. Caster, Lewis B.
Clayton. Lawrence V. Collings, Edwin B. Cook, Herbert W. J. Lohm tiller, Harold L. McPheeters, Paul P.
Parker, Leonard R. Pauly. Irving
Philips, William G. Rice, and William J. Swansboro.
Eighteen men were listed by the
Military department as those who
will go to medical school in 1945.
They are John Decry, Kenneth F.
Greene, David Grubman, Joseph A.
Harder, William E. Hayes, Joseph
T. Hood, John F. Hughes. Franklin
M. Kreider. James E. Mahan, Rus
sell C. McLucas, Samuel Nusnick,
Donald M. Olson, David W. Parke,
Max C. Pepemlk, Deward D. Peter
son, Alex Scott, Jr., Digby Seymour,
and Warren S. Williams.
Lt. Duggan also stated that ten
tative plans were being made for
the engineers who are coming next
(Continued from Page One)

Students To Elect
SUB Members Monday
The election of the members of
the Student Union Board will be
held on Monday In the Great ball
of the Union building. From the
following six, three will be elected
to the board: Reginald Bower, Mary
James Hisle,
Mauris Leach, Mary Elizabeth Stlg-al- l,
Nancy Ellen Taylor.
All students of the University are
requested to vote.

Coeds Will Welcome More Servicemen




Dr. Laurence L. Quill, head of
the Department of Chemistry, has
resigned to accept a position as head
of the chemistry department at
Michigan State college. His resignation, effective January 1, was approved by the University executive
committee, which met October 21 in
President Donovan's office.



Tackling the Crimson Tide from Alabama which battled Tennessee to a scoreless tie Saturday, the Kentucky Wildcats will play
their most important game of the season tonight in Montgomery.
Thomas and Yost off the injured list
With Schu, Paul,
in a body, and armed with an overwhelming victory over VMI,
the Wildcats are slated to give the Tide and Coach Frank Thomas
a battle. Doubly cautions of Demon casualty which has plagued
the squad all year, Kirwan has eliminated rough contact work
from all practice sessions this week before heading for Alabama






Committee OK's
Exhibit Contract



Thomas Men Are Older, Tougher
But 'Cats Gave Vols A Tussle;
Game Tonight Will Be Close

Quill Resigns To Accept
Position At Michigan State

Dowell house, $6.50; Sigma Chi,
$6.13; commuters, $5.25; Mrs. Huddle's house, $4.50; Lydla Brown
house, $4; Hamilton house, $3.61;
Women's Athletic association, $3.25;
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, $2.50; Pride
house. $2.35; YWCA. $2.00; Sigma
William Primrose, Scotch master Phi Epsilon. $154; football team, part-tim- e
student assistant in art;
$150; Kappa Alpha, $1; miscelof the viola, will open the 1944-4- 5
James William Huffman, custodian,
laneous, $3.45; ASTP, $2.00.
season of Sunday
men's gymnasium: Anna Lea
musicales at 4 pjn., October 29, in
Schouities, part-tim- e
graduate asMemorial hall.
sistant in chemistry; Jane Darnaby,
Mr. Primrose,
part-tim- e
case secretary in psyLexington music lovers, is an avid
chology; Jeanne Bureau, student
boxing fan and has a seasonal reserassistant in psychology; Mrs. J.
vation for ringside seats at New
Allan Smith, part-tim- e
Square Garden. An
York's Madison
in history; Marietta Smith, Mary
amateur boxer in his student days
Zella Smith and Sarah Patterson
With only approximately
in England, Primrose no longer
of the reports on the YWCA Mason, assistant home demonstraventures into the ring for fear of membership drive, which closed tion agents in McCracken, Fayette
hurting his hands which earn him October 20, received in the YWCA and Todd counties, respectively;
an income in five figures.
office. Miss Rosalie Oakes, YWCA James F. Moore, county agent, LawAlthough the technique of play- secretary,
announced Wednesday rence county; Earnest T. Wightman,
ing a rare and beautiful Amati
that the total number of new mem- assistant professor in Poultry husviola is a far cry from that of the bers had reached 356.
bandry; Charlotte Baugn, seed
prize-rinPrimrose points out that
The following number of new analyst in the department of Entovioli&ts and prize fights have two
mology and Botany; Bruce Haddix,
requisites in common a long reach women have Joined from the resi- laborer and
James Sizemore, fire
dences: Boyd hall 56. Patt hall 72,
strong grip.
and a
warden, Robinson experiment sub
more, Jewell hall 32, Lydia Brown 13.
William Primrose has done
1. Shelby House 22, station; Virginia E. Faulkner, clerk
perhaps, than any one man to per- Hamilton House
Sigma Nu 14. Alpha Gamma Delta in agricultural extension: Mrs. Jane
suade the present generation of con
8, Kappa Delta 24, E. Gilliam, instructor in home ecothat the viola deserves a 18, McDowell
Lexington girls, commuters, nomics; Helen Martine Stevens, asplace with the violin and the cello and
sistant home demonstration agent,
etc. 104.
The Kappa Kappa Gamma re- Union county.
more cumbersome
The viola is
John Bach, Hollis Henson, Carl
than the violin, its tone is a fifth port is not in and only partial re- H. Lay, Glen McDowell and Henry
ports have been received from Boyd
deeper and while it uses the same
H. Pope Jr., county agents In Whitfinger positions as the smaller in- hall, Jewell hall, Hamilton House, ley, Powell, Johnson,
Pike and Bell
strument, the means of approach- and McDowell House.
Miss Oakes reports that every counties, respectively;
ing them are quite different. Tone
Reed, Anne F. Noyes, Robert Pres- -'
production on the viola also differs girl in Shelby house has joined and ton, Alvardo E.
Funk Jr., law lipaid her membership fees. This Is
greatly from that on the violin.
the second consecutive year the brary assistant; Mrs. Mary Louise
To acquire a technique which per
Reese, secretary in the college of
permits playing the viola with the same Shelby house has attained this
education; Martha Mitchell Triplett,
violinist fect record.
a fifth-ran- k
The annual drive for membership
brings to the smaller instrument, is,
Primrose says, "a matter of hard ended last week, but at any time a
work and not allowing yourself to be girl may join the YWCA by going
to the YWCA office, Room 123, in
hidebound by tradition.'
Mr. Primrose's program is: "Jch the Union building.
A Halloween dance will be held
ruf zu Dir," Bach; and "Concerto
from 9 p.m. until 12 midnight toon Theses of Cimarosak," Beethoven.
morrow in the Student Union ballIn the second group Mr. Primrose
room. Witches and skeletons will
will present scenes of Melancholy,
carry out the Halloween decorative
Happiness and Joy from "Harold in
theme. Music will be furnished by
A representative of the Tennes
Italy," titled "Harold in the MounMiff Moel and his Troubadours.
tains," by Berlioz. His third group see Eastman company will be on
Admission will be 75c couple or
will be the "Elegy." "Waltz" and the University campus, Tuesday,
stag, and all women will be ad"Toccata" by Benjamin. The con- October 31, to interview students
mitted upon presentation of their
cluding group will be "Soft Strains for positions with the company.
Seniors from all colleges of the hostess cards.
of Music Drifting," Brahms-PrimrosUniversity who are interested are
Doris Smith, chairman of the
"Tambourin," Rameau-Krels-le- r;
requested to sign in Room 121 for dance committee, is in charge of all
"Ave Maria," Schubert-Wil-hem- j,
an appointment before Tuesday.
and "Presto," Tartini.

Dr. Charles C. Garr. osteologist
will address the Pryor
society at 7:30 pjn. Tuesday at i
meetmg in Room 313 of the BK
logical Science building.
Following Dr. Garr's address, and
Baptist Students
an open discussion, a short business
. . . are sponsoring a hayride at session will be held. Refreshments
6:30 tonight. They will meet at carrying out the Hallowe'en motif
the Union.
will be served in the recently opened
By Maud Keller
Mortar Board
Men! Men! Soldier men! More
All pre-mwill hold a WSSF benefit
students are urged soldier men! It is rumored that
bridge from 3 to 6 p.m. Thursday, to attend, and guests are invited.
we. here at old UK are going to
November 16 in the Union buildhave some more soldier boys around.
ing. Tickets are 25 cents.
So we inquired of the students,
Outing club . . .
"What do you think of that?"
. . . m ill meet Monday in Room 121
Most all of the fair sex are of
of the Union building. Officers will
the opinion that this would be fine.
A review and a critique of the polelected and plans for the first
Communist party in the At least all of the freshmen women
outing, November 4, will be made. icies of the
United States will be presented by are delighted at the thought of
Alpha Lambda Delta . . .
Richard D. Baker, A&S sophomore, there being more boys In soldier
. . . will meet at 5 pjn. Wednesday at the meeting of the Philosophy suits around. Even some more
wouldn't be too bad to
in the Union building.
club to be held Monday, Mr. John
buKy . . .
faculty adviser, an- take.
S. Kuiper,
. . . will meet at & p.m. Wednesday nounced yesterday.
"We only hope they can stay out
In the Union building. Ail tryouts
The meeting will begin at 7:30 In later than the soldiers who are here
must be present.
Room 106 Frazee hall. Election of now," was the comment of some
officers for 1944-4- 5 will be held. Mr. coeds. There are the gals, no doubt,
Style show
. . . sponsored by Jewell hall, will Kuiper extended a special invitation who are coming up with a three
standing, and can afford to stay out
be held In the Jewell hall lounge to anyone Interested in world
alter tlie army's curfew.
from 3 to 6



27, 1944

shape or form. To them, it makes
no difference whether we get 250
more soldiers or six, unless their
particular hero happens to be
among them.
The male population that we already have here expresses a different opinion. Some say that it will
be harder for them to get a date
with the gals that they want to
date. Others are not as selfish in
their thoughts, and say, that they
think it will be fine for our gals
to have more men around.
So, if you should see a khaki clad
stranger with a lonesome expression
on his face, walk up and greet him
with a broad smile and a friendly
"hello." We will be glad to have

dost want an imitation in any them.


each dance and then turned
loose to wolf on the Men of their
choices before each danCe begins,
the GaLs is to brake on the Boys
that theY wood like to TRip the
lite GyMnastic wid.
Prizes wlLI be glved fer the best-e- st
costume at the DanCe. Yo may
come as any Dawg patch character:
DalSy mae, Lil' abner. PaPPy er
mammy YoKum. or even the MonYore


if Yo es brave emit.
NeXt Fridays Karne'Ta publish
a ftttln set o' rules fer yo to follow
in doln the courtln. an es fer as
eneyone nose their are no other
rules to Folio, enything air fair!
Git out yore lassos, practice up
on yo ruNNln, and yoXL bee the
f astesT gal to get a FellEr, fore that
weak End.

Y Leader Leaves
To Accept USO

Reports of the Tide strength are
few, though Lowell Tew, ace halfback and leading Alabama scorer
played only a few minutes against
the Vols, indicating that his Injury
may be healing slowly. Other Tide
stars against Tennessee were center Vaughn Manch, and backs
Henry Gilmer and Billy Fields. On
the whole the Tide squad Is composed of older,
players than most of their SEC
rivals' aggregations.


26-- 13

early-seas- on

loss at the hands of Tennessee, in
which the "Cats outplayed the Vols,
may be indirectly avenged by de
feating Alabama tonight, and more
directly repaid by a victory over
the Vols themselves In the season's
last game, November 25. In Lexington.
Shannon May Flay
Coach Ab Kirwan who allowed
Hugh Shannon to dress for the VMI
game said that perhaps the big
Huntington. W. Va. tackle might,
play in Montgomery. Condition of
backs Bill Chambers and Jimmy
Howe still keeps them from playing for another week, Kirwan said.
Both Kentucky and Alabama had
no team in 1943, but the books register a 14-- 0 win over the 'Cats for
the Tide in '42. In twenty previous
meetings, the Wildcats have scored
one win, the Tidemen have taken
19. and one contest was a 7 draw.
In 1943 the Vols also fell before
Alabama, 0.
Two Returning Players
Frank Thomas, veteran SEC mentor has two returning '42 men on
his squad, contrasted with Kirwan s
lineup. Hal Self, quarterback and Jack Green, center are
the vets.
After the Alabama game, the
Wildcat squad will arrive In Lexington Saturday night or Sunday
morning and begin drill Monday
for the coming Mississippi State
game which will be played in Memphis. Following that game, the season will close with two home encounters, against West Virginia and


all-ne- w

Y Officers Elected
Warren Fischer. Lexington. ha3
bee nelected president of the Freshman club of the YWCA and YMCA
for the following year. Jim Tucker
was named
and Charlotte Knapp was elected secretary.

Field-Directorsh- ip

Miss Rosalie Oakes, University
YWCA student-secretar- y,
has been
granted a leave of absence from
November 1 until September, 1945,
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of
women, announced Wednesday.
Miss Oakes has accepted a position
for the USO Cam
pus services, YWCA, for the South
ern Region. She will have her head- uarters at the regional office of the
YWCA at Richmond, Va., but she
will travel throughout the south.
Miss Dorothy Collins, former so
cial director for the Union, will
succeed Miss Oakes as YWCA sec
retary. Dean Holmes said.
Miss Oakes, a native of Winchester, Va., was graduated from
Westhampton college, University of
Richmond, at Richmond, Va., in
1939. She was a member of Mortar Board, and president of the
YWCA. In 1942 she received a B.D.
degree from Crozer Theological
seminary at Chester Pa. In that
same year she came to the University as YWCA secretary. From Lexington she will go to New York for
a short period of training, and then
will go to Richmond.
Miss Collins was graduated from
the Home Economics college at the
University in March, 1943. From
that date until July. 1943. she was
social director at the Union. She
then became a Girl Reserve secretary at Roanoke. Va. In July. 1944.
she resigned that position and in
September came to the University.
field-direct- or

Workers Wanted
Anyone interested In helping
with the sale of War Bonds and
Stamps on the campus Is asked
to meet at S p.m. Monday in
Room 205 of the Union building.

By Shirley Meister
What feature won Id
yon like the Kentuckian to contain

this year?
Betsy Brown, Ed., senior:

A va-

riety of informal pictures of campus
activities and personalities.
Rath Martin, AAS. Junior: A
feature on the radio station, for a

Earl Ashcraft, Law. senior: An
improved cover binding.
Rik Greenwald, A AS, freshman:
How the campus is participating in
the war effort.
Jean Baylor, A AS, freshman: A
feature telling about the Individual
life of a student on the campus.
Rita Kravetx, Ed., junior: Postwar plans for the University.
Norma Blackford. A AS. Junior:
More pictures of campus life.
Jeanne Bureau, A AS, junior: An
individual index.
Edna Crawford, AAS. freshman:
Individual pictures of the football

Alma Heath nun, AAS, freshman:
More features on social activities.
Will Lee Blackford. AAS. junior:
More pictures of various sports activities.
M Artie Rings, Ag, junior: About
one hundred more pages!
Sis Doxter. AAS. junior: More
pictures of dances, pep rallies, and
other events of the year, so we'll
have memories of 1944.
Martha Jano Allen, AAS, senior:
Something about the AST program
snotUS ts


� Best Copy Available

i he Kerne I Editorial Page


t the Port


clhss nietter

c-r.- a



.. ..


Doris Sir.iFTO
Mn.DRFn I.ono




under the Art ul Mmrh





Managing Editor
News Editor

StlOrtS Editor
Mary I.iiimn Dsns
Society Editor
Maroarft Ji'Ua Wh arton . Business Manager
M arcia Praddy
Circulation Manager
Mary I ANT Dorsfy. .Assistant Managing Editor





Ktr.ti..iry iEtcrcoii.Ete rirs
imngnD Bmtd i
Kentucky Press a,-.....,National Editorial Anvi..ui,.Ui






Adele Deri man. B'ttv Lee Flrlshmin.
Snirlry Meister. Franks Keller. Dora Lee Robertson.
Wrench, John
Mitchell. Martha Yates, William
Edna Crawford, Marjorie Wyant,
Laura Headley.
Hagan. Mary Louise Patton. Jane Hunt Clark. Patsy
Jane Hammer!? y. Frances Jenkins. Maud Keller,
Jones. Carol Ranch, Martha Jones. Rcihard Lowe,


jUUIMifUma USllJCIIH.C,lt.


Cillaf Fmthakmn



Mi w






One Quarter




tiqned ortirten and columns are. to be rontidered th
opinions of the writert themtielvet. and do not necetnarilf
the opinion of The Kernel. .








"Go. P.ig P.l ue!" yelled the
crowd when the team boosted
the score another six points.
"Go, Rig Pew!" yelled the crowd
when the Rot tie slipped from
eager hands and fell to the pavement.
Never lcfore, to our knowledge, has there Wen so much
roommate trouble on the campus. It seems as if people who
hate each other were purposely
tossed together. We might as
well get in on the fun and rap- italie on it, too. If anyone
would care for an option on a
tall sirawlerry blonde with pea
green eyes, who is passionately
fond of the Rrooklyn Dodgers
and Terry and the Pirates,
we'll be glad to rent her out.
This offer applies to coeds only.

Are Frats On The Way Out?
(.thlKtllv wlldl





oiim,I, i
nil ili.ii's luiili ground ii wi nil ilicii ill (mile ariivitics aliuiisi



of font


iliink of
on down



the- -




ft' ;ill(l

nil its




it s.


U. Minimis


lx en



circuit's since If
iii i
ftaternitv vcis iiM;ill d on ilic cini-.niii IS5I.1. W'e have a ceii.cin li t lint; of awe
In n we lemenilxT iliai (lie utstni Kaiia Af
lionse, formerly the Avlcslnni I'late. was
;m old Lexington Jtonie used as a ( jinli ileiaie
during the Civil Wai.




w hen war has nt t ssii.n
of a majoriiv of frait i nil ii s al I K



iiisaiuls of other collects and iinivcisiiies.
the issiliilitv of a final exit on the :ut ol these
nl. ni. I m inanv,
ii .i.ln mii.il organizations is
1ml meielv localise of seiiliinenlal al la Imients
lull lui deeK-- reasons as well, smli an a l would
tiiniAir much clisconnni mini ami a Ice ling of
i l llimi from all sides.




When i onsrj ijnion heranie comiiilsorv hundreds til liaternitv men weie foxed in leave the
aii)iiis. And again when the ROM! juuiois
sent to infantrv and signal toips OC'S.
moie were taken leaMii4 the siaius of I'K
t ei llieless.
fi ai nil its somewhat ohsolt le.
theie was a feelinp; amoni; all of them that someday thev woulti ret urn to the same house and
the same tvpe of ftllowshi) th( had enjoved
a war disturlK'd this existent e. It wouldn't
fs.adly lie fair to deprive them ihis mix li.


Right now fraternities are finding themselves
in a precarious position. Their importance on
a college campus goes unnoticed since the minority group only is represented. Naturally they
cannot Ik- called upon to fulfill the various duties
in normal times. Last week results
jh-- i formed
in the naiional War Chest drive