xt7k3j390v4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j390v4z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1997 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 1, Spring 1997 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 67, no. 1, Spring 1997 1997 1997 2012 true xt7k3j390v4z section xt7k3j390v4z *V"" i=f— '   ` J  
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Donald T Frazier Eynda Brown Might `
Physiology Educational and Counseling Psychology ~
        ,»»l_~ T  
          ’l“· { C  
  ~··‘     Y  
T · A/TI   Yeti, H Q   H ’ p v·+g;.
Linda C, Kuder R]. Robinson
$ilr1¢lut‘S-Brvilltr Cvrllcr OH Aging Centerfor Manidactunng Systems r
if       .   ef? ·¢   sa? E
\\l I    r l    [Tri  l ,,43*
 =:; t *?·*=$   .. "*   T
Ronald D Eller james C. Curiem
The i»\]rpalaclrian Center Kentucky Geological Surrey
Y M N tR `Z Th ` F
ut Clf Of OUC CS Ollf 1C.
B Th ` W kT h Y L`f
Meet one ol the best UK teams youve never heard ol. One that doesn`t sign autographs or
make the sports pages. Exactly who are they? They`re part of the UK Research Team.
From A v valachia to a¤in¤. in UKs centers and institutes, the i strive to make the world a
ll is ¤ >
hetter place to live, work and play
And while they don`t have lans in the stands, each one plays a  
vital role in shaping our luture. Doesn`t that deserve a standing ovation? Mmmg [—]gmeS_

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l [ ****2      
I COVER: Shy? member 1996-97 OFFICERS F
student government PRESIDENT  
i president Alan Aja and Hank T/unnpsan ’71  —··-Y— *~·  
1 prcfessor Kim “Qll'(l Louisville
All(l€l'S(JlI, FUIIIOIC _ ·
diuensity f[lTOll"lIOIlT PRESIDENT-ELECT OH€ IHCIIISIVB (jO1'IlIIll1l'llty 8
UKfs inclusive Earning Marianne Smith
conununity. Edge 77 •
` Photo by David Coyle Owensboro Untll Death D0 Us Part  
I ve!. 67 N0. 1 TREASURER The Skinny On Manufacturing 16
· ISNO732-6297. Robert Miller
The Kentucky Winchester ·
Alumnus is yiublished      
quarterly by the SECRETARY
University 1;/` Bob C. Whitaker '58
Kentucky A umni Franlghirt  —
jbr its dues-paying STAFF
members. Opinions —-— —·—·*··*· w ` V ’   néc   " ‘ ’ ’ W EY"'
expressed are not nec- DIRECTOR 7
3;;;;{s;i;g<;§ Ofthc BOF C ""mke‘ 56 UK Beat Faiyrare, Fellows. mu.-G 4
Kentucky or the UK EDITOR
Alumni Association. Li; Howard ’6S SP0l'tS Notebook Derek Out, Baseball Sclletlule 6
Fmvmdmg and Kgyjvhmm 86 Class NOEBS Class by class updates 22
address correction _ _ _ _ _ _
requested. Send m OUTREACH/CLUBS Pl`€Sld€l'ltl2.l POStSCl'lPt Special S€SS1OI]—SP(‘C1Lll Issues 30
The Kentucky Stan Key 72
Alumnus, UK Alumni
Association, MEMBERSHIP
Lexington, Kentucky MARKETING MGR.
40506 Peggy McClintock-
Pau i ’68
Brenda Bain
Linda Brun}Helcl
Margie Caray
Nancy Coomer
Ruby Hardin
Beth Haemliges
john Hoagland ’89
Charles Liuingston
Carolyn Rhorer
SPRING 1997 KEN’ru<:1l<1~~¤th more
l()ll(’ ()l~ lll(¥ ttlP(r‘S   (lCSlgll(%(l t() (PlTll?.l.l]C€ il l`€ll()\ygl]iP [`{]]](l_ For ]r]()]·(5 i]]R)]‘]]];]_ti()]]’ than   lmlhon hiwmg been pledged O1.
personal response to the enduring con- wl] 6()6-257-]537_ Ewen by $0mG LLOOO dO“OYS·
The new program also honors levels of
   _   _ giving: University Fellows ($10,000 or
 L S ’ l . __@> _ more, individuals only); Barker Fellows
( (       ($50,000 or more); Bowman Fellows
. .A..   . me .   1 1 ( ($250,000 or more); Patterson Fellows
.       r.·..,..M ...   ,__, _   A  i ($500,000 or more), and Presidential
.   · Fellows ($1 million or more).
__  i Al   7 There are 21 individuals and 28 corpo— I
  ,  .   . Ip   rations and foundations who have given a ,
. *  Jr 1  y'    million dollars or more to the university. Y
L   l { . ~. ·· .-·.
""m .E;   ga ·‘;=ir • :
‘ _   Alzhe|mer’s Researcher !
1       B l '       A UK chemist researching the cause of
 _ .   '€ fw   Alzheimers disease has received the 1996
·  ·    *   ’ ·j ., ’       Kentucky Academy ot` Science
 “*»  "    —a··   4,; , , _/ti   1 Distinguished University Scientist Award.
f  ` t' Jr Allan Butterlield, professor oi chemistry,
` gig   ‘   Z V ‘ director oi` the UK Center oi membrane
Q; .`     I       Sciences and faculty associate of the
gg. i g     Z fr       n Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, has led
_ l _ i  " V. ` \ ig ’ . i "*i   ja  A research which sheds light on the root cause
· ‘ = ‘,_ S`- wa,   i   of Alzheimer’s and how to prevent it. The
I _   _  ~ ‘ _ _!__s__   A     progressive neurological disorder is the
\;_. .,   ~`s`       .       lourth leading cause oi` death among the
p . `¢· p I .       A J_ Y
. \   mg. g   · V   pj J; { sg} [_   elderly. p I · I ` l I I { N
  gg •;;;; _ _ .   _· - lllll Niewahnei, a chemistiy piotessoi at
· ¥",—:·[{·       I 5       . =   .   }·  Noithern Kentucky University, nominated
· Ig  _ _· l —_ ·     ‘ A `'°' ’*   Butterlield lor the award because of his
· ky   — ·  ·~ .__ research and his teaching success with both
°, Q ·' ,.` , · "` i‘‘·   graduate and undergraduate students.
_ €a·{»· ' _` _     Accouifts ol  risparch have appeared in
- t; ' _ ,   _»__V . more tian 7 puv ications.
" lj: ` , . . · g r ‘   “Tolme, itlseemilike tllea peselarch is cpti
_ ° . . , , · · · ’ °   _ ting et ve ant ossi. ycou t ea to a No he
‘ E hi . . - ‘ ‘ ' 4 .4 l   Pl`lZ€.wbNl€\\’21EI1Gl` said.
Chris Miculus, left, a senior Gaines Fellow and finance major from Henderson, was the Th? Dlstulgmshéd. Unwemty Sgentlst
narrator ot the last issue of Fanfare. jerry Fannin was the technical director. He worl:._._j ‘_;€__;)v A; l   xy` 5 ,.15* iq < .   ~ - ·l· < V ` —A4v~· L_ u '_-o I
»i‘;j*¥·»'_`i'.ti·.jj·"*"`;? -»--.; `f gtgyiixi f < " 7¤;2   .,   "T"7"Yl7i  . 4- . `·-.3*:
  &"¥’ s·.S‘$t¥. ``'. i  “Q£ ‘¥·`  `;.¢€'i'y`*a` ·* .·!».» 4 >~. ·   ‘ ‘`·A`   ` `·
l   . "·"f 1-··:-V:-2 ?'l`1%° {  » · =;=i5· tig?   7   P ‘ ` f` {
i   ,.  if}; · 7     ,<;?’}x%§-»  ··Q ».p,f   2 "··\ ·i ,\
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1  .~z· oo;.   I 2 uu .'     A ·;   `; rr   * I tl ~;_~u u · `J _` l ¤_u u · I `
=g§_@gg.....;€ ..;~5,:,u    ;;1a>,_,ié  ».¢-__  J, ”» T institutions and third among Southeastern
  rr. is ‘.   . tf ··,’ gi .? Z      .- : *’ ‘ -   · ‘ ` ' L_ * ~ ~ "
 we ' . `"   . Q ~..;yi;;_ #" ’» ,=f  L.   . Conference schools. UK ranked second
`ft J . —- » »·v ‘ r ·.? {1     '··- aix i . . .
. V , ."¥<· . V .- j i `=_ }‘_   li}   {it   {-{ _ l ..   among the 1] benchmark institutions.
’ t 9 r · .é;'       :»#Z’_ ` ti"   _,/ , l . , r This is the fourth year in a row the
T tt "  -‘*" . , "'·~"“~;' ." . » . '. . .
  ie, .f   °§£  lll     · t _ mnnber of National Merit Scholars ll] the
M v .,.   M f    nl  `l Il V A  ·'/ if   Al \R..llIa.!LI¤¤,¤.. ..   freshman class has enabled UK to rank
` ·· __ _ ; r1in.¤‘¤¤••Ill‘¤’ i _ .  m ;_;_‘__.. _ A   _. . _
.       ._. n-H umn- U.-"°"*‘ -: ¤¤ _     W   . uu ,   _` among tht. top 1() public institutions.
° .           '‘___   ,3%    Y'? " . · ‘ __
·   -ari-te ·-’€. ,·~;4£»4,m~%. — t v»r— ..   » · »   ·~·- ...., - - ... ·--· ·;,.»/
..   ‘’`‘`‘‘ Y   ..  . .,-~.·--——-—-·—· , [
,     ., g K,.  . ig AgsWebWe¤ther
‘ W _ ti "     r_e   .. .   ~ Wufch
  wt.; —     `“ , vi`   » . . V
,_   _ V;_'.,.?t xs n  a ,,,.1). · . tw .; » 1 *` _ .u · __ . A: ‘ The College of Agncultures Weather
  *·¤l\,LQf3 mr   ·    ~ ·    let  '"` . ·     ° Center Web site has been named one ofthe
~ .r_’     ;»    V  ` Z ‘ o l    Ago? J . r wg _-, JQ   , . ( , . 4 , ,
f`   ` '     Y 31* · _ .¢.:_ ¤~ ~:.~. .-_ ~ worlds best educational sites on the \\’orld
—` —· _ + . Wide Web by PC Computing magazine.
  " . _ ____ wg, · The \Veb site features local forecasts by
, "_ ‘   ’ county, as well as national and world climat-
.   A   ic observations. The \\’eb site address is:
.°‘·j V xwwv.ca.uky.edu/agcollege/agweather/.
l ’ ·
i V- - The Alumni Pep Band has been playing For
t   basketball games at Rupp Arena during UK’s
` • · winter holiday break since I993. in the front
Br·<='¤¤ *¤ *he F¤*¤re UK $<¤r<-=¤ A¤¤·¤ {2;%;*;;.55  ;’:.;
S tion material for such projects. But plastics ef V . ’ .’
i are much lighter than steel, thereby reduc- _ _.;‘ 1 #   . ’? { [ V
ing costs of transporting construction '   ._ Li" } l   \ -
materials, actual construction and long- ·,  F {  _ ‘ , ‘ ·   _ \
l term maintenance. { , QL', ‘ [  — uv i r .. { ·
The bridge will permit researchers to ._’ ` · ‘ I l   `  \;.,.~- _.
1 assess the strength and durability of plastic f' oe V  V  . I ` _ \ »’ ` . ,
` composite materials in a real-use situation. _   In .
The research is being conducted in con- · v, r •*"==` -·t}, ` 1* “
°f junction with Northwestern University, the ‘ . -· _ ,__
Y Great Lakes Composites Consortium and 9 ' . ·=- ‘ 4
the U.S. Office of Naval Research.   Q .· "` ·
S}>u1N(; 1997 Ki·]N'I`lC(jKYAl.1`\lNl}S5

 Derek on the sidelines Cats used impressive defense and new- came out flat as the second half began.
-_ I V _ V found hustle and rebounding from Ron Kentucky put together a 15-1 run at the I
Ile went frorrr a lotterv pick to perhaps _ . . . .. 1
I. _ _ _ I · _ . . Mercer. scoring from Edwards and start of the game and followed rt with a 11- 1
a late frrst or ear ly second round pick rn _ s _
. * . Padgett and increased rrnnutes from 2 run when the second half got underway.
the coming srrrnrner National Basketball I _ I _
II . . _ I _ . . Turner to beat \randerbrlt 56-46. The Hrlltoppers, however, started con-
Assocratron dr aft bv a pro team willing to . I . . .... .
IIIIIII II IIIII ‘ After the \andy outing, Prtrno was nectrng on the 3-pointers to close wrthrn
, ` 'I _ ._ I I enthusiastic. "This has been a great dav. 71-70 with 2:45 remaining. The crowd of
I`hat srrrns up the twist of fate that . “ .
. . . _ V I _ . _ Derek Anderson had hrghlv successful over 1,400 were on tlrerr feet for the dura-
accorrrparrred the rnrury of UK sernor I —I · . I
_ VI · I. “ V . V — surgery and Im reallv proud of the wav tron.
Derek Anderson who finds himself on the · ·_ I · _ _ _
I. . I _. .I I. _ I . . .. V these ¤uvs plaved tonight. Well take our Tlns rs the second time second-year
srdelrrres during hrs frrral vear of elrgrbrlrty *¤ · I · ~ _ I
_ __ ._ _ · _. I _ . * lumps. \Ve re not No. 4 rn the country coach Mattoxs teams have defeated a
recovering from a second anterior crucrate _ _ -r _
I. ‘ _ .V . . I . _. II right now, but we aspire to be bv the end rratronally ranked opponent. UK beat
rgarrrerrt tear; tlrrs time rn ns right nee. . I I _ _ q _
., I . _ _ I 2 · _ of the vear. \\e ll have to win srrnrlar to the Arkansas rn ]anuarv 1996.
\\e re extremely disappointed for . · , . ., . ‘
_ ,. 1 . I . Unforvettables team; we ll have to wm on I m very proud of the wav we played
Derek Anderson, said coach Puck Prtrno. ¤ _ II _ II _ II ~
I, _ .... _ heart, heart with our talent. tonight, sard Mattox. Our heart, our
Ile was having a farrtastrc senior vear. _ _ I I
. , ‘ . _ .‘ poise, our confidence. V\eve played the
llrght now well rust trrrn our attention to _ _ _ _
.‘ . . . · I I . toughest teams rn the nation and tornght rt
hrs relralnlrtatron. \\·e expect lnrrr to make The Best S0 Fur _ _ _
‘l full r‘ecovery in time for the NBA drift in . , Paid Off- F0? tl1€ {1151 t1111€‘ all y€€l1`, W6 Pllt
II I I II I I'   III I _   A III . I I II EVGW l’*`Og"*““ that IS 1‘€1>¤11d¤1s €xP€' two halves together. Now we have to con-
I‘l (   I‘ili( Ill  M If OIT? I2 llIn7g)\l’€ °‘ilI riences milestone achievements along the IIIIIIE vvith the COIIpId€IIC€I·r
O ""l ( ““ ( lf ‘l"l 0 P ‘l}"“f— lm) (**10]]* way. The UK wornen's basketball program
lraskethall arealrty." IIIIII OIIG Of IIIOQQ I
Anderson was the only member of the IIIIIGSIOIIGS III  I  I   r        •
tearrr about wlrorrr Prtmo said he drd not IIIIIIIIIIIIIIQ IIIQVIIIISEI ‘ ’ III   ‘‘r _ I
expect to improve. "\\'hat rrrore can you No 'I8 “';€SI€III _ A ‘’1-  
ask ofthe guy?" asked Pitino rhetorically KC,IIIIICkI. UIIIVGISIIV   .t‘ '
during one press eonf`erenee. 79_73 1 · .  
This year Anderson was leading the The CIIII were    
Southeastern (Ionferenee in scoring with III,IIIIIg IIIGII. IOIIIIII   V `“\‘ fp
‘ ( ' I Z I\
lb.6 ppg. Il Ire 6-5 grrard alsoI was leading IIIIIIOIIIIIII, I.IIIIk€Id yI I »
the team ur steals, tlrree-porrrt shootrng_ IGIIIII III II SIX gIIIII€ - I»,:»_ I
free throw shooting, and was second in SIIIIICIIITIIGCIIISIIISI   ··  I   “ V ‘ ~
assrstsI lle was an Illll-r\IIlt‘I`l(‘tl and a III NIII 25 LIIIIISIIIIIIIII {_ I___\ I I I/I      I I  
Narsrrrrth award candidate. and ranked by SIIII) NII S I   VII _\ I II f I
various scorrts as one ofthe top two guards y_IIIII€I.IIIII ,IIIII NO 9 I _` '   -I ` »\    _  
nr the country at hrs posrtrorr. TGIIIIMQEI, b€I·III.E * E, é *· { ii    I \ »  
. · ,. I. I , . _ _.. r. · · . _   V `_I·• { »¤..T.T,;»       _ J.
lrorurally. IthI d.Iy r\nd¢rsorrsIrr2pr€I III_II,IIIIIIg the     I  
was announcer . re a so was narnec . . , I   4   V "   . r
IIII I II I_ II I \\_I III llrlltoppers and then ’·     I I   Ip _·
‘l:°_l 0 if I ff ` I II I I faced No. 6 Alaharna   . ·· w ‘ .,,; II'¤;’II   ’ —\
II I\ouII can t replac· 15 $1919911 D9191111 1:12 2 9-111- April 6 Alabama Tuscaloosa, Ala. 3 p.m.
Feb. 16 STBTSOI1 Deland, FIB. i p.lTl. Ant-ii 8 Marsnaii Lexington 3 p_m_
1:911 21 (1191119911 C1sms¤¤· S·C 3 P-111 April 8 Western Kentucky Lexington 7 p.m.
Feb.   Clemson Clemson,   2       Tennessee Lexington 6 p_i·n_
Feb. 23 Clemson Clemson, S.C. 1 p.m. Aniii 12 Tennessee Lexington 6 n_n1_
1:811- 28 1-911191 1V1°1119°11191V· A19- 1*19011 April 13 Tennessee Lexington 2 p.m.
March 1 South Alabama Montgomery, Ala 6 p.m. April 15 i_ti_iii_i_i_ Lexington 3 p_n]_
March 4 Eastern Kentucky Richmond 3 p.m. Aniii 16 Dayton Lexington 3 n_n1_
Marsh 5 T¤1s¤9 1—s><·¤91¤ri 3 P-m- April is Florida Gainesville, Fla. 7 p.m.
Msrsh 7 Ols Miss 0>