xt7k3j390v3c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j390v3c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1954 yearbooks ukyrbk1954 English The Kentucky Kernel Press, Lexington, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The 1954 Kentuckian text The 1954 Kentuckian 1954 1954 2012 true xt7k3j390v3c section xt7k3j390v3c   IWewfty Archives
'ng L.brary . N0rff| 7Ve*V of Kentucky L*'n*o, Kentucky 40506  Welcome to a colorful glimpse of the beauties to be found in the bluegrass region of Kentucky. Perhaps those students who are unfortunate enough to be leaving the familiar, yet awe-inspiring sights which our University has to offer, will, in later years, be able to reminisce o'er these memories on paper. The 1954 Kentuckian sincerely hopes to assist you in recapturing echoes of the past. 195
KENTUCKIAN  Kentucky's bluegrass region and the sport of kings are synonymousmile upon mile of faintly blue-tinted fields reaching to a horizon of cotton-covered skies. Covering this sightseer's paradise are the most prominent racing stables in the world. The rambling Calumet Farm, home of such immortal horses as Whirlaway, Bull Lea, and triple crown winner, Citation, is known throughout the sporting world  thus the proud name of our bluegrass region, "the Home of Champions."
 A soft breeze gently rustling through the maple groves and a fluid motion of the waving grass is all the action recognizable on a warm spring day in the heart :>f a lazy country.
Then, with the sound of a distant bugle, life springs into the air. Racing day brings wonderful sounds to the track lovers' ears, in the form of pounding hooves and cheering crowds; and thousands of hearts beat in unison as the ever-urging jockeys flash into the stretch in anticipation of the Winner's Circle.
Wfciiii mint
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      The 1954
MRS. /Ma
 'Teach each generation new, Ne'er to fail in loyalty"
^ministration Just as a good jockey is always ready to push his horse across the finish line, the responsibility of the administration is to help the student reach his goal. Unlike the jockey, the administrative task is unheralded, yet of the utmost importance to the continued success of the graduate. Our administration is the guiding hand in a complex task, for it concerns the supervision of the academic and social lives of thousands of Kentuckians.
Dr. Donovan is the key figure of our university. His thirteen years of residence at historic Maxwell Place have marked thirteen years of material and academic triumph at Kentucky. "My conception of a state university is that
it would be a great service agency in the state. It would be able to take the university to the people, as well as bring the people to the university . . ."  an ideal realized in Dr. Donovan's administration.        Moore, Turner, Macklin, Steilberg, Noyes, Kuegel, Moody, Brown, Podkulski, Buell, Palmer, Lyon, Nutt Parr, Griffin, Leet, Williams, Morrissey, Glass, Perry, Ashbrook, King
The Student Government Association was installed on the University campus in 1939. It replaced a divided system in which men were represented by a Men's Student Government Council, women by a Women's Self-Governing System.
The constitution of the Student Government Association was drawn up in the spring of 1939 and went into effect in September of the same year when it was ratified by the student body. This constitution was revised in 1943 and the revised constitution is now in effect.
The Student Government Assembly is composed of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and twenty-nine members selected by and from the various colleges at elections held during the first and second semesters.
Officers: Carter Alan Glass, president; Fred Williams, vice-president; Pat Morrissey, secretary; and James Perry, treasurer.
Members of AssemblySpring 1954: Barbara Ashbrook, William Billiter, Johnny Brown, James Buell, Jack W. Clark, Carter A. Glass, Judith Griffin, Cliff Hagan, Kay King, John Kuegal, Lee Ann Leet, Jane Lewis, James Lyon, Tom McHenry, William Macklin, Louis Maradie, William Moody, James Moore, Pat Morrissey, Wendell Norman, David Noyes, Van Nutt, Ann O'Boark, William Podkulski, Charles Palmer, Diane Parr, James Perry, Glenn Sanderfur, William Shadoan, Alan Steilburg, Capp Turner, Fred Williams.
Members of AssemblyFall 1953: Wallace Fluhr, Frank Kelley, Mike Gangi, Joyce Hamrick, Ray Jones, Deward Johnson, Robert Shipp, Lois Smith, Frisby Smith, Vena Southwood.
28    The events of 1954 remind Kentuckians of the color, gaiety, and competition of a fast and furious race. The year flashes before our eyes as a thundering thoroughbred disappears around the bend, but it will not be as quickly forgotten. Seen from the stands were: the long awaited victory over Tennessee, an undefeated basketball season, scores of beauty queens, hayrides, formal dances, and most important  lasting friendships.    Recruits
Fall bursts like a bomb on the University of Kentucky and the mad crush is on . . . The green freshmen stumble onto the campus, and like lambs to the slaughter they are led through orientation week . . . This is a week army . . . Fraternities and sororities sprinkle their houses with incense, don white shirts
You ought to be in bedyes? 1
All the frosh were valiant
and heels, and hastily thumb through Who's Who . . . Innocent rushee's enter houses, listen to tales of the fabulous past, get locked in the closet, and rush ends . . . Warm weather embraces the campus and the feminine set is on the Jewel Hall roof bathing in the sun . . . Meanwhile the frat men rush down to
Stompin at the Savoy
 The line up
111 ill
purchase binoculars . . . Everyone madly thumbs through the first Kernel to see if by some trick of fate his name is in print . . . One boy died with happiness on seeing his name in the obituary column . . . Love strikes the students' hearts, and men can be seen madly dragging their girls past Patterson's statue . . . Meanwhile 5000 students battle valiantly for air on a floor  ") 'T1 T V 3 P      o n -) '-,
designed for ten basketball players during a day termed loosely as registration . . . Classes begin and students meet the smiling little white fanged professors . . . The world's most unde-
It's in the basement Stop, you're killing me!
sirable trade takes place: money for books . . . Everyone then takes a first and last glimpse through them . . . The social whirl begins on All College Night with underclass girls trying to look shy
1,567,862 chapters
and what's more the house is paid for! The cheerleaders in action!
and upperclass girls looking hungry . . . New students discover hidden places to study, such as The Paddock, Circle Bar, or Three O'clock Club ... The beef ambles through its first few football games before crowds of frenzied stu-
Are you a legacy? Herb throws?Herb thrown?
The Thetas try again
dents and pie-eyed alums . . . School has begun and the campus buildings have braced themselves for another year of work and play . . .
If you pledge our frat
Sex rears its ugly head Your October Punkin Miss Pat Woodall
With the arrival of October the social season had hit full stride with the football games being the main center of attraction . . . The team was winning and everyone was happy except the teachers, but they're never happy when everyone else is happy . . . The sororities were throwing teas for the fraterni-
  The end's in sight
ness was slow . . . The dance was also a success and everyone sang Dixie near the end; those who could, stood up . . . The Pershing Rifles held its yearly dance with a new surprise finish; they shot the queen at sunrise . . . The
Silly Cooters
 Guignol Players had a successful run in "Mad Woman of Chaillot" . . . There's no telling when they'll stop running . . . Rounding out the month were Halloween parties by practically all the fraternities and sororities . . . Everyone
Coming through the rye
Thank you, I'll have another big orange
General Van Fleet visits Kentucky .
 Sorry, Babe. Don't have time now
was running around in costumes, with anything being seen from witches to white rabbits and pink elephants . . . The witches and white rabbits were real . . . All during the month warm
Marcia Wilder, Lances Queen
Lances Dance weather prevailed and it was rumored the people in Florida were coming north for vacation ... It was a grand month with students learning a lot; occasionally classes were held . . .
Shake it, break it, hang it on the wall
Ho Hum, time to go     i T"!
A J				
November's Puritan Miss Donna Jo Adams
Music filtered through the crisp air of November as the sororities and fraternities began their annual serenades . . . The troops roved from house to house singing songs of the coming yule season ... By coincidence, the
On the runway, a beauty stands
Comic relief at Pan-Hel presentation Novemb
houses which offered donuts and coffee were serenaded two or three times by the same fraternity . . . Another highlight of the music world was the Fred Waring Concert . . . Freddie brought everything but Liberace, and
The smiling Kenruckian Court
Burlesque at the Pan-Hel presentation
Hazeleen Pace takes her turn
 the audience rocked to the rhythm of "The Jewel Song" from Faust . . . Pan-hellenic Bid Day was held and the sorority pledges marched across the stage to the time of boys pencils hastily
Kay King, Homecoming Queen
Smile Governor, you've got my vote
Second childhood?
Bill Green, Homecoming King
scratching down names . . . Two girls were injured while being thrown out of the Student Union Building for wearing blouses to a sweater swing . . . Lamp and Cross held the Kentuckian Queen
Bryant cries at thought of leaving Kentucky
 Tennessee dime stores sell them, two!
Formal and Barbara Baldwin got crowned . . . Finally homecoming week arrived and Lexington was as crowded as the library in June . . . Friday night the tension was mounting for the Tennessee game and 200 people squeezed
Somebody goofed  into the Coliseum for the annual SUKY rally . . . Saturday morning house decorations were judged and the Kappa Alpha Theta's won the sorority division . . . The Delta Tau Deltas took
Who's ahead or where's the head? top honors in the Boys Club division . . . The Big Blue beat Tennessee for the first time in eighteen years and the month of November faded out in a chartreuse and purple blaze . . .
     Your December Doll Miss Ann Smith
Serenade in blue
The season of good cheer settled on the campus and most fraternities, sororities, and dormitories held house parties . . . Reportedly the houses had a wonderful time . . . Round ball season rolled in and the Wildcats started off with a bang by dumping Temple, Min-
We'll huff and puff and blow your house down!
The sing sing girls 			
SGA elections
Big promises, no results
nesota, LaSalle, and Duke . . . Many a tent was vacant all month and various cases of suffocation were reported during half-time intermissions . . . The Blue Marlins put on a Christmas water show considered one of their finest . . . Two girls drowned but they were only
Stuffing the box
 Under the spell of the Chi 0 spirits
in the chorus so they weren't missed . . . The I.F.C. presented Tony Pastor at its All-Fraternity dance and the S.U.B. had a table in every available corner . . . This apparently still wasn't enough as
Tall Sigma tryouts The hanging of the spinach
there were still quite a few couples under the tables . . . Shortly before the Christmas holidays, parties were the thing and fuzzy cheeked Santa Clauses appeared everywhere . . . Gifts of every
Where's Esther?
Mr. Basketball
 Look what Santa bought me!
The calm before the storm
sorted and sordid type were handed out . . . The " Messiah" was presented by the University Chorus and everyone went home feeling decent again . . . Finally school closed and all that could
The leader was Pasteur-the crowd was plastered
 Fishing for a man
be seen on that Friday afternoon were exhaust fumes and a few weeping students, who by some trick of fate had Saturday classes . . .
Stairway to the stars
All I want for Christmas is a Sigma Nu! Anything they can do, Lou can do better
The students of Kentucky celebrated the coming of a new year by happily returning to the warmth of a secure desk in a gay class room . . . The day after returning a concert was given by the St. Louis Symphony which caused a great deal of disagreement in the music department . . . Two baton wav-
Herby receives the Senior Football Leadership Award        The cooters weren't the only ones to get snowed
 Undefeated at home in 11 years
ers were injured while dueling behind the Hammond organ with violin bows . . . Tsioropoulos, Hagan, and Ramsey led the Rupp men through another undefeated month, frequently hitting the one hundred mark . . . This made after game parties numerous and wild . . . January was a quiet month
Nifty Number for 1954 Miss Sally O'Bryan
 Miss Hennessey and dates
The little girl began to twirl

for major social events as everyone began to get the exam jitters . . . The center of all functions was the Margaret King library . . . This is the foreboding stone structure right off Rose Street which could be classified as a speakeasy because there is no neon sign out
Fight fiercely, fellows!
ODK tag sale winners
 front announcing all the good times to be found inside ... All in all the month passed quietly as the students were broke from Christmas and no one could afford to buy enough kerosene to burn down any school buildings . . .
We're all impressed
Their last game for Kentucky was their greatest
 A Vivacious Valentine Miss Sammy Meade
Those who were lucky arrived back on the campus to begin the second semester . . . The infirmary was full of neurotic students mumbling test questions in their sleep and the maintenance crew was busy patching up the burglar-proof classrooms . . . The topic of the
Love at first sight
 day was the vacation trip to Florida as tans were compared . . . The students who stayed home could be seen gathered in little white groups, casting quavering glances over their anemic little shoulders . . . Informal rush began and two rushees lost teeth in the stam-
 		 *T ' Jlvl	
		......~ '----	
Dahling, it's so good to see you
pede . . . Coke parties were discontinued in favor of straight V-8 juice . . . The basketball team rounded out an undefeated season, and students still had the honor of never seeing Kentucky
Alpha Gam or bust  Coach Collier and family
Relaxing at the Wildcat
The Mardi Gras Dance was presented by the Newman Club and Rex crowned sex . . . Queen was Marlene Young while the king was Dr. Summers . . . The Mardi Gras was a huge success,
SGA filibusters
 AM good men come to the aid of their state
and many couples left for New Orleans right after the dance . . . College was truly back in the swing of things, as one professor was found outside Neville
Hall swinging from a tree . . . The Kerne| Qt work
   Friends, Romans, Countrymen
March, the windy month, blew in with some aid from the professors who, by mid-semester, were going strong . . . The year had reached a slightly tedious point, and lack of finances turned even the innocent into confidence men . . . The problem was  everyone was selling and no one was buying . . . The sororities were getting generous in their March's Breezy Miss Nancy Campbell
old age by putting together last week's leftovers and having the frat boys over for dessert. . . Religious emphasis week was held and all the cussing at the N.C.A.A. was done under one's breath . . . The dances this month rocked . . . Everyone did the bunny hop at the Inter Dorm Dance, the battle hop at the Military Ball and nothing at the IFC
Rex crowns sex Marlene Young, Mardi Gras Queen
Dance . . . The latter was cancelled because the juke box broke down . . . The State High School Basketball Tournament hit town and all the men could be found at the front door of the coliseum impressing the innocent high school girls by flashing their Troupers'
Gras costume winners Come to the Mardi Gras
New Orleans here I come!
letter sweaters . . . Everyone was anxious to get out in the fresh air and go on picnics . . . This was impossible, however, as all the dog sleds in town were rented . . . Therefore, students sullenly stuck to their books, reading by the light from their coal oil stoves . . .
Rogue's Gallery
 Ann Smith, Military Queen
Here comes the queen
Talent time rolled around and a large lack of it could be heard at the All-Campus Sing . . . All types of music, including such songs as "All the Things You Are" and "Holiday for Strings," could be heard . . . The enjoyment of
Who let the Boy Scouts in?
 The Honor,Guard
the singers was offset by the suffering audience . . . March blew in and out on a strong wind and the troops could be seen ogling full skirts and bending down after to tie shoe laces . . .
Carnival of Tunes winners The Military Queen and her court
 Your April Shower Miss Nancy Don Freed
Take me out to the ballgame
April raced by on pounding hooves and with the speed of money lost at Keeneland . . . Yes, the racing season had opened and classrooms were empty . . . Students journeyed to the track for a hilarious afternoon of watching their professor lose his salary  which was really nothing, to begin with . . . They were off and running in the Lambda Chi Push Cart Derby, and it was one
 Jerrys, popular hangout
of the few times all year that the feminine set was pushed around without complaint . . . The Administration Building was the starting line . . . The starter accidentally raised his gun and put a bullet through a window, three deans, and the comptroller . . . Yes, this was an afternoon enjoyed by all ... A tremendous rush on tux rentals and purchasing of formals was noted as the
Shot with the program King Lear
spring formals were all crushed into four weekends . . . Practically all the fraternities chose sweethearts and the girls capitalized on their beauty by endorsing beer ads . . . The best dressed contest was held by the Sigma Chi's and sequined Bermuda shorts ran a
In my solitude The Greek's chariots
close second to sport coats and khakis .. . The Spiked Shoe Relays were again held, but on a new course . . . The boys ran through the second floor of all the sorority houses . . . This year the largest field in history left the starting blocks and the smallest field crossed
The girdles were in the stretch
 The Alpha Gams were on the lam
the finish line. . . . Many were lost in the stretch  it was a girdle . . . The K Club held its annual dance, and a lady wrestler was guest of honor . . , For entertainment she did push-ups with the
The Spiked Shoe Relays On the inside looking out
orchestra on her back . . . This wasn't too extraordinary as it was only a three piece job anyway . . . With the annual Troupers show, April fooled away, as did all who attended the above functions . . .
The Indianapolis 500 Queen and her attendants
Sighs and sobs were featured this month as the school year approached closing time . . . The sighs were uttered from the lips of relieved underclassmen and the sobs were merely the seniors, sorry to see themselves go . . . Many of the boys in the Air Force could be seen walking around with their heads in the clouds, dreaming of receiving
Barbara Baldwin, 1953 May Day Queen
 Classes move outdoors
their wings . . . Most of them were in for a disappointment as that brand is no longer on the market . . . This was the month of SuKy's May Day parade, which figures . . . Movies being the theme, all floats represented a picture of the past, this also figures . . . Since 3-D was presented, most of the boys were watching, you guessed it, the fig-
The Bluegrass
May's Final Exam Miss Libby Higgins
 I 111 '
Somewhere over the rainbow
Delta Tau Delta,
ures . . . The May Day Dance was almost a bust as not one sorority girl volunteered to be the May pole this year . . . Since this was the last all-campus dance of the year, the juniors celebrated by tying lead diplomas to the seniors feet and throwing them off
The float of beauty
The KD's
 May Day winner
the SUB balcony . . . Nary a person was found sleeping under a table except the chaperones, so the dance was considered a success . . . Classes were moved out to Boonesboro and some new curriculum was added such as, "The Proper Blanket Folding Tech-were tops
 Kentucky pulchritude
nique" . . . The Student Bar Association Dance was held; those law students can get away with anything . . . Baccalaureate was held and the seniors sat mutely shaking their heads from side to side . . . Most people thought they
The Nu's have a party, as always
 That lucky guy with a convertible
were reminiscing on the days gone by, actually it's the best way to lose a hangover ... As they left Baccalaureate and looked off into the horizon, the seniors spotted a 400-pound fat girl bending over and knew the end was near . . .
The old campus Your June Bride Miss Hazeleen Pace
The era of good feeling crept into the University of Kentucky as the time for farewells drew near ... In one week students struggled to make up for a year's mistakes . . . Final exams were a thing despised by many, but as their name indicates they were the finale . . . Graduation  suddenly loomed before
Graduation Day seniors, torn between joy and sorrow . . . They sorrowed over friendships left behind . . . They were overjoyed at thoughts of their senior year at Kentucky  a year of hard work and fine partying, when music was right for dancing, or for listening because Dixieland was here to stay ... It was a year
A summer day at U of K
_______ :Ci2*SgL:.
Hello walk, a familiar sight
 Nothing so fair as a day in June
of many firsts  in athletics, fraternity scholarship, and the first full-year Ken-tuckian coverage . . . The seniors were joyous in anticipation as they traveled forth to join a problem-burdened world . . . They have crossed the bay; the ocean lies beyond . . .
June is busting out all over
For some, the last trail
   a   1 j
Miss Baldwin was selected in the    // { /' Kentucky Beauty Queen Contest as the most beautiful girl at the University. On this page appear scenes from the  ^ M Jp, Kentuckian Beauty Queen Dance, at which Barbara was named.
\ i
        "Hail thee ever, Old Kentucky; Glorious is thy heritage"
 The workout, in which the untrained thoroughbred comes in daily contact with the trainer, molds its future. Comparable is the daily workout of the student under the expert guidance of our instructors. It is here, in the classroom, that the processes of logical thought and critical analysis are developed. Futures are molded. Students, like thoroughbreds, enjoy a change of gait. For this purpose honoraries and organizations are offered in every field.
"Workout   Agriculture & Home Economics
Under the direction of Dean Frank J. Welsh and Acting Associate Dean Dewey G. Steele, the teaching program of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics is intimately related to the welfare of the people it serves. Consistent with its historic origins, this College presents technical instruction and at the same time requires training in several subjects deemed essential in all branches of higher education. By right of its lofty ideals and also its current instructional program, the college functions as a professional school on a high academic level. The College has developed an educational procedure that enables students to assume responsibilities in various aspects of rural, as well as urban, life. The aim of this College is to educate young men and women for careers as useful citizens and leaders in all phases of agriculture and home economics. This may be on the farm, in the home, teaching, nutrition, research, commercial work, or any other work that requires knowledge of the place that agriculture and home economics have in the world today. Alpha Zeta
Cooley, Fuqua, Rebhan, Herdon, Utz, Ashbrook, Davis, Scanlan, Padgett Louderback, Poor, Boyd, Waters, Fuchs, Rudd, Ragland, Armstrong, Moody, Slagel Survant. Winstead, Ernst, Brough, Williams, Plummer, Kemp
Alpha Zeta, agriculture honorary fraternity, was founded at Columbus, Ohio, in 1897. Scovell Chapter was installed at the University of Kentucky in 1912.
The purpose of Alpha Zeta is to encourage and develop the actual and potential leadership in the field of agriculture.
Faculty advisors include Dr. William Survant, Dr. James Kemp, and Prof. Lawrence Bradford. There-are over sixty former members of Alpha Zeta on the teaching staff and in agricultural research and extension.
Officers for the year were Chancellor, Melbourne Brough; Censor, Fred Williams; Scribe, John Ernst; Treasurer, Orel Plummer; and Chronicler, Jack Wind-stead.
Members arc Joseph Armstrong, William Ashbrook, James Davis, Alvin Egbert, John Ernst, Edward Fuchs, Joe Fuqua, Rollie Graves, Albert Hatfield, Thomas llerndon, Logan Louderback, William Moody, James Padgett, Orel Pummer, William Poor, John Ragland, Herbert Rebhan, J. C. Rudd, Lawrence Scanlon, Donald Slagel, Dumont Souleyrette, Alan Utz, William Waters, Sidney White, Fred Williams, Raymond Wilson, and Jack Windstcad. There are no pledges.
120 Block and Bridle
Woolfolk, Stull, Bunch, Herndon, Boyd, Robinson Poor, Cooley, Ernst, Fuchs
Brogli, Padgett, McCormack, Pearce, Nutt, Moody Phelps, Haydon, Goggin, McKinney
The Block and Bridle Club was founded in 1919 in Chicago, Illinois, and was installed on the U. of K. campus in 1923. Its purpose is to promote a higher scholastic standing among students of animal industry; to promote all phases of student husbandry work in colleges and universities; and to bring a closer
relationship among the men pursuing some phase of animal husbandry as a profession.
Officers: Bruce Pearce, president; Glen McCormack, vice-president; Lois Selby, secretary; Tom Herndon, treasurer; and John Cross, marshal!; P. G. Woolfolk was faculty advisor.
121 Dairy Club
Brogli, Powers, Gibson, Tucker, Thompson, Taylor, Washburn J. Shields, Brough, Swanson, Deaton, Denton, Hibbitts Bennett, McKinney, Judge, Carpenter Lassiter, Steinhauser, Lawson, Herbst, Herndon, Kuegel
The Dairy Club was founded on campus in 1933. Faculty advisors are: Dr. Theo Freeman and Dr. Charles Lassiter. Purpose of the club is to promote interest in dairying and Fellowship among dairy students at the University and to encourage dairy judging teams.
This year the Dairy Club published its second annual with Jerome Lawson, editor; John Kuegel, co-editor; Aldin Steinhauser, business manager; and Ray Tucker, circulation manager.
Heading the list of highlights for the year was the Homecoming Football Breakfast. Also on the list were the Dairy Cattle Showmanship Contest, the Faculty-Student Mixer, the Dairy Judging Contests, the Dairy Club Honor Banquet with the honored guest.,
Officers for the year were: Robert Herbst, president; Jerome Lawson, vice-president; Tom Herndon, secretary; John Kuegel, treasurer. 4>H Club
Cleve, Deaton, Brogli, Bailey, Wade, Fuqua, Gibson, Yancey, Neeley, Nutt, Hibbitts, Bunch, Oliver Huflage, Hill, Domaschko, Sanderfur, McCormack, Shipp, Burgin, Lutes, Leet, Patterson
Hopkins, Toohey, McCormack, Layman, Denton, Cooksey, Conder, Kash, Weiss, Adams, Scott, Craig, Lynn
The University 4-H Club was installed at the University of Kentucky in 1927. The purpose of the club is to promote bonds of friendship among former 4-H Club members who now attend the University and to keep in touch with the extension department and know what is taking place in the fields of agriculture.
The faculty advisors are Mr. Pheane Ross and Miss Margaret Gulley. The officers were: Glen McCormack, president; Emma Conder, vice-president; Thelma Jo Kash, secretary; Jesse Shipp, treasurer.
Members: Joyce Adams, Annette Allen, Lois Allen, Bill Bailey, Ralph T. Bradford, Jim Brogle, Roy Bunch, Betty Burgin, Blanche Bushong, Martha Car-
ter, Lelia Clark, Buford Cobb, Emma Conder, Mat-tie Cooksey, Phyllis Craig, Oliver Deaton, Ruth Denton, Rosemary Domaschko, Mary Eades, Stella Flowers, Joe Fugua, R. D. Gibson, Gibbs Hayden, Tom Herndon, June Hiatt, Leroy Hibbitts, Charlotte Hill, Patricia Hopkins, Mary Ann Huflage, E. T. Kash, Thelma Jo Kash, Nora Layman, Judy Lester, Ann Lutes, John Marsh, Glen McCormack, Mary Ann McCormack, Bill McCoy, Betty Moser, Claudette Moss, Sam Neeley, Van Nutt, Doyle Oliver, Jo Ann Patterson, Doug Ridley, Phyllis Sanderfur, Vera Dean Scott, Jim Sherfey, Jesse Shipp, Dumont Soulezrette, Pearl Stephens, Inez Toohey, John Vancleave, Bob Wade, John Woeste. , ~_ Home Economics Club
The Home Economics Club completed a busy schedule of activities this year including such things as an information booth at registration, Halloween party for the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Christian Bazaar and luncheon, serving lunch to the visitors at Farm and Home Week, Career Week, bi-monthly meetings, spaghetti supper and the annual picnic at Dr. Erikson's.
The purpose of the club is to bind Home Economics students together, give them knowledge and practice in self initiated group work, provide them with a true vision of Home Economics, and offer friendship between students and faculty.
The officers for this past year have been: Karen Kercheval, president; Lou Nell Pitchford, vice-president; Ann Lutes, re-cordnig secretary; Lee Ann Leet, corresponding secretary; Be*ty Hamilton and Mary K. Boyd, treasurers; Martha Jane Holt, social chairman: Ruth Lindsay and Margaret Wallace,
historians. Miss Adelia Weiss and Miss Betty Jane Downer served as advisors.
Members: Mary Eades, Loretta Seithers, Ann Craig, Norma Weiss, Phyllis Charles, Mary Ruth Cochran, Phyllis Craig, Betty Burgin, Fredda Short, Vera Dean Scott, Margaret Ann Cook, Anna Lee Osborne, Phyllis Sandefeur, Peggy Day, Glenna Day, Loraine Moore, Charlotte Hill, Janice Taylor, Iris Racke, Virginia Depp, Delores Hamilton, Kaye Francis Goldberg, Ada Bruce Gash, Gwen Wolfe, Jo Alice Pritchard, Carol Beam, Lois Stone, Sarah Tabb, Betty Carol Bruce, Jo Ceil Brown, Betty Gabehart, Joan Judson, Lelia Clarke, Ruth Denton, Betty Taylor, Rosemary Domaschke, Marilyn Mc-Naulty, Shirley Lancaster, Mary Ann McCormick, Barbara Watts, Margaret Holyfield, Guynd Stiff, Eleanor Botts, Inez Toohey, Rosemary Tate, Conchita Brashear, Margaret Ingle, Ann Bell, Mary Ann Purdy, Barbara Denham, Margaret Forte, Delores Dargavell, Ama McNeil, Louise Antel, Genevieve Brashear, Barbara Ellis, Mary Jo Maddox, Martha Clark, Sue Allen, Joyce Adams, Annette Allen, Winnie Bergman, Mattie Cooksey, Sarah McConathy, Sarah Conn, Emma Conder, Joe Kash, Margaret Powell, Ann Wiley, Jean Taylor, Emoline Thompson, Lynda Gorin, Carolyn Jolly, Lucia Morris, Patricia Hopkins, Betty Moser, Julia Collier, Lois Claskey, Claudette Moss, Stella Flowers, Lydia Johnson, Ann Salisbury, Betty Landrum, June Hiatt.
124 Phi Upsilon Omicron
Bishop, Hamilton, Pitchford, Collier, Leet, Batson
Hackworth, Forte, Holyfield, Stiff, Baldwin
Latta, Hobgood, Lutes, Calvert, Link, Johnson, Taylor
Phi Upsilon Omicron, national professional home economics fraternity, was founded at the University of Minnesota in 1909. Iota Chapter was installed at the University of Kentucky in 1922.
The purpose of Phi Upsilon Omicron is to establish and strengthen bonds of friendship, to promote the moral and intellectual development of its members, and to advance and promote home economics.
Iota Chapter's professional activities include helping to finance and contributing clothing to the Kentucky Frontier Nursing Service, sending booklets and showing slides to high school seniors in an attempt to interest them in furthering their education, contributing to the Thomas Poe Cooper Fund, and cooperating with the Home Economics Club in various
activities such as a tea for all new students on campus which was given in the fall of 1953.
One of the high-lights of our program for the year 1953-1954 was having our District Councilor, Miss Mabel Adams, Department of Foods and Nutrition, University of Alabama, with us for fall initiation.
Officers: Lois Smith Calvert