xt7k3j390t1n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k3j390t1n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-01-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 20, 1928 1928 1928-01-20 2012 true xt7k3j390t1n section xt7k3j390t1n THE KENTUCKY KERNEL



II V F R TISFMENTS Dean Anderson to









win Preside over Convention of
Heating and Ventilating
Engineers at New York

Dean F. Paul Anderson, of the En
Doctor Miner Opens Exhibition
gineering College, will leave Friday
With Varied and Colorful
for New York, where he will attend
Collection of Material
annual meeting of
the twenty-fourt- h






Won fin (T nnil

Ventilating Engineers, of which he is
IN ALL FIELDS OF WORK the president. The meeting will be
held at the Hotel Pennsylvania and
New York Times Reproductions will continue through the week of
January 23.
Is One of the Numerous


"How well can you judge advertisements? Are you eccentric in sizing up ads? Does your sense of
work normally?" This is the
sort of problem on which you may
test yourself through the first at
tempt to develop a method for evalu
ating a person's ability to judge advertising, which is shown in the
vertising exhibition this week at the
university. "
The display is intended to bring
some of the latest attempts to
advertising in all fields to the
attention of merchants, printers, advertising men, and students of advertising, journalism, business writing,
commerce and applied art. It will be
open to the public each day this week
from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., in room 204
Neville Hall at the university.
This is the first time that this material has been assembled and Dr. J.
B. Miner, who teaches the class in thr
phychology of advertising and selling,
has been collecting this work for th
past five years. It was augmented
this year by a large collection of the
latest improvements in direct mail
advertising gathered at the exhibition
of the International Association of
Direct Mail Advertising held in Chicago last fall. Over 200 booths occupying 70,000 square feet were there
included and Dr. Miner brought back
hundreds of booklets and mailing devices representing the cream of the
Newspaper advertising comes in for
special attention. The New York
Times' reproduction of its advertisement contest in which the same advertisement is presented in over 400
different styles of typography, is of
special interest. There are numerous
advertising campaigns in newspapers
and magazines, including the publicity
campaign of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, a fountain pen campaign which increased
business 77 per cent in one year, the
bulletins of the periodical publishers
association describing successful campaigns, and a collection of advice summaries by some of the leading experts.
The latest novelty in duplicating is
fully described. It is in the form of
a machine for duplicating letters on
typewriters by utilizing the principle
'which punches
of the player-pian- o
holes in a roll of paper. In this manner typewriters may make personal
letters without mimeographing. There
are also new forms of printing in colors directly from the films.
The reports of
awards under the Bok foundation for
the best work in advertising and in
advertising research are shown with
the display of the winning campaigns
and individual advertisements. Imwriting comes
proved business-lette- r
in for its share of attention.
Samples of published newspaper
advertisements, the layouts of which
were 'prepared by students in Doctor
Miner's classes, are displayed and
show winning advertisements in a series of annual contests. Besides numerous advertisements which appeared in the Lexington papers and The
Kernel, there are scores which have
appeared in other papers throughout
the state. The feature of the display
has been attractively assembled with
the material showing the conditions
of the conCests.
An extensive collection of books on
advertising and on selling will put
the visitor in touch with the latest
and most authoritative literature on
these subjects. The feature is especially rich in the presentation of research work. This includes the results
of the Research Bureau for Retail
Training now at the University of
Pittsburgh, which Doctor Miner assisted in organizing in 1918 and for
which he was the executive secretary
a number of years. The stores all
Pittsburgh have contributed in
nearly a million dollars to this Bureau
so that its work is now put on a permanent foundation.
The display of advertising and
house organs, "insti
tutional advertising" in the form of
booklets, and media for advertising is
nnit suptrestive. Then there are a
series of humorous advertisements
on advertising including
and take-off- s
the recent book "Old Sox on
which has aroused much
merriment at the advertising conventions.
A considerable part of the material
in the collection has been gathered
through the efforts of the National
Association of Teachers of Advertising of which Doctor Miner was one of
the original members.





Trum-Detine- ."

Cynthia Smith, of Lexington, who
made the highest standing in Principles of Economics in 1927, has been
awarded the prize offered by Lambda
Alpha chapter of Chi Omega sorority.
It is one of the national policies of
the sorority to encourage interest in
the departments of phychology and
To accomplish this each
chapter offers a prize of $25 to the
sophomore girl holding the highest
grade in either of these departments.


Among the speakers of national
reputation who will address the members of the society at various times
during the meeting, will be Dr. F. W.
Stratton, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ole
Singstad, chief engineer of the Holland tunnel between New York and
New Jersey, and A. O. Stanley,
of Kentucky.
One of the highlights of the meet- will be a session on cooperative
research. The soceity, in cooperation
with several universities, of which
Kentucky is one, has made several
tests to determine an effective temperature range, comfortable to the
majority of people. This has been
called the comfort zone.
Kentucky is well represented in the
society and will play a prominent part
'n the program for the week. President Anderson will deliver the greeting address. A report will be presented by Professor O'Bannon of the
university on his work on boiler rating in the new laboratory recently established at the university.



Sulzer Will Direct Presentation
By University Concert Band
In Men's Gymnasium; Varied
Selections Promised.
The University of Kentucky Con
cert band, conducted by Elmer G. Sulzer, will give a concert Sunday afternoon, January 29, at 3:30 o'clock in
the Men's gymnasium to which the
public is invited.
The program will be so varied as
be Utopian to lovers of music.
After a march is played the band will
render Suppe's Light Cavalry Over
ture which is one of the most imag-

inative the composer has created. It
has a certain military flavor throughout, from the first movement which
is based on the
to the original march theme which
ends the overture.
of the
The tone
chimes, a very modernistic composi
tion, is another outstanding number
on the program. It is based on the
story of a weary wanderer who rests
for a moment on the banks of a river
and while reflecting on the mistakes
of his life, hears the chimes ring out
with their message of hope and cheer.
The program is as follows:
March, "King Cotton" Sousa.
Overture, Light Cavalry Suppe.
of the chimes







3,000 Volumes
Wednesday night, by the
Left to the Department By Wildcats, 32 to 26 in one of the most
score of
Dean C. J. Norwood Will Be exciting games ever played on the
Arranged for Reference Work. Navy floor. The 'Cats ran up a score

The books left to the department of
mining and metallurgy by Dean C. J.
Norwood are being- catalogued and
will soon be ready for use as a ref
erence library. The collection con
tains about 3,000 volumes, all of which
came from the personal collection of
Dean Norwood.
These volumes con
sist chiefly of scientific and technical
works dealing with geology, mining,
metallurgy and chemistry.
In his long life of service as a geologist both in Kentucky and Missouri,
he collected many valuable sets, the
majority of which ' are now out of
print. There are the state geological
surveys of every state, and a complete set for Kentucky, as well as
many valuable United States geological survey reports. There is a complete set of transactions of the Mining and Metallurgical society, from
its beginning to the present time.
Many of his books contain his own
name as author.
The geological collection, supple
mented by the more modern books in
will make
the geology
one of the best referenc libraries on
the campus. His entire collection of
books is of inestimable value for a
technical library at. the university.
Upon examining the books, some
of them rare first editions, you may
gain an idea of Norwood, th" student.
There is hardly a book but is marked
with notes in his own handwriting,
notes on the book and its author. In
almost every volume you may find
clippings relating to the subject.
Often there are lists of students in
his class, with notes on their standing. He has bound several volumes
of notes taken during his own student days. Their neatness and fullness pay silent tribute to the earnestness of the young engineer student

(Continued on Page Six)

M unz, Polish Pianist,

Will Present Recitals

Mieczyslaw Munz,
the celebrated
Polish pianist who played in a Chopin
recital in Lexington last yar, will
present a series of four historical
pianoforte recitals in the auditorium
of the Lexington College of Music,
next Sunday at 3:30 o'clock.
Miss Anna Chandler Goff is in charge
of tha arrangements.
Mr. Munz won the admiration of the
music lovers who heard him last year
and his return in this recital will be
His first program Sunday
afternoon will feature the works of
Beethoven and Schubert; on February 2G he will present a program
from the compositions of Schumann,
Chopin and Liszt; on March 11 his
program will include Bach, Beethoven
and Brahms; and on March 25 he will
render a complete program of modern compositions.
The subscription price of tickets for
the four concerts is $4.40, while the
single admission is 1.65.

Kernel Banquet
Held February


Next Issue of 'Letters'
Appear February

of Kentucky Colleges Will Be
Held In Physics Building
ginning at 10 o'Clock.


of 10 to 0 in the first ten minutes of
The annual meeting of the Assoplay and led at the half by 16 to 10
During the last part of the game ciation of Kentucky Colleges will be
Captain Jenkins was put out of the held at the university in the lecture
game on personal fouls. Dees was room of the Physics building, Satur
day, January 21, beginning at 10
substituted for Jenkins.
In the last few minutes of play the o'clock on Saturday morning and con
Middies made a powerful comeback tinuing in the afternoon. The program is of great interest to the coland won the game.
lege and university men of the state,

Schedule of Exams

For First Semester
According to the report from the





tions for the first semester will begin on Friday morning, January
20. Following is tht schedule:
Friday morning, January 20
Friday aftern, January 20
Hygiene, First year French and
Saturday, January 21
hour classes.
Monday, January 23
hour classes.
Tuesday, January 24
hour classes.
Wednesday, January 25 Fourth
hour classes.
Thursday, January 26
hour classes.
Friday, January 27 Sixth hour
Saturday, January 28 Seventh
hour classes.
Eighth hour classes to be
by the instructor with the
approval of the head of the department.
classes will be examined in the
morning; Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday classes in the afternoon.
(Classes meeting four or more
times a week will be examined in
the morning).
Forenoon examinations will begin at 8:30; afternoon examinations at 2:00.
Office of the Registrar.

English and Psychology Departments Revive Course in Conversation; Will Be Taught by
Different Instructors.
The second semester of this year's
college term will usher into the cur-

riculum of the university a course in
Life Interests that is new and highly
interesting. Although the course was
inaugurated several years ago, the
lapse between its inauguration and
its continuance this year has served
to increase the interest and enthusiasm of both college students and
professors here, and at many different
universities throughout the country.
Grand Trio from the opera "At- The course will be conversational,!
tila" Verdi.
Played by Hugh Adcock, baritone;
10 including 12 topics ofbevital the art of
The training will
Eugene Royse, coronet, and Elden
discussing subjects. Stress will be
DuRand, trombone.
Bill Glanz, Editor of The Kernel laid on teaching the student to obIntermission (five minutes).
Will Act As Toastmaster
ject to a statement without contenOverture to the opera "Bohemian
for Occasion
tion or rudeness.
Girl" Balfe.
The syllabus compiled by the EngWaltzes, Bridal Roses Barnard.
The annual banquet of The Ken- lish and Psychology departments will
Descriptive, The Forge in the For
tucky .Kernel will be held at the Laest Michaelis.
ta yette hotel, on February 10, at 6:30
(Continued on Page Six)
A Song of India, from the legend
p. m.
It is the custom of The Kernel to
March, The Strength of a Sampson
lave at its banquet each year several
Dedicated to Governor Flem D. juests of honor. This year the guests
3f honor will be the Intercollegiate
The attention of all students is
Press Association, the journalism
called to the following notice,
staff, Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. McVey,
which will be strictly enforced:
and Dean and Mrs. Paul Boyd.
"At the close of each semester
William Glanz,
and of each term of the summer
The Kernel will act as toastmaster.
session, those in charge of any deThe remainder of the program is
partment shall post lists of stuDavid Alexander and Professor
arramred and will be Dublished in dents who are delinquent in their
Rothenstein Are Among
a later issue of The Kernel.
financial obligations to the univerContributors
sity and shall notify these delinEDITOR'S NOTE
quents, and shall
the lists to
The next issue of "Letters," the
the registrar. No student will be
No Kernel will be published next
university magazine will appear Feballowed credit for his semester's or
The next
ruary 1, according to an announce- week because of exams.
term's work, nor to register for the
ment made by Prof. E. F. Farquhar, issue of the paper will appear on the next srmester or term, nor to gradcampus, Friday, February 3. Report
editor of the publication.
uate until all such obligations have
Among the numerous and varied ers will please report to The Kernel been satisfactorily met."
Monday for assignments for this issue.
features to be in the forthcoming issue of the magazine will be a short
story by Mrs. Rice, wife of the Kentucky poet, Cale Young Rice; a critical study of Sherwood Anderson, by
David Alexander, and "America's
Latest Declaration of Independence,"
an article by Prof. J. K. M. Rothenstein on the architecture of America.
Subscribers to the magazine have
been backward in paying their subscriptions chiefly because they could
(By Beecher Adams)
college, has charge of the enlarge-- ;
find no one to pay them to. In view
What promises to develop into one ment of photographs sent willfrom finof this, Professor Farquhar suggests
of the greatest traditions of athletic rious captains and there
that the subscribers send their checks
ished during the examinations after
in by mail, rather than to go to the life on this campus is rapidly pro- which thy will be given their places
gressing under the direction of S. A.
difficulty of finding James Shropshire.
in the "Hall of Fame."
The address is, "Letters," University "Daddy" Boles, athletic director. This
The frames, attractive walnut pieces
new venture, that of establishing a
of Kentucky, Lexington.
hall of fame for all athletic captains about a foot square, were donated by
Maury Crutcher, superintendent of
and teams, will place pictures of these
notables along the western hall of th" buildings and grounds. There are
gymnasium. Already ten or twelve about 25 of these already on the walls
of these prints have been put in place of the gymnasium, each holding a
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of and within the next
few weeks many picture of some star or captain.
the university, has been appointed by more will be added.
Among the pictures already up are
Rodolfo Chiari, president of the Re
Handicapped by incomplete records, to be found "Chuck" Alberts, Denver
public of Panama, to serve on an hon "Daddy" Boles
" Cowboy " Underwood,
has spent over a year Dehaven,
orary committee, to plan a memorial in collecting pictures and information Frank Phipps, and Charlie Wert.
for his work concerning athletics at the university. While the display was at first handled
to Theodore Roosevelt
in the advancement of the Central There is now a fairly complete record to hold only individual pictures of
American country. On the commit- of all captains and teams since 1915 captains, it was announced by "Dadtee are such men as Charles Evans but practically no information is dy" Boles that a few prominent stars
Hughes and Elihu Root. The memo available concerning athletics in the would be given places.
ial, though not definitely decided early part of the century.
Invitations have been sent out reupon, will probably be in the form of
Professor Nojlau of the engineering peatedly asking former athletes to
a school.

WILL Announce Winners
$825,000 NEEDED
In Drama Contest
Professor Farquhar Is Anxious
For Kentucky Playwrights to
Annual Meeting of Association
Participate Next Year


Navy Wins From Wildcats by
Score of 32 to 26


JANUARY 20, 1927








and every member of the faculty staff
is urged to take the opportunity of
attending these meetings.
These meetings have been of vast
service to the work in higher educa
tion in Kentucky during the past. Out
of thorn has come the standardization
of college work, the inspection and
accrediting of high school, and a number of other movements that have bettered the college work in the state.
A very important objective has been
the broadening of personal contacts
between faculty members.
The following program has been
President's address.
"What Can the College Do In Pro
nioting International Peace?"
"Place of Teachers College In the
Scheme of Higher Education In the
United States."
"The Improvement of College Teaching."
"Is There a Place For the Liberal
Arts College In the Scheme of Higher Education."
There will bo about fifty representatives besides those of the university
and from these a committee will be
chosen to deal with the accrediting of
state high schools.
The schools to be represented are:
University of Kentucky, Univer
sity of Louisville, Eastern State
Teachers College, Western State
Teachers College, Murray Teachers
College, Morehead Teachers College,
Nazareth College, Centre College, and
Berea College.

Attention Called to
Errors in Schedules
To aid students in making out their
schedules for the coming term. The

Kernel wishes to call attention to
the following errors in the schedule
of lectures and recitations for the
second semester:
Anthropology 101 is for two credits
instead of three as stated in the
schedule book.
English 2a, Advanced Composition,
should be English 2b, The Short
Story. English 3a will meet in MH
208 instead of WH 205. English 142,
which is not listed in the schedule,
will meet the third and fourth hours
on Saturday under Professor Kelley.
This course is open to Juniors and
Seniors. It is a study of Reniassance
English and the origin of early liter-

ary forms.



To Be Held January 30
Plan Enjoyable Program for
Annual Affair of College of
Arts and Sciences
The second annual dinner for the
faculty and seniors of the College of
Arts and Sciences will be held at the
Lafayette hotel, Monday night, January 30, at 6:30 o'clock. All members
of the Arts and Sciences faculty,
members of their families, seniors,
graduate students and the staff have
received notice of the dinner and may
obtain tickets from Dean Blanding,
Miss Idie Lee Turner, Miss McLaughlin or Dean Melcher.

Newman club will hold its
monthly meeting at 10:30 o'clock
Sunday morning, January 22, in the
ballroom of the Lafayette hotel. The
program for the meeting will consist
of a business session and a talk on
"Rome" by Miss Margie McGlaughlin,
who spent a short time in Rome in
1925 and was there for a longer stay
during 1927. All Catholic students
in the university, whether they are
members of the club or not, are invited to attend the meeting.

Daddy " Boles Culls Musty Records For
Possible Prospects to the Hall of Fame


send in pictures of themselves and
the teams they played on. All pictures will be appreciated, says "Daddy," and also any information concerning the beginning of track and
basketball at the university.
With the development of the Hall
of Fame will come new honors to all
receiving a place in its sacred portals.
There are many men in the university
at present whose pictures will hold
important places in the group for all
time. Among the captains are Chariie
Wert, Jaul Jenkins, Bill Crouch, and
Bill Gess.
Other notables on these
teams will have the distinction of hav
ing their pictures placed alongside of
these men.
"Daddy" Boles requests of any
alumni having news or records prior
to 1915 to send them in to his office
at once in order that these old timers
may live again in the minds of sport
lovers at the university.


The decision in regard to the Na
tional playwriting contests have been
rendered and the playwrights notified
according to word received by Prof
E. F. Farquhar, of the English de
partment, chairman of the contest in
The full length contest was won by
Ranson Rideout, of California, with
his play, "Deep River," a tragedy
dealing with the colored problem.
The religious three-acontest was
also won by California with "Pha
raoh's Daughter," by Mr. and Mrs.
Allison Gaw, of Los Angeles.
The one-aexperimental was won
by Massachusetts with "Strings," by
Raymond Knight, of Cambridge. "The
Machine Age," a college historical
drama by Esther Kelley, gave one of
the honors to Colorado.
A new contest will be launched foi
next year and Professor Farquhar is
anxious to see some university student capture honors for Kentucky
Anyone desiring to enter the contest
should see Professor Farquhar and
obtain particulars from him.
Winning manuscripts will be published in The Drama magazine and
in book form by Longmans Green &
Co., of New York.


Report Lays
Particular Stress on Facilities For Instruction

Doctor McVey's


Major Portion of Sum Would Be
Used For the Construction
of Buildings





Farmers Will Stage Sixteenth
Annual Meeting at Livestock
Judging Pavilion From January 23 to 27.
Much interest is being shown in thr
year's most important state-wigathering of farm men and women
the sixteenth annual Kentucky Fanr
and Home Convention which will be
held at Lexington, January
There will be a four-da- y
beginning Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock in the new livestock judging
pavilion on the Experiment Station
Farm, and ending Friday, when farmers and their wives and other directly
interested in agriculture and
will consider their problems.
Several nationally-know- n
men and
women, will speak, as well as a dozen
Kentuckians who have made a suc
cess of farming. There will be separate sessions for men and women,
with special meetings for poultry
keepers, dairy farmers, sheepraisers
and veterinarians.
Delegations of both men and women
will be present from many counties,
including some of those in the extreme western part of the state. Home
makers' Associations in a dozen or
more counties have raised funds to
send delegates to the women's meetings. Automobile parties are being
arranged in numerous counties.
Among the speakers are Dr. Carolyn Hedger, of the Elizabeth
Fund, Chicago;
President H. A. Morgan, of the University of Tennessee; Louis J. Taber,
national master of the National
Grange, Columbus, Ohio; C. A. Cobb,
editor of the Southern Ruralist;
James E. Poole, market expert, of the
Chicago Live Stock Exchange; Chris
L. Christensen, of the bureau of ag
ricultural economics of the United
States department of Agriculture.
Prominent Kentucky men on the
program include Dr. Frank L. McVey
and Deans Thomas P. Cooper and W.
S. Taylor of the university; Newton
Bright, commissioner of agriculture;
Senator William Bellknap, and Ernest German, of the Louisville Live
Stock Exchange.

24-2- 7.


College Humor Plans

House Party to Europe
Hundred Collegians Will
Leave Montreal For High
Seas of Romance



be-in- tr


a hundred happy
A huge party
collegians, will enjoy June days and
evenings on the North Atlantic next
summer with the College Humor collegiate tour of Europe. Two days
on the quiet waters of the St. Lawrence and four days on the open Atlantic, moonlight dancing on deck,
parties, masquerades and a college
jazz band will keep the camps atmosphere.
Under the auspices of College
Humor, the Arts and Crafts Guild
Travel Bureau has planned a thrilling
tour of England, France, and Belgium, leaving Montreal June 22. A
trip to Stratford-on-Avo- n
for those
who know their Shakespeare, London's night life at the cabarets,
and the famous taverns
Chestershire Cheese and the Red
Sea bathing at Ostend and
sjaiety galore at Belgium's watering
center. Brussels, the gay capital of
little Belgium and then Paris, with
its alluring Montmartre, Follies
L'Opera Comique.
No worries. No baggage. No trou
bles. All reservation and details han
dled expertly by Arts Crafts Guild
and College Humor will make this
floating campus tour a round of house
party days.


Ber-gere- ,

The university in its report to
Sampson and the State Legislature, has asked for a total appropriation of $825,000, aside from that of
maintenance, President Frank L. McVey stated Saturday.
The report lays particular stress on
the requirements of the institution
for instruction, and the assembly was
requested to appropriate funds
for the erection of four new
buildings; an original unit for a. library; a teacher training school
building; an engineering laboratory,
and an agricultural building especially
adapted to dairying. In addition to
Ihese requirements the legislature
Tras also asked for equipment for the
lew McVey Hall, which is now under
Dr. McVey stated that the university was asking only for immediate
needs. It also is in need of new dor
mitories, but no request has been
nade for funds to construct them.
Die other badly needed improvements
were not mentioned in the report, as
hey are not considered as imperative
"is those for instruction.
Library facilities ar" entirely inade- luate, and this may be considered as
the greatest of the four needs. The
present building will accommodate
neither the books it now has nor those
required for the various courses of
study. In considering the possibility
of the erection of a new structure
or the enlargement of the old, it has
been decided that it is best to strive
for the former. If the former were
granted the present building would
in all probability be turned into a mu
seum, of which the university has
long been in need. The estimate cost
of the main unit will be 250,000, and
the assembly has been requested to
submit this amount.
The second request is for $150,000
to be used for the erection of the projected teacher's training school. The
College of Education regards such a
structure as an absolute necessity.
The General Education Board of New
York City has promised the sum of
$150,000 to the university for thi3
education building if this sum is
matched by a like appropriation from
the legislature of Kentucky. It is
imperative that the state appropriate
$150,000 for this purpose so that the
university may avail itself of the general board's offer.
The third appropriation requested
is for a new building to house the engineering laboratory. It is of like ne
Fourthly, a new structure is badly
needed by the College of Agriculture
for the purpose of accommodating
the students who are studying dairying. This will relieve the congestion
in the Experiment Station Headquarters, and will be a great aid to the
Kentucky farmers because of the more
efficient work which will obviously ensue. A suitable construction would
cost approximately $200,000.
The estimated cost of the new
equipment for McVey Hall is $25,000.
This request was made in addition to
the above report.
The required appropriations come
to a grand total of $825,000 and it is
necessary that they be received at
once in order that the university may
accommodate with more facility the
2,500 students now enrolled. Because
of the shortage of previous appropriations the institution is operating
under great handicaps and is seriously in need of more room for proper
instruction in the various educational
As has been stated, the above report of the requirements of the Uni
versity of Kentucky is a capital 'out
lay and is asked for in addition to
the regular funds given by the state.
At the hearing of the university's
requests, which is set for 3 o'clock,
Friday afternoon. Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of the institution, is
expected to appear and explain in
detail the report.



Senior Class Elects
Five New Officers
A senior class meeting was held in
Dicker hall Wednesday afternoon, at
4 o'clock, for the purpose of making
a class assessment and electing minor

The meeting was called to order by
Gayle Mohney, senior class president,
and Mr. Niel Plummer acted a3 secretary pro tern. The following were
nominated and elected to the respective class offices: Miss Margaret Elliott, secretary; Mr. Elgan Farris,
CO-EBAND ORDERS UNIFORMS treasurer; Miss Frances Robinson,
giftorian; Mr. Richard Mcintosh, hisband have torian; and Miss Martha Connell,
The Kentucky Co-E-

ordered new uniforms and expect them
to arrive before the second semester.
The uniforms ar to have dark blue
coats, and the skirts
will probably be white flannel.
small Kentucky blue tams will have
U. K.
written on the sides
and the belts will be blue and white.




class poet.
Each senior is to be assessed $8 at
the registration for the second semester in order to meet a deficit in
the budget of the Kentuckian, the
senior class annual. The class will
not hold another meeting until after




Subscribe for
And Help the Association




James Park,

Mormon B. Daniel, Class of '26,
Succumbs While in Bed at
Lodgings at Frankfort; Cause
Is Unknown.



Mrs. Rodes Estill,




B. Daniel, who was grad
uated from the College of Law of

L. Kirk, '24

Walter Hillenraeyer, '11
WaylaBd Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilsea, '13


Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. H. Townsend, 12



Distinguished service to Columbia has been rendered by 275
During the
alumni who are vet-raof the World War.
Christmas and New Year's holidays these men applied for war
bonus (adjusted compensation) and named Columbia University
as the beneficiary. Although it will be
months before
the exact figures are known, it is expected that the university
will eventually recive in proceeds between $150,000 and $200,000.
The proceeds are to be turned over to the