xt7k0p0wt46b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k0p0wt46b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 2008 2008 2008-10-22 2020 true xt7k0p0wt46b section xt7k0p0wt46b PHOTB COURTESY 0F SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY


:WL tells 1t like it was

Darryl McDaniels of Run-DMC
See page 5







.. tiactsm is like a disease that was created and tostered over
400 years at actions and attitudes that promoted the interests
at one group over another"


Boyce Watkins never forgot the
place he once called home.
Watkins a Spcial commentator who

‘ ' has appeared on TV networks such as

V'CNN FOX News and MSNBC has

criticized Kentucky in his blog. ‘The

‘7 ' Boyce 810g.”

\The blog. www.drboycespeaks.-

hblogspotcom, talks about the current

social and racial issues affecting Amer-
In one May post, Watkins criticized

. Kentucky’s education system‘s social
[progress after Barack Obama's second-
place finish in the Kentucky Democrat—

‘Wticn nfllllfll
llBllANGE Tl)


,lon ldlsttll is ready to

ANBPBOVE it tins motto
coon-mm to

t,“ 5V" , ;‘*"~\
\ . .. N» , .. z. -_ .1

ic Primary. The finish was on par with
what Kentucky is like for black people

such as Obama. he said.

“There is“an eq‘ttili‘britrhi"‘in“vvhi‘eh
black people are second—class citizens
in Kentucky. and when this equilibrium
is violated. people get upset," Watkins


In an interview with the Kernel,
Watkins said while he is critical, he still
has love for his home state.

“I think that the people of Kentucky
are very good people, and I really love
the state of Kentucky,” he said. “The
problem is that» racism is like a disease
that was created and fostered by 400
years of actions and attitudes that pro-
moted the interests of one group over


Watkins is a native Kentuckian,
from Louisville. and graduated from

UK in 1993.

He is currently employed as a pro—
fessor of finance at Syracuse Universi-
ty. but still keeps an active interest in
his home state and continues to critique.

See Watkinson page 3

.lon Larson

By Laura Edelen where

especially in the
House of Representatives

Larson. the Republican
candidate for Kentucky‘s (ith
District. which represents
UK. said he has been a
lawyer for 35 years and was
the first full»tinie public def
lender in lexington.

"Being a lawyer. l debate
issues all the time." Larson
said. “I deal with these is-

Larson said he decided to
run against US. Rep. Ben
Chandler. who has served in
Washington D C. since 2004.
because he feels he can be a
champion for central Ken-

w v18 Gk lllllt | (on

!s\tlt‘\ am time. any .

Hm tune tree. Moment issue 15 cm.


The Kernel will be spotlighting candidates before the
Nov 4 electron 'hesn pm’I/es will man/10M and:

dates’ top Issues and their stance on higher eat/ram»

“I‘m running to giye peo
ple a chance to \otc for
.soriieone \Vllll political
courage. and soiricone who is
not in the pocket of rich
friends and special interest
groups.” Larson said “Peo-
ple in central Kentucky do
serve better."

Larson said he is not so
liciting campaign money at
this point. saying that
“spending millions of dollars
on campaigning is absurd "

Among Larson's top is-
sues is immigration. Larson
said he believes the only an—
swer to the immigration issue

See [arson on page I

By Danielle Pritchett
'iiiwsfi‘kyltemel com

‘\s l‘lk‘c‘lli)” Day looms.
[CS Rep. lien t‘handlcr ll)-
Ky.) is seeking another term
in the [38. House of Repre»

(‘handler' has represent-

ed Kentucky‘s (ith District.

“hicli includes L'K. since
February ZtXH
Chandler said one of his

mp pitorities is education.

and he has two goals for edu—
cation legislation for the up-
coming congressional 50c-

As a member of the
House ("omniittce on Sci-


ll.l( l|()'\ )(ltlt’i

Report: State
not prepared
for election

By Katie Parkowski

Kentucky is one of the
[0 states least prepared for
the November election. ac-
cording to a repon published
this month.

The repon. "Is America
Ready to Vote? State Prepa—
rations for Voting Problems
in 2008." rates Kentucky as
"inadequate" in two of four
categories. “good" in one
and is said to “need im—
provement" in another.

The report was created
by the Brennan Center for
Justice at New York Univer-
sity School of Law with the
Common Cause Education
Fund and the Verified Voting

The four criteria meas—
ured by the report are voter
verifiable paper records.
post-election audits. contin—
gency plans in case a voting
machine fails. and ballot ac»
counting and reconciliation.

Voter verifiable paper

Kentucky received an
“inadequate" rating in \erifi»
able paper records. which
the report says make sure
suites lime machines that
count sotes using a voter
serificd paper record in case
a machine botchcs the total
number of votes.

The group had to gisc a
"yes“ or "no“ \ote to the
question so they \scre not
able to recognize the
progress states have been
making. said Pamela Smith.
president ofthe Verified \bt»
ing Foundation.

Because one county can
either make or break the
state’s votes. Smith said. “it
looks worse than it is tor
Kentucky on that score."

Deputy Assistant Secre-
tary of State Les litigate said
the report is essentially rrr.ik~
mg the argument for paper'—
based \oting systems. saying
it states have paperbased
soiing then they‘ll be pref
pared. but it they don‘t then
they won‘t be prepared.

Frigate said if Kentucky
moies to dll paper voting
sy stems. it would almost au~
toriiatically improye the
state‘s standing in every sni-
glc category.

"You can‘t conduct an
audit unless you ha\e that
paper. With electronic maA
chines. We can‘t do that,”
Ftigatc said.

Secretary or State l‘i'cy
(iray'son has encouraged
counties to go to a paper»
based system. Frigate said.
()1 Kentucky's )le counv

6111( ().\'(;Rl ssiox \l Dist kit: 1

Ben Chandler

ence and Technology. Chan
dlcr hopes to encourage stu»
dent interest and involve
ment in math and science.
He added that the LS. is in
danger of falling behind
seseral other countries in re»
gard to math and science.
two areas that the economy
depends on.

(handler. a UK alumnus.
voted to pass the College
Cost Reduction Act of 2007.
“hlL‘h would provide
$18 billion dollars in col-
lege financial aid over
the next five years. ac-
cording to his Web site.

Chandler added the
most important chang

ties. 35 have switched.
which means 40 percent of
the voting population uses

Fayette County Clerk
Don Blevins 'opposes the pa~
per-based ballots.

"It doesn't improve the
process whatsoever."
Blevins said. "it spends
money that more than likely
is going to be required to be
re-spent when the next gen-
eration of machines is put
out there."

Blevins also added that it
was a mistake to issue the
voting devices approved by
the secretary of state.

“He is only trying to
jump on a bandwagon that
isn‘t there." he said.

Post-election audits

Post—election audits
make sure the \ote totals
given by the machines are
correct by comparing the
percentage of paper ballots
to election totals.

Kentucky received an
“inadequate" in this section
initially. although the state‘s
stains has been Upgraded re-
cently because the commit—
tee found out there is at least
one county doing an audit.
Smith said.

The upgrade is not noted
in the report.

Ballot reconciliation

Baiiot reconciliation .s to
make sure
\otcr's \\ ho have \otcd
matches the number or \ .ites
cast. Kentucky scored it
“needs iniprmcnicnt" in this
category. this category sug-
gests using \crit‘iable paper
ballots to make sure these
iiurirbers are accurate.

Contingency plans

Contingency plans ciiA
sure that each state has a
plan to lt\ machines when
they break down and that
states have enough emer—
gency ballots to pass on: to
prc\cnt long lines from tic--
seloping \ihilc machines are
down. Kentucky scored a
”good" in the category

Bill \‘ysmtord. director
ot policy analysis for I'K.
said the Brennan (‘entcr's
rankings ciiipliasi/c lld\ ing a
“paper trail" tor each \ote
cast 111 the cyciit of machine

“it may be the case that
Kentucky is among the ten
states with the teysesi voting
machines producing a paper
trail. but that is dittcr‘ent
than making the more gener-
al assertion that Kentucky is
somehow ‘unprepared' for
the L‘lcclioii." hc said.

in the bill is the cut in loan
interest rates from b 8 per-
cent to 1 4 percent

“it Will decrease the

See Chandler on page 4

m 257-1915; W 257-2872



the number of






















(u get the advantage, check the
day's rating (0 is the easrest
day, 0 the most challenging

Aries (March 21-April19)—-
loday rs a 9 - ‘ts a lovely day
for Just about anything your
heart could desrre Say yes to
whatever comes along That's
rust the good stutt, of course
You always do better as a good
guy than any other kind Don't
even try the dark side

Taurus (April 20-May 20) ——
Today is a 7 Finish up the ;ob
at hand Delegate whatever you

Gemini (May 21-June 21) —-
Today is an 8 , Soon you’ll be
rriuch too busy dorng whatevtr
you're doing to do any research
or planning Better figure out
what you want to accomplish
right now, while you have a

Cancer (June 22-July 22) —
Today is a 7 ,, They say ll you
do what you love the money

(will ( rlltny (I also works it you
trnu out where the nzonoy (‘9
and learn to luvt‘. doing that
Leo (July 23—Aug. 22)—
Totlziy is an 8 Don. wait
."rlltlilttllls‘ won t get better than
this tor quite a wnrle “ve. been
tlrrrrl-sno about
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -—
(ottay is ab ~ More planning
is: required You'll have to live
With the choices you make now
(or qurte a while,
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ~—
iuday is an d Costs :‘uuld
tummy not hrtrher than you
'axpertod so no t aretu! Only
{let that ‘rr 3a" y need (and
you Ii r‘l\ r t‘ the r tanner
Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov. 21)—'
(trtlay is an r: tuu're not in
thr; mood to he ordered erounrr‘
Y ru'ro (table tr o siy the very
'ltrllt) yo i dr.‘ .er rtlt dlu keep
uuret :tihou
Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec. 21)
—— Today Is in 8 it's: a good
time (t r t xpa 1 (Ni Th: scan

floor tom

mean anything, from beating
your old best tune on your walk


around the block to launching a r

world cruise You have the
green light.
Capricorn (Dec. ZZ-Jan. 19)

~—Today (S a 7 M, (urn down a

request for funds from a group
you support Make Sure your
own bills are paid first

Aquarius (Jan. 21)-Feb. 18) —-1

Today rs a 7 m Escape the

tyranny by standing up to a per- 1
son who doesn't have your best -

interests at heart You don't
have to do this alone Get a
bunch of your friends to help
There's strength in numbers

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —.

Today is an 8 Vour work is
attracting attention again
You're being consrdered (or

more authority You can handle ‘

It, so take it on You're growrng
ill skills and confidence

(if/CUB lribur‘e M“ 1.3 S

E‘l‘.’ll E55


Today’ 5
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you; daily dose of entertainment pop culture and jun

On October 12. Jcnnit‘cr
Lopez. 39. and hubby Marc -
.\nthony. 4t). decided to rc»
new their .lunc 2004 wcddiiig
\ows in a back~to»back ccrc-
iiiony with t'riciids. Ncw York
Mcis outiicldcr Carlos ~Bcl-
tran. 31. and his witc. Jessica.
First. they took in the Pussy—
cat Dolls” show and particd at
Pure nightclub before hcad—
rng up to Anthony 's Caesars
Palace suite with (1 friends.
"It was ycry intimate and
sweet." on attendee tclls Us
ot' the ceremony. pci't'ormcd
by Reverend Stcycn Smith ot'
~(‘upid's Weddini.y Chapel at
3:30 a.m. (Lope/Is parcnts
watched twins Emmc and
Max. ti months. down thc
hall.) "They talkcd about how
much they love each other.
The word former was used a

Proud dad Ben shares
his )oy

Ben Stillcr and Christine
Taylor had a kids-111T date
night at the —i’rojcct ATS.
Benefit Gala October 7. but
their little ones wci‘c never far
from their thoughts. "'(hcy‘rc
incredible." the actor. 42. told
Us ot' their first child. Ella.
and son Quinliii. "They 'rc
ridiculously cute at o and 3.
and cycry moment is a joy
So will they how one more"?
"Two is a handful." said
Stiller. Agrccd Taylor. 37: “it
is enough (or now?"

Leo and Bar's Mexico

Alter speculation that
thcy had called it quits.
Leonardo DiCaprio and his

Vegas vow

Jennifer and Marc have

We ”is“ back—to-back ceremony

tin-again. oft-again girlfriend
of two years. Bar Rotticli. 33.
put thc rumors to rest with a
sightsccing trip to the Mayan
turns in 'l‘ulurn. Mcuco. w'ith
Rctiicli‘s parents. A source rc—
s'cals ot thc couplc‘s (Cs‘tlllL’ll'
iation altcr tiiiic apart: “Thcy
ran into cach other and start»-
cd to talk again." Adds a
tricnd ot‘ the Israeli model:
“They do go through their
moments. but they are still to«
gcthcr.” The Body of Lies ac~
tor. 33. has been recently giv—
ing mixed mcssagcs about
settling down. The same
week he gushed to Parade oi
his revelation that "i want to
gct married and haw chil—
drcii. . . . i absolutely belieyc
in mamang hc told an Asso—
ciated Press rcportcr. "No. I
don‘t hate any plan "

Tina Fey's working rela-

How do Tina Fey and
hubby Jct‘t Richmond make
time (or each other? They
work together! Richmond. 48
-— who mct her at Chicago‘s
Sccond (‘ity in 1994 ~- is a
producer and composer for
To). 's 30 Rock. "Wc‘w bccn
working at the same place a
long timc." the actress. 3X.
tells ('s. "Wt: haw a nice
shorthand. "

Michael Phelps lands
his crush

Michael Phelps has (-1
gold medals and the girl ol'
his dreams. The swimiiicr'.
23. COMCd up to t‘cllow Uni
versity’ of Michigan alum
Marina Katy. 25. at Bowlmor
Lanes 7(lth—anni\'crsary party

in NYC ()ctobcr 7. “She sat
on his lap. and they held
hands." a Phclps pal tells Us
“As the place cmpticd. hc
lcancd in and hisst her!"
thn askcd whcthcr hc's
dating: anyiriic. Phclps coyly
told Us. “There are some
parts of my lite i keep to my—
sclt'," Still. the insider rcwals
that the ()lynipian had to
work hard to secure the 20/20
production sccrctary‘s affec—
tions. "She was the unattain«
ablc girl he: couldn‘t get."
says thc source. "Thcy stayed
in touch as t'ricnds. Now he‘s
got the girl hc always want—

Anthony kisses his ex

Anthony Kicdis. 45. and
Heather (‘hristic. 33. who
split in June. hold hands (and
kissed!) in LA. October 7
But PDA aside. arc lhcy vre‘
ally together again‘.’ "It's a
dift'crcnt thing cyciy day with
thosc two. . . . Who knows?"
says an insider. “But they
hayc feelings for each other
and are hanging out again."

Back on again?

Sarah Silwmian. 37. and
Jimmy Kimmcl. 4(). split in
July but hayc been spending
a lot of tiiiic together. (They
wcr‘c seen at Howard Stern
and Bcth ()sllttsh}"\ NYC
wedding October 3.) Silver-
man recently said. “We talk
cycry day. It‘s (inc. it‘s great.
I‘m doing his show at the end
of the month. Wc'rc vcry
Dcini and Bruce."

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly




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UK Police reportsfrom Oct 14to Oct 211

0:114 BiketheftreportedfromCorn


morrwealthVillageatlztISam Oct17 Sexualassaultreportmade
Oct 14 Alcohol intoxication reported from Frazee Hall at 3:41 pm.

on Scott Streetat 1:52 am. Oct 17 Criminal mischief reported
Oct." Cellularphonethettreported fruanmealllthyatSJSpm.
frornGoodSarriarr'tariHospitalat3214 0ct17 WallettheltreportedlromUK
pm. Hospital at 925 pm.
OctflDrugusereportedfromWhite Oct18 Disordertycondtctarrest
Hall Classroom Building at 5:11 pm made at Parking Smicture #8 at 3le
Oct. 14 Bike theft reported from Stu pm.

dentCenterat6211 pm. Oct 18 Alcohol intoxication anest
Oct. 15 Bike theft reported from Bio made at Commonwealth Stadium at
medical 81 Biological Sciences Be 7:16 pm.

search Building at 932 am. Oct. 18 Alcohol intoxication arrest
Oct. 15 Suspicious person arrested in made at Commonwealth Stadium at
the Orange Lot on University Drive at 7:18 pm

1.52 pm Oct. 18 Alcohol intoxication arrest
Oct 15 Alcohol intoxication arrest made at Commonwealth Stadium at
made at Good Samaritan Hospital at 9118 pm.

3:15 pm. Oct. 18 Noise complaint reported
Oct 15 Bike theft reported from UK from Commonwealth Wlage at 10:46
Fbspital at 724 pm. pm.

01115 Suspicioospersonarrestedat Oct.19 Alcoholinmxicationreported
South Limestone and Conn Terrace at at Memorial Coliseum at 12:45 am.
821 pm. Oct. 19 Alcohol intoxication reported

Oct. 16 Alcohol intoxication reported from South Limestone and Leader Av
at the intersection of Virginia Avenue enue at 2:ll am.
and South Limestone at 2:49 am. Oct. Z) Disorderly conduct reported

Oct16 BagtheftfromStudentCenter



from Farmhouse Fraternity at 8:32 pm.


By Jill Lester
ilaste kykernelcom

Kentucky‘s governor an~
nounced the formation of a
task force to study the afford~
ability of higher education,
co-chaired by the head of the
UK Board of Trustees.

The 25-member Higher
Education Work Group is
comprised of business and
education leaders. as well as
current and former state offi-
cials. The governor formed
the task force because eco—
nomic success is linked to ed-
ucation. said Gov. Steve
Beshear at a Capitol news
conference Tuesday.

“We are not moving
quickly enough, and other
states with the same lofty
goals and ambitions are not


standing still," state that has
Beshear said. I! faced what the
"We must move we can make governor called
decrsrvely and some important an “unprecedent-

strategically if
we are to meet
our goal of being

at the national term, bUt they V“Any recom-
average of col- must be mendations for
lege degree rev . u short-term action
Cipicnts by feaS|bie. must recggnize
202 the budgetary

The group, STEVE BESHEA“ constraints that
co-chaired by Governor of Kentucky we find ourselves
Board of Tmstees in today." he said.

Chair Mira Ball,

will be charged with produc-
ing two reports for Beshear,
the first due in January 2009
and the second due in Sep‘
tember 2009.

Cost of education
to be examined by
new state group

steps in the short

for the meetings yet, said
governor spokesman Jay
Blanton. A student task force
to advise the committee will
be announced in coming
days, he said.

The focus of the task
force will be. among other

I Making college afford-

I Making college aid
more accessible and easier to

I Easing the transition
between community and
technical schools and univer-

I Reorganizing state
govemment to look at higher
education affordability.

Beshear said he wanted
ideas that were “both bold
and practical." feasible in a

ed budgetary
shortfall” in Janu—

“We can make some impor-
tant steps in the short term,
but they must be feasible."
For audio of the gover-
nor‘s news conference. visit
his office‘s Web site

No schedule has been set



Student Government
to meet Wednesday

Potential amendments to its constitution and funding for
Fight Night will be up for discussion at the Student Govem-

ment‘s full Senate meeting Wednesday night.

The amendments make no real changes to the constitution.
only updates the wording to accommodate changes in UK and

For example. one revision removes a sentence about the
Dean of Students Office from the section on 80 elections. as
that office is no longer involved with elections.

Also on the agenda is the approval of Si .750 for Fight Night,
a boxing toumamcnt hosted by the Sigma Chi fraternity and the
Alpha Delta Pi wmn'ty to raise funding for the Huntsman Can-
cer Institute and the Ronald McDonald House Charities

The UK College Democrats and College Republicans will
also be present to speak to the senators. familiarizing them
with the two political organizations.

SO meets in the Strident Center Grand Ballroom at 8 pm.

Wednesday. October 22, 2008 l PABE3





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FAQ” | Wednesday October 22 2008

Speaker: Seek out truth

newsakykernel com

A journalist who helped bring perpetrators
of crimes in the civil rights era to justice en‘
couraged people to never give up in the search
for truth during a speech Tuesday.

Jerry Mitchell talked on campus about his
20-year joumey as air investigative Joumalist
who has closed painful chapters iii the lives of
the families of people killed during the civil
rights era.

Mitchell began by telling the audience
that when somebody tells him he can‘t have
something. he wants it a million times more.
which has been a determining factor in his re-
searching and reporting on the closed cases of
the civil rights era.

“As a reporter. you find out who has ac-
cess to the information that you need. You try
to find connections with people. and you uti-
li1.e the connections." Mitchell said.

Mitchell discussed the details of four irri—
portant cases ol accused killers during the civ—
il nghts era. He talked about how each of the
previously closed cases were reopened and
how he interviewed witnesses. which led to
the convictions and imprisorrrrrerrts of fomrer
Ku Klux Klansmen.

Even though he has been harassed and
threatened for “stirring up trouble" in the
South. he explains that he becomes more de-
termined in his investigations when dealing
with threats.

"I embrace my faith. which gives rrre the
strength to persevere and make that leap."
Mitchell said.

Mitchell believes that all of the civil rights
cases he has investigated in the last 20 years
have all been one consecutive story.

I got hooked on my first investigation.
and here it is 30 years later I want to fol
low it through to the end and see the out»
cortre. " Mitchell said. ”Most good reporters
follow good stories to the end

The reopened case Mitchell talked rirost
about Tuesday was the story that inspired the
IQXX movie 'Mrs‘srssippr Burning." directed
by Alan Parker. The nrov re was based on the
disappearance of three civil rights activists

Mitchell gave details on how he personal
lv talked with KKK recruitLr Edgar Ray
Killen. who was involved in the assistance of
the kidnapping and murder of the three civil
rights workers portrayed in "Mississippi
Burning Andrew Goodman. MiLhaLl Schw-
crirer and James ( harrey.

Killetr disclosed to Mitchell how he called
the FBI to ask if they would tell him who had
assassinated activist Martin Luther King Jr. on
April 4. 1968. because he wanted to shake his

"It opens your eyes to the mentality ll
these killers. " Mitchell said.

Many of the accused Klansmen were eld-
erly nrerr when these cases were reopened.

"These nren were young killers who rust

happened to get old " Mitchell said.

Mitchell also discussed his portrayal in the
1996 Rob Reiner film “Ghosts of N‘lississippi.

“My character was portrayed as a pesky
reporter but I believe it was an inaccurate por—
trayal.“ Mitchell said jokingly

The rrrost amazing thing Mitchell has wit—
nessed throughout his joumey has been the
racial reconciliation of the killers and the vic—
tints families.

“Redemption is about trying to make
things right. even when they‘ve gone so ten'i-
bly wrong in the past." Mitchell said.




Continued from page 1

it through his blog.
He said in Kentucky he had negative ex-
periences that helped tirade racism personal.
He recalls one such experience. which oc-
curred while he vvas a resident adviser at UK.
"There was a really popular song at the

time called ‘Heed the Words of the Brother?

and I put ’heed the words of the brother~ on the
bulletin board." Watkins said. “and somebody
scratched out ‘brother‘ and put ‘tthc Naword)‘."

Racism is rroi always explicit. Watkins
said -— it is not always being called an N—

Outright racism of that kind is trot nearly

as bad as racial inequality. which is very sub-
tle and institutionalized. he said.

"What‘s so confusing about racism or
racial inequality is that when people speak out
about it. the perception is that. ‘Oh we‘re
blaming you.‘ " he said.

In some cases. Watkins said blacks are air-
gry at white America. but for the most part
“the anger is misinterpreted."

Despite the difficulties and misunder—
standings. speaking out is exactly the “proac-
tive social surgery" Watkins says UK needs.

“People think that racism will get rid of it»
self because we just stop being racist." Watkins
said. “Racism is like dumping toxic waste in a
lake. If you‘re dumping waste in a lake for 4-00
years. it‘s not going to go away jUst because
you stop durrrpirrg. You‘re going to have to go
back and clean up the mess you've made.”



Continued from page 1

is to allow irrrrnigrants to pay taxes and pay
insurance to ensure they are contributing
monetarily io Arrierrcaii society.

"Congress should make plans to simu-
late them itito our economy. or at least give
them reasonable transportation that is safe
and they can stay in contact with their lttltll~
lies." Larson said.

Larson also criticized the recent (‘on-
gressional decision to pass an Ssoo billion
financial bailout. He said the protecting the
nation’s economy could have been solved
with different solutions

He said he supports putting drug adLliLts
into treatment programs and looking at who
goes in jails. As a lawyer. Larson said he
represented the interest of poor people and

“()ur rails are overcrowded wrtlr the
wrong people. including people who are men—
tally‘ ill. and too many drug addicts." he said.

One of the issues Larson said he feels
passionately about is carrrrarks. congression
al provisions that move funds to be spent on
specific protects or allow for specific cv
crrrptions from taxcs or other fees.

He said earmarks are generally trade-offs.
meaning members of (‘ongrL-ss vote for each
other‘s bills at the dctrurient of voters (tvcre
all. he believes earmarks corrupt the sy stem

"They are disgraceful attempts at avoid
iirg public scrutiny." Larson said

Larson critiL'i/ed Chandler‘s taxpayer-
furrdcd trip to the (ialiipagos Islands this
summer The trip was a ldL‘lrllntlll‘lfJ mission
which led to (‘handlcr inserting a measure
to address environmental probleriis in the
region into a congressional spending bill.
said Chandler spokeswoman ,lcnrrilct'
Krimm in a statement published last week
in the Lexington Heraldrl.eadcr,

There was no adequate reason the sL ien
titic knowledge was not presented LlosL-i to
Washington l).(‘. Larson said in .r \l.ilL‘
nrent to the Kernel

“I doubt Mr (‘hantller's snorkeling L'.l' c
him a better understanding o1 global warm
mg." Larson said



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Continued from page 1

massive debts that young people are saddled
with when they leave school. Such huge
debts liirrit their options when the; get out of
school." Chandler said.

Another goal is making young people
more proficient iir foreign languages.

Multilingualism not only makes a stu-
dent tnorc employable. but is also almost
mandatory since the worlds economy has
become so globalized. (‘handlcr said.

Economy is another maror issue for
Chandler. who said he voted against the re—
cent Congressional $800 billion econonric
bailout plair for two main reasons: the moir-
ey will be borrowed and it may not work.

“Not only was the amount of money
(Treasury Secretary i Henry l’aulson was ask-
ing for staggering. but he wanted it
overnight. Then (Paulsoni added. ‘By the
way. I need the money. but it may not work.‘

Health care is going to be a highly dcbat~
ed issue in the next year. no matter who be»
comes president. Chandler said.

“I tlrrnk we need to have soirre system
that insures everyone in the country at some
level.” (‘handler said.

He added that expanded health care
should focus on prevcrrtrvc care and cata-
strophic cov crage

While (handler supports universal
health care he said funding is a problem
( ongress w ill have to figure out.

“WHL ould save an enorrrrous amount of
money within the system simply by making
it more etfrcicnt." ('handlcr added.

Sustainability is another irriportant issue
to Chandler. he s'dltl.

.\nrong the bills (‘liandler helped pro-
pose in ('orrgrcss since loot has been one
proposing 35 percent of energy used in the
LS. come from this country ‘s resources by
2035. according to his Web site.

He also mud to pass the Energy lndL-
errdt no. and SeLurity Act of 2007 whith
mL rLasLd vehiLle fuel effiLiany stand rrds to
‘5 miles per gallon by 2020. aLLording to his
ch sitc.

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