xt7k0p0wt05j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k0p0wt05j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-09-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1971 1971 1971-09-30 2020 true xt7k0p0wt05j section xt7k0p0wt05j an independent newspaper published by students ya! the university of kentucky ’ '
Thursday, September 30, 1971 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 Vol. inii. No. 2] '2' 1'
W“— ~ 3
I W h' t
' ‘ . * 33
STW: Zumwinkle ..., 3 1. .
to attend ,' 4 . .. , r. 3
V 3.... ’fl‘ "5‘ . ' : '1 1 ’ 1 ,'
333333 33%;? v 33 s3 333. ' I 2 ~ 3333:: 3 . “1.921533 " 33 33 33 3 i 3 3-, 3 . , 33 3
AS G conference he, ' Q - -f 3. 3 ~ . .- '
By BONNI BROCKMAN, Kernel Staff Writer ”,WQ first? W33“ 3’: i 3 ”4‘5ng 33, a m , , 3.2
University and college presidents, student Eigfifeegfigp 3 a? ‘M\ .33 ‘ 3 . r...‘ 1 ‘3 ’3
government presidents and high-ran king officials saga g 3 33 i , 3
of the Nixon administration will join in 3 es“ .1 332:. ‘ “1" 3 3,31.
three-way dialogue at the Presidents to Presidents figm” a 3 ‘ 33 ' a M» 3333 3 3. g3 33 .3
Conference in Washington, Dc. Friday through We e 13 3 ‘ ..
sunday. 2e .i s {a ~ s: ,. .-
Student Government President Scott T. ‘33-3 > g 32* “ 33W '2 “3 33 1 o‘- .3 “a ,3;
Wendelsdorf and Dr. Robert Zumwinkle, vice f «it-:3“ .533 it, 235233»; V 1 3 V1 1 : gg3 $0? 3’
president for student affairs, will participate in the g . “We“ ,"‘ 4,3333» , .33 ‘53.:‘3333 1 ”if? 1:513:57" " Q 91* .‘3' --
conference sponsored by the Association of “7* W33, ‘21” 7 ”’2‘“ "'31 e _,§",1:.31 1- as e3: gift 2,3331% at .".~
Student Governments (ASG). The association is a 4“? 3,“... £33343; a? Q ,3. V 3w 3 i 333
predominantly southern group which broke away gal" fiefi§2é ' 3“ I ,_ $2.1, Q4
from the National Student Association in the early _ 3' 3.“ .1 3“} ’3, e1 9‘ 3 , $3222. *3 . ‘
Zumwinkle will represent President Otis 33% it” 4 “3%; .,. _ 2m: . " 3 s 3 3
Singletary who will be unable to make the trip. “13“ 1 1 ' ”aw ' ' ”“1"" ‘ a " '1 “5 ' _
“I think this will be a worthwhile opportunity We .3.. sf, " ‘1. ”a: f I __ Q: 4 ,
to feel out the leaders of this administration,” it)“ QM V “g “ $ 3 e , _3 ,3 -,
' Wendelsdorf said, “and to learn about the thought :5 l . 193-3233;???“ §*‘~y V3? .. , 3.
processes involved in developing their policies.” ’ '- 3’: i ._ H M .. ‘ 2'
Speakers at the conference include Secretary of . . -.. g g,, . Ms ”3,3 . 5‘ 3, ,
Housing and Urban Development George Romney, a! at g, ' “ , a , ' “M” 3 , .
Secretary of the Interior Rogers Morton, and H as 7‘" "‘23 QQ’ ‘1‘” :g at .333 e “we“ 3_ "
Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Eliot "% :23 ‘M - “,3 ,, .3. 231- %w a o“ " .
Richardson. Senators George McGovern, Edmund 1"“ “mfg : ,3, at: ' "3‘ ‘ ’ - .3
Muskie and Hubert Humphrey will also speak. ”W if 3;”; ' gar _. _ , 1 3 . :3 3
By attending the conference Wendelsdorf will be ”a“ ‘ " “ W" ‘a , .1, 21K»: *1 “‘ ' ‘
eligible to attend the National Student Congress in 3y 3% 3 ‘2.- J1 53f §e ‘ . . . 3
February, when student body presidents from 333s 32%: ‘2, Q, *“ _ ’ 3-
throughout the nation will draft formal political y 11 “M” . 3 3 .3, .23 I’. 2, '
position papers and legislation. a 33353" ' ‘t “W“ 1 3 '“ ‘ 11 ' ’ .3 .: .
Although not a member of ASG, UK was invited .3 3 _3 .. y . . fagg- Will?! {A ‘ 1
to attend the conference as were the other major ! W W}, Q ‘ 11,2M“& ,. ,
southern schools. . ‘3
Lauren Cottrell, A&S sophomore makes it look easy as she and '
her horse prepare to make the jump. The tires are placed on the 3. _ 3,,
Free and easy bar to condition the horse to jump higher when clearing the bar. ' 3, .1 ,3 ‘
(Staff photo by Phil Gardner) 3- 3
By DALE MATTHEWS, Assistant Managing Editor - - - ’3 3 ‘
and . . 3 ‘ .‘ g .
CHARLOTTE POSTLEWAITE, Kernel Staff Writer . -. , ' .‘ .
The Student Mobilization Committee (SMC), Walls said plans had been made with the prison Morale is still high among the SMC protesters. ' ‘3' " '3 f
met Wednesday night to discuss plans for the officials in Ashland to allow the demonstration to When asked what activities were planned for ,. . " r
march on the Federal Youth Center this Saturday take place within the prison walls earlier, but that Saturday night, a student simply answered, “We’ll ‘ “
in Ashland. a directive from the Federal Bureau of Prisons has probably just be sitting in jail picking splinters out _ I- '3 '
Lexington Mayday, Lexington Peace Council, forbidden such activities Oct. 2 because of an of our heads.” ' ' ‘
the Morehead Student3Mobilization Committee alledged 3‘3'national conspiracy to ferment Walls said there would definitely be a rally in _
and SMC are sponsoring a demonstration by insurrection by federal pnsoners. . . . , ,.
K t k‘ n t the . t nd 'th the “W , . t h k 'th th h 'ff’ office Ashland 5 central park, during a meeting held ._ . 3 -
en uc 1a 5 a prison 0 correspo “'1 3 f re3 gomg 0 C CC W1 e 5 en 5 Tuesday to explain the march. He also said plans ,' -
"330".“ effort. . fmt’ said a SMC member.3 . . for the march to the prison would be dependent _ ' ‘-
aVld wansi co-ordinator 0f the UK marchers, “We don’t know anything definite about the . . . 3 33
- . . . upon the Ashland prison offiCials and the Federal i , 3
said the demonstrators may “0t be allowed onto march around the prison until we check With them Bureau of Prisons .' : . 3
P115011 property. first . . . we’re going to try to avoid arrest.” ' 3- ' ,1
In addition to the national reasons for ‘
~ . demonstrations, which include parole reforms and ’3 1 ‘
~ an end to US support of South Vietnamese tiger .‘ ‘ .
Dru center or anlzers cages, Walls cited particulars for the Kentucky 3~
demonstration. ' .
Show of sympathy .
According to Walls, one of the major reasons for : 1 2
want Stu en/t contra the Ashland march is to show sympathy for 42 1 .
demands of the 66 women prisoners now reposing 3 ~, "
By DAN RHEA, Kernel Staff Writer in the Kentucky prison because of an incident at
“Student control is advantageous to the extent to which CCC will be involved in the the Alderson federal prison in West Virginia. 3\ .3 33
establishment control," said Student Government actual operation of the clinic. Th0 women allegedly Wt‘rt’ lt‘aders in a work 3 ‘
President SCON Wendelsdorf last night. He was “I would much rather see an operation where StOpl‘age‘ hunger strike demonstration til .
discussing, With sophomore PhflOSOPhY major the group received a bloc grant from Alderson. 3 . ' 3 l 3
R33?” 5C0“ and other volunteers, the terms 0‘ a Comprehensive Care," Wendelsdorf said. The 42 demands came in the form of a petition ‘ ‘ ".
Possible 8m“ from the Comprehensm Cafe He said an organization run completely by circulated to the 600 women at Alderson. Three ' 13 3‘
Center (CCC), to help set "P a UK drug students would be more credible to potential users hundred and seventy-eight of the inmates signed ‘
informationcenter: 0f the clinic than one run partially by an the petition and others expressed support for the - ‘ -
The CCC m Lexingtonoffers3treatment for ‘1'“8 “establishment" group we" as Comprehenswe move but were afraid to sign because of fear of . 1 ' '
problems with the aid of physiCians, psychologists. Care. reprisals from the parole board. ' .
psychiatrists, social workers and nurses. [f CCC were involved in the operation of the '
Wendelsdorf said negotiations with CCC for a clinic, Wendelsdorf asked, “why would a person UK peome going to the rally in Ashland central 3 . w 3 3
cash grant to operate the center and still retain paranoid enough not to go to Comprehensive Care park and POSSibly t0 the prison Will leave from the ~ -
freedom from CCC control were “still up in the come to us?" Student Center parking lot Saturday morning at ‘ ., .
air." He said the talk's biggest problem involved Continued on Page 5, Col. 3 10 am. .

 EAS wants UK land ».
o r rec reatlon a rea .
. - .25, ‘“ " “‘v‘»:
Kernel Staff Writer s7 '5“
' The Environmental Awareness Society (EAS) VOth V 'W$§- '3” ‘
' . Wednesday night to send a letter urging the Universny to (fi‘ , ,. i=3“- A WA
' make a recreational facility out of a UK—owed lot. ’2 "4.;
. . *- ..'-.2 - wéf’s, . 13%; "'::.:'\"
T h e 1e t t e r . a d (1 re sse d to L a w re n c e l‘ orgy , Vice .. .373 I. J”
- president for business affairs, recommends that UK ' ' ”i a.
V . . turn a two-acre lot on Virginia Avenue into a ...- .
' ' . . recreational area for students and residents of that area. \ ’ . .
, , V ' , The University has tentative plans to turn the lot into a .,
'. . parking facility. ~.., ‘
. ' . Several EAS members met with Dr. Robert G. its... - ass.
' Zumwinkle, vice president for student affairs Tuesday, 9 - Age;
' . and discussed the possiblity of UK purchasing Indian .2
' ’ . Falls, a 145-foot waterfall surrounded by a wooded area "a. efii g
, . ’ ‘ in Jessamine County, for a nature study or a recreational ' ‘ ’ - A”... KW
, , area. . V _ . _ .3. / A§§§§gs°
. '- j . : Indian Pails has been used as a picnic-camping area for a .. i a
" ' '- - Years. Recently pollution has become a problem in the , » e. - . . -- . '
-‘ , g . area. The Persuasions entertained an enthusiastic crowd last night at the Student Center Board
. ,. . 7 '~ “This place," said Roger Westman, vice president of Coffeehouse held ill the Student Center Grand Ballroom. Jerry, the lead Singer, told the
. ~ - ~ . 4 . EAS, “needs to be cleared of garbage and turned into a members of the audience that the group would like to perform for them again. (Staff
' - 9 - . ' . nice recreational place for people." photo by Ken Wilson)
~ ' ‘ THESE THREE PEOPLE .... ......
r . V ‘- ' - 1966 BLUE Sunbeam Alpine. $600, Con~ FEMALE roommate ‘0 5h”? alr‘cm'
, V. ‘IE: BEEN HEROES l 'N'l I tact Jeter's Service Center, 1300 w. cimonedV 2-bedroom dupleX. $70 plus
‘ - ‘ I: - ' Mam. 254-2036. 235 04 1/; utilities. Prefer mature. Call
. ' * , , . ___________._____ 278-2391, leave name. number. 295-01
' ' ' .- . -» , .- -... . '-:"-:-"'.-,~«~-"" ....i . '--. '70 JAVALAN. 6 cylinders. power W
V V , V. 33 . V- *‘tfijfiw ." if ; steering. 1.400 miles. Was brand new. LOST
V .' . .' 1'1.W§ \. VV.- '. "l" , - - - 5""! ' ‘ ‘ IOp condition. Phone 278-7737. 2853“ WW
,. . . so . ., , ._ —————————-——————- GREEN belted CPO jacket around
' . .1 r, ’ ' - ' WILL RECORD 8 track tapes at my campus. Reward. No questions asked.
V' . . ' . V ,5 Pk; .. m; . Dorm. I furnish tape. you furnish phone 252-2947. 308-04
» - I _, ' ' .9 ... on» . '- w \e. 4% albums' $2'50 per album' EXCK‘IICDI WWW
- , , V ., , . g] -;; . . - tbs/w sound, 257-1243. 295-05 msCELLANIOUI
. . _ . '. ,- , .~V a. V ' ' >,;-"~f~t" - . .. ____.___.____.___.-— W
' ,' i ' . .3 . .W; , T I ‘ ’ 5 ., a .5 £2. .,:¢ , ,. .. BOYS BICYCLE. Almost new Schwinn
. . - - ' "" "‘7' Wyatt“ (3M 1 .' .V .,.. ‘ .‘3.’ “.7“... . Racer. Call 269-3525 anytime. or see ATTENTION CAVERS. Blue Grass
. ' . .. e". g ‘*¢ - " f'f'i:i;.,v,r' *R .,' "1 V“... V '1‘ " Jana-J at 445 S. Ashland Ave. Apt. 13-22. Grotto is attempting to contact per-
V . . 33, file”; v“ .~. 3 S?) :2 “_V v_.. / , :z \ ‘K‘ V 295-0: sons interested in cave exploring.
. _ -~ lr- .V- \ .-_-. ‘ 1 "’"" . ggfif *' a...“ 4,, ____._____——————-— If interested. call 266-7657 or 258-4241-
. , V » -V g , i a . ,_ .gy‘r: . . a...“ a; 1969 PONTIAC GTO automatic. ex— 295-01
4 . ' ‘ ‘. (r -. «é ... _ .,.....fEEEE 3" ». ,y" A. "’ .; ,_ ‘ 21. ~‘ _ .. . ‘ ...... , cellent condition; gold with black
'. ‘ ' ~ ' ¥ , M ' ‘_,:-:' -. :V. g _ x' ”g:- 523; . ’ - " . ‘ W} ., vinyl top; 29,000 miles. Phone Mona};
-‘ ‘. . g -' .5“ _-::;-a;, .v, ->=5rfi x '2;=:- 2-; V -‘ ~ 2,53,.- » .V Helm, 252-9323. 295- ________________
. ' ' fie. _ '1'._. 111'?" g'g' ”2"": 'Q‘ E 4 @1? ' "in” 9:? .1» "4‘" “"55 ':' -——-"—“—'—‘_ "' r
-' ~ 7 "9.5" I: ‘ +53%: : , 5:“ ...,:.:E§E:'.3'r'-' ‘ . ' .f>'" . EAT... “iii“ .ll‘t' ‘ ,“Z. ' " ""‘" . MAN'S five-Speed SChWinn» GOOd con‘
, 5 . f. 2;: fi- ; 3?: .2; " ~ A A“ dition Needs new tires. Forty-five FOd 11V and
t _ 1V . . .‘ _ if» :' ..5’“ if: _1‘ g S} ' " . 251.1243"? - ‘if:--.r=-‘A.;i_.' .-:;. 12=::>..-';.'-' 3 . , dollars cash. 266-8184 after five at v
' , ' ' ‘ . . it! " '1‘ ,,--:‘.' Wires; ‘3" 5? i .'. v -"""" 'i35"~.. ,.. Wes" -"' ""M ' : night" 305—04
. ~.. . .' » i - ” “ is . we... ”‘- ‘ . ‘5 . Tim—EH Tomorrow
.' . . . $352. ':- 5:? .‘5 "'5'. V'-’-.;::’ ' '. '.:‘3?:' J V. . :3- ;st ‘ f ’ CC; e me 5. a .
. . ,V . . ’ . of; IVE/A V 2,7 V .21 I g; V . «a. V 233-9151 530
_V .. _ . . - V; VV e 2r i A f <& ~ "R ‘ ”M
u m § ,- - {3/ «7"- f” -‘ 4;: __ W _A .5. <3, NEW Home Electric Sewmg Machine
‘ - ' .. . A- ..~_ “" 4 3’54," 1,; if? t’ a ' ,t‘r'; . ;.;;:?:fi;:?"' 3."! g». - $15; Argus 75 camera and flash $15; . .
_ . V . g V § ’.- -.. é/i'fv' :9 V',. -:: A ..;:.;..:,‘.‘:‘:'>':3- -- 5‘); ' 09 Heath RF. signal generator 525; Code The deadline for announcements is
. z . -, V. V> .‘ . VV -. at '(l'é' 1 '1" «‘4’ if??? A.".I‘,"'2"s"" . J .2 ?'V Lg, {Xi-jig -V . practice- nsr‘ilatnr S10. P. K310”. CP19 '7 :30 p.m. two days prior to
VV V ' '. . . N. i f ‘ m a": '..’f .V- £133 a. .39” "...: ~ . .V ' 2,32?» 2.; 258-2334. 305-06 publication of items in this column.
.» _ ‘ " t' ". BUSHELS of books arbargaIIprlces:
.~ . .- - . records; etc. 231 E. Maxwell, Satur- . TODAY , _
. ' '. ‘- . . . ’ A 1/) day. 9—5. 305-01 FRIENDS or PCCA Will meet .
. .. . V_ V. ' r r p.m. Thursday, Sept. 30. Room 202.
- ' . ‘ : . e ' THERE u.“ JOB orron‘r 'N N' “”0“ “an
. V. . . , HAS NEVER " ’5“ "mm‘ilyfi,m. UK PERFORMING THEATRE
.V . .' _ VV ' BEENA l \ ADIIBITIOUS urlderclassmen WZEDICCI IO GR‘)L7P \V\1Vll llUld an omanwatlorlal
‘ V - ‘i . WESTERN . sell fine qualltv stereo equipment on WWW": 55"” p.m.. ThUTSdHV‘ Sept.
. ‘ ' ‘; t.‘ ' . LIKE . iiimgus. Send resumi- to Athens 30. Iii-mm 245.5tuii1-iit Center.
- . _ . V. . ar etlng 8r Distributing. PO, Box .v i
- i . ., - 732 Athens, Ohio 457m. 29530 .PRQF~ .. STLART. FRIEBERT
V . .- . . V .-.. ()oerlln College, Will speak on
VVV ,. . ~. . V ‘. . GOOD-LQOKING girls interested in “Traveling Light: Some Comments
. . . . _ » -, - being a cocktail waitress iarternoon on Contemporary Gemian Poetry.“ 4
. -. VV . . l requrre . nqulrc a rep ace. ~ * ~ . 72 . ' '
. . V . ,A n ” 825 Euclid. 305-04 Auditorium C. (llssroom Building.
- . . V. INDOC BOX OFFICE for the first
. . . A FILM BYF NK PERRY Vr—Rj 7;;533-‘W‘1, . _ I , , production of the Department of
. , . -, RA i. 3 3-, ‘V‘jénA‘J‘én-T FOB BENT Theatre Arts 1971-72 season “The
. . ~. VV -: . V MIKE WITNEY L*--#d—~W——‘—‘J W Boys from Syracuse" will be open
V. » - V ‘. with SHARE duplex. 5 minutes from cam- “00” t” 430 p.m. daily. Production
_ . -_ . . . ptusd Call after 5 p.m. 269-2029 (male dates are OCt- 6-10-
’, ... . s u en ). 295-01
. ..i '. ' UK CHAPTER OF THE
l. '. . . , . , e/ 8 WANTED UNION is sponsoring a showing of
. V i, . -.., V ' ' ' “69 CR 10” a film on the Chicago
.- . . , .. PILOT wants riders to share small 13' . '
- - . ».: . , cost of touroseater plane to Auburn 5:5,}? ggnsggacy Triallon Thursday.
. . . ,. game. Saturday, Oct. 2.4334393. ' - °wmgs~ mm a e
V . , VVV . 815 EUCLID 286.2114 277%. 275-01 Student Center Theatre. 7 and 8:30
_ .' : . . '. . p.m. in Room 106. Classroom
. ; . ' A .V -. . Building.
V. -VV f. V TESTIMONY meeting will be held
. . 6:30 p.m. Thursday. Sept. 30. Room
._ _ . iV . V . .‘ . 307. Student Center. Open meeting.
V . .V , r . Women’s Center. Call: 252-9358
1 , . , .. from 7-9 p.m. Monday through
V . . V Wednesday and 2-5 p.m. on Sunday.
, . V . . V . . . If emergency. during other hours. call
. V . V . . .I . R f H E ? Patti or Laurie at 253-2284.
. e am In lgher uca lon.
. .r V ‘. COMMITTEE will hold a meeting for
.‘ ., , . . VV all black University women. 2 p.m..
. .V V . . Saturday. Oct. 2, Koinonia House.
‘. . f . .V. V Hear a panel presented b FREE u. FRIZBEE THROWING
.' V y CONTEST and jam session will be
.i . . . . V held 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 3. Student
V ~. .' VV .' V . K Center Patio and Stoll Field.
; , A. . Dr. enneth E ble and Dr. Edgar Whan
V ; . . . . . . . The Henruekg Hemel
V- .. , . , director of o prolect to improve College director of Educational Development at The Kentucky Kernel. University
- . . . , . V ,V . V . . . Station. University of Kentucky, Lex—
. . VV .‘ ICOChlng Oth UnlverSIiy ington. Kentucky 40506. Second class
, V . V V postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky.
., , V . - . .' Mailed five times weekly during the
.‘ V . _ _ . school year except holidays and exam
V V V V V periods, and once during the summer
. .' . . . Published by the Board of Student
, ; V V . Pugllcatlons, UV? Post Office Box ‘9wcl
. ’. . -V egun as t e Cadet in 1894 an
. - _ M d ° R 106 f h CB BI ”" h '
, , , V -. .V ,V on ay, October 4 at 2.30 p.m. — m. o t e g, straggfiommuwsw .. ii... ......a
V V V V Advertising published herein is in-
. tended to help the reader buy. Any
V, '. .. {also or misleading advertising should
‘ . , . A LECTURE WILL BE PRESENTED 1” ”pm“ ‘° The “M”
. . lVVVYearly. bfy mail — $0.45
, . , er copy. rom files —— 8.10
~ , Monday, October 4 at 8.00 p.m. —— Rm. 106 of the CB Bldg. mm maom
V V Editor. Managing Editor 257-1755
Editorial Page Editor,
V V Associate Editors. Sports .. 257-17‘0
. . V Advertising, Business, Circula-

 _ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. sq... :50, 1071-3 . 1' ' .
ON CAMPUS Hrs: 9:00-5:30
395 5. Lime 277-5733
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E. II'.~- FLAIR JEANS 2/11.00
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, : . he Kentucky Hamel omen 3 ng ts 5
‘ . I l I .. I'NiVERsi'n' or Kiixi'i'rtm' ° 0 0 ’
midtown W LEXINGTON,” Complalnt may begln a revolutlon 5
.' if 7 H—IEIitoi'irils i‘r’pii'u'ni [III' opinions of the Editors. not of the ('nivr’rsii)’. _ _ f
.. ~- ——————————————————~———~—~ At least it seems that something years ago. It began when men
‘ . _ - \Iike\\'incs. Editor-in-Chicf ll b d b t th t t f d .d d th I e d . ned
’ -. ‘ '~ ' lane Brown. Managing Editor Jerry Lewis, Associate Editor W] 6 one 3 cu e S a US 0 CC] C a . women WBI‘. BSlg
. .. 5- mo .»\. King. Business Manager John Gray, Editorial Page Editor women at UK. If HEW (Health. to bear children and little else.
. . 5, 5 lanuc li’iamis. (.icg llaiimann. Railicl Kainuf. Lincoln R. {Lewis 5r Edueation and Welfare) lives up t0 From that came the notion that she
5 ._ llalc \l'.lltll(‘\\‘\. and \Vt-ml» “light. l.».‘i,.‘..:;{ Managing Flatter}: . ‘ . , . . , .
_ ~ . ' ‘ r I, \lilu- Tlt‘l‘llt‘). Sports lidiior Don Rosa. Cartoonist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor ltS past-record, coming dOWll heavy WdS ”hequped for dnythlng else’
5 . 1 _ ‘_ on institutions found guilty of sex so she must be content with her
.5 , 5. 5 , f , discrimination, UK women may child-rearing activities and leave the
' _ 0 0 have a brighter future in store for rest of the doings of society up to
', .. ' lg t on Plro . . . them. And the administration may the more versatile male of the
5- 5‘ 5- _' / have to be contemplating and Sp€CiCS.
. We love Spiro Agnew. really we because we don’t know what that acting on some major rcalignments These basic belief systems have
_ -_7; f' do. He is a source of constant means. and changes. continued up until the present day.
. .' . amazement and amusement. You We won’t offer any “querelous The national office of WEAL Their effects are far-reaching and
.5 5. might say he brightens up our day criticism” (another Agnewism) of (Women’s Equity ACthh League), fundamentally damaging to the
‘_ .5 _ _ " with his cryptic. poly-syllable his praise for Gov. Rockefeller “for has said that UK’5 Situation i5 one majority of our society.
. '5 utterances. the courageous action he took in Of the worst they have ever 56611. With the filing of the WEAL
: . 1- , .5. 5 . _ So. because we love him we ending the confrontation after Women at UK could have told them complaint we are Witnessing a small
.5 »_ aren‘t going 50 C355 his recent e x hausting all practicable that the situation was intolerable a part of a larger movement (perhaps
5': ’ » 4' statements about the Attica Prison alternatives. , . long time ago. The figures Of. the we should correctly say, revolution)
. ', riot 'isinine And we wont say that he 15 report reinforce these assumptions. that Will eventually bring this
5. : . . 5 ‘ - . . engaging in the lowest form of the It is inexcusable that women society to a point where it redefines
5 -5 :5 .- ‘ _ WC ittt‘ht gomg t0 SUV that h” politics of fear when he claims that, make up only 9.4 percent of the its concepts of womanhood and
. lhtt’hll‘t‘mtt“ itttilt‘k on tht‘ hlt‘dla “Now the name ‘Attica’ joins the full-time faculty. That percentage is moves to correct permanently the
5 .5 __ - ”PO”? 0t the “Qt SCNQUSI)’ list of geographic place names and not due to the lack of qualified injustices suffered for so long.
‘- undermine thC ”00 PFCSS 0t thls slogans whose very utterance, in the women. however. It is due to the We have no doubt that the
.' _ country. litany of anti—American hate failure of UK and other large-scale investigating committee of HEW
.. U _", We aren‘t going to comment on preached by radical propagandists. employers to recruit and train Will find that UK has been
'. " his charge that the media is trying is a dagger at the heart of our eligible WOthIl- practicing sex discrimination. We
'1'. f to transform the senseless killings at country’s free institutions." Yet CV9“ this is “01 the essential jttSt hope that UK acts quickly and
. " ‘ g Attica into. “yet another cause We won’t do any of this because root of the problem. The fairly in establishing permanent
.5 “,ka in the Pantheon of radical we love you Spiro and we think foundations of today’s unequal corrective measures. That is the
5 ,5 . 5-: revolutionary propaganda." mainly you’re doing one hell of a grcatjob. status for women at UK were laid first step.
. . . Kernel Forum. the readers mm to a»
if ‘ i '. " “H"‘tinll "UIIHNWH overlook." She’s right And one of these the ability nor the desire to do so is [.15 I If
t; V , , .. ' Abortion was commented on by [Sllen gmuiis t“ be C(lllfilth‘lt‘il l\ thC woman C(ilnpchCl) irresponsible. '1 0' ""1“, Story
5 , . " ' Rodinan in Monday‘s Kernel. She pointed Whit Illrongh ignorance. ”Pitth}. (il Those who claim to be concerned I Wiljin the process of writing you a
t . "I '. 44 . out that Kentucky law saM the fetus is accident. suddenly h‘” 5“ hm“ ”ltd WW about the rights of the fetus will never lctici ”5 “”h‘i’lahlt because the Monday.
;. .-'5 5' - ' human and has (5” human rights. The 525w tor a child she never intendedio have. convmcc me until all of our now thhtl 50hr. 20. Kcrnel‘s report of the National
1- . may say 55558 but 55”“. 3 505555 which There is much moreio makinga human children are given all the medical care. Karate Tournament showed only some
. . . I 5 V . aborts naturally (miscarriage) is not being than merely carrying 1* tCtUS tOT food. clothing. education. shelter and ththtCS 0t missed COHtTOl- After reading
’ . ' I . counted as a death and since surgical "the months. Even askingawo nan ‘0 d” love and acceptance they need. When Robert Matlow's report 0f the
_. _ abortions can be performed if the thls unwdlmgly t5 bad enough because groups that scream “right to live" work tournament in the TueSday. Sept. 2],
_ l ' ' ' mother‘s life is threatened (according to involuntary serv1tude has long been twice as hard on caring for youngsters, Kernel, my complaint has changed to a
'5 ' , enough doctors. that is). I don’t think the considered wrong. T0 {0’99 a woman to then I’ll believe them. FOhtmehdatlon. Matlow did an excellent
' 5 law can be interpreted as treating a fetus put in nine monthscarrying a fetus and in the meantime, 1 believe it is my right 10b of reporting the spirit and excitement
' g as human. then most that she give it up for adoption to decide whether I am able to Carry and 0fthe tournament.
, . . Also, Ms. Rodman points out that we ("Gt knowmg What W1“ become or 't) 9’ care for any child I might conceive. Robert Crawford
' - . are learning to be concerned about the {9’93 her to'spend the next [8‘2] years m Judy Tipton Graduate Student
5 rights of various people we‘ve “tended to givmg it daily care when she has neither Graduate Student, Education College of Education

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, si-rn. rm. Io7I _ r. . 4' .
In a letter to GOV. Nunn - ‘
RJW k f l f B d ti g
Rebecca Westerfield, student an “alternate member" of the permitted to attend meetings admit ordinary students and A spokesman for (luv. Numi‘s ' . 4
government vice president, has board she said. because of her office but that taxpayers. office said he had not seen the . .
asked Gov. Louie B. Nunn to Westerfield stressed in her meeting time was “a little late to Brandenburg added that [26 letter and would probahl} have . . V'
move the Board of Trustees letter that she was not asking for make special arrangements." students had warched the no comment. “It’s a decmon Ihc :' .4 .
meetings to a room large enough any special privileges because 0f Brandenburg said she could meeting on closed circuit board would have to make." tltv .
to accommodate more her position. She added “any make arrangements to attend television and he assumed most spokesman said. V. ..
spectators. student or Kentucky citizen” meetings by making a request at of them had tried to get into the , . _'
Ms. Westerfield said in aletter should be able to attend the the dean of students office at board room. 4 4'
made plibliC Tuesday that she meeting. any time. He was less sure that He doubted that the meeting -V _ ,
was denied admission to last Ken Brandenburg, associate special efforts should be made to site would change. ' .4
week’s meeting because dean ofstudents, confirmed that an_ ar ..,
spectator space ran out. This Westerfield had been barred 4 VI .’
happened despite her office as from the meeting. He said D g C nter rganl ers fl VV .
- vice president which makes her Westerfield probably should be ru 9 0 Z Store 'I . i
W ‘ f . I ,V
P . want student control ______ .. ._ ._
The ertwlllaby Papers . . . . .. .4 -,
, 4 . Continued from page 1 psychlatrists and phy51C1ans. One Navy Pea COOtS . .- .- 4 ,
£775 D . L4 7 77/75 [AA/(f HAD . . . . of the problems the training I ‘ . . '
O E /6, 5 , 2 Since CCC IS the only realistic . . A F 4. . .
* I . . sessrons may have to cover 18 the rmy |eld Jackets -. 4.
956/959 70 5/7 NV 0” M5 FWSf source of funds for a drug CllnlC . .. . . I ~ .
_ — . . . pOSSIbility of clinic workers . 4 . a . .
(1/455 ~~ [OMDz/CZE/J BX A/oA/E Off/ER at this time, Ms. Scott said . . . . Flannel Shuts Wool 4, , ~ . I
T 4/47 4/? 0/477 #5 5 v7- 77 . . f h 11' . h 1d b making life-or-death decrsrons , V , .
fl/M/ / [V L/’/ ’f/ ’ f" M priority 0 t chhnic 8 cu e for the people who come there. Shirts Bells Hares " ‘-. ' 4' '
7 ,, .44, an agreement w“. lt' Later in the meeting, Scott 4, ' ’ ’ -
g ”NWT b" WERE ¢// AC/NU/VQ KM 55» ' " V5 Besrdes financle matters, .th.e said one reason for Student LeVI S, BOOtS, WCSt- f'
m SecT/ON #2 /////// V/LA Mow V’gf/p/ major problem facmg the clinic Government involvement in the W 813 O V .' . .
, (“A/FEFl/AAY TRACE ”(/5 involves volunteers, Scott said. operation was to get better ern ear, | yer- _, I.
No Squ/ were . . Kai/R55 0F TflE TgA/n/ She lsa1d hshe has fguthmzng publicity and more volunteers to alls4 -' 4v '
rm; /5 THE T/l/RD A/RA/VMA NERVE Flea/‘1 ITS fsofoluriltegr (liganzgppmesno; work at the clinic. V '
' ' However, she warned a ainst . 4 I
1 TIME IVE MD 1;; OR/GW 70 / She also said the volunteers soliciting aid from estabfished 36, W. Mam Street .’
I 4 _ . . . . . .
4 7/705 YEAR. 1,9] _—.7-:___4__.—-!-_:_=49_ WOUId undergo Vtramms “531‘?“ businesses or sources of money. Corner of Mam & Broadway
e 4 fire; VVI 0' /.5\ ‘ v42 run by professmnals, including She said if a business ,
{=3 EV” M4 0“ 44 _ contributed to the clinic, it Phone 254-77] 1 \V' . ' '.
fl 5"“ (g?) I \ 4454, ifé—J. IF YOU could want to control the clinic. 4 ' 4 . ‘ . .
V/ng l-IIIIII,.I~Vl.rIIIII first \\ ’ S/ I, W _ HAVE SOMETHING ”
444., \wa Ill'w infill“ \\§\ \4 3‘ If 2“ V FOR RENT' ® I % _ .
III I "' - it» "I ‘iIIIIIir‘ .-“ ;‘\ I;T‘\I\ \K 43;. , I 4 , - " .
W“Willi”. It” ssg \\\\\§\\\ I, a FOR SALE 212 Southland Drive 4
I W" V/ V‘ §4\§\§$§\ \sur 4. 94 LOOKING FOR A JOB! a,
'3' / . i\»‘\:§\:§\\\\'\1 \ :\.\ \.\ §§\\,—-’— !‘
l/ . y r f . \ .. lV \\:\ss>\\\\\\\\4 \\\fi NEED AN APARTMENT REGULAR . 4 .
/5".‘. l l ’ #2:“ W \\4\\\ \ I~'- OR ROOM! , — . . . ._
I fig» ' '1‘" ‘2 \.\\\ \\\\\ 57’ '0! Arhys — .. ..
[=- ‘ . 4: /. m I!" l ' It?) Wmsm HAVE LOST SOMETHING! D . .4
men 4 4 4 .l 2 . V ..

d [HF/m AWN/Imm— r/gfl, //£//... 7mg (“Em/mgl WANTA R'DE OR R'DER F 'U . _. _ -
'l‘e E“ ’ gm l/I/A/ 0; M7 Fags, MWE AVA/DER... g, WANT SOMETHING! .I V r, ,
1 m I > W“ - ’ 1"
SC. ~Q [EA/r0865 FROM ,‘ I Sues 4, 4 >09 PERSONAL! Ar." ,’ 'V 1
she 4S 0524 gap]- PAYS H ”M r - \x < “I“ _ V
.1364 q, / 1 / “T ”.41 “WW \g :2 MISCELLANEOUS! In! . V . - .4
her 3 0",!" ,4 To \V E WHY NOT TRY THE KERNEL 4 ONE CARD PER 334444,“. ‘ ' -.

: 4V'f'ff?v\' . , SI CLASSIFIED ADS! , CUSTOMER a) ' .
the o (fiVI A? ”5/ ' ‘4 4/ 5? ' a >Q e . . ,
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mes . 4 l 5? 234+?“ " ' . .‘fi’é '0 fist-Efrfi 4 4 ', .
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