xt7k0p0wsz2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7k0p0wsz2q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1947 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1947 Vol.18 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, July 1947 Vol.18 No.9 1947 1947 2019 true xt7k0p0wsz2q section xt7k0p0wsz2q J i ‘ , "
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 : . The Kentucky Press — July, 1947
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' The Kentucky Press Association C07
The Sl(
is an organization representing 160 weekly and semi— the placing of advertising in their papers more easy - spacingn
weekly community newspapers, 22 small dailies, and 7 and satisfactory. The Association maintains a Central its anthm
’ 2
. , major dailies, whose publishers desire to provide for Office in McVey Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexing- Zilirflit.“
. ‘ advertisers the greatest possible coverage and render ton, which provides for the all-inclusive plan of of the 162
But it ap
. . Spacing v
flue 0rder - 0ne Bllllng - 0119 Check Raymond
, York. in I
- It] .
without additional cost to agency or advertiser. This insertion orders will be issued the same day from the magi;
» office through a complete file of its newspapers attends association office. No charge is made to the advertiser is made a:
'_ to proof of publication through tear sheets and cares or agency for this service. only an 1
. for the many details of placing advertising. Given a _ f ““11“” t‘
. . This office will service advertisrng accounts cover- Spaces 131{1
list of newspapers to be covered With mats or plates _ ll f h' _ l' Th f Yet work
’ necessary, the office will place the orders, check the mg a or any part 0 t '5 entire 'St' e COSt 0 cover- become a]
publication, provide tear sheets, and render one bill for ing the community newspaper field, exclusrve Of the In ancit
the entire account. This eliminates a considerable ex- small and major dailies, is approximately $64.00 0 “1011821”
: i am en e
‘ pense to the agency or advertiser. column inch for a circulation of 385,000 readers, almost have mu]
. You can place space in any number of Kentucky all on a cash-in—advance basis. Seventeen weeklies are up like [1'
. l weeklies, semi-weeklies, or dailies with a single order. members 01‘ the NEW Bureau Of CirCUlGiiOH; twelve :1;
Send us only a blanket insertion order, together with dailies are members. More than 40 applications for mi]
mats, sterotypes, or copy sufficient to cover. Individual membership are now on fi|e_ libs
l _fl_—_— ‘I The nc
l . spaces is
v saver. It i
,. O o O O O O V O effort, to 1'
. N atlonal Advertlsnlg Afflllatlng Servwe
. it would b
This Association is a state affiliate with the Nation- farms—no national publications, no national radio i “ {ICWSPflt
‘ al Editorial Association, and is an affiliating and co— hook—ups can reach him as Economically, as Thoroughly, ‘ :1“an can
3‘; operating member of and with Newspaper Advertising as Easily, as HIS HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER with maxi- (1311mm)
Service, lnc.,Chicago. Nationalorders, placed thru NAS, mum readership—because "Mr. 52" knows the local ling]???
‘ are distributed from this office to our state newspapers editor—knows all the merchants—knows all the other Fl (
' under the one order, one billing, one check plan. subscribers—knows his Senator and Representative~ 0“
‘ . . . . _ knows that his Hometown newspaper is a Warm, Living, ’ ago
Wh"e 0‘” State Ovemge '5 h'gher' '” the ”“0” Influential art of his life—and directl influences it. -' f0"
52% of the nation’s population, 70,200,000 persons, p y in
, live in tOWns of less than 10,000 population—only seven "Mr. 52" Hometown neWSpaper offers MORE local the
‘ larger cities in Kentucky. This "Mr. 52" had $44,000,- coverage than all other media combined—he can be me’
000,000 to spend last year, 43% of the Nation’s buy— reached by One Package and One Check through NeWS' Certainl
ing power. paper Advertising Service, lnc., 188 West Randolphr‘ Olltquesu,
‘ _ Ch'ca o a d throu h the Ke tuck P ess Association. now an ex‘
"Mr. 52” represents 6,000,000 farm families— I g ' n g n y r appearano
2,000,000 electrified farms—60% of all automobiles, Remember "Mr. 52" and make him a customer by What it cm
trucks and tractors—50% of all furniture—46% of selling him today through his own HOMETOWN NEWS' ememes 1;
' clothing—and the Nation’s highest percentage of Home _ PAPER. . All com]
OWnership—IN FACT, the greatest potential market for ' 3 mg their 2
far-seein manufacturers. ‘ and Why,t
‘ 9 For information, call or Write Victor R. Portmflnr‘:i spacing in
"Mr. 52” in the past has been difficult to reach, Secretary-Manager, McVey Hall, University of Ken- more comr
living in 15,000 different small towns and on 6,000,000 tucky, Lexington 29, Kentucky. a long est;
, trade jouri
" lllll— that m

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-_ July, 1947 ‘ The Kentucky Press Page One I I ‘ III I I I
l . ' l llIIlIIIIIIl I j
, 031. ton or pacmg s mportan I «I
: l > III ‘3
The slogan, “A form is no better than its not as high as it was 25 years age.” the use of‘thinner spaces not only aids read- I I I l I
lsy I spacing material," is true in more ways than And another editor in the same field, obVi- ability but also saves considerable type area. I I ‘ III .
its author intended. It was meant to point ously from bitter experience, goes a step Though spaces are deSignated 3-, 4-, and 5-t0- I III, I I
rol I out that a tight lock—up and the elimination further and finds the fault, in his complaint, em, they are actually such only when they I I l jjI
‘9' of workups depended largely on the quality “I am sometimes discouraged at seeing work can be divided evenly into the em being set.‘ I I l I l I
Of the leads, slugs and reglets in the form, that shows not only carelessness but also in- For instance, in a 12-pt. font, the two first I I II I
But it applies With equal force to the word difference on the part of men who call them- named wil be 4 and 3 points thick, respec- l I I ll I
spacing within the composition, stated A. selves compositors.” tively, but the other will not be 2 2/5 points, I I II I III I
Raymond Hopper, G. M. Bradford Co., New I am often troubled by proofs, even from but 2V2 points. Spaces are “‘3‘ only [0 the I I I II I I
, York, in the July isue of Printing. high-grade composition houses and printers, nearest {4 or 1/2 point. I I I I
‘ It has often been said that the skill of an in which words in many place have been Therefore assuming 100 words Of 12‘l’t- (I I I I
he 3 artist is marked by what he leaves out. Music spaced with nut quads or wider. Examples composition, With all words EVCHIY Spaced, I I III I
ser is made as much by the rests as by the notes: are easy for anyone to find, but some are 8 picas would be saved by using 4-to-em in- I‘ ~III: I
only an Irish jig or Virginia reel rolls on shown here by way of convenient illustration. Stead 0f 340-6111 spaces, and 12 Pims by using ll I I I I Ii I
I without taking a breath. ln typography, the And some sin even more by spacing the words 5-to-em 51331035. 311d the readability WOUId be I l I I l' I
er- . spaces play a part as important as the type. on some lines unequally. materially improved: . I .III I I III I
er- Y“ workmanlike spacing appears to have That these are permitted to be published CUHOUSIY’ “.16 ”“1131” space when IO'PL II ‘ I III I
become 311710.“ a 10“ art. can be evidence only of indifference to poor and _8‘pt‘ type 15 used WI” be exactly the same III III I
the In ancient manuscripts. letters usually ran workmanship; that they were so set up can asw1th l2‘l)t‘ type; VIZ" 8 and I2 picas “381)sz lIf l l I‘lIlI
0 along without any separation between words, be only .l'ronr carelessness in composition, tively for the 4-to-em and 5