xt7jws8hhv0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jws8hhv0s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1989 1989 1989-01-27 2020 true xt7jws8hhv0s section xt7jws8hhv0s  





Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny and warmer








Local band has many


UK’s weekend sports




See Page 0



Kentucky Kernel


Vol. XCII. No. 97



Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971


Friday.January 27 19,89 l

Court to decide nature of UK BOT meeting

Editor in (‘hief

Fayette County ('ircun t‘ourt will decide
this morning whether the UK Board of
Trustees must open its meeting to the pub
lic Saturday.

The Courier-Journal filed suit with the
court yesterday to stop the UK Board of
Trustees from holding a closed meeting
Saturday to discuss LIK‘s response to
NCAA allegations against the men's bas~
ketball program.
uled to hear the newspapers case at 0'30
this morning

Meanwhile t'K President David Roselle
still plans to hold a closed meeting of the
board Saturday morning to brief the BUT
on the l'niversity‘s response to the allegar

“Ry stating that upcoming special meet-
ing of the lboardt \‘llll be closed
tboat'd members have announced that
they intend to violate the Kentucky ltpen
Meetings Act." the suit says.

The Still asks that the court issue a re
straining order or preliminary injunction
against the board. stopping the BUT froin
"conducting or participating in further
meetings without first complying with
the requirements of the Kentucky tipen
Meetings \ct.” the suit says


Eddie Sutton meets with
NCAA investigators. See
Page 8.

Roselle still plans to hold Saturday's
hoard meeting behind closed doors be»
cause the L’niversity response to the NCAA
still is preliminary in nature. and it in
volves issues of personal and academic
privacy. according to [K spokesman Rer
nie y'onderheide

If the court ruled that the BUT meeting
must be open to the public. \'onr.lerheide
said the president and the board would
have to "decide whether they want to have
a meeting or not "

On Tuesday. the BOT voted 12—0 to ask
Roselle to review with the board. the I'm
verslty's response to the allegations
against the mens basketball program be
fore the response \A as sent to the .\'(‘.\;\.

Roselle had wanted to review the H
spouse with both the BUT and the Athletics
Association Board of Directors alter the
.lan, :lodeadllne

The .\'(‘AA levied ill allegations against
the men‘s basketball program last seine.»
ter The allegations range in severity front

Board’s action Tuesday

By in iii..\.\'1‘o\'
Editor in (‘hiet

and( .,\. I)l‘.\\'li llthll’lCR
Editorial Editor

l‘K President l):".'ill Roselle drew a line
in the sand Tuesday. almost daring the t'K
Board of Trustees to cross it

And to show they are still iii charge. they
did just that

By insisting that Roselle renew the [me
versity 's response to 18 allegations against
the men's basketball program with the
board before they are sent to the NCAA.
the Rt tT publicly disagreed \\lll‘l the presiv
dent for the first time in a rare display of
public discord. perhaps showing a chirik in
Rosellc's heretofore untarnished armor




Roselle contends that the BUT's decision
was “no big deal." saying that it was just
a matter of timing whether the board
would review the response before or after
it‘s sent to the NCAA

But in going against Roselle‘s wishes
the board showed that it still has the lino!
word in the decision-making process

The move also seemed to counter its pro
vious public message that it unanimously
supported Roselle‘s “mdemndent” hand
ling ol the investigation

It was just last (lctober that the BH'!‘
emerged from a more than threevhour

littering cash payments to a recruit to T
shirts and tickets to others

l'K probably will appear before the
NCAA infractions committee April 22 24 in
t'harleston. S t'

home members of the L‘K Board of
Trustees said yesterday that they want the
courts. not the l'tiiversity. to decide wheth
cr [K s response to allegations against the
men's basketball program should be dis
cussed in public.

The t\\o principles of the pilblic's right to
know and personal privacy are in conflict
in this situation. said Mary Sue Coleman. a
lit l'l‘ iaculty representative. When there
are two conflicting legal issues. the court-
-hould decide, not the l‘niyersity; she said

l’l’lt student representatize
.lamcs Hose. said that by letting the courts
llt't'lt’lt‘ the assue. the ltlfi‘tfl'sll) protects it
sell trotii potential suit lt'ott: persons tin-t“
tinned ii: tim- iesponw

llourd member \ltllttlch l’isacano said
he has no problem \\ ith an open meeting

The press has an uncanny way of trill
an: out .sny way .' l’isacanosaid
in? l"s;lt':liio added that he wouldnt
want 'tv scl- the meeting open ll nidn illuiil~
iii llignwl vlto still may llIl‘.t' a
l‘lltll‘it‘t' of twang prw en innwcnt
i 3'.t‘l.'lltt‘l\ i)a\itl llriscoll. .lr.
\cc( ()l Rl‘. l’ 1;. -

ll'tlll'll s

might in

float“ to!

UK’s Manuel

\l'.lud \tat‘ It jllltl‘

l l\


[iltlyl t‘
1;; it .‘ylaii'lci
tilts tic: Ll'tl t‘e

t" llll

‘\litt'l‘v ’ o3

.' Ll!‘ t~'\ Mil.


l‘l.il> tll‘l .ll‘ .1 .'



denies getting
declaring his AC

T score inv:.

significant to both Roselle,

meeting eitl: .lr. unanimous resolution pr!-
tltiiiinnu the need for an independent 'l'
\l-stzgatioo li‘t‘t‘ from Htlls‘utlt‘ ltllltlt'lll't‘ or
'hc perception ot it

Roselle lllt'll had wanted to renew
t'twi‘s't‘y's iesponsi- with the WW
\tliletics \ssociation after the Monday rluc
illitc saying that l'mu-rsity officials wliv
t‘tlslltl‘d four: to the .yire to the
~pon~c ti. i More ‘lie deadline
s action by the lioard slim“




l’ut 't't‘wl' c.
' ~ .lmirehension on the part c
int sitters about the way the tl‘.\l‘\"
illl'll'll his been handled

Why ol-w would .1 board. that rarely .lr

done discusses issues «to so u i'ti


.jtltts wt

dost at the sound heard at board meet

Elmwiy. ". _ .
)II‘ a».
ll .

t ”mourn-1‘,


proposes free
tuition plan

. Committee
Bush nomiiic.

AP and Staff reports

FR A\'Kl4‘t)RT.
Ky Students whose
parents earn less than
a set amount would
be eligible for free tu-
ition at any Kentucky
public college under a
proposal put together
by (iov Wallace Wilv

Wilkinson spokes-
man lioug Alexander WILKINSON
said Wednesday he was not sure the gover-
nor wanted to release details at this point
but added. "Any good idea is worth looking

Several of those working with the con»
cept Wednesday were reluctant to estimate
its cost to The Courier-Journal. but one
highereducation source said a “ballpark
figure“ is $150 million. About half of that
would be the tuition cost and half would be
the expense to the state above tuttion
to educate more college students. The sug-
gested parental income limit was 330.000

Wilkinson has asked the state‘s eight uni-
versity presidents to study the proposal.
and Universty of Louisville President
Donald C. Swain said he thinks "there‘s a
fairly enthusiastic reaction coming from
the presidents.“

“We appreciate this effort by Governor
Wilkinson to make higher education more
accessible." said llK President. David
Roselle. “The need for financtal aid for
college students is well known. We also
look forward to the governor's efforts to
improve the excellence of higher education
in the Commonwealth. "

Kentucky ranks last in the percentage of
adults who attended college a year or
more. said Norman Snider. director for
communications of the Kentucky Council
on Higher Education

in 1987. 40 percent of the state‘s gradual.
ing high school seniors went on to college.
he said. although a record 150,000 students
enrolled in Kentucky public colleges last

Their tuition cost ranged from $580 per

See GOVERNOR. Page 7


SOUNDS FISHY: Bill Bruening. left, and David Butler.
right, play a song Wednesday night at the Wrocklage.


They are members of the band
Wrocktage books alternative bands

...AN HAWSE Kn'vv ‘xtatt

Rasta Fish the


Plants may be misled by recent weather

Associated Press

This year‘s unusually mild Winter in
Kentucky is confusing plants by lulling
them into a false sense of security that the
weather won't change for the worse again.

Temperatures across the state Wednes-
day ranged mainly from the mid-to upper
605. with Louisville topping the list at 71.

The warm spell is expected to continue.
said Robert Szappanos. a meteorologist
with the National Weather Service in Lex-
ington. In January so far. temperatures
have been 7.2 degrees above normal; the
:loday forecast is for above-normal tem-
peratures and rainfall.

For fruit growers. continued warmth
could lead to early flowering. which could
severely damage crops.

“The cool nights have been holding us so
far.“ said Charles Kaenzig of Versailles'

Kaenzrg Brothers Orchard. which produces
apples. peaches and strawberries. “But it
this warm spell continues. we could get in

Kaenzig may take solace in the fact that
Kentucky isn't clear of the threat of harsh
weather The state traditionally experi—
ences freezes in late March and early

liven lor nonflowertng plants. the big-
gest problem is that the warm weather
erodes hardiness . plants' ability to withs-
tand colder temperatures later in the sea-

"What‘s happening is that the plants are
going to respond to temperature by think-
ing that it's time to initiate the events of
spring." said Douglas Archbold. an asso-
ciate professor of horticulture at the UM
versity of Kentucky. “If we have a fairly
mild Winter overall. this won't be a prob—

lem. llut it there s .i real sctl lt' . old snap
in February or March. .' Ittll.tl lie \t ry in
Jurious to plants

Plant hardiness peaks about Ian ‘ .llltl
then decreases. said ltlll l-‘cunlain. lxtcn
sion horticulture spellilist it] he t K l‘ol
lege of Agriculture

”With all the warm weather, we re ios»
trig hardiness much more rapidly than we
normally would} ll‘ounlaln 'si‘lltl

And for trees already under stress from
last summer s drought. ini curly trost
could be especially dangerous

"If a tree loses a crop of loans lll early
spring due to late frost. then it would
throw out another crop ot Icayes. Foun
lain said. "lt this happens more than once.
the tree can he so staryed tor lood that ll
won‘t have the energy to throw out illlditlo
nal leaves. '

t». i‘.



\\\Rl \lll

3 y'i...

‘t t' prlx i-ss,
.iohr l v

. ill V"
"I" t- ftl.:ill‘
\et t‘lt‘ trilsl lltl‘t‘t' i.
ms “fiitll‘ i' .t
--‘clc'ai \ ot. defense
\t other hearings

- \licliael ltoskin, ‘t'lt‘t'lt'l
-tliet it'lutttttllt
itarikiic tIlttlllllit‘t’ tr trio

9e t'lélllt'


tilts l lli “lens:
are spending .llltl toa‘ lust: .v
'9‘. :iel'ittl tlt'\ttile "‘l't'l't
\lll'l‘ tic .l ttll‘t'sscs .l tllitt! ' lv-c‘ I;
;l'('\.\llll l‘t'll‘l

- bonnet ltepiltilil .eii llep "ll: l.tt t
'otd the senate ll ncrgy .illtl \.l' i'.l l

-~oiliccs t t‘tllllltllt‘t‘ that ire \'l‘.\\ ‘ .. l '

wwretary ill the interior .ts t"lt'

.lrdship .lnd \\lll. it coilllrineli

ist thousands ot \oluiiteers .is l-t‘lllt'l‘

the national park and lash .i'ltl \\’ltll'.‘l‘


The energy panel \tllt‘tl l-niioisl-
Lilian nomination and sent tt ti 'l.-
\‘enate where .l cvpecleli

\ole :\

l'ower. .i lornier \rnied services to:
niittee chairman. told that panel l ongre .
should slim down the r‘e\ol\'tt‘.g tlttttl
through which some top dcleiise t‘lllt'l.t
pass on the way to high paying ll\lll.
yobs iii the defense industry

officials should he lull‘lt
l‘ovter said, “from profiting .inianly
ethically. or illegally or nordinalelx
they move between Pentagon and llltlllst



 2 — Kentucky Kornol. Friday. January 27,1989



Execution of Ted Bundy revealed the culture of violence

Sometime very early Tuesday
morning. a wry sick and cruel
man met the supposedly fair atid
iust retribution truth a society that
he was not only a product of but
one which also denies any responsi
iiility i'oi'hisactions

To suggest that ours is a just
and restmnsihle society is an oi
iettse to the TM Buntiys oi this so
ciety and tiiose like liiiti

Most assuredly his crimes
against indiyiduals and against so-
t‘lt’l} alike were heinous. there is
no denying that fact But to lower
ourselves to a standard oi destrue
me and \iolent mutilation
imply that this is indeed wha' out
society is allabout

tiur s is certainly a culture oi \1
olence. and the monolithic killing
machine that has been created iii
out“ penal system both represents
and perpetUates this culture

tin societys behali. I not only
apologize to the relatives and
friends w ho ha\e surnved the \it“
tims oi Bund) s ruthless rage and
sanity but to Ted Bundv himseli
For it is exident to the that a soeie
t) which aioriiies \'lltlt‘llt't‘ iii its
media. deals out death and de
structioii iii its ioreigii pttltt‘), and
leaves thousands to die ironi pover
t} hunger despair and sickness
within its borders is th: true root

Is to

est .1: senseless itiurder



Bundy as well as those he com

The culture oi violence was no
where more apparent than outside
oi a Florida prison Tuesday morn»
ing Hundreds gathered so that
they might be the first to ktiow that
society had carried out its cruel

They cheered and repeated inhu.
mane and horrible slogans “Ii‘iy,
Bundy. ii'y” and "Bandy try in
hell The} waved signs that said
similar things. and their smiles
were the iacades oi siniilai niur
derous sentiments

Here were the true colors oi the
"kinder. gentler nation." one that
would rather live in ignorance than
education, live iii tear rather than
reassure, forget its tired. weary
and homeless rather than respond
to their needs, forget its debt for
the toil oi other people and nations
rather than reiiunierate Will}. a
nation that simply does not see the
irony in wars and capital punish
them literally killing people to
show that killing people is it run;

Ted Bond} was no doubt sucked
illlt‘» this culture. but no more than
those who cheered his death and
smiled, as the grim reap” u: stit‘tt'


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Sports E037."

Assmtari Sport." Fe. '3'
Arts Paw

Photo. Enter

iates are $30 per ya?

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4050600412 Phone (606} 257-287"


The Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel is ptibiished on class days our”. "‘0 academic
yea' and weekly during the summer session.
Third—class postage paid at Lexmgton. KY 43:3“ Ma ed sabso pticn

The Kernel rs p'ipted at Standard Publish or; am: Pm": N: 534 Back
Shepherdsvrle. KY 40165. '
Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel. Room.
5:35 Journat St“ Budding, UnivetStty oi Kentucsv. Lextndtoc M”

.17, B 1"“.“n

J M W“ te

' 1% El?" ‘9!

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Hes pint-size 0121,;
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Arid ties or. cameos
Sc: put up you past
defense and ca
Dominos Pizza "

We :1 pass a ho'
tresh made ZOAOTGC'
mild to yOur home
flow”. in 30 Minutes
ass Guaranteed
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’ '989 00mm: Dina tor Om drivers ran,
toss than $20 00 i mind delivery area Now adapt-no
aoolralioris («necks arxootod wuth proper ID

ty cashed in on Bundy‘s life and
debt tosoctely

Those people, too. are a product
oi this culture of violence. and
should be pitted in their violent and
manipulated condition.

tin the news Tuesday night, the
stories that iollowed the report of
Bundy‘s execution concerned the
increasing sales of deadly automa-
tic weapons and the continuous
controversy over abortion, which

C.A. Duano Bonllor
Editorial Editor

Jay Blanton
Editor in Chief

we have seen often times erupt into

Wherever one stands on these is-
sues the point seems to be quite
clear: There is a pestilence in our
society, and it is fed by. and in turn
feeds, the culture of violence that
we callously and idiotically abide.

While watching the news, I
thought aloud to a friend how "on
ic it was that many of the people
who enjoyed Bundy's death proba»
bly call themselves “pro-life" be-


Jlm Whlto

Brad Cooper

cause they oppose abortion and
were shocked and horrified last
week by the death of five grade
school children at the hands of a lu-

This is what society's culture of
violence allows; it is not simply a
problem of our morality being ill-
defined or warped.

No doubt most of these people


Deep Star SIx R
12:25-2:25-4:30-7:10-9:05 Fri/Sal 11:00

Managing Editor

Copy Desk Chief

with an AK47 automatic

Julio Euolman
Special Projects Writer

Michael Brennan

went home cheerfully to clean their
guns and rifles, smiling because
justice had been served and the
maniac killer had been terminated.

We are all maniacs. And the
events of the morning make all of
us. as a society, murderers.

Paul J. Weingartner is a sociolo
gygraduate student.


The Accidental Tourist PG
12:402:55-505-720-940 Fir/Sat 11:50


Mississippi Bumlng R
12:20-2245~5:00-7:20-9:45 Fri/Sat 12:05

Three Fugitives R
1:50-3:40-5:80-7:30-9:30 Fri/Sat 11:15


The Accidental Tourist PG
12:35-2:50-5:00-7:15-9:35 Fri/Sat 11:45

Mississippi Buming R
12:30-2:50-5:10-7:30-9:55 Fri/Sat 12:10


Working Girl R
12:35-2:50-4:55-7:50—10:00 Fri/Sat 12:00

Tequila Sunrise Ft
12;as-2:45-4:55-7;50-10:00 Fri/Sat 12:00


Cleaning the (kite PG
750.5 ms» 111510 Diver 1. Germany G


Twins PG
12:05-2:10-4:30-7:50-9:50 Fri Sat 11:45


m R
12:15-2:40-5:05-7:30-9:50 Fri ’Sat 12:15



The Siege of Firebase Gloria Ft
12:45-2:55-5:10-7:35-9:30 Fri'Sat 11:20


Naked Gm PG-13
12:40-2:20-4:00-7:45-9:35 Fri 'Sat 11:15

Deep Star Six Ft
1:55-3;4s-5:35-a:00-1o;oo Fri'Sat 11:20


Mum R
11:50-2:15-4:45-7;15-9:45 Fri Sat 12:00


Three Fugitives R
12:50-3:00-5215-7:40-9:40-11 :30

Beaches PG-13
12:10-2:35-5:00-7:35-9:55 Fri:’Sat 12:00



Twins PG
12:55-3:00-5:05-7:25-9:25 Frii'Sat 11:25


Working Girl
1: 00-3:10-s:20-7:3o Fri’Sat 9:45


272-61 1 1
Naked Gun P643
0301015 Oliverai Conpany G
12302000005001 00



Physical Evidence
1 :15-3:20-5:20-7:45-9:50


The Siege of Firebase Gloria

Dirty Fiction Scoundrels PG









I'm Gonna Git You Sucka






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Kentucky Kernel, Friday, January 27, 1°69 ~- 3

‘Decline II’ shows heavy metal scene

Staff (‘ritic



Rob Sang

At! t tiii‘



“Rock-nltoll should corrupt kids
enough to make them think "
'Allt'? Cooper


k" in Lexington begins
' ncert by pianist
( next Monday, Jan. 30, with a co 8 m
Bob Boguslaw in Memorial Hall at p i L x.
During the week. The Guitar Spoiety o eof
ington»Central Kentucky will be presenti23h252r‘ifityough'
' Iementary and iunior ig
programs in e
' ton. . ‘ n
ouTt-igxggitar Society was founded by Michael Foil: l
1982 to bring the world's finest classical gun‘arisitar
Lexington as well as to promote the clas‘chyathgeuflmé
' ‘ ‘th 3 conce
9 week thl culminate Wl ‘ 8
anzlhguitar duo of Schmidt and Verdery ongebmr‘t San
m in the Singletary Center for the Arts ea ( m the
Fand-a master class on Sunday Feb 5 at t p m ,
. r I
smlgljietasrc/hgfigt‘lf/erdery Duo has elevated thecombinna
' n oef flute and guitar from an occasional curifosrirtysom
1the concert circuit to one of the most popular 0

' day
n clasmcal mu3ic to
Chamber ensemb‘e ' rt are $7 for adults, $5 50 for

Penelope Spheeris deserves a
medal for risking her sanit). and
her life, to make “The Decline of
Western Civilization: The Metal
Years. This is an insightful look
into the world of heav) metal
music The world Spheeris uncov
ered is surprising. informative and
more than just a little dishearl

Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley
(who was in bed “lll‘l three girls
during the interview i of Kiss, 07/}
()sbourne. Steve Tyler and Steu-
Perry of At'l‘thllllL Alice (’ooper.
and Motorhead‘s Lenini) rep
resented the old guard of metal
These guys were not only more ai‘
ticulate. biil less worried about ll\
mg up to an image.

“Classical Guitar Wee




London tried its best
to live up to the sex,
drugs, and Rock-n-Roll
image, but couldn’t do
it. They came off as a
bunch of irresponsible
old men who are afraid
to grow up.

made a jllkt‘ “hat made I' even
iior~e was his mother was l‘lL’l’ll bv
hiiii nheii he talked about hating























either filled
plain boring.


t ’l"‘,l ' Iii.
Swilsafd tsheeniZorncfitglzens and are available at Fri: Poison‘ London. liizm llorden. \ Flu-ah ”llfltif-Zzlxgu,lrl‘i” ‘3‘]:me \
uens . t, the is -‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ 3»
St re Music Co and the Singletary Center ‘0’ r‘asttr Pu5.\}(dl, ()diii, \ixeii, [mm Meizadeth WP”, m“ ”uh.
rlanoooffice ”"15 ”011"“ ”l WASP and younger hand \iitham l)l"tll‘\' .
ox , ~. . . i r. ‘ “
sturns to the Lexi Megaldeth ”ll”M llltd ll" W“ Satanic bands can t \\ rite about
, The Broadway L'Ve sales" ed“ “Driving me a vanguaid .“llh the excep in”. or Wilma ~ mmmm. “m,
y ington Opera House With the corrrikwifmrg who tion of Megadeth. these bands \lt‘t‘t‘ i\il in“; mm mm, mm“ B
> an pe , / - ‘

Miss Daisy" starring veter i'lK'llt’S "F lll‘l

Harris and Brock Peters

Satan ‘


L g r" IC‘JT‘C Huly '{i <


aturday at 8 P m and



'l‘he iiitisie lit the him was eveeii


SaturdaY and S


Performances are Tuesday 8 )

unday at 2 p m Ticks
' ’ enior Citize

half price students

tained 15 minutes before curtain For

t prices vary and a
ll discount can be ob







London tried ifs best lo live up to
the sex_ drugs. and ltoekii ltoll
image, but i-ouldii't do il 'l'hei.
came off as a huiieh oi

Every time Spheeris asked a per
sonal question he took ii drink or

tioiial \lt’fii’i/lt'lh\ ‘ lii .‘\l‘v l'ai‘kes'
lloiir~ is a iiimieriidai
Iii/7}, llordeii's \ersion of liori. ' i
ie Wild” ‘.\as surprisiiiuli :ooil


iiL'hl -=l the him He tier" ll‘i‘otilll‘.
'he whole llllllflt‘ ’rauma the ‘.lll_ll‘iL‘

informatlon.ca“233 31:88 irfresririnsibld old mun who cit-(i flip out} HUN”) low. ll‘llll'
d T‘dlf ONO“ UP ' iondoii s ill‘itllptlllilllill attempt .i'
(hris llolmes uasii! iiiiieh political york 't‘lm blind should i i
better He seemed to be hiding His-i113:-
some big emotional problems lint ilslmuriii- Mis- ihi- trijr- high

‘ ‘y‘rz‘n‘ ‘Vc 3"

















Dinosaur .lr, uses

TOP CAMPUS ALBUMS guiiar noise or

HUG 6.3 create melodies
Dinosaur Jr. Violent Femmes
SST Records Warner Bros, Records
Th W r
TouchNGoRecords 9 ate boys
Chrysalis Records
Nlno Pound Hammer Jlml Hendrix
Wanghead Records Rykodisc Records
4. TWO NUNS AND A _ . ":
PACKED MULE 9- NEW YORK - ..‘.._‘ " '\ ," .5? , , 3,
HIPOMGH Lou Reed Nln p d .‘ aunrn eniinVch or N Nr oomunuAMMrp . ‘
TouchNGo Records 5” Records 8 0”” ”am“ Show” De’m’m'na at the ‘Orm ioniohi at * g ,. \ iv it Wit-i
Dukakis benefit a few months back Will oer- andtomorrowrinnfwi‘mwiw: :' y
5. DAYDREAM NATION 10 TRAlT E p d h I d l d ' ‘
. (
Somfloum mm“ X erlences on ma e [)6 an .
Engima/Blastfirst Records Wax Tracks Records N 0 P i
‘ (
ism“ me ound Hammer record deal ,
ll) HORSES“ 'hat pop up iii their "ittsii ’i.tlt,‘~‘
-\l'l-‘ l‘A‘lll‘W from iii-urge ,loiies Hi llotiii’ ‘ ,
head “i
\lain established bands .ii tit-en 'houuh Brian .1“! i Jo,- lv
Ways hm'“ “’ml‘ ‘lWWS 1" 't'll tend to lean more lotiai'its l.ai‘d slilHi‘ . .
about their “Fl"“llllll’t'h‘ "ll ”1" core. l think all of 'fiese iiilu i-tili
road in far—oft placm i‘oiisid “mm helps ”ml“. om mus“ gm‘
(Ting ’llill ”WY re 4 local “Mild. more iiitei'estiiiu, llulsiiiiiii um
Nine l’ound Hammer has had a said si ll’i"
1‘" "l "XPW'WHW‘ ”Ul ll” ’llt‘ \lllitlllllli based :ii li0\llllll|lll ioiiiit P
road: the band has found from expei'i Wm”
We were playing this place eiiee the iiiiporiaiiee oi lllérHllL’ Hm , i ,, _ _ . _ . \
up in l)earborir .\lich _ find the on the road The band‘s trips to .i ,y, l. ,, . ,l i i
Austln cny s.|°on_2350 Woodhill Shopping Center. (’l‘m‘tdd .tlUSt “‘91” ”Ulh' illltl lletroit resulted Iii haiiiii,l tiio ‘;‘ill§:,\]\(,d “i. h 4' J z ‘ i.
John Michael Mont m . sar e urning over tables l songs “('ratidaddi .iiid _ i1 '
attOto ' ht dtgo eryar-‘d Young CountryWill perform “W“ I” ”ll 3* UlUllle oi fire ltuiiaiiav 'l‘i'aii‘ released Nd” Hm‘
nig an omorrow‘night. Cover is $2. crackers and nobody noticed] on a i‘t‘lnlplléllltlll ilbuiii “Hm“ ‘ "‘
Tho Bearded Silk—Euclid and Woodland avenues. The saidbassist Brian Moore (Wm. 1mm, [he ”Hm“, I! 'he z‘iitllil: . z : . , ,~ "‘ "
Coyote Ugly Will perform at 9 tonight. Cover is $3. No Moore torniei‘ly oi .‘tetive The hand s iieiili released M" M“ " ' " V
band Saturday night. mgr‘wmn“ ”10ml will weal album, llii' Viol. rm lilomi "m‘" "”l
The BrassASoloon—ZQOZ Richmond Road Nobody Slim)“ Lumle”. drummw “uh MI H”) mm mm ”m ”I ll MAW“
_ . - usman ant eiiitarist Blaine ”loan,“ mm 1 i“ ii iii ti . iii.
Knowzwrll ' . ~ - 'L A I“ ' n '
is $3 perform at9tonight and tomorrow night. Cover (dllVlrlghl, i-ompiise \ine ”MW.” \immimuiRagtime "ll'

. , Pound Hammer We opened lill‘ his hand. swim-us \ W" i>~.r it.
anemone—509 W. Main St. The Bad Guyswiil perform ,3“- Bl""“’ ””d ”"W ””1” snaki- Hut. .il 'i‘miimims an al ‘m- lwl .(
at9:30tonightandtomorrownight.Coveris $3. aglappl-Zlgdfnlg if 'F“',‘;' “I?” 't‘l‘mlm' llltlh’lt' hai- ill Louis livid-”H is; ’-i‘i“'iil .H .
Thosnwory—soew. Main St. aboveBreedin r ' . a" .,.‘,"."-‘" “d” “‘ ““ mile in Mumiwrni '87: on lilii «a .a ,, I
R d 'll ff . h 4 gs.Lary Recrutts, saidliuallen. twi'ight said “The\ new i'ealh "(i".iit\ . N , ‘ ~11” ‘1‘ l I i

9 mon wr pe orrntonig tand tomorrow night. No cover. The band moved to Lexmgton WK, WWW. mm. gmm. “ and ' ‘ . ""“l‘ ‘
Chupoldo Bor— 131 Cheapside. Zydeco Bon Band will in January 1985 (“1d changed ”5 iiist flat kicked our bulls “ in; ; ' l.) , e . i. l ““1“" \I‘N “E l " i ‘
perform at9tonight and tomorrow night. No cover. to ”amemBlaL'k Shu‘l” “He «N’Wl ”I the local music it.” i ii . 5 t. , I K inui‘l U ”m 1‘
required. The band has man} ”illumm’h scene the band said ll hopes will “m | “it: 1”“

Comedy On Broadway— 1 14 N. Broadway. Ron S ' h “N" H
BMW,“Rommwwi..pe,,o,m,m, traig t-up rock key to Hammer album 2 4,... mm.
10:30 tonl htand ai7,9:15and 11 tomorr ' 1 '1‘“""“"""‘" ‘
Cove” sagboth . ht ID . ow night. Nl‘lel‘OUNl) iMMMHi cord together. the result might \5li i He. has his l.tllili‘ it : i m‘
c S ’ mg 8. required. . ' " sound something like Nine and l sound

”Ml.“ 8—249 W. Short St. Parker Coleman Will Pound llaiiiiiier‘sdehut albuiii iii , l .1 . . w in ' l‘he ‘ a, *sllliL‘
performat 9;30 tonightand tommormw night.Cover is 33 Most oi the brics sound .is it Wm .illllllll at. l-i\l\ 'n
Kings Arm Pub— 102 w. High St. Pat Phelpsand the ‘l‘“~". "'1“ “m" ““ r" “f“"r’i' ' ~ ' '“t‘

Soull ids will on“ “9:30 tonight and tomorrow night. strait album but that s definite ii. . i ,, l the post .i ' its . it. om.
Thecoveris $28" ly not steel uuttars wailing iii PW T I. p 1‘ . , test. has \las. \ mama . . on
. thebackgroiind "f” ‘ ."L‘W‘ ' U” lim- \llolt‘ 'he i.:a:
Molnotroou—ZGQ W. Main St. The Metropolitan Blues “Redneck militants“ |> U W" .r-‘IV;1".:.H,L“.'IU 4 . {Hf M H'Hlt‘ ii ‘l'l‘illtli. l ‘ ,.
All-Starswillpertorm at lotonightand tomorrow night. tty humorous tale oi a couple H ,( l, :t y ‘ '\ ‘iily l llllt ism iiiiotiei-ari.
COVOflSSZ. who like nothing better to do “I‘lh‘lt' 1m]: ""‘~‘ ~‘ ‘1‘) 'l:*' The mm Wm: “My , _
' . ,1 4 .. > .s ei “I :i a sue to ‘ ' 'I "
Bhlnootono'o-S§39Athons-BoonesboroRoad.Tho m?" "”3‘" “mun" 3“ “ “""ulT .s'prmiasu-vus minim Hanoi ~““"‘”. ""“' "“' "“’”"““
. wtth their Blue Ribbon beer , “M (mini (In it at Viv \‘
Golodenowlltpertorm at 9:30tonight. Cover is $8 wrapped tip in llappv (‘h'indler ”Um ”NM “h” ”"3 "Hm” " (I: “m 'E\\ll\ {my \| id k M
. ‘ ( r. .t ‘ > ‘i‘ ‘\ x '. _ . i. i 4‘1 .1 t :lit
reserved.SBgonorolodmloslon.Foghatwallperformat huggers. There are a lot ot lilmlti) ‘lhi if!“ i l ”0“", ll! throughout
9:30tommorrownloht. Cover is StOreserved. $8 general By ROBSENG ““"hes her" bl" ”mom” ”“5‘ mu" ilnsmll‘»|lll i kill luv-U5 Th“ ““‘m ‘ "
admim_ Arts Editor still seem to be an accurate de dummy,“ at)” ‘1: M i H H) ii there are llllt't tiiiiiai in: ls .l
. . .tt it s. lis .l '
TwoKOYOTovorn—Saas UmestoneSt WatktheWost scr'pt'o” iii in; ‘ .. l' i ~ ll ”ll-l iiii' unitisimti-ii ~ii»ii;i.ii.i.v.._
. . ‘A ' ‘ A ‘. E'n' )1, | H (posit iaiiis iiiiitii} “_ ‘ W ‘
willportonnotOtonightandtomorrow night. Coverissz. "m: triglcsmh “won MD the Lia ilnmglrizysyodt‘flltt‘wtill: "u”"mg‘mmkm m“ illillllnut‘mt. im limb , W"
. t t t , i is U a «tunic «iitiias 3‘
ThoWrocmoo—aat W.8hort8t.TonlghtGoGoSurroal NlnePound Hammer sounds like most of the Sl)r()ll_\' The hand illdjw ‘Hlli’l'? lmnibards the listener \Kllll ll
oponoforoovommont Choou. Elovon-flfty-nlno willopon Wanghead Records girls i know i can see the hate straight-ahead ltX k ll roll of Mum” m“. nrwmhk.S a ”PM
tomorrow. Bahmug letters now. but I‘ll let the lyrics They play ll loud and the} tile!) mm” mm,» ”W ”(Wm ”y I, o. {
ll Johnny Cash met Iggy Pop speak: it well It s -i “would lhiil ldl)l€‘\‘\llhlllt‘\(illlllli‘iitl lit
in a bar and the two got drunk All she wants out of luv/An- worked well loi liatlils like The Bug attaeks the st'iisi's
enough to decide to make a re- rave reviews/From everyone Hamoncs ll tlieie s _|lL\lIi't‘, it'll lcincs \ou V ”Hum“; loi “W“ ,i
MHMWOWWHMWM In” work l'oi'Ninel’oundllaiiinier nosaurhlr is nimiiii; iisxihed. ‘ ,,



into us} t'ltordel ia

 4 - Kentucky Kornol, Friday. January 27,1989

Bon Voyage

Travel planners offer tips for a successful vacation

students didn't start booking for
spring break until January and

February But he said this year

students got their act together a
little earhel‘

“I don‘t know If they‘re get