xt7jws8hht7b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jws8hht7b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 13, 1985 1985 1985-03-13 2020 true xt7jws8hht7b section xt7jws8hht7b m
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no; nthawwslmgwnwarm ' ‘ 9 5W“ WMWW'WW mm“ "M'm ‘3» "‘5
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Coach Hall disputes ‘7 99999" ' war S 0 '
, . , at .
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' 9‘ '* . . .. 6- I " ~..9 9 9' 9” “ V ,, «'7, .’ 1i" . i
, I. W . M \ Q . campus e p . .
. R NCAA tourney bid W... M J, Mo- SGA honors work .
‘ ___________ w . , , . 993%; . ' for student rzgh ts 1 - '- .
By WILLIEHIA'I'I‘ “Take the people who . * .; I. My \ , : .9 By LINDIA HENDRICKS , . . - .
StaffWriter . . M .. . \ i; ‘-.~ ‘ Staff Writer . ..
are complaining and I- m . ~ tI - ;.\. I. M I ,

“newsman" purthemonthe ”7’ . ' 4 » sadism.tastierr:
seem igureouwy ’s - _ , ' 3 ’ . Ul‘ .' M .
tion to the 64-team NCAA Tourna- selection committee I .. 3; ; . «’9' "fi‘g‘e sItIi;dent rights may be awarded for . ’ . '
menthas stirredupsomuch dust. J - i» .’ .i“M;I.';"M 1‘" > ' - ... I I._ - , II, ,5 t ir efforts. . ' . ..

; . Before the announcement, some and they re ”at gomg MI ;:»Z. 3 j» . \. I 9 . v m...“ .M £33,?" ' The Student Government AssociaM .' l .

. said Kentucky’s 10-12 record was to solve the problem. ,9 ’9 I, « Mi . ‘ é, ”Egg; . 1’ ’ tion recently established the Robert M‘ . - -
borderline, especially after Auburn Co I! Joe B ”a” -»._I .. I; , .- .t: M «I; wé... G. Zumwinkle IStudent Rights ' _
gained an automatic bid by winning ac ' e" '. ; I .I , ' 4.: ., A, ; ‘V at w M ' Awards to recognize students, fac- » , , . .
the Southeastern Conference Tour- _ I' 'I I; ' ~_. » I. ’9 «- ’I ulty and staff who have made the ' ,‘ . . .
nament. cry is over the omission of teams 9 ’3, {is ' 7M1». ' "" . ’f . , 9 I3 noise: 9 . ‘ greatest efforts to protect. enforce , . '

However, the Cat’s 12th seed in such as West Virginia, the winner of 1;; ”3.29;; . . ' \ .1 g a f?" “9% ; and further student rights on cam» . . .-
the West Region theoretically places the Atlantic 10 Conference with an I '. ' ” I" . . ' ,.--. 9 "-41 » ”9‘ @941 ‘r ’9‘ 9‘9" ' pus.accordingto an SGA bill» » ' »
them in the top 48 teams a far cry overall recordofzo-s ' Mi , Vi. ' ",3 Z ” 9 “M‘, n.2W J ’9; ‘ ' ' ' The award. which was established - '9 . ',
fromrnarginal. ' “I would like to identify the prob- .. ‘iweiiér’r" 9‘ '3 ' 9 99* 9 ~ .. i as a scholarship three years ago. ' I

A justified tournament existence. lem." Hall said. “Anytime there is a - '3"? ’ . . l9 9 a . ‘o- , .333 a} J Will be based solely on contributions ‘ .

Hall said. And as Kentucky leaves cutoff, there is going to be several M. ” MMi-ff " £39991 $3.». .51» , 3g '9‘ J made to student rights this year - .1 .

for Salt Lake City at 9 am. today to teams which have a legitimate gripe , I; :95 *" 93“,?! w». i M, 3:. ’f-fi .. . ' f I” I The award was named for ZumM . -
play the fifthseeded Washington astowhy they weren‘t chosen. Take 1%.. ..t.~‘,".-‘-" ' ”1: . ff” W ‘ ‘3 Winkle because of his outstanding . '

Huskies tomorrow night in the open- the people who are complaining and 6 49‘ .1" ~ 5% ,I . .IMa.‘ Moi. ,f . I . M «‘0? I; servrce to the UniverSity. according .
ing round. Hallishardly apologetic. put them on the selection committee a. r ‘3’- . ".5. 3i m a; ;. é » ‘II...° ‘ ..n to John Cain. SGA senior vice presi~ . -

Scratching his head. maybe. but and they're not going to solve the "“9... Shy-3. ' reg»; , 2:1 ‘fifié% I" ”‘3" 9f .t" 79. ' dent. . , . . I'
notapologetic. problem." a t I!” 4*) M; . ‘ ' ' I, ‘9' g 13.3 .1 39qu», 9‘9 15’ . “He has been a champion of stu- . ’

“Some say ‘Well, you‘re not com- Hall did offer his solution, howev- . g . 3 ”Iv". .,» . “-3 ‘- . 939;”; I. t". M a}; Z 33‘" genbnghts ever (S:lnICe hedhas been at , 3 .
plaining because you're in,‘ " Hall er. .9. {staff‘s . 'Ig _‘. - at . at, . ..'I e niverSi y.‘ amIsai . I
said at his press conference yester- “i guess there are a lot of reasons 33%"? {93%; i . ply; ‘ - .‘ ’ .‘ “:2 ‘i _ ' l The SGA/Zurnwinkle Student
day. “Well there’s some com- for having 64 as far as creating .g~';;.m¢§ I , .M- 9-,i."‘-"*‘“.' 1%.; 75;», P .I Rights Selections Committee “.1“ se- .
plaining that are in, and I don't un- more income and satisfying more ’5.” 9:?" ' . 95 gig». I 39 M; “ . r .3 :ect foneflttir two t:tfifidents bind pp to . -
derstandthat.“ people," he said. “But if that's the £9“ ' ' 9,.— .» ' ’9 ‘2 ' i ,‘f _ 3., '9 “'9 ac y or S mem r3 0 re- -

One who isn’t in is Florida Coach case, then throw it wide open and let fig; 99 . . f9 » 2,. ”’9. " ‘ I. , r .‘3 .'M I744," 90““ i ’ ,;M. g, , ceive the awards. . , -
Norm Sloan, who thought his 18-11 everybody play. ,I; MM 3" i "3 ' ,- M' .I-". ,I ' 9, 3’ I; ‘9‘ .. .. . In», The committee comprises Valerie . -.
team, which beat UK twice this sea- “You can see there are a lot of 1‘... ;, . q?“ 5 .. It I. til ‘9: . -»;-~-' Estes. SGIA director of student af— .
son. should have been included in teams eliminated that are good ball $3." . ’r . . 9t“ , “ .4. " 2 933-5.; I.; fairs; J.Iw Patterson. the SGA fac- ~
the field. “. . . it’s political and it clubs that would certainly have the W. 4-“ 3 4 1‘ M" .;¢Z...f$_‘_~ ->:- '~.~"‘ " « “6' fl f" ’5 ulty adVISOF — WhO serves as chair» . _
stinks," he was quoted as saying kind of program that would justify .5: 943..» .. I1 ' .93} [7‘99 #4.. “MI II-v-I' I, 4t}. man; and two student senators. The . .
abouttheselections. an invitation. I sympathize with '3 o M, i“ ' 1' 132‘ 4g . .u‘g"9;§'.-.’?~'~ . 3 :Ienatorst Will the elected tonight at

“We’re definitely a dogged, dis‘ thosepeople." no i . , ,I ‘A‘ ..I. ' I I- .153 I .i *i esena emee mg . . .
erased, cussed underdog and By opening the field to all 267 H.335!" . ,j.‘ l is 9‘9 9“ {if , .; ‘23:,{lfimo‘i‘393 Ally mtereSled Student OFI organi-
shorfldn't even be inIthe toirma- NCAA teams, Hall doesn’t believe I'M' ,3 *3 .9 I ‘ ' "o. I!” M. “ II :ij .” I" , .3} we“ when may make nominations. in» .
ment."Hallsaidsarcastically. the regular-season schedule would i» 1' . ' 3* 33' . ’7‘: ,. . Jr , 3 0? a? I..- IcludIing self-nominations. to the se-

“We‘re playing a fifth-seeded become meaningless. “I still think M, i 31m _ "its. I'I. 9857'. . . ' Med" 72‘. ,,;. "t: 3- ' ‘ ections committee Nominations - '
team that won its conference and there is a competitiveness as far as t; w : 9 I3 .,.§M ' W . s a; ~' . . we ' :. must be in writing and should in- I
we’re playing on a neutral sight. theplayers and fans, and there's na- 'r who-lime” 33‘; I ' a, r“ 3; w . ' -. ““k' clude additional Information as re- . .
And we're a two-point favorite." he tional rankings to consider. A lot of ., ' a." I31 Ir -4. 3 M . » ,. ‘ II 4', “£4“. i quested by the committee. ‘
added incredulously about the bet- things you are striving for during , , . ’ I%1~.‘:"9 Tl ' ’ . . i a 4.? ‘ . 31;. : ; J j“ v’ . l Requirements for the Student
ting line which appears in a lexing- theseasongiveitimportance." .-_'_c-.._v. ' a.. bull M- 34.4434. in ' :11.» 'M L...” ‘~ ' FA .‘9 ‘ award are:
ton newspaper. “Now you explain And Hall realizes the do-or-die POint counter _ t “"1“” “Hi-“5"" d OASpplicjants Orr;(ijistmbe(jfull-timej stu- .
that." tournamentisevenmoreso. 0“] en an ing 5 n mg aca 9ml- '

The expansion of the tournament “This is a natural stimulant that p . . . . cally; .
from its 53-team field last season to they should respond to," he said. “1 Two students use a compass to find locations of Ifield pomts at the UK par course yesterday. They 'APPllcams cannot hOJd 818019d 0r , ,
its current 64 hasn't made the com- can’t see going out there and not were working on an out-of—class aSSignment for a military science course. appomted Office In 50A: ~
mittee‘s choices any easier. The out- beingintothe game." oApplicants ”“151 be enrolled at ' ' ' _

the Lexington campus. Medical Cen- .
. ter or Lexington Community (‘01- ' 'I . ‘
Bartenders UK center interacts '
The selections committee will ac- ‘ ‘ - I .
cept nominations through April 1 ' ‘ .
emerge from . O The Winners will be announCed April ' M ‘
24 at the final student senate meet- .- '
With local bus1ness . ,
Pf Each recipient will be given a ' - M '
course By DOUGLAS E. Pl'l'I‘ENGER “William Ecton was the dean of the plaque commemorating his or her '. . j ;
"J Staff Writer college at that time," Shepard said. achievement and their names will ' . ' . ‘
By JIM DOWNEY “He believed that this was a service be placed on a plaque to be perma- ’ ' . ‘
Reporter UK provides educational services the college ought to be offering so he nently displayed in the SGA office ‘ . " » I ' '
1' ‘3 ’ for students, and the University's got the support of administration ' . ., . I . I

The walls of the Library 1001188 Management Center provides educa- and founded it." _ . I
are like a museum a classic mov- ~ tional services for businesses in and , ~
ies .\ . around Kentucky. Initially, the center used a broker. . ' .

9nder . Penton Learning Systems, to do its ~
“kg of .gfisgamneygug 8% The Management Center. located marketing, speaker selection, mai- - .
Scarlett O’Hara they learn their in the College 0‘ BUSim and ECO- louts and supplying and distributing Dru-net Buddy Rich, who per- . ' ‘ I
new trade Master of Mimi " _ o \ nomicsv provides continuing educa- ofbooks, Holman said. formed in Memorial Hall Monday . '
that's what the will becorfi to- ' F tion for management and supervis- night, excited the approximately 30o . '. . ‘ .
nisht. They will 3become bartenders, S " ing personnel of businesses in the However. because Penton pm w W I 1- I‘m his upbeat . . .I .»
II I and all, inside the paisley .59 o 7/ state, said Larry Holman, director vided allofthose services, prices for swing. For I renew, see DIVER- . ' '
wallsofthelounge. 3? \ / ’1 ofthecenter. the programs were high. which hurt SlONSmues. I ._ ,

It was recently the last night for v‘ ._ I B M esses f‘nd out about the the center. I“The seminar business .. ‘ I- »
about I10 members of the Student W 333.021.53.38 “9:233:83. offers through sItIartEd gaging gigchtgnnore compet- gum? koiwmifi ' , I .
Mm” bartendlng class _ grad- 139% its yearly catalog, which describes ”V8 'yt dr ,an en 115 prggrams pm . momentary. 3,, VIEW-

m 1999' This is the second se- 1 ,1; 1’50 programs ranging from “Accounting w] erenI [aegisngrgfsitme ,f‘nflomaar: maul. ' .
ml” Immlt “we; :2 "VOID!“ Ir II and Taxation intheHorse Industry" saidmmg p ’ ’ ’ A. W ‘7‘“? -M M _
a flowing ’ em: trap is “SIII'V. -“ Prof - l . 994.9" w 3.. I . .
clam running cauocutively this said Schulten helped the class he- sics, Schulten said. “Every bar is womenywal Sh S for mwm '
saunter With plans for another cause she took a serious attitude to- different; teaching basics enables a Holman became director of the w -
fiwm'kwce president of Stu gar-d it. PartI of this serimwsness was ismIturIien t tolm :Itszionry; bargflThese The catalog also includes the cen- center in :98; an"?e created aéimadvi- , - . , '
i . ' V198 (1011193 every c 5033”“ 16 inc ' 0 ' erent ter‘s Distinguished Speaker Series, sory boar or center t in- .3... “3 ." M »
M'me‘ $9112” Mmhutzsplemrt glasnmt “£81383“? a test ‘3 a final for liarypaprgezlm’ecomalidrxiw’ 8813M. in which best-selling business au. cludcd training direc' tors from Ken- 9“ W9 tin-'1.“
‘ - ‘ - mamsemen. thorsare resented. tricky organizations. He aso a ""-- ~ . o—
minous: to the class’s new tee- Medley said that if someone fails She said she also taught them to p implemented a new pricing strate- also: will be cloudy an a 60 page .
at, Jam Schilten. Schulten is a the test, “JoAnn feels bad." But he cleanupbrokenglass. The center has been a self-sup- gy. “I put out a letter to the Cham» oeuohenoeofrfl. at” in
m it “'9 Um who took added that it would 90‘ “We“ be- Arriini Rishi, a class member said. porting unit since 1975, said Jon ber of Commerce here in town and 1 lower (to. m be no:
Wham-ter- cai-eSctmltentaiehtthemwellM Shepard, associate dean of the col- went on the luncheon and banquet M with . Ion-u clone: of
. “M We. Mat d mt I!” “m“ was N‘ SeeIARTENDERS.pege6 [fie for service and develwment SOCCEW. 6 m m,
- - ; --- - Fri'd f'l' d dl’
Senator seeks Vice presrdency * ' » ay i mg 03 me
I g - o e
ByANDItEWDAVIS nior,saidifeloctedhewouldtryto racewithmVotes,whileFishfin- f ll SGAp t
SailorStat'l‘Wr-tter . makebetterueofeadstimcommit- lshedfourthwlthmvotes. 7'? or a OS] Ions
The for out I 3 teen; he wouldn’t create committees fish’s announcement has sur- 4 ~ By ANDREW DAVIS essary packet at the SGA office
race year’s Studon under- the directors of the executive prisedGreenwell. SeniorStaffWriter between 8:30 am. and 4:30 pm.

Government Association top pml- branch,asGreerrwellhadpropooed. "I‘m shocked," she said. "I through Thursday and before 4

timincreuedltofleldhyoneyoo- Hehespmpuodthoutablhlunent thoi‘hthewouldbeallforthetickM , . a; Studentswhowanttonmfor p.m.l"riday.

terdey as Jam Fish enhanced hb of a coder-«ice committee corn- et." Greenwell said she assumed ‘ , ‘2 an office in the Student Govern The packet will contain filing

gain-q for exociittve vice peel- posed of the heart it the foil- main Fish would be supporting the ticket merit Association should take forms, SGA constitutional bylaws

. SGA commutes — appropriations became he is vice president of Pi note. fiddly is the deadline for and expense forms which candi-
nah, who has sewed for the last and revenue, campi- relation, in- Kappa Alpln fraternity. and Hard- anyone seeking a position for datesmustsignfor.

than years as e enter-ounce. torn-l affairs, and political affairs cotylslhpresldont. noxtyoer. El Il rule ts

will not mint SGA Son-twat- —vhichwouldhdpthecommittoe “I don't expect anything from ' sundontswhowiahtomnfor “"9“."“M' 3"

hrflDmoGremwellfathpui- mmmgothor. Mburr- Neel(tnthoarooofum-t),"fiah ’OHNHS" theposltiomdpreoidont,unior cinreritly 9391mm. are

tioo. Ground] mchoeonasa rin- ruitly head of camp: relation. said. “It (the electiorn is like a foot- best friends." But “as a candidate. I vice Mt. move Vice “new” All ”firm?“

magmhhySGAmVlcePr-n willeGreouwelllshe-dofpolitioel hell (am. After it, you’re still anoolykoepthecomnuhnontl’ve mmWfl-lfllefl'fl- pick .' anaemic-after

id-ItJolliCeinlnhbhld for-the affairs. . m." drawn-do." momma-thietbh'fwmo til-td‘epte. My

priII-iduicy. Modditegologtohedfllcult M,hoeever.aldhefelta Muidifshidontslookathis attheSGAolncebysp.m.Frl- I

lfoeIlIliholoengotmoreacoom- heathGreurwenhecet-emehu littlemdflmedfnowhocame qmlineetiomcomperedtooreui- ayhmmm. Candidatesmmtpeyasism-

Embed, would‘fihavom mgpofleoohtticht— mangerwmwumhweuammumomma "Imnupooploghuvelte lufee—tiOofwhichwillbere-

years what. ' Chin Noel Herd-ty, a outta Cromwell runny mate. manywillvotoforflm. try.” W F'roud- til-nod after the election. SGA

Wbflrfirmnotgood Vanda-thumb. “ammonium. “I’ve got to do out I feel i Mfrdllhtolemw Wfiforlcloonwhndtore-

fume-hi. Abe, Cromwell was the tip vote- "He'e Ht mo in the midis.” rightwl'hhoeid. "lfoellihel‘mthe pleuveltamot." move all posters and tape mod
M-mm» gen-rhhetyeer’em-et-lerge ww."mbmdm WWW." Manama-once- amount”:
' i

 - . -'. A- 7K . 2 - ,
u. m . 1 . . l f .
0 Deadline Appropriations pane approves MX undln g
C ' edf
”Tm“ '°'".ml°°" .d By MIKE SHANAIIAN forecast as a close and bitter battle in both the Home ed Stet. to produce the loo sought by Reagan even if
d”"".°‘mp‘“'“"‘".'°"d°°h"w ' . AssociatedPress andSuiateletcthiamonth. thearmnegotlationsgobadly. -
W“W“mmk%m ‘ 'Kmmumemnbu,mp.wu.mde. “Itmatpnoeue.”fiddabbosatd.itewu)omenby ‘
posters 8"le who do not. mu “m8 WASHINGTON — A House appropriations subcom- R-Pe., said if Congress voted to stqi MX production Rep. Janue Whitten. D-Miss.. the chairman of the full
mird‘i’nhoé: SCI; senior vice president who is run mittee fired mt shard”: ti: voting 75318212: Wool" Md be thysetating to the d are and‘lgz Sil ' (titheteai‘thass 'wotiAng I “ Di
m- _ ‘ over theMX ‘ 'e es y y con ." ., . Vio . - .,an agauis _
ning for president. encouraged students to run in the President Reagan’s ricommendation for spending 81.5 “The place to settle this is at the talks in Geneva and theMX.
elections billion to produce another 21 of the long-range nuclear notetthetableinthiscommittee room." McDade said. Voting for the MX were McDade; Bill nether, one;
“There's a lot more to college than just the class- weapons. But Rep. Joseph Addabbo. DN.Y.. the subcommittee Bill Guppell, D-Flfl.; John P. Murtha, D-Pa.; Clarence
room" Cain said. “SGA is 8 Place ‘0 1m" m" The panel, meetiru evenas the arms control negotia- chairman. said thereareenoughotthe lo-waIrhead mis- E. Miller, 3.0m; Bob Livingston. 3-13.; and Bill
' thoseinterested lnpolitics. , . tions were getting under way in Geneva, opened what is siles already approved by Congress ‘40 permit the Unit- Young. R-Fla.
office because SGA allocates money to candidates
for advertising. M 3:. .
Candidates running for senator will receive :50 cm” cu. "'" ' , . “£25
each if they run on a ticket (with two or more peo- WANTED: Club .Islmlu'culld rln rea I] \15/ :\
“glad“ gsmd they “01?: the 'ce presidential po- Final Four MM: 2”"“I i (If?
. u en el v1 . . .. . 2
sitions will receive $90 if they run on a ticket and Championship 'W'ru“ m - '» ," I'I
$120 if they run alone. Presidential candidates will Tournament 0 0". “Q“;lol) .. 2
receive $120 to run on a ticketand $150alone. . Tickets sh 9", ”m e c I a 8
All money allocated must be recorded by candl- CGII' Gr 03."? h “WC-MOO) .
- dates and all expenses must be filed at the SGA of- ° (cggmd 7;) 1“,,“ _,
fice. . . 252"356 March l3¢t7p.m. "I...” i.) i T , ' . ._
FreudenbeIrg urged potential candidates to take the Rm 228 9x10 pan. _ ,
deadline seriously. “They have to be in the door,“ by New Studonlcmtor men “use“ _
4p.m..hesaid. f L- WW . __._ ;/
, Cain also warned that time is running out or po- . . ,
' :°"“i" ““8”“ ”" W“ ““8 ‘° “'°‘ ..., "”d We’re Read For The Sun 3&1.ng 'i'L‘fiffi'iffi‘iiii fa Ag... " . . . 2- ..22
oge gomg." y - -.- - ---. /
A world full of fashiom at extra . .
° special savings! There are many ' ' '
e .,.
. Cable companles Wlth SUNGLASSES styles and colors available. ~ 22 ...... ,—
' m Choose from striped crops, \x.‘ ,_ . ”‘3‘ i”-
. . C]. a cki n d own \‘3 2 ’ / {W k ‘ solid one button punky t0ps, . \.
g \ ‘ t«\ ' knit collars with placket fronts, / \\
‘ . ‘ , . / \ and deep dropped necklines. f . \‘ '2
I on free serv1ce / \ . , l H Sizes: S-M.L Value to $15.00 f '
2 a ” $9 99 ' ‘
. LOUISVILLE (AP) — Cable company technicians. m / A ‘ '
armed with electronic detection devices, will be sent out 4 '
this week to look for television pirates still using altered . . /—\._ /\ . ...e
converted boxes. \ / . 6 \ Get something great to go with > 2. i
‘ ' ’ Nearly 15,000 people turned in such equipment without I " ‘ , . . S . t h t b
recrimination before the month-long amnesty program ' V / r your new pnng ops—s or s Iy .
ended at6p.m. Monday. J \ “ Eber and Palmetto. Available ln
. After the deadline. local cable companies announced Are You? , solids and prints. There are
a crackdown on those continuing to illegally tap into 0 \ many styles and colors to
theirs stems. , . . . . . l I
. 'l‘heytechnicians will climb randomly selected tele— It 5 spring break "me and the Sun 15 waiting. / choose from. .
phone poles and connect meters to cable wires. Cable Alt‘ you ready for the sun? Optical Image ltd. has Sizes: 5.13 value to 313.00
OffiCials said the me“? Wi“ tell the techlnidan Wh: is the sunglasses you’ll want when you hit the beach. $ 1 3 9 9
finifl‘fis?“ unamhomed mom Channe and on W HERE IN STOCK is the largest international collection of o
Biggs Tabler, general manager of Dimension Cable high quality sunglasses in the area. Ready for you now! I.
Services. said the meters won‘t work if the customer's K
set is turned off. And cable theft can be detected only rizia . ,
when thetechnician is onthepole monitoringthewire. Wayfarer V Prices good 0“ these
Dimension and Storer Communicatiom said, however, Mem‘ad aurnet Junior Spring Fashions
they have lists 0f people suspected ‘0 be violators. Some Nikon Jean Patou from March 13, thru
names have been supplied by techniciam, others have & L 1) March 24
come from anonymous tips. . BauSCh 0m ' ,
“We get a lot of calls from ex-spouses." sald Mark Cats 0 Wings 0 Ray-Ban
. Anderson of Storer Communications, who said he has . . ,
about250names. . . ‘ .
» Both companies said they will charge fees for tam- Robert Abend /—\ / Tl ‘ “
pered converter boxes, which run from $150 up, depend~ car] ]_ 00.1mm, jr. ( \ TI ' I Ime ‘I r ' aln
2 ing ontherirm. W m, .. ,1, u
If the violation isn’t resolved to the company’s satis~ _ . ‘ -
faction, it will proceed with legal action, Storer and Di- Open Monday Friday “'0
mension said 9:30 AeM. ‘ll 7 PeMe '
A federal law passed in December makes cable theft Open Saturday 2 - '
a nalt ishable b a maximum of six months in , 9 - . .
' jaileor ailfi fine. Th: law also sets penalties ranging 9'30 A'M' "I 2 RN" 3220 Nicholaswlle Road ‘ ’ W
from $100 to $10,000 if the company decides to sue the Soufhpark Shopping Center
Storer, which has about 70,000 customers in Jefferson VISA & Mastercard Phe 273-1469 if“
County and 45 cities, said 8.9% people responded to the ‘
amnesty order. ‘ ‘
Dimension, serving 67,000 customers in Louisville and c. . s
41 surrounding cities. said more than 5,000 responded to .1
the amnesty call. ———-———————-—-———-— . ' “. . _ is ‘
. A " 3'. ‘
.------(UIPU\I----- h 1' I.
‘ » . shape up For 3 s ppcrs v1 age lquors . g
, I S rin Break WW {\3.
' . ' I —————-————— - 2/
' - v . 2...? l .- ' .. ..
All Cuts $8 I EQSECEZ$3hi°Sii$3~'2:f§:§3.‘25§..$%2235.1%.???.if‘ii’fé’é‘FN‘C‘t‘JLim .. , .. . 2 :2. » .
I | . .9 l .
, er 9 . - f; ’ w
e . . _ .. . ,I
' “h ““9"“ ' sr PAI'RlCK‘S DAY
. .. I Perms ]2/2 price d2] . ~ -» - a?»
' I Tommy A rrher I to 5"... . "i 2 ,.” j" $.24;
. . ' . its“ . 2;; '2‘: - .o 2’ -
, I 306 .5. Limestone I 6? his I. %2'. 1. $3 I; '1.) s.»
i p I "" campus I 4;. . Rm ”i; r = j: “fl“. "
’1 I . 255.4074 . I '- .123 . ' iii}; i
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 KWYKHNEL My, m 18, 1‘51
Arts Editor
‘ -. seas/”aha” ,
- Drummer Buddy Rich ’ s swinging jazz recalls Big Band days
Drummer Buddy Rich doesn’t like —— cua, featured with Rich, later re- the big bands. The audience obvious- sored by the Student Activities driving home to “keep it over 55 and . .
Months-pot . Marcus tried to vealed his quality tone with one ly enjoyed the show, offering a Board and the Office of Minority have fun,"
He proved that My 1|!th ' ' ' rather lengthy solo. Climbing upand standing ovationof approval. Student Affairs — by thanking the
when he and his 1W W "" Prove he could move down melody slopes, Marcus tried to Rich ended the concert — spon- audience. and advising them while LYM‘ARLISLE . .
vadodMemorialHallwlththeirup- . . h provehecouldmovehisnotesquick- ' ’
beatstyleofllttIe-big-bandswing.. his "0135 quicker t an erdnnitichcouldtaphisrhythms. cg GENERAL CINEMA I '
Rich W88 actually in the SW10" Rich could tap his Hecame elm' mm MINES run
only once —- the concert featured all After a very clean "Joy Spring" ’2 5° ALLM' .- " .
the musicians -— m his fast- rhythms. — featuring the entire sax section - uronrom. 9004"“? 5"."404 ’0' "‘9 «L .
paced rythm was ypresent andintroducingthenimble fingers M f . .' V ‘
Wt. He came close. of pianist m We _ Rich 1e” TURFLAID Milli Robor G lumwinklo . . p .
His “301“" were mm like musi. — little d his vamue days slip Inn-m In lull Allll Ileeuu S'Udon' R'gh’. Award' . » - .
cal conjunctions, tying together His speed was particularly evident through as he easily informed the unfll April 'I 1985 I . . ' 1
phrasesofswingingjazz. in the show's closing number, the audience, “talk Wm, each other _ - ““7”, on: 322502.: E ' x _ , . , . .
The audience that braved the theme from “West Side Story," we’ll be ‘ twith ou" while he se- 5 . " . .
rainy weather numbered a small when he performed a two-minute lectctitheflglittsong.y - These awards are open to all students, faculty, and staff '. ‘ ' '.
324, which was disappointing be drum solo. Rich took a drum roll to Rich obviously decided to let the ' ' ' ' on UK campus. Lexington Community College, and U.K. . ' , ‘
came the show was worth the effort. a speed that almost sounded like one rest of the band take a breather as FAYE‘I’I'E MALI, Medical Center , 3 .
Rich's jazz Mid had infinite en- long note, gradually dropped it to a he, Cunljffe and bassist Dave Car- uxuoumuuulwmru IM m-oen ' .1 . ' '~
ergy. leisurely beat, and then returned it penter set about a wonderful musi- ' . ‘ ' .' ~
At the beginning of all 13 songs, toits original breathless pace. cal “conversation," lpotlighting the "" ”" ”" """" ' ' . . -
Rich provided the show's only spon- Rich began his first set with a latter two. moon-momma; ' ‘- ‘
taneity by playing an intro. which highenergy tune featuring trombon- One highlight of the gecond set Inomomomom -‘ . , ; j
let the band know which tune was ' t Mik Da ' . an the l for trum Philli ‘ . . . ‘ ‘ ‘ ..
next. (The poor band spent this time lstherosteof tillanshoswe. l g Sty e maelamholgestolglfifingpguhallad. llllss - Forms 5"" available at SGA office ‘20 Student Center. , . l I ‘l '0
scramblingfortheirsheetmusic.) Davis was also featured in the clear, crying tune painted images of .'___..._._...__i. ,‘Q - .
Part of the show’s attraction was third tune — an acfion-movie-theme rainy days. while the m mpg; . . ' -
watching Rich casually move two style swing —— where Rich himself muted an optimistic beat in the . _ . t . -, .
polished slivers ti wood at a speed showed off his talent. filing the close background. _‘ _ ' .
clue to that of alpln partlcla . . . toastaccatopoint. Almost all the music was upbat ',‘ ‘
andmakingitsmndlikemusic. Leadtenorsaxophonist Steve Mar- swing, recalling the great days of ‘ '- . V j"
Patriotic Hagar headed for Rupp GEI ”'0 EDUCAIIOIIS I ’
By LINDA HENDRICKS ; or - but not at some place like Howard ‘ ' . ~ h
Staff Writer . Johmon's — it’s gotta be some place I I ‘ -_
‘_ that's nice." . - ‘ I
While he is referred to as the . According to Hagar, there is al- An educatinninmur chosen minor Na [indium-rt ~ - , , ‘.
“Red Rocker." Sammy Hagar more .. ways a reason behind his songs such And .m education in becoming an Armv Our xiiuiiiraiilp tux or tjn Y..E"l :~ - ‘ -
appropriately should be called the L“ ' l a,“ ‘ as “I Can’t Drive 55," Hagar added officer \uu «:ct huh With an Army ROTC and required tut-x Tin-L. :zm‘ g‘r '. Hit .1 ' ' '
“Red,Whiteand Blue Rocker." ‘ l t h" . ~ , ' another speeding ticket to his collec- \‘llvlnhhll‘ dml‘ml' M '9“:th wi‘l‘lrnwwi v aulr‘m 1' . ' i f »
“[‘m very patriotic." Haw said .‘ i 1 Q' ‘ ' tion (1 33 when he returned from a .'\rm\ ROTC h the college program .lavxl'cll batman unritt wt ..;‘ '. fi C ‘ _ . . _ - '
on a recent edition of Westwood ‘ - - ‘ safari in Nigeria, He had just gotten [hillll‘tlifl‘\llUlt‘l‘t‘ullnlcilllllnlct'r dimdcr \cnm‘») wilt my} IL'IIY. k'TlL'Vt'. . ,_ - ‘ L
One's syndicated “Off the Record“ ’ f- :' ' ' . I off a 24-hour plane trip when he (intittlmniiucr ~ in IT‘w‘Hl’f'lH‘iix 3.4.". tummy;- . ' . '
radio interview show. “I have a ‘ 1 ' rented a car to go to Lake Placid, \Ull mixc ROTL .lltvn: ullh \‘uur [‘rm'xit'm: turgid :.t-~».'5'»1k"—'7L’L ’L " "
flagpole in from d my house With an M , . * N.Y., to “cool off" and on the way, ntlicr ~rtldlc~ and graduate With both a .ll‘: .-\rm\ RUTt. amt .l’x’ilg‘ \ . "t : ‘ .v ._
American flagonit." ht . U . , hewas clockedat62mph. \lt‘L'l't't‘ anti .I wound lieutenants commis- ti -r tgtiilt- .i:. migrant : -.
Hagarwillproclaimhispatriotism . s '4' ’3’; 3 Q “As the officer was writing the “L‘” . ., , . g l””‘n‘“,-,’L“““7“:"-L‘-' ' .
in a March 24 concert appearance at . .1. " a * ticket, 1 just turned w my wife, Bot nl all mu am put loom l‘l \‘l‘Lll’ li'l‘lL“\l‘T‘.'f .\i...:.sr'. \zt'utc _
Rmp Arena. "E ' ‘ Betsy and said ‘I can’t drive 55 ' " L‘Llth‘dllllIh lt‘ “th nuiit .l\\.l\ in “mi.“ ~ For more information. contact )uur Prillt‘o—
c. >. be said “If I 5“» making monk!“ mtxicm hlflll'll‘t‘hAn‘i‘i‘t \\ L' llt‘t‘tl Cl‘l‘rlnk't’r“ nor of Military .‘r‘irncc‘in‘ Itarlu-r llull on thc.l k '
Hagar discussed his latest alhum : /p ." 1 I’d be broke just for paying my in- L""““‘“”‘L‘“”L"“L“l“‘”‘- ”"Ll“”““l“'L“LL“‘ iii'ipl'r'nfildfl iii‘éfffiii .lil'llf.t‘1":,l;,iii;ff.§ . “
VOA, on the Geffen label. Written : 1-. surance rats." Am m "I, firm “"3 in "P'il- ,. .
and recorded in one month, VOA ,3 .- § Hagarmania has swept though En- ' l '
was originally meant to be called ’ .:~- -- _ a gland and Europe and. according to BEALLYOU CAN BE. .
Born in the U.S.A., but while read- "5:“ 'i .» Hagar. the fans can sometimes be a . l . > ‘
ins Billboard magazine. one week SAMMY HAGAR littleoeenealous. 1' . n , , .
before the album’s "91?“. he dis' “They chase you down the street ' -' ,. .- ' a‘ - at" . .
covered that Bruce Springsteen W85 range from war to marriage propo- like cats and dogs chasing cars" he " ' . "”1“
calling his latest album §°m 1" the sals tothemale anatomy. said. “All the guys give me about 10 ,n Q . ._ p a a -
U-S-A- H88" 0118988? his ‘0 V04. “It touches every emotion and all ‘high fives‘ and the girls try to kiss « ’ ‘3‘- , t ‘.‘ ‘- 3
Whlah stands for ‘Vmce 0‘ Ameri- emotional changes“he said. me on the lips, but I tell them I have '- “f e‘ ' -. - t. 1 - ., y ‘ .
ca. While Hagar is an experienced acoldorsomething." Pl .. . a. 9 t .
musician. his talents are not limited Hagar will be in concert at 7:30 . .l a 5 i5?" '
“It was too much." Hagar said of to the stage — he also is an accom- pm. March 24 in Rupp Arena. 'I‘ick- _ _ ’ . on I .' , " ‘-. ’ i
the Spnngsteen caincidence. “We‘re plished cook. ets are $11.75, available at the Rupp ’ . . y ' ' '
two different people with two differ- box office, 'l‘icketron and both Disc . ' V ' f 7 , ‘5 , ) t f - ,- , . . .- -
entstyles.“ ‘ “I'm the Julia Child of rock 'n' Jockey record stores. The heavy \K\\"§ //"V " x
YOA is a melting pot With s