xt7jws8hhq88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jws8hhq88/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 2005 Vol.76 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, September 2005 Vol.76 No.9 2005 2005 2019 true xt7jws8hhq88 section xt7jws8hhq88 ,. Volume 76, Number 9 PRST«STD A
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M September 2005 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ' ..
H. T‘ V
on microfilm after yearlong hiatus News & N'Otes
' ' ' driving.” there’s always the possibility that R611 101] HCWS
UanGrSlty coples When it was last fully opera- the electronic formats could change, , , g
170 news a ers tional, UK’s Reprographics leaving the archived information 1.011 Offerin
p p Department was responsible for outdated, she said. g p i g
' ' copying about 170 newspapers from ”We still believe that microfilm ( I]. '
onto mlcrOfllm throughout the state onto microfilm. has the greatest potential for preser- SChOlarSI I IpS t0 ,
(AP) _ After a yearlong hiatus, With a reorganized staff and vation,” she said. . . , Vt ‘ , . ' I -.
the University of Kentucky plan, library off1c1als expected to However, It IS poss1ble that the oumallsts . . -
Libraries planned to open its restart their microfilm services by department could switch to a struc— .1 ~ ' ‘ , * ?
Preservation Reformatting Center mid-August. Officials hope to have ture in which it would digitally The Religion Newswxiters ;
. . later this month and resume record- about a dozen newspapers from store the newspapers for everyday Associationfirivitelsiawa licantsto -
in Kentuck news a ers on micro— throughout the state caught up by use, then create a microfilm version . . . . p? , . , I
g Y P P . . . JtS'Lllly, Scholarslupsm Rehgion :
film. the end of the year, Ryder sa1d. for securlty purposes, she sa1d. ~.ra .: which 1'6 Vid’é" #fim;
Since last summer library Offi_ There will also be more of a Carl West, editor of The State grog“ pt V S -
‘ ' ~ _ . . . . . tune Ioumahsts With up to $5,000
c1als have been re rou 1n 1n an reliance on help from student aSSIS- Journal in Frankfort, said hls news- ;. , ., , ,
g P g . . to cover the cost of college
~ attempt to form a better busmess tants and less on dedicated, full- paper was one of the newspapers . . . . .
. . . . . tuition, books, registration fees,
model. Before, the program had fall~ tlme staff,-she said. the UK Librarles had been m1cro- parking and other Costs.
en behind in its microfilming efforts But the department W111 HOt be filming. The scholarships can be used ,
and had been losing money. going dlgital — at least not yet, Ryder During the hiatus, the newspaper at any accredited college, univer— {g .
”We used the time to sort of said. . . . . has been preservlng copiesm digital sity, seminary or similar institu— .
examine our work proceSS, sald Instead, library off1c1als'rema1n format, West sa1d. Newspaper off1- tion. Journalists can take any
Becky Ryder, head of preservatlon focused on usmg microfilm for crals ‘there were waltlng before coursethey choose as long as it is
servrces at UK. It .s k1nd of like you newspaper preservatlon, Ryder decrding 1t would have UK resume - in the field of religion.
can’t change a t1re while you’re said. With digital information, its work, he said. Journalists preViOUSly award-
__.—_———————-—————————-—————————__ ed scholarships have taken , Z_‘
0 0 / courses coverin a wide varie ',
g ‘1
see s nomma mm .of
movements, diard1_hfisrory, rati- ' "
Nominations and letters of appli— tors; those who have been elected to meets bylaw requirements. gm“ , find! V19¥9“¢¢7.__I?Pw¢§¢
cation are being accepted until Sept. serve on the board, provided they Following the interview process, Buddlusm1evangehsm and
23 for the office of Vice-president of have previously served as either an the nominating committee will rec- : mail}, ‘3‘?’e' ' L V ‘. 'V :5“ ,
the Kentucky Press Association for elected or appointed director or ommend a candidate for vice presi- . , .Tlltsykschoiarsl‘up. turnedme, :3
2006. those persons who have served dent to the Kentucky Press sis-lfiwl‘FWI-QQS‘P mformedfiefom ‘ I
Any KPA member may nominate three consecutive years as an Association and Kentucky Press Vijmyclassflsawchurchhistoryas 5
any individual who meets the crite- appointed director." Service Board of Directors. mterestmgbutnpt essenhalto
ria set forth in the KPA bylaws for Nominations must be sent to Following action by the board, 2 religzefieéatmgtvechangemy ,
that position. Additionally, individ- David T. Thompson, Kentucky Press the individual will be recommended mmd,sa1dMatfit€WSfiQfle§3 7
uals interested in holding office in Association, 101 Consumer Lane, for approval by the full membership reporterwzth'l‘hefitamferd
the Kentucky Press Association may Frankfort, KY, 40601. of the KPA during the business ses- Advecatewmw .
submit a letter of application. All nominees consenting to the sion of the 2006 convention in 93t1r2519fi9§m§§€e§3
' KPA bylaws state: ”The only per- nomination and agreeing to serve if Lexington in January. maeafiorscheimzfipaggkefifltzemg: ,
son eligible fo£1€¢10th the office elected will be interviewed by the The person‘elected vice president 'ngejggwiiiézfogfi V.
', of! [vicejpres‘iderit‘are‘i those fwho.are . nominating committee once it .has -will become president-electin 2007- @Qfifieéfifimfififfiés ’
- .',currently serving as elected direc" 'been determined that the nominee and serve as president in 2008. W;:w«w“‘:i ' i

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, September 2005 5
, .. . 0
Kentucky people a ers in the news
, , 9 p p 1V
Brooke Melville, editor of the and appreciation of Kentucky agri- tor and general manager of the Tom Marshall, reporter for the
Henry County Local, was nominat— culture, farm people and farm prob- Lebanon Enterprise. The announce- Mount Sterling Advocate, has been ‘
ed to receive the 2005 Kentucky Farm lems through newspapers and or ment was made by Mike nominated to receive the 2005 A
Bureau Communications Award for magazine articles. Abernathy, president of Landmark Kentucky Farm Bureau on
a writer. 'The award recognizes a Stevie Lowery Daugherty, Community Newspapers, Inc., and Communications Award for awriter. Sevei
writer who has contributed signifi~ daughter of KPA Past President Richard RoBards, publisher of the The award recognizes a writer who “OI-la
cantly to better public understanding Steve Lowery, has been named edi— Central Kentucky News Journal has contributed significantly to bet- I ketm
' ' V . and regional manager for LCNI. ter public understanding and appre— One<
l ' " i it ' ' ' , I . . . Daugherty had ciation of Kentucky agriculture, farm tell 0
~_' 1. ~ .The Kentucky Pres-18* v o as news error _ people are rare problems through How
l l _ V l ' Z. i ‘ . before being promot- newspapers and or magazine arti- have
The Kentud