xt7jws8hg54k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jws8hg54k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 2006-05 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Off the Shelf, May 2006 text Off the Shelf, May 2006 2006 2006-05 2014 true xt7jws8hg54k section xt7jws8hg54k A monthly look at life in the UK Libraries

May 2006

Medical Center Library Gets
Long Overdue “Makeover”
By Jane Bryant (Photos by James Burgett)
The University of Kentucky Medical Center
Library (MCL) has undergone a facelift along
with a concomitant weight loss, i.e., space
loss. The results are stunning! And, the best
news is that the Libraries didn’t have to pay
for it.
According to Janet Stith, Medical Center
Photo of new MCL entrance shows floor detail
Library Director, "This is the first major
that carries design into building hallway.
renovation for the Medical Center Library
since it opened over 45 years ago. Through funding from the College of Medicine Dean's
Office we were able to secure a new book theft security
system, modern user services desk, and a new entry to
the library."
The impact is immediate as you enter the MCL. A
classy new entryway with handsome tiles and a
“barless” security system has helped bring the look of
the Library into the 21st century. The sleek, multilevel
user services counter provides patrons with a single
place to obtain assistance – from checking out books to
inquiring about a medical conundrum. During peak
New multi-level user services desk hours, the desk is staffed by both circulation staff and a
offers space for both Circulation and reference librarian. When business is slower, one person
Reference transactions. Dual
handles both sets of duties.
monitors offer simultaneous screen
displays to patrons and staff alike. “The Medical Center Library acquired automatic doors
which are an added convenience for our patrons. We
also gained a few extra study carrels on the first floor of the library,” says Renee Dorn,
Senior Library Technician in Circulation.
The remainder of the renovation involved the loss of much of the previously existing office
area on the first floor including the Director’s old office and much of the other “behind-the
scenes” space that used to be Circulation and administrative areas. This was taken over by
the College of Medicine. A small work area was retained by Circulation and new
administrative offices were constructed in the area of the “old reference office” and where
some of the unbound journals had been shelved.
The renovation is still ongoing as new journal shelving is put up, journals are shifted –
both upstairs and downstairs, and staff and users alike adapt to the new look and feel of
the venerable old Medical Center Library. One thing hasn’t changed – our commitment to
providing our users with excellent, personalized, one-on-one service!


� News To Use
Strategic Planning Focus Groups
Throughout the month of April, UK Libraries employees considered the future of
the Libraries. In 11 separate focus groups, participants mulled over previously
formulated thought-provoking statements designed to stimulate discussions.
During the meetings, many thoughts, concerns, and innovative ideas were expressed that could
influence the direction of the University Libraries. During the coming months this information
will be used to formulate the 2007-2009 Strategic Plan which is expected to be completed in
October of this year.

UK Board of Trustees Establishes the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral
On March 7, 2006, the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees named the
Libraries’ Oral History Program the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

in honor of the former Kentucky Governor.
The Nunn Center’s Oral History Collection includes extensive interviews with former
government officials, politicians, and others who have impacted higher education and public
policy in the Commonwealth. The collection consists of over 100 different topical projects
totaling over 6,500 interviews encompassing over 12,000 actual interview hours. In addition to
over 80 hours of interviews with Governor Nunn, the collection includes oral history projects
featuring former Kentucky governors and other prominent individuals such as Jacqueline
Kennedy Onassis, Lady Bird Johnson, U.S. Vice President Alben W. Barkley, U.S. Senator and
United States Ambassador John Sherman Cooper, civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and
Kentucky author Robert Penn Warren.
In addition to allocating the funds for UK’s first two oral history projects, Governor Nunn was
heavily involved in securing an endowment for the UK Oral History Program. He served as
Chair of the Endowment Committee at the time of his death. State Representative Steve Nunn
and Jennie Nunn Penn were both active in soliciting major gifts to the endowment. During the
2005 session of the Kentucky General Assembly, Steve Nunn successfully sought $500,000 in
state funding that was matched by funds from the Research Challenge Trust Fund. The Nunn
Center’s Endowment currently totals $1.3 million.

Lewis Warden Receives Spot Bonus Award
Off the Shelf is pleased to announce that Lewis Warden, Public Policy Archives
Assistant in Special Collections and Digital Programs (SCDP), has received a UK
Libraries’ Spot Bonus Award. This award is given in recognition of Lewis’s “onthe-spot” and “outside the box” contributions which have improved service and
collection management in SCDP. After the water disaster in November, Lewis
Lewis Warden assisted with the clean-up as well as extensive relocation and updating the
location guide to the collections in the King basement. Most recently, Lewis’s
concern for the students who arrive in SCDP looking for their class meeting space prompted him
to suggest how information can be provided more effectively, which resulted in a call to the
registrar’s office, where they will add more descriptive information about entering from the
south door for classrooms in the King Addition to the class schedule. Lewis embraces tasks that
come up at a moment’s notice for which no one else is available and gives thoughtful input that
results in more effective solutions. He has become the go-to guy for out of the ordinary tasks
that come up every so often, but which are integral to the operations in SCDP.
Lewis’s Spot Bonus Award of $100 recognizes and rewards his interest and can-do approach to
tasks that come his way.


� News To Use (continued)
Library Resources Available Online
Here are some great online resources you might want to look at:
The UK Board of Trustees Minutes, 1862-2005 are available online at
. Over
5,500 photographs in the UK Portrait Print Collection which represents administrators,
alumni, students, Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and visitors at the University from 1867 2002 have been added to the Kentuckiana Digital Library .

Nominations Sought for Staff Advisory Council Positions
Two three-year Staff Advisory Council (SAC) positions are now open.
Persons elected to fill the vacant positions will officially start their term on
July 1, 2006 and serve until June 30, 2009. Anyone interested in serving on
this Council should send their self-nomination to Lauren Keller lenowv0@email.uky.edu by
Friday, May 5th. Questions about the SAC and its functions should be directed toward any
of the current SAC members: Lauren Keller [Interim Chair] lenowv0@email.uky.edu,
Kathryne LeFevre [Interim Vice-Chair] kalefe0@uky.edu, Sharon McGuire [Ex-Officio]
Sharon.McGuire@uky.edu, Rita Tobin rtobin@email.uky.edu, or Mary Geyer

Library Specialist Staff Position , Grade 42, Created
This spring, University Human Resources created a new Grade 42 staff
position called Library Specialist. This position falls between the Library
Technician Senior (grade 41) and the Library Manager (grade 43) levels.
Requirements for positions:
Minimum educational requirements for each library staff levels is as follows:
Library Technician Grade 38
Associates degree plus 1 year experience
Library Tech Senior Grade 41
Bachelors degree plus 2 years of experience
Library Specialist Grade 42
Bachelors degree plus 2 years of experience
Library Manager Grade 43
Masters degree; Exempt position
Work requirements: Compensation (a unit with University HR) does not provide work
requirements for each grade level. When new jobs are created or upgrades requested, they
evaluate each position based on a large number of factors – those found in Part D of the Job
Analysis Questionnaire. Level of responsibility is a major factor.
Nancy DeMarcus is the first person to be placed in the new category as Records Manager in
Special Collections and Digital Programs.

Library Quick Facts Launched
Andrea Brofft, UK Libraries’ graduate assistant in marketing,
created a series of brochures on the William T. Young Library
building. These “Quick Facts” brochures are designed to be
given out on general tours and highlight various features of the
building. Four brochures have been developed in this series:
William T. Young Library (interesting facts about the building);
Quick Fact brochures tell Fossils at the William T. Young Library (a guide to the fossils in the
about the William T. Young marble); Wade Hall Quilt Collection; and The Overbrook Tapestry.
We have a limited supply printed. The electronic files are in MS
Publisher and can be downloaded from the server at


� News To Use (continued)

April 12, 2006

Many thanks to Staff Advisory Council
Members Lauren Keller, Mary Geyer,
Kathryne LeFevre, Rita Tobin, and Sharon
McGuire for planning and delivering a great

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Performance
Sharon McGuire, Geological Sciences Library & Math Library
Cindy Parker, Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery
Pictured left to right: Cindy Parker, Dean Carol Diedrichs.

5 Year Service Award
Left to right: Marsha Seamans, Kerri Scannell,
Sharon Ross, Susan Herbert, Ann Fath, Mary
Congleton, Craig Amos. Not shown: Timothy Baker,
Cheri Daniels, Emma Mills, Lesley Wolfgang-Jackson.

10 Year Service Award
Left to right: Matthew
Harris, Lisa Carter,
Nancy DeMarcus. Not
shown: Kathie Farmer,
Miranda Hines.

20 Year Service
Left to right:
Teresa Burgett,
Cindy Parker. Not
Amelie Charron,
Mary Van Huss.

30 Year Service
Left to right: Patricia
Hornback, Mary
Spencer. Not shown:
Terry Birdwhistell.

15 Year Service Award
Not shown: James Crowden,
Carole Stevens, Sarah Vaughn.

25 Year Service
Antoinette Fiske

35 Year Service Award
Not shown: Gail Kennedy

Spot Bonus Award Recipients
Not shown: Martha David, Carole Stevens, Rick
Garrett, Mike Howard, Curt Miller, Joe Phillips,
Scott Swift, Lewis Warden.


� What’s Coming Up?
May 4-6 LOEX (Library Orientation Exchange) Annual Conference. University of
Maryland, College Park. Theme: Moving Targets: Understanding Our Changing Landscape.
May 5 Deadline for Staff Advisory Council Nominations (see News to Use article)
May 8 10:00 - 11:30 All Library Staff Meeting. Auditorium, W. T. Young Library.
May 11 Describing Archives: A Content Standard. Society of American Archivists
workshop hosted by UK Libraries. Gallery, W. T. Young Library.
May 12 Kentucky Council on Archives Spring Meeting. Hosted by Kentucky Educational
Television in Lexington.
May 15 9:00 - 4:00 Reference Redesign Workshop: “Future Reference, NExT GENeration
and Beyond.” Auditorium, W. T. Young Library.
May 19 – 24 Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. Theme:
Transformations A – Z < http://www.mlanet.org/am/am2006/index.html >

Did You Know… ???
Did you know... that as a University of Kentucky faculty or staff
member, you are entitled to discounts at participating businesses?
These discounts are available in not only the Lexington area, but
also in other areas across the country like Kings Island in Ohio,
Dollywood in Tennessee and BeautiWorks in Missouri. The
discounts apply to a wide range of products that include
amusement parks and entertainment, apartments and mortgages,
hotels, jewelry, and much, much more.
To use the University of Kentucky Employee Discount Program,
Discounts to
you must identify yourself when making a purchase by showing a Kings Island are
valid UK picture ID or valid UK Faculty/Staff Card and a valid
available on this
driver’s license or other picture ID.
A complete list of businesses that offer
these discounts is located at :

A visit to Dollywood
might also be fun!

• The University does not warrant any goods or services
provided by any business participating in the Employee
Discount Program.

Questions regarding the program may be addressed to:
369 Peterson Service Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0005
Phone: (859) 257-5570


� Spotlight Series
The Spotlight Series features Mary Van Huss who will retire after
20 years of employment at the UK Libraries.

Mary Van Huss - Library Technician Senior,
Chemistry/Physics Library
After 20 years of service, Mary Van Huss, one of the UK
Libraries’ most experienced branch technicians, will retire on
May 4, 2006. In October 1985, Mary began employment at the
M. I. King Library in Special Collections where she processed
manuscripts. Her first project was working on Dr. Thomas
Clark’s papers with Bill Marshall as her supervisor. She then transferred to the Biological
Sciences Library in 1987 and worked with Mildred Moore and then Brad Grissom. In 1996
Mary transferred to the Chemistry/Physics Library where she worked with Maggie
Johnson and currently works with Jan Carver.
Mary and her husband, James, who retired from UK Libraries in 2003, moved from
Campbellsville, KY, to Lexington in 1985. It was in Campbellsville that Mary got her jump
start in libraries. There she worked in a Campbellsville public library for ten years. Prior
to that, she had no library experience. Mary had previously worked for an insurance
company and was a pre-school teacher. It was THIS positive library experience in
Campbellsville that was the biggest influence in her remaining in the library field.
Mary was born in Glenarm, IL (south of Springfield) and lived there most of her young
life. She has memories of working on a farm as her dad was a tenant farmer, her mom, a
housewife. Mary’s other memories include being a good student, high school sophomore
class president, and high school junior year Sweetheart candidate. She always liked to
read. When her parents went into town to run errands, Mary visited the public library and
remained there until they were done.
Mary has two younger siblings who still live in Illinois – brother, Gene, and sister,
Georgia. She admits to “mothering” them as they were all growing up.
Mary and James met at a church youth group gathering in Virden, IL. After marrying,
they eventually moved to Springfield, IL, where they raised their family. They have two
children, five grandchildren and one great grand-daughter, who is 10 months old and a
bundle of fun!
Mary still loves to read. She also likes to do jigsaw puzzles, cross stitching, gardening and
one other activity. Have you guessed yet? Mary is a piano player! (Our UK Libraries
orchestra keeps growing, doesn’t it??)
You ask, “What are Mary’s future plans?” Mary’s response is, “Traveling, enjoying family
and growing a BIGGER vegetable garden.” Mary’s new philosophy is, “Relax, relax, and
enjoy life!”
Happy retirement, Mary! We wish you good health and many years of traveling to come!
Come on back and visit us on the way.


� Tech Talk
By Stacey Greenwell, Head, Desktop Support

I’ve done a few presentations on blogs and could talk on and on about them (some of
you know that already), but I thought it might be good to include the topic as a
newsletter item. Here’s a definition partially derived from Wikipedia:
Blog: A blog (or weblog) is a website in which items are posted on a
regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order. Like other
media, blogs often focus on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or
local news. Some blogs function as online diaries. A typical blog combines
text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related
to its topic.
Blogger  is one of many services that will host
a blog for you for free.
Bloglines  is one of many free aggregators
that allow you to easily read blog and other web content in one place (more
on this next month).
To learn more about blogs, check out the HigherEdBlogCon2006, a free, online conference
devoted to the use of blogs and other social software tools in higher education:

Blog of the Month
I’m not sure how long I’ll keep this going, but I do read a lot of blogs and get many ideas
from them. So I thought I’d share a favorite each month. This month I’d like to suggest
Steven Bell’s “The Kept-Up Academic Librarian.” This blog provides news and
commentary to help us “keep up with news and developments in higher education.”

Sorting Photos
I’ve had many photos to sort after returning from teaching library workshops in Ecuador.
Here are a few photo tips I’d like to share:
You can sort your photos by the date they were taken. If you don’t see the column
header “Date Picture Taken” (you should see Name, Type, Size, Date Modified by
default), right click on the column header to see other file details. If you choose “More”
from this list, you can choose “Date Picture Taken” among other things.
Use the Slide Show view to watch all of your photos in a neat slide show (“View as Slide
Show” will appear on the left side of the My Pictures window as a Picture Task). The
slide show includes controls to pause or go back or forward in the slide show.


� Wow!

Newsletter Staff

Lisa Carter's article, "Saving Our Legacy:
Archiving Television at the Crossroads" ~ was
published in the Winter 2006 issue of the
National Academy of Television Arts and Science's
(Daytime Emmy's) Television Quarterly.

KLA Joint Spring Conference Presentations:
Valerie Perry, Debbie Sharp and Mary Vass
~ presented a program entitled, “Reaching
1700 Freshmen in 4 Weeks.”
Nancy Lewis and Mary McLaren ~ presented
a program entitled, “Treasure, DoubleCrossing and Intrigue at MOSS.”
Valerie Perry and Debbie Sharp ~ presented
a program entitled, “What Are Your Students
-------------------------------------------Tari Keller ~ presented a session entitled “EDI
- Raw Data Files for the Layperson” at the
Endeavor EndUser Conference in Chicago.
Nancy Lewis and Mary McLaren ~ displayed
a poster session, “Storage May Be Over the
Hill, but It Is Not the End of the Road” at the
EndUser Conference.

Just for Fun!
Who knows how to do “The Bunny Hop”?
Looks like Sherree, Dawn, Mary, Sharon, Kathy,
Mary, and Kate do!

Comings & Goings

Bunny Hoppers at the LSO Easter Hot Dog Lunch!

(Photo by Tari Keller)

Interim Editor: Mary McLaren
257-0500 x 2086
Terri Brown
257-0500 x 2076
Jane Bryant
Cheri Daniels
257-0500 x 2175
Dennis Davenport
Bev Hilton
Deirdre Scaggs
Donors: Deirdre Scaggs
Spotlight: Bev Hilton
Tech Talk: Stacey Greenwell
Agriculture Information Center:
Dennis Davenport
Chemistry/Physics Library:
Cheri Daniels
Design Library: Cheri Daniels
Education Library: Cheri Daniels
Engineering Library:
Dennis Davenport
Equine Research Library:
Dennis Davenport
Fine Arts Library: Deirdre Scaggs
Geological Sciences and Map
Library: Bev Hilton
Health Information Library:
Jane Bryant
IDRC: Deirdre Scaggs
KY Transportation Center:
Dennis Davenport
Law Library: Jane Bryant
Math Library: Dennis Davenport
Medical Center Library:
Jane Bryant
Medical Center AV Library
Bev Hilton
Special Collections & Digital
Programs: Deirdre Scaggs
Young Library: Terri Brown
Web Site/ Graphics:
Dennis Davenport
Newsletter submissions are due
by the 15th of the month.
