xt7jws8hg352 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jws8hg352/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1989-08-18 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 18, 1989, no. 555 text The Green Bean, August 18, 1989, no. 555 1989 1989-08-18 2014 true xt7jws8hg352 section xt7jws8hg352 Number 555 August 18, 1989
A Task Force on Staff Working Conditions has been created to
examine library clerical and technical staff concerns and alsc to
help make changes to improve library working conditions.
. As a follow-up to an ACTs survey last spring, the Task Force
A Committee is developing a more in—depth questionnaire which will
be given to all clerical and technical employees, The Committee
will make every effort to reach all employees, and we hope that
if enough staff members respond to the survey, the suggestions
will lead to positive changes. Staff input is very important and
very valuable, and the Committee encourages staff members to
share concerns and suggestions by participating in this survey.
Committee members are: Pam Brackett, Karen Cline, Jeff Frey,
Jennifer Michener, Kate Seago, and Sue Burch, Chair. (Submitted
by Sue Burch.)
GPD will be closed August 14-18 so that we can finish some
shifting and reshelve the materials that had to be moved this
week to avoid water damage. We will respond to telephone
inquiries if we are in room 116 when the phone rings. The door
to room 123 (Sandee's office) will be unlocked, but closed.
Library staff members are welcome to come in if they need to use
e room 116 material themselves, or retrieve material for a patron
to use elsewhere in the library. Since the stacks are open
already, this week will be no different than any other so far as ‘
their use is concerned. Please remember that nearly all of our
SUDOC fiche is now housed in room 116, so these materials will be
restricted to staff use or retrieval during this week as well.
(Submitted by Sandra McAninch.)
T1} Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

Laura Whayne's phone and room numbers have been changed. Her new
phone number is 7-2155, and the room number is 203 Kentucky
Transportation Center, 00431.
The UK College of Library and Information Science will sponsor an
Anglo-American_CatalogingMRules Workshop on Friday, August 25th
in Room 228 of the UK Student Center. The workshop, conducted by
Dr. Lois M. Chan, is designed to provide participants with a
review of the changes introduced by the 1988 revision of AACR2.
It will run from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and will cost $20.00.
Registration with a check should be sent by August 10 to the
following address, or call if the date has parsed:
Ms. Nancy Dare
College of Library and Information Science
502 King Library
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-8876
LSO-— Sandee McAninch received this
Dear Associates, memo from Judy Brown:
Thank you so very much for the
A lovely lead crystal vase. I One of the debaters stopped by
put the flowers from my the circ desk the other day to
retirement party in it. It is say that John Walker had been
perfect sitting on the coffee more helpful to her than any
table in my living room. I other library staff member
will use it often and think of during her stay at UK so far.
you all. Your thoughtfulness His explanation about the
meant a lot and was very much material in GPD was very
appreciated. clear.
Jessie Adams Thought you would like to

Anthony, Robert N. and David W. Young. Manageggntwggntrol in
Nongrggitmgrganizagiggg, 4th ed. Homewood, IL: Irwin, 1988.
[HF5686 .N56 A57 1988].
Bryman, Alan, ed. DoiggmResearch mgnngrgagigaggggg. New York:
Routledge, 1988.
[HM131 .D625].
Dewing, Martha, ed. §omeMjideo_ig Librggjgg;M§ggg£g§rgries Buy
and Circu1ateMPrerggggggd Home Video. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1988.
[Z692 .V52 H65 1988].
Gwldr Gam 31. C~    
tiongMg;_Comguterwggtworking. Boulder: Westview Brees, 1989.
[TK5105.5 .1494 1989]
Gribbin, John H. The Southeastern Library geggg£gw§SOLINET): A
Topical Higtorymang Chronology, l973;19§;. n.p.: The Association
of Southeastern Research Libraries, 1988.
[2674.82 .568 @730 1988]
Hauptman, Robert. gtnggal Challenges in Libggrggnsgig. Phoenix:
Oryx, 1988.
[Z682.35 .P75 HB8 1988]
Kraemer, Kenneth L., et al. Managing Informagignwgggtemeg Change
and Controlwwin Organi§gtiona1_Computing. San Francisco: Jossey-
Bass, 1989. [JS344 .E4 M35 1989]. (Submitted by Rob Aken.)
UNIVERSIEX"OF_KENTUQ§; $22,000 min. Deadline: review
begins July 1, 1989.
Serials Cataloger, Auburn
Library Technician V, Grade 9 University. Salary: $22,000
Stack Supervisor, Medical min. Deadline: review begins
Center Library. For informa— Sept. 15, 1989.
tion, contact Doris Wolf, 3- Social Sciences Reference
5309. Librarian, Auburn University.
Salary: $22,000 min. Deadline:
review begins Sept. 15, 1989. _
Humanities Reference Librarian,
Auburn University. Salary: .

Head, Graduate School of Deputy Executive Director,
International Relations and Library Administration and
Pacific Studies Library, Management Association,
University of California, San American Library Association.
Diego. Salary: $31,944—$59,556. Salary: $29,351—44,029.
Deadline: Oct. 13, 1989. Deadline: Sept. 18, 1989.
Deputy Program Director, Assn.
for Library Collections and
Technical Services, American
Library Association. Salary:
FLORIDA $29,351—44,029. Deadline: Oct.
16, 1989.
Assistant Head, Architecture Reference Library Head,
and Fine Arts Library, Univer- University cf Illinois,
sity of Florida, Gainesville. Champaign. Salary: $35,000
Salary: $23,000 min. Deadline: min. Deadline: Oct. 15,1989.
Oct. 2, 1989.
‘ Assistant Librarian, Refer-
Preservation Program Director, ence, Indiana University,
SOLINET, Atlanta. Salary: Gary. Salary: $22,000~24,000.
$38,000 min. Deadline: review Deadline: Aug. 21, 1989.
until filled.
Head of Reference, Notre Dame.
Head, Acquisitions Department,` Salary: $33,000 min. Deadline:
University of Georgia, Athens. Oct. 15, 1989.
Salary: $33,000 min. Deadline: ‘
· Oct. 16, 1989. ,
HAQAII Asst. Dean for Technical
Services, University of
Kansas. Salary: none given.
Head of Reference Central, Deadline: Oct. 1, 1989.
University of Hawaii, Manoa.
Salary: $2,300-4,200/month.
Deadline: Aug. 15, 1989.
Director of the Library, Alice
Lloyd College, Pippa Passes.
. See Gail Kennedy for more _

Media Librarian, Kent State
University. Salary: $20,167
Librarian I, Bibliographer for min. Deadline: Aug. 31, 1989.
Life Sciences, University of
Maryland. Salary: $28,220-
39,405. Deadline: Oct. 2, 1989.
Mlcnlggg Asst. Librarian for Technical
and Automated Services,
Oklahoma State University,
Reference Librarian and Stillwater. Salary: $42,000
Education Bibliographer, min. Deadline: Nov. l, 1989.
Michigan State University. Library Systems Administrator,
Salary: $22,500 min. Deadline: Oklahoma State U. Salary:
Aug. 31, 1989. $28,000 min. Deadline: Sept.
1, 1989 .
Asst. Special Collections
Librarian, Oklahoma State U.
MISSOURI Salary: $20,040 min. Deadline:
Oct. 1, 1989.
University Archivist, Washing- Cataloger (monngraphs),
ton University, St. Louis. University er Oklahoma.
Salary: none listed. Deadline: Salary: $28,966 min. Deadline:
review begins Oct. 6, 1989. Oct. 16, 1989.
Catalog Librarian, Washington
University. Salary: none
listed. Deadline: review begins
Sept. 11, 1989. OREGON
Head of Acquisitions/Serials,
· NEW JERSEY Oregon State University,
Corvallis. Salary: $30,000.
Deadline: Sept. 30, 1989.
Asst. Librarian, Engineering
Library (half time), Princeton
University. Salary: none given.
Deadline: Sept. 15, 1989. PENNSYLVANIA
Chief, Access Services Dept.,
NEW YORR _ Penn State. Salary: $40,000
min. Deadline: Nov. 1, 1989.
Head Librarian, Penn State,
Science Cataloger, SUNY, Stony DuBois Campus. Salary: $27,000
Brook. Salary: $25,500 min. min. Deadline: Nov. 1, 1989.
Deadline: Sept. 1, 1989. Documentation and Training
Assit. Acquisitions Librarian, Librarian, Penn State. Salary:
SUNY,Stony Brook. Salary: $27,000 min. Deadline: Oct.
$25,500 min. Deadline: Sept. 1, 15, 1989.
1989. Documents Librarian/Social
Science Cataloger, Penn State.

Salary: $27,000 min. Deadline: University of Texas, Austin.
Oct. 15, 1989. Salary: $27,000-30,000.
Deadline: Sept. 15, 1989.
Catalog Librarian, University
of Oregon, Eugene. Salary: Asst. Slavic Librarian,
$20,000 min. Deadline: Sept. University of Washington.
15, 1989. Salary: $21,000 min. Deadline:
Oct. 16, 1989.
Engineering Technical Servines
Librarian, University of
TEXAS Washington. Salary: $23,000
min. Deadline: Oct. 16, 1989.
Manuscripts Librarian, .
EDITORjS NOTE: Due to a weak ribbon on my computer, the Green
Bean cou1dn't be printed clearly for the week of August 4th.
That is the reason for the delay. Hopefully this won't happen
again and future issues will come out on time. I apologize for
any inconvenience this has caused.--LB
Lew Bowling, editor and typist; Cecil Madison, printer.