xt7jws8hfp25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jws8hfp25/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1939  journals  English Lexington, Ky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 9, May 1939 text Kentucky fruit notes, vol. 1, No. 9, May 1939 1939 1939 2012 true xt7jws8hfp25 section xt7jws8hfp25 }
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K°"H“°‘“J ‘·.>=·~·~¥-~~*l€¢l —·»·-jlgiii.-#23iti qtg,i..g:l  
Vol. 1 May, 1939 No. 9
  W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturlst, Editor »
lv ·
` STRAWBERRY MULCH interested growers; and it was y
ee MEETINGS very interesting to compare the i
it . 1-ton, 2-ton and 3-ton mulch a -
,s_ Dunne _th° month 0f_Mm`ch plications that had been put dh t
field meetings were held in each in December and Febmary In -
of the Six Strawberry muleh most cases the Merch mulch ep-
€XPal`lm€lllal llama- The maatlllg plications were made during the .
. at the H- Olees farm in Jeifersen meeting; end the diiference in
C0¤1ltY Was llald OH Merch 2- The thickness of mulches on the 1-ton,
PF meetings in southwestern Ken- Q-tou, and 3,teH plots was of gen_ _ .
if- ‘ tucky were held during the Week eral interest and caused consider- *
l" l ef March 27—31· Three ef these able comment. At this last mulch- i
th ticlds are in McCracken County img it was found that the 1-tou 2
`$‘ . 8Ild HTC located OI] till" f2iI`1HS of application Could be   gen-  
lh t J- T- Warlleri ROUU3 6, Paducah; erally over the row and over the  
re Lester Harris, Route 2, Kevil; and mjddles; horvgver, with the 2-teu .
tg Frederick Beyer, Route 2, Pa- application only a small amount . -'
tl- ducah. One is in Ma1‘Sh&ll C0\lI1tY was put over the row with a larger i
m . and is located on the farm of Mr. portion between the rows; and with   .
l J- L- Bl‘leeheed» then by  — me
- interest to growers that curculios gmvlty allow the wetei to. dew ’ put
· were ara found in 1939,111 cms mee emeuee deveted eeeee dem? . at
cams, near Mayaaa on Apai 15 yted eeeldeeh the eeeheid- We r Ja
;3 and 17 and at Princeton in Cald- fav'; hm ed up eee final. umhjed Thl
  Wen   Ou         €€t of used O11€-1110 IPOD   Mr
ji time, Snucks were beginning to and a used force pump at a ver) O Nn
‘ eee ee Elem iE’?f$}la°§SZ€aT2“Sp€h?‘§pt£§1“r£" I  
i I .l ` tr:
  i Q —···_‘*‘ nishes an abundant supply of V S
  SOFT GROUND vs_ NEOESSARY water and the water forced into _ Eg
i SCAB SPRAYS the large elevated tank on the hill. » no]
Q Incidentally, the same water sys- ber
_   BY tem will give us a liberal supply Mn
  Eg I J. M. HARVISON, Harvison Orchards, of running water in our honsoy der
ii.· iz " Bewhhg G“°"·°“· KY· barn, and pasture fields. We be- j ,,
-‘   ` Our orchards are located on o lieve it is moreleconomical to allow 1;:
E;   type of soil such that during spring Wetep to h0W_ lem the klteheil bf ty}
;   l months of frequent rains it is next g1`3V1'¤y than lt IS to carry it 1n a inf
, ._r_i     to impossible to drag a spray out- bhekeh our
  { fit through the orchard. It is not The ability to apply 3 extra 200 Y te
‘   unusual for the outfit to sink gallon tanks of spray material per i int
  to the axle. Yet during such day, through the use of a more tar
° `ga ` weather, apple scab——which hap— convenient water system, we be- · ers
` E i » pens to be our outstanding pest in lieve will return us over 100% rer
l` ` .· growing clean apples——is spread- each year on the small investment ha
li   ing rapidly. Our failure to control necessary in making these im- on
0   ? ” the "Apple Scab" during the two provements. _ art

 a A READER/S COMMENT 1. Just enough mulch should be i
fi An or on fanny are bosom. gg,;g€§°l§,;_g§t¤;u;¤d ,1;;;
le tummy mmded and i°°k foxward weeds should be cut oi smooth
_ o the monthly copies of Ken- -h b
ly tucky Fruit Notes." I am keep- gg; gligmid lut no; pulled
:1; ing a special file for them and have ming wil? {21;,1 OO; qlggg; S0 .
ld already had occasion three times 2 P . . . ' i
d ` to look up the detailed facts of ’ made¤g¤¤d·11sht»¤1¤¤-quart ‘
M, some of the articles. No one can _ handy fe each p*°k?I`· , l
ly succeed very long in his profes- ·$· Engage 12 OF 15 P10k€1‘B f01`
of ‘ sion without using scientific in- each &V€1`a€€ ¤€I‘€· _ `
of formation in solving his own 4- Quart, handy, and crate tickets i
ly problems ..,]_ M_ H_ 1n different colors save the time
By ;____ required. itiodkeep record of
_ quar s pic e .
  r PICKI-NG* PACKINGW TRUCK" 5. Keep two pickings of com-
m _ ING, AND SHIPPING plete empty crates ahead. .
or  ° STRAWBERRIES Keep them dry and clean. ;
i By M_ P. NICHOLS.   \Vl.l€H 8.]]: Aroma has   be-  
m_   County Agent, Muhlenberg County   §’;;’$;Yp§;,Q¥ lgntilyauégi  
’m t Editor’s Note.—This is the sec- in a quart may have small g
* 8 ond time we have been privileged white places on them when i
ist , to publish some of the good inspected. · _
by  · material on strawberry activities 7. Pick clean one-half of both » ·
W . put out by Mr. M. P. Nichols. The rows to the right and left of 2
1b` i other article was in the December- you as you go along between § t
Ne  _ January issue and was entitled them. ;
fed ` The Three "W’s" and How of 8. Berries rotting in patch make i
‘P€ Q M u 1 c h in g Strawberries. Mr. others rot, so pick all defective {
WY f Nichols is one of our very active and put in cull box. i
be ‘ county agents in behalf of the 9. Start picking as early in the   ‘ ·
ul" · strawberry industry, and it has morning as you can. If there   g
Of t been largely through his energetic is a heavy dew you could wait   » .
[lm  — eiorts coupled with the coopera- until part of this is oif, more  
"JL ‘ tion of ine growers that the straw- on account of pickers than   J 0
’yS` i berry industry in Ohio County and berries. i  
ply O Muhlenberg County has been, 10. Never pick in the afternoon i  
*S°¤  2 developed, as Mr. Nichols was unless forced to by rain.   - _Q
be' agent in Ohio County before mov- 11. At the beginning and end of i J?
low ’ ing to Muhlenberg. This is the the season with normal weather ?  
by _ type of timely instruction and the entire patch may be picked    
*1 *1 [ information that Mr. Nichols sends every other day. But most of ,..2,;-%
out to his growers, and it seemed the season and especially dur-    
200  y to us that this was of wide enough ing hot or rainy weather they    
per  J interest and of sufficient impor- must be picked every day. é jg
ore tance to pass on to all of our read- 12. In picking, grasp berry stem ii. -  
be- ers for what good they might under thumb nail and with  
0% i receive from it. We would like to forefinger of either hand, palm , iriiii
lent   have comments from our readers down; thumb and nnger to be  
im- . on this type of information and against the calyx with the  
 _ articles, berry pointing downward.  
 _ ¤  
a ·.

 ‘  I
" Raising the hand, shear oif 23. Keep cool and from rain and 32_
r the stem over the thumb nail, dust.
?- leaving ebent <>ne—helf ineh ef 24. cheek on questionable quarts
· . Stem Wltb b€1`!'5'- by turning over carefully into 33_
V 13. Place berries in quart box ¤¤0tb€P 6mPW ben-
;· gently; handle gently. 25. Facing and packing, a most
$ y 14. Use a six quart handy keeping ptn‘ti<=¤l¤1‘t¤Sk.iS nsnnlly done :14.
` it ahead of you as you pick by tbé 8l`0W°l"S Wlf€·
Pickers tlll all from bottom up, 26. Corners of the quarts are care-
at same time. That is, start to fully filled out and large and
» _ · fill all quarts at once and keep smaller berries so placed as 35_
. T filling all quarts together. to make an even surface. But
_ 15. Pile each quart up, since they 110 SP€0l¤l flttclllpt Sb0llld he
. are loose and corners are not mtidtl Ee bbl? tbe Stem abil gg
- gulp ca yx o t e erries.
` ’ · · 27. The level of the berries should
  1B` gc; 1;)m;t\§h;; $:;:1   be about one-half the thickness ‘
t are dI.y_ If many have gotten of good s1zed berries, above
too ripe, have pickers go Over- the top of each quart box,
i patch and get those out of Way 28. Be sure that every quart is set
before picking for shipping. m _“1`”·t€ PI`°P€I`1Y· Many
17 One or more H necessary of bcrmcs are badly crushed when 37.
  · the Six quarés in each   Qtlcflt quart IS DOt set IH gust
_ . Y . rig 1 .
.·‘. .— zlgegliubf ggrxg Egieg 1;; 29. The dividers should be placed . 38
i Q paid for this whether full or §,€tl;£§g1;tupS down' Ou wp
T , not. yer of quarts in
  18. Pickers should grade them as igatgé *;§$g1b;;Ui?,;;;1yt1;,i;;
  they bleh Never teneh n berry strips d0n’t errrnr nerr. \Vhen
  nnlese ebselntely neeesenw- crates are ante berries will T *9
r     I]i;*?];1;Dg a berry ruins it fer extend about 1 iii. above top of
   t· · crates. More is re uired for
Qi   19. Gull berries are green ones, long, ygugh hams? Gently 4 40-
yfii 0V€1‘-TlP€ (Dark red HU 0V€1‘, shake, put on last divider.
  Ol` 03lYX bl`0Wl1), eat fbcbdr 30. Have crate setting on some
     V hollow, those eaten upon, dirty, thing iirm and smooth. The
,4;;; gotten, hearted, and bruised top lshould not br;mnni1er1 on K
    erries. nnti time for true an. Nail
  20. If any picker cannot be taught one end in place and gently
· it to pick clean and properly and press down other end until it
  grade the berries as they are touches the end frame. Now
  picked, it is very unprofitable put a nail in other end. The 1
jar;   to have him in the patch. middle of the lid will be sprung
  21. A packing shed or good shade up. Always set crates level ‘ bg
Qi;-gil near a house or clean barn is and solid. or
  ·T_-{   _ absolutely required. Do not 31. Be su1·e that label on end is ha
[fj;-S` pack berries near manure or right side up. (}rower’s name ae-
    |` other attraction for flies. should be stamped once on end in
  ,g ' 22. Handies of berries must not be of frame above label and once  ' ro
zgi.   " allowed to set in sun after on top of crate. Never stamp ~ tit
    _ picking. name on label. d<
* 6
·· $2;;

32. If hauled in wagon, place a contour. It has also been brought '
few inches of straw or some- about by the additional attention
thing soft under them. towards terracing and the saving
33. Never stack crates one above of our soils from washing under
other without strips between the programs sponsored by the Soil
ends to bear weight. Conservation Service and the Ex- -
34. Every grower should see his tension S€1‘Vi0€- Q
truckman and deliver berries Large plantings have been made .
. to road so they will not have on terraced land in the rolling sec- i l
i to wait in sun and dust. tions of Georgia and South Caro- {
l   Write on   of paper the HHH., HS W€ll HS lll S€V8I‘8l OthBI` ·
L number Of   the tyuck- states. S€VCI`Z1l. DEW pl3I1tlI`lgS of ·
i man Should bl-ing back_ p€8(SiZhCS O§ t€I°I°3,§;’d   have been t
1 I ev i, eh ma ein entuc . ttention was t
36 ?hIg,Si?ip;iii; gsiilit iguiigefiieaif called to one of these, which is .
l you miss the truekmeii get located on the farm of Dr. D.   ·
S them to are station somehow. Pew Of .M¤r¤¤l$l» m ¤¤ seam .
e Never try te heid berries (Wei., issue of this bulletm. Another such i
ee theyeii be rejected. Ee young orchard 1S on the farm of j
»t eheiige part eietes with iieieii_ Mr. S. C. llolloway of Sedalia.  
y here te make fuii eietee A few additional plantmgs have  
¤ 37 imma V.-me eeekmee Wea bm made-. These rl¤¤¤¤gS.W1¤ be  
;t ' to do with vom berries if watched with considerable interest { ‘
d rejected. * by orehagd men wh? aretostudymg r i
. . ways an means o ge mg goo e ,
up 3B' $h£"¥iL°ieEZZ §§l°§§€§’el?£2 peek tre. smh me Ys ma¤ag<=  
n ‘ corrected Tile common eeusee their soil in such. a way as to pre-   j
ff are-tee ripe, too green, dirty, ‘°“t S“‘°“S,'?’°S‘°“· 2 r
~€ ei Short peek An additional small peach Q
§¤ A 39 We ere gied te iieip you and orchard was set during March on le e i
lll V ' it _ i ’ the grounds of the Western Ken- 3
pays our sa es agent to get . . { »
of e high peice. tueky Experiment Substationi at i= ;
Dr 40. Studv these sheets carcfullv Prmc€t°n‘ Th¤SiS¤h1¤¤y¤v=*u¢¤ is  
IY and keep fm, i,efei,eiiee_ If you test block where- it will be possible  
etiii have berries reieeiedi the to gather some information on the  
LQ- l Countv Agent will call at your Oultwatlon and growth Of a Young lr   -
he patch if he een find tim e terraced orchard, as well as to learn '?i,,[{g
on i ' the varietal adaptability of a num- i ._e__  
ill S `"`_é—_ ber of the new and promising varie- _Y}§- TQ
if TERRACED ties which were planted. The trees  
lt PEACH ORGHARDS in this orchard were planted with  
JW one row on top of each terrace, the  
he = W` D` ARMSTRONG trees being placed 25 feet apart in  
Hg In the last few years there has the row. Where there was enough YZEQQQ
vel been an increased acreage of peach room between terraces for one or  
~ orchards set on terraced land. This more additional rows of trees con-  
is * has been brought about by the tour lines were run parallel to the  
me severe erosion that has taken place terraces and 25 feet above or below ivféf 
hud  A in many orchards set. in straight the terraces. Three double furrows  
ice  . rows on rolling land where cultiva- were thrown to each of these con-  
mp T tion has been carried on up and tour lines to make an additional S0-  
 . down the hill rather than on the called tree ridge, and trees were  
 T 7  

 Q e planted on this ridge the same dis- Parasite Laboratory of Moores- VO]
tance apart as on the terraces. town, New Jersey, two shipments __;
` Thsss tree ridges help carry the of parasites were recently received
Water felling between them end bythe Experiment station. One or
take some of the load_oif_the_ter- these was released in the EXpe,.i_
races. All of the cultivation is to ment Stetien ereherds at Lexi¤g_
  t Egcigngli? ggegeeyegngeegogege tg; ton, Fayette County; the other was N
» Slope. A Humber of the problems gzleased 111 the orchard of H. E. The U
. - · e ve r Paducah, McCracken
connected with growing orchards C   ’ Flu
on terraced land will be encoun- °lm_y‘ _ _ _
·  . ` tered with this orchard, and it This Purtluulur r>ernene_1e u Wasp
— . . is hoped that by the Study of these (Gambrus Stokesn) which para-
A problems some information can be sitizes the pupa stage of both the Tl
added to the general knowledge of oriental fruit moth and the codling {ml}?
. this WPG ef orchard 011l'¤111‘€ ill moth, two of our most serious pests. ,:1 (Ik`;
A Ksutucky- Some previous liberations of of il
. .....1. parasites have been made and are The
eeenere Teneene eenenn }}IZ.€l‘i§ ..F`§if.1Z‘2¥22’Z;  £SLii...fEL‘Zt ;}I;"I
A There is considerable thought growers having acute insect prob- The
and work being exerted along the lems are invited to correspond with prove
line of terraced orchard culture the Experiment Station and it is yield:
_ and growth by the U. S. Depart- possible that some further co- the
. ment of Agriculture, Soil Conser- operative parasite liberations can less ·
. vation Service, and a number of be made. peacl
. the various state Experiment Sta- gram
A tions and Extension Services. With- of ar
2, in a few years t.here should be a FRUIT PACKAGE NOTICE farm
  number of new publications deal- U _ _ farm
F ing with this subject. At present _ Of lmportahsc te fruit gruwsrs progi
e one of are best bulletins dealing ee e new eeenlenen ef the Feeeeel pm-
  with this system of orchard man- Feed and _DI`ug Act: ogcotlvo farm
 , agement is Bulletin N0. 97 amiga June 25, Wlneh deenende thee every and
. ;; ¤O,.eha,.d TeI.I.eeiDg»» ef the C1em_ container of fresh fruits and vege- _ using
  ; Sen Agrieelturel Ceuegey Clemson, tables shall contain the "name and man)
* South Carolina. Those interested Plaoo ef husmoss et the rnennfee- Thest
   l in going into this problem further tnren Pusksrfr rhslrrhutsrln T9 the
  { ,. can no doubt receive this bulletin sether Wlth ah Pccurats shuts 01‘Ch%
EQ upon application. ment of the quantity of the con- t that
, tents IH terms of weight, measure busir
Q1 _L""' or numerical count." Berry or fertii
lj INSEGT PARASITE other containers of one quart or A1
    . LBERATIONS less are exempt ;_however, the large 1939
¤ Q; container in which they are trans- the 1
v gy IH the fight to Control Some of ported must be marked as above, crop:
_   the ser1ous insect pests man is in and in addition must show the num- z farm
  - many eases enlisting the services of ber of small containers packed in it crop:
. ie _ other insects which feed and prey and the quantity of contents of are
j ll · _. on the harmful insect pests. each such small container or cup." with
    In co-operation with the Federal —American Fruit Grower ` F;
1 ‘ ‘ 8