xt7jws8hfd0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jws8hfd0k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1946 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 17, 1946 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 17, 1946 1946 1946 2012 true xt7jws8hfd0k section xt7jws8hfd0k  I I I   ef
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  olume XV ' “  
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N MAY, 1946 Number 2 Ig
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  I Les! W 6 F0rgcz‘/   M
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°? Nev
· SERVICE, MAY 9, 1946   Bla,
Fermer`Me¤ Students in Service ....99..,.........O....O.......O..9.9..... 7,029 > dem
Former Women Students in Service .,...,...........e....__._..__...... 363 =”  fom-
. f-.  A to a
Total Students ....»,......,...,......,........`............__......,e.,.......A.,_..._..,,__...... 7,392  ¤ stan
Staff Members in Service ...r...»..»......,........,,......c.._e___..__,»__c_e______,___ 203  i   I5,
i P   eee  e 235
I Duplicates (Staff niembers-students) ________Y___________ _ _____ 108 3 N6;
i Total .__.._.........c.,,...,.,_.......,c..c,......,.,cc.c,.,c,,..VO..._._._.....,_,....,..c0,...........__,......... 7,487  ¤  
i   ing
(`ASUALTIES—30U-23 since report made February 29, 1946, S one
 5 in IY
Carpenter, Charles C. Lexington Died of wounds, May, 1945   food
White, Stewart Edward A Versailles Killed in action, Leyte, 6-6-45   of tl
Moore, Stuart Miller Paris Killed in action, China, 9-8-44 `   tee c
Robinson, Samuel Allen Owensboro Declared dead, New Guinea  Q As
McGinnis, Joseph Franklin Lexington Killed in action, Borneo, 10-18-44  f Versi
· Holmes, Clois Jr. Benton  . ing v
l Shields, Lewis VV'. \Valton   late
Scourbys, Constantine G. New York Killed in action   of tl
Spence, Layne Emerson Fulton Killed in action, Germany, 12-23-44 J Sar (
I \Vitham, Raymond E. Petersburg Declared dead, Mediterranean area  _ Va
, Kirk, Harry Brooks Lexington Killed in action, New Guinea, 4-12-44 ` dents
Q , Dunn, John Allen Paducah Killed in action  p Step
' ` Greene, Edward Ove1·street Ashland Illness, 10-15-45   D1‘esi
p \Vilson, Go1·don Broaddus Buena Vista Killed in action  , ef lc
. Yowell, Mitchell Taylor Hustonville Killed in action, 12-22-45  
, McCreary, Reva Ruth Tompkinsville Accident, Germany  i
. Nickerson, Richard Edwin Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Plane Crash, Florida, 12-18-43 ; M01‘€
Bailey, iWilliam Russell Lexington Missing over Germany   Ml
(`arl, Glenn \Vesley Illinois Killed in action ,  the =
, . Black, Russell. Postlewaite Lexington Illness if  and
` Davis, Russell V\’illia1nsport Missing since fall of Bataan  - Coma
Shearer, Reva Muth Susie Over North Sea   ;;°S$
 . V;
i (Continued on Page 32) i_ TQ?}
‘ ·; her j
. Dlisln
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T /2 K J A1 A! 1
6 6 76 M6 jf ZH4676 M5 l l
New Head of Vassar         ‘1=;aéz5a;z;a§2§z;s;2;2;2;2;2;2;2;iz:z¤s:z=2gse;;2;2;2;2;2;=;:;:z¤z¤;:2;.s;2;2;;;-;=;.;&a:e¤a=2=2;z;2;2;2;2e;:;:;:a:a=;¤e:2¤;egagmee  I l
The 1110011011 011111100 Sem Gibeee   ;II;;;.;;   A.I;     A   A ``"”’`°’;€;€   ;I~   [
111e11<1111e 110 1110 11111 110111111 111011-       _-,S   i
 1 10111111111g11111111111 11 high 11‘11011111       ’ l
 ` 10 1 110111111 11110 1111110 111 0111-       A,
  0101111111% record 11 1110 11111101111y   ‘‘`‘      ‘1‘°1‘1’1   ’11   111 l A
 T 01 K0111111111’ 110111 as 11 1111110111 111111   ```A   1
  ee 110111 01 110111011 111111 11110 11110   .   l i
A leeeeme eee ef 1110 111111011% f01·0—   .’111.‘’ i       1 1
 1 meee 0<1110e1e1e- Ae 010111 ef 111e   ·1‘1`   :ee::.;. , A   1
» 11100 1*11111111% 1111110 1111 011101111111     I l
0110 01 1111 111001 1mPO1`t11111 11011110      "1”`   iie    1 _ 1
  feed emblems and wes e member   11111‘   ` `”1`;’     1 my
  011110 101111 A1111Y·N ew 0e11111111—   11‘‘`’     1”`”'     1
  eee on Wartime Reeeeemem.     : ’     1 1
1 110 110111 01 1110111011 01 1110 11111-   11‘     11
11  101111e* 01 1<01111101*1100001110<1 111111 the   1 1‘’‘1’1    
$ 111 C0110e0-     .;eee;e:eee:eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ; 1 1
1 1110011v 111111111g 111111 111611 p1·00i—     1
 1 dents up to now, takes A forward   ‘1‘’‘‘‘`   ‘’*’‘ 1   1 -   " 1 ‘
_ step iu electing Miss Blanding as   `‘‘1‘ 1   *‘’` `
1 D1‘€·Sident 0f this great institution       P_ t d h _
. _ · . _ i n
 A °1 1111 1*‘’1 1 1‘" 11*11 2£i%e€S$}§u3’§E§éé’§%E.¥hE§F..‘3§W§‘3’£ $L‘3‘;‘E.‘§ G.‘¥si2.§i’ding,°{,ic;i- I
`L€XmgtOH‘H€1`ald· dent-elect of Vassar College, and her 89-year-old mother, MTS- Wil- .
I   110**1 ”· “‘”“‘““1· M11 “'1“‘“"g’ §§‘”hSf“lEr2{ ‘$2eP‘K.§‘§}é 2;:::12;
M010 to Come §‘§,2§*`§§ Ezbligéngs li§°§IZ°l]$I?§¤IIi»Eiesiae¤t of Yasser. she returned M; . "“ ’
A  Mme Blzmdiug communes to be Lcxingivn 1v{]¤c>;c1ghgSf0ig§:]1§;1xggsjhgiilijgcaggggnft 1111 U1“"°’$‘ Y ° .
thc $11l1j€€t of iiiteresting news  
and the August Alumnus will ])0n’t Forgot the for the Eiidownient 1·l'l`2llIl ST<)l‘le¥S g_
1 aud additional academic llO1101‘S Alumni are urged to think of the to flue Alumnus eelitor and .1; W I;-
“`l‘1"l1 have been coiifeyyed upuu muuy important things they can l1llliIN{l'·l`ll€ edifrwr lll touch ivlt ul
her 111 1`€€O{?{lllti0ll Of hel- accom]- do for fhp U])l\V€TSlt.)" for Tll€ ll- lll·T(’l'(’Sl1ll{l` (lillfl Hlltl 0]1D0ll1lll'1- ·r‘ I
pH“l1m1111tS. l)l'21]'}', for the S(‘ll()l&ll`Slll]l Funds, ities u u
I V '.F‘

 Th K k   Miss Blanding’s home town her mother. One’s mother has a A
C CIHUC Y UITIHUS . ... .. _ —  
went 111 for general rejoicing and way of gllldlllg a11d that was one ~
i a11v and ever rone was ask111¤‘· of Mrs. BlE).llCl11l"",S wa s. She wa  U
l ornciai organ or the Ainmni Assccia- ,, ~ , I ***,1 _ cj y S Hll
\ tion of the University of Kentucky pub- Aren t you p1·oud of Sarah? a South Ca1·ol1111a11 a11d she has a
lished quarterly on the campus of the . , , U -
University. at Lexington. Subscription Of course we are proud a11d happy classical 111111d and a heart attuned H6
to non-members, $1. Membership (Type , . b·H ;
3) ir; tn; Association includes subscrip- too because tl1e whole world knows to choicest 111us1c and she passed _ 1 S-
` I OH 0 I 8 AUUIDUS. . . . , ’
  what we k11ew all tl1e time, that that idealism alo11g to Sarah, dal. -
Entered as Second Class Matter at the e'. » y - · -· - ` ` Willis
PDS, Office at Lexington, Ky, V May 22, Sai ah pla) ed the game a11d xx on 011 Sar ah at thelsame time was taking W
1929, under the act of March 3, 1879. hor own Alina h[ate1·’s Campus life 111 its St1`1tlG. Sllté plilyéd lVll€Il te.322
- ' · - ‘ · ` Duri11
,. Margumte McLaughlin "__w___M__,Ed,,0, and that she Cftll do it anyu he1e. , it was time to play and worked l
· G. Lee McCIain..- ....e,...,t.».e Manager Editor `V1`1t€1`S have told how the prcsi- wl1e11 that was the requirement PFOPY1
Helen Kmg ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘i‘‘‘‘‘i‘‘‘‘ Aseeemte Edleer dent—elect of Vassar was born on and always sl1e was building with-   IHC]
OEEICEES OE THE ALUMNI a farm i11 the Bluegrass country in herself quality and stamina tl1at gi ,,,1),,,.0-
Assocnvrrox . . . .  »
. . - Hlltl was reared 111 an at111os Jhere has reached a near culmination ji . . ·
H. C. Robinson   r.1.1............. . .1.. President .  \\il5 if
Bernie Sbirelr er<-e—-—eee—r»——ee»- Viee-Presidem that makes its celebrated women a11d 111e11 21,1l(l \VO111€ll whose opin-   which
Marguerite McLaughlin . .... . .. . . . , . . H Q,
........._.................. _ ..... Executive Secretary Cllilfllllllg \V].tll gl`21C€ El.ll(l CllEl.l'H.C- lOl1'S ELIC p1‘1C€l€SS ll3.V€ Stlld \V€ jg the St;
Helen Kmg `*i‘ ‘ iii‘*‘‘*i**‘‘·**‘‘**i**‘‘··* Treasurer ter understandin ¤ _   at the
. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Miss Blandmg has all of these a11d dent of Vassar, we looked for the  V D
- Lulie Logan Grover Creech _ · · _ ) zz  ‘ I`-
G_ Lee Mcclam MrS_E_D_ Shmnick she has faith in l1e1 fellows and best. ._ the lm
John A. \Vhitaker Mrs. T. R. Underwood Gspetilally 111 the yOlltll of tllé léllld .4-*-.;-;;;-  ` 1 1
; G. Davis Buckner Chauucy Forgey _ . · _ _ _· - - - I _  g Ely (ll
I L. K. rmnkei Dr. oeorge 1-1. watson and III IIIeII PO*hIbIIIIIeS· Miss Nisbet Awarded  , be Sp
T- H- Cutler T- Jere Beam .. National Fellowship   .
E. C. nn,. E. E. H..a,..... The reenter? here me ef _ _ _ _ _ , renin
Joe Asher H. D. Palmore Sa;-gh’5 (leterm111at1o11 to study llilss LOHISG N1Sl)€iJ, U111V€I‘S1il’  L men E
WmIe"I W· BIe“I°“ ‘ f K tuck r · aduat 11ow work- i? 
LL GOV. Kenneth Tugg,6 and to reach certain goals and Q GU 5 SI` C ,   for o
Norman Chrisman, Jr. they referred to the liidependence ing Oll her dOCl3OI‘-Of-pl11lOSOpl1)’   be Op,
‘ _ _ —‘—’ · ` " or olumbia U1llV€YSll-l' ze
VOL XVI, MAY, ,,,,6 NO, 2 of l1e1 attitude, to l1er crooked degree at C . _, _,.. the bo
  Smile," boi- lian·-do and her re- has been awarded the $1,000 an- .. In
W f   Y assuring 1I12L1111€1‘ a11d tl1en they lllldl 11atio11al fellowship award of   capita.
Oman 0 8 car went i11to elaborate expressions in the Delta Delta Delta sorority, Q has il,
. Sarah Gibson Blondiug of Lex- regard to l1er intellectuality and Mrs. J. H. Cowgill, chairman of   $6000
` _ _ , . - l _ I
` ington, who is Vassai·’s olioioo for ability. She deserves every line the Lexington Alliance chaptei,   3,,1,6,,
its nextprositlent, will who up hm- of it. \Ve knew all those things announced. i market
new duties July 1, A sizable scrap- about our distinguished colleague Miss Nisbet is the daughter of  , 000 pl
l book could be made of clippings when she was assistant and later Mrs. Helen Lafferty Nisbet, 324 budge,
  of news stories a11d feature stories Dean of YVOHIBD 011 the Campus H3.1ll1)tO11 court, a11d the g1‘aii:;ilaszttwgellg eads Colorado Bureau  
ninoi   S 000 provided in the 1944-46 slate MountdSi¤;ai 1;0i1:tal€]Qhicagi0. _HonrYfB- Moorlii f°l`m<§l‘lY PISSO-  
,Sb00, 3. budget for buildings at State iH_ (1; Igzztggkeg, ovhime hergwzirgcg ciate pro essoi of economics at the h .  
IG gI.a,,d, y Stitutiousl his A. B. in ,940 and.his ma? University of Kentucky, has been y n
L,,f£0i-tv  . ter’s degree in bacferlolvgy in appointed director of the Bureau ·
’ `i U .   14 D.St`f th1t18 . . ‘
Laffertli Sin nie]; fhg 19*6 do State bndgor ngogihs rhas egécnorintoimig at of Business Research at the Uni-
lty, Whew _· Hi11§1m)QI;l1te g0verni;1rtlflifigsclay, ;];€a]UnIig;-;gs‘%§?;esHl\éIa§;n; 1;:; versity of Colorado. 0,.
‘ 1 v *0. · · . i . . . ’
1€]_OI· allll ` for Ea I Y " “ tls (1 O BC uucs of     Stein,   South   ;\[0Ol€ “€Ilt to COlO12lLlO last   `
- i·, or Foro ds rollo“'S¤ B1‘0¤dW¤Y- , e Jtemher as associa. dire · ” ,
IWISS B15 I I fe ClZO1 of  
8,,,, Den, - Division of colleges, $1,530,000; the bureau, in charge of wholesale   l
ld Of M0,. C<>llege of Agi·ioultiu·o and Home _ market studies. Before going 1  
Beta ,,,,,1 E<‘011<>111ics. $50,000, s,,,,,,,,o,· Malor Tudor Prornotod there he was director of research ‘.`
. O,.g,,,,ii0· ‘ ddlonli $11,000; repairs to build- Major William L. Tudor of fer Bihlilff l\l1'lVi¤3'S iii Dallas,  
Bsident ol  mgd llddoooi lllJ1`i11'Y equipment, Lexington, who was graduated Texas, and director of regional of- . _
mh Bofofé $11*UOl €‘llQ`lH€€I`l11g equipment, from the University in 1940, has f1CGS f01' The Bllreilll of L2llJ01‘ { 9- .,
, taught ai $22i0OO§ S@l€11llflc lab 0 r a 1; 0 ry been advanced to the rank of Sl21llSl1€S. · Q,  
,0, at Fair- j dllllliiiieiit. $40,000, home ooo- Lio,,0on,,nl. Colonel at Command A graduate of the University of Q  
mt 5,,,,001, _ Homm equipment, $11,000, 1-o- and Gonorul Staff school, Ft. Kentucky, Mr. Moore also studied .    
She ,01 Smoll iii coal, $8,250, Expoyi- Lo;,,ion,,·oi-tli_ Kansas, Ile is now at the Harvard School of Business · lh  
may high  gldll Sliilioii, $55,000; Pi·inoolo,, OH loyininal leave after five years Administration and the Yale __[_ j,
’ iil>—Exp0i·im0n0 s0~,0i00 ,,17 ooo of service ¥"`*"l"°‘l" “°l‘°ol I
0 ( ! • _ , ; , 0 l ° 1
X ; 1 »
`.. 0
fin? ,THl lTUcKY ALUMNUS 5 ' 21 él
 0 I I `

 r Louisville Alumni .   , o o o Student Enrollment En,
, Meet President _; »e _     l y H1gh€St In 5 Years In I-3
\ _~__ Q , " _` A total number of 4,297 students
l   Coaches       -   _ it —V,,o  ji ‘,»  io  " ` e are enrolled in the University for Tlk
. More than 100 University of       _»_· » ° i ;Q ;  ’»`   ii - O the Spring quarter and this iu. bend
Kentucky alumni met for a buffet O ii·_   . ,  g  » —-  _ · · cludes represenatives from the APi`il
supper at the Kentucky Hotel, _'   -   i  _ Republic of Panama, Argentine, ly ii`0
in Louisville on April 4, and heard A __ A To y,`= {V    L       Costa Rica, Cuba, Hawaii and the 8*
.i talks by President H. L. Donovan,   ii J `L it   »`l,        i i MoXi00, Puerto Rica and Canada. - iiig oi
P Coach Paul Bryant and Coach Q —¢,tip g         ``».` . i VVest Virginia has the largest out Vhisit,
Adolph Rupp. Grover Creech,  no  `'`  · _   '   i` side l`€l)1`€S€1ltELtlOl1, with Ohio D,-_
member of the Board of Trustees  on   . second and New York third. One  i dent,
l and president of alumni in the     _ hundred and nineteen counties of i ed oi
Louisville area, presided. Others     - Kentucky have students on the leg-isi;
on the program were Guy Hugue-   i Campus. recom
l let of Lexington and Tom Ballen- Fayette county leads the list of for e
A ` tine and Robert Hobson of Louis- MAJOR (YROARK State €Olllltl€S with 999 students; Similn
ville, all members of the newly Jefferson is second with 242 and cultui
A formed Athletic Association (ygoark Honored then come Franklin with 97; Boyd
l President Donovan told the as- FORT HAXTES Columbus Ohio With 78;B0¤1‘b0H with 77; K€11T011 iiiii
sembly that everything is set for _Ma1,oh 22_Fo1,iSuporior ooniovo with 7i; Fl0§f€l With 65; HH1‘lH11 pn,
tim Siiiiiii Of Week im thi? Uiiiviiiu ment i11 the supervision of installa- with 61; Daviess with 57; Piiiiiii tiV€ 0*
Siiyis iiiiw i2>0O0 iiiiiiiiciiy iioi°i' tion of communications equipment with 57; Pulaski with iii; Jessi E ment
house and unt the building ot Portage o,.(,,,o,,oo Bn,og,,,SS mine with 52; Clerk with 51 all { sale
ewekee the Okek ef tke Feeeeei oi-nm an ea,,mb,,S one Pike Wkk ek eil eekee eeeeee   ~e·st
HOllSl11g` AClH1l1llSi,l'3»tl0ll, hvhich   Deloots, Aiajol- :Du1aiH€y     bG]`O“r the   lnaiiki   iii nie
stopped construction on such O,Roo1_k` M Ralph Place MO1_1_iS_ From beyond the bounds of the Enom
buildings. Dr. Donovan predicted town, Now Jorooyy hos boon COI1l1H011WGal.tl1 there were 92 i1‘0Hl tho S,
: ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiioiio iiiiiiiii iii iiiiiiiiiiiis awarded the Army Commendation Vvest Vuigmlih F7 fmiii Ohm and p foot 0
· and oeducation generally and Ribbon The prosoumtiou was 58 from New hO1‘l{.SlX students . The
i“`°““*“i om the ok“’ei‘Si‘eY mae bv ooienei nel-mi G. Beck iii i'€oiSi€i`“i ii`°iii iiiiii`i° iiiii in-ea,
soon will take its place in athletics in o ooromom, hold Yooontly at mid two oooh from Poiiiiiiiiii iiiiii Si,. .
i with the most powerful schools Hoodouo1_t€1_S'Fifth Service COm_ Canada. The other foreign b0F11 _ oolnpi
` in the Southeastern conference. mood Fort Hoyoo Ohio SlDllCl€lllS represent i11¤tii’
. ood Possibly throo major boskoo of civilian experience in his field. GrI•Ol111(1\VaS bnokon by Di-_ H, L. hall at
i bal] o.nnN,S in tho Armory in LouiS_ At pI`GS€11it tile )lHjO1'   S@l`VlHg Donovan, president of the iilll‘ $430,0
Ville`, 11€Xt Season, and Mr, Bryant as Exoolltivo Oitiooh mid Chief of sity of Kentucky, in exe1‘CiS€$ lllllate
n,·onnSo,] 2, yyiuning footbon mom Communications Branch, Signal Anon 25, for tho non, moms resi- P the B
, within "a reasonable ti1ne." Oftiee, Fiiiiii Siiiiiiico Coiiiiiiiiiiih dence hall which will be coli i‘olli$\
 K `_‘ M€lj01‘ CiR0ark is a native of structed on Wasliingtoii aVei11l€ it _ io? 212
Ralph C°0P€1‘ ih Manila New Jersey and has bee11 on duty Et eeet ef iliiilosooo ` mit ii
Tit Rtllllll lll. CO0p€l‘ of Lexiiig- in Camp Lafayette, Indo Blue Officials of tll€ Hahgotii Coui » iiiiii i
ton. a former student of the Uni- Grass Ordnance Depot, Richmond, Sthhotioh Compoiw Wiiiiiii his thi · otht
versity is serving as adjutant of Ky., and Columbus General Hes- eentreet fee tho iiiiw iioimiiiiii P iii St
the   G¢‘ll9l`21l I`IOSpli'2`ll_ Op(;‘l‘-   I‘IQ is {lu {],Ql',l\’Q ]]]€]]]b€]_' Qf Si]8.li€d   Xliolik OD- tho proigii i Loxlllg
Fltllltf lll ill? Mflllila area. the Alumni Association would be started e3.1'lY hoxt Wiiiiii L0uisv
i   -

• • ;;:;:;;;:;:;:5:;;;:% ·v·· -:;:;:;;:;;:2;;:;;:;;;,;;,;,;;;;;,;,;,.;.;V,.,.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.,,;,;.;.;.;.;.;. in Memorial   OD. thc] af B ei
ont Experiment Unit   ; ;   of Meroh 31. i mm E
its In Engineering   iii     ssss is ss eeee sets ses    
students .   J v-“i   °°mi°°S€r and has done much te i i
useity tor iis Usissssiiy bf Kentucky   ‘‘.‘   ‘-Vi>`:   psssississ the Amssicee beiied· ii
this in. been ei ssssisss wss ssissi   ;,4,   in mubbdbr Sine be presented ` 
i-Oni in Aebii i te sii ssifis iorooo ss““si‘   e delightful program or American
rgentino, ` is i""“‘ of ‘i‘““°” of °°ii"g?S fd   isik sbnes and beiieds and the
ron ono iis "si"‘biiSh“"”ii Oi sm s“g‘“"’€f`   e¤die¤<>e» made up 0f ntony por- i
. Canada. r ine sspsiiiiioiii sisiiion et the UI"`  Y sbuai friends ettd fermer eeeooiotes, S
ggest Oui. V‘—n`SiiY·   si‘A': {  iii iifii  A’‘_A was one of the largest and n1ost ap-  
ith Ohio Dr. H. L. Donovan, U. K. presi-     .:__     _`;*   ~:oA   ·___ 0 Pfeciative of the season. The Sun-  
siI·d_ gm ` dent, iii making the request, point- ‘ir¥`;;-=£.§;s;. _`_,   day afternoon musicales have come i_
»unties of ed out that the 1946 Kentucky   ‘:''‘ iii, ’.“_ iixiiiii-iii; rr-  . to fill en nnpcrient pieee in the  
S ou tin r iteitietme failed se ePt>b¤Pnete e   ry-   ‘:.s   ”.tr.e;   Pssessm si site University eee iber i‘
i-ooonnnoouoo $50.000 ennueiiy    s.s¥j`;éj=é%ji§c3; §z  are ee-ieyed by the tevesfeik as $7
Jie nst of . for establishment er e station   .,,;,;.2j;;j§§?fQgQ._f;-{ .r’s   Wen- M1`- Seeit Wes roony given i S-
students; snniinr t0 the seh0o1’s Agri-     sis °"sii°¤ in isis isms *°“’¤·  
L 242 and oiiiiiiioi iiniiniiiioiii Siiiiion _   -i-‘   _-`.   At a reception in the music room J  
  Rismoii PROJECT OKAYED     Eiithgoggiin igiiiidgligsiigiiigiigggi i  
ii Hetieu Din-ing the nieeting the exeeu-     i is-’r`   .i“s~   friends ned, another opportunity i  
57; Pen`5 ` tive connniiiee 3PP1`eVeci en agree- TOM SCOTT to express their appreciation. Mrs. I  
  Jessdi i melit b€‘[\\`G€l1 the Steel FO[lIld€rS7   Pride Xvas hostess for the recep. i  
in 51 and Society of America a11d the U11i- T0111 Scott Presented tieii and she was assisted by her   ici.
F cenniies versity fo1· two research projects In concert by Phi Beta daughter, Mrs. Tom Scott who was   1 '
in iu ineiiiiiin`Q}' in the Ceiiege cf Tom Scott, former Lexingtonian before her marriage, Miss Joy i  
ids oidii iiii£'inee1`ni§s’i T0 be finnneed by and former Sl]llCi€11t of tl1e Univer- Pride, of Lexington, artist, and '·i
ve 92i1‘0m the Steel F`Ollll(i€I'Si Society at a sity, was presented i11 a song re- graduate of the University in 1928 Z
Obie ood test ef $6,000. cital by Phi Beta, national wom- and received l1er master’s degree I .
{ Siiiiiiiiiii The Committee MSO approved an 811 ’s music a11d drama fraternity, in 1933. U  
    ng1‘ec111e11t between the U11iver-    
eiguibcru . diy iinoi iiio Ldxmgtdu Wdteli Boyce, Louisville; J. D. Van of tl1e University were victims of .
dividually Compmiy for the laying _Of d Hooser, Lexington; J. J. B. Hil- L€Xl11gJCO117S housing shortage. K  
eddy mini Stafdi11f1fiii1·rii1C1iOSS the Experiment iiiiiid and SoiiS> Lonisviiioi Edwin The survey, made of 730 faculty ‘
I ` G. Taylor and Company, Cincin- _ Y Dr- Donovan  
__? ‘ Tilt? SLlCCGSSflll bid 011 3. CO11i}1`&CT. I _j and FOX, Reuse]; and Coin- mdnlbalsi d_i1O“€Ci’. _ . . `i
for bonds to Cover the Cost Of Lgfly Cincinnati. said, that 2.1 families §V€1€ 111 1m- { _
erecting tl1e new 1I1€117S residence i . . . mediate med Of hOuSmg’ 34 had    
. . The UniVei`Sii*Y r‘€o"oi`inng beard undesirable accommodations a11d . . ‘.
,7 Di-, H. L. hall at the University at a cost of _ 1, t. I f _ bids for the bonds _ _ _ ., ’ , "°""  
the Uni- $430,000 was awarded to a syn- duerilsec 01 _. about dd Weld Pi°sPs°ii"’ new ti
exercises dicate of eight firms headed by under th€GauthO{1K Of SI1 dc; .0; inoiiiboiis expected tb be added td  
‘ . i 1 ra ssem r w11c . · .· ,, -_ i .
11en’s resi- the Bankers Bond Company of ggiegdgiie ilgtutiou auth?)1_ity to the Stdft dd1m° tim Summdl I _ .
1 bg 0011- L0u1sv1lle. The co11tract called l_ for buildinm COuSU_uC_ A school com1111ttee making the ! an
giveinicat for a net interest cost of 1.96 per SSH sssiss _ _ El t V survey reported that "the emer- I e- A
0 __ cent with maturities from 1949 to UOH’lmdOn;€b§1§m gen d S O pa" gency S€1‘lOl1Sly affects the effi- w Q
pgett Cou- 1976 inclusive. Off tw mw 6 Hes" ciency of a large percentage of s,  
ch has tilt p Qther groups i11 the syndicate I·IoUs1NG S1-ioivmcn Norm) the University staff," and- that | ii- ·
d0rmit0F>'» are Security and Bond Company, Dr. DOIIOVEH reported that a iilnany Positions ni? ono Uniiiord iii ,
no pmidi r iioiingicn; Almstedt Brothers, Sn1“Ve}’ ned noon made which ity can HOF bi filled imifiss ddd- if  
next Weiii Louisville; Stein Brothers and sl1owed that 100 faculty families dneie ncneing IS Secni`od· I , it
W i   7 I 21 gi
1  ns
r I

Z-Z·Z·I·i-24-1-1-1-C·.'--Z·Z·t          ____   -    ,__ _;_ _ __   _ I Q    
  . ,,._ _»_”,   _.,.;- j -=——’ ?    if  ··t»;   . , M21]01' Galthef ¥ For
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1;:.1;¤11;..€e€;=¤%;.;€1Z=Z¢ *=i;€ MYS· Sam C- ` hi.] .l
  =`‘       z       ‘``=   .:1%;. Geitlw, and claugluers, Sara and DW
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