xt7jsx647q3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647q3h/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1987-02 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, February 1987, volume 10 number 1 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, February 1987, volume 10 number 1 1987 1987-02 2020 true xt7jsx647q3h section xt7jsx647q3h  









Results of the CKJF board election,
conducted in December by a mail ballot,
were announced by Nominating Committee
Chair Simone Salomon.

Elected to fill the five vacancies on
the board were Philip Berger, Janice
Brock, Harriet Cooper, Evelyn Seller, and
Cheri Rose.

Reappointed to the board for three—year
terms were David Kaplan, representing
Temple Adath Israel, and Anne Mervis,
representing Dhavay Zion Synagogue.
Appointed to a three—year term represent-
ing the Lexington Havurah was Roy Peck.

Dr. Philip Berger is a past president
of Uhavay Zion Synagogue, has been active
in CKJF activities such as the Forum
Selection sub-committee and Community
Relations Committee, and is a Men’s
Division solicitor for Campaign ’87. Phil
is professor of Public Administration and
Management at U.K.

Janice Brock presently serves on CKJF’s
Camp Shalom Committee and the women’s
Division board, co-chairing the Benefac—
tors event. She is a member of Dhavay
Zion Synagogue and its Sisterhood,
Hadassah and CKJF Interact. She and her
husband own the New Way Boot Shop.

Harriet Cooper, a past CKJF board
member, has in the past chaired the CKJF
Forum Selection Committee and Women’s
Division Campaign, and co-chaired Super
Sunday for two years. Harriet is an
active member of Dhavav Zion Synagogue,
its Sisterhood and Hadassah.


CKJF President Gail Cohen

Evelyn Geller currently chairs the CKJF
Social Services Committee and is a member
of the CKJF Budget and Allocations Commit-
tee. In the past she chaired the latter
committee and the Scholarships
sub—committee. Ms. Seller is a member of
Dhavay Zion Synagogue and the Lexington
Havurah and has served on the boards of
both. She is on the faculty of the UK
College of Nursing.

Cheri Rose is currently serving as
vice-chair of the CKJF-UJA Women’s Divi—
sion. She is a member of Temple Adath
Israel, the Sisterhood board, and the
Lexington Chapter of Hadassah. She serves
on the CKJF Camp Shalom Committee and is a
member of CKJF Interact.

Board ................ continued on page 2


 ’87 BOARD, continued

Roy Peck has been active in the Central
Kentucky Jewish community since his
arrival here from Austin, Texas one year
ago. In Austin, ROy was on the board of
Augudas Achaim Synagogue. He presently
serves on the Lexington Havurah board and
the Chevra Kadisha Committee at Ohavay
Zion Synagogue. Mr. Peck is employed at

Officers of the CKJF board, having been
presented by the Nominating Committee,
were elected to two year terms at the Jan.
28 CKJF board meeting.

Elected as CKJF President was Gail
Cohen, First Vice President Bob Baumann,
Second Vice President Simone Salomon,
Secretary Cheri Rose, and Treasurer Janice
Brock. Ellie Goldman and Joe Rosenberg
were elected to at-large positions on the
Executive Committee.

Mrs. Cohen is a past-president of the
Jewish Community Association (the prede-
cessor of CKJF); a former chair of the
Camp Shalom Committee, and CKJF Women’s
Division Campaign Chair in 1988 and 1983.
She currently chairs the Community Rela-
tions Committee sub-committee on Dppressed
Jewry and the 1986 & 1987 CKJF-UJA
Campaign Committee.

A past president of the Lexington
Chapter of Hadassah and the Central States
Region of Hadassah, Gail currently chairs
the Central States Hadassah Zionist Youth
Commission and is a member of the National
Board of Hadassah. A Lexington resident
for 18 years, Mrs. Cohen is a member of
Dhavay Zion Synagogue and the Lexington

CKJF recently announced that the terms
of four of its members have come to a
close, and we take this opportunity to
express our appreciation to the following
board members.

Sheila DeKosky has been on the board
for five years and for the last two was
First Vice—President. A winner of the
1984 CKJF Young Leadership Award, she has
been active in the Community Relations
Committee and the women’s Division Cam‘
paign board, and was one of two original
co-chairs of the CKJF Young Leadership
Program, Interact. In addition, she

chaired the 1985 CKJF Annual Meeting.
Marilyn Moosnick has been on the board

for six years. She has been on the

women’s Division Campaign board, has




co—chaired the Community Relations Commit-
tee, and in 198A chaired the CKJF Annual
Meeting. With experience in television,
she was instrumental in the production of
the CKJF’s award winning video “And I Was

Leon Ravvin has served in an at—large
position on the CKJF Executive Committee

for the past two years. Dr. Ravvin was
one of the original participants in CKJF’s
Mission to washington, D.C., and he

recently co~chaired the Shalom Lexington

Our final farewell goes to Terry Wilson
who has served on the board as the Lexing—
ton Havurah representative for the past
five and a half years. Terry served as
board secretary for the past two years and
on the Nominating Committee.

”Sheila, Marilyn, Leon and Terry, said
President Gloria Katz, ”were elected or
appointed to the board because of their
willingness to focus their intellect on
Jewish concerns and exert time and energy
promoting these concerns. I know even
though they are no longer on the CKJF
board, each will continue as a leader in
the Jewish community; their dedication is
beyond doubt.

A complete list of the 1987 CKJF board
and the date of their individual terms
appears on page 16.

Former President Gloria Katz

Bids Farewell

My deepest thanks to the officers and
board of CKJF for giving me the opportuni—
ty to serve as CKJF president these past
two years.

I’m grateful to you for your support
and cooperation.

My thanks also to the many members of
CKJF who so willingly gave of their time
and talents to serve on our committees,
work on our projects and events and
participate in CKJF activities.

Finally, a word of thanks to our
professional staff: former administrator
Judy Sake, present administrator Linda

Ravvin, and office manager Beth
Altenkirch. It was your wise counsel,
hard work and dedication that made it all

Thanks and Shalom,





Hg; MARCH 8 1987 8 PM. at Bugat Us
:tee In the thick of winter, Women’s Divi-
was sion is planning to welcome spring in fine “
lF’s style with the 1987 Campaign Benefectors
he event.
yton On Sunday evening, March 8, ”Benefac-
tors” to the 1987 Federation - United
,son Jewish Appeal Campaign will spend an hour
["9‘ bringing back a lifetime of memories.
’BSt Maxine Kronick, a talented, creative,
as and award-winning performer, will present
and ”From Shtetl With Love", an eyewitness
slide presentation on modern day Eastern
said European Jewry.
or Ms. Kronick is no stranger to the
lElF communications arts; she has done exten—
on sive work in summer stock as well as
Prgy dinner theatre. She has also done radio
aven and television commercials. The only
IKJF woman ever to receive the B’nai B’rith
in Humanitarian of the Year Award, Ms.
iS Kronick’s work has also received numerous
accolades from the UJA, Hadassah and the
lard She has lectured extensively on the
arms Holocaust to high school and junior high
school students, and had written and
produced her own radio program for two
years entitled ”Maxine and the Jewish
In ”From Shetetl with Love”, Ms.
Kronick is able to give us a rare insight
and to the hopes, dreams, and lives of our
‘nl— Eastern European brethren.
JBSt The presentation takes us through
Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugosla-
3Ort via, Rumania, and Poland and brings to
life the synagogues, schools, cemeteries
_Of and museums that many of us left behind.
t‘me ‘ All of this will take place Sunday,
995’ March 8 at 8 p.m. at Bugatti’s on Euclid

and 3 A . w 1d ' ' ' f $150 A By t

1 £933: 1993'"§EJ§_5J213333321232 (invited n 3W1 11355
our 5 to take part in this exciting evening
“50" along with their escorts. , Slide Presentation

inda women who have not yet pledged to this

39th : year’s campaign will be solicited at this onM Madern Day

591’ time.

all The evening will include a dessert and Eastern European I

coffee reception. This year s Benefactors

i Event is co—chaired by Janice Brock, Kim
; Rosenstein and Nancy Scher. Jew: y.






























APRIL 5,1987
...When Your Phone Line Becomes o Lifeline

Super Sunday is a very special day. All over the
nation on that day, people will make thousands of
telephone calls in an attempt to reach every house-
hold in the American Jewish community.

On Super Sunday, you will receive a call from one of

your neighbors asking you to help Jews in need at
home, in Israel and around the world.

When your telephone rings, answer the call. Your
support is essential to the quality of Jewish life in the
years ahead.

Volunteers are needed in many capacities. Please indicate your willingness
to help by clipping and mailing this form to Vinnie Dubilier, 665 Bayswater Nay,

Lexington, KY 40503.

Yes, I will be available to help on Super Sunday, April 5, 1987.

I can be reached at: ________________

________________ (Phone)










Reform Leadership
Urges Support of
MIA—Federation Campaigns

The following letter, in support of the
United Jewish Appeal/Federation campaign,
was sent to all Reform congregational
rabbis in December. It is signed by the
presidents of the five Reform movement
organizations: Norld Union for Progres-
sive Judaism, Hebrew Union College,
Association of Reform Zionists of America,
Union of American Hebrew Congregations,
and Central Conference of American Rabbis.

Dear Rabbi,

For the past several years the Reform
Movement has been seeking grants from The
Jewish Agency and the United Jewish Appeal
for Reform programs in Israel. These
efforts, widely reported, have raised
questions conerning the cooperation of our
Movement with the UJA which we wish to

We reiterate our support of the philan—
thropic efforts of our local Federations
and national UJA. we urge all members of
our Movement to continue their efforts on
behalf of Federation campaigns. This
support is of great importance to Israel
and to our local community and national

He seek not the diminution of funds
available for Israel, only a more equita—
ble distribution among the institutions
there. Therefore, we will pursue our
determined guest to gain a favorable
response to our grant proposals.

The leaders of the UJA and of our
Movement have been in continuing communi—
cation with one another regarding this
matter. Ne are working in a mutually
supportive way, and it is our hope and
expectation that we will have specific,
positive developments to report within the
next several months.

C’L‘UF Budget 3. Allocation
Process to Begin

CKJF’s Budget and Allocations Committee
will meet this month to discuss which
charities, outside the United Jewish
Appeal, should receive money from the

The committee welcomes suggestions for
funding, both for Jewish and non-Jewish
charities. The deadline for submitting
them is Feb. 15, and they should be sent
to the CKJF office.

CKJF sends 70 percent of the money it
raises through the General Campaign to the
Qlfl; Money contributed to designated
funds such as Project Renewal is used only
for that purpose.

Administrative expenses are taken from
the remaining 30 percent.

The balance at the end of the fiscal
year is then combined with other federa—
tion income, such as interest on invest-
ments, and is distributed to other chari—

Funding recommendations of the Budget
and Allocations Committee must be approved
by the CKJF board. After this year’s
recipients are designated, a list will be
published in the CKJF newsletter.

Chairing this year’s B & A Committee
are Charles Stern and Ron Fleischman.
Serving with them are Harold Baker, Martin
Barr, Gail Cohen, Evelyn Geller, Ellie
Goldman, Erle Levy, Tomas Milch, and David

In 1986 over $16,000 was distributed to
charities in the United States and abroad,
aiding medical and welfare programs as
well as educational institutions and youth
activities. It included almost $3000 in
support of programs in Central Kentucky.



333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, Kentucky 90504 (606)858-7628

Elissa Golin, Editor
Beth Altenkirch, Office Manager

Gloria T. Katz, President
Linda Ravvin, M.L.S., Administrator

Member of the Council of Jewish Federations




Begin now to plan for your next trip to
Israel —- and let your CKJF point you in
the right direction. Administrator Linda
Ravvin receives a regular influx of
promotional brochures, letters and book-
lets on missions and tours to Israel and
is more than willing to share these.

Tourism is a major industry for Israel,
one which needs your patronage. Last year
1.4 million tourists spent $1.3 billion, a
sum larger than that derived from exports.

Safety in travel to Israel is no more a
problem than in travel anywhere. In fact,
in security—conscious Israel, the air-
line/airport personnel, police and border
patrol work in concert to thwart terror*
ism, a joint effort most countries can
afford to emulate. Many security measures
are visible (for example, purses and bags
are frequently checked in holy sites,
stores and theatres), and many are secret
and strategic. After one overcomes the
initial distaste of seeing armed guards
and soldiers everywhere, one begins to
feel secure because of this diligence in
security matters.

Most tours include visits to archaeo-
logical sites, religious sites, museums,
kibbutzim, and major cities. United
Jewish Appeal Missions go a few steps
beyond. They offer meetings with politi—
cal leaders, military leaders and 501-
diers. They take you to Project Renewal
neighborhoods and they give you a look at
immigration and absorption. The UJA’s
purpose in sponsoring missions is to
strengthen the ranks of annual Campaign
supporters and solicitors by building
emotional and intellectual ties that will
last a lifetime.

The following are a sample of UJA
sponsored trips. This year’s trips are
coming up shortly and applications are
either due immediately or are past due.
Call Linda Ravvin at the CKJF office, and
she will make the contacts to get you
included on one of these. Similar trips
are offered from year to year, and it’s
not too early to inquire about later

Gesher Mission, Mar. 1-10, 1987 (applica~
tion due Jan. 30)

The well-rounded itinerary of the
Gesher (Bridge) Mission includes visits to
the coastal cities of Tel Aviv, Caesaria,


Acco and Haifa as well as Jerusalem and
the Galilee. Meet a cross section of the
people of Israel in excursions to a
kibbutz, an army base, Lexing—
ton/Louisville’s Project Renewal neighbor-
hood and a Jewish Agency Absorption

with a campaign contribution of $500 or
more, the UJA and CKJF offer a substantial
subsidy to one participant per family.
The cost is $1500 per person (from New
York) and the CKJF and UJA will each
subsidize $500. At least five people from
the community must sign up.

Am Echad Mission -- Younq Leadership
Cabinet, Mar. 25-April 5, 1987

One of the most unique missions, the Am
Echad Mission has an agenda that includes
a pre—mission experience in one of several
European diaspora communities. Partici—
pants spend three full days in their
choice of Amsterdam, London, Milan, Paris,
Stockholm or Zurich. Each jam-packed
itinerary includes meetings with our
European counterparts and with political
leaders, home hospitality, and visits to
synagogues and other centers of the Jewish

Each sub-group then joins in Israel for
an itinerary based not on sight-seeing but
on exploring a variety of current politi~
cal, economic and military issues.
Discussions will be led by the leaders of
Israel as well as by professionals in law,
medicine, finance, industry and agricul—
ture. You will learn about Northern
security with a visit to the Golan; you
will discuss the future of the Negev at
developments in the Negev; and you will
learn about the history of Israel’s
statehood with tours of battlefields.

This tour is recommended for those who
have already been to Israel. You are
eligible if either you or your spouse is
under 40. The cost is $2200.

Dor Le Dor Mission, May 3-14, 1987

Called ”From Generation to Generation”,
this mission takes mothers and daughters
to Poland and Israel. This is the first
UJA National women’s Division mission and
requires a minimum campaign gift of $2500
from one family member. Minimum age is

Please contact the CKJF office for










Although winter’s worst has yet to hit,
it’s time to consider summer camps. There
is a substantial selection that offers
activities and experiences within the
Jewish heritage. We’ve named here a few
of the closest as well as a program in
Israel. Registration has begun for many
Jewish camps; don’t procrastinate because
the best camps fill up the fastest.
Contact each camp for registration forms
and more information.

Goldman Union Camp Institute —-

ZionsVille, Indiana
Sponsored by the Reform movement, this

camp is for boys and girls entering grades
A through 10. It offers hiking, sports,
dance, drama, photography, filmmaking and

Kallah Aleph and Bet Programs

dates: Aleph, June 18 - July 8

Bet, July 10 — August 5
cost: A weeks, $835; 8 weeks, $1670
(add $50 for the 4—week or $100 for the
8—week if your family is not part of a
member congregation of the Union of
American Hebrew Congregations.)

OVFTY Institute

This week-long camp serves as a leader-
ship institute for DVFTY members.
dates: August 6—18
cost: $140



Contact: Rabbi Ronald Koltz, GUCI, 9349
Moore Rood, Zionsville, IN 46077~9395,
(317) 873—3361.

In Southeastern Indiana, this camp is

sponsored by the Cincinnati Federation.
Activities and programs are geared to ages

and interests. New in—ground swimming
pool should add up to a lot of fun and
games. For youth entering 8nd grade

through high school juniors.
cost: $585 — two week session
5995 — four week session
$1470 - six week session
$1895 - eight week session

Contact: Joe Stavsky at the Jewish Commu-
nity Center in Cincinnati, (513) 761—7500.

Camp Young Judaea -- Nelsonville, Wiscon-

This Hadassah sponsored camp moves to a
new location this year and offers nature
trails, sports, water sports and arts and
crafts. It includes day trips to an
amusement park, an aircraft museum and
show, and a white water rafting expedi-
tion. It is for youths aged 8—14.
dates: June 85 - July 80 or

July 83 - August 17

cost: $995

Contact: the camp office at (318)
676—9790 in Skokie, II or Miriam Aronsky
at (614) 831—5074 in Columbus, Ohio.

Camps ............... continued on page 8


l a. 23x . C K3 F,

Tlmfikyou {30V REQIRS +he. Ken+ucky @(sk

Reign fl

Mather-‘3‘: loved C93 This fissi- yeah!

I. am lookin glut-lard *0 gains out year‘lwheh

1: S+zr+ u‘fin bi

I won‘t +o be an

educal’ I SewiSh (dd): 3‘. can'+ wall- un'm

flex-l" yuan's Cfr‘S camp .

Diane Hab tr—

 Camps, continued

1987 American Zionist Youth Foundation --
Israel Programs

The American Zionist Youth Foundation
sponsors many summer programs for high
school students. The offering includes a
38-day general tour; a 3-week kibbutz
experience; a 3-week Hebrew University
science seminar; a 3-week Ulpan course at
Hebrew University; a tennis program; a
36-day leadership program; and a seminar
for youth in the arts.

Contact: American Zionist Youth Founda-
tion, Inc., Israel Program Center, 515
Park Avenue, New York, NY 10028-9918.

Scholarships Available

CKJF’s Scholarship Committee has funds
available for young people who need
financial assistance in order to attend a
non—profit Jewish summer camp g; who are
interested in participating in an educa-
tional program in Israel.

Camperships may not exceed 50% of the
combined cost of camp tuition and trans—
portation. Family income and circumstanc-
es which impose a financial burden on the
family are taken into consideration.

Scholarships for Israel study are
limited to not more than $500. They are
awarded to young members of the Jewish
community to assist them in strengthening
their commitment to Judaism. A recipient
must plan to spend at least six months in
Central Kentucky following return from
Israel, during which time some form of
service must be given to the Jewish

All information provided on the appli—
cation is kept confidential.

For applications or further information
please contact CKJF Administrator Linda



Camperships and scholarships are
examples of services made possible through
this Federation by your support of the
annual CKJF-UJA Campaign.





A Most Unforgettable
Tu B’Shvat Celebration

During the American Army occupation of
post—war Germany in 1946, Larry Sherman
was stationed in Hochst, near
Frankfurt-am-Main. He sometimes wrote a
descriptive letter to his wife, Natalie.
The following is about a Tu B’Shvat
program which took place in a Jewish
displaced persons’ camp - it reflects the
plight of some surviving Jews in Europe
after the war.

January, 1946

”This afternoon I visited the Zeilsheim
Assembly Center, a Jewish D.P. (Displaced
Persons) community not more than two miles
from our headquarters in town. The
occasion was the celebration of Hamisha
Asar b’Shevat (the Palestinian Arbor Day).
The program was held in one of the Assem—
bly’s mess halls which was decorated with

American and Jewish flags. The holiday
had a special meaning for the children --
about 150 kids from 8 to 16 years -— most

of whom were orphaned by the Nazi Regime.
When my friend and I got there, the kids
had already started to lustily sing
Chaluzim (Palestinian) songs.

One half of the mess hall was reserved
for the kids who sat at three very long
tables forming a large ”U”. The other
table, where the guests were, was almost
past the half-way mark in the hall, so

that a stage effect was created —- good
enough to let the spectators —- who were
the older people —— View the whole pro-

The chairman was a one-time Lithuanian
lawyer whose wife and only child had been
gassed by the Germans. He explained the
meaning of the holiday and told the
children that Hamisha Asar b’Shevat
commemorated the planting of trees -- and
for them it meant the beginning of a new
life in the land of Zion. He asked
everyone to rise and stand silently in
remembrance of the 8,000,000 Jewish
childen who were slaughtered in Europe in
the concentration camps. ”Today," he
concluded, ”is Rosh Hashana (New Year) for
the Trees, and our hope is that it is a
Rosh Hashana — a new life for us - soon,
in Palestine."

Then spoke Ruth Klinger, a woman who
shares with Judge Jacob Rifkin at the U.S.

Tu B’Shvat .......... continued on page 9











Tu B’Shvat, continued

Forces European Theater Headquarters,
responsibility for all the displaced Jews
in the entire European area. She had
returned three days before from a ten-day
trip to Palestine. She told of the
feverish building and planning there for
the expected remnants from hate—filled
Europe. She said that every child in
Palestine to whom she spoke asked her to
give greetings to their friends and to
tell them, "we wait for you and have a
place for you“. Just before she sat down,
she prophesied that, ”You children will
build Eretz Israel and your children will
build Eretz Israel for generations —— and
eternity.” The applause was thunderous.

After Miss Klinger came a Dr. Hoffman,
some kind of a delegate from Palestine,
who greeted the children also and ad-
dressed them in a very simple Hebrew. He
took me back to the days when I used to go
to Cheder at Beth Tifiloh, and made me
ashamed that I had learned so little and
forgotten so much of that. Later, I was
even more ashamed when I heard 8 and 10
year—olds converse easily in Hebrew and
they had learned what they knew only since
V—E day in Jewish D.P. camps.

The program itself was conducted by the
kids. One 19 year-old girl led a chorus
in Hebrew songs; another girl of 13 years
recited a fiery poem which she had com—
posed herself, which depicted the suffer-
ings in concentration camps and expressed
hope for freedom in the land of Zion. A
18 year-old red-headed boy, who had fought
as a partisan (Polish) with the Russians,
sang a Yiddish Lied (song). Some comedy
was provided by an 8 year—old boy whose
oversized ears and missing front teeth
added to the humor of the recitation he
gave, which concerned the tale of a little
boy who stole his grandfather’s snuff box
and made himself sick with sneezing.
There was more group singing and dancing
and choral recitations. The final number
was a series of violin solos accompanied
by an accordion. The violinist was the
ex—concert master of the Riga Opera
Symphony. He played everything from
“Hatikva” to “a Viddishe Mamme” to ”Off’n

Then came the eats —w and I was happy
to see that the kids got plenty of candy


and gum. (The source of the sweets was

duo-fold -- from contributions by
Palestinian Brigadeers stationed in
Holland —- and from contributions collect-

ed by our local organization committee
which consists of boys on our staff and
miscellaneous groups in the Information
and Education Division.

I left the festivities with the feeling
that I, for one, would never know peace of
mind till those kids —— and the thousands
they represented —— got to Palestine and
began life again, and I feel the same way
about the older people. My days of
arm—chair philosophising about Zionism are
over. I’ve seen too much to be able to
stand by and let things happen. I’m
helping just a little now by collecting
sweets, clothing, and miscellaneous items
from the soldiers for the kids in the
nearby camps. God help me to help my
forsaken people over here.”

Love, Larry


Consul General of Israel
‘ 7

v isits Bluegrass

Lexington welcomed for three days the
Consul General of Israel, David Ben—Dov of
the Philadelphia Consular Office. He had
been invited to speak by the University of
Kentucky Faculty Association on Jewish
Affairs (FAJA) and addressed the topic of
”Israel and the world Today“.

He had a full schedule arranged for him
by CKJF Administrator Linda Ravvin. There
were class lectures to students at both
Transylvania University and U.K. Meetings
with the Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky
Steven Beshear and with Mayor Scotty
Baesler were arranged. A press conference
was held; and a lunchtime discussion with
the faculty of the Lexington Theological
Seminary was very successful.

A meeting with Governor Collins was
unfortunately cancelled when she was
delayed out of state due to snowstorms.

Mr. Ben-Dov attended the concert at the
UK Center for the Arts featuring the
Sinfonietta of Israel and Roberta Peters.
The performance was followed by a recep-
tion given by Hadassah to honor its
membership and the performers, at which
the Consul General spoke of cultural links
and other ties between Israel and the U.S.

The visit was a very successful one
with many opportunities to advance aware—
ness and knowledge of Israel and the
Jewish community in Central Kentucky.



The World Our Jewish Children
Will Inherit

There is a lovely story in Jewish
literature about a somewhat tactless
skeptic who was taking a walk one day and
saw a very old man planting a carob tree.
Now, a carob tree takes 70 years to
mature. The skeptic looked at the old man
and said, "Tell me, do you expect to eat
the fruit of this tree you are planting?“

”No,“ said the old man.

“Then why are you doing it?“

”Because all my life I ate the fruit of
the trees my grandfather planted, and so I
must plant trees for my grandchildren.”

We are in the same situation. Our
parents or grandparents made the risky
decision to cross the seas to reach an
unfamiliar country. They faced depriva-
tion and lived as “greenhorns” -— as

immigrants. We are the beneficiaries of
their sacrifices.
We have eaten of the ”trees” our

grandparents planted. And now, since we
are responsible human beings, we will want
to do our part to improve the world our
own grandchildren will inherit. We can’t
be sure that the “trees“ we plant will
bear fruit. We can hope. We can’t know
what the world of our grandchildren will
be like, but we can plant our ”trees“, and
pray that nothing will come along to cut
them down.

What do we want for our grandchildren?

We want happiness for them, of course,
and that means we want Jews to continue to
be safe and respected. We want our
descendants to remain attached to their
people and the land of their people. And
that means we want to see Israel strong
and prosperous and democratic, with the
kind of government and policies that our
grandchildren will read about with pride.

We want them to be able to visit Israel
when they have the chance, and look about,
and smile at what they see. We want them
to see and possibly to settle among —- if
they wish ~— healthy, proud people, living
in a secure, attractive, modern country.
And we know, instinctively, that what they
find there will determine their attitudes
toward their own Jewishness and, in large
measure, the attitudes of the world toward

We know this is true because those of
us who have reached a certain age remember
what the world was like before there was
an Israel. And we know how it changed.
We know we can’t make the world love us,


and maybe we no longer try. But we know
that the world learned to respect us after
1948, and certainly after the Six-Day War
in 1967, and after Entebbe. We know what
enabled American Jews to walk with greater
confidence. And we want that for our
children and grandchildren.

So we know the kind of ”trees” we have
to plant today. And we have actually been
planting them.

Every time we contribute through the
Federation to Project Renewal, or to the
absorption of Ethiopian Jewish immigrants,
or Russian Jews, we are planting ”trees“
of independence and hope. When we con~
tribute to Youth Aliyah, or immigrant
housing, we are also planting. Every time
we contribute to the funds that JDC will
use to benefit Jews in Israel or around
the world, we are planting “trees" with
sheltering branches. And every time we
plant such a "tree”, we make it more
likely that our grandchildren will eat of
the fruit.

We don’t know what happened to the old
man who planted the carob tree, or to his
grandchildren. But the story survived and
became a classic. And so it seems reason—
able that the skeptic was converted and
began planting trees himself. Whether you
start out as a planter or a skeptic, it’s
hard to escape the old man’s logic.
Anyone with a sense of the future, and a
feeling for his or her own grandchildren,
will grasp the point.

Editor’s Note: The above appears in the
December 14, 1986 issue of the Jewish
Observeg, published by the Syracuse Jewish



A special thanks goes to Judy Goldfader
and the Howard Johnson Lodge on North
Broadway for coming to our rescue. When
the CKJF office learned that Reguesh
performers would be arriving two days
earlier than expected, Judy stepped
forward and offered their excellent
accomodations at a substantial savings.

Forum Chair Susan Cantor and Home
Hospitality Coordinator Jack Miller join
us in thanking the gene