xt7jsx647p1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647p1s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-09-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 2001 2001 2001-09-17 2020 true xt7jsx647p1s section xt7jsx647p1s ‘lfilfl- United States military officials continue to search for terrorists, answers | PAGE 3



United States ‘hunting' for terrorists

Rad Reflection

The discord
that silenced
a day

Last Tuesday erupted
with a deafening
blast that resounded
across the nation and
echoed through the
hearts of everyone
who holds their
freedom dear. Terror
reverberated across
the eastern seaboard
as fires roared.
sirens wailed.
buildings collapsed
and people sobbed.
The pain and torment
hundreds of miles
away shock and
rattled us all as we
went about our day. I
awoke to my radio as
I had for the past
five years. I sat up
and listened as the
first reports of the
tragedy rolled in. My
eyes, which were
normally blurry upon
awakening, seemed
clear and crisp. I
flipped on the
television and
watched live as the
second plane
smashed into the
second tower. The
images flickered past
my face like that of a
distant movie, too
real to be false and
too horrible to be

Days usually pass
mechanically, I
blending into the one
before and those that
follow, but that day
was different. Those
images haunted the I
back of my mind as |
sat through class.
The sky was too blue
to be real and
everywhere I walked.
an eerie silence
resounded from
every corner. There
were no planes in the
sky but the silence
grew from something
deeper. It grew from
thousands upon
millions of
disbelieving and
confused hearts.
Time crawled by and
each footstep
seemed to echo
across campus. That
day was different.
The horror had
infiltrated the
farthest corners of
the nation, left us
wondering what
would be next, left us
with our security
stripped and our
mouths hanging
open. The pain still
rages as questions
remain unanswered,
as rubble is removed
and as family
members are still
missing, but we
cannot and shall not
let this terror win.
The explosions that
rocked this nation
silenced millions of
hearts, but as they
begin once again to
beat. it is my hope
that they will hold I
something more in .
common and perhaps I
beat to a similar 1
rhythm. Life will go I
on but unity will spur 1

it further. I




-Jared Whalen

7? 651

Here comes the rain
again. falling on my head
like a memory. falling on
my head like a new emo- I
tion. I


VOL. “I08


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September 17, 2001

Prevention: Bush authorized military personnel
to shoot down airplanes near capital


Vice President Dick Cheney
said SundaV heh has no doubt
Osama bin Laden was inVolVed
in the suic icie hijacking attacks
on the United States and
warned that those who harbor
terrorists face
the [Inited States.”

"the full wrath of

Cheney sitigled out
Afghanistan. where the exiled
Saudi dissident is believed to
operate. as a possible I'.S. tar-

Afghanistan has to understand
that we believe they have. iti-
deed. been harboring a man
who committed. and whose or"


Ult's choir sings
"America the Beau-
tiful" at a Vigil
behind Memorial
Hall Friday after-
noon. An array of
students gathered
to mourn the loss
of victims from

Tuesday's attacks.
llCl rowccu | recto EDITOR

government of

gatiization cc'itiimitted. this
most egregious act.“ Cheney

Secretary of State Colin
Powell said the Taliban. the
Muslim fundamentalist militia
that controls most of
Afghanistan. faces a simple
choice: deliver bin Laden or
face near-certain retaliation.

In an attempt to hunt down
bin Laden. the United States
has turned to Pakistan as a po»
tetitial ally. Bush spoke by
phone to Pakistani President
(ieti. Pervez Musharraf oti Sat-

By Sarah 20pr

The wind blew solemnly
against the American flag as the
UK ROTC members carried the
colors of our nation. Students.
faculty and staff gathered
against the crisp breeze on Fri—
day afternoon for the National
Prayer and Remembrance Ser»
vice in the amphitheater behind
Memorial Hall to honor and
mourn the lost and deceased of
last Tuesday‘s terrorist attacks.

“I can't help but say. I think
we all look at the flag a little dife
ferently tociay. “ said UK Presi-
dent I.ee Todd. "And I must say
that I am immensely pleased by
the way this university‘s family
is responding."

Many said it seems that
every race. domination. and
background representing the
campus community has con-
tributed this past week with
various donations. The gather-
ing by Memorial Hall. though
more emotional. was no excep-

“From candlelight vigils to
blood donations. these are truly
gratifying gifts and they make
us all feel proud," Todd said.

Despite rumors, campus
supports Muslim students

By Tracy llershaw

International students on I K s campus have
received moerV support from Atnericans since
last Tuesday s terrorist attacks. despite reports
of Verbal assaults and physic aI retribution in

other c ities

The response has been wonderful.


Neimeh Shalash. a health serV icrse striatiagement
junior and for triet president of the Muslim Stu

dent Assoc i.' itioti

“It seems people haVe wetit out of their VVaV

to be nice ' Shalasli said.
pouring of support.

”‘Tliere s been an out

She does recognize that insensitive remarks

urdaV' and with Indian Prime
Minister AtaI Biliar'i \'.'1_ipaV'ee
on Sunday.

Pakistan setit senior trill
cials to Afghanistan to warn the
Taliban it faces a triassive as
sault if it does not hand over
biti Laden to the l'rtited States.
a top Pakistani official said.
speaking on the condition of

Powell. interviewed on
(TBS’s “Face the Nation." said
the l'tiited States is also consid-

See ATTACK on 2

As the UK Chorale sang.
everyone joined hands and Iowa
ered their heads in a few nio-
ments of remembrance anci per-
sonal reflection. Some students
were ciVercome with empathy.
while others simply felt con-
nected with the campus body.

“Despite the turmoil of such
terrible events. this is the first
time I've truly felt united with
the students and faculty of this
campus." said Chris Barbee. a
music education junior.

"This is such a symbolism
of unity: it needed to be clotie. I
feel comforted being surround
ed by others who can share
these emotions with me." said
Sarah Stoll. a political science
and history junior.

As the ROTC marched the
colors up the steps and onto the
main campus the sunlight
seemed to shine directly upon
the crowd.

“Against the grandscale of
all our fellow people‘s recognize
ing this occasion. our universi-
ty‘s moment is one that is kind."
Todd said. "Our presence today
symbolizes a resolve to answer
that call. both as individuals
and as a community."

Writing on
the wall


Check out
the Kernel’s
look on

7 wwa kernel.comi

Vice Presi~
dent Dick
. asserts

Osama bin
Laden is
involved in
the attacks.



A member of the audience prays for the
victims at a memorial service on Friday.



such as. ‘I.et‘s just blow them all up.‘ are bother-
some to most international students. but does
not think that those statements are indicative of
the general attriosphere.

The same goes for the rocks thrown at a
window of the Islamic Center. located on South
Limestone. where her father is a minister

“That s receiVed major media attention.’
she said. and it was just one person who did
something ignorant.

In EVansVille. Itid. a man rammed his car
itito the Isl '1niir ( enter and adtnitted to police
that he did it 111 response of Tuesd '1V s attacks

Karen Slayim iker. international student ad
V'iser iii the Office of International Afiair's said
she has also seen international students getting
support frotii American students

She has not counseled anV international stu
dents who are afraid of personal attacks she
said. but most foreign students are irt it '1ted bV
insensitiVe comments in the ( I. '1ss't'ooiii
The international students experienced
this the same as American students.’ she said.
“"l‘heV are in shot k otitr. ige and disbelief "


Vandals threw two lugnuts through the front window of
the Islamic Center of lexington last week. Officials say
the vandalism occurred because of the terrorist attacks.

(in Thursday night. a group of Muslim stu-
dents held a candlelight vigil iti Triangle Park to
show their support for the Victims. their fami
lies. and the rescue workers searching through
the wreckage in New \ork ( in and Washing-
ton. l)(

The interztiation 11 students are coming to
gether. Sl '1Vmaker said.

At the campus retriembrance service Friday.
I'K President Lee Todd encouraged students.
faculty and staff to continue to stand together as
“a strong community where each member feels
safe and protected '

We must be committed to support and
show cotiipassioti to one atiothet and to
demonstrate that ours is truly a nation commit
ted to equality and fairness. without regard to
race or religion "

Students now have a
place to reflect on
Tuesday's attacks.

The UK
Remembrance Wall,
built by Student
Government. is a
three-panel structure
on the Student Center
patio. $6 painted the
panels white and have
left it for students to
do what they deem

"We envision stu-
dents doing art, writ-
ing poems or listing
the names of loved
ones they've lost,"
said 56 President Tim

During the weekend,
eight students wrote


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messages on the well.
Some left Bible verses
while others scrawled
the words of great
thinkers such as
Albert Einstein.

The State Board of
Student Body
Presidents passed a
resolution this week-
end to have each uni-
versity build a similar
wall for their campus-
es, Robinson said.

When the walls are
filled, they plan to link
all seven of them
together and send
them on a tour to sev-
eral campuses and the
state capital. Iinona
Palmer, 56 press sec-
retary, presented the
idea to Robinson.

"We want the stu-
dent body to do with it
what they think is




The Low-down

Desire is
ciating to
that's all
1 know.“
- Norrissey.

English pop

Kentucky to house military team

l,t)t'lS\'ll.l.E Kentucky will become home
to one of 27 specialized military teams in the
l'nited States to respond to terrorism involving
litethreatenmg chemicals. The 22-member outfit.
to be based in Louisville. is called the list
Weapons of Mass Destruction (‘ivil Support
Team it is expected to be in ftill operation in six
to eight months The Kentucky National Guard
will oversee the federally funded group. instead
of focusing on rescue. the team will assess and
detect what type of chemical agent has been used
in an attack and relay that information to the
public. The team also will be able to provide
phone lines. data lines and faxes for emergency
agencies. The team was formed in May 2000 and
is expected to be approved by the l.'.S. Army and
(Congress early next year. The (‘linton adminis
tration set tip the teams in the wake of the World
Trade (‘cnter bombing in 1003 and the Oklahoma
t'itv bombing Ill 1095.

Kentuckian killed in Pentagon attack
l.t)L'lS\'ll.l.E A military weather special»
ist from eastern Kentucky was killed in the ter
i‘orist attack on the Pentagon. The Navy con-
firmed Saturday that Edward Thomas Earhart
died in the assault against the nation‘s military
headquarters. Earhart. 36. who grew up in the
.\lorchead area. was an aei‘ogi‘apliers mate first
class iii the Navy. As an aerographer. Earhart
would scan weather radar and give reports to
ships or planes. He was listed as unaccounted
for. along with more than 100 other military per
sonnel. in the days after a hijacked plane
slammed ittto the Pentagon in a wave of terrorist
attacks that hit New York and Washington. ll.(‘..

on 'l‘uesday. The Navy informed the family of

Earhart's death late Friday. according to his
aunt. t‘laudette Thomas. Earhart was remem
tiered at a memorial service Thursday night that
drew more than 200 people outside the old Rowan
(‘ounty (‘ourthouse in Morehead.

Airports increase security; resume flights

l.()t'lS\'ll.l.E Since Tuesday's attacks. a
section of the Blue Grass Airport's 810 million.
tvy'ory'eal‘ old parking garage is off limits in re-
sponse to new mandates by the Federal Aviation
.-\dministration. About 65 cars were towed over
the last two days and moved to lots farther away
from the main terminal at the airport. airport of-
ficials said. In airports across the country. park
ing is being restricted because the FAA banned
unattended cars within (€00 feet of terminals.
Safety efforts targeted at eliminating unattended
suitcases or cars that could contain explosives
reflect the heightened level of scrutiny for all air-
port activity. litllllSVillt‘ International Airport
has restricted parking on all floors ofthe parking
structures. t‘incinnatirNorthern Kentucky lnter-



Actress Yasmine
Bleeth spent a
night in jail after
patrol officers
found what they
suspect was
cocaine in her
purse during their
investigation of a
car acudent,
police said
Friday. No
charges had been
filed and no one
was injured in the
one~car accident
Wednesday night.
said Cmdr. David
Early of the
Romulus Police


Striking a
macabre note, a
new album cover
by hiprhop band
The Coup. whose
music has a
strong anti-
capitalist bent,
had until recently
depicted the
World Trade
Center exploding,
the band's label
said Wednesday.
“We changed the
artwork as soon
as we saw what
had happened,"
said Daria Kelly.
director of sales
for 75 Ark, the
band‘s label.
Kelly said the
artwork was done
about two months
ago for the
band's album.
"Party Musrc."

kcnrucitvitinnci. 7| notion, SEPTEMBER 17; 2001 I 2

national Airport spokesman 'l'ed lttishelman said
no vans. mini-vans or Sl‘\'s will be allowed in
that airport‘s parking garage. which is losing
1.000 parking spaces A spokeswoman for the
FAA said the varying restrictions reflect differ»
ences in design and construction. All three air»
ports have resumed flight schedules on a limited
basis. Passengers should check with their air-
lines before arriving at the airport. ofticials said.

Gunmen raid Colombian village; kill 11

BOGOTA. Colombia Members of a right-
wingparamilitary group raided a (‘olombian vil-
lage early Sunday and killed at least it people.
authorities said. National Police spokeswoman
Jenny Alvarado said tip to if. people may ttave
been executed in the early morning massacre
near the township of Palan. stilllt‘ Tl miles west of
the capital. Bogota Fighters from the l'nited Self-
l)efense Forces of(‘olombia. or .\l'(‘. killed the
villagers after accusing them of working with
leftist guerrillas. said 'l‘oliina Police to]. (‘iro
(‘hitiva Authorities from the attorney general‘s
office and the government's human rights office
were heading to the region in ’l‘olima state to iii-
vestigate. Police said four people were badly in
jured in the massacre. At least Itllllll civilians die
every year in the South American country Is at
year-old conflict.

Editor sentenced to 3 years for sex article

CAIRO. Egypt The editor of a newspaper
whose story on a monk‘s alleged st‘xrlllltl-lllilt‘k-
mail scheme sparked riots was com icted Sunday
of undermining public security and sentenced to
three years in prison. in its ruling against Mani»
douh Mahran. editor of the small weekly Al
Nabaa. the court did not .say whether the allega-
tions iii the article were trite. but it may issue a
more comprehensive verdict later. .\lahran. who
was not in court Sunday. published a story in
June claiming that a (‘optic Urthodox monk had
sex with women in a southern Egyptian
monastery and then blackmailed them. in addi-
tion to the prison sentence. the judges fined
Mahran Si? and ordered the confiscation of the
June 17 edition of Al Nabaa and the videotape
from which the photographs taken.

Clerics in Pakistan say women's groups evil

KARAK. Pakistan lslainic clerics urge the
faithful to shun Pakistani women involved with
such groups as prostitutes. or alternatively. to
kidnap them. force them into marriage and keep
them locked away at home lslamic clerics. who
hold sway in northwestern Pakistan. want to see
their homeland embrace the same restrictive so
cial mores enforcer] by the Taliban religious inili»
tia that rules most of neighboring Afghanistan.
In several parts of Pakistan. theaters have been
burned. video stores ransacked and offices of aid
groups attacked. 'l'he clerics‘ angry criticism of
women's groups. made during prayers. funerals
and just about any gathering ofthe faithful. have
prompted violence.

Compiled from wire reports


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Continued from page i

ering seeking lran‘s support
and said it was worth explorr
ing opportunities to wean lran
away from supporting terror

Defense Secretary llonald
ll. l