xt7jsx647n17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647n17/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-09-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 02, 1993 1993 1993-09-02 2020 true xt7jsx647n17 section xt7jsx647n17  









Ex—presia’ential hopeful

needs senate approval


By Lanca Williams
News Editor


lf former Student Govemment
Association presidential candidate
Jay lngle wins senate continuation
Sept. 8, he will join his former rtm-
ning mate Jill Cranston on the SGA
Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court, formerly
known as the Judicial Board, lost a
representative from the College of
law when Scott Damron graduated

UK sororities
see increase
in pledges


By Victoria Moyer
Staff Writer

in May.

That left open one position that
SGA President Lance Dowdy had to
fill with a student from the UK Col-
lege of Law.

Dowdy talked to lngle earlier this
summer about the possibility of
serving on the court.

“I decided to recommend Jay after
talking with Student Bar Associa-
tion president Greg Metzgar." Dow-
dy said.

“Jay is fair
and outspoken
and as much on
following the
mles as anyone i

_ lngle received
‘ ' a recommenda-
tion from the
‘- Operations and
INGLE C .m m
night during the committee's first

“They thought he would be the
perfect choice for the seat," said
Shea Chaney, College of Arts and
Sciences senator and a member of
the Committee on Committees.

One question that was raised after






. , lngle’s nomina-
‘ tion was wheth-
er pairing for-
mer running
mates lngle and
Cranston would
affect the court's
Cranston un-
successfully ran
for vice presi-
dent with lngle.

“They both stand up for what is
right," Dowdy said. “I don‘t see a
conflict at all."

Dowdy said he understood, how-
ever. that questions could be raised
about the possibility of the court be-
coming stacked.

“1 would hope that people won‘t





Sorority Rush attracted the high-
est percentage of new pledges in
UK's history, greek officials said.

This semester. 560 women regis-
tered for Rush. and 451 -— or 80
percent — pledged a sorority after
the weeklong process of visiting
UK's social sorority houses.

The success of the pledge per-
centage. however, is overshadowed
by the steadily decreasing number
of women who register for fall
Rush. Last year, 640 women went
through Rush. in 1991, there were

Susan West, dean of sorority af-
fairs. said the obvious decrease in
participation since 1976 is a nation-
wide trend. She attributes this to the
rising costs of higher education.

The good news at UK is that
more sororities than ever filled their
quotas. Open Rush. which began
Aug. 23. still is being held for wom-
en who want to join Alpha Xi Delta
and Delta Yeta sororities.

Sarah Smucker. a Rush chair-
woman. attributes the high percent-
age of pledges to a new system in
the called “accept/regret with inter-

This system allows rushees to
choose the party invitations they
will accept and let the sororities
whose parties they cannot attend
know whether they are interested.

Even if rushees tniss a party at a
house, they can return again later in
the week, leaving houses open to m-
shees throughout Rush.

Previously. the Rush process con-
tinually eliminated rushees and

Though the accept/regret system
eased the tension of Rush. there still
was an equal amount of nervous-
ness for both the rushers and the ru-
shees. said sophomore Vanessa
Mitchell. a member of Alpha Gam-
ma Delta

“We were all just as nervous,“
she said.

Carrie Smeal. a communications
sophomore who pledged Delta
Gamma. agreed that Rush was
tough on the nerves, at times.

“it was stressful at times bemuse
you had to make so many on-the-
spot decisions.“





Workers sectioned off parts of White Hall
the structure is hosed. resurfaced and painted.


Classroom Building to keep students away while

PETE! MOORE/Kort!“ 3a"





By Lissa McGrotty
Contributing Writer


Former UK student Jay Phil-
lips allowed a slight smile to
show yesterday as he left a Fay-
ette Circuit Court room.

He had reason to smile.

A few minutes earlier, Phillips
pleaded guilty to a single misde-
meanor count of third-degree
forgery. He had been facing 18
felony forgery counts for manu-
facturing and selling fake driv-
er's licenses. but the charges
were reduced after a mistrial


Phillips enters plea
to lighter offense

“He feels good. his whole
family feels good,“ said Derek
Gordon, Phillips‘ attorney.

The mistrial resulted after jur-
ors could not come to a unani-
mous decision on whether Phil-
lips was guilty of the charges he

“They were either going to
find him guilty of everything or
nothing.“ Gordon said. Instruc-
tions from Judge James Keller
did not allow for leeway in the
verdict decision. he added.

The charge of forgery holds
the assumption that the individ-

See PHILLIPS, Page 2






Student Activities Bord

Story. Page 6.

around 8 .


'm'w-sw «aneurysm um “a
WMMJml by

UK volleyball team scabs Miami Redskins in season opener.

Cloudy “6% with a 50 percent chance oi thunderstorms; high
5 loudy tonight with a 60 percent chance of

thundershowara; low around 70. A 70 percent chance of

thmdammtomnovahldtflwtdlm. _. ,


» is










lngle could get spot on SGWA court


keep thing so personal.’ Dowdy

“Personal friendships aside, busi-
ness is business."

lngle said he was surprised by the
questions conceming his campaign
with Cranston.

“Our main interest then was help-
ing students," he said.

“Honestly, we disagreed as much
as we agreed. It is just a coinci-
dence that i came up for this nomi-

nation while she was on the court."

lngle agreed that ties to members
of the court and other people within
SGA could “cause a hindrance" if a
justice allowed his or her personal
feelings to affect decisions.

“The primary goal is to do what is
right for the (SGA) Constitution.“
lngle said.

“1 think if someone focused on
personal relationships. it could very
much be a hindrance."

lngle currently is a student in the
College of Law and Martin School
of Public Administration.

He graduated from UK in May
with bachelor’s degrees in philoso-
phy and political science.

See INGLE, Back Page

Jackson to give
lecture Sept. 29


By Julie Owens
Staff Writer


The Rev. Jesse Jackson. an inter—
nationally known human rights ac-
tivist will be on campus Sept. 29 to
spread his message of social re-

"The issue of having Jesse Jack-
son speak here has been ,.
brought up several times in
the past." said Student Ac-
tivities Board President
Wes Butler. “The opportu~
nity finally came to us, and
we pounced on it."

Tickets for Jackson's
visit will be on sale to stu-
dents. faculty. and staff
Sept. 7. Jackson's visit .3.


sponsored jointly by the JACKSON

Department of African-
American Student Affairs. the Stu-
dent Activities Board and UK Stu-
dent Government Association.

Student Government Association
President Lance Dowdy said he
hopes Jackson‘s visit will draw a
large number of people regardless
of their political views.

“He makes students think about
the important issues." Dowdy said.


“We wanted him here because he is
one of the best orators of our time.
Whether you agree or disagree with
what he says is irrelevant."

Jackson is president of the Na-
tional Rainbow Coalition and a two-
time presidential candidate.

During the presidential election
of 1984, he received 3.5 million
votes. in 1988. Jackson
garnered 7 million votes.

Jackson is noted for
playing a major role in
nearly all recent peace.
civil rights. gender equali»
ty and economic and so-
cialjustice movements.

Butler said. however.
that Jackson has not re-
vealed what topics he wrll
lecture on during his visit.

“When you get a speaker
of this stature. you never know what
will happen." Butler said.

Advance tickets for the lecture
cost $3 and will be available exclu-
sively to UK students, faculty and

Remaining tickets go on sale to
the general public Sept. 9 for 85.

Tickets may be purchased at all
Ticket Master locations.

Officials greet black faculty


By Holly Torry
Contributing Writer


Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Robert Hemenway yester-
day welcomed 20 new black faculty
to campus, saying UK is “moving in
the right direction" with efforts to
recruit more minority teachers and

“This yea we have more African-
American faculty and students than
we have ever had," Hemenway said
during a reception held in the Stu-
dent Center small ballroom.

“As a university. we are moving
in the right direction. and I hope
that we continue moving forward.
The University of Kentucky is a
university for all people.

“As a university. we want to rep-
resent all of the people of the Com-

monwealth. which includes differ-
ent colors. cultures and ideas —— and
our faculty should represent that"

Paulette Stewart. 3 new faculty
member who heads the Minority
Student College Awareness Pro-
gram. which she hopes to expand in
the black community with UK‘s
help. does not consider herself new
to the University.

As a native of Kentucky. Stewart
says, “this is borne to me. There is
no other place I would go.

“Under the good leadership of Dr.
Hemenway. the campus climate has
improved more within the last five
years titan in my 24-year tenure in
this community."

Capt Fred Perkins, who teaches a
military science course geared to
freshmen and sophomores, also said
the University has come a long way
in improving race relations and re-

ducing racial tension among faculty
and students.

"This is my fourth year here."
Perkins said, “and in my four years.
1 have witnessed many bad (racial)
situations. My only hope is that this
year is better than last year. just As
last year was better than the year

Although many faculty agreed
that UK‘s racial climate is improv-
ing, Lularnae Fragd. a professor of
Major Writers of African Descent
and Studies in African-American
Literature. said she felt differently.

Fragd said see am see the poten-
tial for racial tension because most
UK faculty and students are white.
“Anytime you have a majority and
minority between the races. there is
bound to be some racial tension."
she said.

See OFFICIALS. Back Page

Professor adds humor to convocation


By Andrea Boob
Contributing Wrior


The only good administrator is a
dead administrator.

At least. that‘s one of die lessons
UK modern studies professor Kum-
ble Subbaswamy said he learned
while serving as associate dear of
the College of Arts lid Sciences
from 1991 to 1992.

Subbaswamy shared his views on
academia yesterday a he delivered
the College of Arts ltd Sciences’
linual convocation, held it Memo
rial Hall.


Subbaswtlny also told the audi-
ence of other lessons he learned at
the pose listing them as a kind ofad-
ministrator’s Top Ten Truths.

A few of those included : “The
no matter what the question is. the
answer is always a half a million
(bliss; and the smaller the amount
of my the harder it is to get."

To begin his talk. Subimwamy, a
self-proclaimed “geek.” adtiessed
the topic of why he really was cho-
sen to deliva the convocation.

First. he said. became of recent
budget cuts. the college needed
scum chem. Officials also were


looking for someone who wouldn't
20 minutes.

Last of all. Subbaswamy said.
“they needed someone who was
small in size so that if (the speaker)
did talk for longer than the allotted
time they could drag him away

On a more serious non. Subbas-
wamy addressed the need for me
public support for the University.
He sad we must arm that we
dm‘t shorteturge or: most pre-
cious resume — our young people.

“Even though charge is usually
established because of heat. not see-

ing the light. the extra scrutiny will
make our University the center of
intellectual vitality." he said.

He also stressed the importance
of universal access to the “very
frontiers of knowledge."

Subbaswamy — also known as
Super Swamy or Professor Swamy
— titled his talk “Objects in the
Mirror are Largu that They Ap-
pea': A Retrospective."



may" ‘

v }.




2 - Kentucky Kernel. Thundey. September 2.1993


yesterday morning and has been
granted a work release to per-
form daily duties in the Fayette
County Courthouse.


Continued from Page 1

ual “intended to defraud. deceive He will work from 8:30 am. to
or injure another person." Keller 4 pm. and then return to the Pay-
said. ette County Detention Center.

Gordon 3‘3““ that ““11“.” Phillips is expected to remain
never defrauded anyone. He said in custody until sentencing by
the 9°09": who. purchased the Judge Keller on Oct. 1 at 8:30
fake IDs from Phillips knew what am.
they were doing, and he just gave
them what they wanted. Commonwealth‘s Attorney

Gordon also said people who Kim Bunnell “mew?“ a
used fake IDs were the ones de— sentence of 12 months in jail.
“‘va WW" ”“3““ "my we” Phillips, who initiated a Pi
“‘F .ms M?" ““3“” ”a“ .‘i‘m Lambda Phi social fraternity col-
mismformation on a falsified ony at UK. was arrested April
document. 26. He was a UK student at the

Phillips was taken into custody time of his arrest.


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Emily strikes only Outer Banks

Tens of thousands along coast
return to homes after hurricane




“'fitiiisfof'frae KERNEL‘


7""or’at East do the
crossword puzzle.






By F. Alan Boyce
Associated Press


BUXTON. N.C. —- After six
days and tens of thousands of evac-
uations from Nonh Carolina to
New York. Hum'cane Emily struck
only a glancing blow to a narrow is-
land chain before dashing off to the
North Atlantic.

“We dodged a bullet," said Gene
Chiellini of the National Weather
Service in New Jersey.

Evacuation orders were lifted
from North Carolina‘s Outer Banks
to New York‘s Long Island and
people retumed to many Atlantic
beaches. Surfers. often the last to
leave in the face of a storm. dotted
the waves once more.

On the New Jersey shore. life-
guards kept a close eye on bathers
battling 3- to 10-foot waves and
powerful riptides. Swimming was
banned at some beaches in New Jer-
sey and Maryland and only wading
was allowed elsewhere because of
rough surf.

Many business owners spent yes-

terday removing the tape and boards
they had put over windows in prep-
aration for the storm that didn't

“It's the normal thing you should
do when the National Weather Ser-
vice issues a hurricane warning for
where you live and you live on a
barrier island," carpenter Ronnie
Powell said as he removed plywood
from a store in Ocean City. Md.
“It's much easier to do this and
hope for the best."

But some villagers who rode out
Emily’s brush with the easternmost
islands in the low-lying Outer
Banks said the storm brought the
worst flooding in decades.

The storm was sidetracked by
upper atmosphere air currents and
its eye missed Cape Hatteras by 20
miles. It spread heavy rain along the
Virginia coast before it moved out
to sea.

At 5 pm. Emily‘s center was es-
timated at'about 190 miles south of
Nantucket Island, Mass, near lati-
tude 38.5 north and longitude 69.8

shipping lanes. and still had wind
blowing at a sustained 115 mph.
though it was expected to weaken.
said Hugh Cobb, a meteorologist at
National Hurricane Center in Coral
Gables. Fla It was moving to the
east-northeast at 18 mph. he said.

By midday today. Emily is ex-
pected to be about 240 miles south
of Nova Scotia, and by midday to-
morrow it should be about 350
miles south of Newfoundland. he

Emily's 115 mph wind. high tide
and spin-off tornadoes left pockets
of destruction. Emily’s maximum
sustained wind speed reached an es-
timated115 mph near the eye. the
National Weather Service said; on
the Outer Banks. sustained wind of
98 mph was measured at Buxton.
near Cape Hatteras.

‘ Emily’s storm surge brought wa-
ter rising as much as 9 feet above
the harbor bulkheads at Buxton.

A helicopter tour of the Outer
Banks showed only a few structures

“It jogged to the east right before
it hit." state Insurance Commission-
er Jim Long said. “Otherwise, we
could have seen more damage than
we can handle."

Hatteras Lighthouse was un-
touched. but at nearby Coast Guard
housing roofs were peeled back like
the lids of smdine tins. A truck was
immersed in a sink hole after the
sand was washed out from under it
in Buxton. Broken water mains left
hundreds without water.

In Frisco. there were water marks
3 feet high on storefronts and a

Bonnie Farkas weathered the
storm in a mobile home that ended
up covered with fallen trees and
filled with water.

“Every minute there was another
crash." she said as Gov. Jim Hunt
surveyed the damage. Hunt said he
would consider seeking a disaster
declaration for the area.

Dare County Sheriff Bert Austin
said flooding forced him out of the
department’s Hatteras office.

“I was in there when the tide
made its surge. We‘ve never had
water in it before and it was built in
the '505," he said.

Hurricane Bob was the last to
brush the Outer Banks. on Aug. 19,
1991. The eye of that storm stayed
offshore but wind up to 60 mph left
about $1 million damage on the
Outer Banks.





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Rapist who used condoms g
targets wealthy women I



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Associated Press


SAN ANTONIO —— A rapist who
used condoms in two attacks and or-
dered his victims to bathe after he
assaulted them appears to be target-

phone lines in the house and puts a
pillow or sheet over the victim's
face during the attack, police Sgt.

gators said Monday the rapist has
targeted women who were alone in
their homes, attacking them at
knifepoint between midnight and 6

In one attack. the rapist used a

his victims bathe afterward. pre-
sumably to destroy physical evi—
dence. investigators said.




J Lll’eCyeles ing'womlen alone in Upscale homes. condom he had brought with him, i
J LlfeSteps Police said and in another asked the victim for ;
x .\ V Stair-Masters The rapist also usually cuts the one. pohce said. He also insrsted

J REEBOdK STEP 1032431132" of the sex cnmes “n" Police arrested a 32-yearold '
«Treat mills sat ue y. man in the area early Sunday on
V Juice Bar STUDENT Four rape-burglaries and three ad- suspicion of burglarizing a home to
V Tanning SEMESTER ditional burglaries have occurred which phone lines had been cut. He
RATES since November in neighborhoods was not charged in the series of
AVAILABLE on the city‘s far north side, Investi- dimes being investigated.





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Kentucky Kernel. Thuredey, W 2, 1.8 - 3

Fla. tourism officials


Franchise brings long line, short wait







One thing definitely is long

. _ r . . . _ obably will eat on campus now By Ik. an‘ and fire live ammo at targets ~—
about UK s new Lon John 811- MOM”. when Long John 8 “1‘81 cause it gives students a wrder va 1" . . . . -
ver‘s restaurant: the ““55, opened. riety of food front which to choose. "‘3‘ they have “‘0“ choices. Associated Press 2:31;?”de pigggfigfigdagg

Mahoney said a grand opening Mosolgo agreed. “(Chain restaurants) offer stu- ORLANDO, Fla. _ Gun The paperwork was being rou-

Since Long John's opened in the
Student Center Food Court on
Monday, students have been
queuing up for sandwiches, value
meals of chicken, fish and shrimp,


all the rest of the Student Center on


Despite the long lines. civil engi-
neering graduate student Eric Mo-
solgo said it took only about five

taurants at UK is a good idea be-

“I wish more of them would
move in because it's more conven-
ient than having to walk over to
McDonald‘ s." Mosolgo said.

UK also plans to open a KFC,

ing freshman, said more students

dents more options." DeMaio said.

“Schools have reputations for
having real bad food. With chain

3 Tamm a. Betsy Mahoney. Student Center economics senior. also said his wait at the beginning of October.
Sznior Staff Writer food “mo“ W3C" and the went by fa“ - - - ' SUIIen er to r an es
restaurant was more crowded than 18.13.05“ said having chain ms- Betsy Man. 8 CW“ 608100!"-



ranges with live ammo and
weapons for rent in the heart of
Orlando's family-oriented tour—
ist corridor. down the road from

tinely processed by municipal

Despite the bad publicity
overseas, the shooting galleries


- students may say ' Micke Mo se Shamu and ' ‘
and side orders of french fries, minutes for hrmtobeserved. formerly Kentucky Fried Chicken, ‘There's Long John Silver's —— Jawsfl “ ' "P“‘wa‘m‘fm'gn ‘0“"5'5-
; coleslaw and bush puppies. Brad lgnatoski, an agriculture in Blazer Hall either this month or maybe I‘ll eat there.‘ " (.in and tourist officials were “3:: 1351:1331, (5)4?!" GlrEnda
. ' . . an lando rt .,
. “PM“ b‘" an“ “”8 ‘0 “‘3' Council suddenly, and belated):
Postal servlce arm the range owners they end- ly. laid plans for a moratorium




to issue stamp
for AIDS day

Associated Press



age stamp encouraging aware-
ness of the AIDS epidemic
will be issued Dec. 1 to mark
World AIDS Day.

“For more than 60 years the
Postal Service has introduced
new stamps to help raise
awareness for a variety of
health and social issues. We
are building on that tradition
with the AIDS Awareness
stamp," Postmaster General
Marvin Runyon said.

The stamp, unveiled by
Runyon yesterday, features a
red ribbon. Such ribbons have
become the symbol of com-
passion and awareness in the
battle against the disease.

“This special effort will
greatly increase AIDS aware-
ness all across the country,"
National AIDS Policy Coordi-
nator Kristine Gebbie said.

The 29-cent stamps will be
sold in sheets and booklets.
The booklets will include tele-
phone numbers for the AIDS
Hotline at the federal Centers
for Disease Control and the
Points of Light Foundation as
well as the American Associa-
tion for World Health. All
three organizations provide
AIDS information.

The Postal Service also an-
nounced that it will sell AIDS
stamp lapel pins to non-profit
organizations at cost and will
waive its licensing fee for
such groups that want to use
the stamp design on products
such as T-shirts and mugs.

The licensing fee still will
be charged to profit-making








Black lawyer hired to defend
KKK grand dragon in Texas


By Terri Langford
Associated Press

GALVES'PON, Texas — Attor-
ney Anthony Griffin does not like
the Ku Klux Klan yet he signed on
to defend a Klan grand dragon's
right to free speech.

Imagine, then, the client‘s shock
when he learned Griffin is black.
Not to mention the consternation at
the state National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple, for which Griffin also works.

In May, Griffin got a call from
the Texas Civil Liberties Union,
which was seeking an attorney for
Michael Lowe, grand dragon of the
Knights of the KKK Realm of Tex-
as in Waco.

The civil liberties group didn‘t
know Griffin is black. There was
no arm-twisting. Griffin took the
case almost immediately.

“I said. ‘No problem.‘ Once the
facts were explained to me 1 con-
sidered it a honor. It is any time
you have an opportunity to defend
the Bill of Rights."

“1 don‘t like the Klan," Griffin
said. “But if I don't stand up and
defend the Klan‘s right to free

speech, my right to free speech
will be gone."

Texas NAACP leader Gary
Bledsoe doesn‘t see it that way. He
is seeking guidance from the
NAACP‘s national headquarters
about whether his office should
dispense with Griffin as a pro-bono

“We think it‘s inconsistent that
someone has an association with
them and with us," Bledsoe said.

Last month, some members of
the Texas State Conference of
NAACP Branches demanded that
Griffin resign as general counsel.
He refused. So far. the national
NAACP hasn't said whether he

When the Klan‘s Lowe entered
Griffm‘s law office, he had no idea
his new attorney was not only
black. but also an NAACP attor-

“My girlfriend and I were in his
waiting room and got kind of
bored, so we starting snooping
around and we looked and saw an
NAACP pin," Lowe said. “And we
looked some more and saw he had
this bookcase of African-American
history, and we kind of looked at

each other said, ‘No, he can‘t be
black.‘ "

Lowe said he‘s pleased with
Griffin as his legal counsel: “He
seems like a nice fellow. I think
he‘ll do me very well."

Griffin is defending Lowe‘s right
to keep his membership list, finan-
cial records and other documents
from Texas Attomey General Dan

The state has accused Lowe of
using threats and intimidation to
thwart the court-ordered desegrega-
tion of public housing in east Tex-
as, particularly in Vidor. where the
town's only two remaining black
residents are moving out this week
to escape hostility and harassment.

To the NAACP’s Bledsoe. who
is also a special counsel for Mo-
rales, Griffin representing two dia-
metrimlly opposed groups sends a
contradictory message.

And he thinks Griffin is wrong to
believe that once the Klan list is
surrendered, the state could ask the
same of the NAACP.

Founder of Victoria’s Secret discovered dead


Associated Press


mond, who helped bring lingerie to
the masses by founding the Victor-
ia‘s Secret retail chain, was found
dead in San Francisco Bay. an ap-
parent suicide, authorities said yes-
terday. He was 47.

The Coast Guard had found his
body last Thursday near the Marin
County shoreline. hours after he

The company canted $500,000 its
first year.

Its five stores and a 42-page
mail-order analog were grossing $6
million when Raymond sold it for
roughly $1 million in 1982.






Two years later, Raymond stan-
ed My Child‘s Destiny. a retail
store for young professionals. It
went bankrupt in 1986.

Raymond, who was divorced, is
survived by two teen-age children.


ed up backing down from a le-
gal shoot-out.

The home of Disney. Sea
World and Universal Studios
wanted nothing to do with any-
thing that would project a gun-
happy, violent image. especially
after recent highly publicized
crimes against tourists, many of
them foreigners.

London tabloids earlier this
year warned against travel to the
“State of Terror."

Then came word about plans
to open “Quick Shots“ and
“Shooting Sports" on Intema-
tional Drive. a commercial strip
humming with tourists visiting
the area’s theme parks.

The owners of the ranges —
where customers rent weapons

on such establishments along
the hotel—and-neon thorough-

Police Chief Tom Hurlburt
expressed unease, and the Cen-
tral Florida Hotel and Motel As-
sociation joined in protests.

“I don't think gun ranges and
high-tourist areas mix.“ Hood
said. pressing the ban despite le-
gal advice that zoning laws
clearly permit such businesses.

A lawyer for Quick Shots
filed for court judgments against
the city. Owners of both estab-
lishments protested to the coun-
cil, citing the law and outlining
plans for clean, family—oriented
operations stressing safety and





FACT: Today abortion is a safe,
simple procedure.

At EMW Women’s Clinic we know that one of your
primary concems with having an abortion is safety.

That’s why we wanted you to know that a first trimester
abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures performed in
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tonsillectomy. And four times safer than childbirth.

And because the decision to have an abortion is never an
easy one, EMW has specially trained staff to discuss
alternatives and offer support and reassurance without
pressure. Abortion and other women’s services are

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EMW Women’s Clinic
161 Burt Road
278—0331—Phone answered 24 hours a day.

The facts on abortion from BMW...
because you have a right to know.



The_following statement was published in the 1993-94 University Bulletin in June 1993.
Questions regarding this disclosure statement may be directed to the Of fice of Institutional




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frOm those licenses WI” ‘tx Investigators (kwmumd that .somFgemgmengzl)

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‘ County Coroner’s Office. - Book:
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ia's Secret shop .16 years ago in the Eggggm
Burn it you love the Kernel. wwwwfiamm ”mm" .

mammal... ' “‘ um: Student Right-to-Know Act (P.L. 101-542)



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Available in black in ladies'

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eyeleQAvelleble in blockln




University of Kentucky


Section 103 of the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Public
Law 101—542) as amended by the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991
(Public Law 102-26) requires public disclosure of relevant graduation rate information
for students enrolled in colleges and universities receiving federal financial assistance
annually beginningjuly I , I993. The following statement is the University of Kentucky's
official disclosure statement in accordance with the requirements of PL. 101-542
Section 103 for the 1993-94 academic year.

Graduation Rate of Entering Freshmen

The graduation rate for all students entering the University of Kentucky as first-time
freshmen during the 1986-87 academic year" was 50.4 percent. This graduation rate
represents the percentage of students entering the University of Kentucky as first-time
(i.e., new) full-time degree-seeking freshmen during the 1986 Summer and Fall terms
who subsequently were awarded baccalaureate degrees by the University of Kentucky
within six calendar years (i.e., through August 1992). This rate was calculated under
definitions and procedures established by the National Collegiate Athletic Association
(NCAA), and reported to the NCAA on the University’s 1993 Graduation Rate
Disclosure Form in March 1993.

Final regulatiom and guidelines for the calculation, reporting, and disclosure of
graduation rate information required under the Student Right-to—Know Act have not
yet been issued by the Department of Education. Definitions of the entering student
cohort in the Department of Education's proposed regulations (Federal Register, july
10, 1992) and the NCAA Graduation Rate Disclosure Form differ slightly. However,
the University has determined that the graduation rate information in the annual
NCAA report is substantially comparable to the information required under the
Student Ritho—Know Act, and is reporting that information at this time pending
release of final federal regulations.

May 5, i993

‘ The information to be disclosed by July I of each year is ”the graduation rate for the meet recent cohort of
entering students that all have had an opportunity to complete or graduate from their respective programs"
in tlrespeclfied completion period (which forthe Univa-Iity of Kentuckyiuix yean).1'herno¢ receItt uttering
cohort meeting this requirement is the I”? freshman class.



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0- Raunchy “Thursday, Soptunborl. 1m



By David Briacoo
Asociatad Press

places, humans quake at the
thought of Dracula and vampire
bats. But in a strange turnabout.
vampires‘ cousins in the Pacific
are endangered by bat-eating hu-

World Wildlifc Fund report
concludes that Pacific fruit bats
on Guam, a US. ter