xt7jsx647m9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647m9c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-10-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1991 1991 1991-10-01 2020 true xt7jsx647m9c section xt7jsx647m9c  



OCT 1 1991

Elections board denies eligibility to UK transfer

Staff Writer

The Student Government Assocr
ation Elections Board will not allow
a transfer student from Lexington
Community College to run for
freshman senator because she
doesn't have freshman status. ac-
cording to its rules.

Although by the University‘s def-
inition. Sue Postlewaite is a fresh-

Grad school
strives for

Contributing Writer

L'K‘s Graduate School is attempt-
ing to make cultural diversity on
campus a reality.

As part of a campuswide effort to
achieve diversity, black enrollment
for graduate students at UK in.
creased 51.7 percent in the last
year. said Daniel Reedy, dean of
The Graduate School.

“We still have a long. long way
to go. but it‘s most gratifying, and it
shows that what we‘re doing is pay-
ing off," Reedy said.

“What we would ideally like to
have is an African-American enroll-
ment at UK that equals the repre-
sentation of AfricanAmericans in
Kentucky's population.“

Reedy said he hopes to increase
recruitment of all minority groups.
but efforts mainly are aimed at re-
cruitment ot blacks because they
are the most dominant minority
population in the state

The Graduate School is attempt
ing to reach its goal by several
methods Three years ago. The
Graduate School established the
Lyman T. Johnson Fellowship Pro

See GRADUATE. Back page

Date rape
on campus,
Stofer says

Staff Writer

Lisa Stofer raised the
last night of whether a
tneans no when she says no to sex


Stofer. assistant dean of students
and th's health education coordi»


iSexthl Health j?
3" ”if
1nd Safety: 0

a...“ is



ntitor. spoke at the »\lpli;i (ianuna
Rho somal fratemity house on the
relationships between alcohol. dat-
ing and sexual assault as a part of
UK‘s Sexual Health and Safety

Her presentation. “Risky Busi-
ness." began with a ltl-minute slide
show. Stofer showed ads for differ—
ent brands of alcohol and explained
how advertisers slant the presenta-
tion of their products.

“There's a link between alcohol
and sex , always." she said. The
ads only reinforced her argument.
Women consistently were seen
holding bottles of liquor in sexually
suggestive poses.

“Do you think this is a mistake
by the advertisers?" she asked. “Ad-
vcrusers are clever wuh what they
do. Linking alcohol wtth sex really

Women tn partieular are steered

UK goalkeeper Rob Strobel injured his
knee and Wlll miss the ’91 season. Sto-

ry, Page 3.

man, by SGA rules she is not eligi-
ble to run for freshman senator be-
cause her two semesters at LCC
count for her freshman year at UK.

Postlewaite said she will ask
SGA's judicial board to reinstate
her and to further dCCIdC the larger
question of how much LCC is a
part of UK.

The board will meet Wednesday
or Thursday. The elections are Oct.
0 and it).

To serve as a freshman senator,
the candidate must be a freshman at
UK in credit hours at the time of his
or her election. according to SGA

In addition, the candidate must be
enrolled in UK no more than two
semesters and must not be on any
kind of probation. the rules said.

Postlewaite has 24 credit hours,
making her a freshman. What Post-
lewaite Will ask the iudicial board.

for the purposes of student govem-
ment, if LCC is a part of the main

“What 1 want to prove is. last
year, whether I was a UK student or
an l.(‘C student," she said.

Her request to run was denied by
the elections board, the five mem-
ber committee that govems SGA
elections because “we consider
t.C(‘ a UK affiliate and therefore
she‘s attended UK previously." said

Sean McGuirk. elections board
chairman. “She could have run be
fore as a LCC representatiye "

There are two t.(‘(‘ senators. on
the SGA senate.

“We interpreted the constitution
from the information we were git
en," he said.

Scott Crosbie. SGA president.
said the decision by the elections
board was "proceduralty correct.

“I think (the ittdictal hoardi net-its

to determine whether this same op»
portunity would exist for another
student coining tr ini another coin-
lltUllll‘y ctillcet‘ Ll‘tlltl they alter
two semesttrs run as a freshman
senator (‘rosruc dulls'fd


't’iitili's 1-! Min) \fi ‘3
She was diquatifii'i! lt‘2iiti run-
iiitig tot ‘lllc ot the tour tieshiiiaii

seals i‘li‘ tlii‘ Steals l’t-xaux‘ ii isn'Zil

5.... SGA



Gary Gomulinski Chris Thomas. Robbie Higdon and iii".
6 year-old group is seeking people who are Willltlf] use rural Lexington their playground Gomulinski said

UK cycling club offers students ride of

a lifetime


‘(iL’dV‘uw 9.“... Am .»

"EREC- EANS‘ " ..'

"i Karraker. all members of UK‘s Cycling Club. work out on its." ”3?in




Lisa Stofer. UK’s health education coordinator. spoke last night
about the relationship between alcohol and date rape

to particular behaviors by the ads
"That's the poutt . to tell a wom-
an that she will feel prettier it she
buys this makeup or that alcohol."

Stoler said liquor ads suggest to
both women and men that drinking
will lead to a more exciting. sexier
relationship. But. in reality. this is
not the case.

“Extensive, high-risk drinking
accounts for problems in relation
ships and is directly linked to do-
mestic Violence and child abuse."
she said.

Alcohol use in a date situation
can lead to serious problems .’_\s

well. Stoter esplained. It often re»
stilts in "unsafe sexual practices.
whether that is haying \Hlll
someone against their will. or lTJlls-
niitting sexually transmitted distuts


es." she said

"Alcohol is lll\t‘l\t‘tl in ‘ifl per
cent of all campus rapes." she said.
“Campus rapes are almost all date

“Most rapes we don‘t ex en know
about because women feel that they
are to blame ”

Stofer defined date rape as "tin-

See CENTER. Back page

, whc .


. fool-1mg f i' student.
‘ - ‘.\i't;1l -1.




Group wants to protect cities

UK professors. students
hope to sustain Lexington

Swooning Writer

T‘l‘i ‘ .‘it\ .it I e\in_\_'ton
.ure metropolis with th: comforts M
small-town .inls .i
minutes away

'f‘art if the charm of the illite-
31r;iss.ire.i is the surroundinittities
said limest Yanarella. a political
seience professor at (K. “You can
experience small towns, and it‘s Itist
.i short drive from Lexington. You
can entoy the benefits of small-town
life "

What used to be the ideal slltlti<
tion for l extngtonians' now has
reached the point that it is invadine
’l‘:‘ space at these surrounding 'l
tes. \anarella said. Some of the \\R"
nic beauty of Lexington has always

.l I‘ltllldr

dwellings te\s

"'33" 1’s {.irn s

.jrn Mt gse .t_ ,.
.l tanner ii

“titxt' it "l9

«f‘tcl‘ ,pkm}


MTV“ .ti‘il
treani Sure»
'it iniqr ti - .
spilling user run the shunt r 1 it".
Yanarella .lllil
.in architecture professor t '\
liitve totttttlt‘tl 'Tit‘
tunable t‘itics

's'ii‘l‘artt g» 'Y .'

"Lestngton ts uterus,
ghallenge.” YatLirelLi and.
now farms are iboiit '
.lerco industrial .fesclopment


' i‘rtl“‘.ii‘\l 'i‘.
Lexington .ontitzties ‘» {His

ward. it Will upset the “.itintt



Charismatic Kerrey announces
intentions to run for president

ssocuted Press

()MAHA. Neb. -:\s a center on
his high school football team. llob
Kerrey pushed around players
much bigger than his 154 pounds.

"He lust tough,“ recalls
Hank Willeinsen. one of his high
school teachers, “Pound for pound
he was tough to handle."

Kerrey displayed that same
toughness sears later as .t .\.i\\
\‘l7r\l . when he directed an attack


"The Breakdown of the soviet empire:
Three perspectives" will be held at 8
pm. in 238 Student Center.

on ti \'iet (lint: lerrorist t:roup .'\.I
.ifter i {retiatls c\ploded .it l‘h 1:51
The intident tost Iiitti part it “is
llfllll lei: .tnd canted him the \left;
.it Honor
Now he
the, independence ind stubborn ii.i-
tcftts on the

its s car-old \L‘i‘ltlskd

still known for his il.itr

llllt‘ lids ‘~'\'l ’.t\
\Vllllt‘ Hi‘llst'

~l st‘t‘ l 'l‘[ -il
that Men 1

hailenees .ihcatf
Iotln; ‘o co .t\\.l\ it so
.lt‘st‘ Niir ."st‘s, 'lt t|\*

The charismatic "(sites

.x.‘.\ f...

‘Hyperion‘ com-
bines Sci-Fi with
Keats. Chaucer.
Story, Page 2.

‘itstfli: ‘:L‘l‘lli‘ll

hone t ”a.

\‘lt'k tti‘ll


.ttti' f~\.l\

stiti‘ t li‘t Llis
nation Int-ed a little dancct

\i't e.ir~ titer. be entitled
.son .i l \ stiiate


'ti 'Klltttcs ittil
seat. teatn ‘tl\lllli.1.lRt‘l‘tll‘iltall "‘.

See KERRY lack .iaoe




 2 ~ Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, October 1, 1991




Television not espousing liberal philosophy


58"..” Sta” W‘ Ze'

«bet the suitiiiiei I read a \.-i\
interesting .‘olii'iiti l‘} Robert \'.
l telnet. .ltllllt‘l o.’ a book ..ill.‘d
lion his; i"; ,i .1 lo. 7 -
that; (to f .~t'\

tiers oi issues related to television
Intact s .oltvin'. dealt with but one

.t:\ l\\'.:\‘ other rightwciti

that book deals \titl) .i \a

in); it) spout t‘..

'Ct'k‘ls" \‘l

\\'si.l: .rili.s
.iboti: [lie lifici'altstii

.,o'iset\.tri».u claim.
liberal ci“.xl'.'ttt'.‘l\ who do and \l‘»

rrbcial ‘3‘ ‘ loo lll.ll‘.\

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tune entertainineitt shows.
are tilled \Hll‘

slimy s,

they claim, push a liberal political
philosophy down the throats of the
audience. Conservatives complain
that there is no patriotism. no relig-
ion, no family values and no re—
sl‘c‘t‘l to: authority on prime time


its pure hogwash. tor a variety
oi reasons. liven ll the above argu-
izieiits were true rand they're not).
\\h.tl ir:.p.i.t are they having'.‘ Is a
stiptiosqdly “liberal" media pushing
the .otirizry to the letr.’ There‘s lit»-
:i: enticnee that. given the fact
[it it Republic ins have won five of

thc list st\ pitsidc.titt ilt lc.cttons

ls . llltf .isptct oi America
moving tt- the icti‘ I can‘t see it.
lclexisittii t‘lil.‘ll.tllllllL‘lll trends do
not lead the public 7 they follow
it the s..'.iposedl_\ “liberal" things
t‘oiiiplain about ~—
awareness, protesc
problems, lack

coirsci \.ii:\».‘\
greater semai

mg and unrest. drug

‘Hyperion’ combines Sci-Fi With Keats,


[U/l Siritt'ium

lh‘td‘lg'tl.“ lldtr

sis ”5. >4 ”St



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of faith in government anti religious
leaders —— happened in real life
first. They happened on your favor-
ite sitcom last.

Some conservative critics pine for
the era of “Leave It To Beaver" or
“Dragnet," when life was flawless,
authority figures were perfect, and
problems vanished before the final
commercial. Never mind that life
never was and never will be that

The coriservatives' arguments are
wrong anyway. There is no heavy
liberal political message. The pa-
rade of politically benign programs.
if anything, are not political at all.
When someone does say or do
something political, it is usually so
much that the viewer comes away
with nothing. As a self-admitted
(and proud) liberal, l'm bugged by
TV‘s lack of political courage.
Shock-value humor or tired one-
liners aimed at a politician (be it

If you know science fiction, you
know that a Hugo Award means .in
exceptionally tine book — perhaps
the best that year. Dan Simrnons‘
Hyperion took the 1990 Hugo. and
the sequel The Fall ofllypermn is
good enough to take it this year.

These are both books that. once
you get into them, you simply can't
stop reading. l was fortunate to start
the itrst in the aftemoon; by the
time I finished the second one. the
still Wits tip again.

Hyperion is set in a future 21 mil-
ltjnllitn from now, a universe where
Earth is centuries dead from a “hu-
man error." where humanity spans
over 300 worlds, where connection
by faster-than-light travel is not
enough, The World-Web is linked
by a gift from the Artificial Intelli-
gcnees who have seceded front hu-

Dan Quayle or Ted Kennedy)
doesn't cut it as political satire.

Speaking of one-liners. it
shouldn‘t surprise anyone to hear
more jokes aimed at Republicans
thtui Democrats when the Republr
carts have been in power for ten
years. When the president, vice
president. cabinet members and
White House staff members are all
Republicans, it stands to reason that
they make the news and therefore
get joked about more.

When Democrats do make the
news, they are lampooned just as
much, Has anyone been satin/ed iii
the past sl‘t months as much as
Kennedy .‘

Television writers and producers
need the freedom to say what they
want to say about the current state
of the nation. The best shows are
the ones that pushed the edges of
the envelope. Most producers are
liberals, and they need the freedom

man society some four centuries
earlier and have instant communica—
tion and teleportation. An era in
which science has proceeded so far
beyond human understanding that
few humans dare not to trust the
elusive machines, whichh we pro-
vided it. One may own a house with
rooms in 70 different worlds - al-
beit an expensive one.

Of course, every novel gets a lit-
tle life from having an interstellar
war —— the Web must deal with
their outcasts, the humans who
would travel between the stars rath-
er than remain in a jaded human so—

But it’s much more complex than
this: An Artificial Intelligence rev
construction of John Keats implant-
ed into a human body ta ‘Cybrid‘i
Pyramid-like structures which have





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to be liberal. There are some conser-
vative shows out there (check out
almost any cops-and-robbers show)
who have the right to be conserva—
tive. Some shows, of course, have
no desire to be political at all. (Most
of them are totally apolitical.) Let
writers be writers.

When you consider this argu-
ment, look at who is making most
of the allegations. Donald Wild-
rnon, Jerry Falwell, Jesse Helms
and all the rest are conservatives m
very often the most conservative
social critics in the country. or
course they think the media are too
liberal. To them, anything is too lib-
eral. A completely fair, completely
balanced prime-time schedule
would .still be too liberal for them.
They would not rest until television
entertainment shows (and news
shows) were as right-wing as they
are. Then and only then would they
be satisfied. Then and only then

been moving backwards in ume for
unknown ages —-— a gift from the fu-
ture or a weapon to destroy humam
ty‘.’ Either way, now they are. open-
ing. The guardian: The Shrike, a
death god, literally — it has killed
thousands and emptied cities.

The novel tells the stories of sev-
en pilgrims to the Time Tombs.
each with some strange connection
to the planet upon which they rest.
Hyperion, or the Shrike, their ava»
ar‘ A drunken poet old enough to
remember the death of Earth 7— and
has composed the greatest work of
his era to his muse »— the Shrike; a
diplomat from Hyperion who has
betrayed his government to the sys
rem-roving Ousters; a captain oi
one of the largest space vessels in
existence, the organic Treeship: a
detective who packs an old—
fashioned obsolete .45 automatic.
lover of the John Keats Cy'britl; a
priest from the dying cult of the
Catholic church. cursed by a

would they proclaim TV to be
“fair" and “balanced."

These people do not constitute a
majority of Americans. (The Moral
Majority's name notwithstanding.)
Why have they enjoyed success in
getting sponsorships pulled? Why
have they been able to so inhibit
network executives that those exec-
utive shy away from shows with
any kind of edge? Because they‘re

They organize and write letters.
They organized and threaten to boy-
cott products. Network executives
frequently cave in to their wrshes.
And why"?

Because the other side is not or—
gani/ed. And until we are as orga-
ni/ed as they are, they‘ll call the
shots. And TV will slide further to
the right while they complain about
how its sliding to the left.


strange parasite to painful imnior<
tality \lso included among the sev-

en pilgrims are an elderly ew hear-

ing his baby diughrer. inflicting
with a strange disease in the Time
Tombs; and a soldier who has
fought the Ousters alone at incredi-
ble odds and won.

They travel to meet the Shrike
under the shadow of the largest war
humans have ever seen, just above
the atmosphere of Hyperion.

This is not Chaucer, folks.

Seriously, the writing is not SF—
ese. it is concise, smooth and very
gripping. The work and life of (of
all people) John Keats, is intricately
woven throughout both novels
not a cheesy trick. this but true
literature. Even ll you don't like
science fiction, give this one a try.
It you do. then I put Dan Simmons“
name with companions like David
lirin and Larry Niven.

Read it.





Get your face out of the
TV and put your free
time to good use.
Read the Kernel.









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Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, October 1, 1991 - 3



Injured goalkeeper working toreturn in first varsity season

Staff Writer

Imagine the Boston Red Sox los~
ing Roger Clemens.

Or picture the Buffalo Bills with-
out the services of Jim Kelly.

Sure, it’s not the same magni-
tude, but UK soccer coach Sam
Wooten compared the loss of the
Cats’ team captain and star goal-
keeper, Rob Strobel, to the impor-
tance those professional athletes
bring to their teams.

A 6-foot-4, 205-pound junior,
Strobel was lost for the remainder
for the season after suffering a 75-
pcrcent tear of the anterior cruciate
ligament in his right knee. The inju-
ry occurred last week in the Cats’
game with Marshall.

“Rob (Strobel) was the biggest
impact player I've ever coached,“
Wooten said. "He‘s playing a role
you can compare to a quarterback
in football or a pitcher in baseball
—— someone who can completely
dominate a game.

“There is no better goalkeeper in
the NCAA, so he‘s going to be
greatly missed. But injuries are a
part of sports. We still have to go
out there and battle."

His injury occurred as an attack-
ing Marshall player closed in on the
goal on a crossing shot.

As Strobel ruade the save and
planted his right foot, the opposing
player crashed into his knee, caus-
ing it to twist. He had to leave the
game, but no one realized the seri-
ousness of the injury until a recent

“At first, we thought it was just a
severe hamstring (pulli," said UK
trainer David Rust. “But later, we

UK ruggers Visit Rugby, Tenn., arrive late, lose to Tech

Senior Staff Writer

The UK rugby team, with rough-
ly 30 players, has broken itself up
into two teams 7- one home team
and one road team.

But co-coach Taylor Marrct says
there isn't enough room on the mg
by field for the both of them.

“The people who really want to
play will find a way to travel." Mar-
ret said. “And if they don't travel.
they won't play."

found out it was the ACL, which re-
quires reconstructive surgery.

“This is a very serious injury, one
that can be career-ending. But there
is a good chance of recovery."

Knee problems have become
common among UK athletes in re-
cent years. Former basketball star
Winston Bennett and former foot-
ball Wildcat Randy Holleran had
ACL injuries in two of the more
publicized incidents. Both players
recovered to continue their careers
at UK.

But injuries have become second
nature to Strobel.

Just a year ago, Strobel tore the
ACL in his left knee, causing him
to sit out the entire 1990 season. He
says he has had “about a dozen“
knee braces in his career.

Still, he is able to keep a good
frame of mind.

“I was really disappointed at first.
It was like, here we go again. But
what can you do about it? You‘ve
just got to be. patient and work hard
to get back.

“The most disappointing thing
was the timing. Just when soccer
becomes a varsity sport, I’m sitting
out again. I was looking forward to
proving myself and helping this
team get into the NCAA touma-
ment this year."

Playing with the UK club team,
proving himself against opposing
varsity teams was always motiva-
tion for Strobel. But there is one
person to which he has nothing left
to prove —- Wooten.

“They don't come any better than
Rob," said Wooten, who played
goalie at Transylvania in the early
‘80s. "He is the kind of guy who
really frustrates the other team, be-

Tenn. last Saturday where the
shorthandcd Catsl (l _l) fell 20- ll: [0
Tennessee TCCh.

Not only was the team shorthand
ed, but also it arrived later than cx~
pected After a curiosity trip to a lit-
tlc town called Rugby. Tenn. and a
misjudgnient of the time it would
take to get to C(kay‘lll‘c‘. the team
arrived at 7 pm, The game was
scheduled to start at l.

“When we got there. their (Tens
ncssec Techi players said. ‘You got
four minutes to get on the field.‘ "

cause they just can't get the ball in
his net.

“Offensively, no one can touch
him. He's so powerful with his
throws and kicks. His distribution
from one end of the field to the oth-
or is deadly.“

Strobel was named the UK club
team‘s MVP in 1989 and the Cats‘
lost only one game with him at
goalkeeper. He was a three-time
All-State performer and a two-time
Southern All~American at Madison
Central High School in Richmond.

Although his skills will be
missed, Wooten said his leadership
and experience will be important to
the team. Strobel will play a key
role in assisting his backup. fresh-
man goalie Mike McCain.

“His initial response was, ‘Mike
(McCain) will be the best goalkeep«
er on the field,‘ " Wooten said.
“Rob is a big team player. He won‘t
let this team get down. If he had got
down on himself, it would have
brought the whole team down.

“We have a lot of freshmen on
this squad. Rob is a guy with a lot
of leadership. Just to have him on
the sidelines will be good for this
team. He brings something to the
team that no one else can do. He‘s
been a big pan in making us a varsi-
ty sport at UK."

Strobel will have surgery within
the next month and will be able to
go through light exercise after four

He hopes to return in time for
spring soccer, but there are no guar~

to warm up. We didn‘t get time to
stretch properly.

“We didn't get time to get
psyched up. And plus. we were still
sore from the ride in the car."

The Cats were on the road for a
total of five hours .is they left the
Limestone Avenue McDonald's at
9 am.

The Tennessee Tech team scored
two qmck tries on the cold Cats.
But then the Cats loosened up.
tightened up their scrum and played
tech tough for the remainderi f the



UK jURlOT Rob Strobel was the Wildcats starting goalkeeper bet Jr»: a r."ec .
aga nst Marshall ended his season Freshman f. k. ~ bcf

”there's a human side to this,
too," Wooten said. “l've known
Rob since he was about 14 years
old, and he's like a brother to me.
My concern ls if he gcts hurt ag am

what will happen want hin. to be
able to w alk when lic's ill "

Wooten. w ho was forced to retire

Marrct. who tore the int crior crti
crate tendon in his l ft sllt‘llliii.’
'l‘liursilay Yet. the n..\-. scrim got
down and outplayed the rugs-er
icth scrtitti

‘\\'c got CM cllcrrt play front wit
scrum,“ \f irr ri't \lli Eficir win:
though ., ls iiior; t xper i tit.il .lllii
they mp‘ioited our Air

\larret pointed 1.! off its.‘
l'fchsc t: lll\llli‘i" and breakdowns
lll off n l\ «matron as the minor

weak points in the l 'K team

he '»~.'«it.'h' :» .z tu'itlatticiital


Only 17 0f L'Kb ‘0 fllilgt‘n first-year l'K player \latt Petrie game. offensive rinse and moods of .i
showed for the trip to (ookvillc. said. “It hurt us. We didn't get time The scrum was playing without ballcarrier "ttfl‘itlif on If’.‘ iiisid3.
C 10 athlete to join." iivtini said. “If less crashing." this \pfllllli :' . Hair: i.-.i.'ue

you're interested. ust "om‘ out and . . . . . . . .
yc lng - 9’ k “ Hidgon spent the summtr road- lodav W. \l‘»‘.('(i CVNW U,

Continued from page 1

elite riders. Several students nd-
ing for L'K's clubs this season are
seniors L’hris Thomas, Ken Trainor.
Travis Exum. Marty Moore. Gomu-
linski and juniors Robbie Higdon
and Ben Rakin.

”I can't hardly run a rude. but I
can get on a bike and go 50 miles
straight." said Exam. a mechanical
engineering student who spent the
summer working as a mountain
bike instructor in Hancock. NY

“You’ve never lived till you‘ve
dragged some 10—year-old and his
bike around the wilderness who
didn't want to try." he said.

Trainor, a three-year veteran of
the club. said he started cycling
strictly for transportation purposes
but soon fell in love with racing.

UK's cyclists average 20 to ~10
miles per day training. Race Lily
tances vary from about six to 120
miles. It is a coed team sport. as
well as an individual sport and is
seeking riders with little or no ey-
cling experience.

“People need to get out of their
minds that they have to be a super

do it."

Moore. a civil engineering stu-
dent and military police officer in
the Marine Corps reserve. was
ready to race last year when he was
called it) ticiitil'i iii Saudi
early December.

After retummg home in May.
Moore said he is anxious to get the
chance to race.

Rakin. a Chicago native. missed
last season because of pneumonia.
but said he will be able to return to
racing this season.

(iomulinski, however, said he is
nursing a shoulder separation, and it
could be four weeks before he is
able to race at full strength.

Thomas, who raced with Gomu-
linski this summer Wllh the Blue-
grass Wheelmcn, a USCF club from
Lexington, made the switch from
running to cycling.

“1 was going to Morehead State
L'niversity and was into running but
got burned out," he said. “I came
here. hooked up Wllh Gary and my
first race just hooked me on the

“lt‘ll be a lot different this year.
in a way it will be easier. because
I‘ll know what to expect 7 - I expect

Arabia ii‘i







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racmg as an independent on the
USCF Circuit. He finished a person-
al\ 335 membership .overs all
raL‘C entry lc‘cs tr :lf\ttort;tttttlf Mists,
use of L K Sports \f.tfitirit ind the
services of a itgtfl\Kti l S( l‘ .‘oach

and mechanic.

.~\nyone interested in ifllllll‘ig‘ the
hilt may call (Liry (ioniiilinski at
“‘ 3418 or faculty .idviscr Robert
.it the Albert it t'handler \lcdital

Do you know where

your moral obligatio s are?


Read the Kernel...
Get an informed opinion.





C3irf Mll ' 23:0 7.97:3» :‘ :35

became of \ilt.tli.iCT injuries in .‘ii
college career. .ttmpared the stint
tion to anothcr ;.:. its“. inal :ithl » . . . ._ ~ Q



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 Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. October 1, 1991




Kentucky Kernel
- '1 111 s‘b111 i

:1111'1‘1'1111.‘111s1‘i.1 1‘9;



Editorial Board
Victona Martin, Editor in Chiet
\ Alan Come-u, thtonnl Editor
Jerry Voigt, Fditonal Cartik‘nist

Dale Greet, Managing liditor
(iregory A Hall, Assocrate liditor
.\ngela Jones, News liditor

liiian .lent. Design liditoi





Nunn, Wolfe feu

at Kentucky State
like a soap opera

The soap opera continues .11 Keiitucky\ _ 1.111
has devel