xt7jsx647h5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h5c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1992 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1992 Vol.63 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 1992 Vol.63 No.4 1992 1992 2019 true xt7jsx647h5c section xt7jsx647h5c , T ’ mast/6‘ a .
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, Offic1al Publication of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce -— Vol. 63, No.4 -- Apr11 1992
_.__ ______________._________________—_ g 3
mm .. . , _ New Era buys, merges ;
Adpersonnel ' tojmeet in Bardstown ; . ' :
AwarasiessonsandatotoMakers,Mark,dis-anemia-hhphen: two Princeton Papers
KPA’s Advertising Division has its Spring seminar April‘l6-17 in Bardstowm;
Headquartered at thelocalHOlidayInn,thezsemina'rwillfeatureins'trucj The Princeton Leader and Caldwell when C.T. Allen founded it as The 1‘ '1
tion by Bill McCartney, advertising: directoroftheSelma(Ala)Times County Times, two Western Kentucky Princeton Banner, according to a re-
Journal. ' . ’ f 3 ‘ - .3 ’ I '1 ‘- weeklies, will merge on May 1 under cent article. He was succeeded by Ri- 5
. McCartney’s subject is, aptly, lfHQW to sell imordiadYQrtiSing-T' Hell]. thenewownershipoftheKentuckyNew chard McGregor and then by Nannie :
cover such topics as time managemshtodsing competltlonltummg causintof Era, a Hopkinsville daily. Catlett, who dubbed the paper the
sales, goal-setting, .situationicjontrol, problemaccounts,developingnew The new publication, the Times- Twice-A-Week Leader. .
accounts, call-backs; how to be 5P¢§lfi¢®¢§9fl 9311.59.43.29tiliiii;32333155533555.511:5:351’22 “i?i::i,::;.; Leader, will be twice-weekly, with It returned to weekly publication
His presentation begins at=31fp.'m.'~on'lhursday,continuesthroughthe Wednesday and Saturday editions. when purchased in 1940 by Gracean — .
aftemoon and resumesat8130a.m._o_n}Friday:§,: Chip Hutcheson III, owner and Pedley. John S. Hutcheson Jr. bought { '
V David Themp‘SOn; KPA executiVe director'éiwillidiécd'sd 151.175 ehaCtédgbyif publisher of the Princeton leader, has the paper in 1949 and was succeeded l
the 1992 Kentucky: GeneraliASSemblyz that;affetitii'riéwsrtdper“advertising been named publisher of the new pa- by his son in 1976. John Hutcheson’s i
during’Ianll‘ a.m.'sessio‘n’Friday;' '. 53- :. .-ffiii .1 5- '2‘ 123;: 3 . pen Lowell and Louise HObby, OWh’ wife Betsy continues to be affiliated ;
, The annual advertising awardsiluncheon concludes the'?serninai_j_.v.ifi ers of theTimes,are retiring.Hobby has With the paper. . ;
The distillery tour is planned for Thursday evening. ‘ 3 ,I , ; . " ' . worked with his paper for 51 years. See Princeton, back page .3,
i. Registration feeis $45 for one day or $70 for both days or $25 for the The Staffs of both papers will be ; i
. . awarclsluncheon only. - ., ': ' 3 3 retained. Present combined circula- Post an .3 , , -. ‘1',
" 3130.:information,_vconta_ctdmsxonchairwomanCherylWflcherat502/ J _ tion is about 9,000. '_- ' -‘ :3
465-8111:O'r‘.Thompsona'tSOD/8.661431i-5>5éaa-.éEtéiiézéi5%5iis55$é;55.1322532:32iiiiézéiéiééiéiiéiéiiEiiiiiiiiisiiiéiééi5iiii???355????35:53;iiééééséisééééitiiéazéiiééii???' TheLeader tracesitshistorytol871 are DIV-IE I! E ’ ~ 5
' No prestidigitation here ' 3 W i . ‘
. . . SA new US Postal Service rule ~
Rec c1111 18 com lex but Vital .... '4
y g ‘ p I Form 3541’s shaded area has been
. shelved for a while. .. ' ' t
E¥11§e¥§lézmau Intern fiber a day.) Newsprint needs to be less than . Originally scheduled to go into
Is it ma ic7 Or does some bi ”Many people think they can just six months old if mostof the fiber is to iieffect‘,on.March;j14,.thei’regulation ;.
hi g ' d t f 15 take an old stack of newspapers and be recovered by the recycling process, hasbeendelayeduntharchof1993, ~ 5 '
mac ne turn tons an. ons 0 .0 recycle them,” Shield said. becauseold,wornpapertends to have :'.tofi.giyé’5mailersg;andpostal employ- i
. newspaper and magazme pages into Not so. See Recycling, page 18 eestime tofironiioutits inherent dif-3 f‘,
recycled paper? Did you ever wonder WW . .. .r . . , ”We” ,. fimmeg,€253?”5.51:3"? " 1.
Papers you took *0 the recycling cen- ' ~ ., . Newspaper:Associates-.saidasews 2
‘9’ 1““ .Wee“? . -' 29;; " 2:;orithe':.changeihasa gone homusm . i
AS It turns out If you could follow .. = gifiéadéiiiarters":to:.;='local¥'p'ostfoffices 2’
a Piece “Paper down the recycling - , Essa-win appear in employee publi- 2
“all from Its ongmal drop-off station a midfie— .. , -. - :-
to the distributor and on to the paper I 3 a . ammo . if you are having ‘;
more than magic- v” gossamer ate/av , 1;? fiasiérfi'ihavéhimil’ her 'call oi: of
Although that piece 0f paperis on a if 1 . ”th'e'following rate and classification
society quickly running out oflandfill 5 " . I , 1 " f a Alexandria, 703/329-3660,- Mem- -i
space, it has to meet certainsmndards , " , " "if: f' 53/ 5 3' Phis, 901/5762213; Chicago, 312/
and go through several pieces of ' . ‘ - 3 g . 5:? «,5 ‘ “ 765-5293, orrSanv'Bruno, 415/74}
. equipment and chemical processes ~ " , .. WW4, j/ fie?“ 9599 I. ‘ _ i.
beforeit gets back on the newsstand. . . 1’ ~ 5 " I” .5 i, 1:15 _ ' '
”Keeping peeple educated about ' . - - - ”f" W t... ' .
. recycling” is one of the more common ' .‘ W . t _~ln§g_de 5
. Problemsrelatedtorecydingonalarge' . .. o A You be The judge, p. 3 '
scale, said Astrid Shield, public rela- W ' ' . " 3 , , - More paper profiles, p. 6 t , :
. tions manager of Bowater Inc., which . ' = , '1 " EKU fakes DC, pp. 10.] 1 '
sells paper to several Kentucky ‘ Quoteworthy WKPA meets, p, lb f
, newspaperprintingplants.(Bowater’s Madelynn Coldiron of The State journal interviews Rep. Joe Barrows of Towles gains Fome, p. 20 ._
new recycling plant in Tennessee Versailles after arecent vote.Now in its last days, the 1992 General Assembly Mountain media to meet, p_ 20 .:
produces nearly 300 tons of recycled is heating up as it winds down. (Photo by Tim Webb) .-

 ., . Page 2, The Kentucky Press, April 1992 ‘ ' '
* v K E TH II I: k u ' " .2. i; ii ~ .  -=:~ -' ,» Pres S- . ~, . .2
, Every county is expected to be ,. . . -» $3th ii. . aresgeht .i
;- represented in the Kentucky Bicen— \ 'Cifl' a» " ~ ' "" my c ”'2 :'
' - - - ~ “it ”3% . *5 4- " . . % DaerI/le Advocate-Messenger ii
tennial pictorial book,TheCelebration -. 5...». " emflhz , .» . s President-Elect "'
. ' 0f Kentucky, beingdeveloped by KPA, . 2 if sawhh' high Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune-Courier ;
' Turner Publishing in Paducah. » .' Tags a? e3 2; p . 1 Celia McDonald
.-,-l Ahdifyou'veevertakenapicture -~ ‘e §§ ' 3 ix 5“ e. ' ~ 2‘ Harlan Daily Enterprise 3;
_ inyourcountythatyou’reparticularly ' i . ‘ s. A... n g e -. Vice President 3
p » proud of, why not send it in? “' l, " .' 3;. . W" “ . Steve Lowery, The Kentucky Standard
. Photographers from KPA papers . ‘ . '~ . WW... w -;% w - Breasrirb h Old . :
» _ are being asked to submit photos for .. . ‘r - i .: orot y ernat y, ham Era ' '
; review by a panel charged with se- W..- .. 3%“ ’ he... 39??! :3: Directors ' ' i »
. - lecting thebook entries. Each person v’m‘ ’ ._ ghww ~ _'}.' William Mitchell, Fulton Leader
may submit up to five color or black/ ‘ j S. ~ " “”1 My; - . District 2 r; l.
. ' white photos (no slides). The book ' M ml ,: g »;...., .. - .. ' w Jed Dillingham' §
will run aboutone-third colorand two- " 2% if . 3' Dawson Springs Progress
_ 2 Therangeisextensive.Guidelines .22; .. i 3 hi5 . .. - " gerosathevlett, McLean County News '
2 indicate that scenes with 1e are I. ' .H ”if 2 ~ » "i; ' ' '.' Is no
. peop e W .‘ p . W . . 3. . - Charlie Portmann, Franklin Favorite ' ;
preferable. is . w. r... a, ”*1.- e .. "*e a3. , . ‘ District 5 "3
' DeadlineforSmeiSSiOhOfPhOtos "1i ' 'T‘ Q Q WWW“ I“ , it» , '. Coleman Love l
to KPA is May 1., with the book ii}: 3,45%; ”’N ._ j..-WW ‘ WM Elizabethtown News Enterprise l
scheduled for pUblication in August. .. ’ : ‘35" i - - ~ .. he” 9% 5; District 6 ‘ 5i
3‘ . ' ’1'; 2 "' " f . ' 5m«‘¢z<< ' ' '{l
' Selected photos Will also be used A ' .. ' . r. 2;" 7i 1W3.“ DOTOthV Abernathy, O/dham Era .
, » . in KPA’s annual exhibit at theJanuary % f .233?“ ii :3». “1%? ,3 f; .23” District7 . i
1993 convention. 132731,. ff‘hi‘“. W 9..” :‘ke ”a?“ figf; Kelley Warnick, Gallatin County News '3
Entryformsand moreinformation 3M“? ““1 ‘ ‘*%.. .. D'smd 8'9 » i
' aboutthebookareavailablefromKPA 1 . W’ ' ' . ‘ ' r. p K?” Metz, Bath County News-Outlook - 7
a- ' , . executive 5.11%??th David.'hh0mR§On. .. 2 . " . , . - 1 W} . flfir'gifiig l '
‘Yi‘ii’ih‘ifif 800/866-14317?:31.’§ ‘ L1”-’ee'ei‘ifle.2z, . ' , " . - ""'.""~ ." ~:’~%?m'}? A '-y[ b" N E ' ' ' i
. , _ Uh h . . . . _ W, WM, swan, . r . ppa’ac [an ews- xpress , . ,,WW_:’N~
‘ . -u - - . District 12 lei ' "
TWO pap er S take Take a kid and Kelley Warnick with a camera and you've got an award- L°Uise Hatmaker .' '
. winning photo. This one was part of a feature picture essay that earneda first ”7'6“.” Times/BeattyviI/e Enterprise ":3
natlonal honors place ir'iKPA's 1991 fall contest for the Gallatin County News editor. The only Dmm’t 13 . " l
. The Lexmgton Herald-Leader and thing wrong with it is that we couldn't run it bigger. Slenn Gray. Manchester Enterprise ‘
‘ The Kentucky Post in Covington were «W 'Str'Ct -14 - . l
recognized in the 1991 National Iour J t h 1 Stuart Simpson, Pu'aSk' Week ' '
. ' _ District 15A . '
1813:5111 Awards, Sponsored by the eac er S can earn , Jim Green, Lexington Herald-Leader i'
. rips HonIard Foundatio‘n. W k . District 153 3' ‘
‘ aria enson won t e a1 er d t h th . Jerlene Rose, Clay City Times
Stone Award for her Herald-Leader an eac IS summer State-At-Large é
' ‘editorial series on the inadequacy 0f At least tWO Kentucky newspa- telecommunications business or fi- ' Merv'Aubespin, Courier-Journal ‘ '3 '
legal protection for abused women. . ' Camilla Box, Union County Advocate '
pers may take on scholarly help this nance departments. Gene Clabes Reco d N . t
‘ fl alTfiefentlitcllgy P 0‘th 3713501131 three summer through the Summer RESl- Those interested in a residency John Del San'to r er ewspapers ' .
n 15 s ort e o . o ‘ - "
reco nizin inveZti ativzvzrurnzlgrih dency Program _0f the American are adwsed to contact the newspaper Ashland Daily Independent '§
g g g , 1, Newspaper PUthheYS ASSOCIaUOh directly,givinginformationonthejobs Associates Division 3
that benefits the pUth' 311} Straub, Foundation. or experience they desire and special Brad HUQheS , '2’ '
ThePost’ sFrankfortbureauchief, wrote The Daily Independent in Ashland skills and qualifications they have to Kentucky Cabinet for Human Resources ’
about connections between guberna- and the Paducah Sun are among 33 offer. Advertising Division . 3
. tonal campaign contributors and the papers nationwide that have agreed Cheryl WilCher l
awarding Of a CORSU’UCthfl contract to employ journalism educators for contaCts at the Kentucky papers central Kentucky News-Journal l .
fora Northern Kentucky University the su er. , are: (1) Ashland, Russ Powell, 606/_ sews-Editorlal Divlslon‘ 1'
dormitory. ”The ex ri en . 329-1717; positions in newsroom and USS Powell ’ » '
- ce Will enable edu— . . - ’
,, Henson’s editorials led to court- caters to givgiheir students an honest graphics; (2) Paducah, Karl Hamson, ézwggoaaglfidepertidtont : '
. ordered changes inthe legal treatment reflectionofwhatis going onattoday’s 502/443-1771; newsroom, advertismg, David Dick Unr‘ivgrssoltn ZfI'lgntudt ;
ofabusecases and the institution of an newspapers,” said ANP AFoun d ati o n graphics. , ' y ‘ y ' "l '
~ attorney general’s “51‘ force to rec- chairman Charles S. Rowe. ”Newspa— F ee'd f'th - KPNKPS cen'm'om“ ' l
ommend improvements to the state’s pers will have an opportunity to use a r om o . e press ls one Of the Dav“ 1" Th°mps°“’ Encuhve ”hem“ ' ‘»'
handling of such cases. Straub’s re- hi hl ualified tem era 1 bulwarks of liberty and can never lie Bonnie Howard, Business Manager; Buffy ‘ ,1
ch 1 d . f d g yq ” P ryemp oyee restrained but by despotic ovem- Johnson, Bookkeeping Assistant; Sue ;
. sear resu te in. e era] and state for the summer. ment G eor e M ‘g Cammaok, Secretary. Advertising: Glon‘a ,;
grand )ury investigations and pro- The residency can be a combina- ' g ason . Davis, Director; Reba Lewis, Administrative ;
. ' posed changes to the state’s contract tion of a consultancy and internship /—_——\ ASSismm‘ News. Bureai'n'he Kentucky i
1 A1011“ entry by the Herald-Leader ing to an ANPA Foundation an-' Medlofimkorslvmfimfionmmig M C ' «C 'd‘ ' ' ‘ ' e '
dK ' - - ;z;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;bfiver“l89‘diam:E:1#5911:1:1:1:1:231:221:=¢:1; C any' 001' Inator,KIm Cox,LlndaSlemp. 2.
. 211121) A iitucky Egiucatiohalielevmion nouncement. . mkwsrokez:/ Mall/News Release Service: Nancy Peyton " 1
SSOCiate was a in iSt in the . er”“"”«"éé: The Kentucky Press (ISSN-0023'0324) is publlshed [hl ' .,' '
‘ Sex-vi 'nS rt fL' ‘ Educators mg)? work In the Wkflm,flls§issippflémjéflsiwé and second class postage paid at Frankfort, Kentuckym4cr'i'i'501y, ». '5
_ C61 uppt) 0 iteracycategory newsroom, advertising, circulation, mgm‘“kmgnhflaé’ ' andaddltlonalmailing offices.Subscriplionpriceis$4peryear. 2' '
,5 0f the competition. marketing and promotion, graphics CWbWeWWWWhWWi “Shah“ send “”99 °l add’ess 1° The Keml’d‘l F”955-
_ I aw.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.2.2.~,-.-.e.-:~:-:-:e:-:-:~:2:2:-:.:2:~:2:.:.:4.z.z.:4.:.1.;.1.;.:cw,.;.z.:.;.3.;2,;.g.3.1.3.;;.;.::;:;:;.¢'¢,e:«' 101 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 223‘8821. .
" r . ' h I.“"——; ‘ __

 i ' I ‘
. , ' , . ; : w s
I ' April 1992, The Kentucky Press, Page 3 J J
1 i ‘ :13 ' " , ” 3' Mats _ KPA members were in demand last month as judges of other J’
’- se ., j . . '-
.-; ”9%: ’ ' ’ . . state Press aSSOCIaUO“ contQStS- ’12
J \{ §§~§Z """‘"‘ ‘3 ' 1 ” , Convenmg m Frankfort to Judge Virginia Press Assoc1ation's J
J J J t . advertising contest were Linda Morgan, Lexington Herald—Leader; J
.,l , , 15:. . 7 2R? , v . ' - . . ' .J
J 1 J w, , - J Judy Lassuer, Kim Hupman and Kathy Young, Sprzngfzeld Sun, J,
éJ , ”'91:: m J J J " Y as Becky Whitson, State Journal, Frankfort; Peachie Armstrong, ' J
' J 13 r as,” Is: J 2 , a “’3 Oldham Era; Dee Ellis, Trimble Banner, Bedford; Bill Mudd, ‘ g
$5; J J J ; J _J _ :2 Harrodsburg Herald, Dave Eldridge, Henry County Local, New Castle, J
, Kw}: ,1 s, J , Bob Scott and Mit21 Gray, Georgetown NewsaTImes, and Sabrina J. J
J a ~ " sis, ‘3 ' Bruce, News—Herald, Owenton. J
3 2? Ron Brldgeman Judging an editorial contest 1n Lexmgton for Ka 5 Press - J
«J _ , 35$ Assocratlon were Jerlene Rose, Clay Czty Tlmes, Victoria Schremer, {J
J ' s3, Sentinel—News, Shelbyville; Phil Bowling, Winchester Sun; John J . J
._ J J J t Becky Whltson, Lmda Morgan Mueller and Harry Merritt, Lexmgton Herald Leader, John Cannon, . J J J
J; 2, Mark Maynard and Paul Gottbrath, The Dally Independent, Ashland; , I"
J , J JJ as? Sacha De Vroomen, The Kentucky Post, Covmgton, Ron Bndgeman, _ . JJ
J . . ,1 , 3s m “ Jessamine Journal, Nicholasville; Don White, Anderson News, J1 ,
-}‘ ,1; $ , 4r?» Lawrenceburg; Rob Carr and Madelynn Coldiron, State Journal, J ,
J ~ i, , , _ , -- , . and David Thompson and Pam Shmgler, KPA central office. KPA J
‘ J i g J ‘ J , "C" staffer Sue Cammack helped set up both events. . J
.:J . ' MN , , fix 2 J3 _. .. J - Photographers Cammack and KPA News Bureau Intern Tim J
,, «sass, ~ Webb caught some of the Judges 1n the act. .1_
J 23:28,. ‘fiigfiy sex J J J , J ~ {3
:1' ' x ‘ , ”a , - 7 ' ‘
a . I V I 3‘ , 5; _, , ' g ‘
9-,} 1 . ' .: . 1}: '-‘. "”5“. «'3’: I ‘
i , -. a a , g: ,s . ’
if , 0 : . ' , ' ,1 ' ‘- ~ - ‘ " a”*m%’ ‘i‘ V " 1
_ _ J a) J J _. , J j;z;:'1":‘;',* swig: {4* J (JG: _ JJ , J J , . §;Mvs.slfi,, {"14‘15‘ ,wi , ‘J 1 i
a . as , ' ‘ - , fi“.£-”- . i I
3 Q ’ ' '2 ' ”55% . A * ' : ' : ‘
I 90 ‘ ; ' ' ’ 35'5“” ' 3 ' as g 11/}
V I} 08 V ' V 7‘35; We ”25‘\"'a:7’“2 A J
. J ‘5 » J . ~ .: a Paul Gottbrath J,
,J ¢ _- , fix? "
‘ 03 " l , f v [fir ’4’
a . C I . “was < ‘7- -'
l I a": - g“ , , (W ' j,1} / ‘L’.’ J J
l , "7 if!" ', gt“; #3,, J, ,r/ J, -.a,- J- . J:
' :3 ' ‘ w" ,, "2 - ’ag‘g’éa/aé} - J:
J J . J' , , “Wham {as gs! , j g l
, : , as ~ a 2 s s , - ' :1: f . 2* = - “f I
_ J; J J (J ~3?:=i“I:-~ N , ,5 fl, ,4/13’741’A»? 1:»: 1», . , ._, ,.
. .. ,Qgsms . .{y ., figs, , 5 l
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t a: : V ' - w Z; W ,1 ' , . x s“. ‘ Es , , r s:
t , ,6» :‘ ': :r ~> ms: W; T,. 7‘ ., ' ‘ , , «u 5:95;, . 0 n a —~ M‘s.) ‘ ’"» “5'"? I, 7 , ": C 4 4m w' 1'
i - s3, » .W s 3% ‘as 1”" ,’” : J,-
J , } *\6§3~1"'{~§¢ J} . _ :JJJJ 7., Yaw», J“ _. IJJJ} “7:”, WW7, ,, , x :_ JJ} yr“ J t, ‘7. . _ _ , .,,J , J J , "(J/fis, J,» _ ’7'?
J J “a M J 1, Peachie Armstrong,,Dee E1115 315
J J J Rob Carr, Phil Bow mg _ ~ . v J J - JJ.
J .7 , .,;;::: . .: — : ‘ _ . , ' w}
: } Y, 7%——,,, , he“, , 7A4 ,1,...<_. » W ‘ ""‘v—gA‘UN I V J _ J J . JJ ' ‘. 5 '- ‘ J:-

 ‘ . . Page 4, The Kentucky Press, April 1992 » ‘3
V ' _ .55;2332555:E:EIE=5:E:S=E=E=E:E:E=E33:3;55353353332355?:S:E:E=S:E:E:E=E:E333522:33252252323E2523:3233:533:52:3:5:£:i:i:5:§:§:3=§=5:55:33:E25:5:E22:5:5:525tE:E:E:E:E:E:E22:3:5:225:5:322g2:522:32:25:52:55};E13:3:E23:2;5353i;E33333-15233323525555gE323252255;E5335;E35;23E5333gEgigigégigégEgigégigigigE5232;E35335}35:5gEgégi5555323252333235;25E523333;EgE5232;E:3:E2:323:E£53532;Eg523:525:3:3:EIEIEI€=E:31£=£=EiE13:3:E=-Z:313131513iE13:2:3=2:32523:3IE:$232315:E3:33:35:213132533i:3313225:E:Ezi:5:5:E:E232233E:E:E:E223:325:33:52:5:3:5:3:2:33:35:E:E:EzE:5:3:S:3:33:35:S:3:523:52EtEti:E:EiiiE:Eziii2313iEiSIEIEIEIEIEiEIEIE:EIiiEIEIiiiiE15:5iE=EiE=EtE:E:E=E:3::::i. V $7.?
2: - N. g .
i ' THOMAS BARR, managing GINA KINSLOW has been BILL ELLISON, associate . 3 3 _ : . 3 : i
33. _ 3 editor of The Pioneer News in named assistant editor of the editor-administration at The Courier— 3 '. BRYAN ARMSTRONG, . : 3
. , Shepherdsville, partiCipated in a Tompkinsozlle News, covermg local journal, is on3the program for the 3rd 3’ state éditdfijfiTheiKentuek'y 33333,: 3
31 recent American Press Institute government, photography, features annual Horv1tz Seminar, sponsored " P054EinCQVihthhnisfthis Walls": 3
3;. seminar on Editing the Weekly and and helping in advertismg. A 1989 by Ohio Newspapers Foundation, 3 'preSidentof'KentuckyfAssocié ‘
3 Q » Community Newspaper. The ' journalism graduate of Western April 25 in Columbus. He Will join' . 3,—3th PreSS_;Editors Association.§‘;.5-; [3

3 3 Reston, Va., session featured a Kentucky University, she has spent Ohio editors on a panel to discuss Also on thegroup’ssteeringf 3 3 3. ,3
Q: . .. critique of the newspaper by the 22 two years with the Glasgow Daily ”Excellence with economy." committee are TOM ,_i 3 3jf3i33i3‘=.j33g353,33_3333 . 5.3
3 ‘ 3 other editors from across the United Times. , ECAUDILE aSS.i:Sténii‘mané§ifi§ x
_, Statesandcanede- ' . I - tam-c i i is! oticxngeriooeooer
Two Kentuckians are among 65 . , : 3 3 :MIKEtHERNDONrjeie’CUIiVie 3
3- ' ' nominating jurors for the 1992 m ' ,. .3 ‘ ‘ '3535Téfiitdf,.-Kerl,'ilicky?l\leolEra ,3
: ’ Pulitzer Prize in journalism. They 3 “$3; 3 33 w 3 , 3 l‘fi.HQPl€ih5YmeeahF1"B‘QB' 333.3323. 3 "
i are WILLIAM L- ELLISON JR. W’Z: We” .- . »- 3;“ £3 .... . « 3.33pEPALis, managing'“édiior’;-;I= 3;», :23
- t editor of The Couttcr- V . ., -. ' cormroMARK
g : : Journal in Louisville, and SCOTT 333333333 ‘2 ‘33 . 3‘: _ . MAYNARD like... paiiyir‘t‘agpefi; :"22 __ .
t Herald-Leader ' .. ' t . ‘ , . . Association ' ‘
if _ ‘ BOBBIE FOUST, former editor . 3% - .3 32:23:33;:52:si.‘:gégigsiiéiaéiiiéifréigigégiaéiii;65!5:22E5$25152%:Easifiégiitizgéifgéié;=:.:..si§5§5é§f:s1:52"£552???“ {3
3 . of The Herald Ledger in Eddyville, :33 . 3, - 3 3 3 5.31.3: 3.33:3. .- 333.33;
3 , 222312363143? news staff of The 33:33 . 3 33 333.333 g 3 3 AP E d1 tors to meet . 3:
l A Representatives of three KPA 3 e . 335333 . ' 3 » ' Kentucky Associated Press Edi- ?
Associates are new officers in 3 3,33 " : 3 3 ‘ - tors 3Assomation has slated its spring
' Lexington’s Thoroughbred chapter ’ 3 . - . seminar for May 7 1“ L0H15V3llle~
i ' of Public Relations Society of ‘ .- The morning section Will be de—
t 3 ‘ America. LISA SMITH of Blue . .3 3 , - , voted to workplace health issues,3in- . ‘13}
3 , _ - Grass Airport is the group’s secre- 3 . : eluding repetitive stress injuries, 3 3 H
3 tary; PAT GILL of The Preston 3 3 3 3 lighting, posture, etc.In the afternoon, ,
\ . Group is treasurer, and JOHN " ,- Q " . Western Kentucky University profes- ‘33
3 3 3 SC ENBERGER of the Univer- 3 .3.3.:33 sor Jim Highland will talk about ex— Q "3
ice ii‘s’i’tgiiofiléentueky-‘Ei‘sa director ate - _.- lent r...- .. .. s: ., ’3 . - . , . ;- -— - V ,_ ’ tracting @1an recordsfrom the new 3 L; i
large. ~ ' i - ' . - . ., . '. .7 Associat-ing . . . , .. . ‘ . ‘ ,_ " statewide computeridatabasen SUST Q Mime”
3 . . , The Corbin Times—Tribune, has Q Representatives of two KPA Associates pose in front of the photo exhibit TAIN- 31.533 ‘
t named MIKE LYNCH as circulation during the association's winter convention in Frankfort. Both Keith Elkins, A350; Kentucky A13) Sports Editors i
§ manager. Lynch was formerly left, of Transylvania University and Pred Troutman of the state Economic Assoc1at310n W‘113h33V‘3 135 Spring meet- ._ 3
3: district 53195 manager for the . Developmentbranch are officersinthe Associates Division. (Photo by Tim Webb) ‘_ 3ng A2321 17483313 LOUISthlle- F? g; - 3
f~ Zariesville, Ohio, Times-Recorder. ————————-—.———-————————————‘————— - orma n on e1 er mee mg, C3 » t3
3 He is a business graduate of Ohio Participating in a reCent career Gallatin County News publisher Staats, 800/292—3560 or 502/583—7718“ , .
1 University. ' fair at South Oldham High School DENNY KELLEY WARNICK spoke . _ _ .
3 SHARON PERKINS has ' were staff members of The Oldham on the changing status of women in X 3 . 3 3 '
33‘, recently joined the Staff of The Era in LaGrange: ad representative Kentucky on Feb. 13 for a bicenten- 3 ft" 3 ,
.Harrodsburg Herald. Perkins, a VICTOR GIAN COLA, reporter nial program of the Warsaw 23;; 3 '
3 graduate of Centre College with NANCY WIEDMAN and editor Woman’s Club. ' . 3 t
' degrees in government and English, KIT MILLAY' Ad manager - The department of journalism ”if 2%; V ‘
3 has 11 years experience in advertise 3 PEACHIE ARMSTRONG and and ra dio-tel evi'si on at Murra State 3-. ,‘V;
' mg and graphics. . . Millay also spoke at a similar event _ University hosted the 19th anhual 3&3 / ' ’
Q at Oldham County High SChOOL High School JoumaliSm and Broad- ”1%: a" . . ‘3 ‘
i W ' . cast-in Worksho on March 9. .. ' . at . - ' ,3 ~ 3
t: KPA ?ff1cers Awrsscsuch Amonge MSU perEonnci making v. “ ‘ ~ . 3’ ? ' , . -
i Chosen 1n Paducah presentations to the visiting students / . . 3: g? ‘7, 3 " '3 3 l
f- John Lucas, publisher of The _ . were chairman DR. BOB 3 3 g" e”? 3
3 . Crittenden Press in Marion, was 'The International So3c1ety of3Weekly MCGAUGHEY, DR. JOHN . . I ' t V .
elected president of Western Ken- Newspaper Edltors IS offering two DILLON, RODNEY FREED, . ' . . , . _ 3
f tucky Press Association during the scholarships to young weekly news- ORVILLE HERNDON, JOE " : _ .. _ I. 7 " 3 ,
' group’s spring meeting, March 19- Paperefiltors who would llke to attend HEDGES, CYNTHIA HOPSON, ' ' . " '3 , 3
3 20in Paducah. the society’s annual conference July BARRY JOHNSON, DR. ANN : . , I . - 3 .
Scott Dillingham of the Dawson 8'12 m Comrado SpringS- Bash LANDINI, DWAIN MCINTOSH 3 ” ' , i
I Springs Progress -is the new vice scholarship covers conference “ms and DR. ALLEN WHITE. From tee ” i 7 ' if.
2‘ ' - president, and Jed Dillingham,also plus up t°_ $600 m travel expenses. KPA newspapers were CHRIS _ ' 3
j 3 of Dawson Springs, is treasurer. Weekly editors who have b.6331“ the EVANS, sports writer for the ' :3
3 During the WKP A business field less than 10 years are 1nv1ted to Paducah Sun, and GREG TRAVIS, . 3 . 3 3 _ 3 3 3 3 3.33
meeting, members voted to increase apply - Send a letter 0f no more than editor of the Tribune—Courier in . ‘1" 3 . J 3 .
. scholarship awards to journalism 250 words describing your Job Phl' . Benton. - . . . . . t
. students at Murray State and West- losophy 0f community journalism, . Assoc1ates Divmon chairman Brad . l
» . emKentucky universities. Annual and why you want to attend, to Don't miss Hughestakes abreather during the t - ‘
~~ - awards toeach school go from$200 Donald Bmd' ISWNE' Journalism the Advertising Seminar, wmletr convention He 5 wuh the
. to $4003 Dept, Northern Hlinois University, Apfil 16-17 in Bardstown. CabinetforHumanResources. (Photo . , 3
' DeKalb, IL 60115, by April 15. by T1“ Webb) .3

 , ' _‘ l‘ 3
3 April 1992, The Kentucky Press, Page 5 3' 3‘
3 3
,3 , 3
. 3 ‘ The Sentinel-News in Shelbyville E-A- Armstrong . in the production department, even- Mark Wathen ‘1'
purchased 10 boards in December The former owner of The Oldham tually working as pressroom foreman Mark Thomas Wathen, 102, re- 3
“=3 - for the first Habitat for Humanity Era in LaGrange, Eugene A. ”Gene” and building superintendent. In the tired stereotyper for the Lexington , 3-
" 3 house bililt in Shelby COUhtY- Editor Armstrong, 70, died Feb. 28. 19505, he became the paper’s official Leader, died March 22 at a Cynthiana 3'4
3 Duanne Puckett affixed the He joined his father, Earle photographer and, in retirement, nursing home. He worked for the . '2?
. 3 newspaper’s name to each board Armstrong, in operating the LaGrange continued as a substitute darkroom Leader for 27 years, retiring ‘in 1955. , 43
3 and provided tOOd for the volunteer Times in 1950, a year before its merger specialist. SHC Van Curon , l)
._ builders, including senior staff with the OldhamEra. After the paper’s The veteran new spaperman rep- , . f: . 3;
f i. writer Victoria Schreiner. sale to Landmark Community News- resented the New Era in a promotion ""33 ' ' J ‘ j ‘ 3‘
15'? TWO Kentucky newspapers won papers in 1973, he remained as ad- recognizing newspaper carriers last ' I"
awards in the recent Internal Com- vertising manager until his retirement year. The promotion won a national . , fy 3
i munication Competition sponsored in 1988. award for the paper. _ ‘ / 33
3 7 by the Newspaper Personnel Rela- Under his leadership, the Era ad- . f< - («I 3 if
i tions Association. The Courier-journal vertising staff won 38 KPA awards, Tommy McCutchen . . ’ W . K ‘ 3
3-; g 7 in Louisville took third place for including four top honors for Best Use Tommy McCutchen, former R ‘ h ,. "r 3. 3
E3 employee newsletters/ magazines in of Advertising. sports editor for the Manchester En- ‘3 A ‘ ' ,. ’4 3
:3 its size category for ”Courier , Active in the community, he was terprise, died’Feb. 7 of a heart attack. g ' 3 . i
' ' Comments.” The Lexington Her [1111‘ named Oldham Countian of the Year He was 41. ' i 3 ‘ 3 i
Leader’s ”Inside” was cited in the in 1986 by the local Chamber of Le‘la Pawell x A, 3 .
; category Above and Beyond, special Commerce. (See an editorial tribute to Mr. Lela Vice Powell 82 firsteditor of " , ' '- .1 ' 3 3
3 recognition for innovative ap« Armstrong in the Kentucky Views section of the M en ife e County News died in Feb- ; "W /, ' - ' 3
proaches. ' The Press.) rua in Mt Sterlin She was also a .. ,,, ,
3 The Lexington Herald-Leader has f ry ' g. . 3 ..‘ . ‘ ' z. 3 g; 3-
» , ‘3 . . . , ormer teacher and socral worker. ’7' .3 . 3.
5:: also won a c1tation from the Assoc1- C D . l , . r: . , 3 - j
ated Press Sports Editors in its - ]' ame 5 3 RIChaTd P. Pratt ‘F‘ " KPA 'd " " ' , 3
' . annual competition. The paper was Clarence Jackson Daniels, 71rt0r' Richard P. Pratt, 69, a noted na- P rfiorrgelr . p :35] “1‘2 :lnd , 3 ;_ 3
it recognized in the category of Special merly Wlth The Mountain 548134 dled tional journalist who retired to Cu 1 zego idl'zeéilodmmle‘ewamge nkf an , 3
.3 . Sections, papers under 175,000 Feb. 2 1n LaFollettenTenn. . Versailles in 1978, died Feb. 23.Heha d . Huron, ,1_1e arc in ra . ort. . 3 ,
5:3 circulation. According to hls obltuary 1n the editednewspapersinColorado,South' islourna 15m careerspanned 51" de— '. '3
The staff of the Troublesome Creek Whitesburg paper, the University Of Carolina and Illinois, as well as the gidlezsgnttlmcludedgtfitsgtt theHarlan 3"
' :3 Times in Hindman recently received . Kentucky graduate had edlted and Journal Of the American Medical AS- (21 33-1 n erppse an 1 e “filmimal' i
- b l a certificate of appreciation from 1”thth many newspapers 1“ Ken- sociation and Medical Economics . u , e lg%ed:rsgu:fi Pttfaltma .CQ, -e: -; 3‘
L ‘” .5113?va .. ., DARE for the paper’s drug informas tucky, Tennessee and North Carolina. =. Magazine. . , , . bmnr W1 K Otu' k . y, , . ,1 ,. wasrun .1. .337.
if": “ ' tion publication. A World War II veteran, he survrved ~ ,, At his retirement, he‘was director X many en C Y newspapers. is
3 , ‘ . FOlkS in Bardstown can EXPECt a the Battaan death march and was hEId of communications for the American . In 1957’ dunng hlS 16-year tenuxie 3 "-
. 7‘ change in how The Kentucky Standard prisoner by theJapanese formore than Bankers Association. He also co- Wigdfie Hagan-1 Paps]? hefwals‘nomi- ' 33
7 . V I Will be delivered in the future. ”By three yearS- ’ authored a Time—Life book and wrote , na (:r a d “fail" nae (3; If COV' 2;:
, ' 3.3 . the end of April we hope to have Cyrene Dear a syndicated column. :3:§5r%f?1h:‘gel:m 32:“: 50:13:; ‘I .
' " introduced cam erdelivery to all our Cyrene Bakke Dear, vice presi- D “we I l S If]: 01d, until his retirement in 1976. . 1*. 3
_ . subscrlbers hvmg 1n Bardsltown and dent of Cleaner and Ioumal Publish- Nationally syndicated columnist He served as president of KPA in .I j
surroundmg rural routes, 131312115113 ing Co. and mother of company ex- Darrell SiffOl'd, a former editor at The 1967 and shared the Most Valuable it
Steve Lowery said. The transrtlon ecutiveWalt Dear of Henderson, died Courier-Journal, drowned last month Member Award with Edwards M. 33
» ' ‘ ‘ from mail to came r delivery allows March 1 in Washington, DC. She was while snorkeling in the Caribbean. He Templin in 1966. A former head of the 33
customers to receive the“ paper 95. ' ' W35 60~ Capitol Press Corps, he was described '1‘
7 _ early each morning. . i For many years she was a Wash- . He was copy editor, then night as an ”early, vigorous and effective 3':
3 , The Corbin Times-Tribune ington correspondent and columnist editor at the Louisville newspaper advocate” of the state’s open records 3
3 raised 5mm.“ p tron rates on March 1 for Dear Publications, predecessor of between 1962 and 1966,whenhejoined and open meetings laws. 3%
' . because 0f nsmg delivery costs, the Gleaner company, which owns the Staff Of The Charlotte (NC) News. A graduate. of Oklahoma State '3-
’ 3 according to pUthhef Joe . several papers in western Kentucky. He went to W0rk in 1976 for the University, he worked for papers in f,“
‘ Hardw1ck. Home delivery and tr1- Her writing included reports of her Philadelphia Ianirerr from where he Texas and Oklahoma before coming 33
73 county mall increased “3 $750 per study missions abroad with the Na- WTOte his Knight-Ridder Syndicated to Kentucky. (Seeun editorial tribute toMr.
'3 month and all Other mall subsmp' tional Newspaper Association. column on human relationships. He Van Curon in the Kentucky Views section of ii
. tlonswentto$8perm0nth Frederick Emerson was the author of three books. The Kentucky Press.) ’ 33
. 3 1K Fred Emerson, a Bayea'r- veteran . ' , , .
I: _ TheTlmesofhlShfe 0 f the S ta ff 9f The Central Record in r ." _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ — — _ — - — — — — — — — - -l . 4 3 ‘f‘,
3 . Deadline: A Memoir. Life of Iames Reston Rhea-“err dled Feb. 23 after a bnef I (601)776-3761 (800)733-3761 I 3‘,‘
l pro‘vides a look at his life and some of the IllneSS- He was 5% _ I _ _ I 3'
‘ 3 morecolérfulfiguresofReston’stime, such He began his tenure With the I 3 . . I 3;
i as Harr Truman, Jose hMcCarthy, Dean news a erasapress man and rinter. - . . .
3 Achesoi'i and Adlii Sta/(611:0? The bEOk Wherftllie paper shifted to oflfset, he I Fleming BOOkblndlng company I 3:.
' i also offers s