xt7jsx647h4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h4s/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1942 Vol.13 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, March 1942 Vol.13 No.5 1942 1942 2019 true xt7jsx647h4s section xt7jsx647h4s A ' - WWI. s
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i “ . Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS March, 1942 .5 Man
. i g ' . i'
' i . . - - H) r .' ‘ e . .7 . . . . . .r. (
5 - Fifty C]7({('](i17g Pomts srngle decisive course ()1 action? rrficd column, andl also 1:15 akmaltter o NET/11531.
‘ ‘ ' . a . a - ~ . a. - . , . v ,
5 For Circulation Let/cars 28. Does your copy ask for the order me news, weneaer “eel ta elt 6 [PH‘ Will gr
‘ . ‘ ' ' 1' ~ . .. trose w 10 acvei
. . . . Often Cnoughf VIOLIS ISSUE, ((1 01 “A, F
f A .- 7‘ ions wrll lrel J a , . ' , ‘ . 1 The
V i ‘ T1155: fiflty qur7 il'urisetntation out 01f 29. Have you baited your hook to Used and get a paragraph item abori and the]
. on a 'e re ex rear J . _. , . . . .
, i . ). . "l ‘ 1 . A r'we‘ C’lCll get prompt, sure (urtiorr? what they sold, or other results they ii bee have
; your .Sdc‘i1),],()nm[.i;;]'.,' rsl ltl (an 30. Does your mailing piece tell the ceiyed from the advertisrng. Their ii‘ tatibn to
' ? question 13: or [1 0’ mlgtgcy 1:11ng reader exactly what (0 do and. [row to run all these items together under El her tional Ed
' i ‘ swers ant gure ie C “C ' ' ~ I ‘What “Lint Ads Did.’ It has 'ilread cri
f f ' ’ ‘ ‘ tional material Ever ' do I“ . ( . . - -( y .. 1942 ann
. ‘r 0 >01” promo ‘ ' l c . ~ - 1. 't as! [or the ated more interest in (‘lassrhed adverti . . .
‘ ' l c our letter to make '1 3’1" Have )011 mate 1 L ‘l - rnvrtatior
i ii youcranr‘ ‘ r . . - - - . . ‘,..
l‘ tn 0,,“ “Y ‘n‘g Y . ste ) ne'rrer reader to take actioirr mg and is rncreasrng our busrness. l‘ vention s
. . NO 2? F35 5‘)“ are a ‘ -1 ‘ 32. Are vou completely sold your— costs nothing and adds to the news valu famed Cl
. ~ v. / 1 _ ‘ . . J . . y
. ' you; 0 )Jeetne. self on everything; you have stated? 01' the paper. In this connection if an in Quebec,
' - tr- are: " .. ,.. .
. l 6:311” .1. w )iss the “10 33. Has your mailing been developed \Lrlisel has gotten no results we (ion The Pr
w tour mar ii i .' _ . . t , .- . - , V
' 1 1 ,1? c ” 1 out oi a sound plan of actronr mention that 1]]. the paper. But. wed has ar‘rar
1 sec:17§\7.tfi5ttl' t' n or O )ening‘ sen 34' Do you know just what you are ask him permrssron to run it again. Li three-day
_. . 1 re ca ) io ‘ * ‘ . ‘ - . ‘ r . . 2 .; 5 ~ . ~
, fl . the reider? 1 shooting for? _ neck, out of ibout lOe ills, lourol tire and up t
1’ teigcel a? ( id reason win he 35. Are you sure direct mail is the said to repeat. “6: get only 2.) centslpi estirrg m
, s trere any p‘oo .. .' j " _ , . t , . A V t _ ,1.
1 ,1] ‘ . . :rx'filinr your messa e to right medium to user d(l\€11.lh€filf.11[, but that mean iB m It doussac 2
l slrou ( leontinue ”M g ’ .(g 36. Is the total cost "of your mailing we otherwrse would not have received in beaut
’ tre ent.’ ‘- l - l _____ .
- - . low enough and your unit sale rigr vention a
‘ 4. Have you made your SClllh“ )oints ‘ A .. ) .. I,“ ,. . , .
i ' l “ / vlr irresistiblegtlo the enough to Pay out an average pereent- S/ium] Vi “2]"? “1 A/thl. . . lbern M(
-; dml reasons ‘ 5 ' ‘ age 01: return? For Adrm‘tismg Possibzlilres . teau Fror
~ at >rr s _ ‘ . . . . . . .
v ' my LH reated menl'il )ictures 37. Do you know the market for your Gm 611101 KCC“ JOINBOU (30?;ng Plan. A(
i :. av '()11 e” ‘ ‘ I . ~ _ . . .' I < .
v i 1. ) l e )1 Q i 1 product as well as you know your own 5 H as a SPCUfll 1Hf MO )11 liatlfl for onlyfi
‘ . ~ tr reac er. _ . _ 7 7, n . . .- ' . , -
i ' mt Have \()11 Given him all the facts lamilyf . “ CCk. as a contribuiipln (? our )oysarr A SPEC
x i ( . . . ‘ . . ~ 3 . . , _ r . . 7 . ,
r. . , n .11 1 . or 1H 38. Have you qualified your mailing gir ls in the national Victor) program cago. Th
and assrstanclel 1er wif‘ nee( m ( list? and also named the same period J will be Iii!
~ ‘ rrmse 'f ' . . n . .. .- ,r n . - '. . .
1’ {011mm to SC ‘ .1. ‘ . . le rron- 39. Are you cultivating your past and Conseiyation W eek because the .Clli this tram
/‘ DOCS yourl mar ing PICS: ( I 7 present customers? matron of waste of any sort is essential! from De
. . . ~ . - ~ ‘ r servrc . . . , , , , ~ - , 7 . ,, ~ . ‘
i 3113“ VOL” '1)10(11CL (f [7 4-0. Are your mailing 115‘s fresh and wartime and the coirsenation of pi per pers<
‘ 8‘ Does It OPEC] prool. _ t'on ”P to date? ducts essential to delense as a duty; will be g
, - ( . , vri(uesr ‘ . . , . .. ' ..
i if ‘)‘ Haxe 50“ .ansyyeru § C, ) 1-11; 4] On the basis Check—up ol prevrous CVCIY “WC“- Ma)’ 1 W3” “150 set 31st adyertrsn
. u . . ‘. mri(. ~ , _ u . , V . V ,,
i I ‘ ' that might be mft1t ”ii“ 161 S )b'ee results, are you satisfied that this mail- Child Health Day “1 a“Other gmer merit.
i . , v . ‘ ry ( - ‘- r . _ . .
1 10' Have you 01 L1“? C(k even] J 1] ing is going to do better 10b! mental proclamation. Reserv:
. . ‘ , . i no en rem a t « ‘. . . - . - ' . -
‘i L110n. Dresistance, 211( 42 Have you made Preliminary LeSts Other national weeks holidays, m the Natrc
‘ n. ' . ’ 7, .. _ .'r_ -‘ .
i l ( OW H . , )ff red a 'uar'intee or of your lrstS and your sales message? eyents are. his” ch 28 April 1 Basebr eral offio
{:j“ 1 ll. fuel )2}: i e .2, r 4.3. Have you provided for sufficient Week (Presrdent Roosevelt apprgric Randolpl
, ' ire e( 11“”! en. _ ‘ _.. .~ 9_ _ , - ,7 .; ‘_
19 1]. ( . iiessa e )'i
‘ . ~ uag‘e. . ' , . ' 1 , i i. . R. ‘1 Bake ‘ ‘ “
‘ . L . - ~ ~ 0 tea Foot Health \A eek, etar ‘
= 19 Is your message running in the mg L" reach prospects at a PSYChOl g r .- 1 F'shi two of tl
y; , “ ' t ‘ buying time? Week; 20 to May 2—Natrona l ”V”f ‘
2:. right gear? » . 1,1) WV k 9F t Mar 2-Nati01t or v
:?i ‘20 Are you selling; what the product 49- HE‘VC you made use ()1 mm)“ C mans CC ‘ J 0 l . 1 B! V - - - _ ‘
Ci ' ‘i I , ' ‘ s -' ‘ . " in )lannin‘ Better Homes Week; N'rtiona l I
H; or service Wlll do for the prospectr “CWPO'mS and 0‘1)61 161.11%“ _ 1 g “I ek ‘ 10W, says
' . .. ring' your nrar mgr ' e . ed B b
9 . s the cori follow a smooth and prepa t . . , . H { . . ) 0
iii" TfIL 11))“le sequerere? , 50. Are you really satisfied that this Specral April 5-1 l~ Honey For BIIC‘
.3 . swr ' ogl - . - - . , u ’~ 'f vi“
1'. ‘ '~ . A , ou can fast rand they dont s3ec1 V
i - 22 Is the message short enough—01‘ is the best possrble marling that y H ’ / 1 y Delmar I
1 ‘ t ‘ . K‘ [-7
“ long enouglfi turn 01”? oney . . ii In Jessan
H . ‘ b 1 uestion —————— April is chock-lull of events l9“; D1
' ‘. 2 r you com e( ever” . — . . . e
i * b?) 1‘: It ble statement?) (1 Classified News made [or clothing stores, dry deal’i’i itoi 0:11:11:
. 5 - '1 e or (e a a - V ‘ . . . . . ~ ‘
E K .. ‘ ‘ ' 11' or ' Ore Missouri newspaper has the [o1— food stores and a host of others.
1 25. Is everything correct as to spe ma, 1 . ' _ . ‘ . . . A $1 .‘ E t r A]! and recep
’ i Grammar rhetoric? lowing to report in regard to an rnr- biggest uent in . pii I: as e1. Aw in Louisr
' l h ’ ' K . . ? ~ ‘ '- is on of the best montis in L16 ,‘ ‘
1 26. Are your name, address, and portant feature ol the paper \\7111(‘l1_\15 fs e1 L. . ‘i ‘5 0m harvest? Stansel F.
l . - . - ' 1 , "1.333; “. s or a< yer ISln‘T—l' l.‘ ‘ ,
' i phone number clear and prominent? also building the want ad Fusnlt ~13“ son g Y Weekly m
5 f 27. Does your copy point clearly to a a promotion proposrtion or tre e .. .
. " ii” - .

 . 1.1" 3
.1... .
1; .11‘. .1
1111:111 1 1
_ .111;-;1.. ‘1
rt I: r .111 ,1
, . .1." 1‘ Mi
942 .1 March, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 1-11. 1 ' 1:
.1 11' 11 11 1
l i 11 ‘1‘. . 1
:15: . 1
tatteroj NEA 5 194-2 Meetmg asVille, and took immediate posseSSIOn information regarding the troops of 31?; 111 . .1' 1". ‘
i 1 - ’ . . . . . _ . > 33 ‘ ' 2'
the pr1 l/Vlll Be in Quebec on March 24. iriendly nation on American 5011. 1.11 11 111
0 advq The Federal Government 01. Canada Mr. Adams, native of Lexmgton, at— “NOTE: The request as regards loca- 11111 1'
n 2113011 and the Provincial Government of Que~ tended the UniverSity of. Kentucky tion and general character does not ap-'111".1.";1 11
1'16" 11 bec, have extended a very cordial invi— whire 1:16 wells sports editor of the Ken- ply to troops in training camps in con- 1 11 1 11
1ml "' tation to officers and directors of the Na- tuc y eine ’ student semi-weekly news- tinental United States, nor '0 units aS— 111'" " 1 111
,i til 1631 110ml Editorial Assoc1ation to hold their papel, and also was employed by The signed to domestic policeduty.‘ 1,1111. .11 1 ;;
82:11] 01 1942 annual convention in Quebec. This Lexington. Herald as a sports reporter. . PRODUCTION—SpeCific informa- 11111 1' 1111 '
f' VCl‘ll1 invitation has been accepted and the con- M" Fam’ who several months ago tion about war contracts, such as the 1111113111. -"1" '
... _ . .. , -. .~ _ : . .- - um:- .“1
iness.11 vention seSSions Will be scheduled at the ptiichased an interest In the Pal)61 here exact type 0' production, production 11111.1"1 “111.
r“ . ~ .. ,.. . _ . . ' . . 1 :. .i‘1
1." “1", famed Chateau Frontenac Hotel in old "0111 M” H‘u‘y McCarty and son, L' schedules dates 0' delivery 0' progress 11" 1 '1
I ‘ R. , ' 1 . .' . . ' ' 1- " ‘ .. 1 '
if M11 at. Quebec, June 23, 24’ 25. 1'. McCai 1)., “.111 enter the armed gel: of pioduction, estimated supplies of 1111111111
.vc (011 The Provincial Government 01 Quebec wet as a member of the reserve Officers stiategic and critical materials available, 111.111 11.11
. . .. , . - 1 :1 1‘11'
". WCL has arranged a Vis1t to Montreal and a corps. 0' nationWide round-ups oflocally—pub- "1111.11 1.111'11
“13'1" three-day cruise down the St. Lawrence 1 1 ————— hShed procurement data except when .1'111121'11
O H" and up the Saguenay Rivers with inter- 0’17'1’1‘1110” Manager “Eh compOSite information 15 offic1ally 111111;" 111
.. . . . 1 . , ' ' H 1 1:1 1:5:.‘; 1:1 ‘
1C]""11." esting stops at Sorel, St. Alphonse, Ta— (”011/1 Chooses Adams approved '01 publication. 111111 ""11111-1 '
“7m . . . _____.. 't 113 1 "1
. u ‘521‘ and a dav 'it M'inOir Richelieu 1 . . . 1_ 1.11111 1 ..1
eceived 110 5 L _ 1 1/1 ‘ ‘ 1 1 Thomas L. Adams, Circulation mana- Circulation Tonic M11, 11:51 1
”1 beautiful Muiiay Bay as a PIC'COH‘ get of The HeraldLeader was elected '111131'11 11
' " at r1 tion. The )art 1‘ will assem— a. . ’ , . ‘ ~ . . '11:. 1.11 :11 .
ltfgiii)l\lllodti:al une 19'arri'vin a't Ch't v1ce preSident Of the Central States Clr‘ ‘Veek'y 'mbl'lShels'Whl) "am '0 g“ 111 1'1 1'11 11 ‘11
1 , 1 J 1 ’ .9 g .- . ‘ culation Managers Assoc1ation, at a re- more money 'Om ("."u ation can get 1111;? 1.11 :1 '11
. teau Fiontenac [01 only 11-2.50 Ameucan .) t ;. . 1.- 1 ~ ‘ . . . profitable tips lrom big newspapers and 1111111131 1 11.
351%“ Pl A . M .. l . 1 l . ._ ccn meeting 0 tie gioup in Chicago. _ 1 .1 ;
. t , an. day 111 ontiea (11K [in mum. B _ 1. . _ . magazuies, ‘ 11:13.1,1: . 11
“1113110 1‘ 1 . ,. r . . 00 y trac1tion Mi. Adams Will succeed K. . 1121;11 1 1
l 0 ‘5 ar' 01 only 5132/.30. '1 otal 31,50. . to the presidenc next ear Pick up any copy of The Saturday 11;;"1'111 1. 1..
) I 1 A special train will be run item (3111- Tl . 1 . .y . y ' l f 1 Evening Post, for example, and you 1.1; 11 1'.»
program .. Tl ; . 1 f, b ‘1 d 1; 1e assoc1ation is composet 0 news- . . . 1 191.1. .11
' cago. 1e tota are, an an mea s, .. ._ l . 1 Will find half a dozen or so offers that 11511.1 1.11
CI‘lOdl will be 115130 The ['11 f. , DAL“ 't papci cncu ation inanageis from Ken- 1 , 11.3; 111;
. . . tie 10111 c 101 on 'k . I (1., IV . ‘1 . . .1 . get The P05! 5 own readers to secure new 1 11 '1 1.11 a .111 _
the 6111 this train will be 037 The t()[’ll ex )ense tuc ), n iana, Iic ngan, IllinOis, Wis- ‘ . _. . _ _ 112-1 1;..1 .
. . . t 1 . . subscriptions. Or it may offer a dust 113-131, at. .
sentiali fron D t 't .11 . d' 'l b 087 consm, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota _ . . . ‘. .1 11' 13;; 11131.1
[ )1 i e r01 Wi accor ing y e and south D'ikota mop Or some Similar prize to any woman 11 1:11 '1:
- . . . 1‘ , - c i c . H ,, . 1‘11:

O l pCl PBISOH. Each newspaper attending _—___ reader “rho gets a club of SUbSCl‘lp- 1111;1'11'1'11 _
duh)" Will be given from 030 to 090 worth of C' 'l' D f tions..1511111111111. 1
' 1. ; . . - . _ . ; 1w tan c 61156 - . . 1:111 ' 1'

t 2151 C1 adieitismg by the Canadian Govein- Big daily newspapers and farm papers ;11 1.11; .1 111 1.

1 30‘“ ment. 1 Police and medical services are among get subscriptions the same way. 111E 11.1: 11.11
Reservations are to be made through the units that should be set up in all ‘ From the publisher’s viewpoint, sub- 11 11 1 131‘. 1

.ays, 11' the National EdltOl‘lal Assoc1ation, gen- factories, large business establishments scriptions from reader's are profitable. 11111111111511

_ .1 . .. ; .. . . . . . . . t.:‘.‘:.;.

335?“ 61211 Office. D011 Eck, manager, 188 W. and public structures in war time, the With merchandise prizes, you can give 111111 .1111. ,

3131”; Randolph Street, Chicago. United States Office of Civilian Defense twice the value of cash commissions. 111111111 111'. "

V61. 1 ___.___ advises in an official pamphlet on “Pro— Here’s an example: 1.1. 1111 1.1 15'. ‘

- . ' ‘ . . . . . . 11,11 ..
111001111 Iii-601131711116 Nezuspapeis Adopt tection ot Industrial Plants and Public A weekly newspaper publisher had 1,11'1‘1 1111‘.
st. 1111 chtory Dashes 1407‘ Duratzon Buildings.” Very likely these pamphlets been Paying (30 Per cent commission to 1111111 11 :11: q
i “ . . "n ' r0 1 ne 1 -' 1 - ~ ~ (. ‘1 . i"1:'""11"'11.

Both the BeattyVille Enterprise and C" 13.61 0'35”"“' 'h. ught octalf defe IS) " ("ufr'llnc “'11qu Rate 1'38 1'2"") ‘; 11111-711 11111.1
. . . fl . counc1s. 1er ar im )or an or )u — ‘1 -. 1 ; ~ - ' ‘ ' . . “ 1i .; ”. I1"
Life R1 Owsley County Courier adopted a Vic- . 1 1e 1 1. yeai 1C .50 1UL01 got 1' . OUL 0 1 111311111 ,
. .. . . . _~ - . _ llSllCl‘S and contain valuable suggestions each subscription, the publisher only 1111M, 1‘ {11.2.
en Wet t()iy Dash immediately lollOWing the 1. l , l . 1 . . . 1 . . 1:1- 1 ..; .111». '
Natifl declaration of war and have declared W iicimay )e piesente( to entiie com— 80 cents. Later, this publisher offered .’
r 1- tli t 1 1. . . . . munities. a dust mop, costing 80 cents, to every 1111.3 1'1 1 1 1' '1 » .
’ackagt a tiese dashes Will remain in use 1 1 ur (l t sub ri 11 ..;1
~ 1 . . .. ___--_ .. 1~ ’10 5 ~ new )— 11:11.1‘ “:- “ -
re Wet 1‘01 the duration. A Jim‘dash was made , 1 1'2“ C' 1" ; FL EC Y0 1- h sf 1 11" 1" .111"
Natiol h“0m three hyphens and an em-dash 6‘5’151’1'517‘11’ Dzrertor "(ms’ On ans 0 er, ”C pub ls e1 got 1’1" ' "1 "11 1'1'i
' ’ . . . , » il ' i ‘ 0t 0' I 11311:" $711. .
Bake (' ‘ - — ) and the regular end dash With States (D05 and D0" 15 each 5' Ball“ on at a C s ' only 4' 11;. 1 11'1‘ét-1
.11 two of these in combinatio 'th 11 cents, and netted $151.60 on each sub. In 1:; ,. 11. 1.11:1-

' ‘n 1 I" ~' ' . ' ' .- 1.1% .1 '12':1
11 F115 “V” for Victor in comb' 1' W 1e Byron Piice, directOi of censorship, other words, the publisher exactly 1111 11:141.

1 1131 _-___ ,. ) ;. ' . ’ _ . . ."t.‘""'é1
—Nat101 V - . . _ ) N01, a bad He] f on 11 f l 1"” a1"?°}”‘F“' the followng ClaSSIfica doubled 1115 revenue from each sub— 1:11 '5 1 11"'
mil Ila 10W says 1116 0111 inamc a oti a to. E— tions ol inlormation Which newspapers scription by using the prize offer. .1 11:; ‘~ 7.1.111;

) 1“ n 1 - . ' , ' . - - 111.11 i1 11:”?
ed) Bob Smallwgod ( 0 COPY] 1g t me not to publish unless made available If you want more net Circulation 11:. 1 ,1 :11 ..1 _
' ~ ' k . '. . _ 1:11.. 1 1.11.1
01 B101 officmlly- profit, offers of prizes to readers for ‘11-." $11.11
:y Whi Delmar Adams —B—Z——7 t “TROOPS—The general character obtaining subscriptions will get it for 51:1. '3W'1111 '
. . . '51 I i" ' ,.

. In jessamz'ng J .051 2113735" . and movements of United States Army you. 11 . 1. 11

115 11""; D 1 omna ’ '6 talasmlle units, within or without the continental _______ 113 4; .‘ 51111

- . . . . . ‘11 ; ..-.1§-.,..
C1631“ itoreolnalf Adams, former 333003116 ed— limits of the United States—their 1001' George A. Ioplin‘ 11:, editor of the 1 11.13.1111
1613.11 and ret CICamprHSVIHC News—Journal 1011; identity 01‘ exact COIHPOSitiOII; Somerset Commonwealth, was elected 1 511'11'411
161'- ”'1" in 1401:6111 y employed on a “CWSPaPer equipment or strength; their destina- president of the Somerset Chamber of 3"; 11‘11 '
the )1 Stans llsliana,-1)i1rcliased the interest of tion, routes and schedules; their assemv Commerce at the organization’s annual .1 1' 111.1111

' - . . _ .2. . , 1 13:“

rvestSt weekle am in the Jessamine Journal, bly for embarkation, prospective embark- .diniier held at Hotel Beecher. He suc- 1.1 111.11 1 >
Y neWSpaper published in Nichol- ation, or actual embarkation. Any such ceeds W. H. Ramsey 1r. j! '33? 111 ‘ ~'
1 = -
31'1‘1111' ‘1
3. . 11: ' , '1 ..1;
1 .3 .5 ,1 ,ti '
.1. 1 1 _.
. i 1 .

 - 1 ii} 7 '
l , Page FOUI THE KENTUCKY PRESS March, 1942 Marc
3 3 E
- l Precedent is broken to the extent that NEA president. Howard’s arguments: Five Kent
‘ 158 the traditional three-day meeting will be buttressed by evidence in the form (i Durina M
l . . . , c
i a cut this year to two days. letters, were chiefly to the effect thal
' 3 en ’88 Chairman J. Curtis Alcock, who was arbritary job classifications were in}; 'lhe ra
, § unable to be present at the session, has practical for weekly newspapers becaustI £011" m ac
:’ Official Publication °§ 3‘6 Kentucky since appointed Fred B. Wachs, chair— of the overlapping of duties. 5 depleted ‘
‘ Press Assoca on . , t . , . .
. l man, Ihomas Underwood, and Russell Howard was followed by Linwood Ii Sftlhzifi:
. D 'che, as members of the no ram com- .. ~ , ' ,. ~ ‘
i Victor E. Portmann, Editor-Publisher l ‘h l ff‘ .. l ffg Noyes, Iionitood Daily Globe publishti3 Winkle, c
j _________— mittee W” “e 0 Ice” CX’O 100' and ANPA VICC-PI'CSldent. Noyes filed {ha sen er Adi
l Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington Announcement of the program Will be presentation together with evidence,E edign‘ of
. ‘ __—————— niade in the April issue ol the Press. rather than reading it or making an oral 1
. . - ‘ . . . . , 3
. Kentucky Press Assomatw“ Officers The committee is exphaSiZing that every statement. The ANP A arguments wert ‘lm Jinn:
. H L W terfield Hickman Co. Gazette, Clinton . . . . , .. . .' , ) _. A _ . _ . -i [01‘ 0 t1
, any ee 8 President 1 L , '11 state newspapei 15 I‘l‘llCd LO P‘MUUPZILC Similar in vein to the NEA. That it quirer Fc
___,____ C ' r-Journa, OUISVI e - , , . _, _ , , - - -, _ _ . . .
vance Armemmut Vice 1375333223): 1" the piogiani regaidlcss OE ”5 35111“ they pleaded the needs ol small (hill their final
Victor R. Portmann __U- of Kyu 1'67““an tion with the Press Association. Ever' . . - . . - - V
‘ SecrethTreasurer . _ . l nutspapcis and why arbitiaiy definition five ears 6
news )a )er is inv1ted .
‘: District Executive Committee ‘1 1 - - as to whom would be non-exempt 0; and Advo
. J. C t’s Alcock, Advocate—Messenger, Danv‘ille, (State- ~ ‘1, ‘ 7-, L _ . _ ‘ ~
. ”4:39), chairman; First, Joe LaGore, Sun-Demo- ______ e\cmpt ti om a 10 houi week andoyei McCaity,
,, crat, Paducah; Secolnld, gill}: T3“? Uggg‘g‘lafifl' time payments would not be practiCi lasville Ne
:, 'A at,Moranfle; 11‘, 0n - , . , .' ‘ . . ,, , . ..
l Cgi‘iEi‘iar—‘ilournalg, Louisville; Fourth, Joe Rfihagdson. 5M“ PHNtlflg Can BL D0,“ and consequently WOUId ”“th furthfl The Prt
1 ’ , G1 s ow: Fifth, Frank c. Bell, Trim e emo- . , , . , V 1 , .1 . _ , . . . . ,
J E:$,esBedfalJrgd; Sixth, Fred B. Wachs, Heraildd-geadsr, By 0mg” Than Dan/(fort C07”P““)’ haidsliip on publications. the Fourt
: Lexin ton; Seventh, W. W. Robinson, Hera , am s- V , . . r ‘ A ,‘ A ‘ _
% ville; gEighth, T. T. Wilson, Log cabin. Cyntlhiana; I he state s contention that its deparb 1119 Amel 15a" Newspapei Glllld 351‘ dOICUCQS t‘
i Ninth, H. A. Browning, Whitley Republican, Wi liams- 7‘ , _ . _ . , _ ‘ 7 , ' , , , .
j burg; state—at-iarge, Chauncey Forgey. Independent, 1116115 and dgCHCIes can do their own Cd ml 50 days additional time In Old? know, that
E Ashland. _ duplicating and minor printing with- to answer in rebuttal the presentation and theiri
. 'l t‘ Committee . , , . ' ‘ , . . . , . . .‘ .
1 ~ Tyler Munford LfigsiLWZO, Advocate, Morganfield, out Violating the commonwealth 5 print- and U‘hlblls 0L the 131113113116“?- EllShi fitting m0]
‘3 1 ‘ chairman; George I19. Janina, Colrgménezregllatgsoxfigé ing contract with the State Journal Hanson, ANPA counsel, asked for th:. W Reed
. E bert C. Tay or, ecor era. , r . K ‘ _ . .. i ,~ ,~ ‘ . , -, 7 V, - .
‘ R? Underwood, Herald. Lexington; H. A. Ward, Alla? Company ol Fraiikiort was upheld by same 1)1 “116530—411 oppoitunity [0 fil- W
‘ ‘ . Co. News, Scott-wine: Henry Ward, Sun'Demc’a’ . , . , . i furth ,1. *xhibits and arrum nts in re ll . Ree
, ‘3} Paducah; Cecil Williams, Journal, Somerset. the COUlt 0f AplxaIS, M41 Ch 15. (‘ C . , . b .6 . Pa lVl l 3 i
,, Newspaper Exhibit Committee 'The high tribunal relused the finn’s to the Gllllds iebuttal Within 30 day Harcl aI
? Mrs. Lee Spalding, Kentucky standard, Bardstown. , . , : , - . _ . , - . - [OllOWiH ~ the HUD" Of the Guild C39 e was a E
i ‘ chairman; J. LaMarr Bradley, Enterprise, Providence; leunSL 101 an llljllllctltnl P1 OllllJltlllg , 8 . ‘0 1897 1
3, Ii Mrs. John S. Lawrence, Record, Cadiz; Miss Lillian the departments £1.01“ using “multilith” Wllll [he exalnlne), : anc
‘ Richards, Russell Co. Banner. Russell Springs; Miss M . n _ , . .1 School in ]
l . Jane Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg- and niultigraph processes in turning It was eVident that newspaper assocn . tl
. ., , _ . . . - in
l ‘ “"15“” PM“ WWW“ Club . out lorms, pamphlets, envelopes and tions had done an outstanding 10bit 16 stat
i ‘ Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg, Presnient; - - ' ' ‘ ‘ k trustee 0f
1 V Miss Mildred Babbage, Breckenridge News, Cloverport. other lesser printing work. working together in effecting a so~calle~ For f
i ‘ First Vice President; Mrs. J. 0. Young, Journal, Dixon,- , _ , ‘ H _ .. H ‘ _ , ‘ l 4 1V6 ye
‘ Second vice president; Mrs, Mary .Henderson Powell, The State Journal Company asserted united fiont oi their needs £01 a tor of the
3 ‘ Record: Steamsv, Th1“ Vice Pres‘de’lti M‘s‘ 5' R: in its stilt, pending nearly two years in newspapers and not any one group. ‘
1. Wallace, Advertiser, Walton, Recording Secretary, . ' ‘
‘r Miss Urith Lucas. Independent. Maysvxlle. CorteS- the court, that it was entitled to all - John S. W
iii pending Secretary; Mrs. J. L. Bradley, Enterprise, , , , ________
:1” Providence, Treasurer. state printing under a contract it has . John S ‘
”3 _—_—.—-———————— held for thirty years. The latest four- Sixth District Editors Invited D'lnville-A
. _ _ . y c A
i ‘, 3'03““ contract began ”1 1940- To Lexington, Srttm‘day, April 4 inesday M'
‘, u l
NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSistant Attorney General Jesse K. . 1‘ _ ~ _ Ville a’fter
. i ' . . ‘A ~ in- . 4 ~ 11
‘ . “ \ré ASSOCIATION Lew15, who represented the state in the 1 \jn m 01:31 inlccting IOtIFdIFOIS ‘1 frOm a hea
. m 31;; :w-‘x _ . . ' - ' r .‘ l‘. ‘
: VI! 4 E W4}; case, estimated an adverse ruling would )usniess Stfi 5 0t 1:16 “MI intrlafne‘l‘ tor of the
- -- , s , - . , 1
. . have cost the state between $100,000 papeis‘Vti be Ck} at “L La aye: pan ”tndt
‘ . , hotel, Saturday, April 4. All newspapcl , y ‘
: and $200,000 a year. . 1 . 1 l' . _ _ 1 [J kins COunti
. - » . - ' . ' ~ , )Ell‘v .
. MEMBER mm He expressed beliel that the Univer- m t:e Silriqtlf létrfla. an; lam [Left [31}: di' hOIdings in
l fit?) Sity of Kentucky and state teachers col- “Pa,“ e Illslmma 1101.111“ a _ 1’ Canada
. - ' T ‘ ‘ ' i ”I i
ll legcs were affected by the dec1Sion be— cuSSionsdon PIP ems (116 atilxc [01:11? ’. Born he)
i - . . ~ w nit
' K ‘ TUCKY PRES . SlClCS such governmental agenCies as the “0“] 2113/61 tfismg,l an mm} 1115 a. Judge] 3
. . , - . n ‘ ' '
.;. ASSOCIATION finance, education, revenue and welfare EFFICSL 0 ormaL pgongZ—llm 11511) 31111 b at Centre (
V ‘ ORGANIZED “NW“ N“ departments and the unemployment h 16 exingtonh ea 61' eia ( ‘Em paper Cara
: - . . . r ‘ 1 Y
in . v compensation commisSion. 0“ at ‘l uric .eon at noon , ( Later he u
H from other districts than the Sixth 3f KHOXvilIe
“ll [701117716 Tthteeni Number F1116 ————— also invited to join in the l‘OuIld-tfllll V .’
_ l Ieantim
———-——-———’—‘——‘ Wage-Hour Hearing 3 coal mining
:i‘ - [Mid-Stlmmei‘ Meeting To Be Held At VI/(ishmgton . properties,
, In Lexington, June 12-13 At the WageHour hearing on job New Editor Of Central Record 123111}? assm
~ The KPA executive committee at its Classification in Washington March 2, .1 1 ., . , .5, usmess.
i . . . . . _ _ _ Bily Hucson, Versailles, has J01“j M 7
' spring $65510n 1n L0111$V11€, March 21, newspaper assoc1ations cooperated in 1. r. Van
, . . . . . . the Central Record, Lancaster, and 1‘ With D'
‘ , unanimously deCided to hold its mid- their presentations on behalf of small . . H 1,, 1X 1
' i‘ . summer meeting in Lexington, June daily newspapers and weekly newspapers. taken OVCI the duties 0f Cdltm‘ e 'LCIOPEd Di)
‘ ‘ 3 12-13. This decismn came after discus- The formal presentations were-made been correspondent at Versailles fOi'Ilfifcame a d.
. ‘,( _ ~ . . . ‘ . . llthS Co .
. '_ SIOn of several 0th€1 p0551ble localities. The first was by Raymond Howard, Lexmgton Herald for some time. ? mlh
., , .r
it i «
. at r
s I ‘f .
. , p
i , “fj‘ "'i

 ’4 1' ‘Tz‘TZ' _1
2 March, 1942'1‘151‘11 1|
1 , 1;» 11 1 l

1 ":1 7“ 1-1.1

1111611112 F' K . , , El 1 1'1.
011111 we entucky Edum-s Die H lage FIVE 1 .13 11 '1"

" / 7 1 5 ' " 1'1 1 '
ct thati Dmmg MON/h 0' Maw/I l C Was a Inember of the Meth 1' '7' -."11 1'11' '
. . . ~ 1 1- 1 1 ‘.

. . 1' 'Th .1 1 C llllCh, Slgma Chi fl" _ . OC 15[ 1077163 I”, Ppndl ;[ ' " ii '1 1 1'
1e 1111 If: lanks ol Kentucky newspa )er Anaconda Club f dtIeimty and the 7 (1 on 1 1 1 1 E 11
becaust' £011" In aCth’e dut ' or 17A 1 I ~ 1' - O Danvrlla lalhes M ’: ~ ‘ t 1 11
1 1 1 . ) C“ltd, Wele sadly Stnwvors include 11': -: 7 ' 1(7"(11€t011, [or near] 1 f '1 f ‘. l

1 (epIeted during the month of Marcl S011 Van Wink] . 1s wife, Mrs. VVat— years an employee of Owe 'b I ) Orty 7 17111

- 1 Active editors tl , 1 1‘ 6’ fOUT dau ht 1 .1 )Crs ' 1 . / “5 010 r1ewspa- 1 ‘1

Vood I: b . ., 1056 deaths are momncd Gardner Fox Motri t g CFS, Mrs. 1 am for the last thirten ears l1 1'1 111

1 - . ‘ y ‘ .' . , ,' l1,7 1'
lblishe; yIthelr fellow editors, include 1. S Van William Hutch' 5 Own, N' .ld Mrs. 38mg edltor of the OWCnSbO)‘, man— ; .1' l: , 1'3 1'
_ 1 kale CO-editor f .1 1. 7 . 1 lngs, Jacksonvills F . geriln - . . 10 Messen- 17111.11 11
iledtllt A 0 the Dannlle Mes- MlSs Ruth Van Winkl -C’ 1a., P .qu'rel’ (116d at the Davies Cou t "'1" 1' '1'
’idenct' sznger- dvoeate, Dan M; Bowmar, c0: phine Van Winkle Stu? ahd Miss I10se- Iospital on March 10, ' n Y .11 2" 1"_
an on}: e 110} of "let Woodford Sun, Versailles oke College, SOch Hz: ll" atVlIVIt. Holy— ffIIIVIr. Pendleton was stricken in h‘ .111 1' 1111.11
fmC ames 1' Pen 11 7 - ’ < 6y l 2155- t o ICC at 9-90 IS 751 '1 1“
ts “1611 7 ( “0111 managm ' ed' brethers Juli ’ -: WO —:- p-m. Sllortl ’lft ~ ;1 :1 .11 :
1 1 tor of the () 1s 1 . 1 g 1‘ . ’ an F- and Arthur C noon d“ y ' er the aftel" 1“ 1' “1'1
h .1 . 110%me M wmk , .. . . Van 6 lthn of th 1 . . ’5 1'“: 1

at 11 qulrer. Form II II 1 CS§C11ger_ID_ 1 le, LOUISVJIIe, and a SI'SL . . Went t e Owensboro lnqurrer 15'11 :1- 1111
11 dailt I U €(llt()ls who passed t \\. B. Newsber 1 - e1, Mrs. 0 press, .:2 1 1 1. 1
. , , 1 their final rest inch (1 \ , ‘ 0 ry Cleveland. FOr mor h 1111 ‘s .1111? 11
lnltxon . 1 C \. Reed Embr: . e t an tWent .fivx 1... 1 1:111:7‘11111

. five 1ears Cl : 1, [)071 I” B PCI‘ldl y L )LdlS hit 111 1 1 1,117 111 1
mPt 0" 1'A ' nor 0' me Old Danville News ' mem- em“ Was connected with the hi ""i' ""' " i'
' 7 w ' , 1"'12_I.:1 :1
d over ant dVocate, and Mrs. Mary Alle Dan M B _ Owensboro Messenoer much 1 ,0 7::‘11 3'11'Ell1' '21
m- t' . McCarty, t'Ol‘mer Owner of the N' 1811 tor of tl' (‘nvmar /2 years old, CO—edi as managing Editorb ’ 0 the time 11111111 1

c let 17 ) 1c 10- '16 V ‘ ~ . ' 1 ‘ 11' 1.211 1'1

f . l lasulle NewS. Weekl I OOdtord bun, Vet‘sallles, When the Messenacr b1'~ iii 11' 11 1 11

ultltt The Press ioins their man 1‘ . 1 1y 1' Y newspaper publisher continuous late Urey VVOOdSOIbl ")u1 lillul by the 111111111511 1 1'1

. - V rlencs of '01‘ more 11 , 1 " 1 ant tie 0 7- 1 .11

the Fourth Es < ‘ ' ' 12m 21 hdlt C) ' ‘ bor( I " wens- " 'l" " i "

- ’tdtC 111 extend' - )ro - mum)”: and a ’ ”(111110“ owned b 71 7-3171" 1 7‘1
:1d 2111 (101611.13. 1 - . 7 we con— 1 1mm of BOWmar :. ~ . 1 71 1 1 ’ Y “6 Huger fam— 411111 1 1 '

0 their survivin f ‘ 7 l S 5 101115 tor m 74 1 Y1 “616 Consol' 1' ' ‘ ' =‘ 7‘1 '71"- w

1 amtlles 1 than 55 1 1. - 01C chted in 1929 1 1 : 1:1 1.31 :7"

n . . g anc Gals, die ,,. . A «11‘11.P _ .1 1.1 1:

0'.""1 know, that in ”1011‘ passing their '1 ~ 1 on Man d suddenll (it 1115 home km“ became managin 71' 7 'em' "‘ 7?;
Ham“. and their “CWSpapers will al 11 01kg R c c1 8. new Papers g M 1101 of the W11“ 1 it .

. . ' \VElyS l'CITlaiI] €[111‘nin fr .1 .. t " ' 11',.11.;11 11""
[E11511 fitt'ng monuments to their memory BOwlnar suiere'dm '1'" FOSLOfl'CC’ Ml" for many years he was Owensbo "' "" ""
or 1 ' a ~ ~ ' - . , . - .1 1 ‘ r0 1,3 :3 1‘1 ‘1:
to 'fi1' W- Reed Enthry . stepped through the dbfi'bf'l'm'k "'15 he cohrl(is')1?nd§1m 0' The couricr'lmlrnal "" "r' i ll

: us resi ‘ ‘. en ' .1- , 7 ; 7 117 1' 1:

7 1 w 0“ Maple street. H 7 'an6 V17 em" '5 S”""‘“‘ by 1118 wife 11' it 113 ""1
n1€P1 . Reed Embrv 64 years old 1' 1 ('(’1“CiOUS11ess e did not regain ' 15- Janet Pendleton' two (ltt l ' 1111111 i '11} ‘
30 da1 March 3 at 1‘ fl - . ’ “EX ' ' 7 Mrs C : - ' Z lg‘lters .17 i ' '11

1 us home 1 . . 1 . all VVetdemat ~‘ ‘ ’ 1' 1'l 1‘1: 11 ’11; ’
11d cat He was 3 ad in Naples, Florida. A son ot the late D'ln M 7 - Mrs: W K M C " BHS'O': Vii-1 and 111! '11'

1897 a l %T Hate 0' Center CO'lege in Smith BOWmar he (I) ' "'1" Maria two 5' t' ' VIC u'lOCh’ In, O‘Vt‘nsboro- ‘1‘: " 'i 'i‘i