xt7jsx647h0f_8 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285.dao.xml Segerstrom, David, 1897-1980 3.15 Cubic Feet 7 boxes archival material 2009ms132.0285 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Segerstrom family letters Correspondence. Immigrants -- Illinois. Immigrants -- Massachusetts. Love-letters Marriage Missionaries Religion Swedish Americans. Women in church work. Young women -- United States -- Social life and customs -- 20th century Letters to David and Mabel Segerstrom from Mabel's parents text Letters to David and Mabel Segerstrom from Mabel's parents 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285/Box_4/Folder_6_7/SFL_B4_Folder_6_0001.pdf 1921, 1929-1935 1935 1921, 1929-1935 section false xt7jsx647h0f_8 xt7jsx647h0f Bell Phone, Main 659 J. A. CARLSON, Prop.

The Skandia Garage

Automobile Storage, Supplies
and General Repairing

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. ‘ . ' ’ '(Mo‘CIy'monds Photos) .

It was a garden wedding at 459'clock Thursday after won at the
home of the bride’s parents, Mr. nd Mrs. T. R. Puddicombe, 2805
Auburn sh, thab‘united in marriage Miss Pauline Puddicombe (left),
and Albert V. Newma‘n, son of Va. Newman, 226 Shaw st. They’re
now in New ork on a honeymngfi}

Mrs. Clifford N. Videen, of Anoka, Mimi. (right), Was, before her
marriage Thursday afternoon at i n 1511 Miss 311 tabernacle, Miss Rose
Sundstrom, daughter of Mr. and». It's. Gust Sunrlsti'om, 939 S. Third

1.7, bride to Anolm to reside. He has

The Rev. Mr. Videen talk
he Swedish NIL-n.1,!) church there.


the pastorate of 1:

Ruth Harm ,

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vacaitio. 1R. Each was spending hi.
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I ~ '35ng ”gage?
' \ ' m

in fragrant Hies may you see time promiSe of Eternity,
The hope that lights eavth's everyday,
the Love that rolled the stone away.



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 Four Choruses To
1' Present Concert
‘ At Tabernacle

A request program will be given
this evening at the Mission Taber—
nacle church by the four church
choruses. Since the program was
announced more than a month ago

\‘:t the church, so many requests

ave reached the different choruses

that part of the requests will have

to be deferred until the following

Sundays, when the requested songs

will be sung at the regular church

The “Sangarbroderna”, male
chorus, will sing some of. the num-
bers presented at their annual con-
cert a few weeks ago. Directors who
will participate include Mrs. R. W.
Dahlstrom, girls chorus; Dayld P.
Johnson, church choir, and San-
garbroderna; and William Olson,
young men’s gospel chorus.

The program follows:

Prelude, “Where Wild Judea
Stretches Fair" __________ Stoughton
Scripture reading 1nd prayer
Rev. J. C. Danielson
"Unfold. Ye Portals" ____________ Gounod
Church Choir
“I‘m a. Pilgrim ________________ Johnson
"0 ‘Fader hor dint arma barn ______ Abt
Sangarbroderne Male Chorus
“Sunrise" __________________________ Ackley
Solo, Eunice Danielson
"De Fromma uti Herrens hus" Rehnquist
Church Choir
“The Savior Is Calling" . “Foster
"I Want My Life an rTell" _._ -_.--_Lorenz
Gospel Mme Chorus
5010, “The Holy City” __________ Adams
Paul Bodin
“The Savior for Me' ____________ Bunyan
Girls Chorus
"The Old Fashioned Meeting" __..Buffum
Instrumental Group of g ls
“Pilgrimen” Sodermen
Sangerbrodernu Male Chorus
“Raamiingsbnten” ‘

Duet, Lenore and David P. Johnson
“Tack O Gud for hvad du varit" Hultman

Dedicated to the memory of P. 0. An—
derson, who died one year ago.

Solo, Paul Bodin
Offer-Cory, “Narcissus‘ ____________ Nevin
“Och jag, sag en uy himmel"
“At 1he Battle's Frtnt"
"Helsning till Hemmet" .___,e_._..Kromer
Sangerbrodcrna Male Chorus
The Rev. A. '1‘ Frykman
Postlude, "Postinde" ............ Guilmant
Miss Myrtle Edstrom, organist.


Margaret circle of Third Presby-
terian church will meet Wednesday
at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Wal-



of Eating Sunday Dinner at

Eklund Cafe

614 Seventh St. Main 17!.
You’ll enjoy our Smorgasbord









Aid?) a A 6 77% 4f


,* Q‘
i \



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Present Cantata
This Evening At
Mission Church

Four Palm Sunday services will be
held today at Swedish Mission Tab-
ernacle church: Swedish and Eng-
lish morning services; the Young
People’s society’s presentation of
“The Story of the Cross in Song
and Scripture” at 4:30 p. m.; and
in the evening the church choir‘s
presentation of Maunder’s cantata,
“Olivet to Calvary.”

The Rev. A. T. Frykman, pastor,
will preach at the Swedish morning
service. A trio, Eunice Danielson
and Hazel and Dorothy Lindstrom,
will sing “The Palms” (Faure) and
Miss Danielson will sing, “Jag alskar
dig, Jesus.” ’

Frank SWenstrom will preach at
the English service in the church
annex. The Girls’ chorus will sing
“The Palms” ’and “Beautiful Sa—
vior." Aaron Markuson will be in
charge of a. service.

Soloists for the cantata, ”Olivet
to Calvary,” will include Elsie Fred-
lund, Eunice Danielson, Esther sten—
lund, Grace Lindblade, Mildred
Dahlstrom, Oscar Freeman, Otto
Nyberg, Paul Bodin, and Mauritz
Nordell. The Rev. Mr. Frykman
will give a brief sermon.

The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. O. Gar-
field Beckstrand will participate in
the young people’s afternoon pro-
gram, which is divided into four
parts, as follows:

Scripture reading. Matt. 21; l-ll—Rev. 0.
Garfield Beckstrand.

"The Palms” 1“
Miss Alice Marie Dunlap, cello.


Miss Dorothea Dahlin, violin.
Miss Myrtle Edstrom, piano.
"Open the Gates at the Temple" Murray
Paul Bodin
“King Ever Glorious" (Crucliixion”)
Francis Edstrom
Scripture reading, Luke 22: 39-54 -—~ The
Rev. Mr. Backstrand.
"The Trees and the Master“ _- Protheroe
"Tis Midnight and on Olive’s Brow" _-
_____________________________ Bradbury
Miss Esther. Mclin, soprano; Miss
Mildred Everett, alto; Francis Ed-
strom, tenor; Paul Bodin, bass.
“He Was Depised” (“Messiah”) Handel
Mrs. 0. Garfield Beckstrand
Scripture reading from the four gospels——
The Rev. Mr. Beckstrand.
“The Crucifixion” _______________ Curran
Mrs. Beckstrand
Scripture reading, Matt. 28: 1—7. St. John
20: 2-17—The Rev: Mr. Beckstrand.
“Magdalene” Warren
“At the End at the Sabbath” __ Speaks
"Pecan of Easter”
Miss Edstrom

Bentley Talks Today

Harold C. Bentley, township
highway commissioner, will speak
on his experiences making maps
for a government survey in the
Philippine Islands, at the Sigma
Sigma Chi meeting at Westminster
Presbyterian church at 7:30 p. m.

There will be a communion serv-
ice and reception of members at
the 11 a. m. service at Westminster
today, the Rev. James Benson,
pastor, announces. , -

Camaraderie club meets Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Walter
Westbrook, 721 Auburn street with
Mrs. Lewis Barthomew as assisting
hostess. Dr. T. B. Bowen will

The “penny-a—meal"
sponsored by the
will close on Easter.

Organ, Mueller

Sunday school








 11520 Siétg Sweet
Saccgfavb, affinoig



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Covenant Band to Play
At Swedish Tabernacle

Covenant concert band of Chi-
cago will present a concert of sacred
music at Swedish Mission taber-
nacle Sunday at 4 p. m. under theI
auspices of the Young People’s so-:
ciety. There will berno admission,
and the public is invited. Alfred
Strobeck is director of the band,
which includes fifty pieces. The
program :

“Festal Day,” concert march-_F. L. Buchtel

Covenant Concert band
“Joy to the World"--Arr. by Henry Filmore



“Power and Glory" ____e___-.;-J. P. Sousa.
March featuring “Onward Christian
“My Regards" ___________________ Llewellyn

Cornert solo by John Johnsen
“Chicago World’s Fair March 1933 _
________________________ Carl Mader



“Salute Pesth” _________________ Kawalski
Piano duet by Robert and Lawrence /
Carlson .,_ ‘
Free will offering. - \

“Billy Sunday’s Successful Songs" e ,

_____________ Arr. by Henry‘Filmore
Medley Overture Band

“Poet and Peasant Overtm'e”- (Arr;"

by. Henry Filmore) “Carl Von 5“

Band 3

“Stars and Stripes Forever ____J. P. 5


 If It’s Sport
In the R—R

B oadway Sees Young Giant


bister-Republic photo.

Robert Wavdlow. 16-year—old giant from A ton, 111., was the main
attraction today as Broadway merchants brought their four—day
Halloween festival to a close with a sales event. oung Wadlow,
whom you will have no trouble finding in the picture, is 7 feet 101/2
inches tall and weighs 365 pounds. Shown in the picture with him
are, left to right, Carl Skoglunde Ivar Larson, Wadlow. Eugene Wad-
10W, 12—year-old brother of the giant, a perfectly normal boy, Roy
Johnson and C. L. Danielson.



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