xt7jsx647h0f_5 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285.dao.xml Segerstrom, David, 1897-1980 3.15 Cubic Feet 7 boxes archival material 2009ms132.0285 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Segerstrom family letters Correspondence. Immigrants -- Illinois. Immigrants -- Massachusetts. Love-letters Marriage Missionaries Religion Swedish Americans. Women in church work. Young women -- United States -- Social life and customs -- 20th century Mable Carlson to David Segerstrom text Mable Carlson to David Segerstrom 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285/Box_4/Folder_2_3/SFL_B4_Folder_2_0001.pdf 1924 1924 1924 section false xt7jsx647h0f_5 xt7jsx647h0f  










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March 7, 1924

My dearest David:

I decided to bring
my lunch today because it is pretty
cold and the wind is fairly howling
around the corners.

Thann you for your letter
which I received yesterday. It cer-
tainly is going to be a terribly long
time until August. Semetimes I almost
think I can‘t stand it any longer, and
then again work and other things tane
up my time and interest and the time
goes by somehow. Of course, I would
love to have you cowe out to see me,
out I don't feel that I want to urge
you to come because it is such a long
and expensive trip and then it is the
same old story that I could See you
only evenings. You understand I hope,
that even those precious evenings mean
a great deal to me but it is so hard
to have to sit at work and come home
tired in the evening. I feel I cannot
maKe the time as pleasant for you as
I want to. It would oftentimes.oe nice


 not to es tied down to a job but have plenty of money
anyhow, so one could work. when one i’elt inclined and
could spend ones time with friends and do the many
other things that are interesting. But not oeing a
millionaire, I Ought to be thankful for health and

a job ani not dream aoout the impossiale.

At any rate, if you can come, you anew
that I will oe so glad and-will do my nest to name
the time you spend with me as pleasant as possicle,
even if it will be only evenings and a few minutes
at noon that we could see each other.

I do wish you the very nest of success as
you enter upon your work at Camoridge. May you en-
joy your duties and be able to do the Lord's work
with successfully. Then some day we will meet again
when time and distance will not separate us; and then
I hope I will be aule to help you in some way.

George and I went to Free church with the
expectation of hearing seme man from New York but
they were merely having their mid~weeg service. I
wish we had gone over to our church instead for the
mass meeting at which Rev. Algoth Olson and Mr. Paul
Hestberg spoke. .

Tonight, one of my girl friends and I are
going to to a sacred concert or organ recital at
the new Emanuel Lutheran church. I have not been
inside that church since it was completed. Those
who have seen there say it is very oeautiful and it
is one of the most expensive in the state.

This will 0e all for tLiS tine. Again I
want to assure you that if you can come you will 0e
so Welcome by

Your Own


 1520 Sixth St.
Rocgford, Ill.

Rev. David Segerstrom
5 B Harvard St. _
Arlington Heights




















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 Oberg-Uarlson. ’ '

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Oberg‘, 14,16
'Fourth ave., announce the engagement
of their daughter, Martha, Linnea, to

George W. Carlson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Carlson, 1520 Sixth st.
The wedding will take place May .94.
Mr. Carlson is associated in business
"1w1th the Skandia garage.



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 June 25, 1924

My dearest David:-

3 ' I am enclosing the pictures
ltaken at the wedding. Just received them last
night. The one of you and I was just a blur
fidue to manipulating.the Kodak wrongly, I think.

My folks were up here at the factory
showroom looking at the furniture last Monday
after work. There was so much to choose from
they could not help me in deciding, so I guess
it is up to me to do it myself.

I looked at some pieces out in the shop
this morning. Have not filed the order because
I am not sure of how many pieces to order. Hope
to get a letter from you with a little fuller in-
formation, so I can go ahead, because the place
is closed up beginning next Saturday afternoon
and until the 10th of July, so you see I must get
our order placed.

Just wanted to write a few lines in con-
nection with sending the pictures. You might as
well keep them, since there would be no sense in
your returning them.

J Lovingly yours

,i _ D
/, 9 ,


 J: T. C. .
1520 - 6th bt.
Rockford, Ill.

Rev. David Segerstrom
5 B Harvard Street
Arlington heights


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