xt7jsx647h0f_25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285.dao.xml Segerstrom, David, 1897-1980 3.15 Cubic Feet 7 boxes archival material 2009ms132.0285 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Segerstrom family letters Correspondence. Immigrants -- Illinois. Immigrants -- Massachusetts. Love-letters Marriage Missionaries Religion Swedish Americans. Women in church work. Young women -- United States -- Social life and customs -- 20th century Letters to Mabel Segerstrom from her parents text Letters to Mabel Segerstrom from her parents 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285/Box_7/Folder_7/SFL_B7_Folder_7_0045.pdf 1933 1933 1933 section false xt7jsx647h0f_25 xt7jsx647h0f LI/‘H: $2”

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.40.;de Victim. floss Heffi'an, 39

Dies Instantly
At Airport Show v A

Youngster, Passenger
On Air Ride, Darts
Into W711irling Blade
After Ship Is Halted

Father Injured as He
Leaps to Try Rescue

P ara chu te Jumper’s
Leg Is Fractured in
L a 11 di 11 g , Thousands
See Pair of Accidents

Darting into the path of the
propeller of a Stinson mono-
plane in which he had just
been a passenger with his
father, Ross Heffran, 3, only»
child of Mr. and Mrs. Homer
J. He'firan, 604 North lst
street, wasinstantly killed at
4:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon.

The fatality, occurring in view of
thousands of spectators attending
the American Legion air show at
the Rockford airport, cast a pall of
gloom over the gathering.

The lad’s father, realizing what
had happened, leaped out of the
plane to go to his son’s rescue and
narrowly escaped a similar fate as
the whirling propeller crashed into
his shoulder, bruising It severely

Parachute Jumper’s Leg Broken

In another accident a few mo-
ments later Jack Huber, 24, of La-
Crosse, Kans, parachute Jumper
with the air circus, suffered a. frac-
ture of the left leg", between the
thigh and the knee, when he land-
ed heavily into the northeast corner
of the field. He was taken to St.
Anthony’s hospital, where he was
reported today to be resting com-

The Heffran boy, a grandson of
former Fire Chief Ed Hefiran, had,
been a passenger in a, monoplane '
piloted-by Fred Richards, 11 Rock-

. ford flier engaged as a. co- pilot on
the Pan-Ameiican ai ' line t Miami,


- 1

Richards 2111‘ l nded the ship and
taxied to a stop when the accident
occurred. The boy, his father and
another passenger were seated in
the rear of the cabin. The lad
climbed from the plane ahead of
his father, then, instead of waiting,
darted suddenly into the propeller.

Father Leaps to Aid Son

Attendants at the plane had no
opportunity to reach the lad as he
ran to his death into the whirling,
inVisible propeller, Richards report—
ed. Although the pilot could not
see the accident, he realized what
had happened and shut off the mo-
tor as he saw the father leapln ‘1
after the boy. 'His action , 11
pilots said, probably sati'ed the mafi’
life as Hefl‘ran had no thought of
his own safety as he made his vain
leap to the child’s side. ,

The boy dropped in front of the
plane after the blade hadcrushed
his head to cause instant death.

Coroner Walter Julian, after an
investigation this morning which
showed that all regulations were be—
ing complied with in operation of
the plane, announced that an in-
quest WOuld be held at 9 a. m. ,

Although funeral arrangements
have not been completed, it is ex—
pected that the boy will be buried
in the Catholic cemetery Tuesday.
He was born in Rockford June 26,

Both the boy’s father and his
mother, Catherine Green Heflran,
are natives of Rockfmd and widely
known in the city. They w, 9 both
.prostrated by grief today. ' The 7
mother was at the airport Sunday
but was not with the rather in the

Pilot Visitor Here

Pilot Richards arrived in Rock-
ford Satu1day from Miami on fur-
lough horn his regular duties as oo-
pilot on a Pan—American plane
which flies from Miami to Beleme,
Brazil, a. 7,800 mile round trip. He
‘s a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C.
'icharcls. rural route 8, and is visit—
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hairy Ande1 son, 1436 3rd avenue

The tragedy, which stunned the
“pilot, was the second harrowing ex-
perience he has had in recent weeks.
’011 Aug. 12 bullets fired by Cuban
1evolutiona11es pierced his airplane
as ‘lt took off from Havana harbor
with Orestes Ferrara, Cuban secre—
tary of state under President Ger<
ardo Machado, as a passenger.

Ferrara and his wife, fleeing fr



 Many 7 Dead in

New Hurricane

(By The. Associated Press)

A hurricane, runaway madcap
from the tropics, sent gales racing
toward Maine’s coast today after
wreaking death and destruction on
other parts of the Atlantic seaboard.

Ten persons were known to be
dead in North Carolina, where the
storm struck its most vicious blow.
Property damage there approached
$3,000,000. Two persons were
drowned in Pennsylvania. ‘

Massachusetts suffered a buffet—
ing yesterday, but today the weath—
er was fair. Wharves were wrecked,
shipping disrupted, highways flood—
ed. Steamboat service between Nan-
tucket and the mainland was stop-
ped. '

New York and‘New Jersey es-
caped much of the storm’s wrath,
but historic Barnegat light house,
a Jersey institution for three quar—
ters of a century, faced possible
destruction. The storm left only 20
inches of sand between the light
and the raging waves. A plan was
afoot to, save it by a temporary bar;
1161'. » '

On the south shore of Nova
Scotia, fishermen hustled from their-
beds early today to save boats and
gear as the gale struck.

In Mexico, soldiers searched. ruins
for additional victims of another
hurricane that struck the vicinity
of Tampico and San Luis Potosi.
The number of dead in those two;
cities was set at 45, with nearly 1501
, injured and 6,000 homeless. ‘





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