xt7jsx647h0f_23 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285.dao.xml Segerstrom, David, 1897-1980 3.15 Cubic Feet 7 boxes archival material 2009ms132.0285 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Segerstrom family letters Correspondence. Immigrants -- Illinois. Immigrants -- Massachusetts. Love-letters Marriage Missionaries Religion Swedish Americans. Women in church work. Young women -- United States -- Social life and customs -- 20th century Letters to Mabel Segerstrom from her parents text Letters to Mabel Segerstrom from her parents 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285/Box_7/Folder_5/SFL_B7_Folder_5_0001.pdf 1931 1931 1931 section false xt7jsx647h0f_23 xt7jsx647h0f if z WeDMMf/éy: ,,
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 gmrrph annrprt

Given by the

of the Swedish Mission Church
Rockford, 111.
Sunday Evening, October 11th, 1931.

EVERT E. JOHNSON, Accompanist


Fantasia .................................................................................................................. Stainer
Organ Prelude—Edna Nelson

Scripture Reading and Prayer
Rev. J. C. Danielson, Ass’t. Pastor

Lofven Gud ............................................................................................................ fanson
David’s 150th Psalm ...................................................................................... Wemzerbcrg

Come Spirit of the Living God ............................................................................ Speaks
Tenor Solo—Oscar Freeman

0 Fader hor dit arma barn .......................................................................................... Abt
Tenor Obligato—Rudolph Stenlund
Bass ObligatowMauritz Nordell

Din Starkhet it ej Fjiirran ........................................................................ Wennerberg
The Earth Is the Lord’s ........................................................................................ Farris
First Tenor—Oscar Freeman
Second Tenor—Otto Nyberg
First Bass———Henry Lindblade
Second Bass—Mauritz Nordell

I Will Dwell In the House of the Lord ........... Fw'lle
Baritone Solo—Paul Bodine


Deep River ....... Burleigh
I’m a Pilgrim ......................................................................................................... Johnson

Rev. A. T. Frykman. Pastor

Meditation .............................................................................................................. F aulkes
Organ Offertory—Edna Nelson

Guds Verk i Naturen ........................................................................................ Reichardt
Tenor Obligato—David P. Johnson

Hear My Prayer ....................................................................................................... Drew
First Tenor—Rudolph Stenlund
Second Temp—George Lindblade
First Bass—Paul Bodine
Second Bass—Willard Anderson

Afton Suckar ............................................................................................................ Palm
W hosoever Will ................................ _ Herbert

Rev. A. T. Frykman


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iMiss Worden
tgTo Be Bride
Of October

Betrothal Announced to
Mr. Sanders

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Worden, 334

‘Oakwood avenue, announce the en-.

gement of their daughter, Evelyn.

, to Earl Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs,
‘ William Sanders, 708 North 2nd

street. The wedding will take place‘

early in October.
:1 '1} air


11ds in the evening at his home.
He received many flowers and gifts.

Mr. Ostrom’s ‘five . children, the

Iisses’ Josephine and Selma Ostrom
rho leside at home Fred, Albe1t
11d Ray Ostmm, were among the
"1 vests There are six grandchildren
F01 sixty years Mr.Ost10m has re-
sided in his p1 esent home. He came
to the United States from Sweden

when a young (man of 22. . .
The Rev. E C. Bloomquist, pastor
' mmanuel Lutheian church 01
is a pioneer mem-

bei gave a. talk

Mers. Maitin -Laison, a. niece of

’ .Ostr 0111, came out f1 om icago
1fVIor the affair. We a

Th e wedding of Miss ' r a
Sterner daughter of M1. and Mrs.
John Steinei, 1714 South 5th sheet,
and Frank F. Maidens, of Milwau—
kee‘,, 'son ofM and Mrs. Fied Mai-
dens of .Spri g\.Biook road, took
place at 10 0"clock this morning at
Emmanuel Lutheran church, the
‘ Quist officiating.
a costume of cocoa

biidal party w attended by Miss
Grace Rohle and M1; and M.rs Les-

home of the bri
Upon theirre f1 0111 a wedding

Maidens will 1 e-

Night a

I! Leavin g for
1 England



After a summer in color-
iul Brittany Miss Frances
Ferguson, daughter of Miaand
Mrs . Charles W. Ferguson,
904 North Court street, has re-
turned to Paris where- she
went to study last February.
Miss Ferguson will leave
Paris September 19 for Eng-

1 land. After spending a few
days in London she will go to
Scotland by way of Edinburgh
traveling through the Walter
Scott country and the Burns
1 country to Glasgow.
She will then cross to Ir'c-
1 land, .going north to Arinauah
and on down to Dublin and
the Killarney lake region
Returning by we 0

SDI Md 1110 l‘fll'llflllltl '
time there before returning to
Paris where she will enter the
Sorbonne in Octobe1.Shc_
has been studying pieviously
at Alliance FrancaiSe

lMauh Nah out
Women Asked to
Squaw Day Affair

All 11ome11 belonging to Mauh?

Nah- Tce- See Countiy club are in-
vited to participate in. the Squaw

day alfaii next Tuesday. There will,
cross- -count1y golf and a noon
1cheon. Tables of bridge will be

L .jnged f01 the non-golfers.

-Winners in‘ Tuesday’s golf contest
in third low "net were Mrs. J. R.
Jackson and 'Mrs; Calvin Boyle' who
tied f01 honors in the eighteen— hole
play; Mrs Stanley Hobson winning
in the nine—hole plax.

Harlem Hills had a gay day yes-
teiday with its costume affair. and
one club golf event. The golf win—
ners were M.rs.Ged01 Aldeen first,
and Mrs. Morgan White; second,
among the eighteen—hole players;
Mrs. Paul Eklund, first aners.
Gideon Rehnquist, second, in the
nine-hole play.

Costume judges awarded Mrs. Os—
car Milburn the p1ize f01 the most
unusual costume, and Mrs. E T
Leonard for the most completely.
disguised contestant. .

1 7 J .

Guests Come

For Wfdding

\ .

, 4 ofiock

Out-of-town guests who will at-
tend the ue‘dding of Miss Dorice
1F13,kma.n daughter of the Rev. and

r, 'nian, 1503 4th ave-

G. Edwin Ander-

, Friday after-

l 1100n at 4 o'clock at Swedish MissiOn
'tabernacle include the Rev E. A.
,Skogsbelgh, grandfather of the the

1 S rvice Will Be Read at

u 11‘ come in
C. V, Bowman, the

Harold Erickson, Mr. and

Mrs. Paul. Westburg‘, Mr. and Mrs. ~

Otto 'Highfield, Mr. and Mrs. E.

Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nol‘d- ".

erg, Evar Nyvall, Miss Mar '

Stenlund, Miss June Frvkman, s s- .

ter of the bride, and Northrop. Fryk- ’

man, brother or the biide.

Miss Edith Anderson and Iver An». '

derscn, sister and brother of the
bride-groom will come on from
Wausau, N613. and othe1s piesent
will be John Peterson, Viking. Minn...
the Rev and Mrs. Leslie Ostbel'g,‘
Ridgeway Pa... the Rev. and M11;
F1itz Hjelm of Plinceton the Rev. ,'
Louis Pearson of- Lily Lake, Mr and-

'Mr.s Haiold B. Zeulke of West Allis, '

Wis, and the Rev.

Walter Palm of
11-. ‘

Miss Joyce Dean, 62020 Green "

street. will be hostess September 19 “

at her home in honor of Miss Ethel.“
Richardson, daug‘hterof David Rich'-

ai‘dson, 336 Grand avenue. who will,

be married Saturday, Septemberv26,

to Stanley Jackson, 1234 Ashlancl‘ »
avenue. ‘

St. James school association will
meet Friday evening at 7:30 O’clock
at St. James hall. Afters business
meeting ther‘e‘will'be a. Social hour. .

' WOMAN’S 01.1111 3111110111
Bakery —- Delicatessen -—



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I have rented my farm. Will sell at Iic Auction 21;; miles Southeast;
of New Milfohd 8 miles Northwest of Ionroe Center.

Thursday, December 17, 1931‘

Commencing 1 P. M.
3 head of horses, 6 cows, 2 heifers, one pure bred bull 22 months old.i
Full line of farm machinery and household goods. One cookstove, newi

heatrola. .
MAAS & SON, Auctioneer. LARSON & LINDEN, Clerks.




Skandia Motor Sales 15
Granted State Charter

Skandia Motor Sales, Inc” 1417
7th street, today was granted a state
chaltel by William J. StlattQI}, sec—
retary of state. The new fi1m,whicho
1ep1esents the former Skandia Ga-
rage and Motor Sales and the South
Park ga1age,lists capitalization at '
$10, 000 common stock.

Inc01po1ato1s are John A. Carl—

. son Frank A. Lundquist, Paul F.,

, ~' Lundquist, Edward G Peterson and

>,George R. CA9“. é.._.1 Q






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 Truman Johnson, upper picture.

and Evans Anderson, lower pi .
ture, president and secretary
spectively of the Security Fiijst
Mortgage company, arrested la's
night on a wairant chaiging 8111'
bezzlement of $39 400 of the
mortgage company’s funds. Tli‘e
warrant was swo1n out by Six
stockholders of the firm late last


01‘ $39,110 is
111111111 1'0 2

Truman Johnson And
1" Evans Anderson
Give Bond


Six Directors, Swear
OutVWarrant On
State Charge

Truman Johnson, president
of the Secuiity National bank

land the Secu1ity First M01t—

gage company, a subsidiary
,organization, and Evans A.
Anderson, cashier of the
Security bank and secretary
and treasurer of the mortgage
company, were taken into
custody by Sheriff William C.
Bell late last night on a state
warrant charging them joint—
ly With the embezzlement of
$39,400 from the mortgage

The warrant was issued by Justice
of the Peace E. V. Rohlen 011 the
complaint of six directms of the
company. They are E. O. Be1g1en,
G. E, Blomquist, E. W. Ca1lson,
Reuben Emerson, F. E, Maynard
and O. G. Nelson.

The complaint charges that the
two officers of the mortgage com-
pany transferred $39,400 from the
funds of the mortgage company to
their own accounts 011 Dec. 31, 1929.

Set Bonds At $5,000

{ Bonds were set at $5,000 each‘for
the two men. Both arranged bond
eaily today.

‘ Johnson is represented by Attor-
Lney Carl K. Welsh of Welsh and.
{Welsh and Anderson is 1epresented
iby Attorney B J Knight.

Although Anderson was brought
to the she1iff’s headquaiteis John-
son, who is reported to be seriously
ill, remained at his home under
{guard Whi le bond negotiations weie
lur 1' way.

e arrests followed a lengthy

rence last night between me

complaining directors of the
m ,rtgag ecompany and State’s At—
torney William D. Knight. ,

The Secur ty Fiist Mortgage com—
pany, although a subsidiary to the
Security National bank, which was
closed last summer, did not go into
receivership at that time and is still
operating. The arrest of the two
executives is on state charges. ‘

The authorized capitalization ' of.
the moitgage company is $250 000, a
director of the company declared
last night

Audit Books

-A complete audit is now being
made by Seidman and Seidman into
the recmds of the moitgage com-

According to the story told by the
complaining directors to the state’s
attorney's office, Johnson and An—
derson are alleged to have drawn a.
check of $40,000 011 the mortgage
company to cover loans made from
a Chicago bank and from the Se-
curity National bank.

Preliminary heaiing of Johnson
and Anderson has been set for Nov.
25 before Justice E. V. Rohlen.


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