xt7jsx647h0f_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285.dao.xml Segerstrom, David, 1897-1980 3.15 Cubic Feet 7 boxes archival material 2009ms132.0285 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Segerstrom family letters Correspondence. Immigrants -- Illinois. Immigrants -- Massachusetts. Love-letters Marriage Missionaries Religion Swedish Americans. Women in church work. Young women -- United States -- Social life and customs -- 20th century Letter to David Segerstrom text Letter to David Segerstrom 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647h0f/data/2009ms132.0285/Box_1/Folder_1/SFL_B1_Folder_1_0001.pdf 1922, 1934 1934 1922, 1934 section false xt7jsx647h0f_1 xt7jsx647h0f Tée ILLUSTRATOR





N0. 1




A E‘sausta‘y Lott (Goats/fiction.

E ought to be dead certain about a few

\x’ things, at least. Some preachers are

dead (in earnest), and others are
dead-in-earnest. It makes all the difference
where you put the pause. We must not meet
the returning soldiers with an “if.” They
don’t want to hear our doubts. They have
been up against stern realities over there—
such real things as pain and death and im-
mortality. They don’t want a religion with
strings tied to it when they come back. They
will want to hear a man who has the courage
born of conviction. They will demand what
they call “the real thing.” The late Dr.
Halsey, of the Presbyterian Foreign Board,
tells of an incident of the war in which
groups of inutinous soldiers seized women and
girls and bore them off to their villages to
lives worse than slavery. In one case after a
number of women had been seized, the Cap—
tain cried out: ”Are any of you Christians?
If so, stand out and we will shoot you, that
we may have no trouble with the missionary.”
One brave young girl stood out from the line
and said, “I am a Christian.” “Go back,”
said her captor, “you are the real thing.”
And she was. Our soldier boys have risked
their lives and jeopardized themselves unto
death for America. They will expect a min-
istry which will risk itself to the death for
Jesus Christ. If we are not prepared to ad-
venture all for him, we had better get out of
the job.

My point is that we ought to be definitely
certain about a few essential things, and min—
imize the rest. \Ve must have a creed, but
let it be as simple as possible. One of the
fallacies which the war has exploded is the
old axiom that “It makes no difference what
a man believes; only his actions count.”
The war has shown that it makes all the dif-
ference in the world what a man believes, for
a real man will act out what he thinks in.
Creed and conduct are closely related. The
New York Peace Society some time ago pub-
lished “The Creed of the Hzms“ in words
quoted entirely from the Germans themselves,

even the title. Germany had a creed. She
had certain convictions which she cherished
all through the years. And the most flagrant
acts of the war were the cold working out of
creed into conduct, of belief into action. If
the Germans were willing to die for their
convictions, ought not the ministry of Christ
to be willing to live for theirs?

I love to hear men preach who seem to be
standing on the solid rock of a few great
truths. It is much more inspiring to hear a
man say “I know whom I have believed,”
than to hear him say, “I have a suspicion that
critical investigation will yet authenticate the
historicity of Jesus Christ." It is surely more
heartening to hear a sermon on the text, “The
gates of hell shall not prevail against the
Church,” than to listen to a discourse on
“\Vill there be any churches ten years from
now P” I love to see a man standing four-
square to all the winds that blow, even if I
cannot stand by his side. I can well appre-
ciate the attitude of Hume, the great skeptic,
with regard to Whitfield. Hume, on his way
to hear Whitfield preach, was stopped by a
friend on the street. Learning where Hume
was going, the friend naturally expressed
great surprise, and exclaimed: “Why do you
go to hear him? You do not believe what he
preaches.” The answer of the skeptic was
significant: “No, but'h‘e does, and that is the
reason I like to hear him.” So I suggest, my
brethren, that we have an intellectual house-
cleaning, and that we take stock of ourselves
and our beliefs, so that we can meet the years
of Reconstruction unafraid and say:“Here
are the things that have come through the
fire. They still hold. You have read them by
the watch-fires of the camps in the glare of
the war-light, and I have read them in the
headlines of the extras and in the good old
Book. Come, let us get back to where we
believe something, and where we believe it
terribly—terribly enough to live for it, ter-
ribly enough to die for it if need be.”—T1—1E
bert Booth Smith. $ 1.5' net,






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Dear Devid:

Thank y'u for your letter of the 6th 11th
its information about your "academic maneuvers". I
have talked with Mr. Timberleke about you and showed
him your splendié record. He thought it we. one of
which anyone might well be proud. We have a number
of men on our ”waiting list" as yo WU.C n xell uncer—
stand, but very few openings. They churcnee are at
the present time economizing in every 903 ,
getting along without any pastor at all in ' my cases
and having Stated supplies in otoi:rs. ”1. Ti: burl :e
tells me that theire aren't any courchee tth are turn—
ing to the Con:arence for help in iinoing new ministers.
In :aany cases they are finding t-v': own
ways. However, he said that he u; glad
you and when a suit able opening mes I am hopin,g
rill remember you. I sgfike very 115:;ly of your v;rork
as I had known of it ané if there is any possible way
in which I can help you, you may be ours I 5h;';ll be only
too glee to do so. But you undersueind hox tire :ituation
is just now. '

the state and finds placeq where a new 1
'I'm sure that lie will be ‘~o to keep yw"
very fine record will be on file f‘or future use.

‘ Iano delayed so long in answering you bFP“US“

my time has been just terribly filled up here at the oi-
fioe. I don't know that I can remember when I hz?;ve uorled
harder than during the past three Vieii since re returned
from our vacation. There has been a mist: zs' Convocation
at Andove: Newton (I'm sending a pioggr mam) ior vhich we had
to get ready. Today and tomorroul the: re is a Loaoeibhip
Inst21tute at Hortnfield which required a lot 01' work for
”its pre paratlon and then the Cnurc Oificers Visitations
_which will we carrie G on in Octoo‘~ and November ano poem
sibly through the winter months. All th se have b en or owe»
ing and pressing on top of our re ~o1xr work of answerin”
letters and saeiig callers, etc. Then, too, it is 1331.1
new work, both for the new "chief" and .for his secretary,
as you will understand. On the whole everythmin has gore
well so far, but it really ft els good to have a oay or tio

to catch ones breath while everyone (or nearly $0) is away.



 Yas, we did have a very good tim‘
visit was only too short, however. Two
not so very much, but it certainly is a
after a year of hard work.

Pastor Frykman told us hat you were to be cowled
as a speaker at the'Young People's Anniversary in flocufOTd,
and we wore ever.so pleased. Both David and 1 had a few
good words to say for our friooo from Brooklyn. I really
wish there vore some fine opportunity fox you right in our
own work, David. P rhaps the right thing will come for you
in just the right place, juot as I hope woo right opportunity
will come for my David. It was kinC of you to write as you
dié about him. .

Davio has just registered for his
is getting into th: swing of it again. I '”'
ooito happy in his WOTR if ho only gota a:
oarn something along mitt .3: training in
there he can put theory into practice. Ha Ha
encouraging interviews with his Bean late y.


a P- o by: m

I have inqui?od ob ut the chu?oh 1 w

They have at prugont no pastor. Thu Conforonou "2o; ta

‘hat it ought to he Joined with anothor,chuych in the some
and that a student should be out in charge thoro and be as;
out to tho pastor of the othgr church. I don‘t thing that
of tfing would appeal to you at all. Evidently 1 w don't
much of the future of this little church. I am Joyry about
as it would be near enough fo; 3 person who woulw like to
so that one could easily take coursefl in florvoré or io “

Perhops I ought to tell you that Vi has wonéergg;
baby boy. Ho wag born on August 20th and weighed ‘~u pounds
and ten ounces. Of course, you know we think h: . ally
fine and I think othors are perfectly willing y. it ~' Irving
was tolling us that one night when he was waiting , ‘o corri—
dor to see his young son, he saw a lin: of people Ur! "a also.
You can imagine his surprise when lo hoard oomoouo —fim they were
waiting to see "that big baby“. I wonder if he is 5' ~ to wear
any hot at all any flora. Vi says He is so plea35fi with him, and
she is too.

The folks were quite well thia summer and we were so
happy to see them.

. We had a very inter sting trip of about
70? or more through Canada, a different trip than
tauon before.

m It was so nioe to see you folks and you can't iflagine
hOu much we appreciateo the very ploasant evening we spent to~



gather with your mother ané sisters and your brother and
your wife and little daughter. It was g0¢é tn see you all
and to enjoy an evening of genuine,fellowship once

I hope that next time you come to Lynn 1
be possible to arrange an evening at our house. I
V‘ -.. .,
1. O u a L" 1:

long since you visited our little home.
welcome when you can come. Let us know whgn th;

Please remember me to


firanholm. I hone ska um; her f

( With gery best WiShes to Vania anc
IS that right?’

Very sincerely you?s,


Brooklyn, N. Y.

Phone, SHore Road 8-4553

I77 ~ 7o! 99

Sept. 6th, 1954

Dear Mabel:

I have waited in séfling you the requested
"records" until your return from Rockford—-and now,
perhaps, I am a little too late.

Now as to my academic maneuvers. Maybe
I do best to put them in a column.

A.B., University of California 1925

Certificate, North Park fieminary 1927

Graduate Work in English Literature,
Wesleyan Univesity, Conn. 1928

One Year‘s Residence, Yale Divinity 1929

M.A.3 Philosophy Major Harvard 1931

B.D., Union Seminary, New York City 3954

I leave my case in your hands, Mabel. Any—
thing you might do for me, I will some day try to re-
ciprocate for.

Doubtless you had a good time back home.
Have you heard that I have been called as speaker to
the Y.P.Annmversary in Rockford next Frebruary? I
was much surprised.

By this time you are in the full swing in the
outer court of the "hmly place". ’I wish you good luck
in your work.

Here is hoping that David is going to enjoy his
work this Fall as much as he did last year, and that he will
find his place of effective Christian service when he is
through with the training. Dave has a rich soul, with plenty
of overtones and a differentiating mind--he has something Of
his uncle in him-~and his schooling in religious education
is bound to give him his oppgrtunity.

Vanie sends her best regards,
