xt7jsx647g0w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx647g0w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1987-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1987 text GLSO News, August 1987 1987 1987-08 2019 true xt7jsx647g0w section xt7jsx647g0w AUGUST 5 @
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As we are moving away from Lexington

we would like to send all of you a message of

gratitude for giving us so many warm 9?st

friendships and good memories.
When we came here three years ago, we MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

had been used to having organizations and

groups readily available that paved the way to

making friends and networking. During our _Please put. me on the GLSO mailing list,

first six months in Lexington we did not see including a free subscription to the monthli‘

the same opportunities here. Before long it Effigyfbuer (delivered in an unmarkea ‘

became apparent that the gay men in the area I Houfd' like to become a member of GLSO.

had organized in the group called the Gay _Enclosed is 510.00 (or 55.00 for students)

Services Organization. We had been} told that annual membership dues- . 1 d

it was for gay men but no lesbian group had —r:r11€2:§01:; E51132: Ezuaizcan be morfp;:;:)\':r

fox-meg for a similar fugction. As l:ve cin- writing to me at;

tinue our searc we egan to rea'ze t at _____—___

GSO was open to lesbians but that its reputa- (Name)

tion as a "men's group" had the effect of mm

keeping women from participating. It was

suggested by GSO Board members that by join- (City) (State) (ZIP Code)

ing a few other women who were beginning to _

attend, we could make this our group, too. .ail to: GLSO. P.O. Box 11471, Lex. KY 40573

One of the highlights of our lives in Lexington "-—

has been the gay men's community‘s open sup—

post and friendship .nllllIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllIIHHHIIIIIIIIIIII
From the point of our joining GLSO to ' . ,

ope we hove woospoo pony poops by it: Liiiigisxfizyzzrz1:315:23.222:2?

fOld for lack Of participation. It has bee? sad Inc. (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services

and frlghtemng to see that happen Whlle 30 Organization) P.O. Box 11471, Lexington KY

many IeSbian and gay people have been Willing 40575. The GLSO is a registered non-profit

to attend functions, yet so few have given organization the purpose of which is to

energy and time to make it all happen. provide educational, recreational, social,
During our 3 years we have seen GLSO and referral services directly involving or

grow to half men and half women; we have “9181in ‘10 BaY/leébifln Peoples

seen many more men and women participate by _ Vleus 0". Opinions exPFeSSEd #11 the

supporting GLSO'S functions and becoming in- articles, stories, letters, or advertisements

volved with the groups that "create" wonderful are ““936 0f the authors and do n°t
_ necessarily represent those of the GLSO Board

gatherlng5- ' _ of Directors nor the Newsletter staff.
The Lexmgton communlty has many 01:" Publication of the name or photograph of any

tions for gays and lesbians now. AS we person, organization or other entity in

depart we hope each of you know how much articles or advertising in the Newsletter is

we love and respect our community in Lexi- in no way indicative of the sexual

ngton. It has been with great pride that we orientation of such person, organization or

have spoken of our involvement with GLSO, entity.

and we hope that as we have gained so much SmeiSSionS to? the Newsletter are

from you, we have given some of it back with welcome. all submiSSion become the property

our energy. It is our hope that all of you if; thfdl‘gxmgionpa: servmes prganlzatéon'

continue your efforts to reach out to the "new Orvanizatiog) eii$gszgm32¥LESblan Serches
n . . . i a . - ons must indicate

comers _and anlte them Into the family 0f the full name and address of the author

friends in Lexington. For those of you who although no by-line will be published “the“;

have enjoyed the fruits of GLS_O's efforts, we the express written permission of the author.

hope you Will offer your energies to keep our Non—original material must indicate that the

family strong and functioning. We will miss Chisinal author has given permission for use

you and hope you know how much we have °f the matEFial- Anonymous submissions

appreciated and loved our family here. “mm” be accePtEd' The editorial staff
We hope to see You at a dance or two in $3er3.3 the right t° alter submi?519"5

the coming year. As always, peace and love inqsu mg ads) to meet pUbllshln‘

be with you! Kris & Shirley requirements"




‘ FOR LOVE AND FOR LIFE: 2. Repeal of all laws that make sodomy

I WE'RE NOT GOING BACK between consenting adults a crime

1 NATIONAL MARCH 0N WASHINGTON 3. a Presidential order banning dis-

1 FOR LESBIAN AND GAY RIGHTS crimination against gay people by the Federal

i Government

Join US in Washington, D.C- October 9'13 4. Passage of the Congressional Lesbian

’ for a gathering of 500,000 lesbians and gay and Gay Rights Bill

men celebrating such events as The Wedding, 5. An end to discrimination against people
the Veteran’s and AIDS Memorial Servmes, the with AIDS, ARC, HIV positive status, of those

i Lesbian and Gay Bands Of America, and the perceived to have AIDS. Massive increase in
WI Climax - The National March on Washington funding for AIDS education, research, and

i for Lesbian and Gay Rights. ient care. Mone for AIDS, not for war.

‘ Planning for this five day event began in pat 6. Reproductive Freedom, the right to
‘1 November, 1986 when over 500 activists repre- control our own bodies and an end to sexist
1‘ senting lesbians and gays from all walks of life oppression.

1 met and articulated a list of demands and 7' And as members of an oppressed

1 issues to be raised at such an event. Since group which must reach out and support the

1 $23.2 tiflikfileéatiigifiz"; iTindpitiic?§2“I£Z “Wat“ 0f 8“ ””192“? end t° "“31““ i“

f March and ensure a strong turnout. We hope this country and apartheid in South Africa.

i ' ' a vernment - -

1 :2: “gm of an e23$;fictirgg‘sizpwssflfsi

‘ organized gay community, and to make them change "we the U.S. Lesbian and Gay com-

aware of the unjust oppression we face each munity urge’ntly...bring a message to this na-
day. Whether it is emotional oppression - as tion and it's leaders - - it is not we, but the

‘ wilthwglrileei: $115131?!iefihgéltjggglégegyttmfe$1113?) threats to us that endanger the. entire nation

' term that terrorizes gay parents — or legal 013- and it's values." The current agendaof oulr

pression as with the lesbian who was denied enenues...of hatred, 0f fear, and (ff bigftgy

1 access to her critically injured lover of many eventually oppresses .11.! people an Ip'recu es

years because of a court order obtained by freedom, love, creatiVity, and indiViduality.

i the comatose woman's parents who held all We need to stand together. and demand what

{ legal rights — or financial oppression as in- we deserve ’ the right to In“? our llixtresffreely

surance companies look for new ways to deny and proudly m a community t a OS ers

‘ - n ‘ productive interaction between all peoples.

1 gay men affordable insurance because of their Th t _ hat the March on Washington is all

. high risk for AIDS" and the resulting expen- a Is w .

3' sive health care - or spiritual oppression as about. Its about meland (its about you. . _

j men and women who cannot withstand the , Many indiv1duazziln groupsM are 9158;];
I pressure of opposing the heterosexual "norm" lng transpogtatiogt an d oilsmf' Sire mh rthe

‘ turn to alcohol, drugs, isolation, and even tlonfi can d eGLgO am?“ tfica y rill}? to at-

i suicide to fight their own self-hatred - or Gay ne an ' h eher yotu w . f

i even more dramatically, the threat of forced tend JUSt the Marc ’ t e en ire Slings 0_

1 HIV testing and detention camps - these ac- eYentS» choose to support the lVlarc inan

tions must be defined and defied. The events Clally’ or merely begin to become involved “nth
in Washington seek to do just this by a series a local action group that supports .the goals 0f
of 7 demands: the March, you Will be contributing to your

‘ 1 Le l .. . own future and the strength of your own

. ga recognition of Lesbian and Gay famil
‘ relationships y.

3 6415 to W
for a new

March on Washington forlesbian and Gay Rights

' "Depriving individual: of the right to chome for themlelvel how to conduct their intimate relation-

ship. pone! a far greater threat to the values moat deeply rooted In our nation'u history than tolerance
1 of nonconformlw could ever do." —U.S. Supreme Conn Jmlice Harry Blackrmm,
1 diuentinr Irom (he Coun'i l986 ruling [hat uphold: iodomy law:
October 11,1987

 The agenda of events: Whether you drive or take a bus, its a long
Fri.~Sun. Oct. 9-11 March Against Death and trip - about 10 hours through the beautiful
Violence. For a period of 40 hours, West Virginia and Cumberland, .MD area fall
culminating with the March, people car— foliage - but think of the Wild time you could
rying banners With the names of in— have traveling With 40 other local folks on a
dividuals who have died from AIDS and chartered bus! GLSO is in the process of or-
homophobic violence will move in a ganizing jUSt SUCh a DOSSibflitY: 811d depend—
solemn, single-file procession past the ing on hOW many people are IntePeStedi _"}BY
White House, the Capitol, and bthep na- take several buses and may also plan on ]Oln-
tional symbols. ing with Louisville busses to form one big Gay
Fri. Oct. 9 National Lobby Day. Delegations Kentucky COTWOY- With 45 riders, the 'COSt
will be lobbying in Cong—pess_ would be only $50 per person. Tentatively
Sat. Oct. 10 Never Forget, Gay/Lesbian the bus woyld leave Lexmgton very'early
Memorial Project. Dedication of the Har- Friday mornmg‘, Oct- 9. and leave Washmgton
vey Milk memorial in Congressional late on Sunday the 11th. (This would allow
Cemetery. 11 am.;The Wedding. 2 pm everyone to be a part of the major scheduled
(see related article); Lesbian & Gay activitles or} Satprday and Sunday) The
Bands of America Concert. 8 - 11 pm. March Committee in Washington has made ar—
Sun. Oct. 11 Veterans Memorial Service. A rangements With downtown hotels for speCial
memorial for gay and lesbian veterans at group rates Of $75 per night double 00‘
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, prior cupancy. The total cost of the trip would be
to the March; AIDS Memorial Project. $125 per person excluding tax, food, tips and
Thousands of panels with the names of of course, any bar charges.
people who have died of AIDS will be Washington is served by four major air-
assembled into one massive expanse and lines from Lexington, with service to both Na—
displayed across the Capitol Mall; March tional and Dallas Airports. A round trip
on Washington for Lesbian and Gay seven day advance fare of $148 — $168 was
Rights. recently available, depending on day and time
Mon. Oct. 12 National Lesbian & Gay Rights of departure.
Congress Planning Meeting. Plans will Believe it or not, you can still take
be initiated for a 1988 nationwide Amtrak from Cincy to Washington for $122.
Congress of Lesbians and Gay Men, to Sleeping accommodations are available at an ex-
coincide with the Democratic and tra charge. The train leaves Friday and
Republican National Conventions. returns on Wednesday, which would allow you
Tues. Oct. 13 Civil Disobedience for Lesbian 8: to participate in the Congressional Planning
Gay Rights. Non-violent action at the meeting and the non-violent civil disiobedience
Supreme Court. action at the Supreme Court, both these ac-
tivities are planned for the Monday and Tues-
——_- day after the March.

In an attempt to access the interest in
organizing local chartered buses, we are as-
king anyone interested to return the coupon
below with your name and address, and mail it
to GLSO, P.O. Box 11471, Lexington, KY
40575. Tell all your friends, especially anyone
who might not receive the GLSO News . If we
get enough people We‘ll 'uet add another bus.

GAY AND PROUD" Yes, I want to take part of this all important
effort to gain equal rights for myself and all
.” gay and IBSblan people! Please REED me in-
formed on arrangements being made for bus
D-C 0R BUST! transportation to Washington, DC.
Washington DC is a beautiful city during
any season, but especially so in the fall. Name
Therefore, why not combine the March on ' "
Washington with a mini-vacation, satisfying
both your social and esthetic conscience, while Address
taking part in one of the most important —'—-——————‘——
events in gay history politics since the
Stonewall Riots. City State Zip Code
How to get there? Several options are —_ _" _
available, including bus, train, plane, or car.


Are you presently in a committed, same-
sex relationship? Have you ever been The Illinois State legislature recently
frustrated because society doesn't give legal passed bills WhiCh are presently, by far, the
and social recognition to the union between most stringent, discriminatory, and hysteria-
you and your partner? If so, then plan on inspired legislation to appear within the U.S.
attending The Wedding on October 10, at 2:00 If Gov. Thompson signs all four bills into law,
pm in Washington, DC. they will: force HIV antibody testing upon all

The Wedding is a national demonstration applicants for marriage licenses; report results
officially sponsored by the National March on of tests to the Public Health officials; require
Washington to emphasize the demand that les- anyone convicted of sexual or drug related
bian and gay domestic partners in committed crimes to be tested; require Public Health offi-
same-sex relationships be entitled to the same cials to record names and addressed of all in-
rights as straight couples. dividuals who test positive; require these offi-

The Wedding will include a non-sectarian cials to ask positive-testing individuals for
union ceremony. Its goal is to have at least a names and addresses of all sexual partners for
thousand couples celebrate their existing the last 7 years, contact those people, and in"
relationships in support of the March's demand spect any state, federal or military records for
for couples' rights. Participation is not positive-testing Illinois residents for purposes
restricted by any definition of "couple" or of contact tracing; force all individuals incar-
"acceptable relationship". To respect diver- cerated in state 01‘ county jails be tested;
sity within the gay community, efforts are require all hospital patients between the ages
being made to encourage at least 50% participa- 0f 13 and 55 be tested; restrict anonymous
tion by lesbian couples and 25% by people of and written informed consent testing sites;
color. and allow quarantining of individuals "deemed"

Contributions to defray the cost of the dangerous to the public health. This last item
ceremony and reception are being accepted. included any or all "very active homosexuals".
Any amount received in excess of expenses At the time this issue of GLSO NEWS. was
will be given to the National March Com- being prepared, it was known that the gover—
mittee. For additional information, contact {101‘ had signed at least one of the four bills
Couples, Inc., 13.0. Box 13323, Los Angeles, into law. These actions have been taken in
CA 90013. For registration forms, leave your the face f’f the 01313951110“ 0f the governor's
name and address with the GLSO Gayline (231~ 0W“ apmlnted. counc‘l 0“ @1135, find .even
0335’ 7-11 pm, Wednesdays-Thursdays) and though the chairperson of this council actively
GLSO will send you a copy of the form to be urged all Illanis ' res1dents to write to the
completed and mailed to the above address. governor urging mm to veto all four bills.

PROGRESS ON MARCH Regional Field Director of the 1986 Great Peace

As we approach the October 11 date for. March, marched with MCC founder Rev. Troy
the March on Washington, a great deal of Perry on the Lincoln Memorial in 1976, and
progress has been made toward making the helped organize protests in LOS Angeles
March a successful reality. against Anita Bryant.

Nationally, a Steering Committee of 64 From our own region, Atlanta based
people has been organized to coordinate the AIDS BCtiViSt and person With AIDS, David W-
March activities. The US has been organized Almond, has been named to the seven member
into eight regions, each with four- delegates, National Executive Committee. Almond has
The remaining seats are filled by lesbians and worked as a rehabilitation counselor, assistant
gay men representing especially oppressed placement director for the handicapped in San
groups such as people with AIDS, the physi— Diego SChOOlS, and as a consultant to the deaf
cally challenged, people of color, and community.
veterans. March officials estimate that the ac—

The Southeast peg—ion includes Kentucky. tivities scheduled during the week preceding
At the Southeastern Conference of Lesbians and the tWO days following the March will cost
and Gay Men held in May in Fort Lauderdale, $300,000. At the Womyn's Music Festival in
the region's four delegates to the national Georgia this past May, $10,000 was raised for
Steering Committee were chosen. Work also the March simply by "passing the hat." Those
began toward meeting the goals of the March. who cannot attend the March shouldn't feel left

Lee Bush has been hired to staff the na- out: contributions will be gratefully accepted
tional office of the March. Bush served as by the national and regional committees.

. . W, W _ W.WW,. ., WWWW

1 have just finished a whirlwind vacation . Roman Catholic Cardinal Joseph Bernar-
and am soon off for New England and film [praised a local parish, SF- Sebasttans, {01‘
Michigan. It began in Grand Rapids with the 1ts ' rich and varied m1nistr1es., including its
Dignity Region V House of Delegates. After ghrrlisntgya"tgertelfifongyayo:nfhdefigirshfsm'rslfhntznn
Grand Ra ids I flew to Little Rock for the , . ‘
Unitarian I[Diniv’ersalist General Assembly. The niversary, Bernardin prayed that "all people,
UUA has strongly recommended that all future “1‘31“de those most ahenated from 5001997,"
national and district meeting be held in states WOUId Cpntlnue to be welqomed by the parlsh.
without sodomy laws, or, if meetings are held The Chicago chapter of Dignity has celebrated
in these states that an organized protest be mass at St‘ Sebastians (31111th for 15 years.
held in conjunction with the meeting. Aésipolttegptelrson for the Arlchdiotcesfe 0f $310580
After Genera sse b1 I flew to in icae ere were no pans o orce ignity
Philadelphia; I've dlsoAvislilfedy New Orleans, 0‘“ Of St- Sebastian‘s.
Pittsburgh, and Wisconsin this summer. By
being involved I have created a wonderful op- _'
portunity to see places, do different things,
and meet interesting people. I have many new
friends plus wonderful experiences. None of
these would have happened had it not been for
oin to a Di ' ei ' March of 1985 . . . , .
End gsticking wgiffityit.me i nugrgien you to get in- ”3152:2215 notsometfiungh we give ourselves, it is
volved. It doesn‘t have to be Dignity. Of W9 Ewe 93C 0 9f-
course, I'd love it to be, but it could be
GLSO, Interweave, LAGPACK, Feminist Al-
liance, the Imperial Court, a softball or bowl— figflj1é7ispfiegh
ing team, or whatever. Just get involved and A h f h ' c E” I I
give yourself a chance. I bet you'll find it In oro T BChurCh and the Homosexual
worthwhile. And Maybe you'll join me this
year at Dignity Regional in Indianapolis,
General Assembly in Palm Springs, IGBO '88 in
Washington - that is, if you get involved.
Peace, ”
Last month Dignity Region V met in
Grand Rapids, Michigan. During the morning
session we heard about the national convention
I I in Miami, Dignity] Cincinnati being asked to
' leave their church, as well as an update con-
cerning our W ad. About 500
DICNITY/LEXINCTON :esponses were turned in netting almost
. I 5,000. It's interestin to note that one of
P'O'Bo‘ l9“ l1 ‘ngmn' KY 4059.! Time's major stockholderlgs is the Vatican (Time
turned down Dignity's request for an ad.)
269-8417 After lunch and committee reports, it was
discovered that two committees remain open:
Women‘s Concerns and Media, (if interested,
MEMBERSHIP please contact Dignity.) The Pope‘s visit to
Yes, folks, Dignity's still haVing our mem~ Detroit was also discussed. A prayer service
bership drive! Our goal is 25 and we'll need coinciding with the Pope's arrival, with media
a hefty turnout in the next several months to coverage, has been arranged. As a result of
reach it. Some of you may ask "why become a elections, Jack Degek, Ben Boerkel, and Mike
member?" Well, it's a fair question. You get Frye were elected regional director, secretary,
regional and national news information and the and treasurer, respectively.
privilege of saying "I belong to Dignity." But On Sunday, chapter reports were given and
for $25 is that enough? Ultimately, that ques- future district meetings set. Indianapolis will
tion is up to you. But remember your $25 hold the district meeting October 24-26.
works to make life better for lesbian and gay Lafayette, Indiana will host the Winter of 1988.
people. So join! Students can join for $20 Thanks to- Dignity/Grand Rapids for a great
and couples for $45. weekend!

 ' W
: AIDS NEWS with the rate going as high as 20 out of 1,000
" Because Of the enormous volume and (2°) in NYC San Francisco and the District
_ complexity of information about AIDS that f6C1 b' ’ CNN N 7/14/87 R t
might interest its readers, the GLSO Newslet- 0 Cum 1a ( b‘ ews, d). V da es
’ ter has organized an AIDS review panel. The among gay and isexual 'men an I rug
" . hou ht to be hi her but accurate
purpose Is to assure that facts are presented F‘sers are t g . g ’
. . . igures are not available.
1 accurately and that issues covered are of 1n- Contrar to local ress accounts a posi-
terest locally. We will be trying to interpret . y p ’ .
. . . . t1ve test does not mean that a person Will
0 national trends for our readers and we invite develop AIDS or has AIDS However it does
your articles, questions or comments. Coming . 1 th . f t ' l t, er and
y up: Should I take the test? A discussion of impy ey can m 8C a sexua par 11 .
the risks pro and con in next month's issue should practice safe sex and protect against
’ ’ ' the exchange of body fluids. To be safe,
' . { . . _ ever one, EVERYONE, who is a ay male (all
. We .would hke to clarify the figures ap righty, bisexuals too) in Kentuckygmust assume
pearing in the July AIDS Update of the th b at risk d t ke necessar
newsletter. It was reported that 21% of the ey "lay e b 8;? a h y
"hi h risk atients ( rimaril a men)" precautions. More a out t IS next mont .
g p P Y g Y
screened in Lexington and Louisville Health PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ANNOUNCES
5 Departments tested positive. We would like to MASSACHUSETTS AIDS EDUCATION PROGRAM
discuss high risk behaviors, not high risk On June 11, Gov. Dukakis announced an
people- Those persons presenting themselves AIDS education program to be instituted in his
for testing are not necessarily representative home state of Massachusetts. His plan's four
‘1 of the gay community (exact figures are major points are: 1) a "teaching guilds" to be
i unavailable). It should be noted that from developed by the state's Dept. of Public
1 January to April, 1987, 12.7% of "receptive" Health and Dept. of Education, which will be
males were positive (9 of 63); with a couple of sent to all school superintendents and com-
tests added separately this figure is not en- mittee Chairpersons, and all mayors; 2) public
tirely accurate either. At any rate, the num- service announcements for| television and
bers of gay men presenting themselves to be radio, aimed at minorities and young people;
tested in Lexington has dropped steadily since 3) creation of an informational brochure to be
"' the first of this year. Testing at the Lexi— mailed to every household in Massachusetts by
ngton site is anonymous; Louisville reportedly, early fall, and mailing Surgeon General Koop‘s
(sources: Becke Herrin, Kentucky Bureau report on AIDS to 3000 education, community,
11 Health Services AIDS coordinator and Greg religious, and business leaders; and 4) expan-
Lee) has no anonymous testing and figures sion of free, voluntary, anonymous AIDS an-
E there are unavailable. One important note to tibody testing programs from the current 13
to area gays: if you want to be tested and you test sites to a total of 28 sites.
I_ contact a physician, clinic, hospital or Dukakis has firmly opposed the pos-
)0 laboratory, and your results are positive, sibility 0f programs to provide IV drug users
your name, address and other identifying in- with sterile needles, and distributing condoms
at formation must be forwarded to the Kentucky in schools and prisons. The governor has
3f Bureau of Health Services. There it is main— also taken a clear stand against disclosing
E tained confidentially, but regulations require AIDS antibody test results to public health of-
the reporting. It is also not advisable to in- ficials, and disagrees with mandatory testing
is clude positive results in your medical record; for any groups other than the military and
I: there have been reports (source: Edwin certain immigrants (though he gives no
1, Hackney) that HIV positive persons have had reasons for this decision). In commenting on
to their health insurance canceled by their in- the proposed contents of his household mail-
38 surers. Legal protection in Kentucky against ing, Dukakis said, "We're not talking morality
i8 such cancellations remains uncertain at this here, just plain facts."
3f time. Dukakis, who announced his candidacy for
{e The HIV infection rate continues to be a the Democratic presidential nomination a few
7, greatly debated issue. CDC head Dr. James months ago, adds he had not given any
Curran puts the infection rate at 1 in 30 thought to how this new program would affect
Ed among all young and middle age men in the US his campaign. Many people would find that
Ill (National AIDS Network 7/1/87); just released statement very difficult to believe c” any
3- Department of Defense figures of testing of presidential candidate, and especially from one
3- over 300,000 army recruits found an infection whose stands on gay issues have recently been
at rate of 1.5 individuals per 1,000 nationally, so contradictory.

Dear Aunt Mary: My son is fifteen years old ,SaturdaY June 27th marked firm important
and does not know I am gay. Should I tell day in the minds of gay and lesbian Kentuck-
him? ians. It was the date of the first of
Worried (hopefully!) a series of Gay Pride Marches in
Mt Sterling Kentucky. This "March for Justice" was en—
' dorsed by the ACLU of Kentucky, Jefferson
. . County NOW the Fellowship of Reconciliation
Dear Worried:- You haven't ven me much to ’ . . . ‘
go on such as what kind ofglrelationship you the Kentucky Nurses Assoc1ation, the Louis-
have with your son how your ex feels about Ville Frontline Committee, First Unitarian
) ‘ - .
(or even knows about) your orientation, and Unlversalist _Church, Kentucky Alliance
how well adjusted your son is at this time. Against Racism and .Pf’mlca‘ Repressmn,
Basically, most of the research I have read Epiphany 500ml ResPOIISlblmy Committee, and
indicates that teenagers, who are struggling to Sftfiéreala2213bfiilgig Peace and Justice Com-
find their own sexual identities and who want ’b 500 ' b’
more than anything to "belong“ and "fit in", A €21.“- t gaykmen,tles iins’ ang n02;
ma have difficult in dealin with the infor- gay par1c1pan S 00 par m e mare '
mafion that one of, their parEnts is gay. It least eight peoplg. from $116 Lexmgtonb gay
a 3:53:31... :53:
come out to their child by this age of about later at the steps of the Jefferson County
twelve, it may be best to wait until after the Courthouse
teetnage years to broach this particular sub— The March for Justice was a march for
lec ' Now if any of m readers has an ex- human rights but it focused on the need for
perience along these lirSIIes and would hie to gay and lesbian rights. Speakers at the rally
share your experience please feel free to Whlgh f.OUOWEd the march represented gay or-
write and comment Your in ut would be most ganizations but also included non-gay activists
welcome and will bé assed E530“ who addressed the issues of gay rights from
p Thanks 'g. their own perspectives.
Aunt Mar When asked what they hoped the march
y would accomplish, many of the participants
If you would like to write to Aunt Mary send answered, "We don't want special rights, we
your letter t0‘ Aunt Mary c/o GLSO ’ P 0 want the same rights as everyone else." In
Box 11471, Lexington, KY, 40575. ’If 'in fac" many °f ”‘9 “.‘arCh organizer? and “P"
would like a personal reply, please include a porters are continuing to work quietly to gain
stamped, self-addressed envelope. All names the SUPPOI‘.t 0f Louisville's Board Of Aldermen
are strictly confidential. for an ordinance to protect gay men and les-
bians from discrimination.
RAINBOW BOWLERS RETURN Hope for this anti-discrimination legisla-
tion increased fifteen months ago when the
GLSO's Rainbow Bowling League will Louisville-Jefferrson County lluman Rights
begin its season with its first night of bowling Commission concluded that significant dls'
on Tuesday, August 25 at 8 pm. A pre- crimination eXIStS against homosexuals in areas
bowling party is set for Tuesday, August 18, of employment, housing and public accommoda-
also at 8 pm, at Chuck‘s new home. For tions. The commissmn recommended that the
directions call Bill or Kenneth at 278—0048. Board of Aldermen and Fiscal Court amend
We are happy to announce that once again human rights ordinances to guarantee gay and
we will be bowling at Joyland Bowling Lanes lesbian Citizens equal access under the law.
off North Broadway. Lots of strikes, and Thus far the Board has. yet to respond.
we'll see you at the alley. In a surprismg editorial which appeared the
day before the March for Justice, the Courier—
Journal came out in support of the proposed
GAY PARENTING COOKOUT chan e in cit ordinance. (See related ar-
g Y
ticle.) Before the March, organizers assisted
The Au st meeting of the Gay Parent- participants with a letter writin campai
. gu . g gn
ing Group Will be a cookout at Barry's. Bring aimed at convincing city aldermen to enact the
a covered dish and something to be cooked on changes. One of the primary goals of the
the grill; drinks will be provided. Children march was to build a coalition of support for
are welcome, too! Date: August 28 (Friday). the gay rights measures, and proof that this
Time: 7:00 pm. was achieved was evidenced by the diversity

 of people who took part both in the letter GAY PEOPLE ARE HEROES, T00!
writing campaign and the March.

Overall, the march was an impressive In a recent article in The Advocate,
success and will further the gay rights move- Leonard Matlovitch described his experience
ment in Kentucky. With consistent support visiting the graves of Alice B. Toklas,
and active campaigning, and with a strong Gertrude Stein, and Oscar Wilde in Paris:
showing at next year's projected march, we "There, in front of me, were some of the
have realistic hopes for success with changing people who had given me the courage to con-
laws in Louisville, and eventually at state front the Air Force with the truth about who I
levels, too. The key factor is remembering really am... I was overwhelmed with a sense
that even though this march pr