xt7jsx646291 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx646291/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1918 journals kaes_circulars_001_1_063 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 063 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 063 1918 1918 2014 true xt7jsx646291 section xt7jsx646291 t
Extension Division
~ Selecting and Caring for Seed Corn
t _ E. J. KINNEY
SliI"I`l£)lBl£R. 1915
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work cnr-
ried on by co-operation of the College of Agriculture, University of
Kélltucky, with the U. S. Department of Agzriculture, and distributed
in furtherance of the work provided for in the Act of Congress of
Mn? 8. 1914.

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Q }l111·l1 111 1l11· »1·1·1I l11111gl11 11‘:1~ (ll. \’:11·i1·1i··~ 111111·i1~1l i11 1l11·
il >1·1·1i1111~ wl11·1·1· 11 11·:1~ 11~··1l :1111l il i\ 1l1111l111'11l i1':1~ g11111l 1···~11l1~
  1villl11·11l11:1i11··1l :1< l.l`*1lII ll*1lll1‘~L1`l'<1\\`ll ~··1·1l 1114 11·~11·1l \-]ll·l*`ll*°<.
  '1`l11· 1·:11···l··~~ ]*l`Jl¤'ll\ 111 1l1·111·111li11g· llllllll 1·111·11 lill{'°ll 1111111
1 1l1·~1·1·1l1 i11 1l11· \|¤l'lll;j` l'111· 11l:1111111z 11‘:1~ 1·1·~111111~il1l1·1'111‘ 1l11·
i Fillllllilulli 111 ~··1·1l. 'l`l11· lflli *'l'*1|l 111:11111‘1·1l l:111· illlll. l·1·1·:111~1· 11li
1 11111`:11·111·:1l1l1- *ll._\lll;.!· \\ll`iIllll`l.. 1l11· ;1·:1i11 1·111·1:1i111·1l il l:11·g·· 111·1·-
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1 i11 1·1·il1~. 1l111· 111 1l11· li111i11·1l i'll`¤'lll€ill'\ll 111` ::i1·. illlll ll1*1\l lll- llI'”
: 11111i>1111·1· w:1~ ~1ill i11 1l11· Ql'2Illl\ \\lll•'lI lll*' ~1·\‘1·1·1· 1`1·1·1·xi11g
11‘1·:11l1··1· 1·;1111·· i11 (lill.l_\‘ l11·1·1·111l1··1·. ,\~ il l.*l\llll 1l11· g`*'l·lll \\`il<
  1l1·~11·11_v1·1l. 'l`l11· l'1·11‘ l`:11·1111·1·~ \1’l111 g:11l11·1·1·1l »1·1·1l 11‘l11·11 llllx ('llllll
  il1'~li}*l[1~‘!11‘1l, 111· 1·x·1·11 \\~ll(`ll 1l11- 1i1·~1 l111~l 1l11111·. illlll g`:1\·1·
l il :111 111111111·11111i1_v 111 |ll`.\‘ 11111 1111i1·l1···1l. 'l`l1is
l sl11111·s 1l1:11 1·x·1·11 \\'llll 1l11· 1·\11···1111·l_1· 1111l`;1x·111‘:1l1l1· illlll llllll11v1·t1i<·1it 2ll'l'2lIlj[l‘l!l<‘l|l l`·tr g·eitli<·ritig· seed ears is Ll
ss se·»i gljlill $111-]; susp1·11l1·»11l1l··1‘ us is 1l<»1i<· ill l)1'f)l1(ilfjil5if·
i11tl.» ing gxrziiti hy lizitid. lt is :111 ;t1l·l···l t*ti|l\'<‘lll*‘|l<*t‘ to have the
igtirotis mouth ol` the s:1<·l< l»··l1l <·[~<·11 with il l1<»<·p. ll' lll<>~l of the litlslis I
for. carried in the sttek.
Selection at Husking Time
hm up ]·`it·hl st·le1·ti1»11 is so 1i111¤·l1 111·»r·i·1l··si1‘z1l¤l·· them any other
hL_¤]uU`_ metlintl Iltill ll >l1111ll1l l1<‘ ¢·l11[1l·>_\`~·1·r:1l stippljs. ats 111x·· ztlwziys liiids eztrs thzit
>l1i11`\'·"` must he tll>l‘2ll`1ll‘ll wli1·11 tlze <‘·1l`ll is sh··ll···l amd l`l't‘t1llt}llIl:»`
IN i\\\`l1\\'il!`-.l
L`lllIIli`1Q*‘l. Caring for the Seed
lI1ill1ll`li;·` The sttlisetptetit wire 1»t` the seed eztrs is even 11101*0 im-
1 type   portamt than the s1~l1·1·ti1¤21. 'l`1» l>l'1'~1‘l'\`1‘ its geriuiiitttitig power
the etirii should he litme dry l»t~t`·1re i`r1~··zi1ig weather eomes:
1. t§`1»e »€ then 1111 degree of t·t»ld will llt_llll't‘ it. 'l`he prtthletu is to store
up t1—h._;: the seed ears so that they will he szife l`r1»111 iiijury from 111iee
DQ of our 21111l 1‘a1ts 2111d yet he in :1 p<»siti·»1i tw dry out rapidly. 011 the
i(.mi,,u   HV01‘i1{§0 fiU'lll ill1‘l`1‘ is l`i1I't*l}' to he l`1»11111l at rut—;11id-111o11se-p1·oof
{Oct 1;,];: S¤¤1111<»11s·—. 21111l illilllll the l1lll_\` waxy tw pr1·tet·t stored seed from
rlwtitm 1{ UIOSC Hctlve pests is to hung: it 11·· ir zlte im zi` t·rii·s_ sheds,
etc. Fortuiiutely this methttd 1·l` storing seed vert; CLlll11Ui be

ti ('irttu/ur X0. (I.?
intprovvtl npon. ats l`zn· us snpplying gootl vontlitions for l¥l\‘lll is to lntvv plvnty ot` spnvvt
twvvn thv v;n·s.
-\ rooin or vrilt vzin liv nnnlv nionsv-p1·ool` by lining; ni}
wi1·v vloth. mill whvn snvh at rooin is nx·nil:il>lv vurions h;nt~
(l(`\'l(‘\`$ tilil l`\‘ \l\\‘ll lIt>I` Nlt>l'lllg` Nl`(`(l lllikl ('illlllllt ’l)l‘ ll~·
nntlvr t¤l'l. itlltl.   1\v pnt into l»zn·t·~—
ltoxvs o1' ztlty t‘t»ll\'t*lll(‘lll plztvv.
-\lwnys hznig or Slt>I‘t‘ vorn ns soon ns ltronght in. 'l`hv on
an‘v ot`tvn tlannztgvtl l»_v lying ;n·onn]'Il will hvzit ennl spoil vvry qnivkly.
l)o not ltv ventglit withont plvnty ot` gxootl svvtl vorn n· ··.‘
spring. tlzithvr vnongh l`o1· planting; znnl l`t‘lll2\llllll§f for  
yvzn·s. Also vnongh t'o1· zi nvi;;·hl>o1· who niuy lorgvt to ;;;nl.~i