xt7jsx645w0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx645w0g/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2001 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 76, No. 4, Spring/June 2001 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 76, No. 4, Spring/June 2001 2001 2001 2014 true xt7jsx645w0g section xt7jsx645w0g FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
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Volume 76 Number 4 Spring/June 2001  Q ii 
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 US ISSN 0016-2116
Introduction to FNS - Deanna Severance 1
Beyond the Mountains - Deanna Severance 2 I
Wendover News - Christine Collins 7
F SMFN News - Susan Stone and Dr: Julie Marfell 13
Website Information 15
Courier Program News — Barb Gibson 16 »
Reflections of a Courier - Patsy Lawrence 18
Clillon R. Breckinridge House 20
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News - Maile Noble 21
Photograph Identification - Barb Gibson 24
Reflections of a FNS Nurse - Pat M Kelly 25
Miscellaneous Tidbits 28
In Memoriam 29
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service
Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for Institutions _
Volume 76 Number 4 Spring/June 2001
Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and at addi- °
tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS,
Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/lnc. 2000
All Rights Reserved.

Frontier Nursing Service
U you have never been introduced t0 the Frontier Nurs-
ing Service we would like to take this opportunity to brief you on
the history and the on—going work of the Service. Please share
I this information with a friend
Bom in 1881 into a prominent American family, Mary
Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world -
Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death
of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected
of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others,
particularly children.
Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Ser-
vice (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one of the
poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs.
Breckinridge introduced the first nurse-midwives in this country.
Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard,
fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modern healthcare to fami-
lies throughout an area of 700 square miles.
Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the driv-
ing force behind the work of the Service whose influence today
extends far beyond eastem Kentucky. Through the Frontier School
of Midwifery and Family Nursing, hundreds of nurses have been
trained and this important concept of family healthcare has been
carried throughout the world.
Today, the FNS is organized as a parent holding company
for Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., (home health agency, two
out-post clinics, one primary care clinic in the hospital, Kate Ire-
. land Women’s Healthcare Clinic) and for the Frontier School of
Midwifery and Family Nursing - the largest midwifery program in
the United States.
· Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy of the FNS has
remained constant since 1925.

Beyond the Mountains »
by Deanna Severance, CEO/President
"T he great secret of success is that there are no secrets of suc- i
cess; there are only timeless princzples that have proven ejyective
throughout the centuries. " Brian Tracy Successories’ Great Little ~ {
Book on Personal Achievement, Career Press  
A greater part of this winter and .. . I
early spring has been spent in plarming. .  
I have been writing that the Board of , _  ~  
Govemors is in strategic plamiing and _;4> g q    
those deliberations continue. Our fiscal __ R P lr C  
year is May l through April 30 of each ~ __; » A li
year. Thus, we have been in operational »
planning. The plamiing process is an ex-   i
citing process to me. The plamiing process empowers us to live  
our imagination while remaining true to our mission, to build a  
future woven with timeless principles.  
Planning for the Future  
The Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing q
(F SMFN), with the authorization of the Board, is preparing to  
submit an accreditation application to the Southem Association of E
Colleges and Schools (SACS). The decision to apply for accredi— l
tation was a recommendation from the strategic plarming report L
issued in 1995. Preparation is lengthy and requires much thought l
but SACS provides detailed guidelines. Several years of work have
gone into putting the components together.
Accreditation by SACS requires that the President of the .
F SMFN and the Chairman ofthe Board of Directors have no con-
tractual relationships with the F SMFN. Ken Tuggle, Chairman of
FSMFN Board of Directors is a partner of Brown, Todd and Frost, ··
Louisville, Kentucky, a law firm which does legal work for the
FNS. Therefore, it was necessary for Ken to step down as Chair-
man of the FSMFN and to remain as a Board member. At the
April 21 meeting ofthe Board of Governors, John Foley accepted

the nomination as Chairman of the FSMFN Board of Directors.
I, as President of F SMFN, resigned from that particular
_ position due to my being the CEO/President of the parent com-
pany and this is not acceptable to SACS. Susan Stone was elected
President of FSMFN. I will continue as CEO ofthe FNS and Presi-
. dent of the other subsidiaries. These decisions will pave the way
for a smooth accreditation. The Board of Directors and I wish Sue
I many congratulations! We are certain she will do a beautiful job.
l The shortage of nurses in the United States and abroad is
  receiving wide press coverage. A nursing shortage has occurred
. from time to time, but this shortage will worsen. Although there
I are many reasons for the shortage, two stand out. First, nursing is
j primarily a professional occupation where the workforce has tra-
  ditionally been women. In the past this was partly due to other
professions restricting the number of women admitted. Today there
are many, many opportunities for women and nursing is only one
choice. Second, many of the women constituting the current labor
  force are baby boomers. As that bubble moves to retirement there
J is a dramatic decrease in the labor force.
  FNS invited Leslie County Community Leaders to meet
  at Wendover to discuss the issue. We have implemented a program
to train nurse’s aides, identify nurse’s aides who have the desire
p and potential to become licensed vocational nurses or registered
  nurses and to assist them in vocational or college enrollment. We
  have established the framework to stay in touch with students as
L they proceed through nurses training. Those registered nurses that
{ have the desire and potential to become advanced practice nurses
  will be assisted with scholarships and graduate admission.
( Teresa Napier with the Leslie County Vocational School
enrolled the first class in April, and they have graduated. A lun-
  cheon was held at Wendover. Many thanks to our own Director of
I Nursing Denise Kilburn and our Medical/Surgical Nursing
I Surpervisor Nancy Couch for continuing the program at Mary
l' Breckinridge Hospital. Melissa Sparks, Director of the Hyden
Manor Nursing Home, has opened her facility for a preceptor site.
Donna Combs and Milton Bomtrager, Coordinators of the nurs-
ing program at Southeast Community College, attended our last

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First CNA graduating class: Pictured are: Melissa Sparks, ;
Administrator of Hyden Manor; Roxanna Combs, RM Hyden  
Clinic Manager; Michelle Roberts, CNA; Phyllis Pennington, I
CNA; Della Roberts, CNA; Deloris Begley, CNA; Samantha
Canada, CNA; Denise Kilburn, MBHC DOM Jenny Osborne,  
CNA and Teresa Napien Vocational Technical Instructor J
(Heather Osborne, CNA, not pictureaO. i
meeting to help in identifying students for continuing education.
Dionna Akeman and Mark Tumer with the Kentucky Workforce
Program and Flo Sizemore, Director of Leslie County Family Lit-
eracy, have been instumental in making this program work! Those
agencies have identified people who want to leave welfare pro-
grams and return to school. The Kentucky Workforce Cabinet has _
paid tuition and books for those eligible students. County Judge i
Executive Onzie Sizemore has attended every meeting and is to- ~
tally supporting the program. This is certainly an example of long- _
term planning. More as the program continues.
January 4, Leslie County Judge Executive Onzie Sizemore
hosted a meeting of community leaders and representatives from
The Thompson Charitable Foundation. The Foundation wishes to

A fund community projects with a special emphasis on the needs of
children. The project will be community driven. Mrs. Rhonda
° Brashear was elected Chairman. Mallie Noble, Mary Breckinridge
Healthcare Administrator, is the FNS community representative.
The community meetings- continue and FNS is thankful for the
i opportunity to have a representative on the committee.
  Many Thanks
  During January of this year, FNS friend and supporter
  Mr. Jerry Santini provided the FNS with much linen. We were
  able to share these with community groups who assist residents in
  need and with the city jail.
{ The lap shawls and baby caps from members ofthe Daugh-
g ters of Colonial Wars continue to arrive. The lap shawls are for
Q our family nurse-practitioner students to give to a special person
during their clinical rotation. The students asked, "How can I choose
I one person?" We can’t have too many! You may contact Christine
  Collins at 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 to have a
  pattern sent to you. lf you have pattems, please send them to us.
  We will share them with others! `
l Berea College Appalachian Fund Conference
l This year Barb Gibson and Dr. Julie Marfell attended the
l Berea College Appalachian Fund Affiliates Conference. The Fund
l continues to generously provide a scholarship for an Eastem Ken-
tucky student in our programs. Dr. Marfell introduced this year’s
recipient, Ginger Callahan, Grayson, Kentucky, and read a letter
from her expressing her gratefhlness to the Fund for their assis-
tance. Ms. Callahan was unable to attend the Conference due to a
CNEP Level III class she was required to attend.
State Representative Barbara Colter attended the Confer-
ence and expressed her support for the Frontier Nursing Service
j, and for the Caleb Chu Scholarship Fund in Manchester, Kentucky.
We continue to be very thankful for the assistance of the Berea
College Appalachian Fund!

 . } s.
Updates {
Mike Rust, Executive Director of the Kentucky Hospital J_
Association (KI-IA), and his terrific staff continue to keep Ken-
tucky hospitals informed regarding policy and regulations. KHA l
hosted a meeting and Senator Jim Bumiing spoke to member hos- i,
pitals about Medicare. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was sent I
to the Department of Health and Human Services and to the Health
Care Financing Administration. $220 billion was cut {rom the
budget through the use of regulations. Congress has been trying to
restore $35 billion: $12 for hospital reimbursement, $ll for man-
aged care, $5 for new programs, $2 for nursing homes, $2 for
home health and $3 for other care providers.
Our beloved Dr. Anne Wasson has had three hospitaliza-
tions this winter. She is feeling much better. All letters and cards
are appreciated. k
Welcome aboard Brent Swafford. Brent began his duties
on April 23 as Plant Operations Manager. He is from London,
Kentucky, married to Erin and they have two children, Seth, 2,
and Lauren, 9 weeks. \
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Brent Swajford - Plants Operation Manager
Wherever you may be, have a great summer! i
- Deanna Severance, CEO

l Wendover News
g by Christine Collins
I The redbuds and dogwoods _ - »
I were beautiful at Wendover this year.  
  Everything seemed to bloom at once. . V I
  Temperatures have already reached   _   "
l the mrs.     if
I We have had a busy season · to we   3.
l with spring cleaning, painting, re-     fi
l pairing steps and planting the flower l  
' gardens. During February, Deanna Severance decided to renovate
Dr. Anne’s apartment to it’s original condition. The size of the
apartment had been reduced to make room for the Accounting
Department before it was moved to Lexington. During the time
l Dr. Anne was hospitalized, Junior Phipps, Maintenance, took a
temporary wall down and repaired and painted the apartment in
time for Dr. Anne’s retum home. We all love Dr. Anne and would
like to report that she is feeling much better.
Thanks to all who have knitted lap shawls. In response to
our request, we have received I8 so far! Also, many thanks to
} those who have knitted baby caps with a special thank you to Mrs.
Ethel Ledegang, Norwood, Massachusetts, who has knitted over
529 caps during the last two years.
Please accept our invitation to come and see our beautiful
Wendover and enjoy our good “country cooking."
· Below is a list of guests/dirmers and tours since the last
February 28 Dr. Robert Kendrick, San Antonio, Texas,
stayed three nights while interviewing at
A March 1 Maintenance staff meeting was held with
Dearma Severance with 26 in attendance.

March l Dr. Bob Davis, Fayetteville, Arkansas, I
spent two nights while interviewing at I
March l2 Dr. Paul Berman, Toledo, Ohio, spent the K
night while interviewing at MBHC. ‘
March I3 Former Courier Carrie Szejk (‘99) and  
a friend, James Keane, spent two nights  
while on spring break from school.  
March I5 Dr. Suzanne MacAvoy, Fairfield, Con-
necticut, and four nursing students,
Peter Jakubowski, Agnes Zbylut, Jenn- E
ifer Comer and Kate Coleman came for 5
a tour and spent the night. ,
March 26 A luncheon regarding the nursing l
assistant certification program was held l
with Deanna Severance, Flo Sizemore,
Teresa Napier, Patra Simpson, Melissa l
Sparks, Mark Turner, Charlotte Brewer, I
Dionna Akeman, County Judge Execu- l
tive Onzie Sizemore and Beulah Couch
in attendance.
Freddie Pope, Andrew M. Lubbe,
and Matthew Gooding, Lexington,
Kentucky, and Justin Peel, Salvisa,
Kentucky, all stayed at Wendover
while working on the Big House W
March 28 Noel Femandez, Pomona, New York, il
spent time here working on Dr. Anne’s
biography (see photograph on next
page). A

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Noel Fernandez and Dr: Anne Wasson
l April 9 Lewis Bradley and his son, Parker,
  Hopkinsville, Kentucky, visited. They
are distant cousins of Mary Breckin-
ridge. Mr. Bradley’s great-great-grand
mother was a sister to Mrs. Breckin-
ridge’s grandmother. Mr. Bradley’s
aunt, Alice Ford, was secretary to
Mrs. Breckinridge in the late 30’s. Mrs.
Ford is living in a nursing home.
April 10 Mark Inmon and Sandy Rodgers,
FNS insurance Accounts Specialists,
Louisville, Kentucky, came for lunch
during a staff inservice they were
i April l7 Loren Crawford, writer, Chicago,
if April 20 Board of Govemors dinner with Level
lll students and faculty. Group of 33.

FNS Board of Govemors Chairman  
Jane Leigh Powell and Board members A
Bill Hall, John Foley, Nancy Hines ·
and Deamia Severance and her hus-
band, Carl, spent the night. Brian Lane,  
CFO also spent the night.  
April 26 A luncheon was held regarding the i
nursing assistant certification program. I
Those in attendance included: County  
Judge Executive Onzie Sizemore, E
Teresa Napier, Flo Sizemore, Mark
Tumer, Mallie Noble, Denise Kilbum, i
Beulah Couch, Susan Stone, Dr. Julie  
Marfell, Nancy Couch, Donna Combs, X
Phyliss Morris, Dionna Akeman, Patra  
Simpson, Deanna Severance, Milton  
Bomtrager and David Eubanks. E
CNEP Level III dinner with 20 in
April 28 Linda and Mike Philo, Hudsonville, I
Michigan, spent the night. Mrs. Philo x
is Miss Jean Tolk’s niece. Miss Tolk ‘
was Leslie County’s first Public Health
Nurse in 1918.
May 2 A luncheon for employees of the Ken- I
tucky Workers Program and Depart- g
ment of Employee Services was held. 7 A
Group of 15. I
May 3 A luncheon was held for the Eastem All
Kentucky Tourism Development
Initiative Group of which Barb Gibson
is a part. Group of l l.

  May 4 Annette Sharpe, Birmingham, Ala-
bama, spent the night while interview-
' ing at MBHC.
  May 8 Sara Bolten, Louisville, Kentucky;
i Terinda Bates, Ekron, Kentucky;
L Theresa Lancaster, Irvington, Ken-
i tucky; Dana Garrett, Bradfordsville,
E Kentucky; Terry Perry, Guston, Ken-
Q tucky; Pat Ryan, Bardstown, Kentucky;
F and Wanda Hayden, Boston, Kentucky,
i all spent the night while here on a tour
, from McKendree College, Radclili
l Kentucky.
  May 9 Kenneth Tuggle and Charles Allen,
l Brown, Todd & Frost, Lousiville,
E Kentucky, spent the night.
z May I0 ll students from the University of Cin-
i cinnati, Ohio, had dinner.
i Tours
E March 2 Lisa Back, Olive Hill, Kentucky.
March 20 Somerset College, Somerset, Kentucky.
l5 nursing students/faculty.
i, . April 3 Somerset College, Somerset, Kentucky.
f l5 nursing students/faculty.
r· April ll Allen Hounshell and family, Lexington,
Kentucky. Group of 8.
April 17 Cumberland Valley Technical College,
V London, Kentucky. 29 students/faculty.

April l8 Lees College, Jackson, Kentucky, l0  
nursing students/faculty. !
April 25 Home Bound School group of l0 stu I
dents. .
April 27 Prestonsburg College, Prestonsburg,  
Kentucky. I6 students/faculty.  
May 8 McKendree College, Radcliff, Ken- I
tucky. l0 students/faculty. E
May 9 McKendree College, Radcliff Ken- 3
tucky. l0 students/faculty. i
May ll Redbird Medical Center, Beverly,  
Kentucky. 9 guests.
May 22 9 members of the Woodford County
Woman’s Club, Versailles, Kentucky,
came for a tour. Guests included: Sue 3
Dozier, Sharon Hardin, Jane Montgom-  
ery, Jean Richeson, Marjorie Rush,
Frances Lynn, Josephine H. Barrows,
Lucy C. Amburgey and Teresa Dohe.
May 29 & 30 McKendree College, Lebanon, Illinois.
20 students/faculty.
Bed & Breakfast Comments
. . . Thank you once again for your kind hospitality. I feel °‘
as welcomed here as I do at my mother’s house. I find great peace
and rest here which are not easy to come by in this world. I
-Loren Crawford Chicago, Illinois

Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing
, Susan Stone, FSMFN Dean and President and
Dr Julie Mawll, CFNP Educational Director
· . rt»·   “
1     A   » eL     .     '   u. c  
; Susan Stone Dr: Julie Marfell
  As we continue to move through the preparation of the
5 application for accreditation by the Southern Association of Col-
E leges and Schools (SACS), changes in our curriculum and struc-
E ture have occurred to support this process. Susan Stone, the Dean
{ ofthe Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing (FSMF N)
i was named President of the F SMFN by the FSMFN Board of
1 Directors at the April board meeting (see details in "Beyond the
” M0untains”, page 3). Dean Stone is a graduate ofthe Community-
; based Nurse—Midwifery Education Program (CNEP) Class 1. She
  has been a member of the faculty since 1993 and the Program
  Director of CNEP since 1996. Dean Stone is an expert midwife
' and an accomplished administrator and educator.
' We have now had midwifery and family nurse—practitio-
ner students from two classes successfully complete the core courses
{ together in the first level of the new curriculum. We are currently
finishing the revisions to the Level IV courses. lt is remarkable to
A 1 think that the faculty has been able to make all of these changes
within the past 12 months.
_ Susan Stone and Dr. Julie Marfell, CFNP Program Di-
gi rector, participated in the Annual Commencement Ceremony at
Case Western Reserve University (C WRU) on May 20, 2001. This
was a momentous occasion as Kitty Ernst received an Honorary

Doctor of Science Degree at the University’s Convocation. Case
Westem uses the following criteria in the awarding of degree hon-
oris causa: An honorary degree is a means of recognizing excel- F
lence in any valued aspect of human endeavor, including the realm
of scholarship, public service and the performing arts. The confer-
ring of an honorary degree is the University’s way of recognizing »»
those persons who have exemplified the highest ideals and stan- p
dards. i
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Kitty Ernst and Susan Stone g
The President of the University read the following state-  
ment: "For more than four decades, Eunice Ernst has been a pio-
neer in the field of midwifery and in developing the best care pos-
sible for families during pregnancy and childbirth. As an early
President of the American College of Nurse-Midwives, she led
efforts in public education and accreditation for the profession. As {
a practitioner, her experience ranges from the mountains of Ken- V
tucky to the streets of New York City. She holds a certificate in "
Nurse·Midwifery from the Frontier Graduate School of Nursing
in Kentucky, a baccalaureate from Hunter College, and a master’s
degree in Public Health from Columbia University. i

  —‘;,   ...4 L     {         i‘*    
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  Commencement Ceremony at CWRU
  "Since 1988, Ms. Emst has been the driving force behind
I the CNEP, which has a close relationship with our Case Western
Reserve University’s Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
j (CWRU/F BP). In this and in her other efforts throughout her ca-
reer, she has had an important impact on the health of women and
their families in communities throughout the nation."
Kitty is currently the Mary Breckinridge Chair of Mid-
wifery for FSMFN and continues to promote midwifery on a na-
tional level. She attends all of the Midwifery/Family Nurse-Prac-
7 titioner Bounds in Hyden and provides motivation, guidance and
  support to both the students and faculty. We are so proud and
i pleased that Kitty’s accomplishments have been recognized with
  the honorary Doctor of Science Degree from CWRU.
St Frontier Nursing Service - www.frontiemursing.org
  FSMFN Community-Based Nurse—Midwifery Education
i, Program(CNEP) - www.midwives.org
  FSMFN Community-Based Nurse-Practitioner Program
  (CFNP) - www.frontierfnp.org

Courier Program News
-Barb Gibson 5
Mitchell Plummer, Courier Pro- i‘‘·    
gram Coordinator for four months, left ' V.   ,
during February. Thanks, Mitch, for all 3*   p
you accomplished! "      
Courier Rebecca Lesser, Berk- ,   *"T§_.=_p J
eley, California, arrived Sunday, May   .· ,    s· ‘VV   4
20th. Rebecca is a graduate of Wash- `   ,   I
ington University, St. Louis, Missouri. ‘ 1 V. If I p
Rebecca is a certified Doula and hopes to gain exposure to mid- J
wifery as well as other aspects of healthcare at FNS. §
LouAnne Roberts, Lexington, Kentucky, arrived June l. l
LouAnne is a graduate of Warren Wilson College, Asheville, North J
Carolina. She recently completed a trip overseas which took her to T
35 countries. Like Rebecca, LouAnne hopes to be able to work I
with midwives as well as other providers. L
Other Couriers are scheduled to arrive during July. We ;
are looking forward to supplying them with a challenging, fun- I
filled summer! I
F ormer Courier News
Carrie Szejk (‘90) and a friend, James Keane, visited  
Wendover during March. Carrie is attending Yale University School  
of Nursing specializing in midwifery. She is a National Health  
Service Corp scholarship recipient and will work in an underserved f
region of the United States. Carrie is considering moving to Ken- l
tucky upon completion of her schooling.  
Jen Balkus (‘00) wrote during February that after leav- l
ing Wendover she got a job with a computer company then moved l*
to Seattle after six weeks. Jen is now working as a counselor at a  
womens’ health clinic.  

Megan Stumn ( ‘00) and Miranda Gillespie (‘00) plan to
\ visit Wendover during June. We are looking foward to their visit!
Luke McDonald (‘00) visited Wendover during May for
_ four days. Luke has been accepted into Tulane Medical School in
J the fall. He is a graduate of the Naval Academy in Annapolis,
l Maryland, and is looking forward to a career in medicine.
l Luke was bom in Hyden, Kentucky, and loves to re-visit
  his birthplace!
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Reflections of a Courier
Patsy Lawrence, Courier in 1946, sent the following humor and Q
recollections of her time spent at FNS as a Courier:
An old country doctor went way out to the boondocks to
deliver a baby. It was so far out there was no electricity. \Vhen the
doctor arrived, no one was home except for the laboring mother
and her five—year-old child. The doctor instructed the child to hold
a lantem high so he could see while he helped the woman deliver
the baby. The child did so. The mother pushed and after a little
while, the doctor lifted the newbom baby by the feet and spanked
him on the bottom to get him to take his first breath. The doctor
then asked the five year old what he thought ofthe baby. The little
boy responded, "He shouldn’t have crawled in there in the first
place. Spank him again."
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Mountain children observing the new addition

. . . I had just tumed 18 years of age when I decided I
_ needed a new and different way of life than the one I had experi-
4 enced inthe Boston area. I took the train to Lexington and then a
bus to Wendover. This was in the fall of 1946. As I entered the bus
j from the front, I noted a large group of black people in the back.
Thinking I was virtuous, I joined them in the back of the bus and
they were surprised. I sat in silence, since none of them wished to
talk with me and, at the time, must have thought me strange. I had
never seen segregation at work before.
. . . When I arrived at Wendover I met my roommate, Lil
Middleton, from Buff`alo, and we had a great time together through-
out our six weeks. We were taught to feed and clean the six horses
that were in the bam, as well as take them to outposts when the
nurses needed a refreshed horse for their work. Since it was fall,
eastem Kentucky was experiencing floods and consequently we
often had to swim on horseback across the rivers leading a fresh
horse. This was an indescribable, exciting experience for a city
girl. We were there, also, to help with delivering babies. That year
there was only one birth to observe. Afterwards, I asked Brownie,
the head nurse at the Hyden Hospital, about a placenta. She was
kind enough to bring me a cow’s placenta and explain the various
valves and feeding system for an embryo. She was a remarkable
teacher throughout our weeks there. There were many interesting
research projects taking place at Wendover, one of which was that
Dr. Jolm Rock chose to do his rural research on The Pill at the
Frontier Nursing Service. Needless to say, there were many stimu-
lating discussions on this subject during the all too short six weeks
I was there.
. . . One of the highlights was the opportunity to know
· Mrs. Breckinridge. In the “Big House" each evening before sup-
per, she talked of her life and the need to improve the quality of
life. She spoke of the need to enjoy city life and theatre at least
r once a year and compared the environment’s influence on people’s
lives, rural vs. urban.
. . . All I can say is that it was a maturing experience for
me. One I will never forget.

’ Clifton R. Breckinridge House ”
Fort Smith, Arkansas  
Clilton R. Breckinridge (Mary Breckinridge’s father) was  
Congressman-at-large irom Arkansas irom 1882 until 1894. Af- li
ter resigning his seat in Congress, Mr. Breckinridge was appointed  
Ambassador to Russia. In the earl l900’s the Breckinrid e fam- 1
Y .
ily lived in the carriage house on Sixteenth Street while the big I
house with its wide front door was being built. The movable lou-
vered shutters and the single pane French doors are unusual coun-
terpoints to the early 20th century classic style house.
CNEP Class 28 student Traci L. ElliiT from Fort Smith,
Arkansas, wrote to Deanna Severance and said the Clifton R. Breck-
inridge house has been located. The house stands near Fort Smith ’s
historic district.
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Breckinridge house in F 0rt Smith, Arkansas

Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc. News
j -Mallie Noble, Administrator
As we celebrated National Hospital
6 and National Nurses Week, we reflected up- X ··" K M ——
on the 76 years of healthcare provided to 3  
this community and the efforts of our found- y ' ?**“ `i.` r'
er, Mary Breckinridge, and the support and   A  
dedication of our Board of Govemors. if  
Q Dr. Robert Kendrick, Board Certified General Surgeon,
  began work on April l6. Dr. Kendrick came to us from San Anto-
  nio, Texas. We welcome Dr. Kendrick and his family.
  Ruby Ramey, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, began
, work on May 3. Ms. Ramey most recently worked in North Caro-
  lina. Ms. Ramey will be working in the out-patient clinics. Wel-
i come!