xt7jsx645j8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx645j8n/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-11-09  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  9, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  9, 1945 1945 1945-11-09 2013 true xt7jsx645j8n section xt7jsx645j8n Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Keirnel

SGA Writes
To Truman

The Empty Armistice,
Kerne! Editorial






9. 1945

Vets Slale

Barney Rapp
For Formal


Club's First
Social Event

Is November 17
Barney Rapp and his New Engenders will play for a campus dance
sponsored by the Veterans' club.
from 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 17, at the Union
ballroom. Rapp features Rosemary
Moore, vocalist, Joe Flske, drummer,
and Clarence Loos, bass.
Couples $1.75
Tickets may now be obtained from
any individual member of the Vet'
By Casey Gommn
The Pittsburgh Symphony orches- permanent conductor of the Pitts- as professor of music.
phia orchestra with Toscanini, Sto erans' club, and they will be fortra, under the direction of Fritz burgh organization, beginning with
His first conductorial assignments kowski, and Molinari. Since tha mally placed on sale Monday at a
season. He is now in led to his appointment as conductor time he has been guest conductor o ticket booth in the Union building
Reiner. VIII present a concert at the 1938-3- 9
8:15 pjn. Wednesday, November 14, his eighth year as musical director of the Laibach National opera in the Cleveland. Detroit, Los Angeles and at the Campus bookstore. Furat Henry Clay high school auditori- of the orchestra, and in that time 1910, and one year later he was ap- New York philharmonic, Philadel ther sales will be made at tne Marum. The concert is sponsored by has developed the Pittsburgh en- pointed to the post of conductor of phia, Rochester, St. Louis, Sad quette football game and at the
the University Music department. semble of 83 musicians into one of the People's Opera in Budapest.
and NBC orchestras. door the night of the dance.
Phi Beta, and the music departments the outstanding orchestras of the
In 1914 he was given one of the From 1930 to 1940 he was head o tickets for the dance, which is inof Transylvania college, Henrys Clay nation.
most desirable posts in Europe, that tne conducting ana operauc ae formal, will be sold at (1.00 each.
high school and Lafayette high
This orchestra, ranked by experts of first conductor of the Dresden partments of the Curtis Institute while tickets for couples will sell at
musically next to the New York Royal opera. He remained there for in Philadelphia.
Barney Rapp, who "has made a
.The orchestra, founded in 1896, Philharmonic and the Boston eight years, and during the same
Conducted Opera
USO tour from coast to coast, has
early achieved national recognition "Pops," is directed by one of the period he also conducted symphony
to his symphonic played in such spots as the Para
In addition
as one of the foremost orchestras greatest virtuoso conductors.
concerts in Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna
work. Frits Reiner has been reeog-- mount theater. New York; the Ritz
Born In Budapest
of Oie country. Victor Herbert comand Rome.
nized as one of the foremost con Carlton hotel, Boston; the Hotel
posed many of his most famous
Reiner, conceded generally
Cincinnati Director
ductors of opera. He conducted
operettas while in Pittsburgh as have few, if any, equals in the techThe great success of Dr. Reiner as opera in practically all European New Yorker and he Astor Roof, New
York; and the Nether land Plaza
nique of conducting, has won his conductor in these European-center- s
conductor of the symphony.
music centers. Including the Covent
During the 1937-3- 8 season, a num- position of
through a
resulted in his selection as con- Garden opera in London. He also hotel, Cincinnati. He has also played
for college parties at Columbia,
ber of guest conductors appeared
musical career such as ductor of the Cincinnati Symphony
with the orchestra, among them Dr. falls to the lot of few of his col- Orchestra, a post he heldj for nine conducted the Teatro Colon in NYU, Fordham and other leading
country, universities.
leagues. Born in Budapest, Hun- years. Coming to America in 1922, Buenos Aires, and in this
the Chicago and San Francisco
gary, he was educated at the Uni- he became a citizen In 1928.
For Whole Student Group
Sensational Success
opera companies.
The Veterans' club wishes to em
So sensational was Reiner's suc- versity of Budapest and graduated
season, he
During the 1931-3- 2
Wednesday Program
phasize the fact that although it is
cess that he was selected to be the from the National Academy of Music shared the baton of the Philadcl- The program for the Wednesday sponsoring the dance, all students
concert will be: Roman Carnival are given an especial invitation to
overture. Berlioz; Brahms Sym- come, and that the dance is not
phony No. 1; Moldau No. 2, Sme-tan- a; being given for a limited group, but
Tannhauser overture, Wag- for the student body as a whole.
The concert will begin at 8:15 in B-25
the Henry Clay auditorium.
By Betty Sunlry
Tickets are on sale in the Univer
WANTED: A UK pennant in good sity music department and at Henry
. TV.
win nave wj KCb im ui condition.
Clay and Lafayette high schools,
Wright Cyclone 14 engine of the
w uic uuiiuc, vi uiey u nave wj gu
There is an unusual story behind Transylvania college, and various type that powered North American
elsewhars, 'cause this shindig is fer
in town.
Mitchell bombers in the first
us local yokels. Remember, you can't this appeal, one that we students business establishments
By Jim Wood
raid on Tokyo was turned over to
can't afford to miss. It is an apget in without a hill billy garb.
feSome females did and some
the University for use by engineerA Little Abner and Daisy May peal to our generosity, and a very
males didn't follow the time honing students in studying the power
urgent one.
ored rules and regulashuns of Sadie will be selected at the dance.
plant's application to commercial air
Last week Mr. Jimmy Morris of the
Po'k Chop Choppin'
Hawkins' week; but there's one
Nacherly there are gonna' be 12 campus book store received a letter
thing asartin': and that's that many
presTaylor Davidson was elected
a gal will be with her invited man fraternity pledges (two from each that had made the rounds from the ident of the Art club at its regular The Wright Aeronautical Corporation, of Paterson, N. J., a division of
at the Sadie Hawkins dance In the chapter) and two SuKy members Louisville board of trade to Elmer meeting, October 25.
the Curtis - Wright Corporation,
Bluegrass room of the Union build- who're goin' to be mighty uncomG. Sulzer, director of public relaOther officers elected were
ening Saturday night.
fortable after that pole chop chop-pi- n' tions at UK.
Nancy Skeen, and secre- which presented the
"Course all an' every female and
and turnip eatin' contest in the
tary and treasurer, Mildred Jackson. gine to the school, also supplied inparagraph was
The opening
cafeteria tonite.
Purpose of the club is to acquaint structional literature and arranged
simple, business-likstraight to the
But there's one big consolation, point. Mrs. H. W. Turlcy of Bes- members with the relation of litera- to assist in setting up the Cyclone.
and that is that the winner gets to semer, Alabama, requested a UK ture, music, and art as expressed by The power plant comes from a small
group of test engines which Wright
wear the official champeen po'k pennant for her
son, surrealism and impressionism.
Aeronauticft used in wartime as
A different program will be prechopper sweater all purtied up by Billy. This, was not an ordinary resented at each time, and members "guinea pig7 for the testing of acthem nice SuKy girls.
of Tau Sigma dance fraternity will cessories and parts.
Them city papers namely the
Billy has already been the victim pose at the next meeting for those
The Cyclone 14, which also powers
Lexington Herald and Leader took
the Curtiss SB2C Helldiver, the
custom and of two previous brain hemorrhages who wish to sketch.
a fancy to our age-ol- d
Havoc, the Martin
Movies will be shown at some Douglas
printed some pichers in their paper and specialists say that he will sufwith some of our purty girls in it, fer a third and fatal attack. His meetings to portray various skills, Mariner and the Grumman AvengTHINK
only pastime is his collection of city including pottery making.
er, is standard equipment for such
and course you all seen 'em,
and state pennants in which he
Sadie and Papa Turn
This winter the club plans to at- peacetime aircraft as the Pan
But as fer Sadie Hawkins as a takes great pride. His mother, eager tend several of the art exhibits in American 314 "Clipper" and several
TERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL IF whole (nacherly we'd have to use all to please her son in any way she Cincinnati.
types of aircraft of foreign airlines.
THE TEAM DOESNT MAKE A of her) the men did the chasm' and can, has been helping him in his Meetings are held in the Biolcgi- - The engine, develops 1700 horseSHOWING IN SOUTHBETTER
cal Sciences building on the second power.
the females did the runnin' as per collection.
EASTERN CONFERENCE COMusual. Some fokes say that oP man
As many of you probably know. and lourtn Tuesdays of each mourn.
Hawkins and Sadie were heared Mr. Morris has these pennants on
Two-Fort- y
Pat Griffin, A AS, junior: I'm for turnin' over in their graves.
order, but as yet they have not arkeeping football here. Who knows.
I guess that old rut wus just too rived and he cannot predict when
45-4- 6
maybe we'll get to the Rose Bowl strong fer the most of them, and they
will arrive.
one year!
they Just couldn't see the Sadie
The Committee of
Perhaps some of you students
Pledging of new members of Phi
Cecile Hud sins, A AS, freshman: Hawkins way from the modern trahave upon your wall one of these Beta, women's music and drama consisting of two students from
'Course not, a university wouldn't dition.
pennants to which you affix great honorary, will be held at five o'clock each county in Kentucky, is being
be a university without football. I'd
sentimental value. This pennant Tuesday afternoon in the Union selected by the Department of Pubsee UK beat Georgia Junior
like to
lic Relations to promote better relamight be a means of bringing a building, Betty Ann Ginocchio,
college Just one time!
tions between the counties and the
few hours of pleasure to this child president, said today.
Wash SeritU, Education, Junior:
with his uncertain future. How
The silliest idea I've heard yet.
Pledges selected from formal try- The selected students, one boy
Dr. John Kimbrough Johnson,
Marraret Dickey, A AS, Junior: As pastor of Maxwell street Presbyter- much more good it will do in his outs were Jean Kessler, Mary and one girl, will endeavor to enthe hopeful would say, "If at first ian church, spoke Wednesday noon hands than fastened idly upon your O'Neill, Frances Horlacher Bass, courage exceptional students to enyou don't succeed, try, try again."
at its second meeting. wall. Turn your pennant over to; Kathleen Wrench, Carol Doub, Jane ter the University.
Dorothy Donahue, A AS, fresh- to Pitkin club
Mr. Morris. He will handle the mailThomas , Margie Hall, Margaret
Prominent speakers, educated in
man: Definitely not! After the tional club meets weekly for lunch- ing and it will be sent promptly to Dickey, Renice Linville. and Lyle the relations of the home and school.
and good fighting eon
Mrs. Turley. It will put Kentucky Watson.
will speak at the meetings.
and a short talk.
spirit of the team and fans shown
Rev. Leslie Smith, pastor of the in one of the dearest collections ever
in the Alabama game, I'm still backCentral Christian church, will be made by one person.
ing the team IOCS.
group's speaker this season with
Collett, A AS, junior: No. the
a series on ' Living in tne Atomic
Where would the band
Age." Membership in the club Is by
Jeanne Elliott. A AS, senior: No. invitation. Pictures for the
By Elizabeth Ann Bicknell
Sooner or later they are bound to
will be taken at next Wedman to the loftiest senior. Although
hare a good team.
Funeral services for Dr. Henry
nesday's meeting.
On the night of October 31 at her duties are heavy, she always has
Betty Brady, A AS, sophomore:
Bert Holmes, assistant professor of
club are: president,
Officers of
10:30 p.m. the doorbell at 282 Rose
I certainly am, unless we can get a Lloyd Booth; the
John romance languages and a staff
will support the line
backfield that
secretary, Mary Keith member at UK since 1924, were held street rang. Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes,
we already have.
Monday. Dr. Holmes died October dean of women at the University of
Dosker; treasurer, Jean Spicer.
Dick Lowe, A AS, junior: No.
Kentucky, went to the door, expect31.
Kent ucky is coming out of its presT"W
AQf tTrTillLT- - ing the usual Halloween demand,
- . nvjuiica, was wi n nt
ent slump as to football.
ham. 111., November 7. 1875. He was "trick or treat."
Ann Sheeny, A AS, Junior: At this
An Armistice Day parade will be married to Bertha Patton on May 25,
Not Pranksters
point, yes!
held Mnndnv. November 12. With the 1904 at Judson. Indiana. A daughter,
,Edirin Davis, Engineering, fresh- - ROTC
Instead of pranksters dressed in
veterans, and K- - Rebecca, was born to them on Februnan: No, it aoes tne scnooi g'xxi w DeU participating in the event. It ary 12,
ghoulish costumes, she was greeted
have a football team whether it was anounced by Col. O. T.
Dr. Holmes received his bachelor by Joe Covington, president of the
wins or loses.
local chapter of Sigma Chi. "d
University commandant.
of arts degree from Indiana Univer
Wilford Maclnturff. Education,
John Carter will be cadet Bat-- . sity in 1916. his master of arts de Hugh Collett. Mrs. Holmes invited
junior: Produce or quit!
talion commander; John M. Allen, gree from University of Wisconsin them inside. Joe then presented her
Ellen O'Bannon, Graduate stuwith
a Battalion adjutant; Harry Prewitt, in 1920, and his doctor of philosophy been a pin, and told her she had
dent: No! I. think it would be
unanimously elected honorary
commander of Co. A; Morris Beebe, degree from University of Wiscon
shame to have to do away with footCo. B; and sin in 1935. He taught Spanish in a sweetheart of Sigma Chi.
ball. I'd sure like to see a good cadet commander of
Robert Vather, commander of the high school and Shelbyville, Indiana,
It is no wonder that the boys chose
and ako in a high school at Ander- Mrs. Holmes as their "sweetheart,"
Leslry Stalker, AAS, junior: At firing squad.
The parade will start at Main son, Indiana.
for she has been a favorite of the
this rate we should stick to basand Rose strget at 11 a.m. and will
He was appointed to the staff at women undergraduates since she
came to the campus. There has
the University in 1924 as an instrucMargie Mattmiller, Education, end at the court house lawn.
All participants will be excused tor. Later
sophomore: NO! It's just the spirit
he became assistant pro- never been an occasion when she
of the thing! It wouldn't be the from classes 10 to 12 Monday
fessor nf Rnmonro languages. He has not been gracious and kind to
Honorary Sweetheart
everyone, from the lowliest fresh
held this position until his death,




For Billy?

Engine Gift
To UK Technicians

IVk Choppin'

Contest Precedes
Dance Attracshun


Art Club Elects
Davidson President





For Rigid Controls
Over Atomic Energy


Pittsburgh Symphony To Play Here

Ketchers An' Ketchees
Asartin' To Be Costooimed

SGA Asks Truman




Phi Beta Pledges
New Members


Selected For


Dr. Johnson Speaks
To Pitkin Club Group

IFC Reveals
Officer Plan


Funeral Rites Held
For Dr. Holmes


Vets To Parade

Maq-Kenzi- c,










The present officers of the
council will remain in office until the spring quarter, it was
decided by the council during a
reading of the constitution at a
regular meeting Tuesday night.
Read by President Bill Sullivan,
the constitution was amended as

Student Letter
Demands Attention




ST ;

Of Congressmen


Inter-fraterni- ty

New Representation Plan
Representatives of the IFC will
be elected by the various fraternities
themselves and will not necessarily
be appointed to the council as had
been done previously when the presof each
ident and
fraternity were the only members
who could represent their chapter.
The rotation of officers plan by
which official positions were held by
the fraternities in alphabetical order was suspended until the spring
quarter or at such time when the
inactive chapters return to the
The constitution was amended to
vote at any
require a
scheduled meeting before an amendment can be passed.
Meetings or the IFC are to be
held the second Tuesday of each
Prohibition Struck Off
The clause prohibiting a fraternity the right to initiate a man for
one quarter if it has caused an inwas struck
fraction of the
from the constitution.
Joe Covington was appointed
chairman of the dance committee
and the IFC dance was postponed
from December to the winter






two-thir- ds


The amended constitution will be
sent to Dr. T. T. Jones, dean of men.
for approval.

Brush Up' Offered
For Campus Leaders

parliamentary procedure


ference, sponsored by Mortar Board,
will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday.
November 18, in the music room of
the Union building.
Mrs. W. T. Lafferty. former president of the Women's club of UK's
extension department, who has been
speaker at the conference for the
past several years, will again speak
on the right way to conduct meetings.
Held annually, this conference is
for the purpose of "brushing upAll
on parliamentary procedure.
students are invited and the officers
and leaders of all campus groups are
especially urged to attend.
Those who wish to attend the University concert that Sunday, are assured that the meeting will be concluded before concert time.


Kyian Deadline
All Kentuckian salesmen must
bring money and sales books to
the yearbook office at 5 p.m.
16, Jean
Crabb. business manager, announced today.
No salesmen are to accept
checks for any advance sales,
she added.


Ken-tucki- an



SigmaChis Honor Mrs. Holmes
time to discuss personal problems
in a most understanding and sympathetic way.
Perhaps one reason for her charm
and graciousness is the fact that she
is the mother of two sons and two
daughters, all of whom were graduated from the University; she also
has five grandchildren, who are
potential UK students.
Dean Since 1941
is a graduate of
teachers college,
and took
work at
Columbia university and the University of Kentucky. She was dean
of women at Sayre college for five
years, and came to the University
as assistant dean of women in 1929.
She assumed full charge of this office in 1941.
Mrs. Holmes




The Sigma Chis need not think
they have the exclusive title to Mrs.
Holmes, for she is "tops" with all
who know her; their choice has the
I approval
of the entire student body.





Cockney McCorkle

'Blylhe Spirit'
Opens Guignol
"Blythe Spirit," Noel Coward's
mystical comedy, has been chosen
as the opening production of the
1945-4- 6
Guignol season by Wallace
N. Briggs. director of the little
theatre. The play, which opens November 26 for a week's run, has enjoyed two successful years on Broadway as one of the Great White
Way's leading comedies.
The Guignol cast is, in order of
appearance, as follows:
Edith, the maid, Margaret
Ruth Condomine, Charles'
second wife, Minna Bloomfleld:
Charlee Condomine, the bewildered
husband. Ed Mills; Dr. Bradman.
William Campbell; Mrs. Bradman.
Jean Pax ton; Madame Arcatl, the
medium. Mary Lyons: and Elvira,
the spiritual image of Charles' first
wife. Susan Hinkle.
All seats for the play will be re
served and the box office opens
Wednesday. November 21. Student
tickets. wilt be 60 cents and adult
tickets will be one dollar.
Mae-Cork- le;

Cup To Be Given

Grand Winner
Of Room Contest
content, spon
sored by the Women's House presi
dents' council will be held at 2 p.m..
Sunday. November 11, in all worn
en's residences.
Committee in charge of planning
is headed by Becky Lowe with Frances Wilhovt. Maybelle Reichenbach
and Elizabeth Carey assisting.
Judging will be divided into three
units: dormitory. Judged by Misses
Dorothy Collins and Helen King;
sorority rooms, judged by Miss
Frances Seeds and Mrs. Gertrude
Zemp; and smaller residence houses,
judged by Misses Helen Wllmore
and Mackie Rasdall.
Improvement Is Basis
All rooms will be judged on the
basis of improvement shown in tha
rooms themselves, thus enabling the
plainer rooms to have an equal
chance. The best room in each unit
will be awarded a blue ribbon. In
the dormitories the best room on
each floor will also be chosen since
there is a greater number of rooms.
The judges will choose the one
best room of all the units and this
room will be given the grand prize
of an engraved loving cup donated
by Deans Holmes and Hazelden
and Miss Irma Poole, director of
residence halls. The cup will pass
to the grand winne? in future years.
KD's Won In '44
Last year the room of Gerry
Gooch and Genny Kennedy in
Kappa Delta won the grand prize
which was a set of bookends.
Most of the residence houses will
have open house to enable parents,
and friends to see the rooms.
The winner will be announced
that afternoon and will be given the
cup at the conclusion of the contest.

Lieutenant GalTord
To Instruct ROTC

producControl of atomic-energ- y
tion by an international organization was advocated in a petition
drawn up yesterday by a committee
of the Student Government Association. Extensive hearings on the
proposal for creation of
agency to control atomic energy research and production also were
advocated. The petition, which will
be sent to President Truman. Senator. Barkleyi and the 11 Kentuck7
congressmen, also proposes that the
United States pledge readiness "to
comply with tne full Inspection of
our production facilities and the
control of their use" by such an in
ternational commission "on the single condition that other countries
do the same." The creation of the
international commission is advo
cated regardless of the action taken
by Congress on the domestic control
research and proof atomic-energ- y
Nation-Wid- e
The petition to be sent to Washington by SGA is the result of
campaign originated by student organizations at Bennington college.
Bennington. Vt, to bring the consideration of the problems of atomic
energy before college
throughout the country. The letter
the petition also
urged students to write their congressmen about these same measures.
Any member of the Stadent Government Association who has three
nnexensed absences ia automatically
removo from his position in the
association, aeeordinc to a
of the body. President 1'Uy Satyer
announced. Only fourteen member?
were nresent ai the SGA meeting
held Monday.
Vacancies Filled
Five vacancies In the governin?
body were filled by vote of the association. Those receiving appointment included Wendell Demarcus.
arts and sciences lowerclassman;
Morris Beebe. commerce menibr-at-larg- e;
O. C. Sea vers and Donald
Warren, engineering lowerclassman;
Carolyn Gilson. education upper-cla- ss
woman, and Elsie Dotson. grad-


ry-U- ir

uate student.
Bill Drake, commerce senior. Kilmer Combs, law senior and Kitty
Craps ter. arts and sciences senior,
were elected as members of the Ju
members to this committee
was postponed. Appointment of
committee to keep a booth in the
Union building during the victory
loan drive also was delayed.
The committee appointed to dia
up the petition was composed of
Clay Salyer. Gwen Pace, and Dr.
W. S. Ward.

Philosophy crab . . . will meet at
7:30 p.m., Monday, In room 105.
Alpha Gamma Delta . . . will hold
an open house from 3 to 6. Saturday.
Mortar Board . . . will hold a called
meeting at S p.m. today in room 205
of the, Union.
Sweater Swing . . . will be held from
4 to 6 today in the Bluegrass room
of the Union.
Hillel study group . . . will meet at
7:30 p.m. Thursday ia mum 204 oX
the Union.
I'PFereUss T . . . will have a hobo
party at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Card
room of the Union.
Alpha Lambda Drl'a . . . will meet
at 4 p.m. Monday In room 205 of the
Live Vers comnaittee . . . will meet
at 4 p.m. Wednesday in the YWCA
Irion poster committee . . . will
meet at 2 p.m. today in the poster
room of the Union.
will meet at noon
Pitkin Club
Wednesday at Maxwell Street


Gafford re- Phi I'psilen Omieren . . . will hold a
ported Monday to the military de- luncheon at noon Saturday in the
partment where he will assume his home economics building .
duties as senior instructor to the Cwens . . . will meet at 4 p.m. today
sophomore classes in R.O.T.C.
in room 204 of the Union.
Lieutenant Gafford who waa re- Student Virion board . . . will meet
cently released from the Nichols at 4:30 p.m. Monday.
general hospital in Louisville after Called meeting
of the Indeservice overseas is releaving Captain pendent party will be held at 6:45
Howard who will receive an Inactive p.m.. Wednesday, November 14. at
status some time In November.
the Union.
First Lieut. Joe



� The Kernel Editorial Page


Mary Jane Dorsey
Betty Tevis
D,CK -

Entered at the Post Office it Lexington, Kentucky, M
second class natter under the Act ot March . 1879.

Dora Lee Robertson

Kentucky Intercollegiate Presa Association
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association






Marilyn Mitchell
Martha Yates



LtUttt FmHiikm KttmntUn
Nr Yoan. N. T.
420 Maoison Ave.











L. Betty Tuttle, Allene

AU tignei erttclrt and column! are to be eontlderei the
optaiont of the writert themselret, and do aot aeceiiartla
reject the opinio o The Kernel.


One Year



Associate Editor
Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant News Editor
Society Editor
Feature Editor
Bu"'ne" Mana
Circulation Manager

Reinschreiber, Mim Cohen. . .Advert isin g Solicitors


.50 One Quarter

Managing Editor
.Newt Editor


Life, Liberty, and Pursuit
Ey Adele Denman
"I tell you c!ass," said a Journalism professor emphatically, "when
you write a headline, you must tell
the reader something. For instance,
you've got to describe a man beating his wife in detail." "Where
else?" quoth the class.

One of our more progressive young
men who has taken three quarters
of economics and plans to be a capitalist went to the game in Louisville
to seek his fortune. With two dollars resting peacefully in his pocket,
guns. A day not of ending but of beginning. he wined and dined, and then wined
-- B.T.
again, in all the upper-incobracket restaurants and hotels in
the city, and came home with five
dollars. Some cautiously say that
horses are still
that the Wildcats put up such a good fight running.
A band can be so carried away by
against Alabama who was way out of our class,
its art that it misses the point enwe feel more encouraged about the rest of the tirely. The Male high school band
season. If they can come up against opposition placed its feet in its mouth with its
and Alabama dashed
like that and not be completely snowed under instruments, field to the tune of a
out on the
shouldn't they be able to defeat teams of their
Tennessee theme song.

The Empty Armistice
The meaning of Armistice day is forever lost.
A piacr or a mockery every November II since
JIMS, it means nothing in 19Ai. The years of
ho)C and I lie years of irony are past.
For the Armistice celebration was based on
the wilful child-likbelief that war ends in a
!:iy, that greed and imixTialism and fierce national juitie cease forever-witthe end of war.
Now, another world conflict is over. A span
bloody war years bridges the days since Alan
Sfcger wrote "I have a rendezvous with death"
pud r.i iiislicrs wept at the "corner of a foreign
In Id that would forever be England."
Rather than remcml)cring for World War II
a date of surrender or of victory, the world would
be v ise to select a dale uioii which a constructive motion for peace was made. Positive, assertive decisions were readied at San Francisco
and at Yalta. Thoughtful attempts were made
toward world
On the raw wounds
of war vmie healing was started. The digressions, the squabbles, the insults were many. But
ac tion did come from
jxisiiive and world-mindeSan Francisco.
Renu niU i ing November II, we remember
the visiftil dream of a world which thought Bad
ended one day and GckkI reigned from the next

dav forth.
Let us forget Armistice day. Forget twenty
vears of chaos and a war that onlv resulted in
another war.
Ixt us select another day to remember. .A
day mindful of a struggling world where understanding and parley have made steps toward
peace. A day symlxlic of more than the end of



own caliber?
that SGA is sending a letter to President Truman about the control of the atomic bomb we
wonder what will come cr it, if anything. The
campaign to prevent Congress' nationalistic
bungling of the bomb issue was started by the
student organizations at Bennington college,
Bennington, Vt. The Kernel, who also received
a letter from Bennington, is of the opinion that
a thing as explosive politically as well as literally as an atomic bomb would be hard to keep
secret for long. There are no secrets in a crowd.
Why start an international race in its develop
ment and destroy the good relations which have
developed between the Allies during the war?
that Kentucky's reputation for producing fine
orators has become history, what has become of
the orators? Convocations with student speakers
would probably draw interest. A heated public
debate on some current issue a debate between
students would do much to stimulate active
speech work oh the campus. The college speakers of today are the orators and the statesmen
of tomorrow.

that counts
To THKIR Football Team:
It's how did you fight
"You Wfre beaten to earth? Well,
well, what's that!
Come up with a smiling face.
or 75 Gives
It's nothing against you to be Class
Ccllege Gift in '45:

241 East Short

Phone 210


Red Warman
Of the many media of bringing
swing music to its appreciators the
"juke box," is held in special regard.
This omnipresent little mechanical
producer of canned music with its
flowing and
lights always presents a particularly friendly
atmosphere. Why, for one "jit," you
can revive a multitude of pleasant
memories lying dormant in your
mental repository; for the same
amount you get three musical
minutes that give a refreshing pause
in the monotony of your daily
It can give an expression to the
mood you are in whether it be sad
lighthearted, nostalgic or otherwise'.


long as necessary, be that ten or
twenty years.
If it will be a conducive measure
to end wars, then it is sensible to
pursue that course. No effort should
be spared to insure the "blessings of
peace" in the words of Woodrow
Wilson, "for ourselves and our pos-

According to Army-Nav- y
Wednesday. October 31. was to have
been the date for the formal Invasion of the Japanese homeland. It
would have been a special Halloween
gift to the emperor. It would have
been a crucial day for American
soldiers who were prepared to meet
a Jap suicidal defense of their
country. It would also have been
one cf the greatest slaughters in
the history of warfare because every
Jap ship. tank, plane, and pilot was
being kept for the kamikaze blow
at the invaders.
The news is not always heartenn
ing now. But no bobbing,
bodies of American boys dot the
surf of southern Kyushu, and