xt7jsx645522 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx645522/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1930-11-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  7, 1930 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  7, 1930 1930 1930-11-07 2012 true xt7jsx645522 section xt7jsx645522 Best Copy Available


Sigma Delta Chi




Rural School 'Best Band In Dixie' Scores
I Heavily At Alabama
Starts Today


Students and


Faculty Members to
Be in Attendance





Declamation and Athletic Contests

Ping and Ribbons Will Be
Presented to winners
in Each Event



The sixth annual Kentucky rural
will be held at
u .nitrnrstt.v. Frldav and Saturday,
November 7 and 8. Approximately
700 pupils, teacners, auu ujii'-dent- s
are expected to attend. This
by the
' stionsored
department of university extension,
with Louis Clifton, assistant uuevi.-oIn charge.
An niwnmi luncheon for all those
attending the tournament will be
served at 12:30 today at ine warnthe
ing school cafeteria. Following auluncheon, ah win meet in tne
of the training scnool lor
the welcoming address oy president
Mcvey, ana for announcePram:
ments. Beginning at 2:iw ociock,
achievement tests wUl be administttoss,
ered and scored by Dr. O. o. corps
College or Koucation, and a
of assistants.
At 3:00 o'clock the preliminaries
in declamation will Degin.
speakers will be divided into lour
at tne
groups and will be heard
places: giris in Memorial
hall and tne training schoolofaudiMc-Vtorium; boys at lecture room
hall and auditorium of Educathese
tion building, from each of
groups two speakers will be chosen
who will appear in the finals. This
final program will be held in the
auditorium of the training school
beginning at 7:00 o'clock.
Saturday morning at 9:00 o'clock
on Stoll field the athletic teste
will be given under the direction A.,
E. G. Howe of the State Y. M.
S. Mitchell of the
and assisted by J.
University high school, and others.
The rural school program in Lexington is a culmination of county
tournaments In about
of the state, some of which
send a dele-aaUftad it practicable tostate meeting.
to the. final
WhUe a majority, of the counter
attending the tournament are
a redius of 75 miles of Lexington,
among the delegations are those
from Calloway In the west,
m the east, Bell In the south, and
Boone in the north.
The winner of first honors in each
Inter-schola- stic
event is presented with an winLeague pin, and the
honors will
ners of second and thirdcounty winbe given ribbons. The
ning most points in scholarship and
declamation will be given a county
cup by the university; the
in athletics
winning most points
a cup by
wiUbe presented with and univerO. A.
the State Y. M. trophy for general
sity jointly. A
efficiency will be given to the county winning most points in scholarship and athletics combined.
dele-Kat- es
The counties from which
are expected are Anderson,
Fleming. GarBell. Boone, Payette,
rard. Grant. Greenup. Harrison,
Henderson, Henry, Kenton, Lewie,
Madison. Mercer, Nicholas, Owen,
Pendleton. Powell. Robertson, Scott,
aheiby. Woodford, Calloway, Crittenden, ttcCracken, Elliott. Owsley,
and Trimble.

Mhil tmirnunent



State Horticultural
Society Will Hold
Meeting December 4
The annual winter meeting of
the Kentucky State InHortfcuUural
Society will be held
with the College of Aptcultureof
Prouniversity, December 5.
Kenminent fruit growers from appear
states will
tucky and other
on the program.
The program of the first day will
be devoted to discussions of Insect
the proand disease control, while will congram for the second day
building, orchard equip-Ma- t,
cern soil
and general production problems. Several hundred delegates
all parts of the state are exfrom
pected for the meet.
Members of the horticulture department are In charge of arrangements.

Stroller Grads Plan
Annual Meetings
Stroller alumni was perfected Saturday night at the first annual
banquet held at the Layfayette
hotel. J. Herndon Evans, Plneville,
was selected as first president.
Other officers elected at the
Robert Mitchell, Lexington, secretary-treasurer.
Several members of
former Stroller productions were
present at the dinner.
Future meetings of the organization will be held on the night of
the homecoming games of the university, It was decided at the
A permanent


If bands were allowed to score as
football teams, Kentucky would
have had a victorylast Saturday
that would have made a measley
190 look like the gate receipts at
a tiddle-win- k
Best Band In Dixie" again crashed
through with a performance that
out pointed their competitors in
evey department of the game.
This docs not mean that "Bama's
band was at all mediocre. Their
performance was snappy and well
executed; especially the "Old Grey
Mare" number in which the white
and crimson clad musicians exag
gerated a turkey walk In perfect
rhythm to the time of this old tune
played in stop time.
But Sulzer's syncopators were
just snappier and executed the maneuvers with such a display of precision that they deserved every
hand clap of the hearty applause
given them: by several thousand
football fans. The Alabama supporters seemed to respond to the offerings of our band with a gusto
that denied insincerity.

Band To Attend
Eight Pledged At
Tennessee Game Engineer Assembly
Three U. K. Cheer Leaders
Will Lead Yells at
Annual Affair
SuKy Circle to Sponsor Trip
of Musicians to uattie
at Knoxville
band of the univer
sity will go to Knoxville for the
TVnnpRsee-Kentuefootball frame.
Most of the expense of sending the
band to Knoxvuie win oe paid Dy
SuKy, pep club at the university,
which makes Its monev selling can
dy and soft drinks at the football
and basketball games.
RtiKV has decided that three
rhwr fenders will be necessarv to
lead the yells of the 1500 Kentucky
fans who are expected to attend
the gameL The circle will send
Slade Carr, head cheer leader, and
two others who win draw lots ior
the trip.
Tn suMlttnn to sendiiur the band
and cheer leaders, SuKy will pay
the expenses of Bill Young nd
Vernon Chandler, president and
virA nresldent. resnectivelv. of the
circle. These boys will represent
the university or Kentucicy in tne
beer keg procedure at the end of
the camp. It is an annual custom
for the winning team in the Ten- game to oe prenessee-Kenucsented with a beer keg by the losing team. At nresent the Universi
ty of Tennessee holds the keg in its

Mrs. P. K. Holmes
Speaks at Luncheon
Mrs. P. K. Holmes, actincr dean
of women at the university, was
the speaker at a luncheon, held
Tuesday for the purpose of receiving reports from the nine teams of
workers on the annual Y. W. C. A.
drive. Mrs. C. W. Bohmer, cam-nalt- m
chairman, and Mrs. Frank O.
Taylor, president of the Y. W. O. A.
board were UT charge of the luncheon meeting, and Mrs. W. R, Bit -ner and Mrs. Allen McClure pre
Arsented a musical program.
rangements for the luncheon were
made by Miss Mary Shouse, Mrs.
J. H. Moore. Mrs. John Allen Davis.
Mrs. L. B. Jeff era, Miss Lulu O.
Wood and Miss Irene Henaiey.
Dr. Arthur D. Holmes, director
of the research department of the
E. L. Patch company of Boston,
manufacturing pharmacists, will address the Lexington section of the
American Chemical society, at 4
o'clock Monday afternoon, in room
200 of the Civil and Physics building. Dr. Holmes will speak on "The
Economic Importance of Vitamins
Person." He will
to the Under-p- ar
illustrate his lecture with lantern
slides. The talk will be of benefit to persons interested in bacteriology, physiology, and hygiene. The
public is invited.
Edwin Mlms. instructor of English
at Vanderbllt University will be the
speaker for the Armistice Daj services here November 11. The services will be held at 11 a. m. In the
Memorial Chapel. Mr. Mlms is
known as the author of historical
works and has gained recognition
in this field of literature. Two of
his best known books are "Changing
South" and "Adventurous America."
This issue of the Kernel Is
edited by the Kentucky chapter
of Sigma Delta Chi as one of
its major activities. The organization will edit the first Issue of
every month and will use a different headline schedule and
make-u- p
in every issue. The mani
jor headlines today are in
Bold, a type that is rapidly
gaining favor of a number of
newspapers, and is used for every
head in the New York

By Tau




Campus Club
Game Wins Y.M.C.A.
Honor Award

The formations which were presented Saturday were not simple
and a great deal of monotonous
drilling was required before proper
execution was acquired. The spelling of the1 word "Dixie" as this favorite of the South was played
made every Southern's heart beat
with pride. It seemed to lessen the
emotion between the rivals when
the teams resumed the fray after
the half.
When Bean and Custard, Kentucky's efficient drum majors, strutted down the gridiron they brought
a lusty cheer from the crowd. Their
efforts were not a bit hampered by
the presence of Virginia Dougherty,
band sponsor, as she gracefully led
her brood of music making horn
Last week some one In the stands
asked why they shot the gun while
the band was marching and a fresh
man was heard to reply: "Well you
see every time one of the musicians
makes a mistake they shoot him."
This probably accounts for the success "Bromo" Sulzer has attained
in perfecting his congregation of


Kentucky Chapter of Tau Beta
Pi, honorary engineering fraternity,
held its fall pledging exercises,
Wednesday morning, at the general
engineering assembly in Memorial
hall. Eight outstanding engineering
students were pledged.
Pledges are Robert Aldrich, Bele-vu- e,
Leslie Cleveland, Versailles,
Robert Lyddan, Irington, Beryl
Warsaw, and Franklin Carter, Paris, all seniors. Robert Tucker, Bloomfield, Harry Smith,
and Pete Gerhard, Augusta,
the assembly, Robert
Tucker was awarded the E. B. Ellis
prize of $100 for attaining the highest standing in the Engineering College dulng bis freshman and sophomore years. The Tau Beta PI award,
a slide rule, was given to John
Kane, sophomore, Schenectady, N.
Y., for having made the highest
standing in his freshman work.
Sam Worthington, president Cf
Tau Beta Pi, presided at the' exercises, and Dean F. Paul Anderson
gave a short talk.
Wednesday night a banquet was
given in the Gold room of the La
fayette hotel. All pledges, actives,
and faculty members were present.
Dean Anderson addressed the as
Tau Beta PI was founded in 1885
at Lehigh University under the
leadership of Prof. E. H. Williams,
Jr. Its purpose is to confer distinction upon those students who
have maintained a high grade of
scholarship and to foster a spirit
of liberal culture in the engineering
students of the institutions in which
its chapters are located. There are
56 chapters now enrolled, comprising a gfoup of about 18,000 members. Kentucky Alpha was founded
in 1901.
Actives of the fraternity are Sam
Worthington, president; Ben Harrison,
Warner Ford,
Lee Moore,
Henry Johnson, Pryse Brown,"Louls
Payton, Orville Richmond, John
Buskie, and Earl Michel.

Sociological Text

Is Written by Best

"Crime and the Criminal Law in
the United States," new textbook In
criminal sociology by Dr. Harry
Best, head of the sociology department, is just off the press and is
being used by his classes in
The book, according to the author,
Is "intended as a limited contrlbu- lon to an understanding of the situation as to crime and the criminal
law In the United States considered primarily in, the light of their
present-da- y
social bearings or as
a help toward the creation of a
larger and fuller realization of the
Implications of the subject." The
book is published by the Macmil- lan company.
Doctor Best considers the crim
inal situation "primarily In Its present-day
social aspects" in his latest
work. He is author of "The Deaf:
Position in Society and the
Provision for Their Education in
the United States" and "The Blind:
Their Condition and the Work Being Done for Them in the United

Gridgraph of Game
Not to Be Shown
Thn university
cal device for showing
looioau games, win nut
flashes of
bo operated Saturday for fans
in the Kentucky - Duke
game, according to announcement
yesterday by S. A. "Daddy" Boles,
director of athletics.
tuif nnies snld that the cost of
would be
running the grid-graprohibitive, especially since ootn
the Lexington Leader and the Kentucky theater will give running ac
counts of the game.

7, 1930

Annual Campaign
Finance Campaign
Tuesday With Banquet
for Workers

Beta Gamma Sigma Leads
All Organizations With a
2.833 Average
The Campus Club, local social
group, this week was declared win
ners of the Y. M. C. A. scholarship
cup, instead of Alpha Gamma Rho
who had previously' been announced
as. the fraternity with highest
standing, according to a report is
sued from the office of the Dean of
Men. The second semester standing
of the winning group was 1.647, or
004 better than Alpha Gamma Rho,
whose standing was first reported
as 2.335.
The correction was issued in the
final scholarship report released
this week by Dean Melcher. Beta
Gamma Sigma, honorary graduate
commerce fraternity, headed the list
of all organizations on the university campus with ah average standing of 2.833.. Pi Mu' Epsllon, mathematics fraternity, was second with
a standing of 2.621. The complete
report follows:
All students, 1.415; all women,
1.633; all men, 1.321; fraternity
men, 1.391;
1.291; sorority women, 1.576; inde
pendent women, 1.699.
All freshmen, 1.388; all sopho
mores, 1.341; all juniors, 1.470; all
seniors, 1.780; all freshmen women,
1.440; all freshmen, men, 1.214; all
sophomore women, 1.594; all sophomore men, 1238; all junior women,
1.662; all junior men, 1.384; all senior women, 1.891; and all senior
men, 1.698.
Arts and Sciences College, 1.473;
Agricultural College, 1.455; Com
1.298; Education
merce College,
College, 1.595; Engineering College,
1.329; and Law Couege, 1.363.
Beta Gamma Sigma
Pi Mu Epsllon
Mortar Board
Kappa Delta Pi
Tau Beta Pi
Phi Delta Kappa
Alpha Zeta ..,
Pi Sigma Alpha;.
CM Delia Phi JsV.U
Theta Sigma Phi
Phi Upsllon Omicron
Phi Beta
Alpha Chi Sigma
Beta Sigma Omicron .... 1.84
. . . 1.814
Sigma Gamma Epsllon
Sigma Delta Chi
Phi Delta Phi
Alpha Delta Theta
Kappa Delta
. . . 1.65
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Delta Zeta
Campus Club
Alpha Gamma Rho
Delta Chi
Delta Sigma PI
Pi Kappa Alpha
Delta Tau Delta
Omega Beta PI
Phi Alpha Delta
Zeta Tau Alpha
Lambda Chi Alpha
Sigma Beta Xi
Phi Kappa Tau
Scabbard and Blade
Chi Omega
Alpha Gamma Delta .... 1.48
Alpha Xi Delta
Tau Epsllon Pi
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Tau Omega
Omicron Delta Kappa . . . 1.336
Sigma Chi
Phi Sigma Kappa
.... 1.251
Sigma Alpha Epsllon
Delta Delta Delta
Kappa Sigma
Lamp and Cross
Alpha Delta Sigma
Phi Mu Alpha
Phi Delta Theta
Sigma Nu
Kappa Alpha


Tuesday night. The drive will open
with a banquet for the workers at
6 o'clock In the university commons.
The campaign is under the direc
tion of Malcolm Barnes, who will be
assisted by the cabinets. The members will work by pairs, and plans
arc being made to see every male
student on the camnus and eive
him an opportunity to contribute.
The Y. M. C. A. Is one of the most
active organizations In the univer
sity, especially in work amonz the
iresnmen, ana tnis activity cans ior
the expenditure of a large sum of
money. The greater part of this
amount must be raised by donations
from the students themselves, and
the annual drive for funds is the
only way In which the organization
can get In touch with the entire
student body.
Students find that the Y. M. C.
A. endeavors to meet a wide variety
of problems for them. Its purpose
is primarily concerned with the religious life of the men around it,
but it also ministers to the other
troubles confronting the bewildered
The maintenance of an
employment bureau, publication of
a "Freshman Bible." and creanl- zation of discussion groups are only
a few of the many activities cf the
x. m. J. a. group.
The annual finance drive of the
Y. W. C. A. was opened Monday
night with a banquet at the
Commons for those taking
part. Eleanor Smith, chairman of
the committee, presided at the
meeting, and Mrs. Frank L.mMcVev
and Miss Margaret Lewis addressed
tne group.
Thp association will attemnt to
raise $500 by contributions from the
student body, which, added to the
faculty contribution, and the annual
appropriation by the university, will
moke up the budget of $1400.
At the banauet the 19 members
of the committee pledged $70 to
start the drive. Homes, residence
halls, and all sorority houses are
being visited by the workers.

Armistice Program
Will Be Presented

At Memorial Hall
Dr. Edwin Nims, professor of
English literature
at Vanderbllt
University, and for years one of
the foremost speakers of the South,
will deliver the Armistice address
In Memorial hall Tuesday, November 114 at 11 o'clock, according to
an announcement from the president's office. This will be the first
November convocation.
The subject of Doctor Nims address will be "The Spirit of Adventure in America." Special music
for the occasion will be presented
by Dr. Abner Kelley, of the university department of English. President Frank L. McVey will preside.
Besides his convocation appearance, Doctor Nims will address
the class in international relations
Monday at 8:45 p. m. in room 111,
McVey hall. The public is invited
to both sessions.

Press Association
Program Discussed
Professors Grehan and Portmann
met with representatives of the Lexington Herald and Leader at the
Board of Commerce, last Friday, to
discuss the program of the midwinter meeting of the Kentucky
Press association which will be held
at the university. January
This program includes the regular
business meeting of the association
and an editor s short course.
Three topics, follewed by round
table discussions, will be presented
by Herman Roe, Northfleld, Minn.,
field director of the National Editorial association, and W. Clement
Mooe, Philadelphia, expert

This program was arranged by
Herndon Evans, Pinevllle, president
of the association, J. Curtis Alcock,
alv numhmi nf fhfl live-stoDanville, secretary, and Professors
Judging team, accompanied by
Grehan and Portmann at a previous
noon T, J. Horlacher of the meeting held at the university in
College of Agriculture, Journeyed October.
to Columbus, unio, mesoay
and took part in the judging
events at the University of Ohio,
Wednesday. They returned to Lexington, Wednesday night, and will
an to Rtnmnlncr around on Friday
entries at
to Judge the live-stothe Scott county ecnooi rair. mose
making the trip to Columbus were
.TnVin rnohran. Georce Harris. Ivan
ia belncr
Jett, Hyman Levy, Theodore Milby, rvinctriprnhln Interest collection of
aroused by the unusual
and William Florence.
Mvn contemporary Ameri
can art on display at the Art Center
every day unm novemoer io, uimcr
A meeting of the executive comthe sponsorship of the College Art
University of Ken- association. The exhibition of 30
mittee of the
tucky Alumni association was held selected canvases and 20 prints
what critics adjudge
Tuesday night at the Lafayette represents
hotel. Reports from the secretary to oe tne unest cuhckwuu mm
and treasurer were heard and rouof art in Kentucky in sev
tine matters of business were dis- eral years.
cussed. Leon K. Frankel, president,
It is considered loriuumu
presided at the session.
most Interested in art that the uniable to gather so
versity has been
meritorious collection at this time
because of the Cameglo InternaThe Kernel will be published
after this issue. tional exhibition which is being
Copies of the paper will be placheld again in Pittsburgh for its annual display of the finest In world
ed in posoffice boxes on every
Friday morning for art. The Pittsburgh exhibit Is conTuesday and
sidered the best in the world, and
the remainder of the semester.

Make Trip to Ohio

Next Week



Y. M. C. A. Plans

Scholarship Cup for Second Y. W. Drive Is Under Way
Semester Won by Narrow
This Week to Raise
Margin of .004 Points
Year's Funds
Alpha Gamma Sigma Leads Members of both senior and
Organizations With
freshman cabinets of tho university
Y. M. C. A., will take part in the
2.833 Average
finance camnaisn

Live-Stoc- k


As the lengthening shadows
fell from the Stoll stadium and
the Crimson Tide slowly ebbed
from tho field between the
halves, Barber Shuck wielded his
trusty razor which sounded the
doom of the forest whiskers that
obstructed the campus the past
two weeks. Harold S. Ray gracefully reclined in the impromptu
chair, and as the steel plowed
thru the winning hirsute growth, a news reel operator ground
out many feet of historical film.
Engineer Ray lost his whiskers
and won a cup from the Suky
circle, with Paul Howard, the
runner-ua close second by
of an inch of manly
Whiskers are dead I
Long live the whiskers I

Strollers To Hold


Rally Cheers
Send Wildcats
On Duke Trip
Students Gather at Depot
to Give Team a Big


Squad of Thirty-Fiv- e
Duke Stronghold at


Kentucky Team, Beset
Injuries, Will Give
Strong Battle


Amid the cheers of hundreds of

college students and loyal backers
of the team, the Wildcats left Wed-

nesday night to Invade the inferno
of tho touted Duke Blue Devils.
The game marks the first engage-me- n
of the two schools and will
Plays Are also make or break a powerful KenFour One-A- ct
tucky team.
Selected for Two
The train carrying the thirty-fo- ur
huskies chosen by coach Gam-ag- e
to make the
pulled into
for Each Act Ashevllle Thursday trip
Cast Winners
morning at
o'clock where the boys were given
Will Repeat Skit on
diversion in the form of a sight
Amateur Night
seeing trip. This was followed by
lunch and a light workout on McTryouts which are conducted an
nually by Strollers, student dra cormick field. They left Asheville
matic organization, for the purpose at 9 o'clock Thursday night and
of determining those who are eli- the trip into Durham will be com
gible to participate in the activities pleted this morning.
In all probability new faces will
of the organization, will begin Tuesday, November 11. They will con be found in the Wildcat lineup Sat
tinue through the ensuing week urday. "Dusty" Williams, all south3 to 5:20
o'clock each ern center, is out of the game with
afternoon and will be held in a bad ankle. Jack and Tom Phlpps
the auditorium on the third floor alternate fullbacks, have had very
of the old Education building. Stu- little success in healing up their
dents who are prepared to present injuries, and are not likely to start.
a play should call Dorothy Jones, Kipping is also on the injured list,
for appointments. having suffered a sprained ankle in
Ashland 6673-- y,
The fee for the privilege of trying the Alabama game. Ellis Jonnson
cents, and any will probably start but will not be
out is seventy-fiv- e
student of the university may par at his best due to a Knee injury
which has shown no improvement.
will face
The plays selected for this year's All in all the team Devils Kentucky
tryouts are of a diverse nature and the weakest
has put on the field this season.
nearly every student will find one
Duke is a mystery team. It sart-e- d
or more of them which will suit his
to a fair
the season
particular type of dramatic ability. South Carolina by losing to 0,.but
team 22
All four are one act plays. Three
Virback to
of the plays are for one boy and ginia,since come Villanova, beat
one girl, and the other is cast ior
Like some giant
two girls. The time of rendition and Navy.wandering aimlessly who
has been
for each is twenty minutes.
has just discovered his own strength
On the Lot" is a short skit of
developed into one of
a young chorus girl and a youth Duke has powerful
and most feared
who are rehearsing amid painted grid most
aggregations in the South. The
scenes and at the same time are
average 190 pounds and
awaiting with eagerness the cang line will
food bell." a hard driving uacicneid win tip
of the "midnight
action the beam at about 175. In the last
chants to the nature of a real ve games omy 6 rxinte have been
mere rehearsal scored against uie great
drama instead of a
and when the director calls for the which tag proof of It you take dope,
tc dope.
- Accord
act, the characters are too interesttne Blue Devils ranK on aoouc even
oh n ooph othpr tn hepd the call
with Tennessee and Georgia
Mucto Day" by termsfar above Washington and Lee
strong aggrega- KeStheNefVactS
,?nd other
nun uk """"b
Ic olnrovc
.Tnhn Sm th's nnllirkv ' uuiia.
men are
day. His wife tries to bring out drivingtobackstough DeHart crack.
nuts to
the lucky points of the day and going
Coach Gamage arranged the 22
coneventually John is led to the
care. The
viction that she is right after all. hour trip with meticulous
34 members of the Wildcat squad
"The New Fur Coat" by Allen that are making the trip will travel
Grant Evans brings out the usual in two Pullman cars so that the
method of a women extricating a first string men will not have the
new fur coat from her Irate
discomfiture of doubling up with
husky team mates in the narrow
Friend Husband" is cast for two berths. The trip is arranged so
girls, Mrs. Ferguson, a young bride, thafc the cats will cover the
At the be- - '
and her sister-in-laand tiresome part of the
Mrs. Ferguson does not in
at nlght Asleep m their
the least suspect her husband of
worn out
uuyuuiiB. uui,
" ""v"6 .by the trip as badly as u it had
been made in
These plays have been on reserve
Throughout the entire week of
in the Reading Room for the past practice (which terminated with a
week and may be obtained there short workout Wednesday afterat any time. The best cast for each noon) the Wildcats have been In a
play will present it's play "Amateur very doubtful frame of mind regard
Night" at the close of the tryouts ing the outcome or tne uuice en
and prizes will be given to the win- counter. Earlier In the season the
ners. Those who have become Strol- Big Blue would not have expected
ler ellgibles will also be announcmuch opposition from the Durnam
ed on "Amateur Night."
boys but with their crushing defeat
Officers of Strollers are Rex Allilast week by the Tide, the increasson, president, Jack Smith, business ing list of cripples and a pace that
manager, Dorothy Jones, secretary,
(Continued on Page Ten)
Malcolm Barnes, stage manager
and Andrew Hoover, director. The
tryout committee is composed of
Andrew Hoover, chairman, Mary
Virginia Kailey, Tom Riley, and
Christine Johnson. Other members
By Suky
are Earl Cella, Margaret Cundlff,
Evelyn Freyman. Mary E. Fisher,
Bruner, Charles Goodman,
Joe Allen, Russell Stelgner, Earl K.
Senff, Pat Thompson, Gene Royse,
Kappa Sigma fraternity and Zeta
Max Kerr, F. X. Schuler, John Tau Alpha sorority were the win
Jones, William Kenny, Horace Min- ners of the silver cups awarded by
er, George Roberts, Robert Newton, SuKy circle for the best decorated
and Mary V. Willis.
day. Judges
house for home-comin- g
were Professor W. D. Funkhouser,
Dean Paul P. Boyd, and Professor
Morris ScheragQ,
On the stops' of a miniature stadium which was erected in front
of tho Kappa Sigma house were
painted the names of teams defeated by tho Wildcats previous to the
Alabama game. An Image of a Kenthe fact that ten of the artists tucky gridder stood on a step of
whose work now hnngs in tho Ar. the stadium, ready to place his foot
Center have paintings In the Car- on Alabama. Above him, hung a
negie International serves further to huge football representing
illustrao the calibre and heights of Southern Conference championship
skllfulness in the canvases which within his reach.
Tho yard of the Zeta Tau Alpha
the university's exhibition embraces.
The paintings, only four o: wnicn house was marked off to represent
were not done by native American a football field. Over the goal post
artists, are distinct examples of i at one end hung a largo blue and
conservative American art of the while "Welcome" sign. A wildcat
present day. Their subjects dlfTer stood guard over an injured Ala-- !
to a refreshing degree, ranging from gama player who had fallen in mid- to mountain tops, be- field. Footballs bearing tne names
tween which are included a variety of the team already defeated by
of the Kentucky team were suspended
of interesting
flowers, city, town, and country from a tree marked "Vlctree." AlSigma Chi and Lambda Chi
still life.
places, nudes, and
Approximately twenty individual pha fraternities won second and
points of view are encountered third places respectively, while Alamong tho 30 paintings, making pha Gamma Delta was second
among tho sororities. Delta Delta
the collection one of the most
Delta was third.
on Page Ten)

Annual Tryouts


Great Interest Is Aroused
By American Art Collection

Awards Presented
For Best
House Decorations

� mum





Pros-frobooks Is disillusioned. Wilkinson's I
Makepeace was graduated Mrs. Joe Tuley, Miss Lucille
attitude must be very provoking to
Williams College and Is in ton, all of Lcalngton.
Trt n trlllnletvi rtnllArt
business In New York City.
To All That" (one catches the irony
ricdftPH Announced
mi Him ir tiu u i ii mt ;iiwi iui iui iui iw.i U?;.ui;LU!m ll
Slnj?leton-Vanc- c
Delta Sigma PI, International pro- - in me line; wriucn ior wciopcr
mercury Mr, Wilkinson continfraternity
MKs nuth Elizabeth Singleton, of fcsslonal Commerce
ues, his assault In a milder way. To
and Mr, Virgil Vance, of nounces the following pledges
pleasMessrs. Bruce DcGaris, Louisville, be sure Wilkinson seems quite "MemOhio, were married
M. u ed with Siegfried Bassoon's
November 20th
Monday morning, November 3, at Robert Phtlllppl, Burnsldc; Foster, oirs of an Infantry OlTicor." ' This
the homo of Dr. Geogc Ragland, Rcvcll, Louisville; Malcolm
Nlcholasvlllo; Thorlon Helm, lc::- - LONDON MERCURY has a point
who performed the ceremony.
Mays-Colleui view uiiii, may act as an Hnuaoie
The bride nttended Georgetown ilngton; Walter Hardyman,
for those who object to war. This,
and the university. She Is vlllo; Marlon Longmlrc,
by the way, Includes even the MER
rhonc Ashland 3G18
the daughter of Mrs. W. E. Single- - ;.Tames McRoberts, East
It no doubt would admit
111.; Robert McVay, Morrlstown, N. CURY.
Lexington; as much. The MERCURY has held
Mr Vance was graduated from ,1.; Robert Wheeler.
to its stand rather tenaciously nnd
1920. George Stewart, Cynthlana.
11:00 p. m.
the university In the class of
Leave Lexington
They will make their home In, omccrs of Delta Sigma P aie.
0:05 a- - m.
Arrive Knoxvillc
Cincinnati where Mr. Vance Is In Austin Gcsham, president; Glenn
Monday, November 10
But to
Prince, secretary; B. C. Staplcton, magazines. return to the Scrlbncr's
I' International Relations class din business,
ner for Dr. Ntmms.
has nublished a nocm bv Sarah Lit- 11:59 p. m.
Hv Monroe llcalli
Nov. 27th Lv. Knoxville
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Taylor j
sey, a Kcntucklan.
Tuesday, November 11
She hums for
I will ro back once more, I sold.
0:00 a. m.
Finance Hanquct
Nov. 28th Ar. Lexington
Richmond, announce the
her native land in "Words For Ken
Thcta Sigma Phi alumnae chap- Rice, of
fire Is fled.
Before October's
Pullman Sleepers
Mrs, Frank L. McVcy was the
Rccllnlnir Chair Cars (Scats free)
ter organization dinner at 6'30 o'- marriage of their daughter,
The poem catches some
- .,r nc nal srjeakcr at tne annum tucky."
Vnnl s. to Mr. Edwad Toiucn mhof the throb of Kentucky's heritage,
clock Lafayette hotel.
Over trivial mnttcrs I delayed