xt7jsx64538g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx64538g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1862-02-jun25. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1862-02-jun25. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1862-02-jun25. 1862 1862-02-jun25. 2011 true xt7jsx64538g section xt7jsx64538g 


Report of
the Ex. Corn.
consi dered
& adopted

Report of
the Corn. on
the Gen'l
Agents report

Ambrose Dud-
ley is added
to Investing

Organi za-
tion for
next session



Board met 8 o'cloock P. M. Tuesday Evening pursuant to adjournment
C. T. Worthington being absent, Dr. Shackelford was callod to the
     The subject of the adoption of the Report of the Ex. Con.
being in order for discussion, the Executive Cos. & Faculty were
called on for explanations touching the correspondence between
them in reference to salaries for the last year, so far at least
on  the action of the Ex. Cos. created an indebtedness to the F1.
culty on the part of the Board. After full discussion, the Report
of the Executive Con as submitted, was unanimously adopted.
     The Committee on the Gen'l Agent's report submitted the fol-
lowing recommendations, to wits
     'That the Gon'l Agent go on to collect all the money due the
Endowment Fund and invest the same in stocks with the aid of the
Investing Committee according to the regulations of the Charter."
Z. F. Smith, Chairman.
                The report on notion was unanimously adopted.
On motion of R. C. Ricketts, Mr. Ambrose Dudley was added to the
Investing Committe, of lKy. University.

On notion the Ex. Comr. & Bro. Bowman & the Faculty decided to
Bonfer and Report some pla of organization for the ensuing year.
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 8 a. a. tomorrow

                      June 25, 1862

Board met 8 o'clock Wednesday morning pursuant to adjournment.
After Prayer by Prof. Pinkerston the Committee appointed to
confer with the Faculty to report, which was granted.
     On motion of Dr. Shackelford said Committee was instructed
to report upon the propiety of detaching Taylor Academy from
Ky. University.
     Curator J. Rogers offered the following Resolutionsg
     Resolved that a Committee of five be appointed who with
the Faculty shall examine into the condition of the College
Buildings and report at the next annual meeting, whether it is
practicalle to repair the building for continued occupancy & if
not to report all information brought before them as to the
*legible location for the University Buildings. Pending this
motion the Board adjourned to meet at 4 o'clock P. M.




June 25, 1862

amendment of
charter to
authori ze
loans of funds
at rate not
above 10%

investment in
Bank Stocks

At a meeting of the Board called at 12 r. on motion Bell and
Poston were appointed the Legal Advisors & Counsel of the Board.
     On notion it was resolved that Messr. C. T. Worthington,
G. W. Poindexter, Jno. F. Fork & Elizsh Gabbort be a Committee
to procure from the Legislature of Ky. an amendment to the
Charter of Ky. University authorizing the Board to loan tem-
porarily all uninvested funds in the hands of the Treasurer at
a rate not excluding ton per cent per annum.

Bro. Bowman offered the following BRsolutionst
     That the Treasurer in connection with the investing com-
mittee, be authorized when practicable & expedient to invest
all funds falling due in Ky. Bank stockss Passed
     Board adjourned to meet at 4 P. M*

committee on


Curator G.
Talbott re-
signs and 0. L.
Poston elected

organi zation
for next year

by-law suspend-
ed concerning
other occupation

present officers

4 P. M. mot etc.- The resolution offered by Bro. Rogers in the
forenoon was formally passed. The Committee of five appointed
by the Chair are as follows.
     John J. Rogers, Chairman        Z. F'. Smith
     R. C. Bicketts                  Dr. Jas. Smith
     J. B. Bowman
     On notion a committee of three consisting of A. G. Kyle,
Z. F. Smith and W. T. Moore were appointed to confer with legal
counsel in reference to the investment of funds uninvested.
     After report of committee & Counsel the Board adjourned
to meet again at 84 otclock.
     The Board met 8j o'clock &co
     Curator A. G. Talbott having sent in his resignation as
Curator his resignation was accepted - And on motion A. G.
Kyle, the by law in the case being suspended, Judge Poston of
Harrodsburg was unanimously elected a Curator viva voce.
     On motion the whole question of organization for next
session was left to the decision of the Faculty & Executive
     On notion it was resolved that in view of the reduction
of the Salaries of the Prof. during the ensuing year, any
arrangement they may make for series in Precting or Teaching
shall not be construed as a violation of the 8th sec 3rd art.
of Ky. Laws.
     On motion the Present Curators in office were unanimously
elected without ballot for the ensuing year.




Curator J.
Wasson ex-
to J. Shackel-

ieeting of
Tune 23, 1863

of Minutes

          On motion the Seats of
be declared vacant in this Board to be filled at the next Annual
meeting thoy having been absent from 2 session meetings.
     On notion Bro. Wasson was excused for non attendance of the
last two meetings of the Board.
     Ordered by the Board that $25 be appropriated to defray the
expenses of Elder Jno. Shackelford. who on invitation of the Fa-
culty this day addressed the under graduates.
     On motion these minutes after being read were unanimously

     On motion Board adjourned
                            C. T. Worthington
Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec.,



     At the regular meeting of the Board of Curators of Kentucky
University held in the Christian Meeting House, on Tuesday June
23, 1863. the following Curators were present at Roll call.
     Jno. B. Bowman Tres.
     Jno. Aug. Williams, Sec.      G. D. Runyon
     A. G. Kyle                     C. T. Wotthington,
     Joseph Smith                          Chairman
     0. S. Poston
     D. W. Thompson
     R. L. Latham
     After prayer by Elder H. T. Anderson, the minutes of the
last annual meeting were read. On motion of J. B. Bowman, the
record of the proceedings of the annual meeting held last June,
was amended on p. 85 in the Resolution offered by his, so as to
read lyr, Bank Stocks instead of Ky. State Stocks.

Pres. Milli-
gan's Report.

Report of
and Gon'l

     Pros. Milligants annual official Report was called forward
submitted to the Board. On motion, the President's Report,
including those of the different Professors which are parts of
the former, was referred to a special Committee, with instruc-
tions to report upon the same for the action of this Board at
2 o'clock P. M. The following Curators were appointed by, The
Chair as Committee on the Report;
     Dr. Jas. Smith, Chairman
     Dr. Lathram
     I. S. Poston
     The Report of J. B. Bowman Treasurer & Gen'1 Agent, were
then read, and received. The report of Treasurer was adopted,
that of the Gen'l Agent was referred to a special committee with
instructions to Report at 2 P. M. today. The following Curators
were appointed on such Committee.


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