xt7jsx64537w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx64537w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1927-02-feb2-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-02-feb2-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1927-02-feb2-ec. 1927 1927-02-feb2-ec. 2011 true xt7jsx64537w section xt7jsx64537w 

     Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the aecutive Committee
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucity for Wednesday,
February 2, 1927.

     The Zxecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, met in regular monthly session in the President's office
at the Uni-vergity, on 7ednesday, February 2, 1927, at 11:30 a. a,.  The
following uien1bers were present: Judge Stoll, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Froman,
Mr. Rhoads, Ur. Mc~Kee,  Meeting with the Committee were Frank L. McVey,
the President of the University, and eVollington Patrick, Secretar-r of
the Board.

     A motion was made, seconded, and carried, that the minutes of the
January meeting of the Zcecutive Committee be approved as published.

     Purchase of Graham Avenue Promrtylr.  On motion, duly seconded,
the President and Business Agent were authorized to n-archase a house
and lot on Graham Avenue from Mrs. ' eaver at $4,500.

     Settlezmeent of the Gyrjnasi.um Controvarsy.  The following ccrnmuni-
cations from ir. J. Pelham;; Johnston, attorney for the University in the
controversy over the Men' s Gyr.nasium, M7ere o-dered recorded, and a mo-
tion was made, seconded, and carried, that Mr. Johnston be authorized
to settle the claims on behalf of the University on the oasis indicated.
The order of the Fa;-ette Circuit Court was also ordered made of record,
and the follow-ing extract from the court order is quoted,

          Came the defendant, University of Kentucky, and filed
    exceptions to the commissioner's report on lions, which is
    novw noted.

          This cause having been submitted on the exceptions to
    the com-iissionerts report on claims, it is ordered and ad-
    judged that the exceptions of the defendants, University of
    Kentucky, Conds Lumber Company and Richard Shea, to the claims
    of Cleveland Metal, Ceiling and Roofing Company and John G.
    Poole Cor.zany, and each of them, be, and the same hereby are
    sustained, and it is aijudged that neither said Cleveland
    .lotal, Ceiling and Roofing Company, nor said John G. Poole
    Companky, have any lien upon the real estate referred to in
    the pleadings herein, to which ruling of the court said claim-
    ants, and each of them, c7xcept.

          It is further ordered and adjudged that the exceptions
    of the defendant, Combs Lumber Company, to said report on
    claims insofar as the same holds that the liens allowed
    therein do not apply to said real estate in question but will
    attach to the balance of $9,390.90 of the fund set apart for
    the er4ction of said building, and that said fund be pro-
    rated among the holders of said liens, be, and the same here-



   by sustained, and it is ordered ana adjudged that said
   claimants have a lien on said real estate for th'eir re-
   spective claims, as hereinafter set out.   It is further
   orderad and ,Cexjudr ed th.at in all other respects said
   report on claims, be, and the same bereby _-s approved
   and confirired.

         It is therefore ordered ana adjudged that the plain-
    tiff and the folloN-in,; namel defendants have a lien for the
    cost of this action anml the amouht set wooosite their re-
    spective names against the real estate described in the
    petition and -lea~.ings herein as f'ollows, to-wit:

    B. 7. D. Allen, trading under the name of
        Allen Llectric Oom-an:.r (payable to J. IA. Durbin,
        Trustee in B:Eankruptcy for B. F. D. Allen) ...... $662.20
   James D. Harper ...........                   ........  991.00
   H. Headley Land and George Land, trading under the
         firm. name of George Land and Bro.  ........       867.10
   H. Heaeley Land and George Land, trading under the
         firm name of George Land and Bro., materials
         furnished to Henry Bror.n, subcontractor .914.12
   Henry Brown .....................................   *, 490.88
   pill Williams ...................                       125.00
   Combs Lumber Cmpany. .............................. 2, Z8 .82
   Charles T. .nderson ...                                 483.00
   Hatt .;. Clay and BEvans Clay, partners under the
         name of Clay--rIlos Cop-pany .    .................. 1,652.40
   Richard Shea ...................                   .. _ 396.7
         otal ...... 10,851.95

         Thereupon came the said. J. 'l. Durbin, Trustee in Bank-
   ruptcy for B. P. ^.. Allen, James D. Harper, H. Headley Land
   and George Land, trading under the firm name of George Land
   and Btother, Henry Brcvwn, ;ill '-illiams, Combe Lumber Company,
   Charles T. '9nderson, t1att :. Clay and Evans Clay, partners
   under the name of Clay-,neles Company, and Richard Shea, and
   each of them, by their respective attorneys, and acknor1.edged
   payment an! satisfacticn in full by the defendant, University
   of Xentucky, of the ariounts for which they have hereinabove
   respectfull,? been adju6lged a lien upon the real estate de-
   scribed in the patition ani plea ings in this action. (The
   foregoing order bore the signatures of the attorneys for the
   persons named..)

   The follo'ing coniu-,unication from ,. P. Johnston, Attorney
or-the University of Kentucky In this matter, was ordered record.ed:



                            Lexinrtonl, Kentiicky ,
                                  Feb:rnw..ry 4, 1927

    F  k JL 'NictVey, President,
          U:.iiUersity of Xenrtu.c.y,
               Lexington, Xentucc;

    Dear Dr. IrcVey:

          Judege Stoll advise&' me that the 3xecutive Com-
    m- ttee hP.A approve,9 the settlement of the Basketball
    3uil iap mattor by paayizg all the liens adjudged on
    the buiding withaout i-a;erost, except the lien of
    Aicbsid Shea;       --o 'hi-cn  i e  the Uziversity is to
    patI iatcresL at thle rate o, three per cCnt per an;ium
    from day 25, I-24,    I hav\e, accorO.irigly, prepared
    an order to this end, w.ihich has been anproved by the
    attornetre of all the Darties to the case, with the
    exceptioni o^ the John G. Poole Coiapany, vwhich company
    Cgorever was denied any lien on the   ii 4.ingr and there-
    fore the ap-?roval of the orler bo, its attorney is im-
    material.    s am Aherevwith eaclosing ydtU a copy of the
    o.r-er which sets o-t .the Pm.oun ts to be pa~id to the d if-
    .orent lien holders.   The orll.sr does not, include the
    interest on R.ichari Shea' s ci.im from ;;ay 25, 1924, at
    tha rate of three per zent per ananm, which I calculate
    amounts to $'93.6; vp to. February 5, 1927, the date
    the ordar t ill be enterd.                        best
    for this interest to be covere-. b. a check separate
    from the princi.pal of the claim,   The taxed costs of
    the case amount to   3'72 .7.  The check for the court
    costs shloul6 be mado payable to J. H. Carter, Clerk.
    I think the checkl coveeinei the above claims should be
    made pavrable to the attorneys for the claimants, as
    showin at the ond oT the order,   If you till have.
    those checks  oae Cllt and. sent to me, I v7ili deliver
    the came aud er.tet the orh.einl of the enclosed, order,
    7hich will. t.-eL cloze u-n the case.

                                Yoo.rs very truly,
                                    j. P. Jchrston

     i re ex t inu i alle  The question of installing addi-
       ._ .... _... ngu.las r_ ._....
tional fire extintishers, recom.nended by Mr. Crutcher at
the previcus neeting was taken up .and discussed.    Mr. Peak
appeared before the Coam itte 3 v.1a stated that he ha:^ taken
the satter un r~ith Klair and Scott, Insiira.ce Agents, and
that he had beon advised that the 4nstallation of adrditional
fire extinguishers vrouoLd perhaps not alter the insurance pree



miums paid since to get benefits from it vrould require the
rewriting of the insurance and that the rate would have to
be higher if rewritten regardless of the installation, even
allowing credit granted by the installation of fire extin-
guishers.   It was therefore the concensus of opinion that
the matter shculd be deferred until the present policies
axpire.   ('No specific action vwas taken.)

     So!.i Fertility., Field at Bov;linp- Green.  The question
ot P. soil fertility field at Bowling Graien was discussed,
but since additional data was neeled from Dean Cooper, no
action was tak.ken,  (See minutes of the Lxecutive Committee
for January 12, .1927.)

     OnerP.tion of tke Iomn, n heatre.   The following re-
port from a comrimittee anpointed by the President on the
Romany Theatre r;as presented, and on motion made and sec-
onded, the report was approved.

     (1) That the Little Theatre is the property of the
UniversIty and therefore comes under its supervision.

     (2) That all financial matters of the theatre are
subject to the University rule for auditing.

     (3) M1r. Sax is to make an estimate of annual expense
to the University or (1) equipment,' (2) janitor, (3) op-
era'or.   This basket is to be approved by the committee.

     (4) All use of t-he theatre is to be granted only on
written request to the committee.

     (5) LUr. Sax is to arrange a calendar for Romany programs.

     (6) The committee is the only mediator between the
President and persons interested in the use of the theatre
and its work.

     (7) All equipment once in the theatre belongs to the

     (S) Ur. Sax is to ma'.e an inventory of the theatre

     (9) Plays and purpose of aa-y use of the theatre are
to have the approval of the comTmittee.

    (10) All equipment is to remain in the theatre except
on approval of the commnittoe, and on the responsibility of
the people to whom it is loaned.



     (11) All -"inancial aid from the University to the the-
atre comes throu~h the commlittee' s request to the Prezilent.

     (12) NIeessary regulations are to be made -or the on-
oration of the theatre which is a function of the committee.

     Roerplutions on the Death of Charles J. Norwood.   The
folloinh  resoluition was of fred, seconded, and adopted:
Th  E iec'tive Com-mittee of the Board of Trustees deeply re-
grets to hear of the dce.th of Charles J. Norroo4, head of
the De.;artmar~t of nines and r.1etallurgy.  Professor Norwood
rond3red iisti5gL1A.sheA. service to the Stat;2 of Xentuc3ty and
to t'.he Uriv:rsity of Kentucky.  He served the Univeriity
long and fnithful2y an' was held in high esteem by his asso-
ciates.   'he j~xecutive Com A;ttee of the Board of Trustees
extends to the farnily of Professor Norwood its sympathy
and sorrow in his Oeath.   It is ordered that this resolu-
tion bo entered on the records ana- that the Secretary of
the Board be directed to transmit a co ny to the 7idow of
Prof essor Norwvood.

     New Denartments Created.   On recomiaendation of Presi-
dent 14cVey, a motion ras wade, seconded., an(' carried llirect-
ing that two departmente be created from the present Depart-
ment of' !.ines and Letallurgy, namely, a Department of ;-ining
Lnnineering, and a Department of ..;etallurgical Engineering.
T. J. Barr was designated. as head of the Department of
Mining ZnginoerinZ, and C. S. Crouze, as head of the Depert-
ment of lletallurgical Xingineering.

     Con'ract for ;ater S      at Princetcn,   The President
reported that the Director of the 3xperir.ient Station had
exocuted a contract with the City of Princeton for a water
supply to the sub-experiment station there.    The contract
wvas ordered filed.

     gm0S;yRent of Arclhitects4  President McVey reported
that he had received a form of contract from .7erner and
HicCornack of' Clevaland, and he requeeted information of the
Comzittoe as to the advisability oF employing architects
to supervise construction.   A motion was made, seconded,
and carrled authorizsng the President to engage Warner and
McCornack to dravw plans and to supervise construction.

     The r   c    thc Canpus Postof 'ice.  President EicVe-
made a brief report on the work of' the campus postoffice,
a Govermaent povtoffice known as University Station.    The
re:port was ordered received and. filed.



     Deficil on Zsetucdian.   President :cVoy called atten-
tion to tne fact that 4he mafiegerent of the Kentackian for
lastt year had a considO ablO def.cit.   The matter w~as dis-
cusSea at length, and. t'he follow..ng resolution was offered,
seconded, aad passed:  That studant organiz-i      on the
campus be reoy irod (1) 'o sui35mit reports to the Auditing
omi ittee on Student Affairs (a con.-ittes o2 the University
.r.atei , and (2) tQ }?ce s'ich li.itations on their expen-
.'itures as the President of the 'IJniversit may indticate.

       nendt,-r-e for HE.-h School reek.  President ILcVey
r~ccoin;:rded t:he.t an allowanco of ap ro:.ia.r-tely 4900 be made
to cover th- e~rpenaes of tile spring tournament for high
schools cc-al-icze(I. 'by thae De^,art-ni.t of University Lxten-
sion.   On motiou rna`-:e aad seconded, the iteTa was allow7ed.

     Ap.oi.XntFent;5  tseE.nation s  and Loaves of Absence.
The fo}1owitni li.st of appointments, recignat ions, and leaves
of absence stS offered by the President, and on motion
dul:y :mae and zeconcaed, ap aroved

     Appointment of 2Siss Hazel Kelly as stenographer in the
Dopartment of University Zxtcnsion at a salary of $75 a month
effective rebruaryr 1, l,27.

     p:; OIn tm e nt of R. 3. Proctor as  S ' sistant in Tarm
ianagenment, Department of Farm Eccrnomics, at a salary of
$1,620 a ver,  effocti*3e Febru:r- 1, 1927.

     Appointment of Gera-ld Gri.ffin as Instructor in jour-
nalism for 'nhe second semester, at a salary of $50 a month,
on a part timre bacis.

I  SPoice.l leave of absence for Dr. J. W. Pryor, for
the first seomestar,.1927-l928, on full -)ay was granted.

     T-he rsignlation of Liss Carrie Loe K.-thaway, seed an-
alyst in. the Department of Zntomolog7 and 3ota.rny, effective
iarch 1, 1927, vatsaccepted.

     The resignation of C. C. .;aloue, county Agent, Henry
County, effective January 18, 1927, was accepted.

     The rasigration o.-' Lirs. garian C. iller, stenographer
in the Department of Univeroit:y 3xtension, effective January
15, l927, on account of ill health, i as accepted.

     The resignations of Jasp'er Combs, assista.nt, county agent,
Lee County, S. D. Looaz, cour.nty agent, Harlan County, and
7. Q. Tl7alker, colliat-7 egent, Adair County, were accepted.



     The apcl.ntment anL- continuatitons of appointment of
t'he fc toriul c~~ity agents ane hone dnionztre)--.il.cn age,.ts
v ere ap zroved;

     S. . Anle!rson, N2icholas County
     -D :.. S;. , iOp. aiir.iiG a tUVJ
     Stuart Srat, Lo;an Co-nty
     G.0 .  aia(ner Lasai~g ton County
     h - GCoclinl, 5ocd Count,
     3  '4' C-Y. o.  C-alwe1ll Co-anty
     C, T, Hill, PendI tton, County
     H, 1  e. lUdendricks, kars'ha   CCourty
     B-ay G, L: cper, Lssls',an:t Oc'uit;', Agment., Fayetta County
     ga **' EICh.4.tt.; S3ier~cs CG118tv
     C .. Jol-mstcne, Zc~rekon County
     S. J3 JoeS, :TeC3    Couaty
     B . E. Liac;er-t, Oldham CoC1nty
     H . S, I LOng, j . e er son COunty
     3. C Nagectt, . litgormory County
     C A..           Kic1 vd itenton Co-u.uty
     Harr- D). TDce, Cerrol l Couut~y
     R. 0. rL. iiton, .arrrion County
     F.. D. Cru'char, Lar. County

     IC3 i.uby Zn1a.el3, Boyd Couzity
     Kizs E.at tio 6oges, Chri tian Cown ty
     kLss Lthe' Y-. Garr,.rr.d County
     ki ss Anna 1X. St.eed, Ecrnlerson Ocunty
     IK. rs i4-lelcea ;^- ;Zhit",, . 7-svlass C(1;czu;ty
     R. ',. iackon,  healb-  o u cunty
     . Ud. Parke3r, Bath County
     XT ed Lavsoa, Assiistant County acent, Pike County

A1l of these 17ore continiations of previous employment !ith
the e::etioxi of RFay C. Hocz.,er of Fayette County and rred
Lawtzon of P~ike -County.ir

    'An increase in iplary of Dcs doris Y3ranaman, stenogrepher
in tiwe Co' iegre of X:1ucatjon, from $O0 to $110 a month, was
authori zed, eflectiie Felcruery ., 1927.

     Grarter le~ntas'  Camnmign Fud    :he following state-
ment regadiing the ;.ea~e' ienaucky Campaign Fund. was read
and ordered ieoorporated in the minutes.



I. *General Statement coi' Greater Yentucky ruad
    Iownot cf tabscripticns      ....      . .. $215, 627e.3
    Ar.oun.t colected .e...e.......t.*..     .........  13 ., 478. 80
    Amimt o-lfl cost of caza.ign . ..............r.....   31, g 907.25
    ilext amountlcfor c-.xpeitwres ,                99,571.64
    Still. &-ae on stsecr.ptions   ....... ......      84-,148.94

II. Stadijtm
    Contract ccst (if five sectUions     oeo.........    1029285.00
    Paid in cads by Uti-.-orzity                   2, 500.00
    Paid fromr Greater Kert-ackixid.               5e-o., 765.OO
    Due ,emcrial  iidin n  3  ..29...              29F000.00

II I.o Bsketb;nall1 :Buiad.n
    Universit.? advancrs o, Ba ake tbal1 BVdiJding--
       GIft of the U; irsit er    .-    e*        20,000.00
    .Xthletic OirncilL bctrov7ed.       ..........   20,000.00
    'Jniver'i itVr advarxed ,..19,639.31
    alid by George Zarce',, Tre.surer ...........         3C,736.11
    ADe contractors in courts *.................       a    , 9390.91

IV. total Mpenditures to date
    Stadiiur  cost .O........0..................0        102,265.65
    Baasketball baili:L r. ...................    105,766.33
    Xsnds.--.Pattarzon Si- d   ..    ......... .    4,941.05
       Student Lop'n Foa- e....             I. oe941..5
     lo tal.                            S........ * o2i,914.08

     .ot parments         ................ a..... 0 9, 147.93
     Amo unt aaranced o.O , ....................         118,767.13

V. uaary of Qb1J-latioxs of Greater Kentuc:y Frud
    Bv.'arce on bkernor-ar. Batlding notes ..* .........  29,000.00
    Balai.ce due U-.izvorsity on Des Cognets note ..  21,500.00
    Borrow-cl bry Athietic .A iociation ........... .  20,000.00
    3ue contractors -,......   ..............       0,390.91
    Gift- by UJivor-ity en.........         SS     20,000.00
    B3elarce adwanced by rTversity .........         S. 63 9.31_
        Total 6.S......e*@t09.......S.I 0.. S           111S,530.22

VI. Anounts advanced by Uni'tersity and. Athletic
        Cow.rsi. on, O reater tent-ockr F,.id Ac tivi ti es
     On Des Co4r1es 1Totes, Stadiun by University .  21,500.00
     euLeri:e. 1'und .                             29,000.00
     4Ladxavcrle.-.ar-Iae bl. UTniveraity on B, Ball B1dT ,  22,902.20
     Paymenta to coLtrcctors unCer court deolaion.,.  9,390.91



Amount borrowed by Athletic Council oa
     Bask:-tbail Building, assumed b. Council * .0._20- 00.00
AVrtount of obl.gations ...........    ...........   102g803.11
-iV-o'unt due Univer-sity for advances made  ,....,  73,402.20

VII. kvailaehle subscriptions
     Outstanding but -cn collected       ..............
     Charges agaInst this arnount based on stated
     ,Jue Unfvvercit.t
          On Backetball 3uilding ....................
          On stodiur. ....................   .........
          Liamcrial B3-ilding Loan .... ........
          Bal-nce on Patterson Fund., based on bal-
               ance subc'zrin tions due ...-...........
          Balance on Student Loan Fund based on bal-
               -nce subscriptions due . .............
     Total ..............                   O..e.00.0eo





Respectfilly. suibmrzitt ed

Wellington Patr'Ick, Secretary.
       Board of Trustees