xt7jsx64524k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jsx64524k/data/mets.xml Young, Jacob, 1776-1859. 1857.  books b92-42-26783500 English Cranston and Curts, : Cincinnati : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Young, Jacob, 1776-1859. Frontier and pioneer life West (U.S.) Autobiography of a pioneer  : or, The Nativity, experience, travels, and ministerial labors of Rev. Jacob Young ; with incidents, observations, and reflections. text Autobiography of a pioneer  : or, The Nativity, experience, travels, and ministerial labors of Rev. Jacob Young ; with incidents, observations, and reflections. 1857 1857. 2002 true xt7jsx64524k section xt7jsx64524k 











         "The love of Christ doth me constrain
         To seek the wand'ring souls of men."


        I 8 5 7.


     Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1857,

              BY L. SWORMSTEDT  A. POE,

In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District
                            of Ohio.



   "WIAT ! another autobiography of an itinerant "
Yes, my friend, another autobiography. And why should
there not be another, and even still another  Biograph-
ical sketches have been written of very many of our Rev-
olutionary patriots; and yet, who feels that they are too
many    Who would not greet with a glad smile the
Nvell-authenticated autobiography of an old soldier of the
Revolution-describing the thrilling seccs of the great
struggle for freedom through which our fathers passed 
So with regard to those old veterans of the cross, who,
by their sacrifice, toil, and fidelity to God, laid the foun-
dations and reared the noble fabric of Methodism. Let
them enter into history. Let their heroism, their devo-
tion, toils, and triumphs be placed upon record. No
class of men have been more overlooked in American
history; and yet none have higher claims to a noble and
generous recognition in that history, than the pioneer
Methodist preachers.  It is but just now that the sub-
stantial service done by such men to their country, as wvell
as to their God. is beginning to be understood.
  The name of "Father Young" is identified with both
the earlier and later history of Methodism in the great
west. His personal narrative is, therefore, a matter of
interest to the whole Church.
  The following, found in the "Excerpta from Corre-
spondence," in the Ladies' Repository, is a beautiful pic-
ture of an old man retiring from the effective ranks, after


having served God and his generation. We scarcely
need sav that it was from a note written by the author
anl sbecet of this autobiography. "After having gone
in and out before the Church for fifty-four years, I am
now compelled to retire. I am now in the ncighborhood
of total blindness. My strength is ebbing out with great
rapidity. I shall soon be done with life and its cares.
While you are actively and successfully engaged in doing
the work of your great Master, I shall be sitting in my
lonely cottage, repenting of all my former wrongs, be-
lieving in Jesus Christ, and trying to love God with all
my heart. How gloomy is the end of human life, uncon-
nected with that which is to come ! MIy highest enjoy-
ment in time, next to religion, will be in going to the
house of God. It is not likely you will ever see my face
again. I have spent a long life in trying to do good,
and I am anxious to do good to the very last hour of my
life. MIy trust is in my Redeemer."
  Though the author still lingers on these mortal shores,
the calm assurance and trust here evinced betoken that
his sun of life will sink calmly and gloriously to its
  It is due to state that the general editor, in consequence
of other and imperative official duties, has been able to
give little editorial supervision to this work. But he has
been fortunate in being able to commit the matter to
Rev. Charles Adams, whose high character as a scholar
and writer, as well as a Christian minister, is an ample
guarantee for the manner in which the work has been ex-
ecuted. The manuscript was also carefully examined by
the Rev. Dr. Thomson, and the work was highly recom-
mended by him.
                                          D. W. C.





                     CHAPTER r.
                 CHILD 1 OO D A N D Y O U T 1.'
Birth-Parentage-Emigration to the west-Perilouq circumntanees--Tn-
  dian war-Richard Young-I'recautions-Removal to Youghiogheniy-
  Laurcl Hill-Pleasant home-Sickness-Rlecovery-The New Testa-
  ment-Its influence-Distress of mind- Sudden. change-Good imupres-
  sions fade-Bccomes addicted to vain amusensents-Emigration to Ken-
  tucky-Close of the Indian war--Perilous voyage-Character and hab-
  its of the early Kentuckians - light N ith fire-brands - Log-cabin-
  Mode of living-Unhallowed associates- Downward course -Becomes
  very wicked            ---- ---- - -- ---- ---- ---- -- -PiGE 23

                    CHAPTER II.
Methodist preachers-Serious thoughts-Dark conclusion-Hears the Meth-
  odists-Westminster Confession-The author's conclusion-Resorts to
  the Bible-I-Lope of mercy-John Page-A sermon-Its influence-
  Wild career ended-A time of power-Author is overcome-Opposed
  by his father-A dark day-Conversion-Reported to his father-His
  anger-Is reconciled-Fear of the mother-Doubt and despondency-
  Dream-Relief-Sunny days-Prediction of his fall-Proved false-The
  circuit preacher-IHis appearance-His prayer and sermon-The first
  camp meeting-Joining the Church-Parents' conversion.--- -- -- - 38

                   CHAPTER           III.
                CALL TO Tl 1E MINISTRY.
Baptism-Lord's supper-Thirst for knowledge-New books-Impressions
about preaching-Urging of friends-Discouragement and temptation-
Yiclding to a sense of duty-First preaching- Success-I)iseinuraged
again-Persuasions of Benjamin' Young-hlenry Ogbhirne-Ilis curious
remarks-Samucl Parker-His character-Urges the author to preach-
Attempts to exhort-Failure-Resolves to give it up-Thinks of settling




  down-Captain Waterman-A meeting without a preacher-Author
  bidden to preach-Undertakes-Text-Great freedom-Weeping and
  shouting-The friendly Scotchman-HIis offer-Atuthor enters his semin-
  ary-Is attacked with violent fever-Expects to die-The great west-
  ern revival-Its great extent-Author's labors-Returns to his school-
  Licensed to preach-Rev. William MAKendrec-His district-Hiil
  habits-His great popularity-His wonderful zeal- His great in-
  fluence----.---------.--.---------------.---...-----.-----  PAGE D0

                    CHAPTER           IV.
Summons from the presiding elder-Preaches before him-Conversation
  with M'Kendree-Urges the author to preach-Consents-Distress-
  A clear sky-Mects the elder-Appointed to fill a vacancy-Well re-
  ceived-A time of refreshing-Parker's singing-31'Kendree's preach-
  ing-Author's first sermon as an itinerant-A happy day-E. Tolbert-
  Gabriel Woodfield-Philip Taylor- Samuel Duncan-Felix Grundy-
  Gen. Jackson-Robert Wickliffe-Around the circuit-Feelings-Ifalt'
  ing between two opinions-A liberal education-Life-long sufferings for
  waant of education-Advice to Methodist preachers-Colleague's great
  zeal--Fifty-eight preaching-places-Proselyting efforts of the Baptists-
  Troublecome controversy-Baptists lose ground- Joshua L. Wilson-
  Clooc of the year.----- -                                 64

                    CHAPTER V.

Desire to visit the conference-ML'Kendree refuses-New appointment-
James Gwyn-Forming of a new circuit-First reception-Preaching-
Forms a society-Cabin in the wilderness-The lonely woman's sur-
prise-Comfortable lodging-Joseph Williams-Mrs. Walker-Examin-
ation--The cheerless cabin-Thoughts of better days-Preaching-A
stmrnge-looking man-He becomes a Christian-Samuel Finley- His
shouting-" Great and glorious days"-Circuit formed-Account of
David Itice-Lewis Garret-An eventful and happy year-Two facts-
The new circuit named-Close of the year-Visit home- - .-  83

                    CHAPTER VI.
                CLYNCH CIRCUIT-1803.

Arrival at the conference-Conference-room-irs. Burke-Enters the
conference-room-Bishop Asbury-M'Kendree-Place of worship-Sab-
bath-Ten thousand hearers-Author preaches on Tuesday-A time of



   refreshing- Travels in the wilderness with Bishop Asbury-Parting
   with the Bishop-His last words-Inhabitants of Powell's Valley-
   Their desperate character-The murdered travelers-M3ocasson Gap-
   The Lynn family-The witty lawyer outwitted-Mr. Whitten-Tempta-
   tion to settle-First meeting with Lorenzo Dow-His preaching and
   appearance-Sermon of three- hours on baptism-Sermon on Calvin-
   ism-Result-Border ruffians-Horse-stealing-Punishment-- PACE 106

                   CHAPTER VII.
                11 OL S TON C I RC UIT-IS 04.
Widow Russell-Her character-Colonel Preston-Lawyer Smith-Salt-
  making-Mir. King-His history-General Tate-Knowlechucke cir-
  cuit-Ragon's meeting-house-Mr. Ragon-Mr. Harrison-John Adam
  Granadd-His strange career-Attends a camp meeting-Converted-
  Commences preaching-An able and successful minister-The Ernests-
  Judge Paine-Rev. Mr. Cosson-The jerks-Its prevalence-Rev. Mr.
  Doke-Singular exercises-Various opinions-The young preacher-
  Seized by the jerks-Amusing consequences-The author's sermon-
  The result. -                                           128

                  CHAPTER VIII.
               MARIETTA CIRCUIT-IS05.
Ill health-Reflections-Arrival at conference-Preaches the first ser-
  mon-A failure-Bishop Asbury sick-William 31'Kendree elected
  President-Benjarnin Young-His expulsion-Asbury's opinion of the
  case-Reclaimed and reinstated-Temptation--Resolution-Typhoid
  fever-Dr. Hines-Appointed to Marietta circuit-Journey from con-
  ference-Governor Tiffin-Sickness continues-fMr. Fearing-Reaches
  Marietta-Dr. M 'Intosh-Severe sickness-Life despaired of-Return-
  ing strength-Good news-Rapid recovery-Interest in the young
  preacher-Jonas Johnson-His character-3Methodism in Marietta-
  Commences preaching-The congregation and singing-Dr. Story-
  Solomon Goss-Providential help-The doctor's bill-Fever returns-
  Becomes better-George C. Light-Severe winter-Discouraging pros-
  pects-Society organized in Marietta-Protracted meeting-Results-
  Close of the year - -                                   140

                   CHAPTER IX.
              LI M E STONE C I RCUIT-sI 806.
Belleville-Sickness of Light-Fording the Scioto-Fever and ague-
Asbury-Whatcoat-Revival-Joseph Crawford-James Axley-Re-


S                     CONTENTS.

  lates his experience-Effect-Limestone circuit-Appearance of the
  circuit-Augusta-Standeford-Flemingsburg-Various places-First
  round finished-Improving health-Revivals commence-Prosperous
  camp meeting-Prosperous year-Valentine Cook-Cumberland Gap-
  The gate-keeper-Arrives at conference-Death of Whatcoat-3M'Ken-
  dree-Missing ones-David Young-S. Parker-Coke's circular letter-
  His proposal-Rejected-General conference and bishops-Southern se-
  cession-Sermon on death of Whatcoat-Text-Asbury-----.PAGE 161

                     CHAPTER X.
                 NASHVILLE CIRCUIT-1806.
Nashville circuit-Its large extent- M'Kendree's manners-Holston mount-
  ains-Displeasure-Horse sickness-Relieved-Cumberland mountains-
  Spence's Gap-A dismal passage-M1ode of descending-The drunken
  fool-M'Kendree's instructions and anecdotes-Lodge in the wilderness-
  MIi'Kendree and Edge-The watering-place-Baptist ministers-Edge's
  imprudence-Ml'Kendree's reproof-Arrives at the circuit-Reflections-
  The infidel-The discussion-Result-Green Hill-His daughter-Col-
  league-The common enemy-Jealousics-P'resbyterians turning Meth-
  odists-Adoption of Methodist modes-Origin of Cumberland Presby-
  terians-Methodism very efficient-Miles Harper--His independent
, course-Difficulty with a Presbyterian-Author reproved by M'Ken-
  drce-Comforted-M 'Kendrec preaching in his blanket-Reproves the
  tobacco-chbwers-Harper tried-Defends himself-Acquitted-hI'Ken-
  dree's dissatisfaction with the Presbyterians-The Christian union de-
  fined-Camp meeting-Valedictory..............  ...........- 177

                    CHAPTER XI.
Wayne circuit-Abbot Goddard-Great exhorter-David Young-A
  Unitarian preacher-Conversation with 1'Kendree-John Armstrong-
  The drunkard-Ihis wrath-rConference-Asbury-The imprudent
  preachers-The whipping-Dr. Tiffin-Interview with Asbury-Ap-
  pointed to Mississippi district--                         198

                   CHAPTER XII.
New responsibilities-Dr. Hynes-Journey alone-Serious thoughts-
Joins his associates-Preparations for the journey through the wilder-
ness-1Horses lost-Recovered-Col. George-His wicked ebharacter-
Chickasaw nation-Choctaws-Their appearance-Arrive in the Missis-
sippi territory-Appii-Forum-Reach Fort Gibson-- - -.  -- -- 207




                   CHAPTER XIII.
              MrssrssIPPI DISTRICT-1807-8.
Joyfully received-Randall Gibson--Learner Blackman- The band of
  preachers-James Axley-Character of Blackman-His great influence-
  Fording and traveling-Pickeringville-Natchez-Tooley-" Under the
  hill "-Unexpected meeting- Mr. Wilson-Uncouth landlord-Capt.
  Bowie-Lawyer Hughes-Panthers-Loses the way-Return-Axley-
  Encampment-Prospects of the mission-Dr. Floyd-William Foster-
  Lorenzo Dow-His controversy with Sneethen and Cooper-Lorenzo
  and the Calvanists--                             --PAGE 216

                  CHAPTER XIV.
Axley much discouraged-Meets with opposition-His great self-denial
  and energy-Dr. Green-Dow's family trials-Camp meeting-Lorenzo
  Dow and the rowdies -Canteen of whisky-The "notable robber
  The chain of five links-A great speech-Bilious fever-A little swear-
  ing Yankee-Madam Turnbull-Esq. Turnbull-Dow again-Another
  remarkable speech-Effect-Author leaves the territory-Reckons his
  leaving as one of the mistakes of his life.- -          233

                    CHAPTER XV.
                    CONF ERE NCE-      8s08.
Difficulties with the Choctaws-Start for Nashville-Apprehensions-
  Fears relieved-Indians-Sickness of Traverse-Reach conference-
  M'Kendree now bishop-Author reproved by Asbury for leaving the
  territory-Conference business-Burke-Slavery-l'leasan t conference--
  Cup of trembling-Kindness of M1'Kerndree-Appointed to Nashville
  circuit-Appointment changed to West Wheeling-. -- - - - - -- 246

                  CHAPTER XVI.
             WEST WHEELING CIRCUIT-1808.
Michael Ellis-Archibald MI'Elroy-Doubtful reception-Interview with
R. R. Roberts-Asbury's letter-Unpleasant situation-Lorenzo Dow-
John Spahr-HIis fainily-Ruth-Peggy Dow -Barnabas Lucas-Jacob
Neisless- Thornton Fleming-James Quinn-Transfer of the circuit-
Obadiah JC nrings-.JarMes Watts-Thomas Church-His resolution-
His attempts at reform-Failure-Author's courtship-Marriage-Note
from Asbury .......  - -- 9253


10                    CONTENTS.

                   CHAPTER XVIT.
                      ENCE-1805-181 ].
Conference in Cincinnati-Reappointed-Transfer- Olihi  eircuit-John
  We.bt-Jacob  Gruber-Sickness-Redstone circuit- Revival-Pros-
  perity-J. B. Finley-M'EIroy-Temperance-Pleasant acquaintances-
  Close of the year.e------- e      -     --    ePAGE 268

                 CHAPTER XVIII.
                    OHIO DISTRICT-1812.
Baltimore conference-Nichlolas Sneethen-War declared-Much excite-
  ment-The two great parties-Apprchensions- Scarcity of bread-John
  P. Kent-Nl'Kendree's preaching-Presbyterian deputation-They ac-
  cuse M'Kendree-His defense- His fatherly advice-Hull's surrender-
  Great alarm.       .                                   278

                  CHAPTER XIX.
            A C A M, P M1 E E T I N G I N C I D E N T .
Camp mecting-A rowdy struck down-Great excitement-Sinners con-
  verted-Soldiers marching for Buffalo-They march into the encamp-
  ment--Asbury's sermon to the soldiers-Text-A vword in season-De-
  parture-Disorder-Asbury's warning to rowdies           2Y0

                   C II A P T E R X X.
Conference was very large-A  member expelled-Reappointed-Joseph
  Spahr--His character and early death-A  year of prosperity-Hard
  times-Provisions high-Stern winter-Camp meeting men-General
  Mead-Al Kendree's preaching-Clamor about lodgings-All accommo-
  dated-Mrs. HaleThe bishops -                           297

                 CHAPTER XXI.
          OHIO DISTRICT-CONTINUtED-1813-1815.
Opening of conference-Conversion of Miss Wells-Solemn refections-A
christening in the conference-room-Reappointed-Preachers-The
war- -Cold plague-Dreadfully fatal-Great scarcity--Extortioners-
Three young ladies-Anne Kent- Conference at Cincinnati-Bishops in
feeble health.-                                        305




                 CHAPTER XXII.
           REAPPOINTED TO OlllO DISTRICT-1816.
 Conference-Burke's suspension-Injudicious management-Ilis expul-
 sion-Burke a man of God-Arrival of M'Kendree-Conference takes a
 new aspect-Reappointed-David Young-Abel Robinson-Fever-
 Cured-Improvement in district-Conference at Lebanon-Asbury very
 feeble-Election of delegates-Attends General conference.- . PAGE 313

                 CHAPTER XXIII.
             GENER AL CONF ERENCE-I 81 6.
  mcen-Boundaries-R. R. Roberts-Death of Asbury-11M'Kcndree
  alone-His appearance-Funeral of Asbury-Sernmon by Dr. Black-
  Order of procession-Presiding elder question--Leaders in the debate-
  No change-George and Roberts elected bishops-Adjournment-Jour-
  ney homeward-Apprehensions of robbers--Arrival home  - -  320

                 CHAPTER XXIV.
            MUSKINGUM DIlSTRICT-1 816.
An extensive district-Meditations-Good health-Marietta-3Marcus
  Lindsey-Thomas A. Morris-Abigail-William Cherrington-Samuel
  Hamilton-One round finished-Second round-A camp meeting-David
  Young-William    Swayze-Death's doings-Conference-Reappoint-

                 CHAPTER XXV.
Business operations-Unsuccessful-Book Concern-Somewhat discour-
aged-Conference at Zanesville, 1817-Returned to Muskingum dis-
  trict-Preachers of the district-M'Mahon-Encounter with a Univer-
  salist-Waterman-His preaching-Cornelius Springer-Hamilton- His
  superior talents-Encounter with an infidel-Amusing anecdote of a
  crazy man-Lemuel Lane-Conference at Steubenville, 1818-Burke's
  case-Joshua Soule-Reappointed-Embarrassments .339

                CHAPTER XXVI.
            GENERA L CON FERENCE-I 820.
Conference at Cincinnati-Wyandott mission-Delegates-Appointed tQ
West Wheeling circuit-William Swayze-His preaching in the woods-


12                   GONTENTS.

  Wonderful effect-The Yankee dancing-master-Arrive at General con-
  ference-Distinguished members-Presiding elder question-M'K endree
  and Soule vindicated-Soule elected bishop-Declines ordination-A
  warm struggle-Soule's resignation accepted-Conference adjourns-
  Return-Annual conference-Wyandott chiefs  - - - - - - - - - - PAGE 356

                  CHAPTER XXVII.
             LANCASTER DISTRICT-1823-1825.
C. Elliott-Lydia Barstow-John Stewart-His visit to the Wyandotts-
  Jonathan Pointer-Gov. Trimble-Plea for the Wyandotts-Severe sick-
  ness-Annual conference-Election of delegates-Reappointment-At-
  tends the General conference-The Radical struggle-Soule and Hed-
  ding elected bishops-Reese and Hannah-The suspended resolution-
  Return.-.-                                              367

               CHAPTER XXVIII.
Conference at Hillsboro-Appointment-Death of oldest son-A great
  shock-Wife's sickness and recovery-Conference-Dark days-Journey
  to the General conference-Lodgings-Strong men-Radical reform-
  Report on the subject-Adopted-Shinn-Randall's appeal - - Soule's
  sermon-Emory and Fisk-Fisk's speech-Roszel and Bascom-Canada
  question-Settled-Adjournment- Annual conference-Chillicothe. 379

                 CHAPTER XXIX.
A large circuit-Colleague-David Lewis-Camp meeting-31'Kendrce's
  sermons-His great excellence-Urbana conference, 1829-Marietta cir-
  cuit-Gencral class meetings-Beneficial-Bowen family-Liberality-
  Author removes his family to Virginia-Lancaster conference.- -  397

                  CHAPTER XXX.
A pleasant conference-Transferred to Pittsburg conference-Michael
Ellis-Author's eye-sight failing-Different prescriptions- Eyes grow-
ing worsc-Dark prospect-Two circuits in one-L. L. H1amline- His
preaching-Canlpbellites-Succcss-The Poes-Williamn Tucker- Killed
by the Indians-Conference at Pittsburg, 1831-Hedding-Bascorn-
Reappointed-Eyes improved                               406


                        CONTENTS.                        13

                  CHAPTER XXXI.
Appointed to Somerset circuit-Prosperity-Temperance efforts-Opposi-
  tion-The distiller's conversion-Cholera-Great alarm-Cholera at
  Cincinnati-Conference there-Appointed to Athens circuit-Fine pros-
  pects-Failure of Haamline's health-Recovery-Cyrus Brooks-Circle-
  ville conference-Ohio University-Bishop Soule-Dissatisfaction-Re-
  appointed ..... - - -- --- - -.-.- .. -.---PAGE 422

                CHAPTER XXXII.
             COLUMBUS DISTRICT-1835-1839.
Springfield conference, 1835-Author's fifth election to General confer-
  ence-Appointed to Columbus district-Sundry good men-The mission-
  ary spirit-Methodist Female Seminary-General conference-B. Waugh
  and T. A. Morris, elected bishops-Annual conference at Chillicothe-
  William Nast-Samuel Lewis-Xenia conference-Plan of the Female
  Seminary presented-Opposition-Success-Death of Mrs. Young-
  Conference at Columbus-Reappointed-Close of labors on Columbus
  district.-                                             439

               CHAPTER XXXIII.
           GENERAL C ONFERENCE-1 840.
Annual conference-Cincinnati-Election of Delegates-A new circuit-
Revival-General conference-Baltimore-Slavery-Case of Comfort-
  The debates-I. A. Few-O. Scott-Dr. Newton-His preaching-De-
  parture-Adjournment-Return-Pittsburg-Mirs. Anna Lee-hIome-
  Prosperous summer.-                                    452

                CHAPTER XXXIV.
Zancsville conference, 1840-Reappointed-Revival-Author marries Mrs.
Lee, of Pittsburg-A year of labor-Urbana conference, 1841-Dela-
ware-Dr. Elliott-Ohio Weslcyan University--Present condition of the
College-Rushville circuit-R. 0. Spencer-Washinigtonianism-Con-
ference, 1842-London circuit-Good friends-New Richmond circuit,
1843-A prosperous year-Marietta conference, 18414-Resolutions-
Warm debate-Much opposition-Pass triumphantly-North Bend cir-
cuit-Close of the year - - .462




                 CHAPTER XXXV.
             MARIETTA DISTRICT-1845-1848.
Cincinnati conference, 1845-Bishop Soule-Bishop Hamline-Soule, by
  request of the conference, leaves the chair-Retires from the conference-
  room-Marietta district-Prosperity-Piqua conference, 1846-Reap-
  pointed-A prosperous year-Columbus conference, 1847-Dolegates-
  Reappointed-Removes   to Harmar-General conference-Much im-
  portant business-Home-Newark conference, 1848-Reappointed-
  Pleasant year.-                                -PAGE 477

               CHAPTER XXXVI.
            ZANESVILLE DISTRICT-1848-1852.
Dayton conference, 1849-Zanesville district-Lowrey-Moody-Prosper-
  ity-Chillicothe conference, 1850-Reappointed-Prosperous year-Fail-
  ing health-Springfield conference, 1851-Pew question-Author's
  eighth election to General conference-Reappointment-Goes to Bos-
  ton-Opening of conference-Appearance-Election of bishops-Other
  business-Adjournment-Journey home-Remarks.  - ----- -       493

              CHAPTER XXXVII.
Zanesville conference, 1852-Appointed to Groveport-Prosperous year-
  Lancaster conference, 1853-Pickerington circuit-Another pleasant
  year - Portsmouth conference, 1854 -Delightful conference - Chester
  circuit-Athens conference, 1855-Much business-Author's ninth elec-
  tion-Rehoboth circuit-Arrival-Much exhausted---.  -.....--- 506

             CHAPTER XXXVIII.
Strength increases-Reverse-Failure of eyes-Author resigns his
charge-Preaches in various places-Goes to General conference -Slav-
ery question-Debates-Adjournment-Newark conference - Superan-
nuation-Home-Palsy-Partial blindness- Fourscore years -IHappi-
ness                         .513

COE'CLUSION. ----- - -- - --  ---- - -- -a -- -520


            IN T R O D U CT IO N.

   THE venerable man whose autobiography is here
introduced to the public, is a few months older thai
the Declaration of American Independence. Native
American citizens, born under colonial jurisdiction,
are becoming scarce among us, and will soon entirely
disappear. For this reason, if no other existed, the
personal history of Rev. JACOB YOUNG, D. D., is a
matter of interest to this generation. The labor of
getting it up, at his advanced age, must have been
onerous. Having been long afflicted in his eyes, and
for some years nearly deprived of vision, he labored
under the disadvantage of having to employ an
amanuensis. This was embarrassing. Dictating for
another to write, is similar to preaching through
an interpreter; it disturbs the regular current of
thought and language, and checks the inspiration of
the theme. Still, the reader will be well entertained
with this book, and the Church generally will realize
a favor conferred by its publication. The revision of
Dr. Thomson, and editorial scrutiny of Dr. Clark, are
ample security for its literary character, while the
well-known claims of the author to candor and verac-
ity are a sufficient voucher for its truthfulness.
                                       1 :.



   Dr. Young was born and reared on the western
frontier, and became accustomed to privation and
hardship, toil and peril, in early life, all of which
were favorable to that power of endurance so import-
ant to him in his subsequent calling as a pioneer evan-
gelist, as well as to his mental vigor and moral cour-
age. He was more than half a century engaged in
the arduous duties of the regular itinerant ministry,
sometimes forming new circuits, then enlarging old
ones, and a large proportion of his time he was pre-
siding elder on extensive and laborious districts. The
first few years of toil and exposure, with some severe
attacks of fever, nearly broke him down, but his con-
stitution rallied, and he regained his health, and con-
tinued in his high and holy calling to a good old age.
  He was well adapted to the times and country in
which Providence placed him. He belonged to a
class of citizen ministers, called of God from the
masses of the people, converted, imbued with the
spirit of the Gospel, and by Him sent back to the
masses with the glad tidings of salvation, which they
proclaimed in language familiar to the common peo-
ple, who heard them gladly, as such people formerly
heard the Savior. If the Gospel rule be applied to
these ministers, "By their fruits ye shall know them,"
they will compare very favorably with those who come
from  universities and schools of divinity.  College
instruction is a privilege, but not indispensable to the
acquisition of ministerial qualification.  There are
other means of obtaining useful knowledge, and such



INTRODUCTION.                   17

as diligently use them may become learned without
college instruction. Many of our American states-
men, and not a few of our itinerant ministers, are
living examples of this truth. Persevering applica-
tion to books and study will generally insure success.
  Dr. Young evinced an ardent desire for the acqui-
siLion of knowledge at a very early period of life,
and, in the absence of school privileges, used such
means as were within his reach. The second book
he read was the New Testament. This shaped his
course, fixed his principles, and secured his success
in after life. Though he grew up amid patriots, sol-
diers, and the exciting scenes of the chase, incident
to a new country, he never lost his thirst for knowl-
ed(oe. Though he was led, by the force of example
and evil association, out of the path of life in which
he had resolved in childhood to walk, yet he ever
retained his desire for mental improvement. Having
arrived at adult age, experienced a change of heart,
and become exercised in mind as to having a dispen-
sation of the Gospel committed to him, he embraced
the first opportunity of studying under a competent
teacher; but the call of the Church, the pressing de-
mands of the work, and the persuasion of influential
brethren, induced him to break off and take the field
before he completed his academical course. This he
subsequently regretted, feeling embarrassed for want
of a classical education. Yet, perhaps, a man reared
in college, if placed on his frontier circuit, would
have been quite as much embarrassed for the want of




his practical knowledge of men and things in general.
After all, he was not so deficient as many. le had
acquired the elementary principles of an English
education; and before he entered the ministry, he
was well read in philosophy and ancient history, still
better in theology, and, best of all, he was quite fa-
miliar with the holy Scriptures. On this foundation,
he proceeded to build; and, being always studious, he
has read as much, and retained the substance of his
reading as well, as any man of my acquaintance.
Better judges than I have pronounced him one of the
best theologians and historians in our country. That
he has retained some provincialisms, contracted in
early life, is admitted; but the same is true of some
doctors of divinity, nearly of his own age, who were
regularly graduated both in literary and theological
institutions. Improper habits o.f pronunciation, ac-
quired in youth, are not easily reormed.
  I became well acquainted with Dr. Young, when he
was probably at the maximum of his physical and
mental vigor. He was my presiding elder from the
spring of 1816 to the autumn of 1819. He -was then
regarded as one of our strongest men in the work.
Multitudes of people attended his quarterly meetings,
expecting to witness displays of awakening power
and saving mercy, and were seldom disappointed.
He was generally respected as an able minister and
esteemed as a good man. The junior preachers es-
pecially, of whom I was one, looked up to him as a
preceptor, and loved him as a father. His manner,




it is well known, was peculiar; the intonations of
his voice were monotonous, and, in any other individ-
ual, w