xt7jq23qzg61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qzg61/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-12-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 2008 2008 2008-12-11 2020 true xt7jq23qzg61 section xt7jq23qzg61  



for 'the rest of us'






L,.,, .. cg-..,._ cw“, . , A" _.,__ .. V- i.¥ W .V







Carlton Shenault right hands a student a ticket for parking on Jersey Street on street cleaning day the first Wednesday and Thursday (it
each month The student was anury because he did not see the Sign, which was located Just behind his llUCk

By Jill taster

[lasteralkykérinel corn

it was hard to tell it it has anger or trustration WilllL‘ll on
Melissa Brunt/s tacc as she clutched her parktiig ticket. Either
way. she “as not pleased.

”So where am l supposed to park the Mist Wednesday or

the month ’" the psychology senior said to ticketer Phillip
Segai'. who had |ust placed a ticket on the Windshield oi tier
car. parked among a row ot other \chiclcs on l’eiinsyliania
(‘oiiit on a street sweeping day.

“You know i really don't know.” Segar responds.

”It‘s just that I can‘t park here from 3 ant. to 6 pin."
Bruntl. said pointing to the other side ol. the street. "So u. here
do l go?"

The next day. a young woman approached ticketer Brandon
Dobbins. tears in her eyes and a ticket in her hzuid. Her alternator
was broken and she could not aiioi‘d to tow her car.

She asked it Dobbins could make an exception and tear tip
the ticket. As she began to cry. he shook his head and said it
was too late. the ticket was printed and it was out ot' his hands.

”That‘s the normal response.“ Dobbins shouted o\cr the


weep campus street

uummrorucmmuum'iium * "
cleaning Wminosdly in November

Number of ticket: iuuod on the street I
cleaning Thursday in November


Most ticketed streets

Wednesday Thursday ‘

1. Rose Lane - 37 1. Woodland Ave. - 34 i
2. E. Maxwell St. - 32 2. Stone Ave. - 32

3. Woodland Ave. - 28 3. E. High St. - 26

4. Aylesford Pl. — 23 4. Park Ave. - 25

5. Scott St. - 22 5. Linden Walk - 17

Number of tickets issued on an
average weekday



View an Interactive campus map
and other ticketing information

roar of two street sweeping machines. "i guess they tigure they
can get out ot a ticket. but there‘s nothing I can do."

About WIN) students. laculty and stall cuirentl) stud} oi
work at ['K. Some can park on campus \\ith puichased park
ing passes' the university now has enough parking spaces lot
about halt ot' the students. laculty and stall.

The other halt ot the tinncrsit} community is lelt to tind
parking spots around campus. “hether ll 1\ in pmate lttl\ oi
along the City 7s streets.

Sign Parking xix pane 5





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h roughbr

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ip/ \.



Medical Center

University of Medical Center


Transcript Avenue

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- Wednesday only

I Thursday only
I Wednesday/Thursday






UK announces Reynolds developer

BLflgsalind Eur!
ressrgfik‘ykernal com

UK announced the South Hill
Group as a tentative developer
for the Reynolds Building reno—
vation project on Wednesday.

South Hill Group and UK
will begin negotiating details for
the project in the coming weeks.
said Bill Harris. UK director of

“I expect the process to take
about three months." Hams said.
“It's a very complex project and
there are a number of issues we
need to work through."

Harris could not comment on
the number ol' developers who
responded to UK's offer because
it would compromise the univer—
sity's negotiating position. But
South Hill Group proposed the
best concepts and financial offer.

UK and South Hill Group
must now negotiate three agree-
ments to determine the fate of
Reynolds Buildings No. I. No. 2
and No. 3 and the IRIS Building
that UK offered for sale. Han’is
said. The South Hill Gmup proj-
ect proposes renovations for
Reynolds Building No. l.which
houses Art Department studios


i l

and the Bamhan Gallery. and the
demolition oi. the other two
Reynolds buddings.

Other items in South Hill
Group‘s proposal for the Scott
Street and South Broadway
properties include a hotel and
convention center. retail space
and some residential property.
Harris said.

The renovations in Reynolds
Building No. I would be staged.
Harris said. keeping Work on the
building isolated in certain areas.

“The students will not be
asked to vacate the building."
Harris said.

By Danielle PthlLott
newsakykernel com

Jena Richards‘ appeal for
an interpreter continues but
administrators have been un-
responsive so far.

Richards. a deaf member
of the UK equestrian team. at}
pealed directly to UK Presi-
dent Lee Todd after the Dis-
ability Resourcc Center denied


No response from Todd,
Richards remains ‘patient’

‘~ 1 proViding equal opportunity


Those interactive discussions
are ongoing." said UK
spokesman Jimmy Stanton.

While Todd has not made
a decision. Richards said shc
is patient.

' Richards met With Patty
Bender. assistant vice prcSi-
dent of equal opportunity for
the Institutional Equity and

Equal Opportunity department. but

her request for an interpreter this fall.
“The university is responsible for

See Richards on page 5'

m 257-19l5; m 257-2872



 PAGE 21 Tlltii all 11, tlt‘tt‘llli it‘ll
















By Linda C. Black
1'1‘311" M12117. 11 “1.111
11.11 ~ 1.19111; ’1 ..

1 1‘ 1. 1 ‘ 1 11- .1
tall 11' lV'l‘l“: .1 . 1] ll]

.‘llr‘t‘k {1’11‘

{’11 1th :Ks‘t’

Aries (March 21- -April 19)
7111191 11. 11 1.111l111111
"113 1‘ ‘1' 1 11‘~ 11111 int”!
d1111.:_1s11“.:1‘f“ ‘ 11‘. 11‘11 111111,
D1111? 1111111 ‘1 s 111111‘11111
pei‘ .‘.' ‘1‘11 . 1.1‘1' 11r:i.'11[‘.
H1111 1.111-11x1 11111“1
Taurus (April 20- May 20)
ldll ‘ l tilt“ '1'1"
.111, (l '
‘.'.‘1d sftr'irtirin;
11.1111 (111f1111
1. .111“ 1‘ .11‘.

' ‘izlt‘1lirs1wl‘r‘ll

Gemini (May 21- June 21)
1111.11. 15.17 11.111i1ts111
(1111111 :1[T(1‘.‘(1.‘T's 11"rt [it its
good 1111. ll ‘1111111 or". .1 .‘111'1r:t>
to donate 1110‘ s11":et‘111l‘. who
feels otherwise £71111". 1W,
you're good at this r111‘11f111jts
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Today is a 6 (\11‘111‘1111111r11the









4pm com


one whos starting to feel a lit»
tle bit squeezed for time Dele-
gate a few of those Jobs to 0th
er’s Have somebody else do the

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) w
Today IS an 8 e It's one party
after another, a flurry of actiVity
it's fun, and you're very popular,
but it can get expenswe Con-
tribute, but don’t pay for every-
thing Let others pitch in

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ~-
Today is a 7 _, Your workload is
getting done smoothly and Bill*
crently This is usual for you, but
it is not going unnoticed If you
get asked to take 011 more tasks.
protect yourself Get something
111 return

Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22)
Today is an 8 a You're ready to
race off and do great things, but
there's a slight problem You’ll
have to play by the rules, so
you'd better know what they
are. ignorance is never an

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ,
Today is a 6 You'll be tempt
ed to spend too much You’ll
push your credit cards to the
limit if you don't stop yourself

pus) 27731.3F‘

There are times you can do this
successfully, This is not one of

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
7! Today 13 a7 7 Advrse your
partner not to start a fight With
an older person. There's more to
lose than to gain right now from
any confrontation wrth authority

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
fl Today is a 7 — Delays and
various other hassles threaten
your happy mood Reschedule
anything you can, so you can
focus on what's important
Count a win if you get that

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) fl
Today is an 8 — Your friends
are interested in what you're
domg, but you don't have to tell
them Keep your ideas to your-
self fora while You may want
to change a few of them.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) W,
Today IS a 6 —- Conditions are
changing rapidly now Only Jump
into the fray if you like to play
high-speed games Otherwrse.
sit this one out

(cl 2008 Tribune Media Servrces, lnc,


Today' 5
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your daily dose of entenainmerigpop cu_|t_ure and fun_ mVQP

Too emmuch

tOO soon

Back in the spotlight,
Britney Spears finds a dizzying

'I'I'Ie DiSI'l

Her single "woiiiani/cr"
reached No. l in two weeks.
She's (Taunting a taut. preba-
by body. Her recent Circus
promotional tour in Ger
many. France and England
eamed standing ()s. In fact.
her Nov. 29 spot on Simon
Cowell‘s X —Factor in Lon-
don nabbed the talent coin-
petition‘s biggest audience
ever. “She‘s doing well."
show choreographer and pal
Brian Friedman tells L's.
“it‘s nice to see her smiling

But. as with
Britney Spears. nothing is
what it seems. Behind the
scenes. sources in her camp
tell Us the fragile singer —-»
just 10 months removed
from her stint in a psychi-
atric ward - is being
pushed to the brink. “She
cries all the time." a source
tells Us. "Everyone is wor—
ried." So are fans who tuned
in to the troubling MTV
documentary Britney: For
the Record. in which the 27—
ycar-old complained about
her uber—controlled lifestyle

all things

(“Nobody listens to me")

and shrugged off her head—
shaving episode by claiming.
“People do it all the time."
Spears — who was diag-
nosed with bipolar disorder
and has been treated with
medication d also appeared
dazed and spoke in a mono—
tone during her pi‘eshow.
Says an insider. "She‘s
drowsy and has a hard time
retaining information. She‘s
not ready for all this."

Her mini—tour revealed
the close (and insular) corr—
fines of her world. Traveling

with a 4(i»person entourage
that included her dad (and
conservator). Jamie. manag-
er Larry Rudolph and a —nu-
tritionist. Spears ventured
out only for scheduled ap—
pearances. Phone calls'.’
“Jamie or her assistant had
to supervise them." says the
insider. And on top of a
minibar ban. "we were ~in—
structed to never let alcohol
in her room." a staffer at
Germany‘s Badischer Hof
Hotel (where Britney stayed
Nov. 27) tells l's.

Her performances had
more rules. Prepping for
Germany‘s Bambi Awards
on Nov. 27. “she stayed
close to her dad and didn‘t
rehearse with her dancers."
says a source. For her Star
Academy appearance a day
later in Paris. a local maga—
zine reported that her de—
mands included no interac—
tion with the producers. And
though Cowell told Extra
that Spears was “back on
top." her lip-synching on X
Factor was blasted by critics
(the London Times headline:
nothing to sing about) Coun—
ters a Spears source: "She
did three cities in four days
»— a crazy schedule."

Despite the shaky show-
ing. Spears isn‘t slowing
down. She arrived in NYC
Nov. 30 (sorts Sean. 3. and
Jayden. 3. flew in after
Thanksgiving with dad
Kevin Federline). At pres
slime. her PR blitz included
Good Moming America. the
Rockefeller Center tree-
lighti'ng and a CD—release
party ~ then Japan. She‘ll
tour the US. in March and

schedule rough going

April. Pushed to the limit'.’
Carole Lieberman. a Beverly
Hills psychiatrist. says: “It
could well be too much. But
if she gets a lot of adulation.
that will help her . . . to feel
loved." Friends and fans
simply hope for the best.
"She looked pretty and
healthy." X Factor‘s Cheryl
Cole tells Us. “lt’s airiazing
to see her recover like this."

Her MTV interview

An expert analyzes Brit—
ney's painful revelations.

()Ii shaving llt‘l‘ haul:
Spears says the 2007 inci—
dent was a “little bit of a re-
bellion” resulting from her
split with Kevin Federline.
But Judith Orloff. a profes-
sor of psychiatry at UCLA.
offers: “it riiight not be as
simple as she's expressing it.
it was a manic thing to do."

On relationships.‘ The
two—time divorcee admits.
”When I love somebody I
need to be around them all
the time. it‘s the best feel—
ing." And a destructive
choice. “She's looking to be
‘fixed‘ by relationships."
says ()rloff. But “nobody
can make you whole."

On her caretakers:
"When i tell people the way
i feel. it's like they hear me
btit they aren‘t really listen—
ing." she laments. ()rloff‘s
take'.‘ “I could understand
her feelings about the con—
servatorship. btit it‘s tough
love and it‘s warranted. She
needs to accept that."

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly




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“Put on your yarmulke, here
comes Hanukkah. So much ,
funukah, to celebrate Hanukkah

Hanukkah is the festival of lights. 7

Instead of one day of presents, we

have eight crazy nights”

-— Adam Sandloi’s “The Hanukkah Song”

Festivus continues to
twrst seasonal cheer

By Kelly Wile_y

A new twist to the holidays cheer: disap-
pointment. wrestling and a pole.

On Dec. 18. l997. Festivus was official-
ly introduced to the world through “Sein-
feld" in the episode “The Strike."

“Many Christmases ago. I went to buy a
doll for my son. I reached for the last one
they had. but so did another man. As rain
blows upon him. i realized there had to be
another way (The doll) was destroyed.
But out of that a new holiday was born a
Festivus' for the rest of us.“ said Frank
Costanza (Jerry Stiller) in "The Strike."

Festivus. a holiday known for its back-
ward sense of holiday givmg. created a tra—
dition by erecting a pole in the middle of a
room and telling those around how they
were disappointments.

The holiday may have gained extra fols
lowers through Seintcld. but according to
wwwl‘estiyusweb.com. the holiday has been
around since the 1960s.

Dan ()‘Keefe. writer ot “Seinfeld." de-
cided to tell the rest of the world about Fes—
tiyus using some pages from his family his-
tory and their Festivus experiences

Though it may have only been an
episode on TV. Festivus is still celebrated

today with Festivus parties on or around
Dec. 23.

Though it may not be as famous. it
gained a lot of support from a scrawny,
curly. brown—haired boy from “The DC."

“You can't ruin Chrismukkah. It‘s got
twice the resistance of any normal holiday
l've got Jesus and Moses by my side.
man." said Seth Cohen (Adam Brody) in the
“The Best Chrismukkah Ever" episode from
“The ()C."

Melissa Eslinger. a psychology fresh-
man. said she celebrates Christmas and
Hanukkah because her mother is Jewish and
her father is Presbyterian.

Creating their own traditions. she said
her family celebrates the eight—day tradition
of Hanukkah. but only receives gitts on the
first day. in celebration of Christmas.

"It’s usually a funny thing that we do
Hanukkah and Christmas." lislinger said.
“We usually have gifts and stockings and a
Christmas tree and decorations. but then we
always have the menorah out too."

With not much adherence to the holiday.
Chrismukkah is celebrated with random par—
ties during the month of December.

Even though both shows are now off the
air. the holiday cheer still comes around for
them this time of year in the form of reruns
airing throughout December.




Nashville band bends



(“an a group become so
tightly intertwined that they be
gm to think of themselves as
family“.) The Kopecky Family
Band certainly seems to think
so. No one in the band is actu-
ally related. but their trials as

meaning of family. genres

together for jllsl over a year.
"The limbraccs lil’" is their
first release: a collection of five
songs that are intricately com-
posed. each sounding different
from the last.

“Embraces" is a folk-rock

Ben Sollee, Daniel Martin Moore
8 p m , The Dame Tickets cost Sit)

Ekoostik Hooke, Rumple Mountain Boys
9 pm, Southgate House, Newport, Ky Voter:
cost $18

Matisyahu w/ K'naan, Trevor Hall
8 pm, Bogarts, Cincinnati, Ohio Tickets .tnst


artists. as well as their musical

MATT bond has forged a family of
MURRAY \ ery ‘unique sound. V

Kernel bonnet! at Belmont lyniyei»
columnist sity in Nashyille. Tenn..1he

Kopecky Family band has been

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fi~1€1l3tfikfiifllli fit
17'.“ 1‘.‘. 'Vi's‘T \‘.\‘J\'

album at heart. but placing It
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iuslice. The Immense musical



See Murray on page 4

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FRIDAY, Dec. l2
Rev. Peyton's Big Damn Band, Johnny

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(‘itt'klAiLS Bl] R

i‘o‘i‘WR ‘Fi ti '"ul‘s‘

* t3l"tl>tKIVl RllN‘s

li‘uiriutoii k\ IO‘A‘“
(1I‘\ than m‘t

~..\\\\ti‘\\\ ‘ ' \‘1'
iii a us- ca ks HIV R 9i ‘ ‘5‘ '

Matt Duncan, Neva Geoffrey, Clifton

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Monte Montgomery

is‘ n or ”at ‘ ldi‘it‘ Tickets rosl Sl?

Ba: Tickets cast 33

Margot & The Nuclear So & 80's

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WEDNESDAY, Det . l 7
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8 p, m . The. frame Tickets cost $5


WOPl-N H is sAi
\- Trait“! .‘M‘xu
- §t\t'\‘llstt\..susunt





 PAGE4 | tittiisttii. tttitixiiitw ti .’tltltt

(1 A with Keanu Reeves,

Jennifer Connelly and Jon Hamm

The cast of 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' discuss the production of their new release


cleillllitll Connolly ‘e‘t, f‘ltl ktiti'iti Remus star in lhe Day the. Earth Stood Still

of the l95‘i t'lassii him il lllt: strinn urine

By Whitney Waters

wwiaiteisiaikyk‘eritel corn

For ls'ctiiiii Rm \('\. I/H t'Nt' t/llt‘\ll('ll
(HI (1th”, liiix In t!\/\ [It'lt‘lt' mix/titre (I
film. t's/it'i iii!/\ a remote or (I t/tiw. . l\
"iv/1y.” Rt‘t'tt‘y you! the ii/isni‘r' nil/i
”Tlii' [)tl\ I/lt’ Lori/i \Ioml \ti/l." ‘Il'lllt li
I\ (l l't"II’ItlL'[lllI{g' wt I/it‘ /‘D’/ will
Illtll'lr' I” ihi \t/Iiit mom. i\ tVl/l’t’t/(ltt/
nit/mi [/Ir' ti/iii '/r'\ it li/iii I/iii/ hits (I
H'tl/ pint/iii tire-mam t/il‘l'lf/ l/lt‘ him/tin
i/iimit it i; that iii t rim. iii (1 i rmo'oiiir's.
iilli/ liltti'
iii/iii will." mill

or liiitt‘ I/ii ii/ii/itt y,, i hiiitet
”14’ In \I (if ll\ to":
Rt’t’\('\. ii/ii- Ill/(H \ .‘i’ii tis’it ii Altair“. lt/r't"
writes on Iziiilir with viral lllfrtllllriIIH/i
for ti/l iii/.1 Ii» "'l'liixr iviis iii/til of tiny
.vii't'i'iiie //l( ii/it. the am [1' Hit/At this
H'NIH/yl'. I t/iiii/t l/It' /'I/lll i/i't \ It iri/ list/f
It) I/itit (I/l/Illl'lllllll‘i lit i must or II\ lime/i»
ll(’\.\. (lllr/ I'm tiiist' of him r/iiir t (lit/(l flt’
[NH/\ltllt‘t/ In pint or t/tH. \liI'It i’i Him/it-
”HQ/II I10] \iirl’k \1‘ tit/i" lit! NH. ‘77“.
llimn/ I), ()i ' "

R(‘('\ M. ii/oiie nil/i (1‘ \Ii’ll s .It Iiiiitti
(Willie/h iiiit/ .loit llti'llllll y/itlii’i'i with i/ ii:
(1 chl tori/t It iiit iii// l‘. ii/i I/lt’ lv't‘i'iri'i’
on .S'iiltii't/tiv [)('t ’i in ii/iii Ii I/it\
[ill/ted ti/mltl Rn t't '\ til/Hint hit \l [7,]
I‘rrl’m. fit'i’it t'iiie iii i'itt on other Ill/(HH‘H
Um] liliiiiiie ‘l‘lrt l).i\ t/ii Lori/i .X'i'iwt/
XII/I." n/iit ft on ily iii I/tr'iirt‘r‘\ I'm/iii.

o Keanu. you‘ye done a lot of ac-
tion/sci-ti movies. \\ hat is it about
these t) pes of movies that keep you
coming back for more?

\Velld love the genre i grew up
reading science tiction. \.\ arching scienc e
fiction films. I think it‘s a wonderful
ilcnre m the sense that it's a bit ot a 'i'i'ov
jan horse Bit of drama. ad\eitttti'e it‘s
also a great way to look at ourselves It‘s
a genre that beautifully talks about our
hopes. our tears. otii arisicties. iitili/iitg
allegory and metaphor ll‘i such a fantas
tic way.

. Had any of you seen the movie
prior to reading the script. and if you
hadn’t. did you see it after. and w hat
was your response to it'.’

('onnelly: I had not seen it prioi to
reading the script. Soon utter reading the
script. I watched it. and subsequently
watched it many times i'in a big fart ol
it. I think it's a really great film. I think
I‘m not alone in teeliiig that I think
everyone iity'olved iit making the tilm
really likes the original.

Reeves' I saw the film actually when
I was probably like U or ten. And the
original. when it was ritade in IUSU. re
leased probably l‘)5|. was in black and
white. 'When I was a kid. I saw it on a
black and white television. How about
that? And I kind of remembered the
spaceship. (iort. the alien coming to
Earth and the score. The score ot the
film was very striking It really had this
kind of amtiety. this impending doom.
And then when I saw the him later in
life. some of its kind of political context

Jolt Hamm hilt and Jennitei Conneil‘. stir: til


outer sit‘ur TWENTIETH crmunv Fort
. t"tl.l, The nitrate i» l remaki-


the first “hit to: Hamm since he cent: ti [lift ’ [il‘illl " (i,

some ot its litiiiioi aitd irony. became
much more apparent to tire. What Scott
Derrickson. the director. and we tried to
do \\llll this him was kind ot taking
\\ hat was great abotit the lust tilin. the
original. and then really kind ol tiptlat
mg it to our time

. The original was designed to il-
lustrate the fear and suspicion that
was characterized during the early
(‘old War. Is this remake —- I know
you mentioned that it “as more mod-
ernized — is it meant to characterize
a more modern eycnt much like the
one before with the (‘old \\ar‘.’

Recycs. Yeah. There‘s still that
kind of military aspect ()bviousb. the
filiti looks at the kind of ‘\lllc‘l'is‘ttlt ttltll
taristic iesponse of shoot tirst. talk later
But also the film is isll‘i'l of updated in
the sense tltat it‘s not manron man It's
more abotit the human species. its iela
tioiiship to the planet and the kind ot tit
sis crossroads that we're at. .\itd the liliti
is also iii a \say looking at otii chaiacter.
just as the first one \\ as looking .it ltlll'
\L‘I\'L'\. \\lltl ‘v\ c' itI’L‘.

. In shooting such a big. c\plosi\e.
intense special effects production like
this. how has it been different frorn
other projects that you'w worked on‘.‘
Did you hay e any new e\perienccs on
the set‘.’

Hamm: Well. it‘s a matter ot stale
Obviously. this is way bigger than a ba—
sic cable tele\ ision sho\\ in the sense of
budget. crew and effects and all that
stuff. biit one still approaches II the same
way. You have to tell the story. and you
have to be believable. and yoti ha\ e to
be present. In that sense. it's still very
small filmmaking. itiucli like we do oit
the television show Fundamentally. not
much changes. It‘s mostly just scale that
changes. and that can be kind of over
whelming. speaking front totally person-
al experience. but it can also be sort of
intensely cool and eye opening and ex-


Q. Do any of you belieyc that there
are aliens or any other sort of life
form out there after doing a film like

llaiiiiti lbeliewd it beloi‘c doing
.1 film like this. and I certainly haven't
cilitlifjvil l lllllll. that the numbers are
\llLIl that there has gotta be I just hope
they re lllct.’ ': - its
(onnelb l lccl the same way. It
didn't really .ittect lll_'\ thoughts on it.
\\lllcll again, ltrtilslli“ .u the scale of the
immerse. it makes good sense to tire that
thcic ts j‘il-il‘dili‘v sonic-thing else otit
tlicrc lthms ll s l‘t‘ct‘lllt’ st‘ll ot c‘tll‘il'
moii lllllll\|!1;'..tlttlc'\s‘lt my son was say
tire that .istiolnology is now something
that they’ii;
lll‘.‘\ re lootinv .it ltipitei s moons and
ttlttl it seems

\ltisl\ittf_‘ lll \tlltltil. and
what in.i_ tx- lllltl‘.“ lllc ice

ltl tttc iii Ill-lbs‘ git-til \L'Il\t‘

. “hat do you think will attract
audiences to see this film as opposed
to other similar type films in the genre
or other films that are out at this

(t‘llIlt ll\ [don't know ot arty oth
er inov i.s t'lli thcie that are really like 11.
to tell you fire iiiiili. I think it brings
more ol lllt t'lltllttklc'l of the original
lllllt. \\hitl: acts made iit Nil. but I
don‘t know . ! any other moyies that are
out there lik‘ it I think there is some
thing speciat .ihoiit II in that way. the
way that it :s .1 big. e\citmg kind of
spectacle ot .i lllll‘tlc‘ l tliiitk it fulfills
the genre in that way. It's like you have
your popcorn It's thrilling. It‘s exciting.
It's fun. But also. it‘s really responsible.
I think it's also really resonant with
things that aie going on iii the world to»
day that people are talking about and are
concerned about and may be anxrous
about. I think it's a really nice balance. a
really nice continuation of elements.


ifiillhoartl 1200
Top 10 albums of the week

1. Kanye West, ”8083 and Heartbreak"

2. Taylor Swift, “Fearless"

3. Guns N' Roses, "Chinese Democracy"
4. Beyoncé, "I am Sasha Fierce”

5. Ludacris, "Theatre of the Mind"

6. The Killers, ”Day & Age"

7. Nickelback, “Dark Horse"

8. Soundtrack, “Twilight"

9. Various Artists, “Now 29"

~ to. David Cook, ”David Cook"


Classic holiday
film provides
lessons on life

There are many interesting things about the film
"It's a Wonderful Life." When the film premiered in
[940 it v\ as financially unsuccessful. with many feeling
it provided only mediocre entertain-
ment. Yet. more than 60 years later
we hold it up as a true American
classic. Interestingly. it always scents
to be exceptionally popular around
this time of year and is considered a
holiday favorite by many. but it actu—
ally has very little to do with this

But. undoubtedly. what is most in
teresting about this film is the mes~
sage that it conveys. It‘s not about
(‘hristntas cheer. or the season‘s love
yes these play into the film. but it
is about more than that. "It‘s a Won-
deitul Life" is about oite man. George
Bailey. \\ ho is play ed by James Stewart iii a legendary
performance. and how he fits iitto the confusing world
around him.

Bailey is down oit life. In one scene he is ready to
drop helplessly into the river beneath him. leaving behind
his sorrows. his pains. his family and his friends. He is
just about to let everything go. until an angel visits him.
This angel doesn‘t just convince (image that his world
needs hint; the angel shows (ieorge that the world needs
hint because without him it would be a much different

This a cry scene. the one \\ here (.ieorge contemplates
death off the side of a bridge. very well may haye begun
the notion that the holidays are the most depressing time
ot the year. This has in fact. according to the LA Titties.
been statistically shown to be false. The holidays are in—
deed a wondeiful time. and the drop in suicide rates as
\\ ell self-inflicted iniuries and admissions into psychiatric
wards go to show this. It seems another interesting point
to he made about “It‘s a Wonderful Life" is the myth of
widespread holiday blues. which it seems to have been
instrumental in creating

Now all of its aren‘t' as lucky as George Bailey. with
a helpful angel coming to put things into perspective. But
all of us should take a lesson from this same angel. which
Is w e are all needed. and we all matter. even in this crazy
world we are spiitniitg irt. While suicide rates may go
down this time of year. we should riot find ourselves for—
getting the simple fact that the holidays aren‘t joyful and
merry for some people: for some they aren‘t so easy to
get through.

Quite frankly. every single day isn‘t easy for some
people to get through. Sure this is the season to be jolly.
and depression rates are lower. biit what about all the oth-
er days‘.‘ Or what about those who just feel like they can't
make it through the holidays? Do they know about the
lessons learned by George Bailey as he hung off a bridge
oit a bitter cold night‘.’

That beiitg saidjust imagine what would happen if
we all took into account what (ieorge Bailey came to un—
derstand. If we all realized that without one person. with-
out the one small thing that is done by one person. every-
thing is completely different and everything changes. It
appears this is another interesting point that “It‘s a Won—
derful life" has made for us.

Instead of thinking about gifts or Christmas cards.
think about who you know this holiday season that can
be reminded of this notion. Think about whom you know
everyday that can be reminded of this. Think about one
simple concept: you touch one life you touch the world.
Save one life you save the world.

Derek Miles I.\ a geography and German .wplirmiore.
Ii-mtii'l rim/Iowa Irv/(criiclt'oni.






Continued from page 3

monies by both vocalists Kelsey
and (iabe only highlights the
group‘s thought provoking lyrical
work. Admittedly, some of the

melodies are more memorable

training and influence of each
member of the band shines
through on every track. whether
it be through the soft Sarah

than others: a few of them be-
come a bit repetitive. but the
songwriting as a whole makes
this minute mistake easy to for-

McLachlan~esque piano part that
rests below the music of the al-
bums title track “Embraces," or
the choppy strings that make up
the musical hook of “Train—

The Kopecky Family Band
has an incredible ability of meld-
ing their music with their vocal
melodies in almost seamless fash-
ion. Thc use ofcomplex har-


Indie. Rock. Folk. Don‘t let
genres or categories fool you. The
Kopecky Family Band knows no
boundaries. and this simple fact is
going to serve them and their
growing audience well for years
to come.

Matt Murray is a journalism
sophomore. E-mail
mmurray@k_vk(rnel .com .


The Kopecky Fam-
ily Band, formed
at Belmont Uni-
versity in
Nashville. Tenn.
released their first
album "The
Embraces EP" on
Nov. 22.

m m




Tibetan monlcs celebrate

Thursday, December H, 2008 | PAGE


Human Rights Day

nestkvkeriiel corn


Speaking iit
(ieshela l.ob1.ang

told his life story through a.


He was born in Tibet but
escaped nearly In years ago
after the Chinese conquest.
He left behind family and
friends. fleeing alone without
telling a soul.

“He couldn‘t tell any—
body. There are spies every-
where." the translator. Tsoni
du Naiiibargyal Kikhangparra

Kikliangparra and
Samdtip are both Tibetans
living as refugees at the
Dreptmg (lomang monastery
in South lndia. Though
Samdnp fled to the refugee
camp. Kikhaiigparra was
born there.

Some of the monks do
not know their parents or the
rest of their family.

"I can‘t look at a family
tree and pick otit my re|a~
lives." Kikhangpart'a said.

The Drepung (iomang
monks are touring the United
States for a year. They
marched from the Singletary
Center for the Arts to the W.
T. Young Library Wednesday
in honor of Human Right