xt7jq23qzg5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qzg5f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-09-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 2007 2007 2007-09-27 2020 true xt7jq23qzg5f section xt7jq23qzg5f WWW. KYKERNFL ( ()M

POPS opens up a world of records

for l-ocal music lovers


Sl Plt MBl R ’7.

Page 3








Beshear set to speak tomorrow at 86 forum

Fletcher declines invitation to attend forum,
saying it conflicted with prior obligations

By Katie Saltz
ksaltz‘Qkykernel com

Student (‘imernment invited both
candidates for goternor to speak on
campus tomorrow. but only one accept»

Steve Beshear. the Democratic cati—
didate. will be speakitig at the second
atinual Gubernatorial Forum tomorrow
in the Worsham Theater at noon. His

Republican opponent. FLrnie Fletcher.
will not participate becatise of other
commitments. a representatiy e froiii his
catnpaigti said.

The forum was organi/ed to get
students more politically in\ol\cd. said

Nate Simon. S(i's deputy chief of staff

for policy. The forutii is sponsored by

$0. the University Senate and the Staff

Fletcher will not be at the forum

because ot scheduling conflicts. said
Jason Keller. comiiiunications dircctoi
for Fletcher‘s campaign.

“There were unavoidable scliedulr
mg conflicts that we could not met»
come." Keller sttltl

Robbie Rudolph. secretary of the
li\ecuti\e ('abinet and Fletcher‘s l'ltltv
nmg mate. was titia\ailable as well.

Despite his absence at the forum.
Fletcher does not belie\e his re election
chances with [K student \oters will be
hurt. Keller said.

"(iov Fletcher is \ct'} loc‘tised on
postseconclat'} education.” Keller said.
"We are confident that \oters at [K

will decide he is the right man for Kerr
tuck) for the nest four years "

Although students will make up a
maiority ol the audience at the forum.
S(i chief of stall ('hris (‘rumi'iiie said
Fletcher is missing art opportunity to
speak with the entire l'K community,

"The forum is a utii\ersity—wide
merit." (‘i'umrme said. “His not being
tlieie is unfortunate because it is an op-
portunity to cater to not inst students
btit the entire tumersity crowd It can
only affect liiiti iiegatitely"

It would have beeii beneficial to
Fletcher to attetid the forum. Simon

"We would like to base someone
there to represent his views and hlS
staiidpomts." Simon said. “It would
time been a more developed conversa~

In addition to the forum. S(i is also
trying to stir political actoism on canr
pus with a letter-w ritiiig campaign.
Laptop computers w ill be a\ ailable out-
side White Hall Classroom Building to-
day for students to send a pre-w ritten e—
mail to their representatives.

The e—mail focuses on how the tip-
coming legislative session will make a
budget for the next two years and




Andv Mains, a agricultural economics leWJT pulls a wagon tll‘ his hat fat in tStit ‘

lav .v’ieu hr was 1-, , ~



Drought calls students home

Heat and lack of rain make for
extra labor on Kentucky farms

81 plane Dawson
news@kykerriel com

Instead of turning masses of other students to cheer on t‘K
football at (‘ommonwealth Stadium. And) Mains has spent
his weekends hotisiiig tobacco in Northern Kentucky.

Mains. aii agricultural economics junior. and his brother
Roy. a plant and soil science senior. travel home to Pendletoti
(’otinty every weekend to help out on their family ‘s tobacco
farm. one of the many farms affected by this year‘s drought.
Farming families like the Mainses ha\e had to put in extra
work to try to battle the hot. dry weather that has gripped the


Farmers are playing everything by car right now because
they don‘t know what step to take nest. said Val Shields. a [K
ctxtperatoe extension agent for Pendleton (‘ounty

“The times are just bad."

he said. “

Some farmers don‘t

have city water. and they are worried that their ponds and

streams are going to dry up."

If that were to happen. farmers who inc about It) miles
otit ol Falmouth would have to pay $250 to halt] water from

the city back to their farms. Shields said.

See Drought (ill page 10


Women Writers Conference returns this weekend

Br 9.95191 99km"

UK is looking to spark some new
interest in an old literary tradition.

The Kentucky Women Writers
Conference. the oldest event of its
kind in the nation. is coming to
Lexington again Friday and Satur-

“Our mission is to contribute to a
world-class literary culture in Ken-
tucky." said Julie Wrinn. director of
the conference. “Kentucky has an un»
usually rich literary history. so it's an
easy match."

The conference started in N79 at

[K and has remained a l‘Kaiffiliated
event ever since. Paying attendees
take part in a series of writing work-
shops. ranging in topics from poetry
to film writing. Other events will be
free to the public.

The conference‘s key note presen
tation will be given by Palestinian
American poet Naomi Shihab Nye in
conjunction with producer. poet and
playwright Nathalie Handal on Satur-
day at 7 pm. in Memorial Hall. The
speech is free to the public and will
address the importance of mentors
and friends during the writing

Vaughan Fielder. the program to



ordinator ol the escnt. is particularly
excited about Nye‘s appearance at the

“(Nyei is a brilliant poet.” Fielder
said “Her \oice goes beyond bound
aries and is appealing to a global any
diericc "

Nye relies on her heritage and her
worldrtra\e|ing e\periences to create
literature focusing on "shared human
ity." according to the conference‘s
Web site (wwwtiky edii WWK l. She
has recened .i number of awards for
her poetry anthologies and t‘lllltlft‘lFS

()ther presenters on the comet
ence's lineup include publisher.

poet and spokenrword artist Jessica
(lire Moore and novelist Helen
Moore. who will perform Friday
I Transylninia l iii\ersit\. reached
celebrity status after winning the
consecutoc weeks ol .\niateur Night
during "Showtime at the Apollo " Her
performance ol “The Sonia Series."
which begins at 7 p.iti. in ('arrick
Theater. honors Sonia Sanchel. a
multicultural and humanrrights advo-
cate in leuiigtoii.
Students can check out her work.
including her poems “Black Statue of

See Conference on [MOP ‘0

See Candidates on page 10

to monitor
ethics code

By Katie Saltz
ksaltIiZDkykernel com

Se\ en Student (io\ernmeiit senators
were nominated last night to serve on
the lmpeachment and (‘ensure Commit—
tee. a move that was unrelated to the re-
ceiit contrmersy over concert ticket ref
sales. said Senate President Tyler Mon-

"The timing could not be worse. but
this is pure coincidence.“ Montell said.
“This has nothing to do with the eyents of
this week."

The committee is responsiblc tor
handing otit punishments based oit Ethics
('ommittee reports in the event of a senav
tor coiiinnttiiig an ethics violation.

Before the committee was created.
Sen, .lessc Parrish read his letter to the
editor trout yesterday ~s Kernel to address
the L'\Cnts ot the past week concerning
his and Sen. Blake Burnett's purchase
and resale ol tickets to the (‘orey Smith

"I must e\press my e\treme dISttP‘
pomtment in the comments by Senate
President T) lei .\loiite|l and Studetit (io\v
eriiment President Nick Phelps iii a Kerr
tiel article yesterda) Parrish said. "AF
though they are correct that senior Stu-
dent (io\crnmeiit otficials lacked knowl»
edge of my or Burnett‘s actions. that does
not itistify implying our coiidtict to be in
\iolation of the Student (io\ernment
(ode ol Ethics."

Other agenda items included changes
to the S(i (‘onstitutioir

The first amendment changed the
number of signatures reqtiircd for a
graduate student to run for a Senate
seat ()i‘iginall). a candidate had to ob-
tain either 25 signatures or 2 percent of
the number of students in his or her col-
lege. w hiche\ er was greater: That was

See, 86 Senate on page to

Harvard prof:
Case proves
racism lingers

By‘ltaylar Charleston

newsd‘kvkernel com

America still has a long w a) to go in
its eflorts to dissobe racial turmoil. said
a Har\.ird s'l‘lllllllttldllSllt‘C professor who
spoke at [K last night.

“Our history has taught Us in order
for us to understand where we are and
where we’re going. we are going to have
to understand w here w e've been." said .l.
Sotfiyah liliiah. deputy director of the
(‘riminal Justice Institute at Harvard Law

liliiah spoke last night at Worsham
lhtater about theS an Francisco X and
their relcxanee to contemporary issues in
the black community

TheS an Francisco 8. most of whom
were membe rs ol the Black Panther Party
for Self Defense. are awaiting trial re-
garding the charges of the NH murder
of a San Francisco police officer.

In l973. several of the men were ar-
rested and tortured into confessing nu-
merous crimes. including the police
killing. After the confessions. charges
were brought against the men but were

See Elliott on page to
Newsroom: 257-1915; W 257-2872
’ I


 PAGE 2| lliutsday Septeriiber L’/, 2007

suva_ku Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution
I _ —

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Keme' ‘ GI


















6 .














By Linda C. Black
To get the aura/rtaue ("Wk the
Jar .s~ rat/nu ll? s the easiest am, 0
the must (warranting

Aries (March 21 — April 19) lttlay
is a 7 inr the next several
weeks, ‘t s l‘t‘Sl to key-b your .girtts
close to your chest D'irit 'et any

body know what y'..l_l have or what
you intend to do Wit." ll

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) l.



1mm: it. s i

H“. v . if). it

'nir‘ai [at :nak ,stiriiz'2..;iixrsr_,'1
3.”; \ rllri iki'.
lri‘S‘ 'L‘:“'r"s"
tithe to ill
Gemini (May 21— June 21) i. ma.
s ;l" 8 l’lzitu'r- rt
planning for tin; next 3i1vf‘lrlt weeks
ert'll be aim to Kit: what pa'tis it
your 't‘utu‘e are We‘lt er“. Gr” rt':
of the stu“ that's slowing yot. down
Cancer (June 22 — July 22) inlay

; rr_',,.,,, .,,/ ..
r5 (13, ' thllrt (fit 1 llll‘ {mi-Kit” tilt

q\._;. t'


by yOursolf Confide to a person you
trust You don't have to tell every
body your woes, but it's sure good
to share With a friend

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is
art 8 ~ Don't tell everybody about
your great ideas yet There are stilt
node a few bugs to work out Better
wait until the product's finished
Avoid unwanted criticism

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today lS
a 6 Youye been plagued by dis
t'actions lately, as you may have no-
YrtIE‘tl That Condition is starting to
pass lt's l)8(,lllTlll)g eaSIer to stay on

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
an 8 think of new ways to
"aka rmr‘ey the "at? few weeks
V' “ ‘ui about it a your
woe" ini'nases your study

ill-i; ll

. I he fl‘
l ’Tlr

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a o‘ You n4 entering a phase
that w n ast for several weeks,
tandem you have super-human cogs
itatrye powers That means you'll be
extra s'rart Use these talents to
newt». wtners‘ as well as yourself,



wooed, Ludo cm:

‘Q’ «g» «g»

*1 .
\ximi ll is
k ntll sun \~l .\ \KJII (LUHL

of course
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 _. You're not the best
person in the world to trust With a
secret Your mrssron in life )5 to dis
perse information, but you could try
That's one of your lessons to learn
in the next two weeks Practice dis-
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) To-
day is a 6 a- Youre in a difficult srtv
uation You may not know quite
what to do Consult your friends and
family They'll set you on the right
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To
day is an 8 . The material you're
studying now is the sort that makes
dreams come true You have the pit:
ture in your mind learn how to
draw it on paper or whatever
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) To,
day is a b . The check comes in,
usst in the nick of time Now you
can (ix that thing at home that's )ust
abou to fall apart Don't know
what7 Look around

'7 7097' TPlBlJN‘E MEDIA SEPVlCES th‘.



After a few flings,
has Drew found a boyfriend?

“ll-IQ DiSI-l

Drew & Justin —— Getting

She played tlte field all sum»
riter. but Drew Barry rttore may
be falliitg In loyc tltis fall. The
star. 33. coiitiitues to rey up lter
rotitance with her He’s Just Not
That lnto You costar Justin
Long. 3‘). Tltc duo. first linked
iii August. enjoyed a weekend-
loiig PDAvfesl at the Austirt City
Liiitits Music Festival irt Texas.
where "they w ere rttaking out all
oyer the place." says a source.
()it September 15. they
siitooched through a bash for
Arcade Fire at the Belyedere
Mtisic Lounge: the next night.
they got con at a Wilco show.
“They were like kids in loye.‘~
art ottlooker tells Us. Back on
the L..-\. set of their contedy ,
where they hayc yet to sltare a
scene Barrymore texts Long
during breaks. Says a source.
“She's really into him." (Of
course. .last months ago she
scented really into director
Spike Jon/e. 37. “but she was
never rttoitogamoUs." says a
pal.) With Long? "You can defi—
nitely tell that she likes him?"

Heath Ledger's New Gal!

It‘s been oitly a month since
Heath Ledger split front
Michelle Williams. and he‘s rtot
wasting arty time' The actor. 28.
was spotted "making out" with
supermodel Helena Christensen
during dinner on September ll
at NYC eatery Wakiy'a. accord-
iitg to the New York Post. Later
that night. they arrived together
at the premiere of Eastem

Promises (starring another
Ledger e\. Naortti Watts. RH).
“They started holding hands.
Arid as the rtight wore on. they
get co/iei'." a source tells l's.
"She was following him around

a total cougar." adds the olr
seryer of Christensen. 38, The
pair haye been triendly since at
least last Noyember. when Hot
Stuff spotted them chatting at
the NYC premiere of his llick
Candy where slte waited for
hint to put oit his coat before
they walked out together?

Scarlett: Diva Alert!

They‘re just not that iitto
Scarlett .lohansson on the L.A.
set of He's Just Not That litto
You. A source tells L’s that oit
her first day. the star. 22. had a
driver shuttle her the lot) yards
to the set. while costar Drew
Barrymore simply walked the
distance. (Johansson also asked
for three assistants to shield her
with umbrellas.) “Scarlett's a to-
tal diya." the insider tells L's.
"Some people are cool. and oth-
ers are not." A production
source says. "We prefer talent
use \ans wheit filitttrtg on public
streets. and Scarlett has only
been professional

Ellen Pompeo — Not Into
Big Nuptials

Has Ellen Pompeo had it up
to here with elaborate celebrity
\\ eddings'.’ At Los Angeles Con-
fidential‘s Emmy party on Sep—
tember 11 in LA. the Grey's
Anatomy star. 37 (engaged to
Chris lyery. 39. since last No-

yeniber). told Hot Stuff. "I don‘t
need a big dress or 400 people
there to declare iity loye.” She
tells l's of the day tltey finally
he the knot "I don't tlttrtk it's
going to change how we tee!
about each other."

VIP Scene

Vince Vaughn liaitgiitg with a
buddy at Rose Bar in Manhattan.

[iya Mendes sltoppiitg at
Krisol iii Los Angeles.

Cynthia Nixon eyeing
Syntaritcc software at the Style
\"illa irt [as Vegas.

Ashley Judd arid Dario Fran
cltitti ditiirig at the Rockit Bar 64
Grill iit Chicago.

Debra Messing picking up
Klipsch speakers and Jenna Fis-
clter looking at A0 Jeans at the
HBO Luxury Lounge iit Los An-

(ieorge Clooney chatting
w itlt Ashley Olsen at 3:30 am. at
Bungalow s‘ irt NYC.

Diddy watching
Heatherette fashion show.

Chris Rock dancing up a
storm at the BMI L'rban awards
irt Lats Vegas.

Tommy Lee lea\ing a 83W)
tip at l’acha irt NYC.

Paula Abdul checking out the
Silyer Spoon giftirtg suite iii Los

Nas tutd Kelis snuggling at the
Xbox ()asis at Tao in Las Vegas.

Jamie-Lynn Siglcr bungee—
jumping at the 42 Below Cocktail
World Cup iii New 7ealand.

Kate Walsh at l..A.'s Kate
Sortteryille gifting suite.




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Meghan Cain
Features Editor

Phone 35/ ldlb
(titdilicZkykt’ttte‘ ( .t't‘

Desrgned by
Azra Drlievrc
adlldeICQKVkH'NEi LJlT‘






I CD Central ---— It may not have 100,000 slabs of vinyl, but CD Central carries its weight in
used, new, rate and unique CDs. CD Central is located at 377 South Limestone Street.

I Goodwill 77* Located in the same shopping strip as POPS on Leestown Road, this store
otters records and used books, and students can browse the racks for vintage clothes
and even purchase furniture. Other Goodwill stores are located at 130 West New Circle
Road and 3101 Clays Mill Road,

I Salvation Army ~77 Similar to Goodwill in its myriad of choices, Salvation Army offers
plenty in the way of shoes, furniture and clothes. The Salvation Army in Lexington is locat—
ed on 338 East New Circle Road.

I Plato's Closet * Although record collectors won't find any music to add to their stock,
Plato's Closet does offer a variety of name-brand, lightly worn clothes. Plato's Closet is lo-
cated at 2200 Nicholasville Road.

POPS goes the resale shop

Music collectors flock to Lexington used-records store from all over the world

minty coovsrt

ecoovert@kykernel corn

Every Friday morning at ll.
Robbie Fult/ is in the satiic
place. looking to get his records
fix for the week.

Fultz. a Lexrngton resident.
is one of several collectors wait~
ing to dig through the weekly
set of new arrivals at POPS Re-
sale Shop. The store. with a
supply of about 100,000
records. doesn‘t just have a ded—
icated local fan base ~ it at»
tracts record-hunters lrom all
over the world.

"We have regular customers
from Germany. Japan. England
and New York said POPS
owner Daniel Shorr. "It's hard to
believe that there‘s nothing like
this up in New York. but most ol
these guys tell me the same

“When (l'oreign record col-
lectors) are planning a trip. they
plot their trip from one coast to
another." Shorr said. “We're
lucky to be one stop along the

Fultz. who started his
record collection last Christmas
when he received a record play ~
er as a gift. said there has only
been one time in the past six
months that he has walked out
of the store without buying any»

“They have decent prices.
and the records are in good conv
dition." Fult/ said. “They al
ways take care of me."

POPS stocks an eclectic va-
riety of musical genres and will (or
purchase niost kinds of records. ucts."
Shorr said. (age

“Almost anything that is not
multimillion-dollar sellers front
the ‘50s. ‘60s and ~70s. we'll



Slior‘i' said.‘
gl'csslyc‘ can st‘ll “Ell.”

Records aren't the only at-
traction at POPS.
The store also sells \lll-
knickiknacks like candles. ce-



~-' menu.

It?! .' C

all-”u .Q."" . . ‘.

Daniel Short the owner of POPS Resale 8001) stands anio'ti

‘Punk and pro bring in.

which stands
ow ncd prod said.
tllltl tissttl‘lctl
merit. "

clocks and ‘Onr. timc w:
or whatever people

i vs,.. c . ,..
"t? i' it ‘\ r r‘Wl .lxl'tt' so t l,

"lltct'fis no place I ktiow ot
in town w here you get the as
soi‘triicnt you get here.“
“lt‘s hard to liiid soiiicr arc the
where that sells cast»ii'on skil
lets. comic books and DJ eqttrp

h id somcoiic
bring in .t chra skin.



i . .t ..
«:5 tittiti'll‘it'


"l tltirik it sold lot SIIS.

Short (age clothes

dcnts. Short said

looking lor' (those itcmsi."


he said. planters or stereo gear “

In Sweden, snuff replacing smoking;
U.S. cigarette makers take notice

Chrcago Tribune

SUNDSVALL. Sweden * Freddie lzde
lurid started snusing when he was 7.

His initiation began the tisual way:
“My best friend’s older brother and his
gang were all doing it. They were about
four years older than us and we w artted to
be tough guys like them. so we started do-
ing it." lidlund recalled.

He kept sneaking snus until he was l0
Then one day. on a dare. be swallowed a
big wad ot the stuff.

“I bailed riiy brains out. Nev er been so
sick in my lile. (‘ouldn't even look at snus
again until I was 12." stud Edlund. a lacto-
ry worker and part—time musician.

But aside from that briel preteen hiatus.
Edlund. now 29. has been a daily and en»
thusiastic user ol snus. a pouch tobacco
product that in little more than a generation
has radically transl‘omied the tobacco cori-
sumption habits of Swedish men and. ac
cording to a growing stack ot medical re
search. has signilicantly lowered their risk
of smokingrelated diseases.

The popularity ol siitis in Sweden has
kindled a debate among public health ollii
cials here and elsewhere in Europe about

w hethcr siitis should be encouraged as .i
saler alternative to smoking. or discouraged
as gtust another harmlully addrctryc tobacm

And as .-\mcricans by the millions coti
ttnue to turn away lrom cigarettes. the

biggest cigarette marketer in thc l’S.

Philip Morris. is dipping rts lingers into the“

iriarkct too. latiiicliirig a sniis product in
lc\as ttiidcr its rticgarcigarcttc brand nanic

Such a move is controversial btit .i nc
CC\\ll_\' tor [55. tobacco ‘c‘tilnpumcs ;1s prcs
sure mounts to tind new avenues ol growth
in the lace ol a continual slide in the limit
bcr ol smokers in the l' S. Philip Morris
says its interest in snus was “natural” be
cause ”the smokeless tobacco category iii
the l'.S. market has been growing tor a
number ol year's." Riyal R..l. Reynolds al
ready has introduced a similar product no
dcr its ('amel label

But at ‘33 billion. the smokeless market
is still (my compared to the STU billion \ ig
ar‘ctte market. making it csscritral lor coni-
parties to rariip tip new products.

Snus the Swedish word ior' snuil
is what the tobacco industry describes as a
“\pllrlt‘L'L‘ smokeless product."
Swedish snus dc|i\crs a powerlul nicotine


punch. bitt with tar low ct lc\cls oi carcino
gens than cigat'cttcs

Swedish siiiis rs ttlitl\l. titteiy ground
tobacco typically sold in round plastic or
metal containers about the on ol a liock
cy puck The actual snus comes in two
loi’ms loose or in little paper sachets that
look like miniature tea bags \oii tuck tlic
saclict oi .t glob ot Ioosc- smis licliitiil \otii
upper lip

lliir'ty years ago. ~l
males smoked. today the ligtiic is H pct
cent. the low cst in tlic industriali/cd world
llcaltli cspci’ts credit the drop to .iggrcssiyc
itllllWlllOlslllg‘ campaigns and the growing
popularity ol sitiis .is a t‘cplaccriicnt During
this same period. daily snus use among
males gi'cw ti'orii ‘) percent to .iboiit I} per

1. [‘L'tsc‘tll (it .\\\ctltsll


chr'all tobatco constiiriptron in Swe-
dcn has not dropped much. but restarthcrs
.ir'c iiiipt’esscd by .i sigttiltcant statistical dc
clinc Ill lung cancer and other smoking t'c
latcd diseases among \wcdish men

In Sweden. the main argument in la
\or oi sniis is that ll seems to help people
tpiit smoking lt satislics tltcir nicotine
cr‘aying with .i tobatto product that is rust
as addictiyc but tar less ltarmlul than cig


but I
had no idea what to ask lot it "

But the record section. H”
and \ideo games
biggest draws ioi' sltlr

“.\lost \lllLlClll‘s come It] llct'c

"l'hcy‘r'c not looking lor'


'l'hc stall at l’Ol’S is person~
able. said an history senior liyan

" l‘liey haye a really cool at?
mosplicrc and the same three or
tour people working." he said.
"They remember your lace and
your taste in rnusic

Phillips said the prices are
another reason he shops at

a tap l

Chris Duarte w/ Blue Stone

9% 1' " ll- {1‘ PW“ Tt‘tets ( its’. Sill
FRIDAY, Sept. 28

Kelly Willis

, lite southga 9 House,
Ne: curt ll;th is tost $17 in ad
.i' o a" i S. t‘. at i"t (lot

we .~. v
Will Hoge

VHS or Beta

9;." i'. iiift‘u litersiiistait‘;

SATURDAY, Sept. 29
Kelly Willis

'Y‘. in» [hilt litkt‘iS 5 "Si Slit


Norsycrane w/ Bedtime and
Tina Cofer

.‘ .— l‘ ,. tip l‘t‘ by kt‘lo dll‘

' '.l' l't‘ \itlfit‘S?’ \

Seven Mary Three

L "" ‘t ‘ x ti ii
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t\l‘l.“l‘llli.‘ tit ilNUB’tSt

POPS Records cost $3 on aver-
age. Shorr said.

We have records starting at
35 cents and run all the way up
into the thousands." he said.

Btit the pressing and cover
of the record could make it
worth a lot more. Shorr said.
listing the Beatles~ “butcher cov—
er” record as one that could be
worth $300 or more,

“l'sually (prices are deter—
mined by‘i past experience."
Shorr said. “Sometimes you get
something in and you know
you only have one and you‘ll
only have one for a long time."

Not all the music at POPS is
pressed on vinyl A the store
hosts live performances too.
POPS recently hosted Quiver of
Jasper. a local band. and will
feature other bands in the com-
ing weeks. A calendar of events.
which also includes information
about special sales. is available
on POPS' Web site (www.pop—

Shorr said he opened POPS
in May l‘No alter he lclt his job
as a manulacturer‘s representa-
tive in the electronics industry
for health reasons. Initially he
thought about opening up a flea
mall and renting booths. but opt—
ed to open up his own store in—

“My wife visited lots and
lots ol tlea malls." Shorr said.
"And it (looked like) more has-
sle than it was worth between
collecting all that rent and evict—
ing people and stull like that."

POPS is located at 1-133
Leestown Road. and it is open
Monday through Saturday lrom
ll am, to 7 pm. Call 254-7677
or \isit POPS Web site
(w ww,popsresalecom) for more

the WEB-k Of
2:2 , ttt.:t.3

VHS or Beta
10 p 'n, Headliners touisvdle Tick»
(its ftlSt $76


Dirty Dozen Brass Band
8 p m, the Dame hckets cost $t2.

B p "t Headlines
etstnst 8‘3

,lOUISVIilC Tick-

Deerhunter w/ Mallory
9 p in , The Southgate House, New-
pod Tckets cost $8


The Samples w/ Bump and
Alex Wilkinson

Fl rt rn The Southgate House, New
rtort Tickets cost $13 in advance
on 8‘5 at the door

The Arcade Fire w/ LCD
730 it in the Waterfront.
lou sville hrkets cost $36





n amt BE JA
7/28 nor DREAM





 PACE4 | Thursday September 27 2007

WRFL 88.1 FM
Most-played albums of the week

1. MIA — “Kala” (lnterscope)

2. Caribou — "Andorra" (Merge)
"Fancy Footwork" (Vice)

3. Chromeo —

4. Flight Of The Conchords — ”The Distant Future" EP (Sub Pop)
5. Spoon — "Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga” (Merge)

6. Animal Collective —— "Strawberry Jam” (Domino)

7. Gogol Bordello — ”Super Taranta!" (Side One Dummy)

B. White Stripes — "Icky Thump" (Warner Bros.)

9. Justice — “t" (Vice)

10. Architecture In Helsinki —- "Places Like This" (Polyvinyl)

i e we
sit. we e

1. Swing Your Partner

Dance to your heart‘s content at ('ontra Dance at Artsl’lace on Sept.
28 from b‘ to ll p.in. Beginners are welcome. and a beginner lesson
will be offered frorii 71%!) to 830 pm. No partner is required. and
participants should dress for energetic activity. Admission is So for
adults and S4 for students and first~timers. for more information.
call 5525-333.

2. A-maze-ing

The Bi-Water Autumn l’est will feature a fiyevacre corn male.
spooky farmhouse and fresh produce. The event will be held Sept.
2‘) and Sept. 30 at Bi-Water Farm in (ieorgetown. Ky. l‘or more in-
formation. call (502) 863-3076.

3. Hair-raismg

"Hairspray" goes back to Baltiriiore in l962 when lti-year-old Tracy
Tumblad dances her way onto T\”s most popular show and into
the heart of her crush. This Tony Aw ard-winning musical starts at ts‘
pm in New‘lin Hall at (‘entre (‘ollegc in Damillc. Ky.. on Sept. 3‘).
For more information. call (877) “SJ-16‘).

America’s obsessions with pets and products
give rise to new 'PuppenNare' party fad

BLQynthie Hubert

McClatchy Newspapers

Kristina Andersen sure knows
how to bring a party to life.

“Carrot. vanilla or peanut
butter?" she shouts. holding up
cellophane bags of bone-shaped

Immediately. Andersen is
mobbed. A barkfest breaks out.
Laughter fills the room.

Pupperware. anyone?

Andersen. a perky Citrus
Heights. Calif.. animal lover. is
hoping to cash in on America‘s
obsession with its pets.

People have long sold cook»
ware and cosmetics in their
homes. she reasons. Why not
leashes. squeaky toys and dog—
gie breath mints?

The time is right. industry
insiders say.

Domestic critters inhabit 63
percent of households in the
country. or more than 7! million
homes. according to the Ameri-
can Pet Products Manufacturers
Association. This year. Ameri—
cans will spend an estimated
$4l billion on their animal coni—
panions. nearly double the
amount we shelled out a decade

Our powerful bond with
pets is not lost on the nation‘s
business moguls. Upscale hotel
chains like Kimpton now' plug
their pet-friendly policies. More
mainstream companies. from
Omaha Steaks to Old Navy. are
marketing pet products. At spe-
cialty stores and even at Target.
customers can buy all manner
of doggie and kitty couture.
from hipster lumberjack vests
to fetching Halloween cos~
tumes. There are feline spas.
canine yoga sessions and dc
signer cages for very special

()ne of the hottest new coir

Percare consultant Kristina Andersen shows off a steeper to a small audience at a

on Aug 25,

most days.

Shure launched his company
in 2003 and has seen revenues
increase may year. he said.
Shure Pets has moo “indcperr
dent pet consultants" throughout
the country. in all 50 states.
“We‘re growing. though we're
still a tiny company." he said.

On average. patties ring up
about $4M) in sales. said Share.
and consultants such as Ander-
sen earn 25 percent commission.
Party hosts earn credits toward

Andersen is throwing her
debut party on a warm Saturday
afternoon at her sister‘s home in
Antelope. (‘alif. Human guests
ha\c bceii encouraged to bring
w ell~behayed pets. who are al-
lowed to sample some of the

"We want to pamper


pet party in Antelope, Cam.

“Let's buy American!" she

Her pitch seems to be work»

sprit/crs to freshen stinky ca—
ninc coats. Pet dental kits and
“calming elixirs." Signs that an-
nounce “It‘s the Cat's House." ing.
Bow ls and beds and brushes and
chew toys.

"This is the best day of my
whole entire life?" Andersen
gushes. standing behind a table
where she has laid out a sam-
pling of products. “I am so ex-

She extols the virtues of se\ -
eral items. including a sturdy
plush tug toy that she claims has
far outlastcd similar items she
has purchased elsewhere for her
two Chihuahuas. (‘hico and


Amy Shaler. a pet sittct‘ and
dog walker by profession. fills
out an order form. purchasing
ewrything from \ltpCI‘»;lettt‘ltClll
towels to spray-on “boo—boo
bandages" for a few of her more
than llll) clients.

Basiness at her company.
About a Dog. is booming. she
said. Her clients include nurses
who work lZ—hour shifts and
busy attorneys who are more
than willing to spend money on
their tour-legged pals.

Kristen McCullough. whose
Weimaraner. Misty. has enthusr
anything." she said. "Most toys astically' dc\oured seyeral
don‘t last two hours in my "jerky log dogs" at the gather—
housc." Yet Tango the Tug Mon» trig. is ordering a sturdy new
key is still intact after two brush and a container of w ater—

guys can tear up

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