xt7jq23qzg0h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qzg0h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 2003 2003 2003-11-04 2020 true xt7jq23qzg0h section xt7jq23qzg0h KENTUCKY KBRNEL‘ES


November 4, 2003 Celebrating 32 years of independence”



By Ben Roberts



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"1111'5 5111111111111; 14111:" 81111111511111. “He‘s going: to alter :1
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11111111114. '1‘11:11‘5 11111' 111:1111 1111111111111 right n11wan1151111111111111};

.»\1111_\1111'5 11111'1'111'111a111111 111 1:151 11111111115 Blue-White
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'l‘1111t‘1‘11511111a11 1'11111111‘ tallied 171111111115. 11) 11111111111115 and
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.1\t'1111‘ 11111154111111 playing 111 New York (‘11): Alleyne 5:1111
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"l'\'11 11111111 learning :1 1111 1111111 111_\‘ tea1111nates(11111011111111
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away from New 1'111‘111‘111‘and111111111111:15111allt11w11likellex
1111411111. [511113111111 15 real h115pital11e down here. and it is a lit-
1111111551‘1'11w1l11111111111 N11wY111‘k."

()1111 111111,: .\1111111115:1111 1111 never experienced 15 the :11-
1111151111111‘11111111xp1111t51111111111111111111‘11111154111 at Rupp Arena.

"'1‘1111_\'\'11 111111 11111 :11111111 Rupp Arena." he said. "'1‘he_\'
5:1111 11 really 541115 1111111 111 there. 511 l have 111 prepare for that
l'\'11 1111\111'111111'1111 111 1111111 111’ 23.111111 people before."

.\1111111115:1i1l 1111 15 :1151111_\111111d 111111111 the opportunity to

“11.5 11111111 great playing 11:4:111151 111111111'111‘y 11:13:"1111521111.
“111-‘5 :111111 111 51111\\' 11111111111 111111545111111 l‘n1 :1l1let11show 111111
1111111 111111.145. \1'11‘1'1111111111111111111111111111111111111‘l1etter."

111117111. who 511111115 111 7 111111 1 1111111. 15 the first P1111511
11111111" 111 11111 111511111 111‘ Hi 1111511111111111. He left Poland when
1111 11:15 111 111.115 11111 111 play 1111‘ 1111111111111 Academy in North
111111211111. Maine. where111111x'111'11g1111 12 points and eight re-
11111111115 1:151 511:151111.

111151111111111:1111111_\ 111 1111151111 basketball and academics 15‘

"111 12111111111 115 1111111155111111 111111111511 we don't have any-
thing where 11111 11111 1.111 111 11111113411 and play basketball at one
1111111." ()111‘zut 5:1111. “1 111111 111 decide when I was in Poland
what I wanted 1111111. Did 1 want 1113411 111 the United States to

101111 10511111111111an 5111111 and 111111 [11151111111211]. 111‘ did 1 want to stay in Europe
:11111 511411 :1 111'111’115511111al 1~111111':1111‘.’l wanted the opportunity to

UK freshman centers Shaqari Alleyne (7 feet 3 inches) and Lukasz Obrzut (7 feet 1 inch) are the first 7-footers to play for UK since
Sam Bowie left for the NBA in 1984. The Cats hope the two can fill the void left by Marquis Estill and Jules Camera. See BIG on A2

21 Sl-IARIAG 1111-:qu 10 LUKAZ Bnrzu Kerrhrckyvsl'ean m

1 m, 7:311...
' Ruop Arena
1': UKTV-delay
M 98.1 FM. 630 All


5".” Team Niketeads l-O






Helm eager to return to form under new coaches

- - b ht 'h l ' ‘ 111."
After her scoring average declmed last season, former second 1121115 53:31? g; ga‘idnfffis“§jar.s

team all-SEC center SeSe Helm wants to lead the Wildcats again team is more excited to play bas-
ketball than any other team she s

been on.
Helm said DeMoss also in-
spires success.

Uni Keith getting into shape and losing some
:,—,-——~—- "11:11" weight this summer," Helm said.
She was pushed harder than “ . .
ThI‘OUBh all the “311811 times in ever in her career this summer by C0391:hD9i\4t‘)5?- 5179' 19 3111:“?
her past three seasons, SeSe H81!!! trying to answer any questions woman W] a 0 0 W“ 91‘. a 0 0

has stood tall in her afoot-4 frame about her passion for the sport hart. 3111011 9% pfiidféi 31111;th
and persevered. After last season Helm said 5 ng-w1 e ‘ e ‘ .' ,9 j
' that in her and see what it takes to

She faced another tough “8k she was ready for a change. win cham ionshi 5 And we ad-
Mickie DeMoss pushed her to en- change was not personal but a .. We want to not just Wm
sure her senior season would be a business change that needed to games but win Champion-ships "
enemas. . happen for the .UK women's bas- Helm said ‘ "

- DEMO“ told her_to get mto ketball team tobesucoesst‘ul. Helm 'said the team realizes
shape after her scormg average “Difficult times arenever easy that DeMoss and her coaching
to 11.4 pomts per game in for anyone.” Helm said Of her staff left their previous iobs for a

her junior year, down from 17 three seasons under former head chance to win at UK ‘ '
potntspergame the year before coach Bernadette Mattox. “We Th C t ‘11 16 11

Once again. Helm faced he!“ made the best of the times, and l t e a 5 (1wa . ' {“9111
challenge head on. that time made us stronger. as season a“ ‘ 1“ C0“ erence

“I heated on conditioning. on “The new coaching staff has See HELM on R

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington



u | ruesoifiomm 4. 2005" | new men's HOOPS pawn

Passed up by other SEC teams,
freshman guard longs to lead

By Terra Rental—ale

Assusnfirom tonon

As a five—footfive point guard from Oak Ridge. Tenn. An-
gela Phillips wanted nothing more than to play basketball in
a competitive conference for a team that wanted to win.

But because of her size, many SEC schools overlooked

It was not until Kentucky. still under the leadership of
Bernadette Mattox. spotted Phillips that she was able to find
her niche with a Division I team.

At the time of Phillips' recruitment. Kentucky was antic-
ipating the loss of senior point guard Rita Adams to gradua
tion in the spring of 2003. Adams had been the Cats rock sol-
id point guard for four years. She started 73 games. ranked
fourth on UK‘s all-time steals list with 267 and totaled 400 ca-
reer assists and 983 career points. Adams created a point
guard position that would be tough to fill.

But it seems as though Phillips may possess what
it takes to fill the shoes head coach Mickie DeMoss
would like her to fill.

Though she did not start in Kentucky‘s first ex-
hibition game Sunday. Phillips did play 23 minutes
filling in for senior point guard Racquel Ellis.
Phillips tied for fourth in scoring in UK's 73-64 victory
with nine points. She also had six assists and two

“I didn‘t think that she would come out
with that much poise being a freshman and
being so small at the point guard posi-
tion." senior forward Shambrica Jones
said. “She had us going. She was calling
plays and we just reacted to her. I think
she has the mental set of a senior out

Though she is a freshman.

Phillips said she could still lead
the team.

"1 think the team is looking
for a leader." Phillips said.
"There are a lot of good fol-
lowers on this team and I
have always been a leader. so
I led them and they fol-
lowed. We play well togeth-

As a freshman trying
to prove herself. Phillips
feels that all the hard work
she produces will benefit her
and the team.

"I want to make the
team the best it can be."

Phillips said. “I've always

been in winning pro-

grams and I think with

the great staff we have

here. we have a chance to

do something special. And if

I can help them win in any way.

then 1 want to."

Phillips‘ winning instinct was instilled in her as a high
school basketball player at Oak Ridge High School. The Lady
Wildcats were undefeated in the 2002 regular season when
Phillips averaged 14 points and eight assists per game. She
transferred to Oak Ridge specifically for basketball and de-
voted herself as a leader to head coach Jill Pruden and the
team for four years.

Phillips believes that both the will to win and the compe-
tition is something that Kentucky and Oak Ridge have in
common. as well as the coaching styles of the staffs.

“My high school coach and Coach DeMoss are a lot
alike." Phillips said. “They are the most intense. competitive
people I have ever been around. It is a challenge for me and I
want to be challenged."

DeMoss said she has already taken no-
tice of Phillips‘ desire in practice.
“She comes to practice with the
same attitude and work ethic every
day.“ DeMoss said. “She is a pleasure
to coach."


UK's 5-loot-5 point
guard Angela Phillips
is looking for a leader-
ship role on a team
with six seniors.





Continued from page Al


While Obrzut‘s 12-
points—per—game average for
Bridgton may seem meager
compared to other UK re-
cruits, he achieved those
numbers on a team that sent
seven players to Division I

Last season was also
Obrzut’s first in the United
States. He said he's just now
getting used to the different
styles of play.

“The difference is how
strong the American players
are,” he said. “Players in Eu-
rope are maybe not as
strong, but they are quicker.
I’m teaching myself how to
play with (stronger) play-

Being the second tallest
player on his team is anoth-
er change for Obrzut.

“It is a good experience
for me because I‘ve never
played against that big of a
player before in my life." he
said. “I’m teaching myself
how to play against Shagari,
and he's teaching himself
how to play against me."

Smith said he likes the
improvement he has seen
from both players over the
course of the off-season.

“I like where they are at
this point in practice." he
said. “There will be a lot of
opportunities for them to

Although he has shied
away from starting fresh-
men in the past. Smith said
he is leaving the door open
for Alleyne and Obrzut this

“Every position is
open.“ he said. “No one has
a starting spot on my team
until they prove it. and they
have to prove it every day."




Continued from page A1


play. However, the team
had only one senior. And
of the games lost. six
games were lost by 10
points or less.

“We have learned what
it takes to win. been told
what it takes to win and ex—
perienced what it takes to
win," Helm said of the first
few weeks of practice.

She said they always
knew what it took to com-
pete. but now they know
what it takes to win in the

Shambrica Jones. a 6-
foot senior forward. has
been Helm’s teammate
throughout her college ca-
reer. Helm and Jones actu-
ally introduced each other
to their fiancés two years

Jones said Helm talked
her into giving a boy her

number before Helm would
give her a present she had
bought. Jones and the boy
hit it off immediately. and
a few weeks later, Jones in-
troduced Helm to her new

Jones said she expects
Helm to be back in full
form by the season.

“She is the ‘man in the
middle.’ our ‘big man.”
Jones said.

“I think she will lead
the team in scoring and be
the big offensive player for
us. She started off in a
slump and had to lose a few
pounds. Coach put the
pressure on her to do it.
and she did. Now she is
getting up and down the
floor better."

Jones said regardless
of Helm’s play. off the
court Helm is a soft-spoken
woman.“(Helm) is big on
the outside." Jones said.
“But in the inside she is a
little teddy bear."

E-mail kerneltwukyedu


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Blowing by the competition


Sophomore guard Kelenna Azubuike is in UK’s projected starting lineup, replacing senior guard Antwain Barbour who will sit out to serve a
suspension. UK plays four non-conference opponents ranked in the preseason Top 25. giving it one of the NCAA’s most difficult schedules.

Fear the mighty

Last season. after
needing a last-second
3-pointer from Keith
Bogans to defeat the
obviously non-seden-
tary Athletes in Ac-
tion the Cats fell to
Team Nike 84- 75

Do not be alarmed M
if tonight IS a repeat WV”

In fact. do not be
alarmed if UK only wins by 50.

But keep in mind. anything can

Last season, UK had 45 practices be-
fore its exhibition opener. This year.
Tubby has had only 36 sessions to pre-
pare his Wildcats because of the new
game schedule.

After an off-season traffic incident.
senior guard Antwain Barbour will ride
the bench for the two exhibition games
and the regular season opener against

The lineup tonight will be small.
with sophomore guard Kelenna
Azubuike starting and Tubby passing
up a chance to start one of the freshman
“big men."

Plus. Team Nike beat the Miami
Hurricanes 8886 Sunday.

But the point of these exhibitions is
to begin the Cats' long march on the na-
tion’s most difficult path to the Final
Four in San Antonio. Texas.

UK plays four non-conference oppo-
nents ranked in the preseason coaches
poll Top 25: Michigan State (No. 3).
North Carolina (No. 10). Louisville (No.
16) and Notre Dame (No. 19).

And that‘s exactly how it should be.

I’m from the Cincinnati area. and
every year all I hear about is how good
the University of Cincinnati Bearcats
are. Bob Huggins leads his team to a
spectacular record against a schedule
full of cupcakes. The problem comes
when the team gets highly seeded in the
NCAA tournament and gets bounced in
the second round when it has to face a
real team.

Eighty miles down Interstate-75.
that won‘t happen.

Normally such a tough schedule
may mean a few early losses and a lower
ranking in the polls in exchange for a
team that's prepared come March. But
this year‘s team has seen its share of
tough games already

And assuming a much more confi‘
dent Barbour returns to the starting
lineup after serving his time, the only
non-senior starting for the Wildcats
would be junior forward Chuck Hayes.

Hayes, by the way. spent his sum-
mer competing for the US. team in the
Pan-Am games.

Sure, the home schedule isn't terri»
bly strong. Tubby of course tried to sell
the challenge of playing teams like
Winthrop. “a three-time champion in
their conference.“ and Tennessee Tech.
coached by former UK assistant coach
Mike Sutton. “who knows exactly what
we do. It's almost like you‘re playing
against yourself." Tubby said.

But traveling to Detroit for the Bas-
ketbowl with Michigan State and head—
ing to Anaheim. Calif. to face UCLA in
the John Wooden Classic is exactly how
to prepare for the Southeastern Confer
ence and NCAA tournaments.

Besides. getting a bunch of top
notch schools to commit to a home-and-
home series isn‘t always possible. espe-
cially when we've already set series
with Indiana. Louisville and North Car-

A regular season record of 24-3 or
better is not out of the question.

At Media Day. head coach Tubby
Smith agreed. saying the 2003-04 squad
is “very capable of being as good. or bet-
ter. than last year‘s (32-4) team."

San Antonio. here we come.

E—mail Silié’yru kykernelrom



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Tough play from Hayes
continues in off-season

Head coach Tubby Smith says junior forward Chuck Hayes has a
secure spot in the starting lineup, plays tough even in practice

I worry
about our
when he
the lane.”

- UK head coach Tubby
Smith on the play of
junior forward Chuck


By Chris Fisher


A dream came true for junior forward Chuck
Hayes over the summer.

He momentarily traded in the white and
blue for the red. white and blue as he and 11 of
the nation's other top collegiate talents repre-
sented the United States at the PanAmerican
games in Santo Domingo. Dominican Republic.

“It was one in a million." Hayes said. “Grow-
ing up I‘ve seen the all the Dream Teams. all the
world championship teams. and to put on that

jersey. that made me apart of history Nobody

can take that away from me.“

Following six days of training in Orlando.
Fla. Hayes was one of 12 players selected by
Michigan State head eoarh Tom Izzo after flash-
ing his hallmark traits toughness and re-

On a team that included five AllAmericans
from last season. Hayes led Team USA in re-
bounding l7.til minutes (29.!) and was second in
scoring (11.2).

Hayes burst onto the national scene last sea-
son as the Notre Dame Fighting Irish came into
Rupp Arena boasting a top-10 ranking and a for-

midable front-line. Hayes overpowered Notre
Dame‘s frontcourt. going for career highs in
points (17) and rebounds (16). while adding five
assists and three blocks as the Cats beat the Irish

Averaging 8.6 points per game and leading
UK in rebounding (6.8). Hayes recorded a team
best five double-doubles last season. As a further
credit to his versatility. he led the Cats in free
throw shooting, connecting on a 78.8 percent clip
from the free throw line.

But it’s Hayes‘ hard-hat and lunch-pail blend
of defense. rebounding and toughness that
makes it difficult for Coach Smith to get him off
the floor.

“That's the luxury I have as a coach. to have
somebody be a utility player who can do so many
things and be willing to do those things." Smith
said. “That‘s what makes Chuck such a beautiful
person and player. He is such an unselfish guy
that he will do whatever it takes to help the team.
It will be tough to get Chuck out of the lineup.“

Hayes‘ defensive capabilities were on full
display in the NCAA Tournament's Midwest Re-
gional semifinal in Minneapolis last season as
Hayes shut down Wisconsin‘s Kirk Penney. who
exploded for 17 points in the first half. In the sec-
ond half. Hayes welcomed the defensive assign-
ment and limited Penney to only three points on
three shots in the second half.

As the Cats‘ resident enforcer. Hayes‘ reck-
less abandon sometimes even scares Smith.

"A guy like Chuck Hayes. he‘s just a
bruise." Smith said. “He uses his body as
a weapon. I worry about our players
getting hurt sometimes when he

goes through the lane.“
Even teammate Erik
Daniels. who has bulked up
over the summer. knows that
facing Hayes is a challenge

every time.

“He has a football play-
er‘s body." said Daniels. "We
work each other pretty hard.
But it's made me a lot better.”

Freshman forward Sher-
ay Thomas said there‘s never
a day off when he plays
against Hayes in practice.

“It's physical." he said.
“He brings it every day and

he makes us better."

Hayes again impressed
those at the annual Blue-

White Scrimmage Oct. 25.
Hayes scored 22 points. pulled
down 13 rebounds. dished out
five assists and came up with
three steals.
And as the Cats‘ tnost reliable
all-around performer. Hayes is vi-
tal to the team‘s success this sea
son. Smith said.
“He does all the little
things to help you win."

rfisheru A‘ykernelrom

(amen goes abroad

Junior forward Chuck ileyes led UK in rebounds per
game and free throw percentage last season and was
second on the team in points per game. Hayes spent the
summer playing tor the 0.5. national team in the Pan-
Am games in the Domlnlcen Reputllc. lle played elong-
slde flee All-American college players.

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Guard play remains key for Cats

By TInI Wlseman

Despite the media frenzy
around UK‘s two 7-footers,
UK‘s main attraction re-
mains its deep backcourt.

This season, head coach
Tubby Smith has a back-
court of seasoned veterans
and rising stars, a group he
hopes will spark the team of-

“I think we are capable
of scoring more points this
year because we have more
offensive weapons,” Smith

With so many weapons in
his arsenal, Smith will face a
challenge: finding playing
time for all his guards. A
challenge, Smith said, made
more difficult by the team's
schedule this season.

“The strength of our
schedule creates a real
dilemma for us as far as get-
ting the playing time that we
would like to get,” he said.

Headlining the list of
guards are seniors Antwain
Barbour, Gerald Fitch and
Cliff Hawkins. Joining them
are sophomores Kelenna
Azubuike and Brandon
Stockton, as well as junior
Josh Carrier.

The bevy of backcourt
players gives UK the chance
to try multiple looks on of-
fense, Stockton said.

“We have used a lot of
combinations in practice, and
that’s something we are going
to be able to do all year.”

Last season, Stockton
had to provide a stopgap
while Hawkins sat out the
fall semester. Now, Hawkins
is back at the point, the posi-
tion where Smith believes he
will shine.

“Cliff is an excellent
penetrator and can really
find the open man when he
draws the defense,” Smith
said. “That’s what Cliff does

When Hawkins slices
through the defense, he will
look to find one of UK's out-
side shooters.

A year ago. Fitch was
one of the top~10 three-point
shooters in the Southeastern
Conference and a consistent
scorer for the Cats. He re-
turns to the shooting guard
position this season.

And with Keith Bogans
gone to the NBA, Fitch
knows he must become a
leader for the Cats

“I feel like I can play Kei-
th’s role,” Fitch said. “I‘m
not too worried about it. I’ve
been a leader before.”

As always, Smith’s focus
is on defense. He said he
likes the defensive presence
his guards bring.

“Our strength is in the
backcourt where we can put


a lot of pressure on the ball,”
Smith said.

For tonight’s game,
Smith expects Azubuike to
join the starting lineup
alongside veterans Hawkins,
Fitch, Erik Daniels and
Chuck Hayes.

Azubuike wowed fans
last season with highlight-
reel dunks and offensive fire-
works. Now, Smith wants to
put Azubuike on the floor as
much as possible.

“(Azubuike) is a very ex-
plosive player," Smith said.
“We just need to find oppor-
tunities where he can help

Entering last season,
many expected that explo-
siveness to come from the
transfer Barbour. But a bro-
ken hand cost him a month’s
worth of games and left him
on the sidelines for much of
UK’s winning streak.

Barbour will sit out
tonight’s game against Team
Nike, but his backcourt
mates are ready to carry the
burden as a unit.

“If everyone has the
right attitude, we’ll be fine,”
Azubuike. “We can’t be self-
ish or anything like that. We
have a lot of versatility in
the backcourt, so if everyone
does their job, plays good de—
fense and plays as team,
we’ll be alright.”

E-mail kernel@uky.edu




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Some new faces could make
for another Wild, Wild West

By Dee mm

With no Western division teams ranked in the preseason Top 25. all six squads will be
jockeying for position in the standings throughout SEC play.

Mississippi State took the regular season division title last year with a conference
record of 9-7. but the Bulldogs will have to replace
starters Mario Austin, Michal Ignerski and
Derrick Zimmerman if they want to repeat
that success.

Bulldogs head coach Rick Stansbury
said lack of experience would be a factor
for every team in the division.

“It's difficult to replace players like
Mario Austin and Derrick Zimmerman to
the draft.” Stansbury said. “But we feel our
chances are good to win the West because
everybody lost key players. You can replace
the talent. but you cannot replace the ex-

Auburn is the only team in the
West that didn’t lose three or more
starters from last season. The Tigers
have 10 lettermen returning from
a squad that had more success in
the 2003 NCAA Tournament
than anyone in the division.

After securing one of the
Big Dance‘s final at-large bids.

Auburn upset St. Joseph‘s and

Wake Forest before falling to

eventual national champion

Syracuse by two points in the
Sweet 16.

Auburn head coach Cliff Ellis
said his team’s unexpected NCAA
Tournament run last year should car-
ry over to this season.

“The trip to the Sweet 16 last year
should give the returning players on the
team a lot of confidence coming into this
season." Ellis said. “We just have to build
on what we have and try to be as success-
ful as we can be.“

Another pre-season favorite for the
Western division crown is LSU. The
Tigers will be led on the court by forward