xt7jq23qzf24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qzf24/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1996 1996 1996-09-26 2020 true xt7jq23qzf24 section xt7jq23qzf24 . . _.-~.¢---o--- .. .

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WEATHHI Mostly cloudy ,1;
today, big/J in upper 70:. Forty l
ereent chance or rain toni' 'lfl. '3’
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Cloudy Friday, high 77. :i
. . .. Se tember 26 I 996
SPACE” 0|" Comm bow/mg .rbedx a dif— p 3 1"
““““ "— » . . . . o C .ii i ' . ' 3’
ferent light on the traditional pins, liallx and M: 2501—3
1 (froii‘uord 5 Spam 5
lanes. See KeG inside. Palm log 2 Heir/tom! 4
I -
~~-—---- B M m womn lsreal, Palestine
y a man - -
, 6 ”KW...” 4 G076 to address students clash over anclem tunnel
'3’.» 3 C 0 .
UK students are about to et on Admtnlstrfltlon Lawn RAAIALLAH, W'est Bank — Palestinian police
g .
rocked __ without music. and Israeli troops battled With automatic weapons
-— ~~ . , With a little be] from Rock By Kathy Belling yesterday, casting. Israel and the Palestinians into
the Vote, the UK - tudlllent Gov— AJ‘J‘IJ'MIII Newilzdiior their biggest 515.137 ip thaee yearshbevinséieople
ernment Association wi sponsor were reporte i .e‘. an more t an . . were
voter re 'stration drives today The vice~president of the United States will make “")l}nd‘5(l 35 Palestinians cheered on the” P”l1cc
throu h riday from 10 a.m. to a campaign stop on campus tomorrow. 338m“ the Israelis.
pin. he timing is appro riate in Al Gore is scheduled to speak at noon on the lawn The exchanges 0f fire in ‘he “'65! Bank towns
ight of VicePresident Gore’s in front of the Administration Building, but pe0p1e of Ramallah and Bethlehem began during stone—
Visit to administration lawn this are encoura ed to start coming by 11 a.m., according throwmg protests by thousan s of Palestinians
anfla/l: to Ernie GiEble of the Clin— angered by Israel’s deCision to open an archaeo—
3 itney Hale, overnmental ton—Gore campaign. logical tunnel ne’ar Jerusalem’s Al Aqsa Mosque
affiirs coorfliigatogl or SGAI, szfiid Gore’s visit is sponsored conspountlbllslam séhlr-d-h-Uhiit Site. h h
stu ents W] e a e to app y or b UK Youn Democrats rime mister enyamin l. etanya u, w 0 per-
either an absentee ballot or regis— 3,311] the 5mg,“ Govern- Eonally ordered completion ofthle tunnel, said
ter on the spot. She said out-of— ment Association, in con- the deCision was good, but the timing was bad.
staltle regilstration and absentee junction with the Palestinian protesters and Israeli forces also
ba ots wi I be done until Friday. Clinton/Core General clashed in Arab east Jerusalem and the West Bank
Ballot information was provided JAMES CRISP Kendall/f Committee. loou'ua town of Hebron. Those scuffles did not involve
btytthJe 3:25;? é’f the fifcretary 0f MICK "IE '0“ Kelly Wesley, SGA Senator, sign: up esbmen jameca Melanie Cruz, SGA exec- abead gunfire and only minor ”Hume" were reported.
sae,o .rown . ~ ' ‘ ' ' .‘.
8C1? suppltenyent the d3rlives. flfiflggfimfim CW3” Le“ 9332503122;,ifgfgii’fiiid... m 3523 iffififrisafiifé’éiai‘i V Yeltsin awalts surgery in hospital
’ '3 par 'C'patmg m 0"." For the first time, the Panhel— wait until the fall semester when Hillary (.linton or Tipper Al Gore will MOSCOW _ 130m Yeltsin'g by a“ 5.“,- er
Educam“ Day 0" Wed. 0‘“- 2 ‘" lenic Service Committee has also olirical fervor amon students Gore make an appearance eak at tbe 'n 3 ' - c i U “P. 3‘ 3 g y
the Student Centeris free speech collaborated to co-sponsor the P Id be h' h g on campus but they were Aldpmi'nrtr 1' WI have to wait six to 10 weeks to give his dam-
area. Booths will ro- . . “’03 3 3 lg - _ 3 3 ' . _‘ um aged heart time to heal, and then he ll need two
mote the ya i I drive 35 a receding CiVic education is an impor— unable ‘0 SChedUIC either ”I Lawn Fndayat months to recuperate from the operation —
d r cuidoca event to omens tant part of democracy,” political them. However, cam algn noon meaning Russia will likely be governed from a
an state can 1 ”"335 i..— Awareness Week, said . . f Ph'll' R d coordinators in Was in — - . - W . '
from the Democratic . selence pro essor i ip oe er 3 3 ‘1 Sickbed into the new year.
_ 3 MG." counc1l member and 'd up l l b ton, D.(.. said they wou d . . . - . 1 . , . r .
and Re ublican artleg unn— 531 - COP e try t0 earn a out . . . . Doctors said \esterday that Yeltsin must
. . P . p " SGA senator Kelly like to bring the Vice-preSident here. - ' . '- ' . - ,
Politically active groups cam . Wesle the government, and try to better 3 , .3 3 3 ,3 remain in a hospital or health resort until be
such as the National pa u ' d l society by participating in political (,ruz 5‘3"] she was excited that 5(’A '5 able m help undergoes the triple or quadruple bypass surgery,
Or anization for 6 l: wanhe to (lg PTOCess.” host the V‘CC‘preS'de' although he can do paperwork and see visitors. '
wg d (‘ ' somet mg t at wou This election year has been “I’m really anOIVC‘l With the Democratic Party,” “He's mentally as alert as he can be " said
\3'. ~ peabndecvillalie (haze: ggznlifisegt;2;f . 3W; dubbed, “The Year of the'Young said CNZ' “The campaign decides where they want American specialist Michael DeBakey, whi) con~
’ well, Hale said. (the service committee) felt it Person.” All the more reason, said ‘0 goblglse'ems [Ilenfuli‘kl'sl’] mail/33:63,? 3“"“g 3‘3"?" , h sulted with Yeltsin’s Russian doctors for three
Anyone who’s interested in would be of service to the campus senior Alison (:rabtree! for twenty 13 - e agree “It entuc 'l s importance m t e hours .VCSICJ‘hY and “I“ return for the ‘?l’°“‘tl”“~
environmental or women’s issues community because a lot ofpeople somethings to exercise the right. “Pfi‘l’g‘mg 1‘93")“ . l 3 , 3 l g 3 3 ,, h 3 3' . 3 _ “There is no reason why he cannot. lunction in
can go to these organizations and don’t have easy access to register." “One day," she said, “this entuc y '5 certain y a targetu “at" t 5"“ ' his ”WNW 3“ PFCchm" “:h'lc awning writer}:
see who’s the best candidate on W’esley said SGA tried to hold country will be ours to run.” Se,» GORE (m 2 DcBakey said at a news conference.
‘ 0.0...‘...................O.................CC....C...................OI...C..O....IOOOOO0.0.C...................... NAIIUN Houseapprovesanti-alienhills
- - - - I \VASHINGTON — Cracking down
on illegal aliens, the House passed two bills yester»
VISI ors s are u I a WI da '— one focusing on law enforcement and the
ot er letting states deny public school education
to illegal alien children. Only the first has a chance
. f rettin President Clinton’s si mature.
By Kalliy Ending students can be successful. She 0 5 3g . .é‘ .
. . . . . . The Senate is ex ected to re ect the second bill
Airman: New: Editor said the socml justice office at P- l . -
VVU . -— passed 254-175 in the House— and “mum
To Mary Jane Hitt, social :0 thrgzsggeigwfglfigfigogfi has said he would veto the measure, even though
3 justice is more than a political women’s African American it would allow currently enrolled illegal aliens to
' correctness fad. disability, and sexual oriental stagm SChOOl' . h H ‘d h b” ld
“It’s creating an atm0_ tIOn concerns c upporters In t e Ouse 53] t C l W01]
5 here where e0 le who » . ' , . . remove an incentive for foreigners to come here
£3“, b su PfulP b it She thinks UK s incluswe illegally and allow voters to decide whether they
3 to e “€55 can e, learning proposals are a good . . -
said Hitt, executive Officer for step in creating a non-discrim- want to bear, the expense of educating children
social justice at West Virginia inatory atmosphere here but who shouldn t be in the country. Opponents said
University, completing her need time to work ’ it would punish innocent children for the behaVior
visit at UK with a faculty, staff “People at the top have to of their parents and push thousands of young eo—
and student forum yesterday. becommitted,” Hitt said. “But ple into the streets. The far larger bill, w ich
“What we mean by social people at all levels have to care would nearly double the number of border patrol
justice is what you mean when also ,, officers and speed deportation procedures, passed
you talk about the Inclusive Chancellor Elisabeth earlierin the day, 305'123‘ 3,
Learning Community,” Hi“ Zinser said the in ut from -
[Old the UK OUP- Hitt and Dana Broo ‘, also of 7’. pp 8'
This wee , UK has been WVU, has helped UK, NAM Ed'O In '3
ifising {Iii/est Virginia’s 933": “I have used this visit as an
or i ance In Its continue opportunity to reflect on 3'5"
impFeumentation ofnew“inclu- where we are and where we Grammar clieclt: Intro ford Center
sive learing” responses. The want to be,” Zinser said. LOS ANGELES — kelsey Crammer, star of
University’s plan for creating The push for the inclusive the Emmy-Winning comedy “Framer," checked 7:1,],
an Incluswe Learning Com- learning community is an into the Betty Ford (.enter for substance abuse
munlty aims to make UK extension of efforts already in Mmenls' Kane/n47] andkthe NBC-TV series IS on temporary hold, a
more accepting of all people lace, such as the resident’s , , _ . , , spo eswoman said yesterday. 35,:
and reduce discrimination. Equal 0P ortunityp commis- [EARNING «WSIICE Maryjane Hitt of West Virginia Umvemry speak; to UK staff and rtudentx. The developments follow a weekend crash in {I
“The thing that is special sion, sai Juanita Flemin , . . . , . ,3 3 “ which Grammer flipped his red Dodge Viper 3‘
about higher education is that special assistant to the univei to 1.00" at all perspectives Of M63538. Mom.“ a history PIC S minds, Moore 5333.31 I sports car outside his Agoura Hills home and “’35 fl-
we are diverse,” she said. sity president. the issues. and political selence Junior don’t think it’s open hostility. arrested and booked for investigation of driving ,
“That (discrimination) does “This is nothing new. This “This can not be a reaction said the inclusive learning Ifwe were able to see this out- under the influence. ‘3;
not have a place in higher edu- is a continuation of what’s to a reaction. It can’t be a responses won’t happen ward, racism would be able to A spokeswoman for the show said there would 3
cation.” going on at this university result of an uproar," Finney overnight. be clearly seen.” be no elaboration on the type of treatment or the 5.3;)
Hitt said educators have a already.” Flemin said. said. “We need to do this “The outward respect is According to Hitt, “This is expected length of. stay at the Rancho Mirage ‘3"
3 moral and ethical duty to cre- English rolgessor Nikky because we need to be better there, but we want to get in not about compliance.This is desert fatality ”0 m‘lCS 335‘ “I L05 AngeleS- a;
ate an environment where all Finney said K's team needs human beings.” the imbedded attitudes in peo- about social justice." ("mpil’dl’m 3“" "pom. 3»’.........O...OOCOOOOICOO.C...‘.......OOCCOOOC.COOCOOOOOOOCOOOCOCOOO0.0...O....C...................I.................... 3:
loss 0' slee ma have accidents the following morning. Americans get 20 ercent less
Other lon —term consequences sleep than people did 100 years - ' - '35
p y of sleep eprivation are an ago. The commission also Spr'ng Shlfl Fa" 831'“
increased risk of heart disease and attributes 600,000 automobile 2300-
breathing disorders, according to accidents in 1991 to slee iness.
' the Nebraska Rural Health and Alon with auto acci ents, lost .200
Safety Coalition. productivity and r decision '"
3 . 3 3 Sleep is as essential as eating making due to s eepiness cost g 2700 a
Edftm‘ note; Tbflf: lb; fim of a tampon “Sleep deprivation results in and breathing. People spend one- America $15.9 billion. " l
:maonxleepdepnvamn. reduced vigilance and divergent or third of their lives asleep. Most The Better Sleep Council, a '8
creative thinking. Slee depriva- adults require a minimum of SCVen non rofit organization supported "'6 4000
a! “MIMI! P. 30W” tion also results in in state dis- to eight hours of quality sleep per by t e bedding industry, conclud- _ , _ ‘
Sufi Writer turbance,” wrote David W. Hill, night. cd from a 1994 survey that one in 3 250°- i
Jean E. Welch and John A. God— When people sleep, they spend five people called in sick to work 3 , ,
There just do not seem to be frey III of the University of Texas 90 minutes per night in nonra id because they did not get a good I ' . ,
enough hours in the day to get it in their study, Mood, Sleep Quali- e e movement sleep or NR night’s sleep. ' 1 __ -. » ‘
all done. Classes, homework and a ty and Sleep. 5 eep. One-fifth of the night is In vogue is power napping, tak- 3 m 3 3M ' 3» '
job are a lot for most students to M.H. Bonnet and 0.1.. Arand, spent in rapid eye movement sleep ing a short nap half way through ‘ , . W
wtwhm-m-v— _ ju . 3 authors of a study on short-term or REM slee . the day. The Trends Research l "’ ‘. ,3 3'
ften, students sacrifice. a sleep deprivation, said decreasing During EM slee , the body Institute said in January naps are
night’s sleep to get everything sleep by an hour and half one slows down considera ly. Heart part of “full-spectrum fitness” and
done. . night decreases the following rate, breathing and metabolism are an important element in a “NJ m..._ ~
‘Pullin an all ni hter’ or day’s alertness by 32 rcent. fall to levels that barely sustain the healthy lifestyle. @ (é ¢ ¢
‘burmng _e midni ht at ’is called Stanley Coren, h.D at the body. It is at this time that the Though grabbin naps r V“ ‘
sleep dc rivation in medical Clr- UniverSity of British Columbia, body repairs damage to its cells between classes may he p students 3 3
cles. Cole students set them- correlates daylight savings time and the immune system is the stay awake in class, naps are not \ \
selves up or failure when they and traffic acudents. most efficient. equal to a night’s worth of quality
3 slug sleep to ’tl'dy‘. On the night prior to the time REM sleep is when dreaming sleep. A nap will remedy groggi-
‘ . h leep dc rivation dofes littora- (I: light savingsltime goes into occurs. The brag: consolidates ness temporarily. But power nap- hNGEWJ-HJW
.» t In just ma e a person cc are e ct, everyone oses an hour of memories durin is period. in for 30 minutes to an hour ' ' .
" the next day, according to in l996 sleep. This lost hour of slee The 1992 bfitioml Commis- lloeg not allow the bod enough m UM ._WQ~, wu*~“
. study at the University of Texas. accounts for the increase in trafl'i'ip: sion on Sleep Disorders stated time for NREM and REX! sleep. , “flmwwmw "Md"
m 3 I ‘ '4 L ‘. h
. "'“ .~ ,3' ‘ VP " ' 'Wf ' 3 - .3 —""'—7{ .3 “is.
" it‘y": l 3 I ' I. ' 3 ‘ " "33‘ . _ 'u 3 “kale:- ‘ 3 3.; 5 @3733 3
.3, . . 3‘.- 3'33 .33. 0 . V’frj»:






























9.... . .

2 M, September 26, I996, rem-e, Km";



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‘5: rain” ........ a ........ CilfiSEastCrliflg
‘ ___Spom Editor . ...................... Rob Herbst

By Scott Hays

contributing Writer

o_IIsocauoo.-e .................. ROBCITDUH?’ .
” Editor . ........................ Dan O’Neil UK completed a self-stud this
0". . I O C O .0 I o O I I I o e I I l o v n I a I o a I l Julie ”demon n10nth that found the at . letlc
.i' ' . ............. Ste hank Cordle department to be in compliance
1" ' ’.' f ' ’ ' ' racie Pardon wrth NCAA regulations. _
3'1’3” ' ’ ' ’ ' """""""" Sh - Pl'i l ill A report of these findings has
,:» "“""" """"" 01'] as“ 6 been sent to an NCAA review
(gigs; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... Ben 065 team, who will use them in
_ ,. ,. -‘Newapaper at The University of Kentu I\ovember to
’ iiluti1894, Independent since 1 71 dmrm'ne

whether or not
UK will retain its
athletic certifica—

The review
team will be com-
posed of faculty
and staff from
other universities.

Sandy Bell, assistant director of
athletics for compliance, said she
was not surprised by the study’s
positive results.

“We have two administrators
here that only do compliance,”
she said. “Instead of putting out
fires (from compliance violations)
we’ve been able to do a lot of
proactive things. We felt fairly
good at that were in substantial
compliance (at the time of the

The study was conducted by
four subcommittees who present-
ed all of their information to a
campus steering committee head-
ed byjoseph Burch, vice president
for university relations. The sub—
committees consisted of UK
administrators and faculty.

Their study focused on four
areas: governance and rules com-
pliance, academic integrity, fiscal
integrity and commitment to

The subcommittees assessed
the information gathered in each
of these areas and suggested
improvements. Because of the
athletic department’s efforts to
maintain compliance, few sugges-
tions were made.

“The committee’s recommen—
dations were quite moderate,” said
John Scharfenberger, chief report
writer for the study.

The subcommittee for gover—

‘ mam "Journalism? '1 Bag. Univwia‘ii’mm’
. . ...>__Laington,Kentucky40506- 7-

Yortr ’ tbc Kentuc Kermli e.
la ”flame” $1. each. 5f”





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By Stacy Coontz
Contributing Writer

If, upon glancing up at the sky
tonight, you happen to see the
moon slowly vanish before your
eyes, don‘t be alarmed. There is
nothing to fear, although it may
seem a bit eery to watch the har-
vest moon, usually a brilliant cop-
per red, turn to black.

This evening, most of North

America will be able to witness a
total eclipse of the moon. It will
begin at 9: 12 p.m., enter the total—
ity stage at 10:19 p.m., and end at
‘2:36 am.
“Anyone who has a chance to
see it should look up," said Tom
Troland of the physics and astron—
omy department.


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Study finds lilt Athletic
Department to be in
compliance with lllcllA

nance and rules compliance sug—
gested that the Athletic Associa-
tion Board conduct an orientation
meeting to show the board mem-
bers their roles and responsibili—

It also suggested that the AAB
and other sub-groups of the ath-
letic department have more com-

The subcommittee on academ-
ic inte ity studied the integration
of stu ent-athletes in the student
bod , admission and graduation,
aca emic authority and support
and scheduling events.

The committee found that the
athletic department has done an
excellent job in this area. Its only
suggestion was that the academic
integrity subcommittee continue
its meeting to help the de art—
ment maintain its high stan ards
of academics.

“The university was pleased


with these results, charfenberg—
er said.
The committee on fiscal

integrity was in charge of deter-
mining if the funding for the
department was being handled
pro erly. The committee did not
find) any faults with the budget,
and its only recommendation was
that budget revisions be handled
throughout the year instead of at
the car's end.

he fourth subcommittee stud—
ied the department’s commitment
to equality. Its main concerns
were gender issues, minority
issues and the welfare of student-
athletes. It suggested that the Ath-
letics Director attempt to ro-
mote gender equality and adcii‘ess
minority opportunities in the

Although the universi is
pleased with the results 0 the
study, it will not know whether or
not it will retain NCAA certifica—
tion until the review team comes
in November.

“Hopefully, they won’t find
that any bi chan es need to be
made,” Be 1 sai . “We think
maybe a little fine tuning here and
there, but nothing bi .”

The review for i CAA certifi-
cation is done every five years.

As a bonus for astronomy buffs,
Saturn will be located “a few
degrees southeast of the moon”,
said Troland, and will be especial—
ly bright.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the
Earth passes between the sun and
the moon. The moon then enters
into the Earth’s shadow and seems
to vanish from sight.

Troland pointed out eclipses
provided the ancients with a valu—
able clue.

“The shadow of the Earth is
round,” he said, which is clearly
visible during an eclipse.

“The only shape that casts a
round shadow is a sphere...(the
fact that the Earth is round) has
been known for millennia."

Also, “the moon never com—










Avenue; Comp amant stated
unknown person took item with—
out his permission from unse-
cured area.

VThird-de ee criminal mis-
chief; 460 Hilltop Avenue Phi
Kappa Psi social fraternity house;
Complainant stated unknown
person caused damage to frater-
nity house.

VThird-degree criminal mis-
chief; Faculty Club arking lot;
Complainant stated> someone
threw a rock or other hard object
at his company vehicle, causing

Sept. 23

VTheft by unlawful taking
over $300; Lexington Communi-
ty College Green Lot; Com-
plainant stated someone forced
down his right rear window and
caused damaglel and removed

groperty from 5 vehicle.
ept. 22
VIndecent exposure;

Funkhouser Drive; Complainant

stated listed suspect exposed

himself in his presence.



Clflllflnl fl“ Funkhouser Drive;
I". "I Police ' Com lamant stated
I I I .4 I I liste subjects exposed
himself in his pres-
Sept. 24 *1 ence
VDisorderly con- .' I I I V’First-de ee
duci;h D Coménon' arson; oodland
was t rive; gom' mt Avenue; Smoke detec-
plainant stated an tors on the let and
older male “(1th ,3 _ Lag 19th floors were set
beard was looking in V on fire by persons
her apartment wm— unknown.
min f: b l ful id 5°” 2‘
e y un aw ti} ng VThird-de ee criminal mis—
over 5300 (felon )5 406 Hilltop chief; LCC reen Lot; Com-

plainant stated unknown persons
did damage to her left side tail

Se t. 20

Third degree criminal mis—
chief; Shawneetown; Com—

plainant stated unknown erson
caused dama e to his vehic e.

VTheft unlawful taking
over $300; UK Bookstore; Com—
plainant stated unknown persons
took items without his permis-

VDisorderly conduct;
Keeneland Drive; Received com—

laints of subject bein disorder-
inside Patterson Hafi.

ept. l9
VTheft b unlawful taking
over $300; K Medical Center

bike rack; Complainant stated
persons unknown removed prop~
erty without rmission.

VTheft y unlawful taking
over $300; Sportscenter lot;
Complainant stated persons
unknown removed his key at the
Boone Tennis Center, and when
he went to get his vehicle it was

Vice-president sped/cs
on education issues
From PAGE 1

“We may not
have the most
electoral votes,
but they want to
win Kentucky,”
said Dale Howard,
president of the
UK Young

He said Gore’s
visit is an opportu—
nity for students.

“The issues are important to
students,” Howard said. “He has a



pletely disappears. Some light
from the sun is bent into the
Earth’s shadow, causing a ring
around the Earth,” Troland

The bending leaves a sliver of
light around the moon visible.

With all these heavenly special
effects, it’s no wonder people have
been mystified and frightened by
ecli ses for centuries.

he moon has been a source of

mystery and enchantment since
time began, with lunar eclipses
thought to have s ecial magical
powers. After all, what is supposed
to be in the sky, is not.

An anonymous Alsean poet
writes, “0 what will become of
the world/the moon never dies

without a cause.” The Pennsylva—

nia Dutch have a list of gardening
tips, only to be performed in a
lunar eclipse.

D0 such things as eclipses still

potential audience of 24,000 stu-

Cruz said UK is an ideal loca-
tion for Gore to sto at and that
his committee chose K for a rea—

“They want a campus that is
active,” Cruz said.

She also said the administration
was working to accommodate the
vice-president and the help with
necessary security measures of his

Both Cruz and Howard are
looking for a good turnout.

“We’re expecting a lot of peo-
ple to show up,” she said.

Gore will speak on issues relat-
ing to education.

Howard said the democratic
party is hoping to get other candi-
dates such as Senate contender
Steve Beshear involved with
Gore’s appearance as well.

lunar BCIISIIB promises rare view (If harvest IIIDIIII

hold the same fascination for stu—
dents at UK?

“There’s something amazing
about a full moon anyway,” says
Lionell Smith, a 20010 senior.
“But a total eclipse wilfloe spec-

According to Troland, condi-
tions for viewing the eclipse
should be good.

“You don’t need to go out to
the country you can see it just
about anywhere,” he said.

Going away from the lights of
Lexington does have one advan-
tage though.

“Those who do go to the
countryside will see lots of stars,”
Troland said, because the sky will
be so dark.

If you are interested in astrono-
my, ma ical settin s, or just hap-
pen to ike beauti l sights, look
ufp tonight. And don’t be surprised
i the moon vanishes.

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‘ l lthe letters to spell “Buckle”

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Aflot‘iated Pratt

DENVER —- Prosecutors in the Oklahoma
bombing case can seek the death penalty
despite complaints Attorney General Janet
Reno violated department policy by announc-
ing within hours of the attack that she would
press for the bombers’ execution, a judge ruled

US. District Judge Richard Matsch also
rejected defense arguments that the federal
death penalty amounts to cruel and unusual
punishment. Timothy McVeigh and Terry

. Nichols are charged with murder and conspir—
acy in the April 19, 1995, bombing, which
killed 168 people and injured 500. No trial
date has been set. They could get the death
penalty under a 1994 federal law.

Defense lawyers argued that Reno violated

Justice Department guidelines for seeking the
death penalty when she announced on the day
of the bombing, even before an arrest had been
made, that she would press for capital punish-
ment. Department guidelines call for several
steps and discussions prior to a decision, but
none of those steps were taken before Reno’s
announcement. Defense lawyers claimed her
haste showed she was biased and their clients
were being treated unfairly.

But Matsch said federal law requires only
that prosecutors file a notice of intent to seek
the death penalty, which they did Oct. 20.

“Nothing has been submitted to show or
suggest that the notices were filed because of
any discriminatory motive, invidious classifica-
tion or improper motivation as to either defen-
dant," the judge said. Justice Department

spokeswoman Leesa Brown said: “I think it’s
significant that the court has cleared the way
for the federal government to seek the death

The Justice Department guidelines call for
a meeting among staff members in which
defense lawyers are allowed to present facts in
opposition to the death penalty. If the death
penalty is to be sought, a memorandum is pre-
pared by prosecutors that is to include a com-
prehensive discussion of the reasons.

The memo is sent to a committee for
review, and the committee makes a recom-
mendation on whether to go forward. The
defense said none of that happened because of
Reno’s hasty announcement. Stephen Jones,
McVeigh’s lawyer, said he did not plan an
immediate appeal of the decision.


Associated Prey;

LOS ANGELES —— Police in riot gear,
some on horseback, moved in and fired flash-
bang devices to disperse demonstrators
protesting a campus appearance of former Ku
Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke.

There were eight to 10 arrests, police said,
and at least one protester was clubbed over the
head as baton—wielding police in helmets and
flak jackets moved against the crowd.

Duke was at the California State Universi-
ty, Northridge, to debate civil rights leaderJoe
Hicks on a state ballot measure that would bar

racial or gender preferences in public hiring,
education and contracting.

Police said the arrests came after about 185
campus and Los Angeles police pushed the
crowd away from the student union building
where the debate was held.

Campus olice Lt. Mark Hissong claimed
several hun red protesters had tried to storm
the front door of the building.

Duke told a crowd of 800 that affirmative
action programs are unfair to whites.

An overflow audience of 430 watched on
closed—circuit television from another campus
buildin .

Insife, Duke was shouted down, booed,

hissed and laughed at when he said that affir-
mative action programs constitute “discrimi—
nation against better qualified whites.”

“When blacks faced discrimination years
ago, they called it just that, discrimination.
Now that white people face discrimination,
they call it affirmative action,” Duke said.

“I feel he should not be here,” said Amir
Andrews, 19, a black student.

“The money they put up to bring him here
could have been used for something else —
education, computers, something like that.”

Duke, whose bid for the US. Senate ended
Saturday when he finished fourth in
Louisiana’s primary, received $4,000 for
appearing, as did Hicks.

Students were upset because the money
comes from a $120 fee each student pays.

Penn State University to utter tree testing tor ‘rane drug’

By Lisa Haarlander
The Collegian (Penny/timid State U.)

Anyone at the University who believes they
may have been sexually assaulted as a result of
being slipped the “date rape drug" can now be
tested free of charge at University Health Ser—

The test will be administered if the drug
Rohypnol is suspected in a sexual assault or
whenever a patient requests the test, said Pam
Koons, assistant to the director of University
Health Services.

spokeswoman Carolyn Glynn.

“Ifthere are women who have been poten—
tially drugged, and they suspect Rohypnol or
anything else, they should immediately contact
someone,” she said. “The test will work up to
72 hours after ingesting the medication. The
ideal window is up to 48 hours.”

Victims can also call 800-720-1076 for
more information from the company about the

Although Rohypnol is illegal in the United
States, it is prescribed in Mexico and 63 other
countries to treat sleep, anxiety and panic dis-

inhibitions of the victim, who often then has
total amnesia for eight to 10 hours. To prevent
this scenario from happening, Hoffmann—La
Roche is now looking at introducing taste or
color into the drug and creating a tablet that
would dissolve more slowly in liquid.

Those changes would give eople a better
chance of detecting Rohypnol ifPit were covert—
ly slipped in their drink, Glynn said.
