xt7jq23qzb7d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qzb7d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1973 1973 1973-10-15 2020 true xt7jq23qzb7d section xt7jq23qzb7d The Kentucky Kernel

Vol. LXV No. 48
Monday, October 15, 1973

an independent student newspaper

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY. 40506


'Quick money'


to end by I975

Kernel Staff Writer

QUICK MONEY for students facing
financial crisis—the donation of blood—is
being phased out of existence, said John
Norris, donor services director at the
Central Kentucky Blood Center.

The move toward strictly voluntary
blood donations has two sources—the U.S.
Association of Blood Banks and the federal

To bring an end to paid donors, the Blood
Bank has set a quota of 80 per cent
voluntary donations for 1973. Paid
donations will be eliminated by 1975.

Education and Welfare Secretary, has
called for abolishment of paid donor
programs within the next four months,
Norris said.

At least four bills restricting the use of
paid donors are now before Congress, he

“We’re down to about 95 per cent
voluntary basis,” Norris said. “We still do
accept paid donors, but you have to meet

certain conditions.”
THE BLOOD CENTER will only pay if

the donor has a valid student ID. has given
a voluntary donation in the past year and
has a needed blood type.

A past donation is required, he said, “so
we have a chance or opportunity for the
blood to be tested for hepatitis, venereal
disease and other harmful antibodies."

“We want to be absolutely certain it is

Cindy Rudert. a UK student. ls being prepared for a blood donation by a nurse
at the Central Kentucky Blood Center. The Center is phasing out a system of
payments for student donations. (Kernel staff photo by Biff LeVee)

safe for both the patient and the donor,”
Norris said.

NORRIS SAID the blood center is
“barely" averaging the 60 pints a day
necessary to meet emergencies.

"We are actively promoting new donor
groups, having individuals join family

plans, and having people replace blood _
used by friends and relatives," he said.

A recent decision by Judge Cecil F.
Dunn of the Fayette Quarterly Court
allowing blood donations to replace minor
traffic fines has helped meet blood needs,
Norris explained.


Seeks quick,
military end
to Mideast war


Associated Press Writer

News In Brlet

by the Associated Press

0 Nixon records eyed
OFire strikes Richmond
' Agnew to speak

0 Military head resigns

OCalis for more scrutiny

0 Today's weather...

WASHINGTON — Vice President—
designate Gerald R. Ford .Sunday ex-
pressed hope that “we get a military
solution quickly” in the Middle East war.

“You can’t get a diplomatic solution
until you have a military solution," Ford
told newsmen who questioned him
following White House worship services.

THE VETERAN congressman
nominated to succeed Spiro T. Agnew in
the nation's second highest office was
briefed on the Middle East Saturday by
President Nixon and Secretary of State
Henry A. Kissinger.

Asked about U.S. aid to Israel, Ford said
“we are certainly fully meeting all of our
commitments in the ongoing program,"
which he described as “very substantial."

When asked whether he saw hope that
the fighting would end soon, Ford
responded that is “a possiblity—I hope so.
I hope we get a military solution quickly
and then we can work on a diplomatic


G. Moss

0 WASHINGTON -— The Senate
Watergate committee is investigating
President Nixon '5 personal finances, the
Washington Post reported Sunday.

It quoted unnamed sources as saying
the Senators plan to look at Nixon’s bank
records and want documents from
Cooperts and Lybrand, the New York

FORD HELD the impromptu session
with reporters before he left Washington
for a long-scheduled trip to the western
United States.

Traveling in a presidential jet he
planned to visit a son who is a student at
Utah State University and then fly to
Portland, Ore., to address the Portland
Republican Century Club and a druggist
convention on Monday before returning to

Nixon disclosed Ford’s nomination at
the White House Friday night.

THE HOUSE AND Senate must confirm
Ford's nomination, and both plan to have
confirmation hearings. Ford said he hopes
they are “the most open, the most in-
dependent, the most frank hearings

Ford earlier said he had helped a
Washington lobbyist by assisting a Dutch
doctor win immigration to teach at Har-
vard University.

The lobbyist, Robert N. Winter-Berger,
had made allegations about favors in-

accounting firm that audited the purchase
of Nixon's residential properties in
California and Florida.

0 RICHMOND. Ky. — Fire raged
through seven buildings in downtown
Richmond Sunday and firemen battled the
blaze for more than four hours before
bringing it under control.

A spokesman at the Richmond Fire
Department said seven buildings were
badly damaged before the blaze was
brought under control late Sunday af-

0 WASHINGTON — Former Vice
President Spiro T. Agnew is preparing a
farewell address that may include some
ideas on how the nation and its leaders can
avond the pitfalls that led to the destruction
of his political career.

0 BANGKOK. Thailand - The head of
the military government resigned Sunday
in the wake of violent street clashes bet-
ween authorities and thousands of

volving congressmen, in a book, “The
Washington Pay-Off." Ford said the
allegations represented one of two in-
cidents in his 25-year House career that
might raise questions at the hearings.
HE INDICATED he can answer all the

Ford commented on the allegation

Saturday night while flying back to
Washington, from a visit to Cedar Springs,
Mich, in his congressional district.

He said his staff looked for files on all
dealings with Winter-Berger and found
only one—on securing approval of im-
migration status for the Dutch doctor to
teach at Harvard Medical School.

“THEY KNEW there are a lot of Dutch
in my district and they asked me to help,"
Ford said. “His (the doctor’s) case had
merit so I did. I don‘t know what his
relationship with Mr. Winter-Berger was."

Aides said Ford helped the doctor
change his status from that of a visitor
doing research in New York to that of a
permanent immigrant.

demonstrators. He was replaced with the
first civilian premier since 1953.

0 WASHINGTON — Senate Republican
Whip Robert P. Griffin proposed Sunday
that Congress have the final say in who
will be vice president in the future to
assure that the nominees get more careful

He said he may propose a constitutional
amendment to permit a vice president to
be nominated after the president is elected
but before inauguration.

...sunshine to return

After the rainy weekend the weather is
looking up. Saturday‘s downpour emptied
the sky, so no rain is expected through
Tuesday. The temperature will climb to
the mid 705 today. sinking into the 50s
tonight. Seasonal temperatures will
continue Tuesday with a high in the low




'Tl'lfi KODlUCKY Kernel

llJ Journalism Building, university ot Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506

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Kaye Coyte, Nancy Daly. and

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Bruce Singleton, Photo Manager

The Kentucky Kernel IS mailed live times weekly during the school year except during
holidays and exam periods. and tw:ce weekly during the summer session

Published by the Kernel Press Inc . I272 Priscilla Lane, Lexington, Kentucky Begun as
the Cadet in 1894 and published continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since 1915. The

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Control bill passes

Outbreak of war in the Middle East and the resignation of
former Vice President Spiro Agnew overshadowed the
passage Of a strong strip mine control bill in the Senate last

Environmentalists in the state have long been fighting to
control destruction of the natural beauties of the land, and
still have not fully realized the goals sought.

Although this new bill is now in the House, the passage of
any strip mining legislation in the Senate is, in itself,
significant. Last year, a similar bill was passed by the
House, then died in the Senate when adjournment time

If the bill is passed by the House, representatives of both
houses of Congress will meet to iron out differences. In fact,
that the bill has been criticized by the coal people as being
“too stringent" leads one to believe there is some important
legislation here.

The bill is being touted as “strong” because it would ban
stripping of lands where the government owns the mineral
rights, even though a private owner has the surface rights.

However, the section that most affects Kentucky and
other Appalachian states is that referring to “broad-form
deeds.” As passed, the bill gives the mineral rights owner
precedence over the owner of the surface rights. The
wording was changed, however, to provide the surface
owner the right to collect damages if the property is
destroyed as a result of the mining process.

Stronger meaSures were out of the question in the face of
the energy crisis the nation will reportedly face this winter.

Sen. Marlow Cook (R-Ky.) said that although the wording
change regarding broad-form deeds was at his insistence,
“we may be slowing down strip mining, but we’re digging a
grave for us all.”

We are leaning too heavily on coal products for heat. A
realization that another source at energy is needed now
could spark added research. That stripping will be limited
and restoration of the land at least guaranteed if the Senate
Bill is joined by a counterpart from the Home is important,
but still doesn’t resolve the problem of the limitation of
natural resources






Unhealthy practice

This is just a little note reminding
motoriSts to make sure no bicycles will
smash into their car doors after they open
them. I realize that this request is un-
sportsman-like and reveals a cowardly
attitude on my part. But in fact I have
found car door smashing to be a rather
unhealthy practice, for my bike's frame as
well as my own.

More thoughtful actions on the part of
the motorist will have a positive effect and
will result in a much cleaner car door.

Michael Davis

Dingo boot fad?

So you bought a small backpack to carry
your books in. Maybe even bought avpair of
hiking boots. Maybe you made it to the
Gorge. Maybe you didn’t. Anyway, it
really doesn’t matter much now does it? I
mean, you know, it’s a matter of priorities.
If their is a drought we must be sure that
their is enought water to sprinkle our
lawns. Besides, it’s a matter in which we
should have no real concern about for
surely those in a position to dam the Red
River Gorge know what’s best.

It was not really a good fad anyway.
Because, to support that which our back-
pack and boots stand for would require us
to speak out and act, as a whole, against
this incredibly foolish dam—to seek out
those groups who are attempting to stop
this atrocity. Yes, it was not really a good
fad anyway. Maybe now, Dingo boots will
come in again. Certainly their will be no
need of hiking boots.

John Cornett
Political Science-junior

Letters policy

Letters to the editor may concern any
topics as long as the content of the letters
is not libelous. However, so everyone has
an equal opportunity to respond, we ask
that you limit letters to 250 words. We also,
ask that they be typewritten and triple-
spaced for the convenience of the
typesetters. All letters must be signed,,
including campus address, telephone
number and classification. Each letter will
be restricted to two authors; those with
more than two signees will be signed ”and


Spiro Agnew is now a household word


The Mets have won the pennant, they’re
looking for blood donors in the Middle East
and Spiro Agnew has been convicted of
income tax evasion and has resigned as
vice president. At this stage of the game, a
tornado striking the heart of downtown
Cleveland would be buried on page 34 of
THE NEW YORK TIMES. As they say in
the trade, not a particularly slow news

It‘s somewhat of a final irony that the
one man who so closely associated himself
with law and order has been brought to his
knees by the very Justice Department that
was once his flaming sword of retribution.
Who was Spiro Agnew anyway? Who was
this man who was plucked from the
governorship of Maryland and hurled upon
the national stage by Richard Nixon?

FOR THE PAST five years Spiro Agnew
held the second highest office in this
country. In the late ‘60‘s he was in the
vanguard of a repressive domestic policy
that came from the White House. A master
of scathing alliteration who went out and
tilted with the press. Agnew, for a short

time, seemed a little larger than life. The
hero of the hardhats, the champion of the
hemmed-in steel worker in Gary, Indiana.

He stood up to The Washington Post, The
New York Times and CBS. Using his
executive power as a shield, he called the
mass media alarmists and effete snobs. He
picked his spots carefully and he struck
a responsive chord. America loved it. Who
else could tell Richard Salant of CBS that
Walter Cronkite was nothing but a voice
that could move the merchandise? But did
he really mean it? There lies the enigma of
Spiro Agnew.

As the months passed it became ap-
parent that he was acting as the ad-
ministration‘s mouthpiece—the man they
trottted outwhen Nixon had a beef with the
Times or the Post. And for awhile it

AFTER HIS ROUGH-house tactics in
the congressional elections of 1970, Agnew
quickly faded into the obscurity of a vice
president who stood in the receiving lines
at State Department functions. In his
second term he was stripped of most his

duties by the President and was largely
ignored by the press.

When the deluge of Watergate became
public property Agnew’s name was
scarcely mentioned. Most people really
thought it inconceivable that he was even
informed of those backroom
machinations. But if Agnew’s star had
fallen inside the White House, Watergate
and his Mr. Clean reputation in that affair,
tagged him as the republican candidate to
beat in 1976.

Then it all began to go sour. Rumors of
extortion, bribery and political kickbacks
surfaced in the press. Agnew struck back,
calling the charges “damned lies.” But
the Justice Department, led by that very
proper Boston patrician, Elliot Richard-
son. had an ironclad case that even Agnew
with all his bombast couldn’t evade.

BL'T STILL HIS loyalty to the President
seemed to verge on the masochistic. In his
own hour of need he still found time to
praise the President and hurl epithets at
his detractors. Maybe he was hoping
against hope that Richard Nixon, the most
pragmatic soul to come down the pike

since Tamerlane, was going to save him
from the probing fingers of a federal grand

Then again, maybe he just wanted to be

Whatever the reason, he finally saw the
handwriting on the wall and decided to
make a deal before he could be sent to
Jimmy Hoffa's old cell in Lewisburg. A
$10,000 fine and three years probation may
not sound like much to some of us, but it
might as well be life imprisonment for the
former vice president. Spiro Agnew iS a
convicted felon. He has been utterly
destroyed, and years from now when
tomorrow's children are struggling
through high school civics, they won't have
to ask, “Spiro who?"

Paul Curran is a senior jour-
nalism major and a special
assignments writer for the







a page of opinion from inside and Outside the University community


Philippe Weisbeclter

Media development revolutionizes politics


me new you TIMES NEWS seavnce

BORDEAUX, France—The . phenom-
enal development of the mass media
has revolutionized politics. Not simply
because propaganda and biased news
can be so simply and widely dissemi-
nated, but by the very fact of the
availability of so much information.
Every day, via radio, TV and print
the citizen is flooded with thousands
of messages. (We will not complicate
the argument by trying to figure out
the differences in the ways the three
media affect us.) Thus, we have to
realize that the individual retains only
a small proportion of these messages.
European analysts have found that the
average newspaper reader retains
about 10 per cent of the political news
he reads. That is probably fortunate;
if he remembered it all, he would go

This, of course, raises questions: If
the reader retains 10 per cent of the
political news, what is political news?
What is the filtering system by which
he retains certain parts of the news?
Why does he remember this rather
than that?

This is not a serious problem for
the average citizen. He remembers
what touches him closely: local news
will interest him more than interna-
tional news; news that directly relates
to his job, for example, the imposition
of new tariffs, interests him more'
than a discussion of general economic
policy based on remote decisions made
long ago.

In addition, we know that the more
distant and general the issue is, so
much more will the average citizen’s
viewpoint and opinions be based on
vague ideas, feelings, and impressions
rather than on facts and hard infor-
mation. Indeed, precise information
only nourishes and confirms his pre-
judgments. In general, the citizen
possesses adequate information about
matters that touch his interests and
concern him personally. He judges and
evaluates other issues by criteria that
have nothing to do with information.
His choices and, therefore, his reten-
tion of certain news items rest totally
on irrational ideas and feelings.

In each of us, then, these two mind-
sets operate on entirely different pat-
terns. (I am hypothesizing the best of
cases, namely, that the newspaper
performs its function well and really

furnishes the reader honest informa—
tion without biased commentary.) This
condition is not very serious in the
case of the ordinary citizen who
exerts little influence over political

But there is another consideration
that is very important. In a democracy
a politician must put himself on the
voter’s wave length. Otherwise, he
will not be re-elected. If we stick with
the traditional definition of politics—
the conquest and use of power—with-
out considering values, aims and ideal
objectives, we have to realize that the
politician’s first questions about infor-
mation are: How has the citizen been
informed? What does he remember?
Which, among all the thousands of
economic, social, and international
events, has he understood and inter-
preted correctly? How can I put
myself into his point of view? How
can I put myself on his level, both
in order to get elected and in order
to express his desires and will in
political action?

If the politician is brave, he may
try to use power for change, bringing
the mass of citizens with him. In this
case, he becomes a model for the
collectivity. He changes its opinions
and orientation. But this raises the
problem of how rigorously we inter-
pret democracy. Do we always operate
democratically? What about a govern—
ment that, instead of following and
expressing the will of the majority,
seeks to change public opinion and
persuade the majority to follow it?
How could it be otherwise, with such
volumes of information available? We
don’t even have to discuss secret
information that the politician may
possses. Such information is generally
much less important than is imagined.
A good newspaper provides all the
information needed for correct polit-
ical reflection and decision-making.
The difficulty lies elsewhere.

I believe we must distinguish three
levels of events about which political
decisions are made. The most super-
ficial are day-to-day events—the acci-
dents which spark interest precisely
because they have just happened. On
a deeper level there are long~range
trends—economic facts, the structures
and phenomena of power and admin-
istrative growth. On the deepest level,
there is the course of major, world-
wide developments—demography, for

One responds to each of these with
a different kind of opinion. On the
deepest level we find the ideologues,
utopians, the theoreticians. Public
opinion, formed (and deformed) by the
stimulus of the latest thing, operates
on the most superficial level. But the
politician normally must position him-
self between the two. He must formu-
late policy designed to last for an
extended period, whose content must
be open to thorough examination. It
must fit action to the structures of
society and not waver in the face of
accidental developments. This presents
him with two problems: first, he is
not going to be on the level of his
constituents’ public opinion; second,
he must continually evaluate the
information he receives and distinguish
between what has decisive political
significance and what will be forgotten

The hardest problem is exactly that
these day-to-day events tend to over-
whelm us. The journalist has a duty
to catalogue and transmit the greatest
possible number of them. But this
leads to psychological and intellectual
difficulties. Because we are constantly
observing what is going on here and
now, we become more and more
convinced that it is important; it is
increasingly difficult to detach our-
selves and reflect on the more endur-
ing and decisive problems. When we
succeed in doing so, we may feel that
we have retreated from reality,
whereas we are trying to see it from
a more profound vantage. We also
may miss a piece of important news.
Nevertheless, it is my constant obser-
vation that a correct frame of refer-
ence is a better basis for accurate
interpretation of reality than merely
following events day by day.

Let us take two specific examples.
During the cold war, while all Europe
was quaking with fear of being
invaded by the U.S.S.R., a few indi-
viduals calmly affirmed that this was
absolutely out of the question on the
basis of careful analysis of Stalin's
thinking and of his policies since 1934.
(The Soviet-German pact, on the other
hand, would have been predictable
on the basis of similar analysis.)

France in 1968 furnishes a second
example. While almost everyone was
declaring that the “Revolution of 1968"
had changed everything. and that
nothing would ever again be the same.
a few observers, not limiting them-
selves to the daily events or the daily

pronouncements of politicians and
revolutionary leaders, predicted (cor-
rectly, as it has turned out) that
nothing would change. Their judgment
was based on analysis of two realities:
first, the direction in which the
French Communist party and the
Confederation Générale du Travail
[the largest French labor organization,
led by Communists] had been evolving
over the previous ten years; and
second, the drive toward centraliza-
tion and executive control that is
characteristic of the French State.
These could only be accelerated, not
reversed, by what took place in 1968.
This is how it has turned out. But to
understand it one had to be detached
from what was working everybody up
and see what was going on in its real
context as part of a logical sequence
of events.

In short, undigested up-to-the-minute
information is not enough. We have
to know what to do with it and how
to utilize it. Above all, one must avoid
the passion and enthusiasm aroused
by passing events,

Here We must be very demanding
of our politicians. We must choose
those who can rise above the every-
day, who do not react without reflect-
ing, who can judge and interpret
events against the background of a
broad range of knowledge. They must
be strong enough to resist the imme-
diate pressures of public opinion,
which may very well change in a
month when another sensation comes
along. Failure to recognize this can
be tragic, because public opinion con-
siders what is most spectacular to be
most important, and views what has
just happened as fundamental, forget-
ting what happened a year, or ten
years. ago.

The very mechanism of the dissemi-
nation of news leads necessarily to a
gap between the political leader’s
judgment and the impressions of the
average citizen and, by the same
token, between the whole political
apparatus and the body of the nation.

Here We are in the presence of the
most serious problem that faces a
democracy. It cannot be resolved by
institutions but only by a new



Jacques Ellul is a professor of
social history at the University
of Bordeaux.



 4—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL.Monday, October I5. 1973




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- forces in the Sinai.

Step to the rear

The Shuttle Express. begun this year. alleviates many of the campus' traffic problems.
Commuting students can park at Commonwealth Stadium and catch the bus to campus.
(Kernel staff photo by Pinkie Foster.)

Ilsraeli tanks move within

21 miles of Damascus

Egyptian tanks launched a
broad, day-long attack Sunday on
Israel’s Sinai defense line. In
Syria, the advance of Israeli
armor in the direction of
Damascus was reported slowed
by heavy Syrian artillery fire.

Israeli tanks moved within 21
miles of Damascus, a day after
Israeli officers had reported
advance armor being about 16
miles from the Syrian capital.

commands issued conflicting
reports on the two-front war, with
each side claiming it inflicted
heavy losses.

Defense Minister Moshe Dayan
of Israel, who last week predicted
overnight victory in Syria, said
Sunday in a nationally televised
speech: “This is not like previous
wars. This one is difficult and
there are hard battles. It is a war
of many days and much blood.”

The Cairo command said its

armored columns seized un— *

specified “new areas” of land in
the Sinai peninsula and knocked
out 150 Israeli tanks while its air
force destroyed “a big portion”
of Israeli anti-tank missiles.

THE ISRAELI command said
its forces beat back the Egyp-
tians to a line three or four miles
from the Suez Canal and that the
Egyptians lost more than 200

The command in Tel Aviv said
that 656 Israeli soldiers were
killed in the first eight days of
Middle East fighting, including
the commander of Israeli tank
The new
conflict, the fourth Arab-Israeli
war since 1948, broke out Oct. 6.

ching into Syria moved up to the
town of Sasa about 21 miles

southwest of Damascus and the
Tel Aviv command said its ad-
vance artillery was shelling the
suburbs of the Syrian capital.

Officers told newsmen some
spearhead units had probed to
within 16 miles of Damascus on

Residents of the Syrian capital
said in telephone calls to Beirut,
Lebanon, that they heard no

explosions near the city. A Syrian
government newspaper
published a special edition to
deny the Israeli shelling claims.

THERE WAS N0 word of ef-
fective aid from Jordan, which
announced its entry into the war
Saturday. But a spokesman in
Damascus reported the Syrian
lines were bolstered by Iraqis
and Moroccans and called the
defenses “good and strong."

Computer center

sponsors seminar

Kernel Staff Writer

The UK Computer Center is
sponsoring a two-part Computer
Assisted Instruction seminar for
faculty and staff beginning today
and ending Oct. 18.

Part I is an introduction to CAI
featuring Dr. Harvey Long and
Mr. Stanley Zimmer, In-
structional Systems Consultants,
IBM Corporation; and Dr. Tim
Smith, Director of CAI, College of

PART II IS an extensive CAI
workshop including instruction in
Coursewriter III, a computer
language used to write CAI
courses, and experience at a
computer terminal.

CAI provides the general
purpose computing service for
the UK System in four main
areas—instruction, research,
administration and public ser-

The primary purposes of CAI
are to shorten curriculum to
salvage students in academic
difficulty, to allow students to
proceed at their own pace and to
free faculty for more hours of
individualized instruction.

“WE ARE TRYING to create
an awareness for the benefit of
the faculty so they will have a
better insight to Computer

Assisted Instruction,” said Dr.
Martin B. Soloman, director of
the UK Computing Center.

CAI seems to be progressing
slowly at UK and Dr. Solomon
attributes the reason to fear of
the computer replacing the in-
structor. “If used properly in
many course areas it is only an
augmentation to get material
across effectively, said Solomon.

The most advanced usage of
CAI on campus is in the UK
College of Dentistry. In addition
to its teaching functions the
computers used by the College of
Dentistry will direct a student to
learning aids such as textbooks,
programmed texts, single con-
cept videotapes and films if he is
having trouble in a particular
area. The computer also ad-
ministers and scores tests, give
students feedback and keeps
records of his progress.

also provides non-credit courses
in Formulation Formula Tran-
slation (FORTRAN), a language
for communicating with com-
puters. It is a course taught by
videotapes and text made by
Solomon and Michael Kennedy,
assistant professor of ar-







Living standards

for UFW subnormal

Kernel Staff Writer

Migrant farm workers do not
need pity but do need help.

After showing an NBC film,
entitled “Migrant,” depicting the
way of life of millions of
destituted migrant farm workers
in Florida, James Logan, a farm
worker from Sarasota, Florida,
said, “All we ask is that you look
atus as human beings and to help
us as a fellow human being.”

LOGAN AND Wendy Schaetzel,
both members of the United
Farm Workers Union, were here
Wednesday night to organize a
local committee to support the

“I hope you realize the kind of
life we lead. My life expectancy,
according to the US. Department
of Agriculture, is 49 years; yours
is 70. If I decided to have a kid,
the chances of him dying is 150
per cent over the chances for
your kid,” said Logan.

According to the film, migrant
workers “do not have the rights
guaranteed the rest of us.”

for unemployment insurance, not
guaranteed workman’s com-
pensation, not protected by child
labor laws, denied the right to
organize and receive an annual.
wage lower than that of any other
income group in the country.

“We didn’t show this film to
you to make you feel sorry for us.
We don't need that. What we need
is for you to stop eating grapes
and lettuce,” said Logan.

Holding a picture of a farm
worker kneeling, handcuffed, in
the fields with policemen
surrounding him, Logan said,
”This is what happens when we
say we want a decent life. They
started killing people all over
again. If you don’t help us, there
will be more dead.”

UFWand the AFL-CIO expired in
April, 1973. Since that time two
strikers have been killed in
Coachella Valley, California, said

“Outside Miami, Florida,
which is supposed to be a
progressive city with all those
rich folks drivin‘ around, the