xt7jq23qzb57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qzb57/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1971 1971 1971-11-10 2020 true xt7jq23qzb57 section xt7jq23qzb57 The Henluckg
an independent newspaper published . " I
by students at the university of kentucky .
\Vcdncsday, Nov. It). l97l LEXINGTON, KENTI'CKY ltlfitlti \ol. l.\lll. \t). 3H
o .- y (3% t 3". r" I; ‘
Friday’s no longer 3} tit" 57 .gi
. . g , x’rF‘x , g [3 l /’/ T \ .‘l‘ . '1'
“International date night when . . . Cg“? ; set 0 ctr/Moe? ._;l-,‘%3ts m
7 kW) I S if“ l‘J’/ l t it; '5i ‘3 w ‘5 I'. /’ 5’ {
Vb i /t\/\ i'ttf M . I ’
W W \_,)> (Ln/At 3' ‘2 if; ' ‘t t j ‘ .
‘ ‘ \. 1'- - , . t‘ t . ~—/ ,
omen meet ~ ., it , c t, w
o o ’ ' i [Nil * l 'T' j* r 1 it. ' ~
- i ’ L.) l ,2 i r/ ‘ "‘.\
m rea mg groups a t J t at y
l 1~~~~t l l t L .e-‘ "v if T
liltl ”tr . -
l t c». . , t t . ~ .-
ill l. T’i I“: t
By KAREN BECKWITH ! l' H” t t 1‘ ll ii ,
Kernel Staff Writer 1 _Zbi i i PL; 5/! l4 2: L?“ L‘. Li" j I g .
The women get together on Friday nights when' V 0 CS (l k; K» V. '7 \l ."
children are in bed and they sit and talk. Someone \“K 53“” gmf‘x by K‘m” B“"i‘“'m‘ ' z
may be tired and want a backrub; someone may would be at the “same level of understanding.“ It is this communication and identit) with other 3 ‘
sew or knit; everyone drinks the tea and eats the This. say some participants. has been one of the women that is so important. “Reading groups were '. M .
food. These women discuss their personal main difficulties of the general Women‘s originally formed as support groups.” explained fl. ‘7"
problems and come up with political analyses Liberation meetings: new women had to be Rebecca \l'cstert'icld. member or a women's 3 , . . . . ‘
This is a description of one of several Women’s brought up to date on past activities. discussions liberation reading group. “Women find ll ditticult .' . '_
Liberation reading groups in Lexington-uniqu9 and concerns. Women were hesitant about on an everyday basis to talk with other \\"tntL‘l’i .. ' ‘ -.
compromises between sewing Circles and expressing deep personal feelings at large met-tings about really personal problems, or. .. winter!» ' I :7.-
revolutionary cell groups. According to members. to women they didn‘t know Ws‘ll it"s‘t‘dlitm lush." '. J; ‘
the same women. usually not more than six. meet Initially. members of the groups read articles \‘scstcrticid feels that lil‘. =s ~ t: it 1‘ , ‘7 ‘ "
together weekly to help further their personal and about Women’s issues. frcquetitl} L'\S.l_\,\ trrlin put up barriers bx tween purple '
political comprehension of women's liberation in “\Ols‘“ ”0”! ill“ Ss‘sx‘ml Ys‘xiiv MN "ills “REV-“'3 ”I W“ ”WU?“ 3M: t‘s‘i'stz'. 23%;» 32.5.? - L“;
(ill “unnosphcrg of mutual trust and t‘L‘slecf_H SCX,u Tlik‘ l'c’dtllllllS \‘ L‘Tt’ ll'st'tl as .‘(;li:i} fix in: .'-. lizlc l = “liik: \k .ttllt'. . MM. ", v’.’ C i -’ 'I’
Groups begin intellectual and politpaI ali\\'lt\§ltll‘z. ‘\i\‘t!‘l":s 4;} between titlilltll‘ ‘5 :y; ' . . . ~ ;
WM t’s‘dslii‘t’ :lmllt‘s began when \‘mnieii's twat as the group. "is ?z- tzasf eat” ‘2llk‘ uwz's. t‘u-r‘u'csti m “‘r t ~ " . ‘ ' ‘
liberation :tic'nl‘cts .801 together with. It.’i'!t‘r._ win. the) lump. 1:: ttt'tteixtszuf tl' ~.‘ 't mi in. t l‘ \ .‘avt’d ' t i t ~‘ v ‘ ’
‘mtritcd to participate tin-cc tortncd. must groups ”"7”!“ 3"“ 'K‘ ” ‘5:""5”~-3 “'3" Vii-1:“ I 3‘ “‘i 1' i i ' i .. » - i
became thus-l so that the poorer: in the group PYT‘i'lt'YTZs “:a‘y’. ;:~,\\‘ -‘:‘:~c-. t1? ? ‘.L'-_' t .:- , :: ~ ‘3 , : I" . '
a} ette schools attacked
S dl f'l ° (1 d' ' '
e er 1 es suit eman m 0’ integration
By MADELEINE BAUGH represent persons of both races A speedy hearing was black and one is iitriitist at) lllmwf high “gimme and lv‘ 5 .,
Kernel Staff Writer who “desire the elimination of requested. so integration could percent. they said. while fit-e elementary Winn}... pump,- .
UK law professor. Robert A. racially identifiable schools and occur before the second junior high schools have either redistricting should be ordered 3 ‘ '
Sedler filed a suit in US. District of all vestiges of state-imposed semester. no black students or fewer than even if it means hugmg the f _
Court yesterday. asking the segregation.” Six black SChOOlS fiVC percent. children to different schools. '
Fayette County school system The SUit iS b'dSCd on the The plaintiffs charged that at This violates the constitutional they said. .t -' I
to be ordered to completely Supreme C011” dCCiSiON in the least six elementary schools in rights “”1059 PHONE who W111” Propose newzones
integrate its schools Swan case. ordering school Fayette Co. are predominantly to send their children to The plaintiffs haw 5“leth . .
immediately. boards in the south to clitninate black. integrated schools and of proposals for the redrawing (,1 .‘ _ "_.
The suit was filed in behalf of all state-imposed segregation. At least 10 have “virtually no children who want to attend school attendance zones. -‘
the Kentucky Civil Liberties Plaintiffs in the suit were blacks.” and nine more have five th‘thCY said. Their proposals include nine . ;.
Union. Robert JCffchOIt. Juanita percent or fewer black students. They suggested ”W CW1” out of the l l innior high SCiltlUis .1 ,.. '
The four plaintiffs~three Perkins, David Quick and David they said‘ order the board of education to and it) out of ”N 34 eleincntars .;
blacks and one white—said they Ross. One junior high is 90 percent redraw its districts for “1116 Continued on page 8‘ Col. '1 ' I ‘ - ‘ _
- -- LAST NIGHT‘S TRIVIA BOWL was .. . . : 3
anything but inconsequential to Jan . . . . ‘ ' j‘
. Tcuton. left. who appeared with team alds SChedUIII’lfl -_
7_i:;: -- e" ,. 15% members (left to right) Marcy Pinkstaff. b ‘
. . ‘ t I "3??? . " ' . ' ‘
.73. - 155: Sharon Dowden and Jan Brenner iii the By GAYLE MCGUIRE problems. The Jaw-5mg OHM, n ‘ _
‘ "W " Student Center Theatre. Their team, Kernel StaffWriter located in Room 1661 Office
3 representing Alpha Xi Delta sorority. HaVing lilSI-Itlinute Problems TOW”- Th" “0“” ”m "mm 0 3 j“
53,. came out winners and advanced to Trivia :3“ prc'reg’ffr‘fmn'), Help ‘5. “t "‘m' to 4‘30 p‘m’ . . .
" . . and. Scycral liniverSity Some skeptiCism _, 1
fit ‘9 3 BOW! quarterfinals' (Staff phOtOS by departments are sponsoring Tim Guilfoile. chairman ot . ‘ K
“$3 3 - John Hicks) advising sessions to aid students PSLIAC. noted. “A number of ' ' »
l s fie ; plan their spring schedules. people in the Political Science ‘ _. .. .
. ’15 . - Most departments plan to department were skeptical ofthe I]. .
9%} .g(% accomplish the advising through competence of undergraduates " V
2,: 3g» .. the services of undergraduate to give advice. Last year. we . i "
f t? if ”:3 f, advisory committees. student proved them wrong." '. .
a? ‘t‘ e 3 ~ \ . . 9 ombudsman, concerned graduate “Approximately 200 students .
.fi r1 Vla StUants and undergraduate took advantage of the advrsing .
Q 3% ‘3‘ . advising assistants. sessions in both the spring and . ' ‘~
Sue DeBrCCht. chairman of the fall semesters. Before advising .
‘ History Undergraduate Advisory sessions were announced for this '- . '
‘ 3M: 3 ' - Committee. said that student semester. several professors and , . . .
. advising assistants would be on students came and requested 5 v, '3 '
i; I; 5?? j it} 3’ -s, 3‘54 -,. ‘ 3% - 3: {.5 s. duty {mm 10 am. to 3 pm. that ”l“ ““9””: h“ ““l‘llll‘s‘d‘ ‘ -
a {g g « M, g 3 ‘ “last semester's _tdx'tsing was department with .i laig number - ‘
:3 :::‘f_.__j-.'. .3". w . . 6“?» ‘5 _ :x‘ .--- “at; \ .3..- = ”you“? m clearing up “hump H? ”mm“ H‘. mm.” mm. 3;]; m; .. 1 ‘ . ‘.
' «c i s. .7 aw at s - , “,‘."l‘“_"“' 31“."? “‘5." “7"? 3““ ‘ W" ' . .-
W i: . '3 § . ..-." X ”.4; , . ‘_ ,. , ltJLllLTS \VL rcnt suit 0-. tltt .1\\l_i'.llt‘tl t» .t “tutti wt to gm .is -‘ . t
mg: i ‘ ' e °° : s“ a " _ c Xact requirements l‘” much time to indoidual students ' ' .
. i“ 3 ‘3 A‘ w 3‘ I ‘3 ‘ graduation." Sh" 91ml as some students would like ' - 2‘ .
i“? {Z} i .35; g?” ' .. "‘ «L . The Political Science “Student advrsors has-c mart . . ' '
g '1 ”l 3" ”Lifm : .I a, ’ department ill-5‘0 blans to have first-hand experience With the ‘ . . ,'
' H ' ' ' ' advising assistants as well as departmental requirements ..
C A P 1'. members of the Political Science They are thus able to give . . i _ ‘
1N . Undergraduate AdVisory accurate accounts of t .. _
"" its: ». °‘ " help students with schedule Continued on Page 2, col. 3 3 i.
./ ~ .

 2 —Tlll’. kF.\'l‘l'(.|\\ KERNEL \Veilnexilin. \in. l“. lll7l _______—___________________________———————-—-——~"‘——
WI '
wn uwd ('hrmm'ulh
' ' I . . ,. ‘ ~ » ul‘L‘Ll. lo “tied in the
' ' BV MIKE BOARD hund nimeinent II] the hitiiii. while the nientui wt to include letters “llk‘it‘l‘ lill’lI’“‘*‘ml "II t 11 hidin k wn
- .‘ ‘ . . . . - , . -~ )' 0 ie " 'no us
kernel Stall Mm” lilllkl [IIL'JMHUN Ll sultieet \ .il‘ihtx to betnre. the\ had ““15 ilk'vlll “”h ““d m‘ U “hut” l) “ i In t t
. ' .. ' . . . i . \ ; nv. re i Sin . es 1nU
l‘xi \‘llk‘ltlL'lk'dl \t lltil\‘\ xk‘llklllk teil M'Iltetulwi ewntx U\L‘l‘_i\}).il10llllllL‘. numbers. he stud. Aii.il_\ Sh «it this tent ll“ 1‘ ml or: I‘ ‘ k \I b
. _ . ‘ f . . I , \ I“. , . . I. I _ . W . . -, , . . . ,1, [1,.” the h\ nt‘lllt‘sts that the hippocuinpnl
. [CI L'Itll\ .il l l\\ (”h titititli “HI ohm tttx mt [ht t \I)LIHHLHl Ling“! prinekl throttle thus an ”lithium. in .k . - I 'o' I, IS in] Will Ll l‘\
. I I . -; - on i.‘ ' C ‘
. u . Indianapolix haw :‘iiwcn that thrwnit tinin thme winking: iudt‘uudnii three or I‘L‘itk’lltfll timing in \httttn}; their itteiil.il “UHUIUE‘JH tune I . lv . ,
- ~ -. I i . I . I I . I , ‘I . . _ . ,1 nmi‘iiutum uxig Drew and nix assoeizites
UMJgC (\I Illdr‘lllldllJ ilill‘.tli\ it‘\ (Hi iUlJ iiill\\ il.lll\ lU lit“ ‘llLtlUt"lL\ llNL‘l\ \Ll- DYLW “l‘(- l k [h l 11%
. * ‘ .‘ ‘ . . ~ ~ .. vwv- ktl'.|ll'Wl
» I . ineutnn tunetinnin: “ho \lllilhktl the drug onee even one iii Utftet‘ vtudies \litllltll to this \kUL llvll} “n M 2* I t\\) to f‘
. - ~ , . ~ - , , x ; _ \v . '1 'en R IV"
. . .»\tliltes.\’iu:! I1 ‘1“ Lvhnlngfl tiiiluituuiin tun new». eiindueteil in (ineinnziti lust slltnlltnl ll“ ”1‘ \ LIII" E l "u n 3 »
. . » . - -- _ , , . . . - : . g «i 't 0 than u uur
‘ . lv‘riilen. ltr. \\ lllltllll (i. l)re\i. '_‘l the Mental tests lllk‘l’L“ ‘13 elimnti.‘ drug tixers {LilllClPtlIL‘d ”“HUU‘W” Al“ '1‘ gr 'm J “H
. ' . ' - . . ~ . , texteel tor .xlmrt term mentor»: ()ver tive
. lkx ehmtn l)e;\1rtuient itilkl lh ti 1% Suhieetv \\eie enen whtit Die“ k-‘lllL‘tl .i ”1 ”WW tlilllk'ull L’H‘k‘mlhll” , . ' - ‘
-I . - . - I ‘ . ‘ - . - l , , milhuminx is Ltittxttleteil t() be :1 high
. ' . . putters have write out in the i_l\l I\eiu lliiIl-lllilklllL' tent. designed to test nientiil lli llklllllhli‘itllfn 4 SUN} ”l lie ettulx l “ Dr \\ sud eomp'irin 10 ’
. i r . , * - ., s ;0_‘. L' ' L i n
. . I . dealing \xith the etteets tit iieute .xet \llllllltg. In part A. a SPLlllLtl OI iieute inuruuuttu lnlti‘JL‘itIlUl! “.15 ‘ ‘IIII‘C‘ 'il IIIIIII )t‘ inarijuarii in d
, , . . . . . .. ., 'vunixt'tn't t. k 4 .-
- . .. . intnueutiun Willi nitit’ltudnu. Ullk‘llltlllflll test. stibieets eonneetetl CUNdUClCd. Slll‘lk‘t‘lh hillOkul ”HUN-HM mi I“ h in: ii‘\ :10h1ng three joints of
' . ‘ . . , . . . - . ,. . ,. . m 0 :1 t «d W -
, lhexe tests deiut l‘l‘lili‘di‘il} Willi the numbered tints Hit Ll page‘ while in part B. dud \H‘R‘ lwlitl dtlLrwmls. Ihis stun} \‘ I til i" )ltl
_ I _ .. . - . u v. it . 'L‘v Hi -i
v ' , . wartime dhpcetx‘ in uwrx‘ ot miiruuiuiu. \uhieetx Were made to shitt their mental also dealt \Hlll 1'10 P11351010g1Nl d5PW“ 5} . - .,
. . i , . ~ , . . . _ . . . _. - "l l . lhese vitudies tire signitiednt to the
' \Jhl Dre“. net to ineuule numbers. Subieets were at heart rate 1n LOFRlJlIOH \Hll t IL I .. .
‘ v . . . . . . » . . . . . _ . - . . d .. ,_ eollege student using marijuana daily
, . I _ v. Drew 5 studiex liJ\L‘ probed txuv .ll\()11mt‘(ltttiLlMOICLl“HOMO”. strength ot lllk martllldlld “Mt-k. . » , , ~ 4. .
. - . . . . . . , . . beetiuxe the} SliOW the possibili.) of his
. , ' eonmttxe tit‘eiis mentnl \et \lllltlltg ‘tllkl Die“ tnund suhIieets had more Physrological aspcet l l’ttl lt"()l'llltll( it stated in [h
a . ~ _ . H ... _ . With! A l e .i. 1 I i ‘1 e
- . reeent nieinon tunetiutnng. The tormer dittieult} \Htli putt B than part .-\. liuv From a plnvSlOlOglL‘Lll point 0t new. 1‘ l " \ H in vul [)rew
II . - _ . .. j _ . train e e" L. . ’ -
I , . I.-I. {Jealg With [hc eoorilinutiim at e_\ e and “xix hectilts‘e the Sttltleclx ltLtLl it! ~shill their metthH impairment has [ti do with the ' ' i
.. , . _, . 7 (3 u 98‘
-. ~ -- . v in en 3 e per ml, , SC I , .,
I- . Several protevsms mil he in either the Semnmr Ronni or
' i . - 'I ‘ “’"thd from Page 1 present to net in tithlMtl's and tit»; the Library on the tweltth tloor
' . . , . . are Also more lilxel\ to take the whole Pmeex‘v. meet" the Milli” beginning Month); R0“ . 15
. I ’ ,- . ' ' . . ' . . . . . I , . t i , ,, ‘ i ‘ i
. . . I . Wlnnlng pictures Will be published my,“ (,1 ”my my” over the registering llR‘ll. eun he done in l’erwnml wilt .M dleldblt trom
- r.- . ,. » LiLlVKk‘ ot their tidiisore he mid. .i tux minutes. .innomuttl .. \\, ll .i.in. ti 3 l-
-; . .. ~ » With credit in l972—73 Student . . i . . L- . . -u. dxmrtments
. I- .- . I i All Soeiolog} majors LlI'L‘ urged (madden. thinrnitii. \‘1 tin Other vniurbl , Ll .
, . -, .v I‘ ', Handbook, Crossroads. to enme to Room (‘Bl 23 on S oeiology (‘ommzttee on lime indicated. due to the small
' x - . . Wednesday; Nov. 10 front 7 pm. Curriculum. st/C at their department. that
I, , ‘ Fl 1 E t’ t b 8 10 , N . I 'd to L) pm. to till out their etirds The English department Will advising sessronx en massc are
. .. . n rues mus e x l . . , ~ .. ,
’ , » -. - -. . . . pr "h 0 negative: 0' po aroi s tor tire-registration. have advmng :iSSix‘ttints located not necessary .
I . . I Will be permitted. Only U.K. students may enter. ‘
I . I I‘ 2. Entries should be labeled with the student's name, address,
'. . , II I year and college and information concerning the picture. + < L A S S I F I E D A D S +
l ‘. . I' / -- x » W 3. Pictures should not have been taken before September 1970
' , .‘ I‘ ' and should be U.K. campus and/or Student Life oriented.
. A I I ‘ WON’V’N’OW’N I mN-oOo'm'mo’ ’ O l I erooo-oN’o-o "NO’A
I I t I, T W-,,~m~,~ -,-----~--,,m-,,--- m~-,-,----m------_
. - ' » . Sme't to Room 513 P000 0 FURNISHED apartment for rent. bed— BUY l)('i:tll;llll l’t‘l'.\titl. {U.K'plf .it rvmv COEDS rl'art or full time jobs. Hours
I- II .v ' - room. private bath. fully equipped :iiizihlo let'. trivni \lutll‘lll taunt; tn >Ult your >ehedulo. 252—0833. Ask
: . ,- . . kitchen. near UK_ Utilities paid. Ap- home t'uli 254—87641‘ utter ti p in, SNH for M“, 1mm. 5N1]
,- . J - 257-3754 pl} :50 South Limestone Street 4N10 ~v~m+~~ . A A. ~~~~~~vv~ vvvvv ._. —m~~—-»~—~~~-————»-————i—v
, ‘ ‘ r. l . ‘, ,N,,,,oom”~’~ W7 XMSALA- IILIIH‘ It‘v'i “'“ll-I “PM“ STUDENTS make your Christmas
. . . , \mm‘ 0d} “-“l‘ 1- Sll'lltivlf‘d 9m“. 34"“, more). Part or full—time jot) packing
' l, ' I ‘ 4 r . D I. D . . ,,,_' TUTORING CH” 254—“7'91‘4'll1‘rlil‘HI 5N” tobner'o. (In: \uirk hour< to suit
. I. . ea Ine ecem er I I I I ‘ ———I——I—---I—W~—-—— \‘nur wheduie. See Mr, Brown. Vir-
.« . . _ I I TLTORIKG serViee tor Preneh courses {\IUTURLXLL}. fire :it Toxzien btii— Rim” Ave. Tobacco V‘Vtirehouse. 4N10
. L . .' I. Iv below 4““ lm'ol. Competent, B.A. in tiun, earner lll:l)—EU<‘!:dI. rit‘H‘U _—_—_--——~———.—___
' ' ’. i v. f i Fri-nth C(lll 299-“140 utter 5:30 pm, «qumrneiit. Il't‘fti'(l>, Elit‘)(‘i()})(‘(ll£l In- l.;\li’GE National Compzitn' (18511.05.
_I . I .I I .I - . , - Helen Cinrl: 9N15 teIi’niitioInr-L liim‘n iii Art, SWIM.“ .igflrewix'u hard \xnrkmu .L‘tudont to
. g .I_ _ , . .". :ilh'l‘ ‘JI-l! “511 ‘.\i‘!‘l{ .i few hours :1 “ml; High ezirn-
" i’ . " i I - f; 1967 Irv-nu (hotthnnd
II I. . I. I (v , I: :_____A_,... .. III—IIIIIII_I__IIIII___II_IIII‘II‘TI‘_;I 3"(1Jiit'd, :Ht‘ 't.'i we“ twill SSS-MES.
. ‘4: l I ‘I ‘I I I ‘ l.'_\l‘l‘ V. L : \IH‘K ;;:.i«..ri .4'.k: ~11i tit“ .LL. ._..._._-.__... ___._ I“-.._‘H:l}f
"‘ '1 . - . ' '1 liqlfill‘li'f I; I‘ll“ 'fi W‘l'. \‘~.il~v v';l:,l\‘ F‘i' '«r' tlli‘f‘ftit',
' . . . m3, . 0 o “' .. l N‘ . ~, r».'.~ :- I).v 2'»; Cami
' .‘ i I: . , ~-{ . I .- , . _ III I, _._ i .- .:.i:< 12w. Auk év
‘ I I I V ‘- ‘ ‘ 4‘ . l. . ‘ I ‘
I. A .“L l“ i i l ‘ 'npr, :v pig-Vii rt A‘R; " L: , "’AVTl-h l
. -. . ». , . I i - .. . . ..I 1w»; .~ 27;: mar
' 'Fi“""w - ' -aa.-,,-,r-,o,n-u-,,,m ‘ ' ’Nn
." I . ' «. ‘ ’.'””"J””flfl-'fii”’ ‘H l‘1 .""l"j .‘ (“‘1'
.' ' , , g e I " ,.,. .' "l ‘ , ‘r .t'” .tl‘i I’, -t‘iwt‘v
. ' I .v . . e . ‘ 1' , ‘"' ' ,v“ ' !’ “1.3217151,
.' , ‘ .a. ‘ QIZZA ‘ ‘ ' :LI' ‘nrrM‘.
'- i' I' I I' ‘1‘, ' I \ I - H.435";Fiji—:W‘ZTiLv—iixv «7:7, ‘_ 1:}. v H wf‘tv’2‘t7. Dziil'. NYC: 5 pm 3N1ti
IIIIII . I I I . I : 26 9- 3 B55 26 6 -1184 are needed by the Council on Women's Concerns
' «I .~ I Do YIOU ha“? knOWledQC a of specific case or pattern of sex
I I II '. II dlSCl’lmlmilIDn in Universny employment?
I ~ ' . I . . x ' =' '
-..' ‘-. . v; . . . H 501 59nd WU! WNW?” Slow to Rm. 204, Student Center
3 . . : ' f D'n'ng Room Serv'ce a, 3E7C§29IMargarct Wendelsdorf Or Rebecca Westerfield at
. I. I'i'. II You do‘noth t ' '
I . ' II . . . . I . . 3V9 0 5'9” WW name, but should include the
- - ' ‘ , - , .. ' I mperral Plaza Srr Pizza dW 0' dW'V" MW
1.! . i 1 : ~'.' . (The University °f M’Ch'ga” recently had to pay $6 million in back
. , I .I . II .- . ~ I . pay as a result of Similar complaints!)
‘ ‘ Th P 'II b '
. a .’ .. .-: i P ' 5
II . . I -. , e ertwu a y apers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg T c Hentuclu, Kernel
. - A' I , U ,_________ _ , .
I . I _I.I II I . '. I , l II I I , I , I IIIII I I . II III I III . I s I The Kentuivky Kernel. University
'. . . , . '. '. " l . ’ ' “ ‘ ' . ‘ “C ‘ . ‘ i - ‘ .. 1 .‘ - ‘- ’~“ ' I, ‘t-"tlvvii. Unixw-rwty of Kentucky, Lox-
I ,- .' , _‘ l . _. . ~ _; .’ .' x x I , . k. ., ., . I I ,_ muffin. Kt‘nlln'k)’ #606 Strand Class
I . II I_ I I I l I I . . , . v. ‘ A, .. ‘ ’ “ ' ‘. I'iivhnuav pint :it lt‘XlllL‘tnn. Kentucky.
.' .- ' I‘ .I I v ' . . t. f" "l. A - , ,» / 4' , r . - . _". , . ‘3 «'E-il tnw times \imkly during the
.I I I ' I _ ’. ,_ a; ll ' ’ A ' I: vluwl M- xl‘ "\itt'l)‘ him-lays and exam
. ‘ e ' II . , .. i ' ’ ‘I/ ' ’II- 4 VII 1.. ‘. I . ' . . i. ' I . .' i‘i‘Hurtv, Mid (mei- (lurini: the summer
I I ' . ' ,‘ I > , v .l" ... v . . V ., I . I. l: ““2““
I.I‘ . . I I . . I | , ‘ . . . ' ‘ .1 . 'I I - .. ' ’ ‘ ' . , ~. I. .1 ‘ if . I I i"ihli\tmri li)‘ the Board of Student
-' - ' . ' . » i - .. . . ; x u. . .1 . . ./ ,,- . , -:‘ I’vmlwm ll . [’K that Office Box 4986.
. I I- .~ I. I I . . .‘s ' ' - 'v - . . . I I 1/ ,i I .. 'l, ’.. 1.431 thatn‘. ‘ ”taunt m ttnv (élflt‘l in 1894 and
I , I I l I i I , I f I. . g a; ,_ n l" .'. ii, ‘ ‘ {/1 / w‘ « i>vilii,\liivrl ('untlnumtxl) at tho Km‘nt‘l
.‘ [I . ‘ I . ' I I o ‘ I ‘ . . I I 13'3“? 'I 1. t "l I Ill/((C'f/ - rllt“ 1915.
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I rI , I. . I . I .v . up It . a , II“ ’.""ll".I_ I-;I~I; _ __ ‘ V” ‘ ”(i ,. ,M I ,l “‘9'; II" N. “I ' ,- Yt‘:itl_\. by mail .. $10.50
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. . ., . : .A . a r I i i g/ .. . D v.4; . \. Q n‘ “A“. n \\\ -I, ‘l a . KERNEI, TELEPHONES
, . >- , » - . ' V~ - v. w , , é.” “.4 a." ’l l» ' cv‘ ’ 4“ m v.) 9““: 8 WW: Minimum Editor 257-1755
‘ t .’ ' ' . V‘ '1 l 3 “ liaj“ I \ ;.i- “1 . ' ‘ l l‘ ' ' ”i u!” e 0 a!“ V 3%] ,5 \ “WWI-1| Page- Editor.
I , I , . "i L: » . l. g lying. I ll . -. II t a 4 . , 4/ 13:; I It A<<()eiate Editors. Sports .. 257-1740
. , . , 'A . Ht) 5“, . . .
" ' ' “I x, I l' 9 a. ' 'A {595‘ \\ ”mi ‘* 3’”. . ’l. '7'“)? ‘ v; ”‘5’ ' L. Adl'mm‘HE- BUSHH‘SS. Circula-
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 ‘ ________________________________________——————————— THE RILVI'I‘I k\ KI:R\I1I., III-(Inmm, \m. In, I07I — I , . ,
. ON CAMPUS Hrs: 9:00-5:30 j
395 S. Lime 277-5733 ~. , '
, W 1:": m A . LEATHER COATS 49.90 197'-
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M Knit Hat & Scarves from $14.00................ ‘/2 Off
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—|— N Battle Jackets Reg. $14.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . only $7.00   .
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Sweaters G: Slacks....... ~\“: “e. $6.00
£7.33 ‘ S‘ e * ~
S Cooper & Roe Q 50\ _
S Turtleneck Tops Reg. $6.00 only $3.00

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. -. .l “ ' a p Editorials represent The oprnrmrv of the Ifllrtmir. not of the ('niiir'rsr't)‘. 2):) ‘
' II - ' ' Mike \\'incs. Eriitor-in-Chicf getti
'- .j '1‘ ln recent months America‘s considered one of the worst in the Jane Brown. Managing Editor Jerry Lewis, Associate Editor In
-‘ . Z "l prisons have exploded in violence nation. is now very high and the “Mid A~ Kins BusinessA‘lmww‘r I Jolniflraix EditorfaIPaéle Editor mee
. ' ' ' . . . . , . . . - - )- ) I . Iliillfll‘ Frariirs, (vii-g Hill‘llllullll. Railiel kaiiiuf. Lintoln R. I.ew1s Ir. .
I. . .. dITd Ind”) lldV C bCCll L‘le)5Cd “5 DI‘ISOI’] IS bung IOUILd among IThllLV hale Matthews. and \Veiiilv Wright. (until!!! .\lrrrrrigingr £1“!an Chal
I - I “dongs 01‘ crime when: inmate penologrsts as the prison of the Mike Tierney. Sports Editor Don Rosa. Cartoonist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor :trat
. . . . . . . or
. -' ‘ . treatment is often brutal and tuture. “5e
. » _ '-I' 'r l I , n. é;I:f:3:35333322:EzgzgzgazgigifigigigiiésiésisE33§E5353333313z553353333333:253:53355533355355:353333;?3333323331533ziiizii:33533333533555335225523333355352333335333?:335353513153325335332532233555535535?23333352555333???E5553253353353333353:3533223332522‘355£32553$353553325E?25353325355333233555553E3?3553555335533555323331535‘333
. . . , I H 1‘ ma l t . We are pleased to see that at least §§3§5§ , 52:3; Stud
‘ ' - ,' ‘ ‘ ' t is rear enrng to note an . . - if??? 5???? CO"
. ~ , .~ prism. people wort-mg to .srtaKernel Forum: the readers writes...
. . _ .I _ exception to this general rule. . . . . ... 2:3:
. . - . . . remove many of the llULlStlLLS that I
, . According to a recent issue of make prisons a primary cause of Findinlr inner wave have been greatly condemned if there C
I ,2 I r I . . Newsweek. Washington State crime * . I r- . I - hadn't beer} any coverage at all. :10“:
. .- -' Penitentiary. outside Walla Walla. is ' It 1,5. amazmg t0 thmk. that one fourth I heard JOSh speak a” the? nights at
. I. .- . “clearly the most innovative However the acid test the reforms of UK 5 student population showed up to the Student Center and twrce in classes. I .
. .. .. . . . ~ . I . . ) hear Josh McDowell explain clearly the am very thankful that I heard him
‘ ' - ,. liberal niaitimuni-securitv irison N Washington w‘“ have to ' - ' ' - ‘
I. I. . . '. . . . , l - . l l f ‘d' . meaning of being a Christian. [hope that because his message of Jesus Christ
. .I r anywhere in the US. mut ‘5 t1“ prob U“ 0 re“ “lsm- many UK students have examined their increased my faith as a Christian. Also
; . _ ‘I- '. _ . . , I ‘ . _ , , v r . a . . . .
. -. .I Innovations at Washington State At many L-S- prisons ‘15 many ‘15 70 IIVCS 311d have accepted 60d 5 love and many students asked Christ into their
.‘ . I‘ .' - include an inmate governing council percent of released inmates return entered into a personal relationship with hearts as an result ofthe messages. 1‘
.. .. .. that sets many policies concerning ”the? (lUlelY ‘0 ”WIT MC 0f crime 1595 Chmt' It '5 [I]: oIne sure w.” ‘9 {infd The need for Jesus Chmt in our lives is :53,
.. .‘ . q I -_ . . j . . . , . - an inner eace an tie meanin in ie so ' m hit ' n ‘ "s
. . ‘- inmate behavior. unlimited mail and Ultlmdtd.‘ ‘0 prison. p , . g . . importa t ‘1 the rg oring 0f SUCh an com
.I I . . II . . . . that most everyone seems to be searching event as these lectures would have been
' privileges and up to 30-day If this rate can be cut for. _ very ugly. A
'I I * turloughs tor many inmates. significantly. wardens from Attica BOW”! Gm." Anything that Campus Crusade for it
. - ‘ . ‘I f: lnrnates who are punished at to San Quentin will have to follow ['1 Fd SWIM” Chris‘ sponsors ShOUld be advertised 35 2f;
[3 ,I ' I Washington State can have two suit or face more violence. ‘ ”lemma“ ‘ “(am)” mUCh as pOSS‘ble' I believe that the Staff :19“
_. - I; i ' . \ ‘ x i r u
-. . - council members on hand at ll the reforms work. wardens and Of the Kernel WOUId [38mm greatly. E
.I . . . I ,I dis ‘i ilin'rrv .. I, _ . .1 l' II“ 1 I l" . . . because the message of Campus Crusade AW
'. II ‘-. , .c t . _ sessiIons am can portrcians “1 ran to lSIUl to -[)Iy""m,p Josh NICHON-pll for Christ is that there is ONE 7.3
- ‘ .I . " protest any pums nnent to the inmates like one of the leaders of - ‘ R0
.I , . ’r.‘ irison su I TllltLlld nt tl Att' b 11' l 'd “W I am verv pleased to see that the staff WAY JESUS CHRIST‘ S R . m“
. I. 'I . . l d. \IL 1‘ l“ rc ‘ Km W )0 5‘“ ‘I L had the opportunity to interVIew Josh 0;? 71m} N;
' ‘ - . ; ' ‘ V ‘ " ' h I ' i v \ \ ,vx ( ‘ m . c ‘ . 1
. . I Actor mg to . cwswttk. morale are men. we are not btasts. Dont McDowell. l believe that Josh had sucha C [I r15 ImIan We.
. '- 3 ,' ‘ . I at the pnson. which used to be play games With us." dynamic message that the staff would 0 (fl 0/1 ursmg II:
I , _ . I. '. ornmvru (or )ills St“
. . . . ' .5 5 T 9" j I c
.. . 'I : I »I . -. - / About a month ago a short article was ’1“;
.III . . . '. '. I-.I .4. printed in The Kernel dealing with the 1‘
. - , ‘ . distribution of the ‘momingafter‘ pill. $53
2 , . ~.- - - \fter rvd‘ . tl . "Ii 1 id h 0
. . . '. I .I I II I () l]e()(l I ) 3 . ‘ Q (r ‘ I Lil ”if. TC drilk L id t 3 me:
. I . . . . I.I - ( l l. l]( ()l‘] I)! ()111 1c 1111..~ dCUOII impression that a co~ed could go either to s'r
-I . . . I I I I I I I , . the health center or the emergency room gr".
. "‘5 . ; . Here ’11 l h '.'-..‘..r? nilffllif ow ‘li‘. “eh [1' ;5 .miyiri; wricic sew-urn}. and when there l\;llli\il‘c‘l‘ lacs ‘r Attica. and obtain the Pl” solely upon 3 yo
" " “‘ ". of l . v V. ...,. v. i. "v ' ' . -? ‘ - ~*"r 1‘" “e tl " .ii‘ 'I i . « o ' . ~ - ‘ ~ W 7 - i“
. .I I .tr lr ,. )IL l\\llI carer “#1 no at all cl interest .t. l to .. i '. I orrurli i “hat the lit! do.s in .hrs country statement ol her ”9ch The writer did not As
'~ II' costs .r replay or the spring :0; the time \alues perhaps uncompromising actloi? makes a drllerence both on the mention what steps if any were inf'
1'. .. - l‘ ~ \v ‘rl’h*imir‘siyeri'iin‘tith‘i ll‘l lit . . x v .' ‘ A L. H . i f’. ‘
I I I I \«\l .pc. tic Lclt s rcinorrsc was or u t r r cs I IIr er c It IL to l. mutront and or tht situation of necessary to obtain the pill. givmg the pre
. ',.'. . .I v. llo.I:_'\’\.ll} I believe that a similar time WIAIIU‘HiPlL‘Hl} “URINEl-‘Kl‘k‘llknsh contarrrrnent \Hllllll the third world. reader the impression that the health acc
I . . I . . , .V . r‘ f i . .I 4 3| \ y \ nu [\ \ " ‘1‘) i ' .A t x . w ’ . - ' c .
« a '. (laos and .‘\itl\.dl ougla -o L\l)l\c a l..«. usual . uprtIsstIItlI lrlgkrhint'ml NI) \Klrcri lllL executiontrs murder in a center is randomly handing out if;
. " , '. ' Lli‘ .1! N" l ‘. ici‘ JUllll. llL' l; l0 .l1‘ Lit ."l'c. l H ‘ '.. i x i' K . . ~ ' :
' ‘r V 4 l ‘ (’1)ll»\rlir:"\) hlkr'r l Sim s \crl re l'or l[xiii Iinlilril fiti ‘ t [h 8u w riy Tho rl ( hind“:H tl ghlknlft) l ()r' lmV‘MiL' dnmher experimental dillgS. lat
, -- ,I .- .r .I ce .; r H"kl‘ c get e. ‘ca ‘ . c .. i coir rI'..re .e sionrt r‘eac inasmariv .. ~. ~ . . ‘
‘ " - . relr rltll‘l/rlltill’ hut c'll‘ the lc’l do it" ('an \tl ‘li ll‘lll"\ r\ \l'lll‘i bcirrv- l ted se'i'rtor numbers '1 1. _ , , ', IThc ‘1”le Idld Include ”‘0 ”a that the av
. . .I . . .. . . . . - . , L . i b ., . . - e _ w .. - ‘13 imp” L *P‘deWUSIM pill was experimental however the writer P”
.' . ‘ ’-‘.' "m: x . v . a r; t ‘ ” i-hr‘rtl‘ hVni' - ~ " ,. ‘ I ‘ a-
. I ~. . . , we 1 I nembcrs ol the bourgeoisie. tycn in U! WI 1‘ 0 lM “I“ I“ M I” I: Lluikd uncompromisingl}. . . neglected to say that it was not approved or
- - 2 . .I the knowledge or the emptyness. ot governor. mayor whatever. l.lectron\ MU Conlronted by this mass outpouring ol bv the Federal Drug Administration Also
a I I ‘ . ' the moron \Cc‘llrll} . and of sham values of only llnl’mim? In .W tar as IllC)’ ”ldlwlc collective revulsion perhaps those millions nl) implications were made as to .other
.- I. . .I . I I our JIM move and act against the the thinking and Will of the people. of Americans with their unhappy. possible complications which mi ht occur
I‘ " ; . . ‘ f I. overwhelming violece of “Americanisni”. WC are “0t moderate kentucky screwed-up lives can understand the if the dosage of the dru were iicreased
. I' ‘. '. _- -I I. The aim of the American Left must be to Demo