xt7jq23qz943 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qz943/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1942 v, 90 p., [1] leaf of plates: ill., map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.201 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Rusk County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 201, Rusk County, June 18, 1843 - Dec. 29, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 201, Rusk County, June 18, 1843 - Dec. 29, 1939 1942 1942 2019 true xt7jq23qz943 section xt7jq23qz943 , ,. \1;.“11111111111111111 . ’
: TEXAS /\
\ a F
1. No. 20: /

June 18, lBAB-December 29, 1939
Prepared by ,
. The State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program
Division of Community Service Programs
Work Projects Administration
i . The University of Texas, Official Sponsor
‘ Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences
The University of Texas, State-Wide Co—Sponsor
San AntOnio, Texas
The State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program
February 1942

 Blank Page(s) \

 . g PREFACE; _ '

The publication herewith presented, an index to the probate cases
filed in Rusk County, Texas, is number 201 of the Texas series of coun-
ties. The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day-to-

‘ day usage by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and
other citizens who have occasion to consult probate case records for the ,
proper conduct of their affairs. The publication may be used by histori-
ans and genealogists to obtain references to unpublished source material.‘”

The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are
arranged alphabetically, with reference to the filing date of the case .»
and the.case number. The following numbers were not used as case numbers:
1,.27, 45, 49, 57:763i 74, 93, 103, 179, 189, 191,7194, 201, 239,_241,

251, 307, 326, 359, 362, 375, 477, 515, 578, 584, 613, 617, 620-623,-744,
830, 849, 906, 942, 1014, 1273, 1463, 1540, 1541, 1582, 1640, 2354, 2613,
2834, 2852, 28549‘3133, 3426, 3468, 3479, 3517, 3562, 3575-3661._ 7 '
‘ ' In Rusk Ocunty, all probate records are in the custody of the-county
clerk. -Probate case papers are kept in 123 steel file drawers in the
county clerk’s vault. The papers of each case are in an7individual file
jacket, and cases are arranged numerically according to case numbers.
Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has " ‘ ’
é affected'probate jurisdiction and has determined the county in which the
probate case should have been filed, a map and table oi territorial ,
' changes are included herein. Notations concerning present location and
availability of records pertinent to Rusk County follow: . .
Harrison County, Marshall, all records extant._,‘ . 7
Nacogdoches County, Nacogdoches, all records extant. "
' San Augustine County, San Augustine, all records extant.- '
1 Shelby County, Center, records destroyed by fire in 1882,
- iii.§',.r-..

1 '
E 1 .1.11;N0103' All of the map areas,were in the municipality, j 7J' ,1”
{:1 j ' end/for“.,cemity;or I‘Iac,ogdoches.imt'il the,e,arliestf 5.2
§ ‘ ,1 ‘ l,f h' date given below_for,each.particularparea.,(1) ',;1’ . T
1, 3 ; @fi ,ji‘nausk'cofu‘nty ' , " .. _..,1.j’rrem”_.,1'/1_‘6/_1s43.(2');toj 5,}.‘detef .'
z ‘ 1 L , ,. .1 _. , ,..:...4 7 ...g ‘ ., 1‘,‘”,.1.U 0,1,1“,
51 ‘ in Rusk dotht'y ' ' from 1/16/18‘43 (2’) to 4/30/1874
Q 1 , " Gr988.09unty h, d,, ,,M__. .: . V_. 4/30/1874 (3),?"7'.,l date

1 , (c). 15151111151511:chioi'sen‘ Augustine; from .,,'3/_'_.6/1234 (f4) toi'i/ii/i‘sssfl'
1 1 "‘ 1 "1' " 317111.106th 958121546 1141/1535. (5)111" 12/14/1837 .
i L 1 a” Naeogd00h0s§00untyf 4 ," Jui'I,,'"Ifll2/l4/1837;(6)ff"'-l/16/18433§5
; {:11 Rue}: County. , ;_,:~ ,2"; "'1/16/1843f(2); '"1 ‘. date”,
5 1 (fi) in munitipality of San Augustine ‘from '3 "6/183 '(A)'to 11/11/1835' '
' 11...," andcomrty, of Shelby* , . " .11/11/1835 (5) ._ .". 1/28/1939

1 "'"‘"'Hai"risch.06111ity.,-.’.» ": I .1! "'1/28/18‘B9 (.7), "'12/31/1844 .
; " Rusk; oeunty , j i “ ‘ 1" , 12/31/1844 (8:); ."_ 43/30/1846...-‘3
' '" Paroletcounty;(.51. .. j ., ' 1'. "3/30/1846';(9>_ ‘1!‘:..j'"dete;.f
*Created ies‘yieijehevw "Meygii, 1835"(Gam'."1.’avvs, ’1‘,i-53'2);._neme ”changed,“ '
E‘ ‘ to Shelby, Jan; 1, 1836 (Gem. laws,?I,T1025).,_;f ",;r f;,,”wjf _,jj":
4 (1) ”It is aSSUmed that the municipality of Nacogdoeh 5 (EEE Eugene.Q, ,‘

i , Barker, figadingg ig'Tcxas'fiistorx,dp.i132) had jurisdiction over“ " ‘

E all the territory that was later censtituted the Department of_,.

E Nacogdochos (Gem. Laws, 1, 281). ' ” ' “””” *"'””' " ' '

(2) Gam... Laws, 11, 859. . . 1 _. .. .

i (3) Gem. laws, VIII, 181. " ‘ ‘ ' ” ' " ' ‘ “‘ ”- '

23‘ (4) Gam. LaWs,,..,I, 352. , . . .. ,. .. . ;. , , _.-.~_'

g (5) The district of "Tenehaw" 0f the muniCipalitY'of san.Augustino has

i: 1 made a separate.municipality in 1835, centering around the town Qf

;1 Nashville (present Center), but its boundaries were not defined””

E1 (§§§ Game laws, I, 532)., It is assumed that the municipality of

,; Tenehaw, later renamed Shelby and which as such became one of the

g‘ 1 original counties of the Republic of Texas, included all the north-

51 1 . ern part of San Augustine north of the northern line of the munici-

f} pality of Sabine created in 1835 (see Gem. Laws, 1, 993), and north

31 1 of the gen Augustine-Shelby line as defined in 1837 (see Gem. Laws,

1, f I, 1394 . \

:1 (6) Gem. Laws, I, 1390.

y (7) Gam. Laws, II, 159.

:, (8) Game.Laws, II, 1054.,

;1 1 (9) Gem. Laws, 11, 1337.

1 _ EVULH .. .

1‘ ' _7"_7 ,11 1111 11, W 7 , e 1

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ANDERSO \ g . ,
MAP OF ~ 9 -\ ‘ \ODUFF
\ O ‘ \
L ROBATE AREAS fl/{:’§§\\\\ l SAN
. Ill/l/l/fi‘gfififi?“ , AUGUSTINE e
R I l, E q 0 LA canon \ o uncung
PREPARED BY W.P.A. 0.P.265-|-66—60 ll/l7/l94l. A N G E LI NA 2
———————*~—_ 7%,, ,

 Explanation of Map Areas (cont'd)
(E) in municipality of San Augustine from 3/ 6/1834 E4) to 11/11/1835
" n and county of Shelby->6 H 11/11/1835 5) " 1/28/1839
" Harrison County " 1/28/1839 (7) " 1/30/1841
'1 Shelby County " 1/30/1841 (10) " 12/31/1844
" Rusk County " 12/31/1844 8) " date
(E) in municipality of San Augustine from 3/ 6/1834 (4) to 11/11/1835
' " " and county of Shelby* " 11/11/1835 (5) " 1/28/1839
" Harrison County " 1/28/1839 (7) " 1/30/1841
" Shelby County " 1/30/1841 E10) " 12/31/1844
" Rusk County " 12/31/1844 8) " 2/ 1/1845
" Shelby County " 2/ 1/1845 (11) " date
(C? in municipality of San Augustine from 3/ 6/1834 (4) to 11/11/1835
' " n and county of Shelby* " 11/11/1835 (5) " 1/16/1843
" Rusk County " 1/16/1843 (2) " 4/30/1874
" Gregg County " 4/30/1874 (3) " date
- - - The area Within the dotted lines was created as a "judicial"
county called Smith (not to be confused with the present Smith
County, because no part of the territory is the same) on Febru-
ary 1, 1842 (Gem. Laws, II, 759), but was apparently never or-
ganized because acts attempting to create judicial counties
were declared unconstitutional early in 1842 (fitockton v. Mont-
gomery (1842), in Dellam's Texas Eeports, p. 473):
*Created as "Tenehaw" Nov. 11, 1835 (Gam. Laws, I, 532); name changed
to Shelby, Jan. 1, 1836 (Gem. Laws, I, 1025).
(2) Gem. Laws, II, 859.
(3) Gum. Laws, VIII, 181.
(4) Gem. laws, I, 352. I
(5) gee footnote (5), p. iv.
(7) Gem. Laws, II, 159.
(8) Gem. Laws, II, 1054.
(10) Gem. Laws, II, 617, sec. 4..
(11) Gem. Laws, II, 1108.
.- v u-

 I I ' " ‘ INDEX TO PROBATE CASESr - . 7.2
Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed . 1 Case No.
_ ,.,' - A n . .. , '
Ackerman, Mrs. Kate, NCM Mar.‘lO;1936 l~ 3277
Acrey, S. A., deceased Oct. 12,1931 . 2868
, Adams, A. P., deceased Oct. 29,1935 ' 3238
Adams,Effie Katezet al,minors _Feb. 7,1931 . 2749
Adams, Lovella 3., NCM = Jan. 30,1932»~ : ‘ 2897
Adams, Lucius, minor ‘ Dec. 31,1915 _ ', 2032
. Adams, N. 5., NCM ' ‘ Apr. 6,1916« 3 -,2041
' - Adams, R. 11., NCM Oct. 23,1935 . 3254.
Adams, '11. 11., NCM " ‘ Nov. 27,1935 5251
Adams, Sarah, minor . Apr. 24,1937 3369
Adams, W. R., deceased ' I Sept. 3,1902 . 1739
Addamson,Fred and R.V.,minors Nov. 21,1925 2374,2515§
Adkins, Kittie, minor Jan. 9,1951 . 2729
Aiken,Viales A. et a1, miners, ~1 ~ '
' (no papers) ' ‘ 2 Nov. 1,18541 - 393
Allstalk, John L., deceased, '
' (no papers)" , Nov. 21,1850 . 157
' Akles, Fred, deceased Aug. 14,1929, 2551 .
Alexander, Bertha May et a1, ‘ '~5 - ' u
' minors, (no papers) May 4,1920 2171
Alexander, Ellis, MOM May 29,1936 -W 3294
IAlexander,EvisIJean Jaeobs,NCM July 12,1937 I I339l '
Alexander,Glen et a1} minors June 1,1928 ' ”2489
Alexander, Imogene, NGM, “ . 1 ‘ ‘"
(no papers) "‘ June 8,1937 -_ ' 3381
Alexander, Jordan, minor, = " -"
(no papers) _ ‘III May I28,1849 1 109
Alexander, Josephine, epileptic, .«' v‘ a "-v ~
W. .: ~(no papers) . _ Feb.'2l,l9l6 ‘ 2040
Alexander, Jourdan,“deceaeed, . '- ”
' (no papers) ‘I ’ ” Nov. 25,1848 -: v - #9
Alexander, M. F:, déeeased Sept;-7,19ll ‘. 1998
'I; Alexander, W. A. et a1, minors Dee. 21,1929_r I‘-'>2573
, Alexander, Webster ét a1,minors Dec.I21,l929.‘ ~ 2574
Allen, Billie Ray, minor I Sept.16,l936 : ' {5511
j ; IAllen, Essie 0., deceased ‘ Aug.‘26,1912 :,~ ' I1940
IHI Allen, Henry, NCM ", ' Feb. 26,1929 {/2528
I . Allen, Jeffie et a1, minors ' Ang.‘10,1935 : I ' 3219
Allen, Joseph Ag, Neil “cot; 15,1917 -- -' 2079
, P Allen, M. E., deceased, ." -. ' I . 1‘ 9-
I_(no papers) U "Mar. 26,1852'218,221,E22
Allen, Mary, miner ‘ ” , Oct. 30,1936 3325
, Allen,Susan,minor,(no papers) Jan. 16,1857 : ' 487
Allen, Virginia, minor ‘ NOV.'20,1918' . I‘12104(A)
Allred, Mrs. Annie, NCM May' 10,1920 . — 2172

 l r

3 2

? Name of Deoeased,Min0r or Lunatic Filed Case No.

% Allred,»John,,Julius and Samuel,

3 minors May 21,1870 v . H 1059

1“ Alston, John 8r,, deceased ~ --w Feb.'16,1931 ,.1 , 8759

E:‘ .7 “Amos, Fannie, Maud, Smith and -:;A~ngfl a. . H,.,‘ru ~vw

%: ‘...H Virgil, minors ""” ' Oct. 28,1907 1848

3‘} Amy, Robert, deceased - A ' A Apr. 25,1924 2314

:13 Anderson, Amanda, NCM Apr. 8,1926 ‘ 1 (.2588

§§1 Anderson, David, deceased, . . ~' . 3- - ””' V

g ‘ _'.(no papers) " " : Mar, ‘8,1875~~ - ~=1140

g‘i Anderson, Elvira; NCM ,. Nov. 19,1915. "ffl‘ 202?

i Anderson, J. H.,'deoeased, . ---;" *‘v ‘ V ='} i

3 -(no papers) '; ’ Deo,-18,1871 - H‘ 1107

E ‘ Anderson, J. Haddie, deceased Dec, 21,1860 ” ' t‘BAZ‘

§ Anderson, Kiziah,deobased, '"~V:'." ’ 1f 1

s . (no papers) _ = ‘1' Oct. __,1869:' '. ”1001;

3 Anderson, Leona v; and ." r' jj '."'L

g Rafus, minors ,‘h ‘ .. A3r,-26,1875: 9 “1143“

g Anderson,Lizzie 8,, minor Feb,-18,1931a" - =8756.

1 Anderson, Lola, NGM ’ x (Apr.321,1988* ; '~ '5462;
31- ‘ Anderson, Haney DJ, deceased Aug.a 5,1910- ’ f 1888'

g . Anderson,.W. G;, deceased v Ear” 10,1302 ‘ ' ‘1728“

a o ‘ Anthony, Erline, NCM A. ' Mar. 29,1958"_ , 3457,

g Antony, T. M."dedeased,' _; .. “ ‘. V " ‘ ""1"“

% (no papersi‘_,l : , d ' Mar. __,1854->'j9fl1' 558’

g . AnChEbold, John 8,3 minor, ' 1-“r‘- c"'":f d"'

g “(no papers) ""” ' : gsent,14,18891', “Ci"997ni

g Armond, George, minor wa~ Jan,;5111919_ { ‘1J22107 L

§ Armstrong,MrsgA,E.g_tuberoular, .L. *f‘“3f4’f.nri. ;
g '(no papers) i ,ij _jd uppzAprgsi6,1928‘dipdj"2239},

g Armstrong,Francisfet”al,minors .;Mar,.,8,1937”*1”t’ f3558”:
g Armstrong, G. W., NCM ‘ Apr;;r4,19051 * ',_'1793 '
3 Armstrong, Hesseltine and, J f‘ ’ ' .

g . gThomas, minor3“" '“ Jq . 10,18721 ' f1 '1181 "
1‘ Armstrong, J. D,, deceased Dec.v 8,1958‘“; . . 5529 .
% Armstrong, James 8;, deceased, v‘. , 5~ " ' ' "J '
E, (no papers)_ . Dec. 8,1870 . ". 1057 ;
3‘ Armstrong,James R.,deoehsed J Aug, 8,1871 v . '1091

i Armstrong, John 0., NCM Dec. 4,1953 ” 5054 1
§ Armstrong, John J.,'Joseph C. , - ~ - ' '
g and Mary Ann, minors Aug.,14,1889‘ ‘, ~ 1532

3 Armstrong,Mrs.Mabe1,tuberoular Apr‘, 4,1952 ‘ ~‘ 2915 "
§_ Armstrong,Mrs.Mabel,tubéroular, . I,
g‘ (no gapers) - f Sept.32,1954. 3134 l
3; Armstrong, T. E.,.deceeSed Sept,20,1924 a 2330

g Arnett,Cora 5. st a1,minors Mar,-25,1951 J 2799 L
Q Arnett, Fred et a1, minors Nov, 17,1918 2148 j
E, Arnold, Carrie and J. T;, ', '- 7 a "
33 ; deceased - 4 Doc.» 6,1889 1542 n
g; ; Arnold, Charley,-Jemes,-John,v ~ ‘ '
3‘ Joseph and Marshall,minors , Aug, 50,1890 ' ,"_ 1553
g, 3 Arnold, James, minor' _ Sept. 9,1890F '”""15562.,.
31 : Arnold, John. minor“ ' Sept¢*9§1890' ~ ~ “ 1557 “'

iL .Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No,
Arnold, John R., deceased Apr. 19,1952 . 2921
Arnold, Joseph, minor Sept. 9,1890 t1555
Arnold,Norma Douglas,deceased -00t. 6,1956“ ‘7 5316
Arnold, S. J. deceased, - F - "‘ '
(no papers) . _ ~« May 18,1920 f '2175 '
Arnold, Tom 0., deceased » Aug. 15,1928 ; ' 2499
Arnold, m. 3/1., R. 5.,- s. F”. , .- : , w
'W.‘F. and W. R., minors Sept. 6,1879t“; ‘ '1515
Arrington, A. L., deceased Mar. 7,1885='f ' ‘1454,
Arterberry, Bertha Dean, ' =‘ , f
minor, (no papers) Oct. 19,19372 ' '95412‘
Arterberry, Margaret, minor Nov. \8,1930 v' r 2705 '
Arthur, G. 8., deceased, '1.
(no papers) , - Feb. 4;,1865 ' ' 740
Arthur, Nicy,‘NCM ; J May 21,1954 u . .soee
Ashby, John P., deceased Feb. 16,1905 ' * ‘ =1790
Atohieon, D. M.,‘deceased Apr. 10,1924” ‘ 2813 _
AtkinSon, John S.,,deceased, ' - . 1 ' i
(no papers) -4 - ’ Oct. 27,1852 ' ' 3242:”
Attaway, A. F., deceased, ‘ 1' ‘
(no papers) :' ~ ~ Dec. 24,1873 “ _1 1165’.
Attaway, Della A., minor Dec. 19,1875 . ‘ 1161
Attaway,Nancy Adelia,deceased Dec. 29,1873 1169
Attaway, P. T.,Hdeceased' Jan. 8,1874 ' '1168
. Attaway, Thomas M.,.deceased Apr. 14,1880 1352
Augm’an‘, V1111, Noe-1 . = , Apr..‘ 21,1935 - 5009'
1 Austin,Nat,deceased,(no papers) July' 5,1868 ‘ ‘ , 759
) Autrey, Elizabeth, deceased Jan. 15,1914 , f "1986,.
I Autrey, George W., NCM Aug. 9,1910 ' 5" 1889'
m Autrey, M. A.and M.V., minors Jan. 5,1880 ‘ 1550.
AVerea, R. M., deceased, ” " "',' ,' _‘
L (no papers) 7“ , ~ Nov. ~__,1854 ' 258,391
Avery,Emma and Milton,minors 'Feb.‘19,1919 . ’ 2110‘
. - Avery, Jule, NCM -. :V 5 Aug. 16,1904" . ' 1776
’4 l . : | . _ B — . v \. v . ' ‘ ‘
1 Bacon, M. J., deceased . Sept. 7,1858”V*' ". 320
Badberry,8ebert‘etua1,minors Mar. 9,1955 ' (8999‘
H Baggett, ,minors,(no papers) Jan. ;_,1848 _ p ‘ 44
. Baggett, Joel, dedeased~ Aug. 25,184511,z '58,507
, Baggett, Joel, deceased, ’ ' ‘ ‘. ?
’ (no.papers) * - Dec. 29,1852:' 269
Baggett, William, minor - __,‘ 17
2 Bagley, A. M., J. Gi,.J.~R;, - _ f
,1 James and Martha, minors Dec. 15,1856. ' ‘486I
Bagley,Easter and Obley, . ‘ 1' ‘_'
u apprentices .'. ~ Jan. 15,1867 *' " 895f'
Bagley, J. J., deceased - Feb. 11,1865 . ' 826 "
Bagley, J. R., deceased~ -' Mar. 5,1874 * - ' 1170
;,U Bagley,J.R.and N.R.,minors’ Nov. 24,1869 .' 1014
Bagley, James, deceased- ”,1 Oct. 15,1856 ‘ 475 .

.4 ’ :
' MWAJflLiw—Mfl

i Baslsy, James;¢+4=§ohn Rm» -.» - x1 -. :» a;

{1; m, T., Mollie,;Netnehfs. ' ‘ , .-"143. L =,1g‘;f

1:? and Nathan T.,?minbrsI' v. May 11,18882II., V1506’7

11f Bagley, Jae. R, and Noble 8,, ' I:ff_f ‘ ,"_ 1.} ”T7

Eu ~m1n0rs, (no papers) m.- Mar, 17,187135f '_ “10864'
EIg‘ \ Bagley, Martha,;deceasedfll Apr.I24,1895;. i'_ dl634:.
1‘3, Bagley, N. G., deceased I_Oct, 12,1855I, 5; I144s‘

$11 Bagley, T. A., deceased ,3 ',Deo,ei4,1879' 4. fl326

g; Bailey, Alf.,vdeceasedpjg IFeb..l731907 I' _ '.l848n2

§‘ Bailey, Alice, Bettie and I ;-«;rfm¢:' .7“ I ,Hi_

: 1' -'Ivia:rys aPPrentj-CFTSJ', , .9': ‘ J -': '2 t, . .. - .

g _ (no papers)prze~ p33 5Eeb. 1;,1857 : 1 ' 1906,

1 Bailey, Wesley et 21, minors, I.':f7.'_ ’I' ,. 1

g n (no papers) . 1 ”4;; De%. 29,1939f1Q . {3430'

% Bailey, Williameepgdeceeeed Apr. 17,1851‘If1: 171(1)

; Baird, Mitche11, Non, I ., Juin15,1957 ’ : -.’3592 '

E Baker, BillieIQene,;minonI Jan. -7,l931’ '- ,I2728"

% Baker, Mrs. Fannie, NCM " - Mar, 14,1954 3-“Tj'3074fl

§ , Ba1dwin, Hugh 9., deceased “ July 11,1910; ., f. 1527"

g. Ball,Jane,minor,(no papers) 8ept.l7,1858i 5‘I .‘552.

g Ball, Richard J., deceased, ‘ " ' ’J-fl':_?‘ ff ‘

i 5(no papers)~g{)'3; fll-f Oct,,;h,1852f f. 1.1246

g 5e11,‘W, s ,, deceased’fi ? a1 July 17,1862 .' ' "I706"

g Balls'Williamin,Iminorg-' ‘”"Sept{ 9,1858,‘ 2 ij551jf '
% Baiienger, A.?B.'et5a137minors __00t.f'1,1919' f4.' _2146:f

g I Ballenger, Anna, 35115,,sem ' " “‘II_ ”I.51=-,W, "

" ”and 12., .mr-inb‘rj-s ' say. (17,1912. " " 119524-

;I Baiienger, Edith‘ ieabeilI ””f;, 'fif f1,fj1f.f 'i“;I‘

i -Ietlal, minors"-" ‘ l. “Sept.10,l921jfgfxi‘ 2219'

3 Ballenger, G. T.,‘NCM,':Z: _ :1 “a ffi;,,’I", ‘3 ‘1 “ ,
5 ‘(no papers) "" " ' Oct. 17,1936 7- 3: H3319('

g‘ Ballenger,Misng.A.,deoeased Apr. 27,193Tf1 '1. ‘3371”

i Bell'e'neer, 111112111011?" -. 411:5. 19949152151 ;- 196.94.;

3‘ Ballenger, Nina, NEE: ‘~; July 15,1919I3I-,h “2154, -
% Ballenger, R. T., deceased Apr. 9,1935 ‘ 'H ' 3178 ‘

] Ballenger, W. E.,tubercular ., July 16,1930 2629

g Ballenger, w. 5., deceased ' Mar. 15,1954 5075 '
i Ballow, HermanIet a1, minors Mar. “1,1937 - I 33571

1 Bane, Alene, Houston'andI _ . . I," . ‘Jy 13

3 Milstead, minors fl . ,reb. 1,1951. " 2750

§I Bane, E. J., deceased , I ' Oct. 11,1879".f'” 1516

g” Bane, James A., deceased Oct. 27,18847 .J" 1420

E ‘ Bane, Ray et a1, minors, ‘ ' '.’ 'f-‘ '

i .(no papers) . ' Apr. 17,1893 1598

g Barber, Elizabeth, deceased . Sept. 4,1850 ' 529

3‘ Barber, R. 3., tubercular May 'lb,l932 ' 1 2929

if Barber, W. 0,, deceasdd Jan. 25,1932 2896

gg ' Barefield,Martha Ann,deceased May 18,1932 ' 2933

g Barefield,Mrs.Maud,tubercular Aug. 8,1920 . 2187

3‘ I Barefield, Sam 3., dedeased May 15,1925' ‘ ‘ 2359

g; Barham, John, deceased' , - , " "1270

31 Barker, Jesse, deceased 'Novefjg,f§ff : 7 ’.1910

: ,

E‘ :1 7

 , '5 ' '
‘ .Name.of_Deceased,Minorlor.Lunatic R_Filedal.- ’ . a Case No, v
Bardeale, M. M., deceased Dec. '7,1957" » 3426
Barnes, Julia Ann, minor Nov. 3,1884 , 1422
Barnes, Nellie, minor .' Apr. 13,1928' : 2480 i
Barnett, E. N. andiJ. 0., -
minors, (no papers) July _*,1866 " - 5862
Barnett, H. 0., deceased Dec. 31,1935 3261
Barnett, John, deceased Feb. 15,1852: 235
Barnett, T. 0., deceased, ' 2' 1 : “ ‘
(no papers) ' Aug.- 9,1859 " ‘ 586 ' 1
Barnwell, Samuel H., deceased, ' ’ - ‘
”(no papers) ~ » a Jan. 29,1852 " ‘ 365 l
Barnwell,8amue1 J.,deceased Mar. 13,1863 ‘ 749
Barr, Herman et a1, minors Feb. 20,1937 ‘ 3352
Barrett, Minnie etral, minors Aug. 10,1916 2052
Barrett, Warren, deceased Aug. 4,1905 - 1801 1
Barron, Lee et a1,.minors Feb. 28,1931 ' 2776
Barron, Mary E. J., minor Nov. 23,1876 ' - 1253
Barton, Emory Jr., minor Sept.22,l930 , 2658 2
Barton, George W.,-minor, - ‘ 3
(no papers) ' ' July 31,1860 = 671 1
Barton, George 9., minor, '
(no papers) . Aug. 22,1860 'fl 4‘ 627
Barton,Mrs.Lula H.,deceased July 8,1933 .,' 3023
Barton, R. M., deceased May 17,1921 ' 2209
Barton, Y. M., deceased. July 15,1896 1651 ;
Bass,Mary J.,minor,(no'papers) Oct. 26,1875' 1228 ;
‘Bateman, Claude, deceased Apr. 19,1926-- ' ‘2390 ‘
Bateman, Claude et.a1,-minors Mar. 30,1931 22800
Bateman, Dupuy Sr., deceased Sept.l3,l934' va3128
p Bateman, M. 0., deceased ' Feb. 24,1898 ,, 1662 .
Bates, , minors Sept.12,1850 v x 140'
Bates, L. C., deceased,. , w 1
(no papers) ' - Nov. 26,1862 - 726
- Bates, w. L., deceased Nov. 26,1862 :~' 727
Baton, Durham D., deceased Feb. 2,1909 ' " 1864
Baton,Lidia and W.D.,minors, ‘ a ';' j
(no papers) Nov. 15,1871 é' 1099
Baughman, Faye et a1, minors Nov. 4,1931 ‘= 2873
Baughmon, Ed., NCMr. Aug. 14,1922 " ' '2253
"Baxter, Annie 8., deceased Jan. 29,1919 “" 2108
Baxter, Hugh Marrow, minor Mar. 13,1939 -‘ .3559
Baxter,J.A.,minor, (no papers) Nov. 30,1870 = '1054
Bayliss, Elbert, deceased Nov. 19,1853 . . ‘ 337
Baysinger, Alvin and Cleveland, ‘ '
minors ., *a .- Nov.g'5,1930" 2700
Baysinger, Martin, deceased Aug. 9,1904:* f 1775
Beal, Hary Lou,.deceased 'Jan. 20,1932' 1 2892
Beall, Annie M. and Clio L., 2: ';".* ‘
minors, (no papers)“ ' May ‘12,1902*” * '1729,
Beall, Annie Marie and Clio r ' ' ‘17 "
Lucile,minors,(no papers) Mar. 22,1910' - u1880'
Beall,Gladys;Butts,Tom,minors Aug. 11,1914 1“ ' '2000 '

 1 6 1
f ‘ Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed - ‘-'~‘~v GaSe No. '
:1 1. ,

3 Beall, Jno. 4., deceased Juiy,15,1925 ,=v"“' 2555
” Beall, Corrinne, Eugene, ‘ "' ’ j‘ , * If,

. I Langley, Mary and Octavia, i '1,’ ' fI .’

l1 . minors , . ‘Jan; 6,1881 ‘ [I ,I1541
1 Beall, P. 0., deceased, ' . ‘ I " i "'1“ .
1“ i .(no papers) "‘ ‘ " Dec. _;,1865 ‘. ‘ "'840
11‘ , Beall, Robert, minor", ' Apr.'24,1957" =1"I557O
i1' Beall, w. 1., deceased . Jan. 25,1879 ' y ‘j1297
fi' Bean, 0. 8., deceased, ‘ I ..'

3 ‘ (no papers) _ Feb.‘12,l902 " ” 1719
3 ‘ Bean, 0. 5., deceaSed ’ Oct. 51,1902 “ . I 1742I
é; Bean, G. 8., deceased May '7,1875 ‘ 1144;
3 Bean, Laura, deceased‘ . Sept.l6,1904 ‘ 8778
1‘ Beard, John, deceased ‘1 .Nov. 10,1886 ‘f ' . 1472
1 Beard, Olen, NCM.- ‘I' May 5,1958 * _5472
3 Bearden,Nellie et al,minors Nov. 16,1926 , I ’ '2414
1 , Beasley, Emogene; NCM- May 29,1959,, [ ' .5572
g Beasley, Imogene,INCK Dec. 5,1955; '1""5255
; Beasley, James, deceased ‘Sept,12,1855l I = .552
1 Beckworth, Fannie May et a1, . . _ ’_,

1 _minors iJuly 7;1915‘. ”1‘ '1955
i Beckworth, H. 5., deceased .Nov. 14,1865 '.'. .,'880
1 BeoKWortn, John,fldeceased _ Nov. 21,1919 '“I ‘. 2149
1 Beckworth,John O. et a1,minors Aug. 10,1916 ’ ' 2054
g Beotor, Edwin P.,“minor ' Deo.-,5,1855' ’ '-’ 545
1 Bector, John M., deceased ' Aug. 2}1853 ‘, 515,525
1 .Bedwell, Sadie, NCM' "" Oct. 25,1951"i,*' I2371
1 Belcher,Eddie May at al,minors Aug. 1,1951 ’ 1' “2845
g Belcher,Mary D.'et a1, minors Jan. 2131952 ' “ 2894
a Bell, Ben,deceased,(nb papers) Feb. 25,1571 ' = '1055
1 Bell, Henry,NCM,‘(nb‘papers) June 5,1955 ,~~ H «5450‘
3 Bell, Jane, NCM. _ I , Nov. 14,19557 .'1'i_5246
1‘ Bell, John,deoeased,(ho papers) Mar. 12,1865 ‘ . I‘756 .
1 Bell, John A., debeaSed, I V'I,‘ ‘1 .

1 (no papers) '"’ '1 f05t. 19,1860 ,:_',‘,658
1 1 Bell, Lidia, use} . Aug. "9,1912, ' 1': 1929‘
1‘ Bell, Lorene, NEW" ‘ ' _June 22,1956“ “ 5299
1 I 5e11, Louie,.NCMifl'. { Dee.-25,1958 - 5554
1 ‘ Bell, Luther,,NCH'I 3, ” July 20,1955’. 5215
1 Bell, Mrs. Mellie, NCM' June'16;1915 ‘ 1963
1 Bell, Robert, deceased ' Oct. 5,1845 , ' 24
1_ I 5e11, Ruth, Ncm- . - July 51,1925'*" ‘ -2495
g Bell, Tessie et a1, minors,. _ '1 '

i .(no papers) ' ‘ Oct. 19,1957 “ 5415
g Bell, Thomas T., deceased Apr. __,1861 , 656
1 Bell, Thos. 9., dBCeased‘ Nov. 27,1545 91
1_ Bell, William J., tubercular Apr. 15,1951 , 2809
§_ Bellamey, Cull Green, minor “‘Sept.24,1950~ " 2665
1 Bellamy, J. P., deceased ,Sept.12,1950 ' 2640
1 Bellamy, Mrs. Lila, NCM June 28,1926 ‘2596
g, Bellamy, Mrs. Lila, NCM , Dec..25,1926.._’ ,2422 .
fi: Bellew, J. 3., deCeased ' ' July 26,1955‘ '5027

 5 ‘ 7 ‘
Name of Deceased,MindT‘Ur“tunatic' ”Filed5*’ - “-~EC§§e New
' 1
Benjamin, Robert, minor' May 15,1851 ‘ - '154 _
Bennett, Annie, NCM' .Mar. 29,1926 - '2585 :
Bennett, Annie May,'NCM Mar. 19,1917 ‘ 2070 1
Bennett, Drucilla and Melvin, ‘ 7f ' 1
minors :1 ,' " ' Nov. 19,1956 " 5554
Bennett, F. H., deceased, 7 'j ' 1 7 7
(no papers) 31- . June 19,1851 72' ‘ ' 177 7
Bennett, Francis, NQM‘ '._’ Mar. 6,1914 ‘ 11988 }
Bennett,John W. et al,minors July 10,1950 ~ “ 2627 ;
Bennett,7Loyd, 0. P. and V. V., '7 _f 7 ' ‘1 ‘ ‘ i
minprs ' ‘. Aug.'16,1902" " _1757 7
Benson, U. E.,1NCM ' Dec, 2131955 _5544 7 ‘
Berger, Lucy A., minor Dec. 21,1860 '7 646 '
Berry, A. H., E., E. J.} F. M. K ' =fi ,' .
and R. W.,minors, (no papers) Oct. 28,1867' _ " 950 ‘ ]
Berry,,Ethel, NCM , f . July 24,1957 ' -5595 .
Berry, Henry, deceased“ ‘ HOV, 14,1891' 7 5 1575" ’
Berry, James,minor,(no papers)- Nov, 1,1854 7 ‘ 592
Berry, John, deCeased ' Oct, 28,1867. ” 7-0951 1
Berry, John G., deceased, ' 7 ' ' 7' I
(no7papers) 7 . Nov, ~_,1869 ~‘.lOO9 . 1
Berry,7Willie 8., tubercular Sept,29,195l ' 2866 ; i
Berryhill, John, deceased" Mar,-25,1855 7 1 281
Berryhill,Robert N.,deceased Mar, 9,1855 1 -~282
Berryhill William,deceased Apr. 10,1854_5 ’ 564_ ,
7Bigger, Jdckie, deceased ‘ Aug, 12,19551 = " 5220'“' y
_ Biggers, Mack and Mollie," 7 3‘ ' ' '
deceased ‘ “7 Mar, 28,1905 ‘ " 1792 :'
Biggers Samuel, deceased Oct, 29,1879 ' _' ‘1525 '
Biggs, Asa, deceased ’7 May 27,1861 ‘ *7 ' 658 '
‘ Bird, Laura, NCM ' ‘ Mar, 24,1955“ ‘ '75279
Birdwell, Arthur, HUM ‘ Sept,29,l92l ‘ Plf'2221
' Birdwell, George, deceased, “ ' _. ‘
.(no papers) “ _‘ Sept,27,1847 ‘ i 26
Birdwell, George, deceased, ' ' ' 7
(no papers) " fl ‘ ' Dec, 15,1850 " 150
Birdwell, Henderson, deceased Dec, 4,1852 ' ‘ 274
Birdwell, John, deceased Mar, 27,1854 ' ~562
Birdwell, John, NCM ' ' Aug, 21,1914 ’ 2002
Birdwell, Jennie, NCM ‘ , July 24,1929 " ' 2547
Birdwell, Mamie et a1, minors . Mar.75l,l95l ' '2801 7
Birdwell, Mrs, Mary, NCM _ 7Mar, 24,1956 . ‘ 5280
Birdwell, Mrs, Mary, NCM; ’ July 19,1958” 5495
Birdwell, Mrs Mary 8e11,'NGM, _ 7 1 ” -
(no papers) - ¢_ ' Apr,‘l4;1958 7 5461
Birdwell, Mathew 3,, deceased July 32,1871' :1088
Birdwell, Nellie nae NOM.' _ Sept,25,1929 ' 2555
Birdwell, o, 9.,VdeceoSed Aug, '2,1958 ‘ 5496
Birdwell, Opal at 81, minors Feb‘ 19,1951 _*2768
Birdwell, Patsy Myrl minor Sept,22,1958 - 5504
- Birdwell, Preston Alford, . 1 ' ,
paralytic, (no papers) Sept, 6,1954 5126

 1 8 i
,1 ‘,
g Name of Deceased,Minor or Lanatic Filed Case No.
:1 1‘ 3
j Bishop,-J. J., deceased Aug. 25,1866 1 866 ,
3“ Black, Amanda, NCM ,, May 15,1914 1998

g Black,Crawford B.,tubercular May 50,1927 , 2440 y .
j Black, Hubert, tubercular, ' T
1 (no papers) 2 . Sept. 8,1951 2860 ‘
1, Black, Ruth, NCM , Oct. 4,1952, 1 2966

5} Blackburn, D. B., NCM,

4' (no papers) .. Dec. 11,1955 5055

g Blackman,JacK,NCM,(no papers) May 20,1889 ' 1526

5 7 Blackman, Jack, NCM ,Aug..17,1901 1 1711 7
E Blackwell,A1bert et a1,mincrs Feb. 28,1955 2997 '
g Blackwell,Effie Mae,tubercular May 19,1919 , 2128

3 Blackwell, Francis, Giles . .

g and Joseph, minors Nov. 9,1875 -' 1250

4 Blackwell, Giles, Nam," A . 1.

i (no papers) Dec. 18,1882 ~ 1580

§ BlaCKwell, Gilles, Nam. Sept.10,1906 1818

i Blackwell, James W., deceased, :

:1 «(no papers) - . Dec. 10,1861 . .679

3 Blackwell, Jiddyer, deceased, ~

; a(no papers) 7:1 1 May 15,1874 1179

3 Blackwell, Nancy, deceased Dec. 6,1879 1527

5 Blair, Mary, deceased .l. - Aug. 8,1902 a -{l755

E . Blakely, Edna, Martha and- . ,w - ,' -~

g -William, minors: .” r Dec. 16,1882“. -_-:1579,

; Blakely, Floyd, minor - 3' Nov. 10,1924- ~, 12556j 7
§ Blanton, Jane, deceased Apr. -1,1879 v i 1~15055-

i Blye,Henry,deceased,(nonapers) Feb. 15,1870 ' - 1021

i Boatman, John,.deceased" June '4,1875 “*-~ 1 12184

% Bodenhamer, 0.3L.,,deceased Jan. 27,1954 » 15-4_5062s

E1 Boggers, W. N., deceased Oct. 2,1907" .s7**w1841§

g BoggeSs, B. B., deceased 0 Oct. v4,1950~“1# ,1‘2675A

3 ~ Boggess,Jiles 8.Jr.,deceased :00t; 19,1877V'T. .-212741

f Boggess, Letitia, deceaSed Mar. 26,1938a3"-.', 5456

% Boggess, Mrs. Moriah, deceased ,Mayw“‘7,19281. 5 ,‘ 2484:-

é ' Boldin5,Jadie P; et-alrminors Mar. 11,1918 ~1 , _>2089

g Bole, 3. B., Nam ‘le .‘. . ,Feb.>22,1sll‘r-Q ,*11897i

§ 80188, C. 1., deceaSed.4v Aug. 26,1912 5 3 19-1959:

5‘ ‘ Boles, Edgar A.,-minores'r Apr. 14,1911’5 : 1*.1900=_ _
3 Boles: 5- M-, deCeased’I-" Dec. 19,187SQI' ,.11294,

3; Bolton, Buna, mcmz, * ,2 2=Nbv.,z4,19181;e 1'.21053

% Bond,'Elizabeth,'James,'John v' gli~J ‘513 -1; 95w

g, 'F., Mary N.,«Reb88K Ann and ,1 w" qa-'fvv5ir,u-j'?'fy

g ‘8arah, minors . . = Aug;~5l,18503‘1= l-i-laa

% Booker, Valinda B., deceased, {#9f2>;‘?¥;

3 fine papers) " 3==- .m‘" - *Jan.125;1875e>'3f‘jfi1156fi

3 Boone, Simon, deceased7 « June :5,19227~*~ ; §2245g'

g Booth; Eula Leo, et-al;minors Aug. 10,1916j "T :‘fl2055*v

g Boring, James M.,éminor-- 3Feb.‘15,l952¢5flg x»129003‘

; Borrington, Mrs.-AlmaeBg;3 T W53 :~V‘- \*5“f ¢V~*V53;

i ‘epileptic . . . May"l7,1927i“*; 1i 24545-

8 .

 g Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. ;
Bost'ick, E. H.,. Mary H. and . , _ ,. . V , , ‘1
' Toliofero M., minors - Aug. 51,1868, ., 958
‘ . Bouier, Henry, deceased June 24,1862,‘ . I 705 1
1 Bowen, Amey, minor ‘, , ,3 Apr. ‘4,1879 , ,1504 1
‘ Bowen,Annie,NCM,(no papers) Nov. 8,1899_ g, , 1678 u
Bowen,George and William,minors Feb. 10,1879 . H 1299 H
Bowers, Mary, minor -. Nov. 17,1928,‘ A .. 2514 W
Bowers, Mary, minor. ..-« _Nov. 19,1950'p . 2709
Box,Bently B.,minor,(no papers) July 26,1911- 1904
Boyd, George 0., deceased, . _
1 (no papers) ' g , d, Mar. 26,1849 , 102-. ;
Boyd, H. J., tubercular », Dec. 16,1926 , , 2410
Boyd, Mrs. S. D., deceased' Mar. 5,1950, .. ' 2588,
Boynton, A. J., deoeasedu. May. 18,1888, , , 1507,
Boynton, F. H., deceased,. . ' _ ,
(no papers) '_ ',,<: Aug. 20,1875 ' J 1151
Boysen, Albert,.deceased - Mar.. 2,1955 _g 1 2998 :
Bradberry, C. G., deceased, , .' A ,
i(no papers) v, ‘ ,flv Feb. 9,1905 1787 !
Bradberry,John R.,tubercular, . V , , , .
(no papers) ' , June 26,1954 f 5096
Bradberry,John R.,tubercu1ar, . . ;
(no papers) .Oct. 22,1954 5 A 5145 i
Bradford, Claud, deceased Jan. 5,1952' 2885 1
Bradford, John W.,,NCH,, H, - ..,, . " 1
, V (no papers) ' , ,, . July 15,1881, , ,1555 1
Bradford, Louise,-minon , May 16,1904~ 1768 1 ,
Bradford, Martha and William, . , ‘ ‘
minors ,,' s-i Feb. 27,1904 . V ‘1765, ;
Bradford, W. H., deceased May, 5,1902 _l725~= 7
Bradford, w. 11., Hold ' July 28,1905 ,. 175,4 ,
Bradham, Emmett, deceased Feb.~ 4,1951‘ , 3741 , 1
Bradley, Frances etral,,minors, - ,. . ;
(n0.papers) . ; , - Mar. _~,1862. _ 694
Brady, Bettie, minor . 5, Mar. 24,1862 _ 1564
Bramlette, Ruby, deceased .Sept. 1,1951 ; 2856
‘ Branch, Charles F., Minor, ..v, -.3 ' .1. 1.
(no papers) ' Nov. 29,1920. -.3195 3
Branch, Mrs. L. 0., deeeased Sept.l5,l925 - . 2298 1
, ' Branch, Lanora, deceased . Nov. 10,1905