xt7jq23qz92x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qz92x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1989 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1989 Vol.60 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 1989 Vol.60 No.7 1989 1989 2019 true xt7jq23qz92x section xt7jq23qz92x i % \
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 Page 2
W k1 Cl for this page from the staff takes this first place.
e e y, as S 1 Try tying the cartoon to commentary / editorial
_ ,. . for stronger statement. Also, could use standing
TYPOG‘RAPHY _ “ V head "opinion" across top - why two mast—
’ heads? '
FIRST PLACE: Bath County News Outlook,
Owingsville SECOND PLACE: Bath County News Outlook, '
Quality of type, neatness, press work excellent. Owingsville
Page 1 layout attractive and shows a lot of Thought-provoking writing; some nice graph- ‘
imagination. Too many pictures at t0P 0f inside ics, such as top standing head. What detracts are
pages give overbalance feeling. "clip art" graphics best left for ads, also non—local
cartoon subjects. Why only infrequent place-
SECOND PLACE: Bourbon Times, Paris ment of masthead on page?
Quality of type, neatness, press work excellent.
Page 1 a little too gray to be really attractive. THIRD pL ACE: Edmonton Herald News
Inside pages show thought given to layout, but It's tough to do consistent layout with changing,
Still too gray. out-size advertising percentage on page. Try to
establish a horizontal 1 / 4 page ad profile, then
COMMUNITY SERVICE work up from that base with editorial copy.
Good commentary by editor - nice local flavor.
Outlook, Owingsville
Borders on advertising, but serves to promote NEWSPAPER PROMOTION
needs for jobs.
' FIRST PLACE: Bath County News Outlook,
FRONT PAGE Owingsville '
‘ Very original - Good play on words.
FIRST PLACE: Bourbon Times, Paris . .
Nice clean layout, good photos (not too many SECOND PLACE: Bourbon Times, Paris
' and not too small). Not too many stories on front Lack originality
page. Good type for headlines and body copy.
Should be a little inside box (index) in lower left SPORTS PAGE
FIRST PLACE: Adair Progress, Columbia
SECOND PAGE: Edmonton Herald News Sections show creative layout and interesting
Nice banner and boxes at top. Good type size in writing. Copy is broken up nicely with a variety
bOdY/ 13‘“ I don't like the headline type. G°°d of graphics. It's clear that a lot of thought goes
use of photos although the quality could be into each section.
better. Writing could be a little crisper — you
need to punch up your heads. AGRICULTURE P AGE
THIRD PLACE: Trimble Banner Democrat, HONORABLE MENTION: Bath County News -
Bedford V Outlook, Owingsville
Nice banner and I especially like the edition Only entry _ a C for effort.
with the color photo. The body type is too small .
(think of your poor senior citizens!) I like the
news briefs. Five bylines by the same person on LIFESTYLE PAGE
one page is overdoing it.
FIRST PLACE: Bourbon Times, Paris
EDITORIAL PAGE Great full-page layouts, with both pictures and
copy conveying a great sense of emotion and
FIRST PLACE: Bourbon Times, Paris immediacy. Fine writing by Kim Saylor &
The energy and commitment to generating COPY Charlie Campbell. Work to be proud of.

 Page 3
Lots of good information with a warm, homey FIRST PLACE: Thnesjfirfigégml City
touch. More organized layout would help. Thorough coverage 0 s , of action
photographs, ggfl vis-
LOCAL NEWS PICTURES ual interest. A sfiggmégmm
FIRST PLACE: Edmonton Herald News SECOND PLACE: Bourbon Times, Paris
Good size photos on Page 1, which adds to Full of holiday warmth and community in-
. graphic appearance. Candid, straight-forward volvement. Strong editorial content, good lay-
approach should apply to inside photo as well. out. Photos are dull.
SECOND PLACE: Bath County News Outlook, THIRD PLACE: Carlisle Mercury
Owingsville Good punchy layout, solid treatment of a big
Three good "page one" photos. Stand—alone win, a service to the town. Photos have good
might be boxed separately ("Horse Show" head action, but are too dark.
over accident photo).
FIRST PLACE: Bourbon Times, Paris
FIRST PLACE: Bourbon Times, Paris Staff not hesitant to use art and white space to
Strong character study (Oct. 26) - graduation is present layouts pleasing to the reader's eye.
a news event, not a feature. Color is always a plus.
SECOND PLACE: Edmonton Herald News SECOND PLACE: Bath County News Outlook,
Good expressions (Dec. 20) rather shot without Owingsville
strobe. Good design (May 10) but missing Popular concept, packed with variety, handy
something. Good action (June 7) but needs to be for readers / shoppers alike. Very busy layout
‘ tighter. could have been supported by a bit more white
space and symmetry.
THIRD PLACE: Bath County News Outlook,
Owingsville THIRD PLACE: Edmonton Herald News
Nice ideas with gun photo and old man cutting Clever idea, using cartoon strip. However,
lawn - but both need to be shot tight, maybe a general ad layout, divided horizontally twice,
different angle. fights attempt to package it all. With revised
layout, would not hesitate to use cartoon again.
FIRST PLACE: Adair Progress, Columbia FIRST PLACE: Bourbon Times, Paris
Subject matter especially appealing. 3rd base Very good use of white space and screens, bor-
.| coach attractive handling of unusual subject; ders vary, but not too much. Ads are easy on the
Basketball picture unusual too (I thought it was eyes and are well balanced. Nice use of type
track at first); Racing picture out of ordinary but style.
, could be displayed better.
SECOND PLACE: Bath County News Outlook,
SECOND PLACE: Bath County News Outlook, Owingsville
Owingsville White space is nice, not too much and not overly
Action at 3rd base needs no cutline; Kevin crowded. Art and photos look good. Ads look
Roberts basketball picture has nice balance and nice, yet a little less use of screens would help
flow; Bobby Johnson football picture catches overall look.
spirit of tough line play. All appealing.
THIRD PLACE: Edmonton Herald News

 Page 4
‘ are written well, but I would have avoided self-
We e kly, C1 a. S S 2 promotional postmaster story; also, a new ban-
ner would help.
FIRST PLACE: Troublesome Creek Times,
Hindman FIRST PLACE: LaRue County Herald News,
Quality of type, neatness, press work excellent. Hodgenville
Layout best described as creatively 01d fash— Strong, well-written local editorials. Ilike the
ioned; very horizontal makeup unusual, bl“ County Calendar, although events should be
attractive. separated by bullets or subheads. I like the Early
Files. Letters should have bolder headlines.
SECOND PLACE: Cadiz Record Layout could be cleaner — think modular.
Quality of type, neatness and press work excel—
lent. Good use of pictures on Page 1; Headline SECOND PLACE: Clay City Times
faces a little monotonous and too many small Good local editorials. Ilike the bulletins. Cory's
ones at top 0f page. Comments not overly insightful butit gives kids
a reason to look at the papers when little else
TI-HRD PLACE: Clay City Times ‘ does. Layout is a little busy.
Quality of type, neatness and press work excel-
lent. Nice mix of typeface in headline; Oct. 6 THIRD PLACE: Troublesome Creek Times,
issue (required) layout most pleasing of the Hindman
three. Picture layout only fair.
FIRST PLACE: Owenton News Herald
FIRST PLACE: LaRue County Herald News, Serves its purpose well, and will most likely up
Hodgenville sales if packaged to advertisers. .
Informative, well-written, good graphics and
relevant. SECOND PLACE: Troublesome Creek Times,
SECOND PLACE: Troublesome (3991‘ Times, Such issues should be produced by newspapers
Hindman more because they give journalists a chance to
Involving young readers creates a life-long come down off their high horses and laugh out
habit. A good idea. loud.
THIRD PLACE: LaRue County Herald News,
A cute story, but not quite fitting of category
FIRST PLACE: Georgetown Graphic other than as a nice gift to readers.
Nice clean design and typography; good use of
graphics; good photography; may consider SPORTS PAGE ‘
squaring off boxes for cleaner look; excellent
blend of stories; teaser boxes add to page, but FIRST PLACE; Hardin County Independent,
should consider page to page index. Elizabethtown ,. 7 '
' Clean layout, easy to read. I really enjoyed
SECOND PLACE: Clay City Times reading Mike Brady and Mike Kersey. Fun
Good number and variety to Page 1 stories; section to read.
good package on drought in July 14 edition; ex- SECOND PLACE: Springfield Sun
THIRD PLACE: Troublesome Creek Times, Good photography, sharp writing. Very easy
Hindman and clean section to read. P.S. Congratulations
Should avoid "step-type" layout as in March 9 to the new fathen
edition; also need to border photos; headlines

 Page 5
THIRD PLACE: LaRue County Herald News, THIRD PLACE: Bourbon County Citizen, Paris
Hodgenville ' Handicapped story is an important one. Lay-
Fine job with Hank's win. Strong front page. outs need more organization - perhaps "wed-
Some nice action photos inside. dings" under one standing head, for example.
Special section on Elkhom Creek was well done FIRST PLACE: Springfield Sun
- a super idea. Good photography in sections Good display of spot news as well as general
reflect action and fun of sports. news and photos.
Good manhunt photo of arrest, but is played at
FIRST PLACE: Springfield Sun bottom. Good tragedy photo of accident, but
Layout, writing and use of pictures all excellent. looses impact played on fold.
I hope it wasn't the marijuana story that caught
my eye. Content covers subject thoroughly. LOCAL FEATURE PICTURES
SECOND PLACE: Bourbon County Citizen, FIRST PLACE: Clay City Times
Paris Color photo has nice design along with balloon
Content excellent. Layout okay, but too blocky. photo - both have human impact (not impressed
Pictures good, but not particularly well used. with others, need to shoot tighter).
Some of writing style could use sprucing up.
SECOND PLACE: Owenton News Herald
BUSINESS PAGE/SECTION Sharp photo is used well but would like to see
more, maybe tighter shot straight on (don't need
FIRST PLACE: Springfield Sun tool box) color - okay.
- A staff-written feature and pix anchors monthly
business section. Too bad it doesn't run more THIRD PLACE: Springfield Sun
often, but a good effort at something many Nice color, but the photos are missing candid
papers don't even try. moments.
SECOND PLACE: Georgetown Graphic HONORABLE MENTION: Citizen Voice &
Well-defined section, "Mind your own Busi- Times, Irvine
ness" logo is cute. Norrell Temporary Services Pix page on Death of a Statesman is close but a
should buy an ad. detail.
FIRST PLACE: News-Democrat, Carrollton
‘ FIRST PLACE: Springfield Sun The one of lens Vanahue completing his jump
‘ The Junior Miss Page had a lively feel and gives was the clincher.
reader a definite "you are there" feeling. The
"personal touch" epitomizes what lifestyle SECOND PLACE: Springfield Sun
' should be: warm and accessible. Good Job!
THIRD PLACE: LaRue County Herald News,
SECOND PLACE: LaRue County Herald Hodgenville
News, Hodgenville
"Wonderful Wednesday" focused nicely on an SPECIAL EDITION OR SECTION
interesting program. Good information in all
pages, but photos could be clearer and layouts FIRST PLACE: LaRue County Herald News,
snappier. Hodgenville

 Page 6
Section shows pride the community has in this THIRD PLACE: Troublesome Creek Times,
annual event. Great pictures, related stories and Hindman
historical background. Art, screens and borders-nice variety and clear.
I liked the way the ads didn't need to compete
SECOND PLACE: News-Democrat, Carrollton for ownership of the page. All caught an eye in
Major news story of last summer tied together in its own way.
package that started out strong with good pho-
tos and la out on Page 1. Section weakened W k1 C1
toward the, end with non-related copy. e e y, as S 3
‘ THIRD PLACE: Troublesome Creek Times,
Volume of material makes this edition as com-
‘ plete a history on the subject as one could expect FIRST PLACE: Oldham Era, LaGrange
‘ to find. Historical background fun to read. Well-desrgned. Clean, modern layout and
modular where possible. Graphic used well.
HONORABLE MENTION: Troublesome Color would make a fine effort even better.
; Creek Times, Hindman Generally good press work.
Imaginative and well-written approach to
Christmas story. SECOND PLACE: Lebanon Enterprise
Clear and readable. Good use of photos. Fasci-
ORIGINAL AD IDEA nating name plate. Section fronts well-de-
signed. Press work good. Color would make a
FIRST PLACE: Springfield Sun difference.
At last! Something fun, local and "exciting"
about supermarket advertising! Kudos to the THIRD PLACE: Cynthiana Democrat
staffer who uses a significant splash of art (type Crisp and C1?” modular makeup. Well-de-
& photo) to make readers anxious for the next Signed 9d1t°nal page. Quahty 0f some PhOtOS -
Save-A-Lot ad. only fair. Color could be used better.
SECOND PLACE: Georgetown Graphic HONORABLE MENTION: Casey County
This special promotion is a definite eye-catcher, News, Liberty .
making the reader head inside. Being bold with A 80051 try, but 1““ quite. One-bank heads don't
type, logo and color always a safe bet. work well at top of page. Why the color name
plate in November 2 issue? Keep trying.
THIRD PLACE: LaRue County Herald News,
Color and plenty of vertical white space make
this ad as soothing and "readable" as possible — FIR_ST PLACE: McCreary County Record,
comfortable to the reader, representative of the Whltley Clty .
, bank. A nice understated approach to everyday Very admirable PmleCt ' it's nice (and rare) to see
advertisers. the needs of the community outweigh financial ‘
concerns. Congratulations!
SECOND PLACE: Anderson News, Law- ‘
FIRST PLACE: Clay City Times renceburg
All around wonderful, type styles go well to-
gether, screens nice, art clear. Very nice, fun to FREEDOM OF INFORMATION
look at.
SECOND PLACE: Springfield Sun FIRST PLACE: McCreary County Record,
All around good, also, could only be better by Whitley City
using a bit more white space. Both examples show strong commitment to
freedom of information. A story on county

 Page 7
contracts for gravel hauling, which points out back" is interesting. Tammie Holt is an impres-
neglect of low bidders, makes good Page 1 use of sive writer.
chart. Another story on a reporter being dis—
missed from a meeting got desired result. SECOND PLACE: Anderson News, Law-

SECOND PLACE: Lebanon Enterprise Good mix of photos, cartoons, copy - delivers
Story on water board's secret meeting, with side real community feeling with mix of strong opin-
bar on Page 1 had good follow-up, good expla- ion, "friendly" features.
nation of complex material. Misspelled head on
March 16 sidebar, Page 1, may have kept entry THIRD PLACE: Pulaski Week, Somerset
from lst place. Strong opinions here and interesting, hard-hit-
ting ones. More photos, graphics would
THIRD PLACE: Casey County News, Liberty brighten up a very grey page.
Sharp column on illegal closed meeting of fiscal
court. Maleena Streeval not afraid of a confron- HONORABLE MENTION: News—Democrat,
tation. Russellville
Like the look of this page. Opinions interesting
HONORABLE MENTION: Anderson News, and outspoken. Overall comment: Quite an
Lawrenceburg impressive group.
Good story on bridge built at taxpayer expense
for county magistrate, with photos. NEWSPAPER PROMOTION
FRONT PAGE FIRST PLACE: Pulaski Week, Somerset
Good use of graphics, catches the readers eye! ..,
FIRST PLACE: Oldham Era, LaGrange The red apples do the same. (I get a subscrip-
Easily the best of category, pages are clean, laid tion!)
out well; good use of news briefs; strong photos
. and good use of graphics; very easy on the eye; SECOND PLACE: Anderson News, Law-
a fine job all around. renceburg
Promotions look as if they would be effective
SECOND PLACE: Mt. Sterling Advocate but did not show a lot of originality.
Drop-banner design is appealing; good variety
of stories; front page ads really detract from SPORTS PAGE
page, however, also, in sans—serif, some head-
line faces appear too thick; overall, fine pages, FIRST PLACE: Whitley Republican, Wil-
however. liamsburg
Decent writing, good layout, excellent photos
THIRD PLACE: Whitley Republican, Wil- and good headline and body type styles. Good
liamsburg variety of stories. I Wouldn't change a thing.
Good layout and use of photos; however, color
should be used more discriminately, not just for SECOND PLACE: Anderson News, Law-
‘ color's sake, especially yellows and pinks. renceburg
Good layout, good photos and good headline
HONORABLE MENTION: Paintsville Herald and body type styles. Writing could be punched
‘ Good election issue, but mention has to be given up a little. It's all games. Try a feature here and
for submitting April Fool's edition (every there.
journalist's dream); I hope Cheekie Rosetail
EDITORIAL PAGE FIRST PLACE: Anderson News, Lawrenceburg
Head and shoulders above the rest. Wonderful
FIRST PLACE: Cynthiana Democrat photo essay, (Page 7, May 11) others great, too.
I like the homey, caring feeling here - "looking— Excellent design, good art and fine press work

 Page 8
Good use of photos, clean layout and design.
FIRST PLACE: Lebanon Enterprise
BUSINESS PAGE/SECTION Color photos on front page and back page were
of exceptional quality and made this the win-
FIRST PLACE: Anderson News,-Lawrenceburg ning entry.
Each section contains strong lead story and
plenty of interesting briefs; a clear winner in this SECOND PLACE: Cynthiana Democrat
category. Good quality photos throughout
SECOND PLACE: Mt. Sterling Advocate THIRD PLACE: McCreary County Record,
‘ Plenty of valuable information, but the packag— Whitley City
ing is a little off; better layout would help read-
ers follow better; good use of graph. HONORABLE MENTION: Pulaski Week,
‘ Somerset
THIRD PLACE: Oldham Era, LaGrange
. More staff generated stories are needed. LOCAL SPORTS PICTURES
. . FIRST PLACE: Cynthiana Democrat
LIFESTYLE PAGE Exceptionally good photos, especially of Little
League baseball.
FIRST PLACE: Mt. Sterling Advocate
‘ All three editions used color, graphics and pic- SECOND PLACE: News-Democrat,
tures wonderfully. Layout differs from week to Russellville
week - good. Soccer photos made this one a winner.
‘ Although pictures stand out the stories are also
. brought to the readers attention. THIRD PLACE: Tribune-Courier, Benton
Good effort but skiing pictures detracted from .
, SECOND PLACE: Oldham Era, LaGrange quality and layout.
Offers a great deal of variety. Was able to use
graphic / type yet did not take away from story.
THIRD PLACE: Tribune-Courier, Benton
Both "School Bus" and "Reunion" layouts good. FIRST PLACE: Oldham Era, LaGrange
"Moonshine" pictures focus too much on things This is a very difficult category because there
(pigs) and not on people. Layouts need to differ. were 7 or 8 that deserved recognition. All were
outstanding; the winner was just outstandingly
SECOND PLACE: Anderson News, Law-
FIRST PLACE: Lebanon Enterprise renceburg
Good selection of news photos on all 3 entries One of the many special sections on the commu- '
and placed well up top. nity in a directory format. Bet the readers keep
this one. (Same theme as first place).
SECOND PLACE: Anderson News, Law- ‘
renceburg ‘ THIRD PLACE: Tribune-Courier, Benton g
Excellent packaging and shooting. Good solid Good progress edition.
overall shot of accidents.
THIRD PLACE: Oldham Era, LaGrange Mt. Sterling Advocate
Three good Page 1 photos. Larger display of Lebanon Enterprise
photos would enhance impact. Barren County Progress, Cave City

 Page 9
Casey County News, Liberty need some work; for starters, abandon italicized
News-Democrat, Russellville heads.
McCreary County Record, Whitley City
THIRD PLACE: Central Kentucky News Jour-
ORIGINAL AD IDEA nal, Campbellsville
Good clean layout, but amount of white space is
FIRST PLACE: McCreary County Record, bothersome; especially between decks of heads;
_Whitley City good use of photos.
Good idea that strays from the typical auto _
dealer ad. Idea has a lot of potential that news— COMMUNITY SERVICE
papers should consider.
FIRST PLACE: Sentinel News, Shelbyville
SECOND PLACE: Whitley Republican, Wil— Good community involvement.
Very attractive ad. Color used just enough to SECOND PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bard—
make it effective. stown
Good idea for underappreciated service.
THIRD PLACE: Oldham Era, LaGrange Should have listed all nominees?
Might have placed higher if ad series was larger.
Good idea but as a 2 by 2, it got lost among the THIRD PLACE: Central Kentucky News Jour-
other ads. nal, Campbellsville
Solid effort. Excellent special section by intern.
FIRST PLACE: Cynthiana Democrat
Ads were attractively packaged on pages with FIRST PLACE: Sentinel News, Shelbyville
good art, layout. Worked through a difficult relationship with
- school board to let public know about selection-
SECOND PLACE: Pulaski Week, Somerset process for superintendent.
Lots and lots of advertising, displayed in pleas-
ing fashion. SECOND PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bard-
THIRD PLACE: Oldham Era, LaGrange Persistent effort paid off.
THIRD PLACE: Appalachian News Express,
FIRST PLACE: TIE - Sentinel News, Shelbyville
TYPOGRAPHY Kentucky Standard, Bardstown
' Both papers showed excellent variety of stories;
FIRST PLACE: Sentinel News, Shelbyville easy to follow layout, good use of color and
A clear winner, this paper has a clean, easy to photos; Sentinel should maintain consistency in
read style; varied type; is laid out well and bordering photos, but makes up for it with good
> extremely neat; register is way off on color ad, use of graphics; Standard should have used
b1“ other portions more than make up for it} photo instead of graphic of fiddler in teaser box
good headings; interesting editorial page lay-
OUI- SECOND PLACE: Central Kentucky News
Journal, Campbellsville
SECOND PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bard- Interesting style but a little too much white
stown space; also should maintain consistency in
Good use of photos; good clean type, but heads flushing headlines left

 Page 10
FIRST PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bardstown Fairly good layout, good feature style on main
Clean, consistent layout expresses organized, stories, excellent story mix.
stable editorial policy. "Remember When"
photos are nice touch. Good standing heads, THIRD PLACE: Sentinel News, Shelbyville
masthead design. Try varying column widths Clean layout, good use of photos and stat boxes.
across 52 pica space - 3 legs at 16.6 picas for less Story mix needs more variety. ‘
grey effect; also vertical rule next to editorial/
letters column.
SECOND PLACE: Pioneer News,
Shepherdsville FIRST PLACE: Sentinel News, Shelbyville
Good modular layout, local cartoons. Standing Variety of content excellent. Well laid out.
head bannersabit too bold for my taste. Try 20% Pictures good and well used. Writing style
grey screen for a change. Also, vary those could be a bit more sprightly.
"letters" column widths to 16.6 picas and try
1 smaller pt. size, double-deck heads. SECOND PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bard-
THIRD PLACE: Central Kentucky News Iour- Attractively laid out but could use more illustra-
nal, Campbellsville tion. Some writing style bright; others not par-
. This paper is on the right track, with good ticularly newsy. Content wide and varied.
standing heads for photo bylines. Eliminate
multiple and / or news photos-try a feature pic- THIRD PLACE: Central Kentucky News Iour-
torial or local cartoon. Where's the masthead? nal, Campellsville
And try varying column widths (over 4 column Writing, pictures and layout excellent but there
space, use 3 at 16.6 pica). is a complete absence of news stories and vari-
ety of coverage. Pages should have been in a V
NEWSPAPER PROMOTION feature category.
FIRST PLACE: Appalachian News Express,
Soliciting historical photos via a contest and
putting them in a bank calendar was an original, FIRST PLACE: Pioneer News, Shepherdsville
attractive idea. Good start at pulling together local business
news in package.
SECOND PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bard-
Promoting Crime Stoppers provides a commu- LIFESTYLE PAGE
nity service and boosts crime reporting, which
draws readers. _ FIRST PLACE: Sentinel News, Shelbyville
Used a variety of shapes and sizes of pictures !
THIRD PLACE: Sentinel News, Shelbyville adding to each edition. 1
Good variety of projects to highlight
newspaper's contribution to community. SECOND PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bard-
SPORTS PAGE Good way of letting a picture tell a story.
THIRD PLACE: Appalachian News Express,
FIRST PLACE: Pioneer News, Shepherdsville Pikeville
Clean layout, good use of pullout stats / history Really addresses the community. Offers a good
and sidebars as graphics, good attempt to look variation of community affairs.
ahead with same coverage. Story mix could be

 Page 11
rd LOCAL NEWS PICTURES THIRD PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bard—
‘ stown

, FIRST PLACE: Central Kentucky News Jour- Eye-catching front page. Good photos, appeal-
am nal, Campbellsville ing layouts.
Good human interest approach to news photos
as well as good display.
‘95- SECOND PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bard-
. stown FIRST PLACE: Appalachian News Express,
Good mix of spot and general news. Gun photo Pikeville
is unique and good. High-impact presentation. Color a definite
plus, particularly in its restrained use. Vertical
THIRD PLACE: Sentinel News, Shelbyville color type brings attention down the page,
Good selection of flood pictures. Might be better along side sale items/ specials, and right to logo.
331: to select one photo for Page 1. Very clean. Well done.
White space, angled art blocks, diagonal pointer
"d' FIRST PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bardstown all serve to grab the reader while choice of color
Not a lot of photos, but what's there is well-done and its use entertain and inform. What techni-
tra- and well-handled. cally "should" be a chaotic ad comes across
par— interesting and easy on the eye.
SECOND PLACE: Central Kentucky News
Journal, Campbellsville THIRD PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bard—
)ur- Excellent double truck in 4th of July supple- stown
ment. Very clean presentation, nice use of color. Pace
iere of ad slows toward bottom; activity with art,
:an- . THIRD PLACE: Sentinel News, Shelbyville copy color at top right very heavy. A bit more
m a Abundant use of features could be improved balance at bottom (maybe color in block with
with some judicious culling. logo) would have helped.
,- Powerful double-truck jumps out at you. It's a
file FIRST PLACE: Pioneer News, Shepherdsville shame no color used. A bit too much heavy type
mess A couple of good attempts (9/5 football and 11/ to read in center, but well balanced and thought
14 basketball) but bad reproduction took edge out.
off both.
E FIRST PLACE: Grayson County News Gazette, FIRST PLACE: Kentucky Standard, Bardstown
ures E Leitchfield Near perfect—photos and art are clean and clear.
Superb personalization of the State dedication. Good use of white space and good balance.
Well— written, striking photos, a winner in every
ard- way. SECOND PLACE: Appalachian News Express
Clean ads-artwork is beautiful, type styles coin—
SECOND PLACE: Appalachian News Express, cide well. Individual and overall layouts well
ress, . .
P1kev111e done.
d Outstanding collection of historical photos. THIRD PLACE: Pioneer News, Shepherdsville
;00 Good picture. "Jeep Warranty" does not belong Nice ad layout - easy to look at - ads clean and
on page 5. clear.

 Page 12
. D '1 C1 1 Good pursuit of subtle and obvious skuldug— 1
3.1 y I as S gery by public officials - interesting and amus- E
ing. .
. TYPOGRAPHY SECOND PLACE: Richmond Register .
‘ Good editorial on a closed meeting. -
. FIRST PLACE: Daily News, Middlesboro t
, Lively mix of pictures and type. Good use of FRONT PAGE E ‘
' quote boxes and screens. Imaginative but neat .
I layouts FIRST PLACE: Daily News, Middlesboro 5
3 Clean layout, top quality photos and good writ- i
I SECOND PLACE: Commonwealth Journal, ing. t
Somerset :
Paper shows attention to detail, well-packaged. SECOND PLACE; Harlan Daily Enterprise
Use of spot color appears random at times. Busy but well-organized layout, wonderful
_ spot news photos. "Inside Today" should either .
THIRD PLACE: Winchester Sun _ be expanded to a real index or dropped. Using .
Well packaged paper, 800d mix 0f pictures and caps for every word in headlines a little out- .
type. dated. Good Writing. ‘
‘ FIRST PLACE: Winchester Sun (Photo Contest) Interesting features in Sunday edition. Good
The public obviously loves this one. The num— photos throughout.
. ber of photo entries indicates that the Sun is
‘ getting those creative juices flowing in photog— HONORABLE MENTION: Richmond Register
1 raphers, possibly uncovering some previously Spotty use of color, but timely, interesting and
. unheralded talent. Special tabloid with winners local features. '
» and ads was excellent. ‘
SECOND PLACE: Winchester Sun (911)
‘ The subject is compelling; the community bene- FIRST PLACE: Daily News, Middlesboro
1 fit undisputable. Since this contest emphasizes A re-design is evident and a positive move.
design and creative energy, this ranks second. Good mix of typefaces 'and good standing
A suggestion - an article that could have indi- heads. Grey screens are very effective method
cated a stronger role for the paper would have of adding "color" to page. It is a pleasure to see
been some statewide case histories of 911 in application of l-point rules as a graphic ele-
action by interviewing EMTs, maybe a photo. ment. Appropriate sizing of cartoons; interest-
ing, readable column widths.
THIRD PLACE: Harlan Daily Enterprise
The tearsheets don't show much involvement SECOND PLACE: Murray Ledger 8: Times
on the paper's side in this parade. I suspect the It's no surprise that the best example is an Open E
Harlan Chamber of Commerce was the real page with no ads. Strive to get that commitment '-
mover and shaker. But the paper does take a of an Open page. Good use of rules and standing .
visible role with its float and advertising. The heads. Good sizing on cartoon. Try 3 legs of
size of the turnout shows the public loves this copy over 4 column space for added variety.
‘ THIRD PLACE: Winchester Sun
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Consistency of layout is a plus and minus here.
The 6-column format leaves no room for variety.
FIRST PLACE: Commonwealth Journal, Som- 'Try some rules and 1-pt boxes. Re-design of
erset standing heads with use of reverses and
. screened elements would go a long way toward
