xt7jq23qz78b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qz78b/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1985-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, October 1985 text GSO Newsletter, October 1985 1985 1985-10 2019 true xt7jq23qz78b section xt7jq23qz78b Q} ”jg/Z. 4;:4 -
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’ . )4 Lexington's Gay and Lesbian Newsletter?
(g : «3 ”PO Box 11471 Lexington Ky. 40575 '

POLICY l‘—___———-—-___-'—____'_—-__—-'_‘_--—'—'—___-__
N if zoo wouid like go advertise inA the EEO -—-—————————-——————--————————-——--—-—---—-——-~I
ews e .er. ease ser- our car‘ra-reauv ad co I , ~ ~ - ~
to esp, Po'onlJ 11471, Le'xilgtan, if; rests. ill» WNW?“ “"“ ‘3” this“? “””“-l “St I
OeaoaineA tord ad submission to the 15th of eaoh 1O51Udlnd 5 {FEB SUbSCrlptID“ t0 the
non. . ny a s received at er he deadline ei l norttl= 550 newslett (d 1' d ': -
not be guaranteed to be published in that issue. "udmdrled" envelo Eier E ivere 1r an
Ads may be submitted camera-ready or rough. ' . ‘ p..
Rough copies are subject to additional charges as _-__Enclosed 15 $10-09 (fir 35-00 for students)
shown in rates section_ below. GEO will not be for each membership in 650.
responsible for typesetting errors in ad after Please let me/“= know how l’ee can be more I
orinting: advertiser is responSihle ldr proofing ---- ‘ ‘ , '“‘ ' ‘ ’ ‘
he ads £hg¥ submit for publication. I invloved in GED or other gay/lesbian organ—
The edi or reserves the right to censor izations by calling
advertisements which are deemed in poor taste and or writin . ERI“'§"—"_'_'___"-'
to edit due to space andlor grammatical errors. --—~ '9' ..une '
Erotica, fantasy or sexually explicit materials, ~
or ads with sexual innuendo, sill not be accepted _
for publication. ' “3......
‘ éiFEEE’iiiFEEE‘W‘"""""mm" iii'i'“
Eighth Page a 8.00 mi“ 4
Quarter Page $15.00 _____-_______--____-____-____ _s_____________
of!” gas: $33-33 State Zip .
:l xvi, ‘ i-" 1 -1: rat :1:
Classified a mg mp tn “1125‘ $ .05 Mail to SSO, no. so... 114,1. is... i. 40s,.» !
tt g 1 each additional word) _____._________.___________._.._.______..__._____1
Typese ing 1L.OO
Screens S 5.00
The 650 newsletter is ublished eonthl bv the
DISCOUNTS: Lex1ngton Ga; Services Organization lncgrporated,
‘. P.0. Box lid 1, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 650 is
li4 off for one. a non-profit organization whose purpose is to
1/3 off for lQno. proVide educotional, recreational. soc1al and
1/3 ”ff for non-profit 9,0355. referral SEFVICBS directly involving or relating to
- gayélesbian people.
iews or o inions ex ressed in stories or
Placement of an ad in the 330 Newsletter DOES letters .3'9 tfiDSE 0’ lg? writers and do not
NOT denote a garganrg sefiual orientation or a necessarily represent those of the 650 board or the
business’s Eflgtgfie, preserfince‘ ofigogette; otafl. Publication of the naee or
_ g op d .any person or anization or other
DIRECTORY entity in articles or advértislng in the newsletter
is in no way indicative of the sexual orientation
ESE) EavlinglI”””“”u““In“,uunfi-EZI-QESS 0‘ SUChfiEESDn, organization or entitY'
SSO Newsletter. General..................299-5352 SoinSSions tor the newsletter are welcole. All
- Advertisement............273-3309 suoIISSions becoee the ropert .of the Lexington
Nailing List.............260-3915 Say Services Organization, lnc. All SublisSIons
SSO Recreational Events. . 731—O1OO lust indicate the full nale and address of the
""" """""‘ ‘ aumoré althoogh no ogline will be published
a _ . C 9:?_211 wi ou pereission ‘o e author. Noneori inal
lliiitilihii“lh“”“‘“'"""""”"”di—ed none retarded.“ ”rose" “as 3"“
. . r! - '-"-'-"'--;;‘"';"'-'L=fl_ “ g . . or e use 0 is er na '
ImperialICourt 0* the BIEUOEA=d EOP1r9---g9L 115; the publication. Anonyeous subaissions can:gt 32
Say ROO Lesbian fiA...........Q...........:ob-BO§; accep ed. The editorial staff has the ri ht to
Bay and Lesboan cemocrats oi "entucky....iug-19aa alter subeissions (including advertise-engsl to
lnterweave/OdUUO.........................a24-1448 eeet publishing requireeents.
Lesbian Substance Abuse Support Groug....252-5487
Louisville Crisis Hotline..........( 02) 637-4342 ‘
Owensboro Say Alliance.............(502) 685-5246
Cincinnati Geo Switchboard.........(513) 221-7800
National Gay ask Force Crisis LineiSOOl 221-7044
NOTE AIDS Crisis Line..............tOOOl 221-7044 “

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WHISPERS 0N CABLE Tl) _ . ‘ 4.»- ,, ’

Hany months of waiting hashnally Bald off. 5?. - s * "
650 has been able to pet the "tlhispers’ .ldED to F j -4_-

. appear on Cable TV. he rights for this VldEU were a“. ,. V V. =
purchased almost a gear ago bg BSD and it has been V .1 W . '
shown locallg by hurches, ounselers Educators. 4 _
and at many 6 0 Functions. The Cable showing Hill \1 \Qt . *\\\\ .;-E

- - ' - , “\ K W 3?" . 233$ . --::4'.4.::,'-\-*: :=::4-‘5?15':." " i‘
be the'first opportunity for it to be Viewed by the \ *\W \4. ‘§\‘\ \» 3’4”

; communltrat large. hopefully reaching many that ‘ W\ - \ .

4 may bene it from its content. . ‘* ‘32. 9* -: ,

; The 'tlhispers" VidED‘lS about a young man who 15 _

. dealing Hlth his sexuality, eyentually‘to cone out \W 5%» . §“ s

‘2 to hioself, his lamiy, and friends (including his “Vie \\ . , \Q . 4.

girlfriend). All the tension and emotions of O , x \ ex;

f: dating each of these hurdlesis very well expressed “‘ * 4 \§ \ \\

in this Video. .Each of us will see .some oart of .W \\\\ \ \W §\\W§

oerselves. This is a must see it you have not Q ‘ \

There Hlll be a pre'vieu shonlng and discussion ' " " ‘\

1 of Whispers" at the next BSD forum on Detober 7th, . ‘

l ammo. The times and dates of the cable showings ‘ " '

i are listed in this months issue of the Call .

- » 4! T H T or -'G

Calendar. They wall be on Telecable Channel 6, ll. 'HE 5"!“ " THE n‘ HT

if rinarilz between the 7th and 13th of October. . . » » ~4

a , . .i .1 1H». ‘ _:1r - :- e'ilbe on

Batch t e relecable Pro ramming for additional , 530 5 .ifc.._annuai‘ H: can???” tntE ’, Tt'" .,

4. tm .- and da . tl‘l‘ 'trut t bE" batorday. ULtUbEF ;.~;th and o-Jnuay. ULLDhCr 11“ u Chi

E: y: ; MM c O " Eddie’s‘larm in Saddieville. lientuchy'. This is

3’: #:53081le 11 ' always one of our most popular events ano'usually

it draws people from both Lexington and Louisville‘so

Z. heather : weeks of aerobics sponsored by EST}. marl: your calender one and don't‘miss this eaciting

‘ Hill begin .Betober lath. lhe classes are on weekend. Plan to arrive any time lalter WNW"

ti honde‘ys and Wednesdays at moon and Fridays at Bring your dinner and breakfast. This is primitive

Eileen. The classes are held at the lalorkoot camping, {no facilities) and YOU Shfi'hd be

4”,, Workshop in hoodhill Shopping Center. The entire 6 prepared for +all4 temperatures! Come out and share

6 ' weeks or“ classes is a loss $25.99 if you our boo fire and lots of good company! In case of

§§ ore-register b3; Ectober 12th, or $36.36 on the rain. this trip will be held onqggtoger 19th. For

é; first night of classes. ‘r'ou also have the option snore information. callEddie at L-JI‘Uu-{a Er JITE and

E43 of payino $3.05! on a night by ninht basis. Class John at 29?-0352. Directions: Take 3-7.: North .u

;' size is limited, so register early. the Saddieville exit, then follow the map bEi-j'fl. L.)
a a L\
.4. , , -. um .
a *-: . . H
'. I .

Tor“ '5’

,Afif/ so .1

g k 0‘ Sad-I wk

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'1? Far». flu-Ll. D. 3 miles

5 va-J-/7CIIOU . N ha

:41: $ O'OI-PJIU“ Tar. 37-75 0",,“ Lcll-jkn

“3" "f0 Sada V: “'- £54 . Nam-Sh!

 An October Leatherfest ‘
of Savings
VISA The Great Leather Lay—Away Mastercard
Leather Works now offering fall
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1 $2.75 I Motorcycle { l any Lady 5 Wear 1
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Home BUG-255$”? ; Reg. Price $135.00 I '
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Ask about our VIP dicount cards
All coupons expire Nov. 1, 1985

 " ' "m' sons or LDVE ' I
33,15 Egg-5g Two young iovers caress and kiss each
other,dan::ing their song of love.
‘ The glimmering moonlight dances in their eyes,
i and each hiss brings them closer; not a word is
spoken, for them i. is not necessary. .
Two young bodies, their blood runs hot as they .
BRAB BAG consumma e each others love. No need for words,
I for the nightproves everything. ‘{ _
nu cl' 'an’t en ress hon welcome and hop y you For a brief _moment in thexr 11 eathere is no
all :1ng he feel it last night’s meeting. g iound HEEC‘ f9? explanation, for 5‘10“: WE‘VE 15 ”0 9”? t'3
it hard to believe that I finally had the guts to queen?“ 0: COWS-"t , _ . + . , .
L "come out’ in Lexington _ thanks W the . ihElF tenderness yFCIVE‘: outhhe night. and soon
DHCDUTB ement you qaye me aver the past {EH 1t15 UVgr. Eealxty CFEEPE in “TEE a bled {Di}!
. ‘ nth: '3 -J g - Lexington and again they must assume a 11.9 without dancing ‘
» no " ' " thalr song oi love.
Z Two young lovers deserving to he with each
1' other, must he snort to satisfy others. Surely the
I "“""‘"“‘“"'"—'““‘""""‘_"i biggest sin of; a] is the best intention of o hers
on i nnicn can our «e nos_.
1‘ BSD SPDNSURS Eb” i Two young lovers, who can no longer dance with
. --———————~-—-——————-—-—--——-—------t each other, -heir heautiiui song of love.
g 1 Brezing’s ‘ by Roger Johnson ‘
., ' Cafe’ Lnnoe ; 1
‘ Chosen Books I '
David C. Radez; FSC Securities Corp. 3
‘ Dignityitenington ‘ .—.
; I Flowers by Don } . ‘ . V. . ‘ ‘
; 1X Fur’té Feathers } ' g . . ‘ ,
I Gators Productions i ‘ , . . ,. ~., _ .
a Sreen Earth Landscaping Company i . . ,
§ - images i V _ _ . .
; 1’ imperial Court of the Bluegrass Empire i , , V S
i Ishmael and Co. Salon 1 ‘: ' ‘
. Jester’s y _ y . , ' ' 7
~ 1 , “r .-.-'= DIGNITYfLexin on is for gay men and , .
, Joe eulogns a I _ _ . . ,
{3 Keith Buchanan. Trendsetters . fieshians‘and our n0n-gayfnends,Cathoixcs and
1 Kentucky theatre * , nonyCZa'thoIics, iaity and clergy; _ . §
1. ! Eyohva Record Pool 1 ‘ Using the teachings of Christ as the'founda— D
;» ' Landscape Urigioa‘is inc. l titan, We’re building 3 having and supportive p
‘ ‘3 Leather works . l community for gay men and lesbians in Lexing-
‘ Library- Lgungg [ ton. We meet twice a month monce for liturgy
‘ 3 ; hargue‘ 3.355 Prgductigfig 3 Viland once for a program. Our programs feature _
1 Richardson Vision Center { "guest speakers, films or presentations by mem- Vi.
“ " : ‘ ' ' _ ‘ bars on subjects of interest totgay men and ‘-—‘
Rod Saaifeld, Trendsetters. t . Vitesbians . V, , , V,
.'_1‘ [ Silt: Breen House I " . V _ M
The Bar 7 For a'f’ree brochure about DISNEY/tearing; ‘
The BUMP-10” ~ton,'write P. O. Box 1984, taxington,.KVY 40593
Unitarian Universalist Church 6 leI-pr»§‘:a111299s6352.a , ' 7 . ,. .' . . V _   —
x Ask about DISCOUNTS for BSD membersU—J '——————-——' i

 V liflllrewm #
x f i’ART lfio b V m
‘ ””fsrfiésmyg 5:433?" {hi .. .ngm 9 '
“0,..~..~5\1EKSWNEA was Fifi] ‘fitiégwflafi .
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‘ . .Uuoh‘bj .
5'} heeded
w. ‘ 1%
k ~ Thymus
ASK 1'3“le HQRY i ' Spleen
Dear Aunt Mary: Hill and l have been together ' @‘ ~ Peyer'sPatches
for almost five veers and l have always thought of Lymph ,- a. Appendix
eur retationship as hafpy. Ghout three weeks ago, Nodes ‘
Bill mentiened that .lE had hired a new seeretarz‘. _ ' P Bone Marrow
About two heelszs ago he said he has going to‘have' o
wort late every night and put tr: some OttlEE tine ,
on the weekends tor an indefinite period of time.
Last heel: when I had occasion to calt Bil} at the
office, a mate voice ensuered the phone and ..
. , identities himself as Bilt’s secretary. l have
never been the suspicious hind hetore, but must
’ admit to feeling very uneasy about just what'Eill
is us te uhile l’m at home hatching W ans waiting
up for him. hhat‘s‘o you think?
TIFE'LJ.‘ '25: 53,535“ Organs olmelmmune system
Gear Tired: A gay man who is tiretl cu Dynasty: NF Yhmth‘F WWW:
ls this a use letter er what? that so .1 thinlzzs -'rt ere -- l “Me U an...
hell, 1 {uses I think its aoout ttne to drop oy Pd- «' .
Bill’s ”fit-E" take ‘3 955d 1ch at 51.5 5325”?” ht the center or“ the thS issue is the highlu
“ad in: 1+;he-:dn igpghffufizen if: B‘thuflf‘ig“ comm-tee immune system. The current health crzszs
I Emac‘? {limit ,E”,-,”gfft?:n.'ffi,. g: mfg—,3; has produced an overwhelming amount of intormatien
EdhnlullE, Hfiltu VL'L art: dialing tip—flu -1;LL:?_3 __ lTiHlit': Gt Whirl": l: FEW if: mam, at :15. {55 a
- maybe I‘een suggest if“ new I programs i “m resultemuch oi the tetmino‘iom‘y’ is 1veese nee,
partzcuiarly Emmidbit' The tellouing article is first in e series on how
am" hr", the system hurts and its components. it has
NE n" vnu unu‘id ertte to Hunt hary; send if???” fits chc§_efif§f=e§xj§haThgeegtlgs age}
, - me n ‘- " -.u ua'W. REsnunsé‘ ut ta»: wetland: msthdte ut
‘ your letter to: hunt tier-g, Au:[l,_ FEEL flfuce BL-e. “1;” ‘ndyl .raer-w U“ see:
D lli’fit, Lexington? rentacl ysmsrs, hit names-are FE;Lilfihngfieriguhuwa sue-s.- ..
4 meet StngtH—mmifiggldi' —£+—..'-'3; u;:§rd-§§r::;:3 the ”Antone system is a complex: network c-{r'
rapii'li -1319“: mm“: : ”mg: L T d l . ' snecietizecl oceans and eelis that 'has evolved to
\ EME Upe' defend the Body against attests by "foreign"
( invaeers. llhen it meterttsors however, it can
unleash an ennrmnus variety at diseases, tron
. . allerxs tc arthritis ts cancer.
~ flllllllllllll|||||llIlll|||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL'L' a
— = see e+ mierehes. tilzze man, these organisms are
D = = programmed to perpetuate themselves. The human
= = heel? uremides an ideal hehltet fer men‘; at them and
= ROD SAALFELD = they try t-c- hreat in; because the presence of these
ATI= = oreanisms is often harmful; the immune system will
= at = attempt ta bar their entry or, it the",l succeed in
= = getting in, t: seel: them nut and destroy them. .
E = the immune system, which enuals 1n complexity
= = the :ntrtcaetes {e the brain anti nervous system,
= = displays severalremartable characteristics. It is
= = ableto distingmsh between "self“ and f‘nunselt".
=3513 Lansdowne Df- (606)273-1097: it 15 ahle‘ o remember prevzous experiences and
=Lexington,KY40503 (606) 273-16105 react-accordingly: once you have had the mumps.
— ' your tmmune system will prevent‘you from getting it
fl"""llllllllllllll”In"”IIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFH again“ The WITH-Elle EYStEh displays hoth enormous
' diversz’v and extraordinary Siletltltlty: not onlz
is it ab{e to recognize oany mi lions of “nonself

 molecules, it can produce molecules to match up Stem cells that develop in the thymus are called
with and counteract each one of them. And it has T cells. Other lymphocytES. which appear to mature '
at its command a so histicated array of weanons. either in the bone marrow itself or in lymphoid

The success of this eaten in defendin the body organs other than the tnvaS. are called B cells.
depends on an incredibly elaborate ang dynamic Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped structures
re ularity -communications network. hillions and that are laced throughout tne bony. Strings or
millions of cells. organized into sets and subsets. lymph nodes can be found in the neck, armpits,
pass information back and forth like clouds of bees abdomen, and groin. . ‘ . _
swarming around a hive. The result is a sensitive Eacn' lymph node cogtains a variety or
system of checks and balances that produces an spec1alized compartments._ gome compagtments house
immune response that is prompt. appropriate. 8‘ cells.‘ others contain i cells. iet others are
effective. and self-limiting. filled mith another type of immune cell. the

hNTlBEhS macrophage. Lymph nodes also contain webbed areas

An antigen is any substance -- any of the that enmesh antigens. Thusi the lymph node brings
millions of “nonself” molecules -- that can trigger together the several actors needed to produce an
an immune response because the body recognizes it immune response. Lymph nodes _are linked by a
as foreign. A molecule announces itself as “selfa network of_ lymphatic vessels similar to the alone
or "nonself" by means of intricate and vessels. Like a system of small creets and streams
characteristic shapes. called epitooes. that that empty into larger, and larger rivers._the
protrude from its surface. Almost all antigens yessels_ of the lymphatic netnarh merge into
carry several different kinds of epitopes -- some increasingly larger tributaries. ht the base of
may carry several hundred -- but some epitopes hill the each. the large lymphatic ducts empty into the
be more effective than others at stimulating an bloodstream. “
immune response. The lymphatic vessel carry lymph; a clear fluid

do antigen can be a virus. a bacterium, a that bathes the body’s tissues. Lymph contains
fungus, or a arasite. or even a portion or product many cells, most of them lymphocytes: , _
of one of these organisms. Tissues or cells from Lymph and_ the cells and particles it carries.
another individual. unless it is an identical twin. including antigens that hays entered lthe body.
can also act as antigens: because a transplanted drain rout of the body’s tissues, seeping through

. organ is seen as “foreign“. the body’s natural the thin nails of the smallest lymphatic vessels.

response is to reject it. The body will even be the lymph passes through lymph nodesS antigens

reject nourishing proteins unless they are lirst are filtered out and more .ympnocytes are picced

broken down. by the digestive system. into their up. The lymphocytes, along with other assorted

primary building blocks. cells of the immune system. are carried to the

in abnormal situations. the immune system can bloodstream, nhich delivers them to tissues

mronrly~ identify "self" as "nonseli“. The result throughout the body. The . lymphocytes patrol

can he a so-called autoimmune disease. such as everynhere for foreign antigens. then gradually

rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus drift bach into the lymphatic system. to begin the
erythematous. cycle all dyer again. . L_ .

Tn certain persons, an apparently harmless Durin" their travels, circulating lymphocytes
substance. such as ragweed pollen or cat hair. can may spend several hours in the spleen. an organ 1n
provoke the immune system to set off the the abdomen that contains a high concentra.1on of
inappropriate and harmful Aresponse known as lymphocytes. Persons whose. spleens have ‘been
allergy; in these cases the antigens are boonn as damaged by trauma or by diseases such as Sickle
alleriens. cell anemia are very susceptible to infection.

. THE BRGAhS OF THE lfil’lut’lE S‘i’BTEi‘. __

The organs of the immune system are stationed

throughout the body. They are genraily referred to SClEthSTS PESSlhlSTlC Q”

l as “.ymphoid" organs, because they are concerned VhCClNE FDR £153

i with the growth. deyelopment and deployment of Associated Press

l lymphocytes, the white cells that arel the hey
operatives 0* the immune system. .iYmPhGTU organs New Yort--Eesearchers who have deciphered the
include the bflhE marrow. the ThYmUS: the l???“ genetic code of a sheep virus thought to be similar
nodes. and the spleen, 65 "911 i9 the tPDSIIEi lhE co the AIDS virus say the too viruses are indeed
appendix. 55d clumps Di lihphfild tIESUE 1“ thE closely related and share features that mate the
small intEStlhE thWn é? PEYEF'S PEtChEE; development of an hle vaccine unlikely.

Cells that are destined to become lymphocytes “It’s kind of degfgsgingl" said one at thg
are :roduced in the bone marrow. the soft tissue in Scientistg‘ gr_ hshiey Haase of the University of
the hollow shafts of the long bones. Some of these pinnegntal' '
cells. hRDWh 35 stem cells, migrate to th9,lh¥mU5i “It means that vaccines and anti-body treatments

l a multilobed organ that lies high behind .the may not be effective -_ in fact! they probabh

l breastbone. There they multiply and mature intG won’t be," he said in a telephone interview. h

' E9115 capable 5* PdeUClfie an immune TESPORSE " report -of the findln‘s was published in the August

{ that is, they become immunocompetent. issue of the iournal Bell.
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In January; researchers at the National Cancer William HESEltifiE fit the DanajFarber Cancer
Institute reported a preliminary tindieg that the IHStitUt? _ih EDStDng ““0 d15¥0VEFEd _ the
acquired immune deficiency syndrohe virus and the transactivation property In the AIDS Virus, said he
visna virus. which causes pneumonia and nervous was 5k99t1F31 cf 3 FEFBTt that the same property
system ailments in sheep. were similar. EXIEtS In yisna Virus.
Haase, working with Simon dain-Hobson oi the
Pasteur institu e and others, have one determined
the precise chemical sequence of the visna virus’ RULE REQUIRES DDCTURS TU REPURT
"The upshot of that is there are areas of great ASSGCIHtEd PFESS
similarity between the AIDS virus and the . . :
lentiviruses," the family of viruses to which visna Frankfort-—h new regulation FEqUIFES hentucky
virus belongs. Haase said. phySicians to repor . more_ types of sexually
He said he was pessimistic about the search for transmitted diseases‘ 1nC}Ud1n9 AIDS: 35 state
an AIDS vaccine because lentiviruses can cause health officials try t“ determine the rate at "hiCh
guiet infections for years before eru ting into thE” are spreading. , ,
serious illness. Robert Gallo oi the National his resulatwn; submitted by the Cabinet for
Cancer institute, one of the discoverers of the HUfléfi RESUQFCESi ,tPOE EifECt ”£5" 3P§FDV31 by the
AIDS virus, disagreed with Haase’s assessment. legislature's AdEIHIStFatlve 99313 10“ REVIE“
hatthew Honda and colleagues at the cancer Subcommittee. _ . .
institute also will soon report independent It _3150 requires phvsmans toreport all cases
identification of the genetic sequence of the yisna 0* QEfilta1,hEFPE$ RHd the bECtEFIBI filSESSES ‘-
virus‘ Gallo said. chlamydia infections -- that are a leading cause of
Haase said both viru595 contain a genetic pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal pregnanc1es and
segment that appears to slow down vira infertility: said Dr. Hard_Hinds, the director of
reproduction. the cahine 's epidemiology diViSion.
Both viruses also nai share a property called 911.3FE ElasfiltIEd by he cabinet as sexually
transactivation that aflous then to reproduce at a transmitted IdISEBSES, although 'they can be
rate 1.00fi times faster, Haase said. communicated in other ways, Hinds said.

 Formal reporting "will give us a much better know how many ulcers, cases of alcoholism, heart l
handle on t e extent and geographic spread" of the attacks, divorces or suicides have been caused by ;,
diseases and will relieve doctors of "legal the suppression of “the love that dare not speal i
problems of (patient) confidentiality," Hinds said. its name.“ ~-A.C. in D.C. [

Twenty-seven cases of AIDS have been dia‘nosed v.
in Kentucky, and twenty-two of the victims of the Dear FCC. in D.C.: Thank you for a good letter.
virus have died, Hinds said. it is factually correct, and I am pleased to print .

Less is known about the extent of genital it. -- hon Landers l
herpes, but "it is suspected" that the viral l
disease has reached epidemic proportions in l
Ltjegtuchy, flliEdsh said;V Formal reporting will E
e ermine . a . .ie sai . .0“; g

Chlamydia infections are “at least as common as 5‘3 $5)? “W
gonorrhea, probably more common," Hinds said. K , ‘ l

Some doc ors had been reporting AIDS cases to ,- \ ‘ " .
the federal Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, ‘91. ‘\ l
and reports graduall" filtered back to Frankfort, ‘§ “\EDK
{findsl said; Th? cahinei began about two years ago if CLNBS
o so ici -irec_ repor s chrou h notices in a
monthly newsletter to physicians,ghe said. 4/

Alt ough you can never be certain" that all 0 ‘o '
cases of ms were reported before it was required,

"we believe we’ve sao' very good coo oration from .
physicians in reporting“ the disease Blinds said. FREE ’rilllEh’S L .

Because there is no cure for AIDS or "enital Soft. lovable, kittens, free to a good some,
herpes, neither the state nor the CDC in atlanta call BEE-”2955. g
now tries to notify the sexual partners of a . , l
diagnosed victim, Hinds said. .

That responsibility falls to a large entent on .

, the victim himself," he sa