xt7jq23qz77r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qz77r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1986-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, April 1986 text GSO Newsletter, April 1986 1986 1986-04 2019 true xt7jq23qz77r section xt7jq23qz77r _ _ I ."-g.- - ”I. ”H
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If you would like to advertise in the BSD lGSO MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION
le'éti tgb’o ”‘iilh Slm'f‘t' ”ie’a‘rlldlsa“ “ill '
o ox eXing on y. 5 . e ‘ i .
Deadlihe for ad subeission is the 15th of each ----P19559 Put 'E/US 0” th9_559 nailing IISt
aonth. Any ads received after the deadline will including a free subscription to the
OOt be guaranteed to be PUbliSOEd in the next nonthly SSO newsletter (delivered in an
issue. . _ i w
Ads way be subeitted capera-ready or rough. unm‘rtEd, envelopeh
Rough copies are subject to additional charges as ____Enclosed is $10.00 (or $5.00 for students)
shown inbpatep section gplow. 650 will gotf be for each membership in 550.
responSi e or ypese ing errors in a a ter r
printing“ advertiser is responsible for proofing ____rlease let “9/“; know how 1/32 a“? he were
he ads they subeit for publication. | invloved in BSD or other gay.lesbian organ—
The_ editor reserves the right to censor izatiuns by calling _______
advertiseeents which are deeeed in poor taste and or ritin . 5;;3;';"""7'
to edit due to space and/or graaeatical errors. ——-- " '9' " '
Erotica, fantasy, or sexually explicit eaterials,
or ads .with sexual innuendo, wi 1 not be accepted _ ____-_-_____________________________
for publication. i;;;psp"
RATES __________-_________________________ ________
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Eighth Page t 8.00
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DISCOUNTS: Th 850 1 it ’ bl’ h d thl b to t
e news e er is u is e eon y y e
1/4 off for 6eo. Lexington Sap Services Organization Incorporated, t
1/3 off for 12.0. P.O. Box 114 1, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 650 is ,
“2 °” *°’ “”9”“ 9”“95- l..9i’l£”'3$l§.d£2§l‘“223.5203: ”’lfiifn” .il
. .r . . r .
NDTPlaceepnt of an ad in the BSD Newsletter DOES £5;7i2;;j:firEISSIadIVECtlY ‘"V°]V‘“9 0' '9litln9 ‘0
~ enp e a person’s sexua orientation or 3 Views or o inions ex ressed in stories or
bu51ness s custoeer preference. letters -I" those tazh the gnzfit'ggu :nd ddo 2:,
- necessari y re resen use 0 e oar or e
DIRECTORY nfiwplette; gtgff. Publication _oft_the naeethor
. o o rap 0 an' person or aniza ion or 0 er
55” 59111“9‘-'-"'--'---------~---'-----'231'0335 gntitg in articlzs or advtrtising in the newsletter
980 81 lhoard.....nu...................293-6734 is in no nay indicative of Lb! sexual orientation
SSO Newsletter, Seneral..................299-0352 of such person, organization or entity.
. AdVEFtISEIEDt------------273-3509 Suheissions for the newsletter are welcoee. All
650 Recreational Events..................278-0048 sublissions becoee the propert of the Lexington
Say Services Organiza ion, inc. All SuhIiSSions
spherthgpn Proguctions...................§2§-§;gg eup: indicagghthehfull page and Ipddzess pg. Eh:
igni y enin on........................ - ad or. a ‘ oug no v ine wi e pu .is e
éeperiglLCogrt DAnthE Bluegrass Eapire...§52-éégg withoutlpereipsiondgoft lg: tagfihpr. Iongoriginal
’ ....................... — ea eria eus in ice e a a erson as iven
8:; 22d ngbigg Deeocrats of Kentucky....222-3934 QAS/O‘Tbgtr'1551°" ‘3' ‘h' "5' °: hislher "Slat in
~ _ e u ica ion. nonyeous su eissions canno e
iiilllilleliliil.Tiffzzz::::::::::::::::i’i’§—i’iil acceplea. Thuditorifl mu m. me right i.
Lesbian Substance Abuse Support Srou 252-5487 ‘lt" sut'155‘°"5 t'"‘l“d‘"9 advertiseeen 5) t°
LouiszilleSCrizgg Hotline..........lggg§gag-$42 "" "UN”"W "°“""'““-
Owens oro ay iance.............l5 - 46
Cincinnati Sap Switchboard.........i513) 221-7800 _, . .
National Say ask Force Crisis Linel800) 221-7044 6b99t_thgfggvg[ - This erection is a new
NSTF AIDS Crisis Line..............(800) 221-7044 developeent in downtown Lexington.

 l .
3 l
l "
l By T. best But this milestone in Bluegrass history does
3' ' not cone without its blows to the cooeunity.
in a private vote last week the Lexington- Jerry Falwell has announced that he will lobby o
l Fayette Urban Count Government unanimously have the city reooved {roe all U.S. naps Just_as
ap’ro‘ied a neasure that would create a public he did with San Francisco, Key best and Fire
| relations campaign designed to attract more Gay island. _ 3 3 3
businesses and residents to Lexington. The public relations campaign approved by
' “These efforts are bein made in respgnse to city hall includes more eoney than has ever traded
‘ some citizens who feel that the city is already harass at all U-K. ball games put together. The
, becominn a haven for hoeosexuals,“ said one city money, 15 to be used to promote Lexmgton as, “The
' official. “lie don't want to let things get ahead Up ano ComingCapitol of: Dragshows, Gay Rights,
l of us like we have in the past.5 Tea Dances and Sane Sex Harriagesf. , 3
, The city official stated he ielt that ‘r‘esLthe Justice 0' the Peace is looking into
Lexington would be a perfect spot for a new "Gay the 19931.1“55 ”f ?3Y.“t““°n‘/-.
l {3955331 ' Lexmgton wil loose the title ”Heart of the
filleee paddled tobacco, horses, bourbon, coal BlUEQTBSSH l0 “[9,“? "”1933” at Sisterly LEW-E
l and southern belles to the media until it’s become , {fl CWT“: ”‘15 "111 be 5Ub‘h93d9d bY APR“-
? sickening,“ he said. ”it‘s time to give the WOL-
E people_ what they want.3..hl§h‘ and¥lots oi then,
I, TBSETHES, and law-Ila, lots‘olltheo, iflGETHEFI." _ W .33 3,3 ,
l. me presmeni of tne Lexmgton Gay SerVices 3g “:33 7%
,1 Urganization net in secret session with the W3, 3 3 i "?3 @333;
r ‘ - ' ’ ‘ ' ’ ' " 5W “3151:? 2 ea ,2'1= by ’-v
,i lEuGE!‘S o3 cemngton s gay organizations. The , 3 a :33 3; 3 .
3t purpose ol the nee—ting was disclosed at a news / 3:3 " ,. f_ 3 3.3 ’~.. _
'3’ conference last Friday, when it was announced that jifiiivf‘gi 3M , . " - .- 3 .
{' all Bay organizations would receive penthouse 3;. 3, " {i : "
2, gllices in the new blue phallic symbol on llain W ”333% 33%“ _3 i :ér ,
street. .- ' 3.{
2 John Smith (not his real name), chairman m’ a ,3 3:3;éi;w.i".-m- 3 i 1.33
Z local bani; said, ”We see Gays as a very 3. ‘3 ‘53 w _.1 33W 3, °” -
31 wherein econmwase: 333:. an. the 3?“ - 3:,»
E3 ”aim at “we aren't making payments on station - 333.3} 3
3 wagons and diapers.“ 3, ”W;
ll {is well as econonic changes, texington’s '3': “W“??-
ll , . ”WWW" "131 59W“ a showpiece 35 lhOQSB-‘lds " 3 l tall
3 e wagers decanters and artists new m and 3 1 3? .2 3
l iene. a, eiping hand. _ ,. 3 Mrjmiww
3 3 “Bars are springingup everywhere, said one 23 3‘3 l
3:; bar owner., “I looks ii is the cat is out of the at, Ii
if] closet, so to speak. Everyone knows that 3%!”0 ,1:””” ,. ., ,
ft texington's future is in pink triangles." '33 3;" A"? 3. W
, end pint; triangles is right ,as plans have 3 '3? . -,
3, been announced to “Paint the Park. flint,“ at hain, w '~ ' " ____.
ll Vine a“: Broadway. W W
3: Include the mama 0* streets like Vine and “W
l l'llll- SUITE 031 the new “BEES are: Castro, Gay, 3.333;,3.333333,3,3;33:;$33,333,33333.3333.,-1:,33.3.3,;3.3133»:3:33:33:3,33,33,33,..3-,;33;,:3has,.,.:.,....::-g....,as:..,;;;..:.,-:--.3,353,,3.3..,.,.:..,,.,3.1.3.,...:;,.,,.,.,:3.,,,,,._._.
l: Christopher, etc.
3 {l 50 story condominium will be erected on E H 'l-I’ H E C C H
3‘ the loroer site-n1i the Vine Center, which was
37 condemned for havang 2no taste.”
5i, 6 proninent commercial development fire
,3 announced plans to cross the future Lake Lexington Leg-Tran thought ahead when they :urchased 93“
3!, 31th, a scaled—down version of the Solden ate Frantisco - like rollies to serve he downtown
3 ri ge. area.

Dear Aunt Hary: I'm tired of being a - I . The Episcopalian Diochise of Lexington would
mean really, it is 59 boring! The same 013 hars like to know It anyone is interested in taking
and there are so few, and the same old people, and part In an INTERGRl Y support group- FOF more
there are so many but they all look and act the information, [311 5111 WE EF at 254-7898
sale. I thought l had found an exciting new world
to explore when 1 case out, but after a few ears
of exploring I finally realized there is just not , 9 Support aroupytor lesbians is now meeting
much there. The li hts are on, but nobody is hfintle .1“ SDUt -cencral Kentucky. FDF more
home, if you know whah I mean. inforpation please send SASE and/or phone number
The weekend is rapidly approaching and the 10', Late Eumberland ‘hrea Support Group, Post
thought of another night of having to swim throu h Uifice 50* 1’: Nanch Kentucky li544
a sea of Cl arette smoke in a crowded bar to
socialize with ny friends is just too much to . . . y '
hare. you can sign fie; Tired and Late q . EtthtS to ESIaDllSh an hCC (Metropolitan
Lomounitz Church) in Lexington will continue this
Dear Tired: Hy first thou ht is that perhaps hhhih ?_r°“9h ,LhriStifin ”Pffihlpi prayer and
ou are tired of winter, this hraditionally being ih‘ih"shth- ,‘he ”Ball”? "11! be h91d h“ Sunday,
_the season for spring fever and all. I thint we hPr11I1éth 3i 9?“? DG- 9 l PEFSORE are anltEd 0
all be in to experience acute boredom about this attend and PaTEKCIQBtE 35 the Chilitla” EQ5991 05
time oh year waiting for the weather to finally Salvat!0”i SfiClal aCtlD“, and community are
allow us to enjoy the outdoors again. Maybe the PFOCL5KGEdi ,ihh homosexuality 15 BCCEPtEd 35 0H9
frustration of spring being so near, yet so far, 9‘. ”9” 5 9??‘9 .to US, £“,_Yhh,.53WE “BY, that
is coloring your view ot li e in other areas. l heterosexuaiity 1? 9“ 0?_b G‘s gitts; __ Write or
know is does mine, {you time to time. call tor eurther iptormacipn:n 232—5432 or rost
The other thing that comes to mind is really gtfice Box llbdb,‘tcex1ngton, Kentucky 40577-lé85.
more of a question. Hh do so many of the gays l some, h? a 93F11C1D§n§ 1” é Chruch where God
meet allow themselves to live in such a narrow upliéts the hearts 0? 9L1 999919-
little world that seems to revolve around gay
bars? Sexuality is really a rather small portion 656 would tits to co ordinate the iormatioo
of the overall erson, so why do so many of you of a gay parentinn support group. The first
seem to focus alwost entirely on that one aspect aeeting is tentativel" scheduled for honday, hprii
oi yourselves. Many people manage to lead Elsi at 8:6G pm at the BBB oiéice. hnyone
interesting lives withou ever stepping foot into interested in more information or with any
a bar, an seem to enjoy themselves in he process. suggestions, please call Barry at EéE-SQES. hoo’t
it's true! You'll just have to trust me on this be startled by the answering machine!
““E' n. a world on of history, nature, art DIGNIW Remorse-i. neenno
literature, theatre, music and all kinds oi F ., . . _. u , s, S, J a;,
different eople, it is hard to be overly o , ouripg the “Eh“Ehh “’r“arfh,/ih'IFhilh*%515Y
s apathetic ho someone claiming boredom. l thin' uehlhh. h Chhfiéhfg 51“ J§t5U1;r LEfilfig 5h 5
the best overall advice I can offer is, get up, fie-EgetES were hgikfi o= ff? 99h“ “; _ i:.
get out (of the bars), and stop complaining - L; _,: , tFTHSPS Lye pigges; “high” wasrthe
nobody wants to hear it anyway? hunt hary reactiVaiion or toe Social HCEXDP oommittee. ,oar
members were chosen as their state representative:
If ou would like to write to hunt hary, send Urge 9MB. iodiana, héchisan and tent-ethyl ad
our letters to: Aunt har , ZBSGE Post Office Box h91kh t; mas alhEifd Chatfy _ ,R, .J ,
lilTl, Lexington, Kentuchy 4057p. li you would + ’29; Cfihmltsee hlli EEFVE es 3Lhe~55999 9*
like a personal reply, please include a stamped, s.ate ant lOCSl 15?UE5 l“ thfiif {ashtSilfh 213595;
self addressed envelope. p11 names are it will also wore to identi y social needs Lana
confidential. educate Dignity chapters in the region. Seroaos
most importantly, lttfllli serve as a reierence
, . . source for each sta e and wort on conscious-
A BIG THANh-S TO THE IMFERIAL raisin issues both large and small. It you have
l:h1hjhh1— suggesgaons or questionp, let feith K. know.t {
4. , l ..e re ion is a so worzin on a ran roo
. . 55h thanks hrhhla! hhh hhh thylh ihh the Chicago hesource Center for hits worhshops.
emvmlngi 3" “What”? and. females“ In addition to business, many other things
presentation at the harcanoruo. Tne ihhrhhhlhg happened - a workshop on self-identity, a cocktail
cooperation hEtHEEh L9X1hEthh prganizatipnp 15 party, iituriy complete with choir, all meals
very heartening. The war h“ t”9 Ihhehlh‘,hhhrt including entertainment were provided. All of
15 .t0 be hhththh and applauded. 'hah“? ‘h‘ this was enhanced by Detroit's active nightlife
thhlna the tthe hh share and educate! ' especially which provided delegates a chance to enjoy a iun
with oronation so close. Good lucw, and thanks weekend. The next regional meeting is set for
3931“! ‘ August in Traverse City, Hichigan.

 , . .A - H . 4 7- ti rimmfir S‘ii
s;.e:5 n2: senior anr on the toe ehwd- Cr
. - -- — : J f’r- “"" ”5' ' _’ - : , . e 9‘2r1no d5
IFSL-I'r, :an 52v nennie taCE GlELf'téTltnacldl—r “5:: HUD;- I’lE‘ ls-i’i- CHEF «EEG he fiery: fer-lint,” .:
L: Lud, .mfi r“! F ‘H T , . —,—'-, .1. :u-‘ .-_--- , . L- ‘_- 4r} ‘_5i: WE |
-. . L :—1 51r~r rr r-%|ia anC .:4 ,. ~ - ; m“7h‘Ffi AH n 5 Lu sail J - ‘
9,“,h day it 15 nfit uEiHh T.iEdng’ Dgthmfga, - gstu tfiEFe H15 AOMELHLTE U- .a f;__:,n +-
" '—' I ‘ ". . r : _ _ -' .Ai. y,_:. : , ,- _ ,_.x..“- -. ~15 ,- r,-- 't:
*“’ 7 ’_- ,.:F—t»a he trienGS and tahszt ~nu- 1: ramamfiif nae betno reai., nervoc.. _ ih=.,ytlu_
nuicagt, u: ;Cl=L =2 e:,“‘f' ; _.;.-_ icon 'fi” 77 a T -:r-...+ :u‘q finned it his
“ -L_:nnt 3: charts oliirtmlnetiun. ”ace anmjtgeg :Elifi :Lgdzth. .Aek' -u—-g- , ;;
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w r‘ A“ - ,. 'v . . A_.i --,- 1 .. pr ”15:: ”1-.- .s. ........ __., a
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t have a :fsu ‘t “-s ” *‘ “ . H-ce Vcr ea-n ush==' f“‘! r ‘; .., , .; ”cca the F5:
‘ ‘ ' ' ' -'-' I 5.; - . .'-i _, - -'-_.—.— -..-.—u,. r-.-: r-‘z‘ he: .:. a..- :3 -'
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is; a. t..: t".: _ ,_ “a, “r. —~-,,.i 1,, cars s caupta en;:t:en. certainty
+Anep shjzhc gen r Gicfif 13 thus , ., 32;, that #5: sat“ a o.u;fe 7"7':. ; ”_ :_,E
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is at:; Axes-2A.‘.t;a‘ea‘h=: attaio hecaus: it #3: ne‘fuh- ; 7 ,__hfié ;, E,” :13,” _ an: ,E,: a
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—su to veer tr2eee s-uh e12....cha. A.JY: E “F” ,m at?“ new aetets .c ”:,E LG 2?: h ,L: ch“;
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a’r‘her nrnhlafi' neg QC vac .ncreouc: =Lew; ,* it “3“? its; ize: r:;‘ - unnafluv an: :Lerts .
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rememt: Ede: L4“! =3" ,— _..J 5731’ {; ms figgfi s Wtfizfih c a— ac aajue
- t x.-- Ls-a —: 2 traeeo ann :dtU= =h : a; my ,,_ ,_ —;
inrrqeh- ‘hhm ;c u ;.L_uu ._ - -. e ._ a? to» hurt; A , .-,_
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“"L_3 . .ct— ‘ Cinsitu. 3 sets. '-aee #15 Trad H! _ 4,5 4— ss. est; a; neat to his car and : ad:E
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Thihr‘i" 3:53? .: inst?! . c.. 1_>-,'. . c. {aniiPfi enact series a erEsEnu .cx =__ ‘f‘ .
-“v”=“5 7 ‘ i . _. -- ,, ? theme he the: ”1“ r-.“..r - : » -.”; fine 3 ;; : nape he
;.1 7:;; antrgewred define it m== * t“‘“”.”; J' has; what wig; sy triehos may: set =E. f c-_”
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t”:., ,3“; er emfizrriifi 31m, 1L high: "3“: “‘“ Tf‘wézts he fate as To ash and sasstzflus. . #94
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seoeaaii. hatch it: vhe 3? ”htt"‘ h . 4 rn nthar he : siesta “”5“ t5: "*1 "A . ‘-,_— Ara ! :ctss
.chc {1 :uqie? gas senses Péen: he 9 e“ ”‘73 as: Egan ease, date neeeo a tea next: :+u_i 5‘9Z“
u 7;: :.-: 3—1“ "“" . - '_::.'._H,_ ..-: Ami. ,-_- _-_ AuAA— _ , 1,, . ,:_; y ,.. r t,_
f7? ' mera A—usQQ Hat: arrggjcfietss as. hzbfiiéf ., ;3a, was; n::nr to {hint that 2 ea: Safax§h~g
tin-inn: lie' t; 4-..».5 'J'th -_-sx. .. _. . -, _,_= tr the? “c.! - afi—r-‘H‘j -d_ ~‘- .. j“, I _i .. =,.
>*“":!"“ . z : 25.- -.-a—.:~,— :Frnn! ‘1’ P':. ti; 7 _ ‘ -.' ___, a * ,—,,' 11". -;r- !t-
q- ant romaine? =fifi Zaiceo :ubdc scduuA c: H‘*y , rag? he said ne. sue ; tend to eclieae him, 3»
5": 5—3;"— L“"'-“‘ “' . - . - L ’1', :—-. nr» mt. cu A =- - ,
.-'. :1" 7 .E.--, e r- 7‘! GP; “ta-s; ;=.' W.) u—cuh ; s ,.,_,. .__.,__.
bi=ifetbitfa t ditto?" {tr-XE” ‘1‘ E" x x— : ,Z:!.. T VGU THEE. 5197:: r-:.x_"v‘.': , ..- i r' il- 7
..». uu- . t ,_ ;.-.: .‘E. 2:1; - .- - . .. : : : wen—H r' ' .
“:5 .,+ q; :Ewguc he: an EXEUbE. -vERtud-—. ‘ HE tzieei she“: 9:55; LngfiyEi and rifle. !!.1
an e etc -- uzv—z~ ” ; :. z :_I; . ,- .h+:n me =**“ r . ‘ -- ._ L a . e fn=+ r
- ,t c+1—-ad ;r*tnfi s tenured he u st.a1%usaw r: ,t:s me narafit; heats be heme souo and chat he
122.3 ,:_'it=_ .tzrun-j: ‘ - :A' . . A. _ -..- , ;-;c. .,- _- .~ A - , , i . P ;
’“" “ hr “- . _ a": - t that {iterative A5 ? ; rs etn— napad — Harv :trange EoEEctfifli
agape. my late; — en: nGc nun» ,:, .fi, gneuld us. He LJLH fixahu a .c., :- -;, . r 'lC
—'*'-I* ”i ‘ -t ‘- '= -, .. 1?’2 5: ‘ e .1 . A t‘ .- :‘r _ - A r." .
. : seerf me he dtee" e5 13 the prom. ‘ “‘"t7 has i achamee 5+ him? dt course 1 said no. i d:.
1.1-” R... ._= :a: a- 3““ ‘ - . : ,,_ _._'_;.., .-.:=r - - "“ " '_ " '. ., .-. ._ '_:_ .Li. I, .—.—,,-:E
“" .-. ;~ 4. .3- ?‘Fit,:' ::x= unh- ; i '_A _. '—; 2+ 7 ,mum :l ,_.,__.
:auarat gsoo~ieeein§ huVS 19 59~ ”‘5 “d h" 3 H see him §§tflf§ he .5?! .. he .hrrgdt .5 r Lice
ars'ut ‘ . t ' _ 'ai * l n:: c e w r" . . _- ‘ 1.. 1-» rust iy .
:5 .e;a he wanted "someone seec1:;. ; 39"? ‘?t change are be norms; and gay ilhE the .cs. 3.1+:1.
at :-z: A “L ‘ T . . '.E 'n i~-r he —h-“'* '7 7 ~ . s e: , . 4 , e v
i. . A: e _. . 5. ,1; .a _ , .: , .n c w- ,%+— nnf u r i sEL lch_
that changes seeciai has a efo- ,V r“ ‘ " q, ; :heegsn E have estee. J:.. 3-. 'E-Y t9, AF_,,
:. —' c- ,- . _ =.‘-?; ‘;—,-..- V "2,; -; .". :_ u; z_. . _' -.,.—-a-:,,-, ; ,...v
H ,J l'lE riirin t flail. IE :GEz'xC all Inch 51:0??- ‘-" -.-. [and til Cu: Hifit'sty um: t5m?:.:=.tctttaagx 1“”? x.
35054 “‘”“ ”.. t «' c 4 T A:t--v-g n'm ff 7' ; *::' - . ans 1 has tried
A . - r gr-as “u . uc.itac NAA- . .n. .-A ”-1. n++ 0g nae .:c E “a. ‘
=emeoee eon aasn L :pc-iaA, a“ ;-1 -. ' A-d tee: thEvfi at“ “Eh~ ... .'. ".' i tr rear to
"" ‘ N ; . 1‘ v.1; E=""- 3-2a ' ~ .- _ S-‘-,——5 c"‘"-‘ u -.I
he heat away to college he..e‘t fee??? r rt nyervthgfiq teem EirCLtlLai sHuCh t.e. ,,
" "V "i - 1: ‘ '_". ~ . 4-Cl_l| ' ':',. -
1‘ H‘flt in :rhgni, HE'Q talk :GGUI Cl‘é‘1;“L
a.u s! e 4?? r'.. . - ,. t t -~c .at=ne
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a”. 573 . . _., H1.gfi relt aneuc BELRG
~19 -Llnniqg :gaq=, -:tt ncdcu an n e ,
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cu u' ‘ .. _. L,”- ‘n H “H‘ EQUIP: 35 study—‘-
0“ 311-: {With am: t_,tETl He -.l den - ,,,
u u s , ,"dfic. U

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medication to .religion and they were still by Associated Press