xt7jq23qz72t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qz72t/data/mets.xml Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1939 Prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Tennessee State Library, Sponsor; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration, Division of Professional and Service Projects; 69 leaves, 28 cm; Includes index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:T 256c books English Nashville, Tennessee: The Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the Church Archives of Tennessee: Tennessee Baptist Convention, Nashville Baptist Association text Inventory of the Church Archives of Tennessee: Tennessee Baptist Convention, Nashville Baptist Association 1939 1939 2015 true xt7jq23qz72t section xt7jq23qz72t   ·¢         U\\k|\k212Q\\\w\\{l¥¥\l2\`H¤\i\1|\Ii|¥\\t\Wl?¥\w\\2E“l:?\\\x\&%|U\)E I   ` I  
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  Prepared by
  The Tennessee IIis·l:or5.ce1 Records Survey Project
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  D1v1sJ.on of Professwnel end Serv1ce Projects
 · Work Projects Adzninisizrejion
  _ Tennessee Sizeice Library, Sponsor
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§ T5 TL1HI;,sS;¤n BAPTTST CO;cVv;;»lT.[O1e
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  lfeslzvnjlle, Tennessee
  The Tennessee Ziistoricel Records Survey Projeoiz
  I S December 1959
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 c'; The Historical Records Survey Program
° A- Luther H, Evans, Director '
j ‘ Dan Lacy, Regional Supervisor
' V J T. Marshall Jones, State Supervisor
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Florence Herr, Assistant Commissioner
Blanche H. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor
Betty Hunt Luck, State Director
F. C, Harrington, Commissioner ,
Malcolm J. Hiller, Regional Director ,
Harry S. Berry, State Administrator
_ _, , __» C , __ ,, i ;,, _ 3

 { i t 
The Inventory of the Church Archives of Tennessee; Tennessee Q
liiapt ist"Cb`nveht`i*c5.1;,`l$a`s`lEtFi{lle Ba;ic_ip·t_ `ZE`sTo—c`i`a_ti;?>__i1_*d.`s`Y>`1ie of a nati on-  
wide series of inventories bf`denominéEE5EiTErchives being compiled
and published by tho Historical Records Survey Projects of the Work M
, Projects Administration, These inventories are intended to serve as
E handbooks for the clergy and other religious leaders and to form a I
basis for study by students and research specialists in the field of
church history and in sociological and genealogical investigations,
_ This volume was prepared by the workers of the Historical _
Records Survey Project in this state in accordance with the in- A
structions from the Washington office of the Survey; detailed editoé
e rial comments and criticisms of the book have been made by Donald A,
Thompson, Assistant Archivist in charge of the Church Archives In-
F ventory,
E The historical information contained in this book is based
? largely upon statements made by church officials in personal inter-
E views, These sections were thoroughly checked and were supplemented
is by an examination of the manuscript minutes of the churches and by
g reference to available printed sources and public archives,
Q The work of the church records unit of the Historical Records
l Survey project in this state was begun under the supervision of
‘ William B, Haynie, and has been carried forward under the supervision
1 of Robert Cassell, Church Archives Editor of the Survey, The material
, from the field assembled for inclusion in this book was checked and
T .editcd for revision by Milford R, Wheeler, The work of arranging the
{ entries and indexes was done by Miss Maurine Cantrell, the checking
{ and classifying of research material by Miss Ruby Randolph, and the
j typing of the final draft by Mrs, Helen Allen,
# Dr, Eugene P, Alldredge, Director of the Department of Information
~ and Statistics of the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, gave valuaé
" ble assistance and suggestions for locating material for research, Dr,
John D. Freeman, Executive Secretary of the Tennessee Baptist Convention,
, ' gave access to materials in his possession, Thc_assistanoe and coopera-
S tion of many other church officials who in varying measures, great and`
Q Small, contributed to the compilation of this volume, are acknowledged,
f T, Marshall Jones, State Supervisor
` The Tennessee historical Records Survey Project
t Nashville, Tennessee
I December 29, 1939

 ‘ I `"‘_  — I
 I ` 
. I
’ TABLE CF ceswsmws 3
l PFGFHGS ....................................,... 1..... 1  
EXp1a¤¤t¤ry N¤teS ....... . ............ . .... 1..1 ...... 1
` The Baptists in the Cumberland Valley ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 j
Baptist Bodies and Ilgemeies ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,_,,,_,, ,,,,,, 10
Nashville 1'-ss0cia·ti.cm of Teimesszee Baptists ,,,,_,,,,, I6
B1b1i¤sr¤yhy ......q............................,..... 51
C]'lTLD1l.OlO;j;lGé1].Illdéif. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 57
Ghur¤?1lkM¤® IHdGX .................................... 60
Llphabetical Index ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, G5

  2 i
Q .. 1 .. i 
E, 4
ri * 
` l, Gaps in the records listed for many churches are due either to the t
fact that the records were not kept, or were lost or misplaced,
In a number of cases, records were destroyed by fire,
2, Citations to sources for the history of a church or institution
I are given before the listing of the records, All printed sources
and records are underlined; those not underlined are manuscript,
5, The full names of persons mentioned in this Inventory are given ~
wherever the information was available, The exact location of `
each church is given according to the latest available information,
Similarly, membership and property valuation, where ascertainable,
are the most recent given by church officials,
4, All addresses are in Nashville or Davidson County unless other-
wise indicated,
5, In a few instances, churches and institutions with addresses out-
side of Davidson County have been included because of their con-
nection with er relation to the Nashville Baptist Association,
6, The bibliography is arranged to show the location of sources and
the symbols used are those of the Union Catalogue of the Library
of Congress, It should be noted, however, that TNSBPH stands for
the library of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist
C onvent i on ,
7. The individual entries for the Nashville Association are indicated
by Arabic numerals, while the entries for the Baptist Bodies and
Agencies are lettered,
8, The citation to deeds and convcyances of property has been omitted
from this volume, In future volumes of the Inventory of the
Church Archives of Tennessee this information will be added to the
· records when it is available,
9, See references are used to indicate additional or more detailed

 T :
an _   `
  —   -   1
Y {First entry, p, 10) E
¥`» 2 » 
§ The pioneers who settled in the Cumberland Valley (1) emigrated l
§ chiefly from the eastern seaboard states of Virginia and North Carolina, lm
§ Until 1790, most of the Cumberland Valley, as well as all of present- ,
G day Tennessee, was part of the state of North Carolina (2), The pioneers 7
( were chiefly of English extraction although such names as do la Hnntd l
i (later Dillahunty), }mConnico, Henees, and Rooney can be found, The
Baptists came, as did the other fronticrsmen, urged by mixed motives of
A an opportunity to gain free lands, discontent with their life and status
‘ T in the settled states, and the call of an adventurous spirit (5),
1 Though the Baptists were not the first settlers in the state, tra-
1 dition has it that two Baptist churches were gathered in East Tennessee
about 1765, one of which was located on the Clinch River, but they were 1
1 broken up by the Indian wars about 1774 (l), After the Revolution,
, further settlements were made in East Tennessee, and by 1781 five or six
, churches had been established and the Iolston Association formed in
V 178C (5), Neither Baptist churches nor :ssociations, .‘·. however, were as
1 numerous as in Kentucky {G}.
` There were forty families in the Donelsen party which floated down
the Tennessee River and up the ohio and the Cumberland Rivers to found
the town of Nashville, but it is not believed that there were any Bap-
tists in the group (7). By 1786 there appears to have been two Baptist
churches in the Cumberland section of Tennessee, one at Sulphur fork with
thirty—three members headed by John Crannmr, and ono at Red Liver with
forty members (8),
1, The Cumberland Valley, drained by the Cumberland River, lies in
North Central Tennessee and Southern Kentucky between .»·. the Cumberland
Mountains on the east and the Tennessee River on the west where it di-
vides the state (Report of the Joint Committee Investigating the Tenn-
A y essoe Valley Autherit?i`VT??iYi;i'dEH{EIEiT—SonT_boEl_$CT_chart”l§T~m
`f?f2sT;;e?§1°T Op, era, 11, 1;;,
  b°<§iE`aiee_ op. ei·c,f"222T;T"
  Benedict,     232;;, :;:44; Lena, Op, em., iz,
28. See entry li` —*_- ’NM —‘A“
p 27. ieileaict, O,-, ei-rh,  
28. Bond, op, cit,t—lC, 25; Benedict, ep, cit,, 22%.

 J IY 
QE The Baptists in the Cumberland Valley (Tirst entry, p, 10) ,
ig Sundays and frequently during the week. he had little education, both l
Q because there was little opportunity to secure one and because of the j
E prejudice against educated and salaried preachers, Some support was y
Q given the early frontier Baptist minister, however, and small sub~ ,j
E scriptions of goods or money were sometimes raised to pay him (29), At ·Q
` the turn of the nineteenth century the Presbytorians were more numerous E
§ bh ¤ th6 Baptists in Tennessee, due in part to the indifference, and `
gp even hostility, of the latter to education, But there were certain dis~ y
? advantages facing all denominations in the nest; it was impossible to
l supply the demand for ministers, church ordinances could not be admin-
5 istered regularly , and there were few meeting houses, Outlying settle-
s ments were rarely visited by regular ministers, The Baptist preacher,
, dependent on his own energy for support, was particularly limited to the
  churches immediately under his charge, while the lmthodist itinerant
1 ‘with his wide circuit fared better (30},
Q Practically all the early frontier Baptist churches were located
, on streams and took their names fron the creeks, valleys, and rivers (31).
Services were frequently hold in homes of menbers and the few church
buildings used were rude structures erected by the joint labor of the
- settlers, Congregations were shall, and the simple services were con-
ducted by layman in the absence of preachers (52}, Associations gen-
erally were organized as soon as four or five little churches had grown
up, since it was necessary for the frontier Baptist churches to meet their
problems by some sort of inter—church organization (E5). They were sup-
l posed to be merely advisory bodies, but they frequently exercised the
authority to expel churches from the organization,
l There was little doctrinal discord on the early frontier, The
Baptists prior to 1801 had been divided chiefly on practices into
y Separates and Regulars, The Separates were particularly rcvivalistic
{ and separated from the churches which did not support the revival, They
} and the degulars (who did not separate} cane together in 1801, took the
nano United Baptists, and adopted a confession combining Calvinistic and
nrnonian views (Bd),
Out of the Great Revival grew certain practices and doctrines which
were destined to create wide sehisns in the Baptist ranks. The Cumber-
, land section at first was apathetic to the beginnings of the droat Revival
l (35}, But by 1799 it, too, experienced great excite ent, The revival be-
  29, Sweet, ep. cit., 56, 57; John Taylor, history of Ten Baptist Churches,
in sweet, Op_"€itif`“iss, "`“"‘°" °"`“ `“‘ “"`°"‘“ "‘“  "“"‘
BO, Glevelandi_bp, cit,, QL, 25,
51, Sweet, op, Elt,i*7PT_
32, UlOV®l.€¤.EH,   cit,,  
ss, sweet, Op.     ·
Ed. Sweet, $3. cit , U, 10, di, The dalvinistic view hold to limited
, Qtoncment andmlixilzd grace, while the ,,J” rrnenian vieu hi d to general atone-
ment and free grace,
55, Cleveland, op, cit., ll,

 - LV
, 7 Lg
  — 6 - T
§ The Baptists in the Cumberland Valley (First entry, p. 10) Q
1 gan in Kentucky and was evident among the Baptists in 1799, It spread §
_; rapidly, and many Tennesseans took part in the great camp meeting at ,
E Cain Ridge, Kentucky, in 1801 (56), The Presbyterians seem to have been g
Q the first to spread the revival in Tennessee, but the Baptist and Meth- I
Q cdist denominations were to be found at the same camp meetings with the y
Presbyterians. Both the Baptists and Presbyterians were reluctant to Y
I encourage camp meetings because of the excesses engendered by the meet- °
( ings (57),
I The excesses attending the Great Revival were characterized by such
} physical phenomena as the "falling exercises" in which the redeemed fell
y to the ground as if dead, the "jerks" which seized the body with spas-
§ medic jerkings, "barking" like a deg, and voluntary dancing (38). Never-
, theless, the Great Revival stimulated the religious life of the country
1 and strengthened the Baptist and Icthodist denominations in particu- T
i lar (59). In Tennessee, gains in membership as late as 1812 were
3 attributed to the Revival (40),
§ The problems created by the Revival, however, were destined to pro-
§ veke Baptist quarrels and sow dissension for the next three or four
Q decades. The first quarter of the nineteenth century was a period of
1 feverish missionary activity among Protestant churches (41), The mission- (
1 ary movement among the Baptists appears to date from the beginning of the
J century and missionary enterprise was given new life by the Great Re-
} vival (42),
( Due chiefly to the labors of Luther Rice, the General [issionary Con-
f vention of the Baptist Denomination of the United States of America for
T Foreign Missions was organized in Philadelphia in 1814 (45), There were
( no delegates from Tennessee (44), When Rice first toured the West in 1815
I he did not meet serious opposition to his missionary activities, and in
, Kentucky and Tennessee he received larger contributions than in any of the
§ other states, Rice made several tours of Tennessee churches and organized
  a State Foreign hissionary Society, but the tide of anti—nission set in and
( by 1821 had become overwhelming (i5), The anti—nission sentiment objected
§ BG. lbid., G2, 75, As zany as 25,00C persons were in attendance, it
  was ¤iE&T§§a, rele., vs,
, 37. lbid,, Sgi`79, 149.
l - $8, Knjexcellcnt discussion of these "exorcises" is in Cleveland, op,
Y cit,, 87-127, and Benedict, op. cit,, Eel-256, Those excesses are still
I basic among certain prihitive*deno;inations in Tennessee, such as the
{ Church of God, in which "speaEing in the unknown tongues" has replaced
J "barking,“
39, Cleveland, op, cit,, 147,
40, Benedict, ep? citt, 226,
41, Sweet, op,_eitTT—53,
42, Cleveland, eEi`cit,, 25, 151,
45. Vedder, A ShBrt—?lstory of the Baptists, 552; Sweet, op, cit., G0,
j 44, Allen, The_United“StateshEaptistminnual Register, for_1U52T—1,
r   5¤_¤,·,,.;,¢;,   E`i'%f"sl`Q'TiTf """“““ “"“"" `""“`““"`“ `“" "“"

 L w
  - 7 · A
E The Baptists in the Cumberland Valley (First entry, p, 10) Q
Q to the centralization of authority and opposed an educated and paid minis- 1
j try, lt was further argued that missionary societies and all other man- ;t
A made organizations were contrary to the Scriptures, The anti—nissionaries Q
were led by John Taylor, Daniel Parker, and Alexander Campbell (46), ;
it Parker lived in Tennessee near the Kentucky line until his removal in M
§ 1817 to Illinois. Anti-mission sentiment was strongest on the frontier {
g and by 1847 there were 10,186 anti-mission Baptists in Tennessee (47).
\ ,
l A proposed consolidation of the Cumberland and Concord Associations
§ was unsuccessful in 1824 because the former objected to the Concord
g group¥s doctrines as too strongly Calvinistic (48). From this time until
Q the late forties, the Concord Association suffered severe reverses be-
J cause of doctrinal discord. One of the first and most serious divisions
1 occurred in 1827, The Calvinistic group became Concord Association N0. 1;
y the Armenian, Concord Ho, 2 (49}, Further inroads were made and a new
  denomination created when Alexander Campbell and the "Reforners" as a
result of Campbe1l's preaching against the associations and creeds organ-
i ized the Christian Church (50}, This movement was primarily an expression
, of anti-mission sentiment, The Concord Association which only five years
before numbered forty-nine churches and 3309 members, new consisted of
1 only eleven churches and 805 rwgbers (51), The Iashville Baptist Church,
j for exanmle, was almost destroyed, only five members remaining to the
C Baptists, while the majority took control of the church house (52), The
1 Nashville Church was reorganized with twonty—nine zmxmers and was able
to renew its connection with the Association (55). As late as 1851, the
Franklin Baptist Church, which had withdrawn from the Cumberland Associa-
  tion to join the Concord Association, lost all but four of its members to
; the Campbellite movement (54},
% Another split on the missionary question occurred in the Concord Asso-
j ciation in 1856, As early as 1812 the Cumberland Association had proposed
J to the Concord Association that arrangements be made for state-wide cor-
; respondence (55), The Concord Association, however, rejected the offer
i in 1814 when its members, 2145 strong, voted unanimously against the 3880-
1 ciation becoming a member of the "Tennessee Baptist Meeting of Correspond-
Q cnce." A missionary society was formed in 1815, however, by individuals
Q 40, Sweet, op, cit., G9, et seq,
  47. Bapt1St"T€epEE*-Ear, ietf     cited in   sp, pie., es,
g · 48. @Ei"6g>`j`ETQj"sT"é1`?;T",”1*2T"` """”"" "` `"`
A 52, lbid,,”42;—Eeb entry Q,
55. Zend, op, citil 4C; seo entry 4,
y 54, Uillia;EbniCEunty Ieisi-?ranTlin, June 24, 1957; see entry 5,
1 55.  s appears to be the rirSe“$BtriO¤ on record
y of a suggestion for a state convention,

 ‘¥ L
f The Baptists in the Cumberland Valley (First entry, p, 10) Ip
E to serve as an auxiliary to the Baptist Board of Foreign hissions (56). I
Q The anti-mission sentizent was spain stirred up in 1855 by the organiza- :
i tion of the Tennessee Baptist Convcntion(57), Though the Tennessee in
§ Baptist Convention was gathered not by associations or churches, but by I
Q individual members of churches to assist ministers, the anti-mission It
i churches withdrew in 1856 and formed the Stones River Baptist Association I
f (Primitive) with eleven churches and 1198 members while the Concord Asso-
_ ciation retained only ten churches and 929 members (58), The remnant of
» the Concord Association continued to favor a general state convention
’ even after the Tennessee State Convention had been divided into three
, bodies (59). In 1845 part of the old Concord Association ho. 1 reunited
A, with the remnant of the Association No. 2 and issued a compromise doctrine
I (60). The Association was able, in 1859, to reconstitute the dissent-
I ing portion of the Nashville Baptist Church into the Spring Street
I Church (61) when the former split over the trial of Elder James Robin- I
I son Graves (62).
I Movements for emancipation and abolition were also encouraged by
I the Great Revival, and the slavery question was injected even into the
I dissension among Southern Baptists (65). Emancipation sentiment never
I gained a foothold in Tennessee as it did in Kentucky where the "Friends
I to Humanity" appeared (64), though it was observed in 1810 that "The
I Baptists are by no means unizorn.in their opinions of slavery“ (65). An
I indication of the feeling can be found in the withdrawal of the Negroes
I from the Nashville Baptist Church in 1847 to form their own organization
I (66). On the national scene, the slavery agitation resulted in 1845 in
the formation of the Southern Baptist Convention (67}.
ln spite of these setbacks and losses, the Baptists increased stead-
ily in the Cumberland region, From 505 churches and 26,685 members in
1855 (68) the denomination had grown to 648 churches and 197,515 members
I‘ 56, Ibid., 24, 25,
57. See—entry B_ ‘
A 58. TEE Baptist, Oct, 1856; Bond, op. cit., 56-56,
59, BEnd,—EpT~Eit., 64; see entry ET .~—_
I GO. Bond, gpl dit., 71-75?_Clayton, op, cit., 518; Crime, history of
I liddle Tennessee_BEptists with SpecialҤefereneo to Salern lin? SalehC-
I ljli~6Y,—a EE`n—:KE`sTos i-
' tions  s the Saviour of all, and immersion as the
_ only form of baptism.
61, See entry 8,
I 62. Trial of Blder J, R, Graves Before the First Baptist Chureh of
I 1:as1wil`E`f“1C`7-i'l'T`12§zd'f o§j`TfE,`,TlT ""“ `5"" """
I `Yii* Cleveland, op. cit.,_lb6T~T]7.
I 64. Sweet, op, clt.i—8l, et seq.; Benedict, op. cit., 245-249,
 I ss, semaiei" owcit. ,   "‘" `" "`“
I GG. See entry gil _—_‘ I
I C7. SEE entry A; Vedder, op, cit , 546, 547,
I @8. Allen, The Triennial Baptist Register,lEb§ -185Q, 227.

 ` t I
' I
  ' Q ” I
E The Baptists in the Cunherland Valley (First entry, p, 10) I-
Q; by 1850 (69). Between 1810 and 1850 the center of population in the state I
Q hovered near Davidson County during the years in which the Baptists I
I suffered their great schisms (70), The recovery made by the Baptists I »
Q is attributable in great part to the work of two of their outstanding 1,
f leaders, Rev. Robert Boyte Crawford Howell and Rev, James Robinson ,
Q Graves. ln 1860 there were seven Baptist churches with 5050 nwnmcrs II
in Davidson County, two in Cheatham with 400 members, eight in Dickson
I with 2050 members, nine in Rutherford with 5250 members, nine in William-
son with 4400 members and nineteen in Wilson with 9500 members (71),
I The different Baptist groups are not shown, but there were less than
half as many Christian churches (72),
I By 1926 the missionary Baptists were able to claim 11,669 members
I in Davidson County, twenty-five in Cheatham, 452 in Dickson, 286 in
I Williamson, and 4185 in Wilson (73), There were 1845 Missionary Bap- I
I tist churches with 271,921 menmors throughout the state and thirty-
I' one churches with 11,506 members in the Nashville Association (74).
I The Nashville Association in 1958 consisted of thirty-nine churches
I and 20,840 members (75),
I G9, J. L. n. Bodom, Statistical View of tZo United States ,,, Being
I a Compendium of the Set%E&}TCehEus—i,i1'1E51—lT6lmm~-*`•p—-g '“““—
_ 7701"`T%%l?th7EbYEi%1"TE§§lhZEEH§`Ewn~tig, JQ, 40; Tennessee State Planning
I Commission, "Preliminary Topulation Report", gaps i—Q, section 1-L,
71l Statistics of the United States _,, in 1860 ,,, The eighth Cena
I sus ,,Qi`ZY¥Y;"47W°Tii6?T —-m—`*—"~“*~`— ——"`W—` .*—~ m—”~~"——"
I `   lbid,
I 75, 1£;Fi,ions Bodies, 1926, Vol, 1, 675,
, 74. 1le1iE;i_o-@—l*5<1iE?,   val,   12;:2, at-22,  
  75,  ighth hnnual Session, Iashvillo Baptist
  Jes s ec  “iDB?jQ "`    LED ml"? E?`eElEHr1`§T>?EI`F5h
I B?3s?s2zs‘€s lgjgjyith 10C D`bOTS, see entries 1, 47,
I .

ii A · 10 · `~
5 A, SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION, 1845--, Executive Committee, ;,
i 161 Eighth Avenue, North, Nashville, il
E The General Missionary {Triennial) Convention of the Baptist g,
Q Denomination in the United States of America for Foreign Missions it
{ served as the national convention of the missionary Baptist churches `
i of America from 1814 to 1845, In spite of the gathering abolition ¥,
T' storm, the question of slavery was successfully avoided by the Con-
; vention until 1844 when the Board of Managers of the Convention, contrary
Q to instructions of the Convention, voted not to send as a foreign mis-
ii sionary any person who owned or held an interest in slaves, The Home
<. Mission Society concurred in this view and urged that separate mission- ·
· ary organizations be formed in the South and the North, The protests
of Southern groups, particularly the Alabama State Convention, resulted '
in a call by the Virginia Baptist Foreign Mission Society for a meet-
ing at Augusta, Georgia,
_ In the meeting house of the First Baptist Church (now the Greene
Street Church) of Augusta on May 8, 1845, a group of 521 messengers
from Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Ala-
bama, Louisiana, Kentucky, and the District of Columbia gathered and
formed the Southern Baptist Convention, The Convention was organized `
"for the sake of peace and harmony, and in order to accomplish the great-
est amount of good, and for the maintenance of those scriptural principles
· on which the General Missionary Convention of the Baptist Denomination in
4 the United States was originally formed," The organization represented
about 550,000 Baptists, including about lO0,000 slaves,
Dr,`William B. Johnso