xt7jq23qww28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qww28/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Auburn University, October 1, 1966 text University of Kentucky vs. Auburn University, October 1, 1966 1966 1966 2014 true xt7jq23qww28 section xt7jq23qww28 °'9¤*¢* L ééxzsg Libmy -. North
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C Monday thru Suturduy   _‘  
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I   * * * GorneStory .......................................................................... 5
Governor Breothitt ................................................................ 6
LO         UK cneeneeeieke ...............,.................................................. 8 l
7 President Oswold .................................................................. 9
    Kentucky All—Americons ...................................................... I0
  Athletics At Kentucky .......................................................... I I
1% Athletics Director Shively ...................................................... I2  
I  * )'»‘   Vorsity Schedule ond Scores .................................................. I4  
10 WORWS FMR   Cooching Stott ...................................................................... I5  
camo vmzzs   i ` i
, N Gm? MEDALS   Heod Cooch Brodshow .......................................................... I6 L
  Kentucky Ployer Pictures ........................ I8, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38 I
I-Unglnes Watches are Auburn Ployer Pictures .................................................... 20, 33  
*¤°°H¤I*°° as °""'°'A'- sienenepiiy Speoking ............................................................ 24  
for timing world Rosters ................ 28  I
°"“'“"'°"‘"";? :'d"" °""""° uneupe ................................................................ Center spreee  
$|IOI't$ In 3 IB S I
D rh Ch r .......................................................................... 29  
throughout the world. ep Gr i
G Auburn Administrotion ........................................................ 37 E
4. A 4 _. .\ ,,_ . _ _  44   4,   The ABC’s ot TV .................................................................. 40 I
  Whot Opponents Are Doing .................................................. 42 i
  S   V   Meet The Kittens .................................................................. 43  
  Q P ` (ii;   Southeastern Conference Schedule ...................................... 44 ;
    @9   Quorterbock—Tipott Club ...................................................... 46  
  i,~_   IE) 4 hmm v 3}   Mystery Wildcots ...............................................,.......,,,, , ,,,,,, 47 I
  S  A   Preview ot Corning Attroctions ............................................ 47 I E
  L;reii    ~ t  4  .4  — r`n ·     ~i<\ ><   Bgnd _,___,__.,,,,,,,,,_,,,,.,,........................ . ................................. 49
Lonrginos 5·Star Admiral Autoirintic with Calendar, 2,-
""‘*"“""’· S' ‘"‘' ““"‘“°"“· "‘” g°l" “'“’“"‘“·°° Wildcot Cooches——Athletics Stott ........................................ 50    
W /` A (_! Development Council ........................................................ 52-53  
· ’ l ' f` " I  
r "i·i’t“t"` ”“ Kentucky Bosketboll ............................................................ 54    
Every Longmes watch, _; .A_·
whatever its type, for whatever  
its use, today,.1sf0r almost _,  
acentury,is manufactured to OFFlClAL I966 SOUVENIR FOOTBALL PROGRAM    
bethefinestofitskind and Published by U.K. Athletics Association    . 
worthyin every respect to be called Bernie A. Shively, Director of Athletics   " 
i Edt d b K K h  
The World s Most Honored Watch DHGCTOL if Sgodgqnfyrnglation  
, R r el f N r l Ad r ‘ h   ‘¤t¤¤d<>rS Tcuuusscu (284) Offer Auburn) uud OIG Miss The ehanees ol Kentucky 11111tC1`1Llll}` 1111])I`()\`1I1Q its t1&‘1`l£ll
(17*0 YOVOOSO Vlctms OVOY U1\)· reeord are clouded by the injury to starting (111t1I`tl`1`l)11t'l·{
DCSDVKC the “'l11t(·‘V—1*l1mS» l\U1tO€l\}’ and Aulmru $l1O“OO Terry Beadles, who suflered 1111 ankle injury 111 tl1(‘ lust hall
strong capabilities that should come to the forefront this Of this ()]C xIiSS gums
Wcck 111 thc tO$$*UP miltclt The l{(‘l1tl1Cl{}'-A.11l)111'11 series dates liroin il game played
For tl1eir part, the \Vildeats of Coach Charlie Bradshaw i11 Lexington i11 19:34 and copped by the \\'i1de11ts, 0-1). .‘\l`t(`1`
lm\’0 l¤}’0d defensive PYOWCSS U1 tlimf OPCWUEC two 011- a I`Ctt1l`1`1 1natel1 at Nlontgoinery, Ala., the followiiig year
gageinents. 111 rolling over Atlantic Coast COIIICCTCHCG t2lV01‘— (won by Auburn, 2S—())_ relations were broken oft and not
ite North Carolina, KentuCl¤c of tl1€ Oli? MTSS CUCOUUYOI`, season at Aiiburn, boosted its series lead to 11i11e \\'l11S to
U1{’s proud defensive platoon rose 11]} to halt Rebel drives K(—Dtu;·ky’g {mu- rind (mp my
11'lSl(lC tl1C 20-ytl1`Cl 1111C ttlllf tlI11CS and OH LlI`1()tl1CI` ()CCL1Slt>H \Vjtl1 but [wg (·x(~(—D[i(m5_ the 111g(·ti11g5 l1;1\·(- ]l(>ll(>wi—(l ;1
forced a Held goal l'f()l11 the 23. trend to eloseness in final seore. Breaking the pattern were
Auburn found a quarterback, sophomore Larry Blakeney. t1 $33-0 win in 1950 by Coaeh Shug I()1`(lt111)S erew and Ken-
i11 tl1eir opener with Chattanooga as l1e sailed 10 strikes in t11eky’s 2()—0 gift to Coach Cl1&ll`l1(‘ B1`il(lSl11l\\' i11 100-l. 1~\11—
17atten1pts for 231 yards. And fears over the physical fitness l711I`I1 l1()1(lS a 4-3 t1(l\'t111t1lgC i11 ganies played Alt Lexington.
COLLISION COURSE—North Carolina fullback Mark Mazza (43) looks for running room around end after receiving a handoff from
quarterback Danny Talbott (10) but appears headed for trouble from a trio of Kentucky flank defenders. Coming up fast on a collision
course are Jim Swart (85), Basil Mullins (78) and Mike McGraw (40). Sparked by such sterling defensive play, Kentucky won the season
opener, 10-O.
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AI W'|d 'd
umnus Governor Boosts i cot Gri ders . . .
Edward T. Breathitt at 4l is the nation's second oun est Governor. A Ho kinsville attorne
he continues a family record of distinguished public service that dates back to pre-Civil War days
when an ancestor, John Breathitt, served as the state's chief executive.
Governor Breathitt, who in his capacity as Governor, also serves as chairman of the University
of Kentuck Board of Trustees be an his career as a law er and ublic servant immediatel u on
Y V 9 Y Y
graduation from the University of Kentucky College of Law in l950. At the age of 27, he was
elected to the State House of Representatives Later he was State Personnel Commissioner and a
member of the State Public Service Commission before bein elected to Kentuck ’s hi hest office
in l963.
While a student at the University of Kentucky, where he also obtained a degree in Commerce,
he proved his capacity for leadership While there, he was president of Lamp and Cross, senior
men’s honorary, and ODK, men’s leadership and scholarship honorary fraternity.
His distinguished background also includes three years in the Army Air Force during World r
War ll and the state residenc of the Youn Democratic Clubs of Kentuck .
D Y Q Y ,
A native of Hopkinsville, he is married to the former Frances Holleman of Mayfield. They
have lnur childreniMary Fran, who is lo, Linda, l5, Susan, 9, and Edward lll, who is 7.
Governor Breathitt continues to be one of the most enthusiastic boosters of his Alma Mater
and its football team

V    .     A
gy    ‘{  4x   i    4  rr ~ Aj J       ·
I   my  
x.   .—
q i i      cieir  
       4     CHEER
if    »
1 ;     V; `§ ri J
      s   if. ; Put Vitality on your team . . .
  il       drink milk! A glass of cool,
  ; V   it p p   refreshing milk with meals
l A in ’ i Q ~   r and snacks helps see you
; 4 { _ i   ’  through the busiest fall
  ’‘5i  `     schedule. No other beverage
  i   g». _ helps you get the lasting ·
, .     -·:.       energy found only in nature’S
   s Vitality drink. . . Milk. Ycu’11
'   ` i N , cheer for milk's Vitality.
I e u : ' ` ’ *
l   t    a message from dairy farmer members of
' V · @ dairy
ii association

f  ·~  M.    v_ V it   ',,        {;__
, _. ~        A ¤ *;   ie, A *
  ,_ ‘ xl    '-- ? Aq”· A   gc   . ·A·· Q V‘V2 é    F 'F  . i » §
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l      _, M M  Q F   -      v‘·~ » :·¤ Y
LEFT TO RlGHT—N¤ncy Coffman, Zuzanne Ziegler, Pam Robinson, Mary Frances Wright, Tom Sweet, Gwynne Deal, Winnie Jo Perry, i
Suzanne Huffincs, Jean Allen Lankford, Bonnie Brecult. `
Cheer For The Wildcats  
"/`\\'<,> HITS \\'lLDC;\TS l{ENT(’CK)’  
. , K-12-w-T-u-c;-K-Y S
'I`xm luits, {mir l>1ts. \V-I—l,—l)—C-A-T—S CO OLD O Kemuck Y, §
Six l>ils. in lli1r. Gu-o-0-0 \\`ilnlcz1tsl (bv n_Oud_ in loud)  
,\ll lor l{(‘lllll('l(}`, I l  
Slimnl isp uml Illiolleri (X) (j_.\Tg GO GO “,HJD CATS  
il I<`ll ren \‘ give :1 _ _ _ 1 _ i
\\·il(l(_,l[ \,(_'H»\) G0 Cuts go, Co Cuts go. (#0 Wlltl Lats, C0 \V1l ° A ~ A .
_ _ _ _ _ _ ~ " ‘· (1ivemeun,·\ (pause) A €·<> (MS €·<>· <¤‘<·i><‘¤t>
\\ l|lll`   llll(‘   llll_(‘, (.i\»U INC IUI T < TUISO 7· ' (
<£i\<·~<·r11ll1<·lll1i<·_\\vl1ile_ (M W _f S elf j_ Q Nm Em Uiw Tw Em Un
mm. \\·im(, ml ml All ‘ (l)‘m5°) ‘ (live Them Hell, \Vilnlcutsl
Y ` _   (}<>—0—<>-0 (];\TSl
"' l\""l'“)l‘li· C0 (clap clap) (repeat)
l·`iglit_ l'I(Lll'l`
(let Tlmt Bull! (repent)
Xluke Tliut Kick! (repeat)
Block Tlmt Kick! (repent

 I     ..,.;   A ·
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  g  vv gl  g .   ri.;     ` V g   _>r`   E
I     ·     A           _>_> V .7   I     »v     Z  
r University's President Knows Value of An Athletic Program . . .
» When Dr. John W. Oswald became the sixth and later rose through the administrative ranks
· president of the University of Kentucky on Sept. to the position of \/ice—President for Administra-
l, l963, he brought to the position most unique tion.
J qualifications that have S¤a€€ aided ¤mm€Q$¤f· Dry ()Sw¤|d’g athletic experience, that naw
Gbly In hls ¤¤mrrr·r·rr¤r·¤rr Sl One Ol me nOl'On_S stands him in good stead as president of a uni-
foremost and fastest—growing educational insti— versity bOOStmg Gm Gmbmmls Gthlgtic pmgmml
lUl'OnS‘ I _ came as a player in his collegiate days at De
John Oswalds background reflects the highest POUW GS he plcyed guard On the fOO1.bO|] mgm
Slcndmd Of Qéfcgllence m Efjuccmfmcl pr€_pGrG` for three years and later at Ca|ifornia’s Davis
tion and also includes experience in athletics at CGmpU$_Wh€r€ he med his hgmd Gt COOCMNQ
bmh The DIGJ/er Gnd COGCh levels _ (by avacatian) the grid team for a brief period.
The 49—year—old educator, who was born in St. _
Paul, Minnesota, received his education in the 'rr l?f2, lis WGS rrrrrrrd by Sprrrrr lllrrrrrrrrrrrl
public SChOO|S Of; LG Grcngel   Gnd Gt DGPGUW Ol'] ll'S Sl;/GT /A\l`ll'llV€l'SCll'y All-ANWGTICO l'CSi“I"\, VCOVTICQ
University where he was e pei Beta Kappa eeee- rrrrrrrrt [rr terrrrrr t¤¤r*>¤g{' Ptrjrrs Wlrr jrhrérr
Ucte in   HQ OISO   grcducte WOrk On the SDGCIG pl‘Ol'T'lll'l€nC€ lid l'l€ll' CWOSCTW [JTO €SSiOlW$.
Davis and Berkeley campuses of the University Dr. Oswald is a staunch supporter of l  
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   Kentucky’s athletic program, a well—balanced development of one of the nation’s top athletic
=‘ and ambitious activity featuring inter—collegiate programs is Bernie A. Shively, a former lllinois
competition in ten different sports, is organized grid A||—American and a veteran of over 25 years
under the Department of Athletics and a cor- in the post of Director of Athletics.
poration known as the University of Kentucky The Association’s Board of Directors is com-
, Athletics Association. posed of the following;
l The program is conducted without overempha-
sis or sacrifice of educational obectives and in Dr. John W, Oswald Chairman
I strict compliance with the rules ofthe University, Robert Johnson, Vice Chairman
i the Southeastern Conference and the National Dr. W. L. Matthews, Jr., Secretary
Collegiate Athletic Association. Dr. Ralph Angelucci
A board of directors, headed by University Prof. David Blythe
President John W. Oswald in the capacity of Dr. Aubrey Brown
chairman, maintains overall policy supervision Dr. Loren Carlson
of the athletic program. E><—officio members, in Dr. Thomas Clark
addition to the resident include Vice Presidents Dr. Glen Creech
Robert Johnson and Glen Creech, Dr. W. L. Dr. John Douglas
Matthews in the ca acit of secretar to the Dr. L man Gin er
board, and a student representative—al| ap- Dr. A. D. Kirwan
ointed b the resident. Twelve other men Carson Porter (Student)
drawn from the University faculty and the gen- Douglas Parrish
eral ublic also serve on the board as a ointees James l·l. Pence
of the president. Dr. Douglas Schwartz
Supervising the steady growth and balanced Floyd Wright
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