xt7jq23qwb31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qwb31/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-01-30  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1948 1948 1948-01-30 2013 true xt7jq23qwb31 section xt7jq23qwb31 The Kentucky Kernel

Light Snow
High 26 Degrees

Your Attention;
See Editorial





Two Amendments Pending
Action Of Student Body

An expanded piogiam of liiglicr education was called for in
a resolution passed by the Kentucky Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools during a two-daeducational conference on
the University of Kentiuky campus last weekend.
J he committee on resolutions,
in giving its report, expressed
the hoe that "s holarshijis may Ik- maVle available to all worthy
students who otherwise would not get a college education."
Dr. Omer Carmichael, superinten
dent of Louisville city schools, was
elected president of the group to

Tir allow the student body to vote on proposed amendments


On Religion
Close Today

secretary-treasure- r.



Beauty Queen
To Be Chosen



Sing To Start
On Wednesday

WHAS Plans
Special Show


UK Fuel Crisis Averted,

Student Cooperation Asked

A fuel crisis here was averted
Monday when a shipment of coal
A resolution favoring the repeal arrived to supplement the Univerof the "Ouster Act," which permits sity stockpile which E. B. Farris,
the governor to remove high educa chief engineer in the Division of
tional officials, was passed by SGA Maintenance and Operations, said
Monday night.
sup- had dwindled to a two-daCopies of the resolution will be sent Plyto the Kentucky General Assembly
Mr. Farris said this shortage was
before the presentation of the bill.
caused by dependence oa truck coal
and as the roads were impassable
at so mepoints it was Impossible to
get this supply. Between 9000 and
10.000 tons of coal are used each
year at the University, he said.
John E. Pearce. former Kernel
was asked
editor and now an associate editor in an effort to conserve fuel. One
of the Louisville Courier-Journa- l,
precaution, Mr. Farris mentioned,
addressed a class in is to turn radiators off instead of
editorial writing in the Journalism raising windows. Another is to see
that all doors are keDt closed. Where
Pearce discussed the problems of double doors are in classroom build- editorial writing with the class ings, one of the doors has been
jrhich is taught by J. A. McCauley. locked to help keep the heat in. He

Pearce Addresses
Journalism Class



requested that these doors be kept
in the
The only break-dowheating system were in Frazee and
Barker halls. Frozen pipelines Sunday night in these buildings caused
a delay in getting the building warm
for Monday morning classes.
Snow crews have worked extra
hours clearing sidewalks and steps
with two plows and rotary brooms
attached to small tractors About
twelve men have been transferred to
the grounds crew to aid in the
emergency, Mr Farris said
A calcium chloride substance has
been spread on slippery wallks and
pavements Decause ui a suuriage in
Janitors have ' orders to clear
steps of snow and ice as their first
duty on arriving at work. When
it snows, Mr. Farris said men are
asked to report to work at 5 a.m.

Lawyers Plan
Special Term

Mardi Gras To Be
Event Before Lent
A campus Mardi Gras festival.closing with a
dance at 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 7.
Building, will
in the Student Union
be sponsored by the Newman Club
the week before Lent.
flfTipiala rf t.hp TsJpxum on fMnh hnv
'asked that campus sororities and
fraternities take up the theme in a
series of house celebrations the week
before the dance.
Cabaret Style Planned
The affair, for which tickets will
be on sale at the SUB ticket booth
today for $1.00 each, will be cabs,
aret style, with masks,
and caps to be distributed during
intermission. Costumes, although not
essential, will be welcome, the sponsors announced.
Music will be furnished by the
Kentucky Kavaliers.
The ball will feature the coronation of the Mardi Gras Queen, who
will be selected from among representatives of the various sororities,
women's dorms, and independents.
Queen Candidates Named
Queen candidates are: Audrey
Hankinson, Alpha Gamma Delta;
Pat Gerald, Alpha Xi Delta; Libby
LaRue, Chi Omega; Mary Barber,
Delta Delta Delta; Nancy Payne,
Delta Zeta; Joan Ann Grahm, Kappa Delta; Lyde Gooding, Kappa
Kappa Gamma; Anita Levy, Tau
Alpha Pi; Agnes Hutchinson, Zeta
Tau Alpha.
Margaret Wilson, Jewell Hall;
Carolyn Walker, Boyd Hall; Lois
Becknell, Lydia Brown;
Pickreil, Hamilton
House; Betty
Triplett, McDowell House; Agnes
Caudill, Barracks 1; Gail Price,
Barracks 2; Shara Francis Lamb,
Barracks 3; and Christine Cook,
Sayre Hall.
The independent candidate is
Mary Lester.
The identity of the queen will remain a secret until the coronation.
Prizes awarded to the queen and
her attendants will be donated by
local merchants.
J. W. Kilroy and Mary Ann
of the committee in charge.



To Be Forbidden?
Two public Student Government
Association hearings, one on forbidding the wearing of high school
on campus and one
on bulletin board problems, will be
held at 4 p.m. today in the Student
Union building.
Both bills will be considered at
the hearings by SGA committees
for presentation to the SGA assembly.
The first bill, introduced by the
athletic committee, would impose
a penalty upon students wearing
from schools other
than the University, and would be
by SGA and the "K" Club.
The bulletin board bill would re
quire immediate removal of
signs, and would fine rule
violators and defacers of the new
Both hearings are open to all




Sweater Swing Slated High School Letters



Photo bt Mack Hughes


Repeal Of Ouster Act



Pictured above are most of the candidates for Kentuckian Beauty Queen. From left to right they are: first row: Lila Murstein, Frances Goldstein,
Helen Bowman, Fawn Gray, Betty Lloyd Martin, Ruth Vest; second row. Sue Allen, Evelyn Ewing, Nancy Payne, Rebecca Perry, Nancy Harris,
Alva Matherly, Nancy Shinnick, Nelle Payne; third row, Sally Branch, Jeanette Blair, Doris Eith, Sandra. Steele, Mary Frances Hagan, Jean
Wilson, Mary Alice Mayer, Jackie Carper, Mary Alice Schisler. Entrants not present when the picture was made are Patricia Poe, Priscilla McVey,
Rubye Graham, Mary Lester, Pat Lawson, Suzanne Concannon, and Sandy Morgan.

well-traine- d,

SGA Votes Favoring



22-2- 3

Principal speaker for University
Founders Day activities. Sunday
will be Dr.
and Monday, Feb.
Raymond R. Paty, chancellor of the

Tonight a dinner in honor of those
who took part in the programs will
close the week's activities.
The programs were sponsored by
The 1948 Kentuckian Beauty
the Interfaith Council, of which Queen and her five attendants will
Larry Fleisher Is president. Pur- be chosen at 7:15 p.m. Thursday
pose of the week was to stimulate evening in the Student Union ballstudent interest In religion In daily room. Amy Price, Kentuckian busilife.
ness manager, announced.
At a forum Tuesday night. Dr.
The contest will be closed to the
Jones said "it may well be that all public and the names of the judges
this troubled world needs to set it will be kept secret until the night
straight is a good dose of morality." of the event.
He explained that "to be moral l After the candidates have been
simply means to so behave as to be I chosen their names will be sealed in
an envelope and the Queen's name
,owa. x . . Xms does not tovolvt. a win be revealed at the Beauty Queen
feferal ald!very high level of achievement In dance. The dance will be scheduled
ivi cuuuiuuu ill uiutrr w lAurc the art of living or any great no shortly after the contest.
greater equity in educational oppor- bility of character. To be
Candidates are Jackie Carper,
and keep one's self popular with Rebecca Perry, Evelyn Ewing, Sanone's neighbors will never bring in dra Steele, Nancy Harris, Jean Wilthe Kingdom of God which is a son, Nancy Shinnick, Patricia Poe,
All-Camp- us
kingdom of peace and truth and Nelle Payne, Priscilla McVey, Ruth
Vest, Nancy Payne, Mary Alice
He added that Christian morality Mayer, Sally Branch, Mary Alice
has a depth that ordinary morality Shisler, Alva Matherly, Mary Frandoes not have and it often has aa ces Hagan, Sue Allen, Ruby Grabreadth and includiveness ordinary ham, Jeanette Blair, Anita Levy,
morality will oppose.
Frances Goldstein Mary Anne WilMonday night Bishop William T. son, Helen Bowman, Betty Martin,
Twenty-tw- o
campus organizations Malloy of the Covington Diocese of Fawn Gray and Doris Eith.
the Catholic church told a forum Joyland will present to the Queen,
have entered the annual
Sing to be held Wednesday, Thurs- audience that "in practically every her attendants, and their escorts
day and Friday nights in Memorial level of society today it becomes in- passes to the coming, big name
creasingly evident that God has dance.
hall. .
been banished from the deliberaFraternities, sororities, and
have programmed music tions of mankind.
including musical comedy favorites,
"In fact, it is not such an uncomclassical selections, and organiza- mon thing in our day to hear the
tional songs in this annual event very idea of God ridiculed."
sponsored by Phi Beta, Phi Mu AlDiscussing the international situapha, Omicron Delta Kappa, and tion. Bishop Mulloy asked "how far
Mortar Board.
are we from peace?"
Elmer Sulzer, head of the Radio
Women's preliminaries will be held
He said that in each
at 7 pjn. Wednesday and will include international meeting thesuccessive Arts department, has announced
barriers that there will be a special broadgroups from Aipha Delta Pi, Alpha of peace
rise more and more cast for Founders Day over radio
Gamma Delta, Alpha Xi Delta. formidably andto
peace recedes farther station WHAS on February 22, at
Boyd Hall. Chi Omega. Delta Delta away.
He said that in none of these 10:30 a.m.
Delta, Delta Zeta. Jewell Hall, KapTentative plans for the program
pa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa meetings did the leaders recognize
on "The Uniinclude
Gamma, Patterson Hall, and Zeta "it soverignty of God and added that versity a discussion State," selecappears that modem nations
Serves the
Tau Alpha.
have lost the fear of God."
tions by the Choristers under the
At 7:00 p.m. Thursday,
Bishcp Mulloy pointed out that direction of Miss Mildred Lewis, and
Gamma Rho, Alpha Tau Omega, in the United States more than one a five minute dramatic skit on the
Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Sigma. half the population has no knowl- history of the school.
Lambda Chi Alpha. Phi Delta Theta, edge of God.
President H. L. Donovan, Dr.
Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Alpha
The forum program opened with Frank McVey, and LeRoy Miles,
Sigma Chi, and Sigma Nu
president of the Alumni Associawill compete for admission to the an address by Dr. Herrick B. tion, are scheduled to speak.
Young, executive secretary of the
Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis- - Kirby Cox is in charge of program
Five groups for each of the above sions. Other speakers
in the series production.
divisions will be seiected to appear included Bishop Mulloy, Dr. Jones,
in the finals at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Kendall Weisiger, a
The winning group from each divi- Episcopal church, member of the
and Mrs. HastA Sweater Swing will be held at
sion will be awarded a cup which, ings.
8 p.m. Tuesday, in the SUB ballroom
if won three consecutive years, will
Other speakers during the week Bob Compton, chairman of the SUB
become permanent property of that
(Continued on Page Six)
house committee, has announced.
Last year's winners were Kappa
Alpha Theta and Delta Tau Delta.
Ali three events are free and open
to the public.




22-2- 3,

Presbyterian church at the University of North Carolina, will speak at
a faculty luncheon.
Mrs. Warren
Hastings, a Disciples of Christ teacher, will address the Dutch Lunch
meeting in the Student Union



' 4'

Is Feb.

Religious Emphasis Week closes
today with classroom discussions
highlighting the final day's activities.
This morning leaders will attend
a breakfast and at noon the Rev.
Charles M. Jones, pastor of the

Added to the executive committee.
In addition to the new officers, were
Dr. Earl Moore, Western State
Teachers College, chairman of the
commission on colleges and universities; Dr. H. L. Davis. Lexington,
principal of Lafayette High School,
chairman of the commission on
secondary schools; Dr. A. L. Lassiter,
superintendent of Richmond public
schools, and Dean Leland A. Brown,
Transylvania College.
Other resnlntinne HnnloH lw tho
rronr, railed for1. A sympathetic appraisal of the
needs of schools at all levels by the
executive and legislative branches of
state government so that Kentucky
schools "may rise to and maintain
their proper position in the educational pattern of the nation."
2. Recruitment
of "competent,
devoted teachers."
J. Salaries for teachers that will
permit them "to enjoy freedom from
want and to maintain their proper
social and economic positions in the
4. Support by Kentucky's senators
and representatives in Congress of

election will be held Tuesday
to the SGA constitution, a
in the Student Union Building, from 9 a.m. to I p.m.,
at one poll
according to a bill passed Monday by the Assembly.
One amendment provides for a representative in the Assembly
from the College of Pharmacy in Louisville, raising the immUr of
assemblymen to thirty. Claude Sprowls, SGA president, stated
that a spokesman for the Ph.ir- sjx.-cia-


Dr. William Jesse Baird,
president of Morehead State Teachers College. Dr. James Boswell,
president of Cumberland College,
was chosen vice president, and Dr.
L. E. Meece, professor of education
at the University, was


Special Election
Next Tuesday

Two Day Coulerence
Adopts Five Resolutions



SGA To Hold

Large Program
For Education
Discussed Here


SGA Needs





Colds Chief Plaint
The Health Service said Thursday that colds and upper respiratory diseases are the principal complaints of students this week. During
the past week 167 men and 65 wo
men were treated for these ailments.

Vets Must Report


All veterans who plan to withdraw from the University at the
end of the current quarter are
asked to report to Room 204 in
fie Administration Building to
fill out withdrawal forms before the quarter ends.

New Honorary

Is Organized
A chapter of Gamma Theta
national professional fraternity in geography, is being organized on the campus, according to Dr.
Joseph R. Schwendeman, head of
the Department of Geography. The
initial pledge service for Sigma
chapter will be held next Monday
night at the home of Dr. SchwendeUp-silo-


The purpose of Gamma Theta
according to Dr. Schwendeman, is to promote scholarship and
graduate study in geography. A national fund is maintained by the
fraternity for members who do
graduate work.
Gamma Theta Upsilon was organized at Illinois State Normal
School, Normal, 111., in 1928.

AIS Sponsoring

A two weeks intersession between
Spring and Summer terms will be
offered in the College of Law. Students will not be allowed to carry
more than two semester hours, the
equivalent of three quarter hours.
but it will enable students in some
instances to graduate from three to
six months sooner.
The session will be held from June


through June 19.
The intersession is necessary be- cause, in order to meet the requirements of the Court of Appeals of
Kentucky and the Association of
American Law Schools, all quarters
in the College of Law must be ten
weeks in length. This year's summer


session will only be eight weeks In
The intersession will also be offered in 1949, the college announced.

Students planning to take the intersession both years may enroll in
courses in Damages and Partnership,
Quasi Contracts (Restitution) and
Oil and Gas.

Psychologists Invited
To Hygiene Meeting
All university students, social
wrrkers, psychologists, and other
professional persons are Invited to a
Instimeeting of the
tute in Psychosomatic Medicine and
Mental Hygiene beginning Tuesday,
Harold E. Wetzel, head of the Department of Social Work announced.
The institute, which is sponsored
by the U. S. Public Health Service
Mental Hygiene Division, will meet
i at the Public Health Service Hospital
on Leestown Pike.

Semiformal Dance

Office Needs Help

The Independents will sponsor a
semiformal dance on Saturday, Feb.
28 in the Bluegrass Room of the
SUB. Tickets will be $1.50, stag or
Selection of a band will be
nounced later.

The Alumni Office, University
phone 43, would appreciate a call '
from any member of the faculty
who will be in the Detroit area
during the month of February.


University ' system of Georgia. Dr.
Leo M. Chamberlain,
Dr. Paty, whose address is scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday, Feb. 3,
in Memorial hall, will speak on
"Higher Education Takes Stock."
Classes will not be dismissed for
the convocation, since attendance
is optional with each class and instructor, Dr. Chamberlain said.
Presiding at the convocation will
be President H. L. Donovan. Invocation will be given by Wendell
of the
YMCA, and benediction will be
by Rosemary Dummit, president of the YWCA.
Sunday's Founders Day events
include a broadcast at 10:30 a.m. by
station WHAS and an afternoon
musicale by the Women's Glee
Club at 4 p.m., followed by a reception and tea at 5 p.m. at the Stud
ent Union building.

Vets To Elect
'48 Officers
Annual election of officers of the
Veterans Club will be held at a
meeting in the Student Union build
ing at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 16. according to Darrell B. Hancock, retiring
president of the Club.
Hancock said that the number of
officers had been changed from six
to eight by an amendment to the
Club constitution. The move was
designed, he said, to "streamline"
the administration of the organization.
New officers to be elected include
a president, executive
in charge of business, public relations, and membership, a treasurer, a recording secretary, and a corresponding secretary.
According to election plans adopted at the last club meeting, no individual nominations for any of the
offices will be accepted. All nominations must be presented on a "slate"
along with nominations for all other
offices. The petitions for nominations must be signed by 10 club
members, and must be presented
to Dr. Lysle Croft, University personnel director, not later than Feb.

No candidates for any of the offices have been filed, Hancock said,
but he added he had "heard talk"
of three of four candidates for presi-


Hancock stated that he was not a
candidate for reelection, nor is the
Jr. He added that he did
not know the intentions of any
other veteran now holding office
in the Club.

Nmad Is Shot At Sunrise,
Committed Unforgiveable Sin
Rv Gil Mark
He's a psychology major and I'm
his test case. He claims the only
time I show good sense is when I
accept a date with him. "After all,"
he says, "What normal, healthy
American girl would refuse?"
I'll never forget the first time I
saw him. He was walking across
campus without any books. Like
everyone else, I turned and stared
as he passed. He stared back.
"Where are your books, college
man?" I asked pleasantly. "They
were stolen," he replied. "How do
you get along?" I persisted. "It
isn't easy," he answered with a grin.
And so we met. He with his 2.5
and me with my two points standingthanks to English and sociology.
I can't name the exact moment
I started to fall for him. Perhaps
it was the day we sat in the Grill
drinking in the atmosphere (they'd
run out of cokes). I had the flu
and lost my voice and he turned
to me tenderly and said, "Shut Up?'
One night we met in the library.
He was reciting his history. "July
4, 1776 the first Fourth of July"
Jan. 19, 1948 the K.A.'s seceded
from the Union." '
I sat up. "Tell me," I said eagerly,
"Did all the K.A.'s secede from the


Twelve Girls Chosen

" he be"Well, there was one
gan. He looked around quickly, to
see if anyone was listening. Assured that everybody was, he began.
"There was once a K.A. whose
father fell over backwards to name
him Nmad Eeknay. Nmad was born
in New Jersey but he cleverly concealed the fact by drinking all of
his meals out of a Dixie cup.
Nmad was only seen out when the
wind blew south. He sought classes
in rooms with southern exposures.
He went to classes with cotton in
his ears. No one suspected him.
On the night before Jan 19, 1948,
the K.A; house was alive with signs
of battle.
Each man was given an objective and one of Nmad's fraternity
brothers sat on the couch with his.
"Darling," he whispered to a sultry blonde. "Robert E. Lee surrendered. Why don't you?"
Some of the men were practicing running up and down the stairs
yelling "Charge!" and "Long Live
John Irving!'' Nmad's turn came.
"Charge!" he began boldly. A
silence fell over the room. Nmad
turned Confederate gray. He had
(Continued on Page Five)

Twelve University sorority women
were selected this week by the
Council to represent the
University in the publication. Great
Greeks on University Campuses.
Those chosen were Jeanne
and Alice Jane Street, Alpha
Delta Pi; Betty Ree Rhoads, Alpha
Gamma Delta; Elizabeth Walters,
Alpha Xi Delta; Helen Hutchcraft,
Chi Omega: Rosemary Dummit,
Delta Delta Delta; Frances T.
Delta Zeta; Mary Hiileary
Bryant, Kappa Alpha Theta; Virginia Minter, Kappa Delta; Ridge-le- y
Park, Kappa Kappa Gamma;
Anita Levy. Tau Alpha Pi, and Jean
Kessler, Zeta Tau Alpha.

As-bu- ry


Honorary Fraternity
Initiates Twelve Men
Twelve men have been initiated by
Lamp and Cross, national honorary
fraternity for senior men.
They are Virgil Pryor. J. Carlisle
Myers. Charles Boggs, Morris Beebe,
Richard Gillespie, Harry Miller.
Bill Bixlet.
Russell Conrad, Hal Rucker. Darrell
Hancock, and Johnny Crockett.

h',s expressed


desire on the part of the students
for representation, and their willingness to send someone to Lexing
ton for each meeting of the As
A second amendment would remove the residence requirement on
candidates for the Assembly from
the graduate school. According to
the Constitution, every candidate
must have had at least two quarters
residence at the University before
he can become eligible for election.
Since many students spend only
three quarters in graduate school,
the representatives frequently leave
school after only one quarter in
the Assembly.
Both amendments have .been
unanimously passed by the Assembly.
Gist ! Amendments '
The ballot for Tuesdays election
will have two questions. The first
is: "Are you in favor of amending

the Constitution of the Student
Government Association to allow
for one representative In the Assembly from the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy, said
representative to be elected and empowered in like manner as other
representatives? The second is: "Are
you in favor of amending the Constitution of the Student Government Association to allow the graduate reoresentatives in the Assembly
to be elected without their having:
had the two quarters of University
residence now required?"


Jameson Jones, chairman of the
election committee, has explained
the procedure in amending the Con
stitution. First, a proposed amendment must be passed by the Assembly, then passed by a majority
of the students voting in an election, and then approved by the
Jones stated
that he expects the procedure to
be completed
in time for the
changes to be in' effect at the SGA

spring election.
Another bill passed Monday night
set the spring election date for April
1, some four weeks earlier than that
of last year, the object being to give
newly elected members an additional month to serve during the
spring term.

Health Service Adds
Doctors For Quarter
Two new doctors have been added
to the staff of the Universtiy Health
Service for duties during the Winter
quarter. They are Dr. John Sprague
and Dr. Sam Warren.
The doctors, who began their duties at the beginning of the quarter
have been appointed on a monthly
basis and the appointments are not
permanent. Dr. J. S. Chambers, director of the University Health Service, said.
The students are being cared for
much more quickly in the dispensary
now than formerly. Dr. Chambers
pointed out. "It has been bad. but
there has been nothing we could do
about it. I've been delighted
have started off. I hope that
it will continue." he stated.

Sororities To Begin
Tourneys On Monday
Beginning Monday two games jr:U
be played daily Monday through
Thursday for two weeks in the sorority basketball league.
Kappa Alpha Theta. Zeta Tau
Alpha. Delta Zeta and Alpha Zi Deltii
will play in Division I. Division II
will be composed of Kappa Del'a.
Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta Delta
Delta and In Division III are Tau
Alpha Pi. Alpha Delta Pi. Kappa
Kappa Gamma and Chi Omega.

Independents Select
Beauty Candidates
Four girls have oeen selected
among 11 nominees as Independent
beauty queen candidates.
The candidates are: Mary Lester,
Pat Lawson. Suzanne Concannon,
and Sandy Morgan.

McKinley To Play

Ray McKinley and his orchestra
will play at the Joyland Casino
Tuesday night. John Irvin, Joyland s
press agent, has announced.
McKinley, formerly with Glenn
Miller's orchestra, played for a
SUB dance here last year.

� Party Politics

The Kentucky Kernel




Friday, January r.O.liMS




Page Two

The Spice Of Life

Once upon a time there was a student government organi'a-Managin- g
Amy Price and Helen Dorr
Editor tion composed of members who, at election time, threw party af- It would seem that Helen Bow.... News Editor , .. ...
me wmcis aim cievoieci meir enure inicrcM. aiui .11- - man and Ralph Beard are back toSports Editor "iiauons
gether again. We are glad to see it
Asst. Mng. Editor tent ion (o the welfare of the students of the University.
Asst. News Editor
Asm. Sports Editor
They had an old fashioned way of nominating and electing as- - The
slump in social
a thing of
Xot only did .hey select the nominees for their ability activities (that soon be snow melts)
is, if the
the past
Adv. Manager and willingness to serve but they even notified them that they were witn dozens of parties scheduled for
lum Sioim
Entrd at the Port OB'.ce at Lexington.
Copy Pesk
Valentine's Day and the Mardi Gras
to be considered for election.
Kentucky, aa areor.d class matter under
Nancy Caskin, Joan Cook
dance coming up.
V..e Act ot March 3. 1873.
Like the dodo bird, this strange spe ies lias somehow disapieared
Tammy Underweod says that ev- Sports Reporters
OlTU F Y SaL'NDFRS, All-FTirhunf., and few traces of it are to be found here today at the University ry time he and Patsy Allen want
Kint Hoi i iNcsavomi, Don Towirs
to know how they are. getting along.
01 Kentucky.
Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
ail they have to do is look in the
' Reporters
Lexington Board of Commerce
And out. It isn't really
Stamfv J. Sewn, CiiARirs Whmfy.
Last quarter two candidates were elected to the SGA assembly. Kernel and
Kentucky Press Association
Simpson F. I ak viv. Mary Portfr
that bad, now is it?
National Editorial Association
Since we said last week that half
Brookshirf, Ed- - were sworn in, attended two meetings, and resigned. As a result
Armstrono, Pah.
the girls on campus had crushes
oiIu m ' Df- - of lheir resignation and the dropping of other members for rea- - on boys they didn't even know, we
the assembly held an election Monday hear that B. J. Jackson has found
National Advertising Service, lac Spain, Frank Dornheim. Frfida Fair, sons of
m r ruiu- - tiw,
""'J- u"c
loii ass
fill thesr vannrirs
thing wrong. He doesn't know it
new York. N. Y. Hflfn Hfnry, Janfy Jameson, Henry - n'S'u
4 20 Imadison Avi.
Virginia minshali.. Lilyet- -a
j;st 0 candidates to fill these vacancies was .submitted to the
Bosraa - ua aactict
Facca Maionfv,
max Ann Parihf., Burl Phillips, Frfu
that Dixl Dunn is about
of the assembly by the deans of the colleges. Discussion
siFvnts. Donald B. Town. Monte memlx-rt
to nl home.,,!,.
K. IissFY, t. hoRo VValllr, Mary v. ..r .i. nJmf,
i vi ranrlid.itt revealfd lhar some of ffal.
She's Ruby Dixon from Pa- nrosnrrt
t 50 One Quarter $1 SO One Tear
Who, Ann Vait.hn.
ducan- All $lrne4 mrttclrt end coinmm are to be


Jack Sorrfi le
ctntdrrri the opfmrtis cf the writm Martha Evans
(mjfiwi, mn4 to
necfsfarilf reflect HaskfM. Short
O. C. Halyakd
t'e opinio of The Kernel.
Ray Futon
Hi fx Dfiss
Tom Disrih

mid-wint- er






the men and women were known slightly and some not at all.
Upon further discussion it was found that many of the candidates
had not been approached as to their availability for office.
A suggestion bv one party leader that the election lie postponed
for a week so that the candidates might In notided and their
qualifications le studied was immediately attacked by a member
of the onuosintr! nartv who slated that the election results were
114-a foregone conclusion because of the majority held by his party.
Upori backing bv the majority of his nartv, a vote was taken
...... : it ,.i:.i y j
a ill 11c nit fiii
id 111
iif i lie
.iiiiiiii.ii 1 va
The election was then held and six assemblymen were chosen
from the list of candidates, some of whom were unknown to
memlxTS of the assemblymen and the majority of whom had
never leen notified of their candidacy.

Phones Needed
An attempt is Ik ing made on the campus to obtain much-needeiav telephones for dorm it otics and barracks.
On the other hand, nhones are r ri tamoered- with bv memlers
o( the student IvmIv
slugs are being dejxisited, paper is stuffed
into the coin slots, ami mac limes are being jimmied and tripped
in viifh a vjv iliai nwiiirv i. rrlr.iwil and ilip ! Tnivrrsiiv romnfrol- .
.... .
jJcr lias leen forced to pay Irom S.i: to $40 each month to cover the
losses on the pav phone receipts. in the SUB and in the dormitories.
This condition certainly hinders the movement for installation
of needed telephones and. according to Comptroller Frank I).
I'eterson. may result in the los of the pay phones which the University has at present.







M rilTriY








social equality. I can see where
persons might reasonably differ as


l lh.
...w rhcr. Ih.l lin. chmilH
v..v ....
wf ...
a won: aii letters to the editor be drawn. Apparently the author of
W aidni Th writer name will be th.
withheld upon refluen The
publication of any
the riht 10 rlu

Kentucky Kernel
Dear Mr. Sorrelle:
I have been Informed that I
was one of the candidates voted
upon by the Student Government Assembly at its session
Monday night.
I sincerely appreciate the
honor of having my name
placed before the assembly for


others, according to Govern- -





hop, uiailew'rtudentstn





beliefs. Howthat may have

ever commendable
been, you lose no opportunity to

pounce upon those persons who may
degree with your views concern- ing Negroes, and brand them in ad- vance as "hotheads" who are "more
than numerous." I believe the
textbooks wiil verify my
belief that this is a strange anomaly
for a newspaper to take in its edi- torial policy.
I have often wondered why jour- nalists, particularly those of the age
and experience of you who com- prise the staff of the Kernel, in- ftist upon believing that some sort
magic has transformed them into
beings with a much higher power
rationalization than persons of
nm liar age and experience.
1 believe that the Kernel
call those persons "hotheads" who
well reason that the admis- Mon of Negroes to professional
at UK would be, on its face,
harmless. However, those persons
might see in such an event one of
series of concessions which can
never be regained. I cannot visu- any sane white person who
does not consider that the line be- tween black and w