xt7jq23qvw88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qvw88/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1982-05-jun22. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1982-05-jun22. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1982-05-jun22. 1982 1982-05-jun22. 2011 true xt7jq23qvw88 section xt7jq23qvw88 

   Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Tuesday, June 22, 1982.

    The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees met at 2 p.m.
(Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, June 226 1982 in the Board
Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the
Lexington campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Roll Called

    Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to
order at 2:03 p.m. and the invocation was pronounced by Mr.
William R. Black.

    The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the
call of the roll: Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William
R. Black, Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Mr. Britt Brockman, Mrs.
Betty Pace Clark, Professor Opal Skaggs Conley, Mr. Tracy Farmer,
Mr. Ronald G. Geary, Mrs. Edythe Jones Hayes, Mrs. Sally
Hermansdorfer, Mr. Brereton C. Jones, Mr. R. Larry Jones, Mr.
Thomas B. Kessinger, Mr. W. Terry McBrayer, Mr. Robert T.
McCowan, Mr. A. Stevens Miles, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Professor
William F. Wagner, and Professor Constance P. Wilson. Absent
from the meeting were Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler and Mr.
Albert G. Clay.  The University administration was represented by
President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Jack C. Blanton,
Peter P. Bosomworth, Donald B. Clapp, Art Gallaher, Raymond R.
Hornback, John T. Smith, Charles T. Wethington, and Robert G.
Zumwinkle; Dr. Wimberly C. Royster, Dean of the Graduate School
and Coordinator of Research; and Mr. John C. Darsie, General
Counsel.  Members of the various news media were in attendance.
The Secretary, Mrs. Clark, reported a quorum present and the
Chairman declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of
business at 2:05 p.m.

    B.   Minutes Approved

    The Minutes of the May 4, 1982 meeting of the Board of
Trustees were approved without objection.

    C.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    Because of the length of the agenda, President Singletary did
not review the items In his monthly report to the Trustees. He
recommended that it be accepted and filed; without objection, it
was so ordered.

    D.   Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

    After noting that the personnel changes in PR 2,
Recommendations of the President, were routine in nature,
President Singletary recommended approval.  Without discussion,
on motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Professor Conley, and
carried, PR 2 was approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the



    E.   Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3A)

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by
Professor Wilson, seconded by Mr. Farmer and passed, William L.
Conger, Associate Professor in the College of Engineering, was
appointed Acting Dean of University Extension, July 1, 1982
through June 30, 1983. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

    F.   Establishment of a Department of Emergency Medicine in
the College of Medicine (PR 3B)

    President Singletary recommended that the College of Medicine
be authorized to establish a Department of Emergency Medicine.
He noted that the recommendation has the endorsement of the
College Faculty Council, the Dean of the College, the Vice
President for the Medical Center, and is recommended by the
University Senate. Mr. Black moved approval.    His motion was
seconded by Professor Conley and passed without dissent, (See PR
3B at the end of the Minutes.)

    G.   1981-82 Budget Revisions (PR 4)

    On motion by Mr. Brockman, seconded by Mr. Kessinger and
passed, the budget revisions as recommended in PR 4 were
authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

    H.   Patent Assignments (PR 5)

    Without discussion, on motion by Mrs. Hayes, seconded by Mr.
Ramsey and passed, the patent assignments as recommended in PR 5
were approved, (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

    I.   Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 6)

    President Singletary recommended that the proposed amendments
to the Governing Regulations which were received for preliminary
consideration at the May 4, 1982 meeting be approved. On motion
by Mr. Brockman, seconded by Mrs. Clark and passed, the change in
name from University of Kentucky Student Association to
University of Kentucky Student Government Association was
approved. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes).

    J.   Correction of Degrees for Three Candidates--University
System (PR 7)

    Without discussion, Professor Wagner moved that the President
be authorized to confer upon each individual whose name was
listed in PR 7 the correct degree to which he or she is entitled.
His motion was seconded by Professor Wilson and passed without
dissent. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes).



    K.   Appointment of FUND Board of Directors (PR 8), Board
Appointments to McDowell Cancer Network (PR 9), and Appointments
to Board of Directors of UKRF (PR 10)

    President Singletary recommended that PR's 8, 9, and 10 be
considered together.  On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr.
Larry Jones and passed, (1) Mr. LeRoy M. Miles was reappointed as
a member of the Board of Directors of THE FUND for Advancement of
Education and Research for a term beginning July 1, 1982 and
ending June 30, 1984; (2) Mr. Billy Joe Hall and Mrs. Cornelia
Cooper were appointed as non-faculty members of the Board of
Directors of the McDowell Cancer Network for terms beginning June
22, 1982 and ending October 31, 1982, and Ms. Evelyn Geller was
appointed as a faculty member for a term beginning June 22, 1982
and ending October 31, 1983; ard (3) Mr. H. S. Beattie (citizen
member) and Dr. Fred Zechman (faculty member) were reappointed to
the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research
Foundation for three-year terms ending in 1985, Mr. Thomas B.
Kessinger, Sr. was appointed as a Trustee member for a three-year
term ending in 1985, and Dr. James F. Lafferty was appointed as a
faculty member for a term ending in 1984. (See PR's 8, 9, and 10
at the end of the Minutes.)

    L.   Change in Division Structure (PR 11)

    President Singletary recommended approval of the changes in
Division structure at Hazard Community College as presented in PR
11. On motion by Mr. McBrayer, seconded by Mr. Geary and passed,
the following changes were approved: (1) the creation of a
Division of Sciences and Related Technologies, and (2) the change
in name of Division of Mathematics, Science, and Related
Technologies to the Division of Mathematics, Business, and
Related Technologies. (See PR 11 at the end of the Minutes,)

    M.   Amendment to Articles of Incorporation of the University
of Kentucky--Business Partnership Poundation, Inc. (PR 12)

    Acting on the recommendation of President Singletary, Mr.
Miles moved that the Board of Trustees approve the Amendment to
the Articles of Incorporation of the University of Kentucky--
Business Partnership Foundation, Inc. as presented in PR 12. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Brereton Jones and passed without
dissent. (See PR 12 at the end of the Minutes.)

    N.   Approval of Agreement Between University of Kentucky and
University of Kentucky Student Agencies, Inc. (PR 13)

    Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Brockman, seconded by
Mr. Larry Jones and passed, the Board approved the agreement with
the University of Kentucky Student Agencies, Inc. as recommended
in PR 13. (See PR 13 at the end of the Minutes.)



    0.   Approval of Agreement Between University of Kentucky and
Kentucky Medical Services Foundation (PR 14)

    President Singletary recommended approval of the agreement
between the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky and
Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc., which was negotiated
pursuant to the "Board of Trustees Resolution Regarding Medical
Practice Plan' adopted on June 20, 1978.

    President Singletary called on Vice President Bosomworth who
explained that the terms of the document in PR 14 are essentially
the same as those in the agreement approved by the Board on June
23, 1981 and revised on September 15, 1981 for the period July 1,
1981 through June 30, 1982. He pointed out that the dollar
amounts have been revised to reflect the increased costs for
1982-83. The amount for professional liability insurance has
been increased from $134,000 to $142,000 and the amount for
expenses attendant to the production of clinical income has been
increased for $1,500,000 to $1,700,000.

    Mr. McBrayer moved approval of the agreement between the
Board of Trustees and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Farmer and passed without dissent.
(See PR 14 at the end of the Minutes).

    P.   University of Kentucky Admissions Policy (PR 15)

    President Singletary reminded the Trustees that, based on a
recommendation of the Committee on Higher Education in Kentucky's
Future, the Council on Higher Education requested the University
to develop admissions standards consistent with its mission. He
recommended that the Board adopt the proposed admissions policy,
as presented in PR 15, for submission to the Council on Higher
Education. He called the proposed policy a 'historic and almost
landmark document,' but stressed that it is a policy document and
not a statement of the specific admissions criteria for the
University of Kentucky. He said that following Council approval
the faculty Senate will be asked to work on specific guidelines
for the Trustees to consider.

    President Singletary then called on Vice President Gallaher,
who chaired the committee to recommend policy guidelines. Dr.
Gallaher presented background Information, discussed
deliberations of the committee, and reviewed the proposal in
detail. He noted that the Community College System will continue
its open admission policy. In closing his presentation, Dr.
Gallaher told the Trustees that the proposed admission policy is
similar to policies at comparable schools elsewhere in the

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Mrs,
Clark, seconded by Professor Wilson, and passed unanimously, the
Board adopted the University of Kentucky Admissions Policy
recommended in PR 15. (See PR 15 at the end of the Minutes.)



    Q.   Institute for Mining and Minerals Research (PR 16)

    Dean Royster, at the request of President Singletary,
provided an update on developments at the Institute for Mining
and Minerals Research. He announced the appointment, effective
July 1, 1982, of Dr. Lyle V. A. Sendlein as Director of the
Institute. Dr. Sendlein is currently Director of the Coal
Research Center at Southern Illinois University, and holds
degrees in geology and geological engineering. Dean Royster
noted that Dr. Sendlein was selected from a number of applicants
because of his experience in operating and managing a research
center, his skills in research and research management, and his
general knowledge and national involvement in the field of coal
and energy research. Dr. Sendlein, who was present at the
meeting, was introduced.

    Dean Royster then reported on IMMR, including its history and
its role both within the University and in relation to the
Kentucky Department of Energy, He pointed out that most of the
Institute's activities have been directed towards meeting the
KDOE's component of it mission, but that it is at a stage in its
development where it is possible to put more emphasis on IMMR's
role as a research institute of the University. Dean Royster
also indicated that with the appointment of Dr. Sendlein as
Director of the Institute, it is appropriate to create the Board
of Directors for IMMR which was recommended by the Howard Panel,
the panel of scientists appointed to review the program.

    Dean Royster then introduced Mr. David Drake, Deputy
Secretary of the Kentucky Department of Energy, who spoke on the
importance of the Institute's mission to Kentucky's energy
efforts. Mr. Drake stressed, as did Dean Royster, the
importance, in evaluating the Institute, of understanding IMMR's
dual role as a prime contractor for the research and development
program of KDOE and as a research institute of the University of
Kentucky. He praised the institute and said it had given the
University and the state prominence in several areas of research,
including synthetic fuels research.

    Mr Sturgill also praised the accomplishments of IMMR and
KDOE. He said that   Kentucky is on the threshold of probably the
greatest economic boom in its history as a result of the work
being done in synthetic fuels in this laboratory.' He added that
not only would Kentucky benefit economically but that the country
would benefit greatly as a new source of much needed energy is

    The Chairman thanked Dean Royster and Mr. Drake for their

    R.   Committee Report on Administrative Reorganization (PR

    President Singletary reviewed the proposed reorganization of
the University which places the responsibility and authority for
the day-to-day administration of the three academic sectors on



the Chancellors for the Lexington Campus, the Medical Center, and
Community College System. He indicated that the reorganization
would involve the creation of five new positions: one at the
presidential level, Special Assistant--Business and Financial
Affairs; two on the Lexington Campus, Vice Chancellor--Academic
Affairs and a business services position; and two at the Medical
Center, Vice Chancellor--Academic Affairs and Special Assistant
to the Chancellor--Business Services. He estimated the costs of
funding these new positions, including clerical and associated
costs, to be $234,000 for 1982-83 and $299,000 for the following
year. He added that the costs would be justified by improving
academic planning, by providing more efficient services to
students, and by decentralizing the range of services provided in
the business services area.

    President Singletary told the Trustees that the Committee on
Organization and Administration at its 11:00 a.m. meeting on June
22 adopted the reorganization as presented in PR 170 He then
recommended that the Board approve the reorganization of the
University, effective July 1, 1982, as indicated in PR 17.

    Mr. Sturgill thanked the committee for a job well done and
said that he feels the restructuring of the University is long
overdue. He then called on Mr. Farmer for a committee report.

    Mr. Farmer, in the absence of Mr. Clay who chaired the
committee, reported that the committee had met several times and
had heard from a number of individuals who had requested hearings
before the committee. With the Committee on Organization and
Administration so recommending, Mr. Farmer moved approval of the
reorganization of the University as presented in PR 17. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Kessinger.

    The Chair then recognized Professor Wagner, who said that he
and Professor Wilson would like to have it duly noted that the
concerns of the Senate Council, a University Senate
representative from the Medical Center, and the Faculty Council
of the Agriculture College have been conveyed in writing to each
Board member. He then read the following statement:

     There is widespread concern that the
     reorganization presents a drastic change in the
     University structure and has been imposed without
     adequate discussion in the University community.

     Of particular concern to us is the possible
     separation of graduate programs and research
     administration between the main campus and the
     Medical Center. The delegation of added authority
     and responsibility to the chancellors appears to
     be desirable if the revised governing and
     administrative regulations are flexible enough to
     permit the chancellors to be successful or to hang
     themselves in achieving their missions. With
     sufficient faculty input and an awareness of the
     implications of the concerns expressed by the



     faculty, the reorganization could lead to an
     improvement in University functioning. It will
     take a sincere and unified effort by all

     A vote was called for and the committee recommendation was

    Mr. Sturgill noted that the Chairman only votes in case of a
tie; however, he requested that the record show he voted 'yes.'
(See PR 17 at the end of the Minutes.)

    S.   Operating Budget for 1982-83 (PR 18)

    In presenting the Operating Budget for 1982-83, Vice
President Clapp summarized the increases in revenues and
expenditures projected for 1982-83 over 1981-82 levels. He
pointed out the amounts going into salary increases and into
fixed costs. He reviewed the impact of the budget cuts during the
current biennium and explained that the $8.8 million cut
announced a year ago was handled temporarily this year by a
hiring freeze and reduced spending for such items as equipment
and maintenance.  In conclusion, Vice President Clapp noted that
with the 1982-83 budget the University is establishing a budget
base which will permit normal operations, effective July 1, 1982.

    Mr. Black -moved that the recommendation in PR 18 relative to
the Operating Budget for 1982-83 be approved. His motion was
seconded by Mr. Larry Jones and the 1982-83 Operating Budget was
adopted with all present voting waye.0 (See PR 18 at the end of
the Minutes.)

    T.   Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

    Mr. Farmer, reporting for Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance
Committee, said the committee had met on the morning of June 22,
1982 and considered six items to be presented for action, the
first of which was the Interim Financial Report for the period
ending April 30, 1982. He then moved that the report be
accepted. His motion was seconded by Mr. McCowan and passed
without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

    U.   Approval for Withdrawal from Maintenance Reserve Account
(FCR 2)

    With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Farmer
moved that the Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer
be authorized and directed to request the Trustee of Kentucky
Student Housing Bonds of 1964 to make available the sum of
$10,100 from the Maintenance Reserve Account" of said Bonds for
the purpose of paying the cost of repairing or replacing all.
light fixtures and complete painting of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity house located at 410 Rose Lane, His motion was
seconded by Mr. Kessinger and passed without dissent. (See FCR 2
at the end of the Minutes.)



   V.   External Auditor for Fiscal Year 1981-82 (FCR 3)

   The Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Farmer moved that
the firm of Arthur Andersen & Company, Certified Public
Accountants, be engaged to perform an examination of the various
accounts of the University of Kentucky and its affiliated
corporations in accordance with the recommendation in FCR 3. Mr.
Farmer's motion was seconded by Mrs. Hayes and passed
unanimously. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

    W.   Election to Perform in Accordance with House Bill 622
(FCR 4)

    Mr. Farmer moved that the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, effective July 15, 1982, elect to perform in
accordance with House Bill 622 and to delegate the responsibility
for implementing performance to the President of the University
as recommended in FCR 40 His motion was seconded by Mrs.
Hermansdorfer and passed without dissent. (See FCR 4 at the end
of the Minutes.)

    X.   Sale of 30 Acres, More or Less, in Franklin County,
Kentucky, Received by the Universi-y as a Gift from the Dana
Corporation (FCR 5)

    On motion by Mr. Farmer,.seconded by Mr. Ramsey and passed
without dissent, approval was given to the sale of 30 acres, more
or less, in Franklin County, Kentucky acquired by the University
as a gift from the Dana Corporation, and authorization was given
for the Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer to
execute, on behalf of the University, any and all contracts,
deeds and other documents deemed necessary to consummate the
transaction as recommended in FCR 5. (See FCR 5 at the end of
the Minutes.)

    Y.   Contracts with Administrative Officers

    In conclusion, Mr. Farmer said that the Finance Committee
wished to add a recommendation not included on the agenda. He
then moved that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to
execute contracts with the administrative officers providing for
the terms and conditions of their employment. His motion was
seconded by Mr. McCowan and passed without dissent.



    Z.   Meetinq Adjourned

    There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman declared the meeting officially adjourned at 3:35 p.m.

                   Respectfully submitted,

                   Betty Pace Clark
                   Board of Trustees

         (PR's 2, 3A , 3B, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 17, and 18; and FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the Meeting.)


                                        Office of the President
                                        June 22, 1982

     Members, Board of Trustees:


 I.      Appointments and/or Otner Staff Changes

    Recommendations: (1) that approval be given to the
    appointments ano/or other staff changes wnich require Boa-d
    action; and (2) that the report relative to appointments
    and/or cnanges already approved by the administration be

    Background: The following recommended appointments and/or
    other staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees
    in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations
    of the University. These recommendations are transmitted to
    the Board by the appropriate vice president through the
    President and have his concurrence.

    Under the Governing Regulations the autnority to make certain
    appointments and/or otner staff changes is delegated to the
    President or other administrators who are required to report
    their actions to the Board. This report follows the
    recommendations requiring Board approval.

                         BOARD ACTION

A.   Acaaemic Appointments


          College of Agriculture

          Overhults, Douglas G., Assistant Extension Professor*,
               Agricultural Engineering, 5/1/82 through 6/30/83.

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Baker, Howard, Visiting Associate Professor, Physics,
               8/16/82 through 5/15/83.
          French, James Austin, Visiting Associate Professor,
               Mathematics, 1/1/83 through 5/31/83.



          Sendlein, Lyle V.A., Professor (witn tenure), Geology,
               effective 7/1/82.

          College of Business and Economics

          Laumas, G.S., Professor (with tenure), Economics,
               effective 8/16/82.

          College of Engineering

          Ro, Chae-Gyun, Visiting Professor, Electrical
               Engineering, 4/1/82 through 3/31/83.


          College of Medicine

          Collins, John W., Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology,
               6/1/82 through 6/30/83.
          Smith, Albert J., Assistant Professor, Medicine, 6/1/82
               through 6/30/83.
          Vanloon, Glen P., Professor, Medicine, 7/1/82 througn
          Wiley, Ronald I., Visiting Professor, Physiology and
               Biophysics, 6/1/82 through 8/15/82.

          College of Pharmacy

          Hanna, Mohammed A., Associate Adjunct Professor
               (voluntary), 3/1/82 through 6/30/83.

B.   Administrative Appointments


          College of Agriculture

          Christenson, James A., Professor (with tenure),
               Sociology, named Chairman, Sociology, 7/1/82
               through 6/30/86.

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Goldstein, Lester, Professor (with tenure), Biological
               Sciences, named Director. School of Biological
               Sciences  7'1/82 tnrough 6/30/86.

*Special Title Series


    Janacek, Gerald J., Associate Professor (with tenure),
          Slavic and Oriental Languages ana Literatures,
          appointed Chairman, Slavic and Oriental Languages
          and Literatures, 7/1/82 through 6/30/86.
    Senalein, Lyle V.A., Professor (with tenure), Geology,
          named Director, Institute of Mining and Minerals
          Research, effective 7/1/82.

     College of Education

     Atwood, Ronald K., Professor (with tenure), Curriculum
          and Instruction, named Chairman, Curriculum and
          Instruction, 7/1/82 through 6/30/84.

     College of Fine Arts

     Hamann, Marilyn D., Associate Professor (with tenure),
          Art, named Chairman, Art, 7/1/82 througn 6/30/86.
     Rodgers, James W., Professor (with tenure), ana
          Chairman, Theatre, renameo Chairman, Theatre,
          7/1/82 through 6/30/86.

     College of Home Economics

     Weeks, M. O'Neal, Associate Professor (with tenure),
          Family Studies, namea Chairman, Family Studies,
          7/1/82 through 6/30/86.


     Ashlana Community College

     Ghassomians, Nikola, Professor in the Community College
          System (with tenure), appointed Chairman of the
          Division of Social Sciences and Relatea
          Technologies, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
     Hughes, Henry J., Associate Professor in the Community
          College System (with tenure), reappointed Chairman
          of the Division of English, Fine Arts and Related
          Technologies, 7/1/82 tnrough 6/30/85.
     Kitchen, Janie R., Associate Professor in the Community
          College System (with tenure), appointed Chairman of
          the Division of Biological Sciences and Related
          Technologies, 7/1/82 tnrough 6/30/85.
     Scott, Robert D., Associate Professor in the Community
          College System (with tenure), reappointed Chairman
          of the Division of Physical Sciences ano Related
          Technologies, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.

*Special Title Series


Jefferson Community College

Davis, Helen E., Associate Professor in the Community
     College System (with tenure), appointed Acting
     Chairman for the Division of Business and Related
     Tecnnologies, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.

Madisonville Community College

Cantrell, Timothy A., Professor in the Community College
     System* (with tenure), reappointed Chairman of the
     Division of Social Sciences and Related
     Technologies, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
Koon, Danny L., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, reappointed Chairman of the
     Division of Natural Sciences and Related
     Technologies, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
Scnuermer, David A., Instructor in the Community College
     System, appointed Chairman of the Division of
     Humanities and Related Technologies, 7/1/82 through

Maysville Community College

Berry, Robert K.. Professor in the Community College
     System, (with tenure), reappointed Chairman of the
     Division of Sciences and Related Technologies,
     7'1/82 through 6/30/85.

Paducah Community College

Maley, Donald R., Associate Professor in the Community
     College System (with tenure), reappointed Chairman
     of the Division of Humanities and Related
     Technologies, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
Ro, Chun W., Professor in the Community College System
     (witn tenure), appointed Chairman of the Division
     of Social Sciences, Business and Related
     Technologies, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.

Prestonsburg Community College

Archer, Vicky C., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, appointed Chairman of the Division
     of Social Sciences and Related Technologies, 7/1/82
     through 6/30 85.

*Special Title Series



C.  Joint Appointments


          College of Arts and Sciences

          Shannon, Gary, Professor (with tenure), Geography, joint
               appointment as Professor, Department of Community
               Health, College of Allied Health Professions,
               effective 5/1/82.


          Southeast Community College

          Thomas, Bonnie J., Associate Professor in the Community
               College System, (with tenure), joint appointment as
               Associate Professor in the Hazard Community
               College, effective 7/1/82.

D.   Reappointments


          College of Agriculture

          Burris, Walter Roy, Associate Extension Professor*,
               Animal Science. 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
          Cantor, Austin H., Associate Professor, Animal Science,
               7/1/82 through 6/30'83.
          Willett, Joseph W., Visiting Professor, Agricultural
               Economics, 7/1/82 tnrough 6/30/83.

          College of Arts and Science-

          Liu, Keh-Fei, Associate Professor, Physics and
               Astronomy, 7/1/82 through 6/30/84.

          College of Architecture

          Coleman, Caruthers A., Visiting Professor, 7/1/82
               through 6/30/83.
          Ricci, Leonardo, Visiting Professor, 7/1/82 through
               6/30/8 3.

*Special Title Series



     College of Engineering

     Carter, Joseph C., Visiting Associate Professor,
          Mechanical Engineering, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
     Roco, Mihail C., Associate Professor, Mechanical
          Engineering, 7/1/82 through 6/30/84.

     Graduate Center for Toxicology

     Harrison, Steadman D., Associate Professor, Graduate
          School, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.


      College of Allied Health Professions

      Pisaneschi, Janet, Associate Professor*, Allied Health
          Education and Research and Associate Professor*,
          Community Health, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.

     College of Dentistry

     Daugherty, Joe, Associate Professor (part-time), Oral
          and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
     Green, W. Spalding, Associate Professor (part-time),
          Oral Diagnosis and Oral Medicine, and Associate
          Professor, Community Dentistry, 7/1/82 through
          6/30/8 3.
     Newsome, Oakie G., Associate Professor (part-time),
          Periodontics, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
     Trinler, Daniel R., Associate Professor* (part-time),
          Periodontics, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.

     College of Medicine

     Blaydes, M. Cary, Clinical Professor (voluntary),
          Medicine, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
     Cooper, Wilford L., Associate Clinical Professor
          (voluntary), Surgery, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
     Crawford, Edward Philip, Associate Clinical Professor
          (voluntary), Anesthesiology, 7/1/82 through
     Garden, John W., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
          time), Ophthalmology, 7'1/82 through 6/30/83.
     Holloway, James B., Jr., Associate Clinical Professor
     -   (voluntary), Surgery, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
     Hull, David A., Clinical Professor (voluntary), Surgery,
          7/1/82 through 6/30/85.

*Special Title Series



Jacobs, Jamie J., Associate Clinical Professor
     (voluntary), Medicine, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
Kaplan, Martin P., Associate Clinical Professor
     (voluntary), Pediatrics, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
Kaufman, Maurice, Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Pediatrics, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
Kavanaugh, Charles N., Associate Clinical Professor
     (voluntary), Medicine, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
Kielar, Richard M., Associate Clinical Professor (part-
     time), Ophthalmology, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
Leavell, Ullin W., Clinical Professor (part-time),
     Medicine, 7/1/82 through 6/30/83.
Lewis, John R., Jr., Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Surgery, 7/1/82 through 6/30/85.
Mayer, Lloyd D., Clinical Pro