xt7jq23qvw63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jq23qvw63/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1871-03-jun08. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1871-03-jun08. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1871-03-jun08. 1871 1871-03-jun08. 2011 true xt7jq23qvw63 section xt7jq23qvw63 


Kentucky University, Lexington, June 8th, 1871

Meeting of
June 8, 1871

Peti tion
of the
Law Asso-
ciation of

Degree of
B. S.


Payments on
Ashland &


      Board met at 9 o'clock A. M. pursuant to adjournment.
      Roll being called the following members were found present.
 R. M. Bishop, J. B. Bowman, Benj. Gr~tz, Andrew Steele, Joseph
 Wasson, D. S. Goodloe, G. W. Elley, Jos. Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman,
 Jos. Smith, R. C. Ricketts, J. P. Tarbitt, W. T. Withers, L. B.
 Wilkes, John Shackelford, G. W. Givens.
      The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and. de-
 clared approved by President P. Milligan.
      iiegent Bowman moved that in accordance with the Petiticn of
 the Lexington Bar Association of this City, the Law Library of
 Ky. University be moved to the City Library on condition that
 said Association will assume all expenses for removal and fitting
 up the same and all legal responsibility for its proper preserva-
 t~ion and farther that an annual tax of three Dollars shall be
 paid be each member of the Association for the increase of said
      This agreement to continue for five years, and farther that
 they be obligated to keep an fair Insurance on the same in a good
 Company, provided farther that the officers and Students of the
 University shall have free access to and use of the Law Library
 subject to the regulations of Charter & By Laws of Ky. University.
 On motion of A. H. Bowman the Executive Committee is authorized
 to carry out the provisions of the above motion. /203/
      On motion of Regent Bowman it is ordered that the Degree of
 Bachelor of Science be confered on Mr. Enoch Harding of Murray,
 Ky., a graduate of the A. & M. College.
      The Committee on the farm not being ready to Report said
 Committee is ordered to report to the Executive Committee and
 same to be published with their proceedings.
      On motion of Curator John Shackelford the following Preamble
and resolutions were unanimously adopted.
      Whereas - Regent J. B, Bowman has through the liberality and
promptness of the Donors of Ky. University mande the lest payment
on Ashland and the Woodlands and thus secure& thet magnificent
Estate in fee simple to the Institution.
      Be it resolved, That we hereby, congratulate the Friends of
the University on the successful accomplishment of this importa-t
service in the cause of liberal education.
      Be it resolved, That re hereby extend to Regent Bowman the
expression of our confidence in the ability, zeal and fidelity
with which he has executed the responsible trusts committed to
his hands with the assurance of our earnest hope that he may be
spared in Providence to complete the great work to which he has
so long and so successfully devoted his life.
     Be it resolved that thzis Preamble and these Resolutions be
duly entered on our Record and that copies of the same be only
furnished for Publication and published in the Catalogues of the
ensuing year.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 8th, 1871

           College of Arts

Degree of
A.R. in Col.
of Arts.

Degree of
A.M. in
Col. of Arts

Salary of
Prest .

Method of

     The Faculty of the College of Arts hereby recommend that the
Regular degree of Bachelor of Arts be confered at the ensuing
commencement on Benjamin Joseph Hazelrigg of Mount Sterling, Ky.-
John Okain Hopkins, ladaga Ind. & William Abner Oliham of Fayette
Co. Ky.
     They also recommend that the regular degree of Master of
Arts be confered at the same time on "William Benjamin Smith of
Saint Joseph Mo. he having fully complie! with the provisions of
the Statutes of the University regulating the practice of this
     On motion of Regent Bowman It is resolved that the Salary of
Professor H. P. Perrin Presiding officer of the Commercial College
be i'ncreased to the sum of two thousand dollars provided that the
fees of that Department will justifit it.
     On motion the following recommendations from the Faculty of
the College of Arts was refered to the Executive Com-mittee &
     That the former method of conducting examinations be re-
stored, provided the Final Examination terminate on the Tuesday
preceding Commencement da.y.
     The foregoing minutes having been reed werc unanimously
declared correct and approved_
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock of the
day of the next annual meeting.

     At a meeting called by the Chairman immediately after ad-
kournment it was on motion ordered that the vword /205/ be in-
serted in the resolution of Curator Shackelford and then the
Board adjourned as before stated.
     Benediction by Rev. L. B. Wilkes.
                         B. M. Bishop
                                     Chai rman
     Jos. L. Woolfolk, Secretary.