xt7jm61bpb12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bpb12/data/mets.xml Utah Historical Records Survey Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) Utah Utah Historical Records Survey Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1940 iv, 30 l. 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.10/no.43 books  English Salt Lake City : Survey of Federal Archives  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Utah Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Commerce Archives Utah Archives Utah Catalogs Utah History Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series X. The Department of Commerce: no. 43, Utah, 1940 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series X. The Department of Commerce: no. 43, Utah, 1940 1940 1940 2020 true xt7jm61bpb12 section xt7jm61bpb12 'E i (I















‘ -, -,_ "4 SERIES? X: THE" ‘DEPARTMENT; 0F -; CQWE



Prepared by

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We rks P ro grass Admini s tration


The National Archives
Cooperating Sponsor

NO. 1+3. UTAH

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_ Salt’Lake City, Utah
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The Survey of Federal Archives

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"bEtiéion‘6f“?i5f€ééi8nalgandySéifiiéé Projects

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Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Ruby S. Garrett, State Director

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F.‘ "-‘d‘zimmgjggjiaqfi: Céfifii'gsidfier

D. J. Greenvféil. State Administrator

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The Inventorv of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products
of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation~
wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1936 to
June 30, 1937, and has been continued in Utah since that date as a state
project of that Administration and of the Work Projects Administration.

The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I
consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments,
and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal
archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information
secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series nnm~
her being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Depart—
ment of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each
series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records
of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the
inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alpha—
betical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2,
that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. H, etc.

For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of re*
lated records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates
("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was secured),
general description of informational Content, description of the system of
filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use,
form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear
footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records
(not stated if satisfactory). location by room number or other identifying
information, and finally, the number of the Form 588A on which this in—
formation was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was
abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Ar—
chives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which
has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is
given by use of the reference "See addenda."

In Utah the work of the Survey has been under the direction of Mr. John
E. Ireland, since its inception. This Inventory of the records of the De—
partment of Commerce in Utah was prepared in the Salt Lake City office of
the Survey and was edited before final typing by Miss Elizabeth Edwards of
the Washington office.

John 3. Ireland, State Director
Salt Lake City, Utah Survey of Federal Archives
May 3. 19140 in Utah





Salt Lake City, Airline Inspection Service. ............... ; ........ 2
Salt Lake City, Airport Section ....... . ........................... . 2

Salt Lake City, Airway Maintenance and Operation Division
Fifth District Manager ............................ . ....... .... 3
Fifth District Communications Stations.... ................... . 25


Springville, Fish Cultural Station ................................. 28











The inventory of records below reflects, of course, the organization of
the Bureau of Air Commerce as it existed at the time the Survey of Federal
Archives was made. The Civil Aeronautics Act, approved June 23, 1938, es—
tablished the Civil Aeronautics Authority and vested in the Authority the
powers and duties relating to the promotion and development of civil aero~
nautics which were previously vested in the Secretary of Commerce. Upon
the transfer of these functions to the Civil AeronautiCS Authority under
date of August 22, 1938, the Bureau of Air Commerce was abolished.


Municipal Airport Administration Bldg.
2450 W. North Temple

This office was established in Salt Lake City in 1926 with jurisdiction
over Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Nevada, and is under the direct
supervision of divisional headquarters of the Air Regulation Division lo—
cated at Oakland, California. Its functions are to examine and issue li—
censes to pilots and mechanics,'investigate accidents, enforce airway regu~
lations within the aeronautical industry, and inspect personnel and equip—
ment of air lines other than transport lines. Since the creation of the
Civil Aeronautics Authority it has taken over these functions.

1, CORRESPONDENCE AND EXPENSE ACCOUNTS, 1927 to date. Correspondence,
from Oakland, California and Washington, Expense accounts of I. K. Mc—
Williams, Inspector (copies). (Weekly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 9 in.,
in wooden desk drawer. R. 203. (3007)

2. WEEKLY FLIGHT REPORT, Jan. 1, 1937 to date. Form 82, weekly flight
report of I. K. McWilliams, Inspector, including inspection, purchase and
repair report for Ship S.N. l A. used by Inspector. Copies of report are
sent to Oakland, California and Washington, after each trip. Copy sent to
Washington when book is filled. (Daily, official.) 7 x 11 vol., 1 in.,
in InSpector's traveling case. R. 203. (3009)

Kearns Bldg., 13M 3. Main St.

This office was established September 2M, 1935, for the purpose of super—
Vising WPA airport construction work. It has jurisdiction over Colorado,




Bureau of Air Commerce, Salt Lake City 3

Nevada, Wyoming, and Utah. Although none of its records have been destroys
ed, some have been transferred to the San Francisco office.

N.B. Since the survey was made this office has been transferred to Den—
ver, Colorado.

3, BLUEPRINTS, Sept. 1935 to date. Showing projects in district, with
complete outlay of field and improvements needed. (Occasionally, official.)
Variously sized folded maps, 3 ft., on wooden shelves in vault. R. 205,
vault. (3717)

an, 1935 to date. Weekly progress reports, showing accomplishments;'exa
change of telegrams between national and state WPA officers, District air—
ways offices and this office, relative to activities and personnel (copies).
Instructions and bulletins from Washington, relative to procedure and regu~
lations. Correspondence with airport engineers and regional supervisors
concerning general activities and airport projects. (Daily, official.)

12 x 1H folders, 2 ft. 8 in., in steel filing case drawer. R. 205. (3718)

5. AIRPORT PROJECT APPLICATIONS, Oct. 1935 to date. Submitted by the
sponsoring agency to WPA in respective states, showing estimate of neces~
sary work, money required and man months of work. Related correspondence
with WPA airport engineers and Washington included. Indexed. (Daily, of-
ficial.) 12 x In folders, 3 ft., in 2 steel filing case drawers. R. 205.


6. GENERAL FILE ON AIR MARKING, Nov. 1935 to date. Correspondence with
Washington, regional supervisors, postmasters, civic organizations and inp‘
dividuals relative to air marking locations. EPA project applications for
construction and improvements needed at various airports in district; maps,
blueprints and work sheets supporting applications. Filed chronologically
by district. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 12 x in folders, 1 ft. 6 in.,
in steel filing case drawer. R. 205. (3719)

7. CIRCULARS AND BULLETINS, July 1937 to date. Received from national
and regional supervisors, offering functional suggestions and instructions.
Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 12 x 1M folders, h in., in steel
filing case drawer. R. 205. (3716)

(A) Federal Bldg., 350 s. Main St.
(3) Redman Van and Storage Company,
inc 3. Nth West St.
(C) Airways Mechanicians' Warehouse,
Nth N. and Redwood Road

This office, as at present constituted, was established in Salt Lake
City, July 1, 193%. It existed prior to this time, however, under the
AiTWays Division which was established on July 1, 1927 and continued until




Bureau of Air Commerce, Salt Lake City H

JuLy l, 1933, On the latter date it was changed to the Aeronautics Branch
which continued until July 1, l93h when it became the Bureau of Air Commerce.
The present office has jurisdiction over Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah,
Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Nevada. The records which originated between
1927 and l93h are in its custody and are intermingled with its records.

A Communication Station, which operates under this office, is located
at the Municipal Airport. Its records are inventoried in a separate section.

N.B. Since the survey was made, this office has been closed and its
records disposed of as follows: those relating to Utah and Nevada were sent
to Santa Monica, California; those relating to fiyoming, Colorado, and Ne—
braska were sent to Kansas City, Missouri; and those relating to Idaho,
Montana, Oregon, and Washington were sent to Seattle, washington.

NOTES"), 1926 — 1928. Giving name, position and description of field, e,g.,
markings and identifications, lighting accommodations, communication and
signal equipment on field, meteorological data and field license or lease.
(Rarely, official.) 9 x 11 folders, 3 in., in Wooden compartment, R, H33
(Bldg. A). (1398)

9, DESCRIPTIVE INVENTORIES, 1927 - 1929. Airway engineers' inventories
of towers, beacons, power equipment and buildings, boundary lights, ground
markers and acetylene airway blinkers: caretakers‘ and mechanicians' in—
ventories of supplies on hand; stock clerks' inventories of supplies and
equipment on hand at headquarters and garage stores. (Rarely, official.)

8 x 12% leose sheets, 6 in., in wooden compartment. Dirty, torn. R. #33

(Bldg. A). (iuu5)

10. AIRWAY OBSERVER'S WEATHER REPORT, 1927 ~ 1931. Form 1130, daily
weather reports made by airway weather observer, reporting general condi—
tions. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 6 in., on wooden shelf. R. M33
(Bldg. A). (1287)

ll. REJECTED BIDS, 1927 — 1931, Submitted by contractors, manufacturers
and distributors for construction of beacons, hangars and emergency landing
fields or to furnish equipment and supplies for maintenance of division,
with related correspondence. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.)

9 x 12 folders, 3 ft., in 12 transfer cases. R. M33 (Bldg. A). (1119)

12. SITE LOCATION PLAES, c. 1927 ~ c. 1931. Plats and charts of beacons,
blinkers and communication facilities with site number and type and legal
description; also latitude, longitude, elevation and magnetic variations.
This refers to San Francisco ~ Salt Lake air route. (Bi—monthly, official.)
9 x 15 loose~leaf books, 3 in., on steel cabinet, R. 3&8 (Bldg. A). (1523)

GQuipnent and supplies shipped, showing point of origin, destination, con~
Signor, consignee, weight, date received and charges. (Older records,rarely;
recent ones, daily, official.) Variously sized vols., folders and pockets,

2 ft. 6 in., on 2 wooden shelves and in wooden compartment. R, M33 (Bldg,

A). (llul, 1399, lune)
1h. OFFICE AND FIELD RECORDS, 1927 - 1933. Receipts and shipments of



Bureau of Air Commerce, Salt Lake City 5

equipment and materials, tanks of acetylene gas, truck maintenance and opera—
tion, contract numbers on construction and purchases of equipment and sup-
plies; description and location of landing field sites, travel expenses,
photographs of sites and long distance telephone calls. (Rarely, official.)
5 x 8 vols.. 9 in., on wooden shelf. R. M33 (Bldg. A). (1153)

15. ADMINISTRATIVE FILE, 1927 — 193M. Monthly reports from intermediate
landing fields; mechanicians' operations and field employees‘ weekly reports.
Personnel service records, new assignments and salary schedules; radio range
transmitter records and inventory of radio equipment and related correspond-
ence. Correspondence with Commissioner of lighthouses, U. S. Airway En-
gineer and inter—divisional employees pertaining to erection of beacons,
assignments and transfers of employees and purchases; and copies of radio-
grams. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders and bundles, #5 ft. 6 in.,
on 30 wooden shelves and stacked on floor. R. 1433 (Bldg. A). (1396, 11151)

16. DELIVERY RECEIPTS, 1927 ~ 193M. Covering gasoline and oil purchased
by Airways Division. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 12 pockets, 2 ft., on 2
wooden shelves. R. LL33 (Bldg. A). (11152)

17. RADIOGRAMS, 1927 - 193M. Dispatched and received, relating to bids,
contracts, requisitions, installation, upkeep, repairs to buildings and equip
ment, transfer, release and annual leave of personnel and other administra~
tive matters (copies). (Never.) 5 x 8 bundles, 10 ft. 6 in., on 2 wooden
shelves. Dirty. R. H33 and adjoining storeroom (Bldg. A). (1286, 1319)

18. SURVEY OF USELESS ARTICLES, 1927 — 1939. Form 25, showing name of
article, quantity, condition, estimated present value and disposition rec-
ommended. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft., on wooden shelf. R.
1133 (Bldg. A). (M53)

19. TIME SHEETS AND comsronmmcn, 1927 - 1931+. Form 146, time sheets
of persons employed by lighthouse and radio service division, giving name,
occupation and post office address of each person; total time, rate of pay
and total amount earned; correspondence pertaining to employees and pay
rolls. Filed by section. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, H ft.,
on floor. R. 1133 (Bldg. A). (1911)

20. WEEKLY REPORTS OF FIELD EMPLOYEES, 1927 - 193M. Form 29, giving
employee, station, type of work performed and date: Form 33. reports of
traveling mechanicians giving name, date. place visited, nature of business
and service performed. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., on floor.
R. 1133 (Bldg. A). (11110)

21. INVOICES AND VOUCHERS, 1927 — June 29, 1935. Form 27, covering pur~
chase of supplies or service, showing vendor, firm and station charged,
quantity and price paid; Form #11, invoices, showing transfer of equipment '
from station to station; vouchers cover same. (Older records, rarely: re—
cent ones, occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 21 ft. 6 in., on floor,
in 2 wooden, 1 wood—steel and 3 steel filing case drawers; in 10 transfer
cases and in wooden desk drawer. Rs. “53, M50. M37 (Bldg. A) and Depot 0f-
fice (Bldg. 13). (11112, 1189, 1193, 1186, 1187, 1191, 1519, 1857. 1856)




Bureau'of Air Commerce, Salt Lake City 6

1935. Reports of planes landing at intermediate fields, showing district,
sector and site number, date. time and make of plane and reason for landing;
reports show condition of intermediate landing fields. (Never.) 8 x 10%
bundles, 2 ft., on 2 wooden shelves. R. M33 (Bldg. A). (1h68)

23, VOUCHERS, 1927 - Mar. 1936. Covering pay rolls, travel, per diem,
purchases and services other than personal. Part of this file contains
copies of vouchers for merchandise and services not covered by appropriation
and incurred without authority; receipted invoices and Government tax exs
emption receipts also included (copies). Originals are sent to Washington.
(Older records, rarely; recent ones, semiweekly, official.) Variously sized
covers, letter files and folders, 69 ft. 6 in., in 9 pasteboard boxes, in
steel filing case drawer and on filing cabinet. Rs. M33 and u5o (Bldg. A).
(inuu, 15us, 1517)

2h. CANCELED AND EXPIRED LEASES, 1927 - June 30, 1936. Airway sites
which have been abandoned for new locations, changes of ownership or which
have been found undesirable; also expiration of leases. With each lease
are all supporting documents and related correspondence. (Daily, official.)
? Eula folders, 2 ft., in wood-steel filing case drawer. R. the (Bldg. A).
l 7

CORRESPONDENCE, 1927 a 1938; Form 110 (superseded by Form 33), invitation,
bid and acceptance; supplies to vendors, which when filled in, signed by
Vendor and executed by Bureau becomes contract; Form 1036 (revised), state~
ment and certificate of award; schedules of requirements and specifications
and blueprints; Form MO, telephone contracts; contracts for gas, water, heat
and electric service for administrative office and landing fields; invita~
tions to bid on proposed construction Jobs: and related correspondence.
(Older records, never; recent ones, daily, official.) Variously sized en~
velopes, folders and bundles, 38 ft. 9 in-, on wooden shelves, in 8 paste~ .
board boxes, in 18 wooden compartments and in 1 steel and 2 wood—steel fil—
ing case drawers. Rs. #33. M50 and use (Bldg. A). (1289, 1290, inns, 1235,
1586. lSuo)

26. FINANCIAL RECORDS, 1927 - 1938. Reports of disbursing officer,
certificates of allocation of funds, Federal Reserve Bank deposit receipts,
adjustment vouchers, schedules of transfer of funds, statements of control
accounts, pre~audit accounts, preparation of pay rolls, paid or closed claims
encumbrances, collections, obligations; reports and related correspondence.
(Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, M ft., in 2 woodusteel and 1 steel fil~
ins case drawers. Rs. HMS and #50 (Bldg. A). (lSMl, 1616)

27. LEASES, 1927 ~ 1938. Land and buildings leased and rented for fola
lowing uses: beacons, radio communication stations, landing fields, mechani—
cians' headquarters and storerooms, offices, etc. Showing location, type,
lessor, rental, area, duration and contract number; proposed leases; en~
cumbrance records of leased property; beacon license and lease contracts;
rental vouchers and blueprints of construction on sites; standard form
Government lease; requests for authority to lease; related reports and core
reSPOndence. (Daily, official.) variously sized loose—leaf books, folders
and cards, 2” ft. 10 in., on steel filing case, in 10 wood-steel filing case
drawars and in 10 steel card cabinet drawers. Rs. NEG. HHS and H37 (Bldg.
A). (1672, lens. 16kg, 16u6, 1873. 16mg, 1671)



Bureau of Air Commerce, Salt Lake City 7

28, MAPS AND PLOTS, 1927 - 1938. Showing location of emergency landing
fields, beacons, railroads, rivers, lakes, newly plotted sites; boundary
lines, area, perimeter, longitude, latitude, altitude, condition of fields
and obstructions, type and number of beacons and radio range. Filed by
division, viz., Salt Lake and Omaha, Salt Lake and Los Angeles, Salt Lake
and Pocatello, Salt Lake and Great Falls, Salt Lake and San Francisco,

Pueblo, and Cheyenne. (Daily, official.) Variously sized maps and envelopes
8 ft., in map filing case, in 16 wooden filing case drawers, framed on wall
and in wooden compartments. Rs. ”33. 1948 and ’436 (Bldg. A). (1185, 1H99,
1500. 1853. 1524)

29, PERSONNEL RECORDS, 1927 ~ 1938. Giving military service with date
of enlistment and discharge; records of persons no longer connected with
Bureau, contracts of their employment, position, station, salary, date and
reason for release, etc.; itemized leave cards, sick and injury records,
transfers, civil service appointments and promotions and related corres~
pondence; temporary or unappointed employees with name, place and type of
employment, retirement and leave deductions and amounts paid. Includes cost
of operation of vehicles. (Older records, rarely; recent ones, daily, of~
ficial.) . Variously sized cards and folders, 22 ft. 9 in., in 2 steel card
cabinet drawers and in 11 wood-steel filing case drawers. Rs. M37, 1948 and
M30 (Bldg. A). (1921, 15M2, 15H}, 1610, 1982)

30. SURVEYORS' FIELD NOTES, 1927 - 1938. Survey and observation notes
of air routes and landing field sites; railway and power lines; radio range
and beacon sites; also consist of stadia cross sections, rough survey and
sketches of obstructions, 6 x 8 vol. indexes (2), 2 in. (Older records, '
rarely; recent ones, daily, official.) Variously sized vols., 2 ft. 9 in,,
on 2 wooden shelves. Rs, nus and M33 (Bldg. A). (1522, 1151, 1152)

1933. Maps and charts of airway routes showing location of beacons, regular
and emergency landing fields; inspectors’ field notes on road condition dur~
ing various seasons of year; also photographs taken from planes traveling
over various routes. (Daily, official.) Variously sized folders and
bundles, 2 ft., in wooden box. R. #33 (Bldg. A). (1288)

32. REQUISITIONS, c. 1927 ~ 1938. Form 95, requisitions for replace-
ments; Form 85, requisitions for upkeep and repair of divisional equipment
and shop service; requisitions for supplies and equipment from Washington
with correspondence regarding property accounting, cost keeping and in-
Ventory systems; requisitions and requests for authority to purchase sup-
Plies, gasoline, oil, etc.; special requisitions for radio and beacon equip”
ment (copies); and related correspondence. (Older records, never; recent
ones, weekly, official.) 9 x 12 folders and bundles, 21 ft., on floor, in
pasteboard box, on 8 shelves and in 1 steel and l wood-steel'filing case

drawers. Rs. M33, M50 and hug (Bldg. A). (1H23. 1395. 1563. 159“)

33. SCHEDULES or DISBURSEMENTS, May 1, 1927 — June 30, 1931. Quarterly ‘
schedules of disbursements from appropriations for air navigation facilities,
Showing to whom paid, check number, total amounts paid and amounts segregated
as ’60 year of appropriation, also recapitulation schedule for each quarterly
SChedule. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 1’4 loose-leaf books, 9 in., in wooden
compartment. R. #33 (Bldg. A). (luu7)



Bureau of Air Commerce, Salt Lake City 8

1927 - Jan. 1929. Inspection of airway beacons, power plants, lighting and
airway observers weather reports. Copies of leases and licenses included,
and related correspondence. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 11 folders, 1 ft. 6
in., in 2 wooden compartments. R. 1433 (Bldg. A). (1)467)

1936. Plans and drawings of masonry work done by department, e.g. , shallow
wells, cisterns, underground pimp houses, living quarters, casements for
springs, etc. 2% x )4 card index, 2 ft. 3 in. (Frequently, official.)
Variously sized loose sheets, 3 in., in wooden filing case drawer. R. M48
(Bldg. A). (1502)

36, OPERATIONS COST REPORTS (QUARTERLY), Oct. 1927 ~ Dec. 1931. Cost
of operations of individual lighthouse and radio stations, mechanics‘ head»?
quarters and airway offices, including electricity, telephone, gas, rentals,
truck costs, mechanician's expenses and salaries. (Never.) 9 x 11 bundles,
3in., in wooden compartment. B. 1133 (Bldg. A). (ll-FELL)

37. EXPENDITURES ("PROJECT CARD"), 1928 - 1931. Form 17, expenditures
from appropriations for air navigation facilities, showing titde of account,
payee, object for payment. amount, date and voucher number. (Rarely, offi—
cial.) 8 x 10-;- bundles, 1 ft. 3 in., in wooden compartment. R. #33 (Bldg.

A) . (1391+)

38. TIME CHARTS ("DAYLIGHT CURVES"), c. 1928 - 193% Showing time of
sunrise and sunset for each day throughout year at each site. (Never.)
10 x 20 loose-leaf book, 3 in., on steel cabinet. R. as (Bldg. A). (1526)

39. MAINTENANCE (DRRESPONDEMCE AND REPORTS, 1928 - 1938. Correspondence
regarding radio; gasoline, oil and grease: purchase and repair of scienti—
fic instruments; construction of wind cones and tower, water and heating
Plants; repairs on beacons, intermediate landing fields and lighting faci~
lities; radio range courses, signals and communications; Weather Bureau
reporting stations; use of airway commmication systems by Army and Standard
Oil 00.; teletype, dispatches, over-due planes; distribution of pilot bal—
loon reports on upper wind conditions and hazard and obstruction lights.
Reports on telephone calls from remote stations; airplane operation costs;
log-books of planes while checking airway ranges; landings at intermediate
fields, conditions of landing fields and air routes;changes.inisignaliand'cod
lights and weekly progress; also blueprints showing radio range locations
and construction. Filed by Dewey Decimal System. (Older records, rarely;
recent ones, daily, official.) 9 x 12 and 9%— x 12 folders and vols” 20
ft. 6 in., in 8 wood—steel and 3 steel filing case drawers. Rs. 1948 and

1’50 (Bldg. A). (1593. 1567. 1579. 15814. 1596. 1673)

1:0. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1928 — 1938. With Superintendent of
AiI'WaYs, Washington, mechanicians, caretakers of landing fields. radio com-
immication maintenance section, interdepartment and interdistrict, oil and
utility companies, supply and equipment firms and private individuals, rela—
tive to functional activities and related subjects. Part of later files are
Under Dewey Decimal System, balance chronologically. (Older records, rarely;
recent ones, daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 18 ft. 3 in., in 6 wood—steel
1 wooden and 5 steel filing case drawers. Rs. Mus, M30 and 1450 (Bldg. A)



Bureau of Air Commerce, Salt Lake City 9

and Depot office (Bldg. 3). (15th, 1190, 1980, 161M, 1580, 1597, 16u5, 1615,
1618. 1595)

N1, PURCHASE ORDERS, 1928 —- 1938. Giving name and address of company,
service and items purchased and amount; voucher number and dates. Used as
reference for name and address of company in future purchases. (Daily, offi—
cial.) 5 x 8 cards, 6 ft. 6 in., in 5 steel card cabinet drawers. R. L+37
(Bldg. A). (1922)

1929. Giving name of operator, purpose and authority for trip, starting
point and destination, amount of gasoline and oil used, condition at start
and end of trip; also work done on cars. (Never.) 9 x 11 folders, 3 in.,
in wooden compartment. R. ’433 (Bldg. A). (1%8)

Submitted by manufacturers, distributors and contractors for equipment and
supplies for maintenance of division and for construction of beacons, emer—
gency landing fields and buildings. Bids recommended by this office but
not approved in Washington. Filed chronologically. (Rarely, official.)
9x 12 letter cases, 9 in., in 3 transfer cases. R. l+33 (Bldg. A). (1137)

nu. MONTHLY ANALYSIS OF OPERATION COSTS, 1929 — 1931. Operation costs
of motor vehicles owned by Bureau of Air Commerce, giving mileage, gas and
oil consumption and cost; greasing, storage and maintenance, parts, labor,
tires and miscellaneous expense. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6
in., on wooden shelf. R. l$33 (Bldg. A). (11949)

#5. ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS, c. 1929 - c. 193M. Relative to airway
sites; regarding latitude, longitude, elevations. locations, areas, etc.
Transverses from known property lines and solar observation. Indexed.
(Rarely, official.) 9 x 1”. vols., 3 in., on filing cabinet. R. H50 (Bldg.
A). (15u7)

for supplies and equipment; monthly and annual reports of co st keeping,
miscellaneous accounts and contracts, monthly reports: on expendi tures, re—
quests for reimbursement of funds; certificates of settlement of accounts;
related correspondence attached to each. (Weekly, official.) 9 x. 12 fold—
61‘s. )4 ft... in 2 wood—steel filing case drawers. R. iii-L8 (Bldg. A). (1571)

’47. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY RECORDS, 1929 - 1939-. Equipment and supplies on
hand and issued to operators and mechanicians in charge of stations. (Never.
F: x 11 loose sheets, 2 ft. 6 in., on wooden shelf. R. lL33 (Bldg. A).


{#8. LABORERS RELEASED, 1929 - 1935. Service records of temporary labor
employees (without Civil Service rating) released, giving employee’s name, '
address, physical and personal description, marital status, nearest relative.
efficiency record and station at which employed. (Tri—yearly, official.)
5X 8 cards, 1 ft. 6 in., in steel card cabinet drawer. Dirty. R. U30
(Bldg. A). (2000)

N9. ELECTRICAL WIRING CHARTS, 1929 - 1938. For beacons and buildings,



Bureau of Air Commerce, Salt Lake City 10

interference eliminators, light installation on landing fields and control
stations and plans of electrical parts for radio equipment. (Monthly, of-
ficial.) Variously sized prints and charts, 6 in., in wooden filing case
drawer. R. ”11:8 (Bldg. A). (1507) '

5o. MECHANICAL DRAWINGS, 1929 — 1938. Plans and charts of mechanical
equipment, such as, gaskets for beacon bases, signal panels, wind cone
layouts, stepstiles, arrows for direction markers, cooling system for elec-
tric plants; auxiliary water tanks and underground fuel tanks. (Monthly,
official.) Variously sized prints and charts, 3 in., in wooden filing case
drawer. R. the (Bldg. A). (1506)

51, SALARY SCHEDULES, 1929 - 1938. Entries are taken from pay rolls
and are used as check in balancing accounts at close of fiscal year. Filed
by position, i.e., caretakers and laborers, office and depot force, airway
mechanicians and radio electricians, general mechanics, radio operators and
keepers and assistant keepers. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 3 ft., in
2 steel card cabinet drawers. R. M30 (Bldg. A). (1953)

52. SKETCHES AND BLUEPRINTS 0F BUILDINGS, 1929 - 1938. Showing radio
buildings, mechanicians‘ storerooms, caretakers‘ houses, power rooms and
garages. (Monthly, official.) Variously sized blueprints and sketches,
1 ft., in wooden filing case drawer. R. the (Bldg. A). (1505)

53, STOCK RECORDS, Jan. 1, 1929 - 1938. Form A B 139, stocks and stores
cards, a perpetual inventory method of accounting for property assigned to
mechanicians and is stock control. Includes expendable and unexpendable
stock. Showing date issued, inventory number, quantitymnit price and an
mount on hand. Filed by name of equipment or use of material. (Older rec-
ords, rarely; recent ones, daily, official.) 5 x 7% and 6 x 10% loose«1eaf
books and 5 x 8 cards, 25 ft. 10 in., in 2 shift binders, in 109 card cabi~
net drawers, in wood-veteel filing case drawer and in wooden cabinet. Rs. 1
and 2 (Bldg. 0), Depot office (Bldg. B) and N33 (Bldg. A). (2191, 2192,
1156, 1839. 1136, 1157, 1158)

Correspondence with District Manager's office, airway site caretakers and
others. Copies of standard short form Govt. contracts; purchase orders
for services and supplies; copies of receipted outgoing and in